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Training Program Plan

Training Program Manual

Jarvis Burke
AET 570
September 9, 2015
Dr. Marsha Benton


Training Program Manual

Section One:

Role Playing Training

Section Two:

Cloud Base Training

Section Three:

Going Mobile in the Workplace


Section Four:

SWOT Analysis


Section Five:




Role Playing Training

Role playing training is a vital part of training and development for any organization. The
practice of raining and development has continued to gain prominence in organizational practice
as globalization intensifies. The reason for this is the ever-increasing competitiveness in the
markets across the world. The increased competition places the need for increased productivity
and maximized savings at an all time high for organizations. Any organization that continually
loses their best employees ends up spending a big part of their resources; on hiring replacement
staff and in training them to be able to maximize their productivity. Training and development
therefore, plays a crucial role in ensuring that the best human resource for any organization
remains within the organization and are at all times equipped to be as productive as possible
(Osburn, Hatcher & Zongrone 2015). The employees who receive this training report more job
satisfaction levels due to several factors. Such employees are not only equipped for the demands
of their current positions but are also trained to handle senior positions in the organizations. That
guarantees them career progression, which is a big consideration for most employees. Better
training equates to better understanding of the job requirements and easier execution of their
roles as well. That means that the employees do not feel a need to look to other organizations for
career progression and they also report a better working environment.
The Significance of Role Playing
Role playing training is an important consideration for organizations looking to secure
their futures. It plays a part in providing maximum learning, exposure and provides an
environment best suited for hands on skill enhancement. Role playing training involves exposing
people to an artificial or real environment that resembles the real situation. In role playing, the
trainees are required to exhibit certain performance qualities that would be needed in performing

the real roles. The biggest chunk of any organization is made up of the blue-collar level
employees who carry out the repetitive tasks that make up the bulk of the work. This group is
followed in size by the middle level management in-charge of the blue-collar workforce. That
makes this management group the real implementer of the training programs as formulated by
the senior management. The implementation of role playing training falls on the middle
management and these managers must be well prepared to implement it in their relevant
departments. Role playing is a spontaneous human interaction that involves realistic human
behavior within a simulated or created environment. The role playing training is conducted by
issuing the trainees with a role brief that depict a set of circumstances or scenarios to which they
need to react to in an enactment (Salas, et al. 2012). The trainee is expected to develop a strategy
on how they would react to best tackle the given scenario and think of possible solutions to the
problem. Role playing also trains the employees on how to analyze situations and come up with
the most effective solutions.
The Role Playing Affect. Role playing therefore promotes self learning about the
expected job outcomes while also teaching the trainees how others may perceive the situation or
task. Role playing is used because of its effectiveness in helping the trainees to understand the
demands of the job better. Due to the similarity of the role playing setup to the real scenario, the
trainees quickly understand what the job demands of them. During role playing of different
problem scenarios, the trainees are made to understand the best ways to tackle possible situations
should they arise in the cause of carrying out their jobs. Every job has its peculiar requirements
and there are certain occurrences that commonly occur in its execution. Such occurrences are
included in role playing set-ups to ensure that the trainees are prepared to handle them when they
arise in their real life job settings. That makes role playing a hugely advantageous training and

development tool as it can be tailored to fit any organizations particular job requirements with
ease. One of the most priced requirements in an employee is their ability to quickly make good
decisions in the course of executing the roles. Role playing therefore makes it possible for
employees to make quick decisions on their feet; a quality that is very important for
organizational efficiency and maximum productivity. Every role paying plan must therefore
include scenarios that test and train the trainees to think fast and make good decisions under
pressure. That ensures that the employees do not waste time or make the wrong choices when
they are faced by similar situations in executing their real job roles (Niazi, 2011).
Role Playing Criteria. The designers of the role playing training need to ensure that that
they also include situations that force the employees to anticipate the reactions and perceptions
of the other party that they deal with. That makes it easier for the employees to tend to the needs
of customers and other clients in the fastest and most satisfactory manner. Any interactions
between the employees and the clients/customers require good communication skills from the
employees. That is the reasons that the design of the role playing training programs should
incorporate scenarios that help trainees acquire good communication skills. Effective
management of the employees is very important for the smooth operations of an organization.
Role playing presents the designers with an opportunity to inculcate best practices that make the
management of employees easier. The role playing training program should therefore include
scenarios that are designed to teach the trainees on what is required by their managers in their
real day to day work roles (Salas, et al. 2012). That makes it easier to develop management
practices into the execution of job roles by the trainees. Role playing also makes it possible for
the senior management to include scenarios that develop the leadership qualities of the trainees.
This is important especially when the employees are tasked with performing in leadership roles

later. The role playing training can also be used to identify trainees that exhibit good leadership
qualities. Such employees can then be given leadership positions and responsibilities when such
positions open up. This makes role playing training an important tool for the management in
identifying deserving and able people to fill supervisory and management positions.
Overall Goal. Good interpersonal relationships between employees especially for those
who continuously work together are very important. Role playing helps these employees to learn
how to work together and interact harmoniously thus reducing interpersonal friction. Reducing
friction in the workplace in turn helps to increase cooperation and increase productivity and
improve the working environment (Friesen & Dunning, 2012). Role playing set-ups must
therefore include simulations that require interpersonal interaction and cooperation between the
trainees who work together (Frengley et al. 2011). During the role playing, the trainees get to
understand each other better and in so doing learn the behavioral patterns of their colleagues. It
also helps the trainees to understand and appreciate that other people may have different
behavioral patterns, perspectives and perceptions. This makes them more likely to handle people
with differing perspectives and perceptions without friction. To make this happen, the design of
the role playing scenario needs to include scenarios where the other party presents a differing
perspective to the one the trainees may expect. That helps to develop coping skills and
negotiation capabilities of the trainees.

Cloud Based Training

Cloud based technology has revolutionized the way in which people interact and access
information. Organizations are taking up this technological innovation in new and innovative
ways that improve their efficiency. The organizations have been quick to make use of the
convenience that cloud based technology provides in many areas including in the training of their
employees (Muirhead & Vogel, 2014). The accessibility and security of cloud based interactions
make it a user friendly and safe way for trainers to conduct the training of employees.
Organizations should design applications that the employees can access rom their hand held
devices or from their computers to access organizational computer platforms. From such
platforms, a multitude of functions can be carried out by the employees on their own and at their
own convenience; including for training purposes. The ease of access and the freedom accorded
to the employees make the use of the cloud a cheap training method for the organization
(Navimipour et al. 2015).
Time and Cost Effective
Normal training methods are sometimes time consuming and costly ventures for
organizations. The training seminars are sometimes conducted on company time which can lead
to reductions in productivity and hence losses. However the use of the cloud based technology
make it possible for the employees to access the training material at any time and at minimal cost
to the company. The material is hosted on cloud servers that provide services to the organizations
for a fraction of the fee the organization would need to purchase, run and maintain their own
servers. That makes the use of cloud based platforms cost effective for most organizations. The
advantages are not just tied to the savings in terms of cost but also extend to savings in terms of
time. The employees are able to access the training material at their own convenience without

having to take time off from work. This is allows the training to be done without disruptions to
the organizations normal operations.
One on One Interaction. The personalized nature of the cloud based training is another
advantage for the training process and for the employees. Training methods such as role playing
training and lecture based training are done in batches made up of several people. During such
training, the employees may sometimes feel self-conscious which could inhibit their participation
lessening the desired impact. However the training conducted from a cloud based platform is
done in a more personalized manner which allows them to participate fully (Muirhead & Vogel,
2014). That ensures that they can get all the salient points of the training in without fear of
making mistakes in front of others. This form of training should therefore be designed to
approximate the real life interactions as much as possible. Having interactive training sessions
online that require the employees to make choices and then find out the results of their decisions
may ensure the employees are able to interact with the training program in a similar manner to
role playing training sessions. The advantage with this from of training is that the employee is
able to interact with the program in a manner approximating real life as much as possible. At the
same time their inhibitions are lessened and they can explore more and in the process be able to
learn more without any inhibitions.
Online Tracking of Progress. Designers of these cloud based training programs are also
able to access the learning progress of their trainees from the scenario tests that they device in
the cloud based training programs. The trainees are required to answer questions and make
choices that can be seen by the trainers later and in doing this, the trainers can access the training
progress made by the employees. The employees have to be encouraged to open accounts that
are easily set up in the same fashion as with opening an email or Facebook account (Muirhead &

Vogel, 2014). This form of training is not resource intensive since the employees are able to
access the training material from their hand held devices such as smart phones and Tablets. The
advantage in this lies in the fact that almost everyone has access to a phone or similar Internet
enabled gadget in todays world.
Allows Flexibility. Cloud based training also allows for cooperative learning tasks to be
conducted without a need for physical presence of all the participants. This is important since it
allows breaking the scheduling problems that exist in real life and that could most likely hinder
face-to-face training sessions. If one employee is at home and another is travelling, they can still
get the cooperative assignments without the need for close proximity. The mobility of the
gadgets that access the cloud allows one to be at home on the computer and still be in contact to
carry out the training tasks with their travelling colleague who could be on an internet enabled
tablet. This convenience can help to structure training sessions around scheduling challenges.
Lectures can be recorded and then posted onto the cloud servers and the employees can at their
convenience access them and listen in to the training as many times as they would wish. That
allows the employees to move back to the training material where they did not understand well
and instantly get what information they need to clarify. The cloud technologies also allow the
trainers to stream live sessions of training lectures and have multiple trainees watch and listen to
the lessons from any place on the planet (Bibi, Katsaros & Bozanis, 2012). Cloud base training
can may conducted at any time and from virtually anywhere eliminating the need for close
proximity for training sessions.
The number of people that can be trained at time limits the classroom form of instruction.
This limitation is eliminated when the cloud based technology is applied in training. The number
of people that can be trained at a time is not limited and any number of people with access to the

cloud can get trained at the same time. Training adults can be difficult because of the busy nature
of their schedules. The use of cloud based technologies however, eliminates such limitations
making it possible to have the adults engage in their activities and still be able to access the
training. Innovative software for training purposes is available and the trainers should identify
the one that suits them best. Such software allows training to be conducted in very new and
effective approaches that could make training more effective.

Going Mobile in the Work Space

Mobility has been made easier since the widespread use of handheld gadgets like the
mobile phone came into being. This has not only impacted on communication and accessibility
but is has also transformed the way people conduct their work. The mobility of the mobile phone
and similar devices frees employees from the limitations of the traditional way of doing office
work. Before the mobile phone, the office work could only be done at the office desk or carried
home in files and folders to be done at the desk at home. However, with the advent of the
computing capabilities in the mobile phone, coupled with phone internet access and cloud
computing, office work can now be done from virtually any place (Ickin et al. 2012). This was
started by the availability of the internet in peoples homes and through the mobile networks.
Many areas also have Wi-Fi connectivity which can help connect mobile phones to the office
when needed. That means that the office worker is no longer restricted on the amount of work
they can do away from their office desks. Most organizations now store relevant work related
information on cloud based platforms that allow the workers to access it for their work from
remote locations away from the offices.
The advent of mobile phone computing allows workers to go on working even when they

leave the office. This is conducted through cloud based applications that allow the workers to do
almost all of their tasks from mobile devices linked to their organizations websites. The workers
only need to download apps that work on mobile devices to log-in and access their organizations
virtual workplaces. From such apps, the workers are able to carry out work specific tasks through
the cloud based infrastructure at their own convenience and without having to be at their desks in
their offices (Fernando, Loke & Rahayu, 2013).
Email Accessibility
Email makes it possible to share documents and communicate with colleagues while
some cloud based apps allow the workers to access and even edit the same document from
different locations. Such innovations such as video chats on the mobile phones can also help
groups to discuss and work on their office tasks from different locations at the same time. That
makes the mobile devices a very useful tool in eliminating time and geographical barriers to
communication. Virtual workgroups can then work on projects together and in real time without
the necessity of being in the same location. The fact that there are companies that are not based
on having their employees in the same physical location and they still get their work done
effectively shows the effectiveness of using mobile technology to accomplish interconnectedness
for work purposes. Organizations are now also able to remain in continuous communication with
their employees regardless of the geographical distances separating them. Instant connectivity
helps to ensure that there is no breakdown in communication and this is important for some
organizations as it eliminates errors and delays.

SWOT analysis is a tool used to conduct the analysis of a project, venture or processs
strengths, threats, weaknesses and opportunities. The analysis is very useful in identifying
remedies for the weaknesses that are identified. In training it is important to teach the trainees on
ways of identifying the weaknesses of their approaches at work. A SWOT analysis conducted by
the trainees can help to expose the weaknesses that the individual has in how they conduct their
work and life. From such analysis, the individuals with the help of the trainers are then able to
structure interventions that would help them to overcome their identified weaknesses. From
doing this, the training process is conducted on only the areas that the trainee needs to improve
on. Conducting SWOT analysis during training is a way of preventing wastage of time and
resources on training people in areas that they do not need to improve on (Taylor & Litz, 2013).
SWOT analysis in training is helpful for the trainers as it also helps them to understand the
trainees and their weak points better. The trainers are then able to design a training program that
would help the trainee in the most efficient and helpful manner.
Critique Training
SWOT analysis can also be conducted to determine the effectiveness of Training
programs initiated within the organizational setting. The results of such analyses help to
determine the steps that need to be taken to rectify any identified shortcomings. The SWOT
analyses can also be helpful in identifying the available opportunities in training that the
organizations training programs should take advantage of and emphasize on. To identify the
strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities available for the training programs and efforts in
an organization; the organization needs to examine several areas of organizational management
and operations that affect training. The Chart below provides an example.

Table showing the SWOT Analysis of an organizations capacities and resources to

conduct effective training

Fig 1: Quality management for organizational excellence by Goetsch, & Davis (2014)

Restructuring. From the above SWOT analysis, the organization can structure its
training to include employee affecting scenarios that train the employees to deal with the
identified weaknesses. This would include creating a response and relief structure for the
employees to enhance their effectiveness, create better frameworks, benchmarks and plans; that
are symmetrical with the organizations mission and goals. The identified organizational
weaknesses can be rectified to enhance the training efforts of the organization. By structuring the
organizations training to be safer and less prone to disasters as identified in the threats column;
as well as rectifying the huge opportunity cost, the organization would address the threats

identified in the SWOT analysis. The SWOT analysis shown above also identifies several
opportunities that the trainers can take advantage of when designing the training programs for the
employees. The organizations management can also restructure the organization to create a better
environment for training in the short-run and in the long run.
The trainees are also able to understand their strengths better and how they can use them
to make their work and personal life more productive. The SWOT analysis is able to point out
the individual or work groups inherent personality or other strengths. From the SWOT analysis,
it is also possible to identify the opportunities that present themselves to the trainee and the best
way to take advantage of them. The Threats that the trainees face in their work or other
engagements are also shown during the training and the trainee is then allowed to come up with
strategies to help them overcome them. During training, the SWOT analysis is an important tool
to help position the trainee in the most advantageous position for their job and personal life.
Training and development of organization employees is a core practice for ensuring
success and continuity. The training practices employed in an organization are determined by the
nature of work done by the workforce and the intended outcomes at the end of the training.
Utilizing such practices such as role playing training helps organizations ensure the organization
trains their staff to react to job-specific roles that they will be dealing with at work. Advantages
of role playing training make it applicable for most organizations. It is therefore a widely used
tool in training and it has been shown to be very effective in delivering the productivity aims of
the organizations that use it. It can be applied to train newly employed staff members as well as
in refreshing and in adding the skills of existing staff. The use of the SWOT analysis tool in
training has been shown to be very effective in the identification of specific areas that need

effective improvement through training; eliminating the chances of unnecessary training and
wastage of the organizations resources. The application of novel strategies in training such as the
use of mobile technologies and cloud-based platforms; have made training of employees cheaper
and more effective. The ease of access created by technological advances makes the practice of
training much easier and more effective due to the accessibility provided by mobile technologies.
The future of training and development promises to be more exciting due to the incorporation of
new technologies into the practice.

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