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MARK TWAIN The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Reto hy Diane Mowat usirated hy Paul Esher Johnson ~ OXPORD UNIVERSIFY PRESS Meee pate Stee ata ge tom omer, CONTENTS Husk in rouble ‘yc escapes and ads een Hilal fa ee eh “The Dube and she King, he plant fre Jad sscysrries: Beton Reading scraviiess While Reaiog, acreymiess Aer Reading 1 Buckin wouble ‘ou don’t kriow about me if you haven’t read a book alled The Adventures of Tom Sauryer. Me Mark “Twain wroxe the book and most ofits true. In that book robberssrole some money and hiditina very secret place in, thewoods, Bur Tom Sawyer and I foundit, anc after thar we were rich, We got six thousand dollars each ~all god. Inthose days Inever hada home or went schol ike Tom andl che other boys in St Petersburg, Pop waasalways drunk and he moved around a fot, o he wasn’ a very good father ‘Buri did'e mater 49 me. Islep in the streets or inthe woods, ad could do what wanted, when | wanted. It was. fine life, eel do wba seated, when Lwarted. Ita a ine if 1 Huckleberry Fim When weyorall hat money, Tom and Livere famous or awhile. Judge Thatcher own, kepe my mon who wasn importantasanin our inthe bank for me, And the Widow Douglas took ine ro lve in hechouse avd said T could be her son. She was very nice and kind, but i w: hal ie ause{ had to wear newelothes and be good al the ine In che end, 1 put On my old clothes and ranawway. Bat ‘Vou came after me and said that I had to go back, but that I could be in his gang of robbers. So, L went back, and the widow cried and I had to pur on those new clothes again. I dich’ like ie ae all. Her sister, Miss Warson, lived there 100. he was always saying, ‘Dose put your fect there, Huckleberry,’ and ‘Don't do thet, Huckleberry,’ fewas teil ‘Whien sventupobedthar night, the window, Isa there a good long time, unhappy, Hut just after midoigh I heard yout outside, Very softly, Lanswered, “nce-y you!" Quit, put out the Fight and ae our through the ‘window. In the tees, Tom Sawyer was waiting for me see-yow! mer We went theough the wes to the endl of the widow's sgarden.Soon we wereon top ofa hillontheathorsideat the house. Below us wecould soe the river and thetown, One ot ‘volights were stil on, bu everything was quiet. We went down che hilland found Joe Harper, Ben Ro three more ofthe boys. Then Tom took usdown the river by cesand nyoor 2 trouble Inoatto hissecret place, which was a cave deepiin the sl of shill. When we got there, Tom told asl his plan “Now, we'llhave thisgang of robbers, he said, ‘and we’ callicTom Sawyer's Gang. somebody hursoneof ts, the ‘airs wil all him and his family. And if boy from the Tom's secret place was a cave deep in the se ofa bil Huckleberry Fira gang tells other people our secrets, well kill him and his femily, 100. We all thought this was wonderful and we wrote our navies in blocd from our fingers. Then Bea Rogers said, “Now, whne’s the amg going ro do2* “Nothing,” replied Tom. hist rob and kill, We stop people onthe road, and wekill hem, and taketheir money and thiugs. But we ean keep a few of the people, and then their friendscan pay money to get them back. That's what they doin the storiesin books.” at Ben wasn't happy. "What about women?" he asked. ‘Do we kill chem, 1002 *Oh, no,’ Tom answered. ‘We're very nice to them, and they all love us, and they don’t want to go home. “Thenthecavewille fullof women, and people waiting, and we'll kaveto watch them all night... ‘Well all gohowe now,’ Tom said, “and we'll meet next ‘week ane we'll ill somebody and rob somebody.” Ben wanted tobeginon Sanday, butthe otherssaidno. fe wasbadt killand cobon a Sunday. Myclothes werevery dirty and Iwasvery tired when Igot back. Of course, henext moming Miss Watson was angry with me because of my dirty clothes, bat the widows just looked unhappy. Soon after hat westopped playing robbers because we never robbed people and wenever killed them, 4 Huck introuble Mass Watson was angry, but the widow jst looked unhappy. Time wene onand winter came. Lwventto school most of the sime and { was learning to read and write alittle, Ie wasn’t toobad, and the widow was pleased with me, Miss Watson had aslave,an old man called Jim,andhe and Lwvere good friends. Lofien satralking to fina, but sill didn’t like living sina house and sleeping in a bed. Hreckleberey Fin ‘Then, one moming, there was some new snow on the ground andoutsidethe back garden leouldseefoatprintsin she snow. Lwent out (0 look atthein more carefully. They were Pop's footprints! Phey were Pop's footprintst A minute Tater, Twas running down the hill 10 Judge Thatcher's house, When he opened she door; Leica, “Si, | \wantyoutotake al my money. want 1 give ieee you." 6 Huck in trouble He looked suprised, ‘Why, what's the marter?” lease si, take it! Don’ task me why!” lu the enel he said, “Well, you can sll ieeo me, then.’ And hegavemea dollarandl wrote myname ona piece of paper lorhim, Thar night when went upto my room, Pop was sting there, waiting for me! I saw that the window was open so that was how he gotin, He was almost fifty and helooked old. Hishairwastong and diy and his face was a tertile white colour, His, clothes were old and di coming throughhis shoe. He lookedatmeal oveeforafong time, and chen hestd, “Well, just look at chose dean, tidy trclly angry anclone day heccagheme and ook me a long, wayup the riverin a boat thad to say with himina hut in the woods and [ couldn’: go out by myself. He ‘watched mal the rine, The widow senta man o fd me and bring me home, bur Pop went after him with a gon, and the man ranaway. Wad to stay with bin a hut ithe woods 2 ndsa friend Huck escapes and M2 it was a lazy, comfortable kind of life, but after about two months Pop begin to hic me t00 much with hisstick, Heoften wentaway intotowntoo,and then he always lacked mein the hut. Oner he was away for three daysanalI thoughe Iwasnever going to got ouragain Wher he came back that time, he was drunk and angry. He wanted my money, but Judge Thatcher woulda’tgiveit to him. The judge wanted ro send metolive withthe widow again,Poptoldine. wasn't very pleased aboutthat did't ‘want fo go back there So Idecided wo escape and go down the river and livein the woods somewhere. When Pop was out | began co cura halen the wociden wall of the hut. fn few days, when the hole was bigger, Foould ake the woo! aur, eseape cirough the hole,and putthe wood hack. One morning, Pop sent me down to the river 10 catch some fish for breakfast, Toray surprise, therewasa cance in the waver and there was nooneinit, Immediately, Ijumped -ltwastucky thatPop didn't see me,andl decide to hide thecanoe under into the river and broughe diceanoe tothe some tiers andl use ic when T escaped, That afternoon, Pop locked me in and went off to town, 10 “He won't be back tonight,’ I thought, set began to work, hhard at my hole. Soon I could get ov shroagh it, and 1 carried food and drink and Pop's gun down to the canoe. ‘Then I parhack the swood vohiktethe hole, took theguoand Huckleberry Fins \weatinto the woods. Thete [shota wild pigand tookitback to the hue with me. Next, broke dawn the door with an ave. I carted the pig into the hutand put some ofits blood ‘on the ground, Then T put some big stones in a sack and Pulled ralong bei tothe rivet Last ofall putsome 1 broke down the don with an ae R Huck eweapes and fds a friend blood and some of my hair on the axe, [left the axein a corner of the hutand I took the pizdown to the iver. “They won'e know it’s on inthe tivery Fae to nyse, They'll think ise. ‘Then 1 took the canoe and went down the river 10 Jackson's Island. By shen it was nearly dark, so U hid the ‘canoe under some teesand went to sleep. Irywasaftercighto'lock when hwoke upthenextdayand the sun vas high in the sky. was warm and comfortable andl didn’t wancto ger. Suddenly, heard anoiwe up the river. Carefully, Hooked through the tees, and! saw aboat {ullof poople. There was Pop, Judge’ Thatcher, Tom Sawyer and his Aunt Polly and his brother Sid, and lots of others. They were looking for my body inthe river. watched them, boar they didhn'e see me, and in the end they wene away. 1 knew that nobody was going £6 come and look for me again, Hound a good place under the teees tosleep and 10 patimy things. Then Ieaughta fishandcookedit overafire. Lived like that forthree day, and then I decided to have ‘Took round the iand, So Laven into he woods. “This my island,’ Tehought. Fm the only person on it? Suddenly, justin front of me, Isawa fice, and itwasstill smoking, Therewassomebody’on my island! didn’t wait, Trumedandwenestraght back. But couldn'tstoep. Aftera time, I said to myself, ‘Lean’r lve like cis. I must Find out who iis” B Silenély,1 moved along the river in my canoe, ander the avksness ofthe tres: Andl then stopped. Through thetrees Teould see the fightofafire. Afraid, Uefemy nearer. There was. nocandwent Jim, Miss Watson was Hello, Jim Leried, and I jumped really happy to see im ‘out from behind the tre. Jim fell ohisknes, Pleawedon't hurt me!he cried ve alviays been good to dead people!” ins fllto is knees. ‘Please don't hurt met" be eed. 4 Huck eseapes ened inds.a friend ‘ie all vight, Jim. ’m nor dead,’ Esaid, ‘Baewhy are you hese on the iam? isk Wel, Huck, he began, °OMd Miss Watson wanted sel tne, Aman came into town and told Miss Wasson thathe'd buyme for cight hundred dollars. She couldn't say no, £0 remaway. Iran downto the river to ide, buteverybody in thetown wasthere. Theysaid you were dead, Huck. Thadto swaitalldayto ger away. When it wasdark, lyoron toa big boseand hid. When ceamenearthisisland,|jumpedinco (he water and swam here, Jim finished his sory and then we both carried all our things into a cave and hid the canoe onde some teces. We seve just ini because then the rains eam, It rained for dys,and the river got higherand higher, All kinds of things anne downtheriverand onenightthere was litte wooden hhonse; lying hatfon ie side. We yor the eanoe our and went totakealook, Through thewindow we could scearbed, wa ‘old chairsand somold clothes. There was sonvcthingtying, inthe corner and wethonghtitlooked ikea mean. fimywent in see, but he said, “He's dead. Someone shoe him in the Inack Don’t look athis face, Huck. 1s terribie! [didn't vane vo see the dead man’s face, sol didn’tlook. We just took the old clothes and a few other things, and went back «9 our cave on the land nother night, when we were out looking for things on theriver, wefoundaraft kwasmadeof good, strong wood, 13 anil was about four mettes by five metres. “This coukl be useful Isai wepailledirhacktoeeistad behind the canoe, and tied irup under the eres, We tied the raft up under the trees. 3 Huck and Jim travel south F some days everything went along quietly, but we were getting bored. We wanted to know what was town anal s0 tdceided co go and ind out Jim said, Why don’tyou wear the old dressand the hatthat we found in the house? People won't know you, then. They'll ‘hink you're a girl” And sot did, Just after it was dark, 1 got fowo the canoe and went up the river to the bortom of the town. There, Hef the canoe and wenton foot. Before long Leame toa ttee house which svasalways empty. Now there was a light on, and when | looked through ehe She was a stranger and that was good because she dida’e know me. So knocked on the door, ‘must remember that Vina piel, Tsai to myself, ‘The woman opened the door, Cote in she said. She Jookedarme with herlittebrighteyes. Whatsyour name?” indlow, Isaw a woman of about fory. sheasked. “Sarah Williams,’ Ieplied. Vm going to see my uncle,on the other side of town, My mother’s ill, you see, and she needs help.” “Well, you can'c go there by yourself now. I's wo dark iy husband will be homein about an hour. Wat for hit 7 Huckleberry Fionn and hell walk with you? And chen she begantotell meaboucallher troubles. was setting bored with all this une she said somcthing about Popand my mueder, “Who did ie asked ‘Well? she replied, ‘some people say old Fino did ir himself; other people think iewas a slave who ran away that night. Hisname was jim, They'll give thrvehundred lollats to anybody who finds him—and they'llgiverwo bundred dollars forold Finn, Heger drank and left town with ovo strangers, Alot of peoplethink hekilled hishoy and he's going to come back one day, and get all Huck Finn’s money.” “And whacabouc the slave? Lasked, *Oh, they'l sen eatch him. People want the three hundred dlkir. think he’s on Jackson’s land, you kaiow, Pe seen smoke there, My husbarxl’s gone t0 get ‘wo of hs friends and they're going uver there with agun Jater tonighe. ‘When heard his,my hands began toshake. The woman looked atme strangely, butthenshe smiled and said kindly, ‘Whar did yon say your name was? °M-Mary Williams? ‘Ob,’ she stid, "thought it was Sarah “Bi. well yes tis, Sarah Mary Willian, Some people «all me Sarah and some people call me Ma yon seo.” 1 “Huck and fin travel south “Oh; dotboy?? Ske smile again, Comeon, now —wwhae’s Jour real name? Bill? Bob? Henow yeurrenot realy agi” So thon | had corel her another story, with different name, and [sai I wasrinningaway. She said she woulda’ tellanyboxy, and yave me sone food before! lef. Hhurzicd backrothe stand anim. “Quick, Jan! cred, waking him up. They'reeomning to {We gotourthe rata fasts wecould, put allows things save ted sheeanocon bekind and mova off dow the river. When it began to get light, we hid, When it was dare ‘gain, wewavelledon, Onthe fithnightwepassed St Louis, and we decided ro goon down to Ciro raft there and ge a boat to Obio, ‘There are no slaves in Ohio, Weslept or mose of that day and se hegin oue journey again when it was dak. After some time, we sav lights on the Minois side of che river and Jim gor very excited. He thoughtit was Cairo fim gor the canoe ready andl went off initrorakea look at those lights. Butit wasn't Cairo. Aer that, we wenton down the river, Ke was very dark thar nigh and ic wast easy to see where we were going Suddenly, abig steamboat cameat us very fast,andthenext ‘inute it wasrighe overs, jovani jumpedufftberatinto ‘the water. The beat hit the raft and went on up the river, ‘When Fcame up ont of the water, | couldn't see fim anywtere, Iealled outhis name again and again, bur there wis noanswer, He'sdead? Ithoupht. Slowly, ewamtorhe side ofthe river and got out. saw that wasneara bigold ‘wooden hatse, Suddenly a Int of very angry dogs jumped ‘outat me, They made terrible noise and someone called from the house, ‘Who's there?” “Goonge Jackson,’ L answered quickly. ‘Ive fallen off a fiver boat. ‘Well, the people whe lived in that house wore very kind, and they took me in and gave me some new clothes and a Minos, sell he 20 “The nest meine the searaboatieas sight over good meal. [told them elaeany family wereall dead, so they ~ said I could stay with shem as fong as I wanted. It was a -fyeautiful house and ehe food was gpod there,so L stayed. eof theslavesinthe houwcamerome Afewdayslater: andsaid, Come with me the river "ln there! Together, wewentdowntosomne hesaid and went away. trees by a Huckleberry Finn On the ground, I foun aman, asleep I was Jim! Twas really pleased ro sce hin. When the steamboac hit the raf, Jim cold me, the raft did't break up, jimswam afteritand ‘uughe it. ‘Then he begat 0 look forme ‘Weedecided to kaveat once. l'sal right living inahonse for a fete while, but you Wel more fee and easy and somfortable on a raft ! The Duke and the King T« or three days and sights went by and norhing mach happened, We traveled at night when it was dark and everybody w: sleep. We ddr’ wanna im and ask questions about him, Thes, one morning, jus after ie was ight, | Found alee e2n0e, 59 got neo and wentover tothe ide of the river yyone ro, {waslooking round, whe, sialenly,ewomen ran threuh the trees Help? they ered. “There are men and dogs trying to satch us, But we've done nothing wrong? One ofthe men was about eventy years old the other swasabout tiny il they both had very old, dry clothes, 2 The Duke and the Kine | said theycouleleomewith me, and weran quickly back 10 Ps ewer werial ley new ele nan said, ‘My friends, I think Lean tell you my secret mow. Pi really due. My granalather waste son of the Duke of Bkidgwaer bute et England and eam ro Ameri, Whes hep Dake de mygrandlachersysungrbrotber sroleeverythingand madehimselfthe Duke of Bridgewater. Well, ofcourse, we wereall very unhappy For out friend theDuke,buthesaid, PM hehappierifyon doings forme. Site asouns ernest nan "Bring me my downer? said te Duke. 2B Huckleberry Finn spokevery itteandhelooked unhappy,too, Afteratimehe said, You know, Bridgewater, I,t00, havea seceet” And he began eo-ery ‘What do you mean?? the Duke asked. ‘What's your secret?” Ane then the old man told us that he was really the fese son ofthe Kingof France, Heasked us ald co go downonone We could call him “Your Majesty’, too. So hat was what we did and they were both happy. Ofcourse, knew thatthey weren’treallya dukeand a king, but | didn't el Jim. k's best if everybody is happy when you're living together on ara The Kingand the Duke were very interested in i a slave? they wanted fo know. Is he running awa Knee when we spoke to hi she Thad totel them something, so said that Jimbelongedtt ‘my uncle and wasraking me to my family in New Orleans, “Well, weil travel down river with you, then said the King. ‘We'll havea fine time together. So the four of us went on down the river; but jim and I didn like those two men. They were always gerting drunle and making plansto germoney out of peopleinevery town, esallrighttomkea chicken orsomething ifyou're hungry, buethese men werereally bad! Jimand decidedtogetaway ‘rom them as soon as we could. Irwasn't easy because they wanted to be with usall the tie, Then onemorning the King wentolfinto a town andtold 4 The Duke and the King is to wait for him, We waited all morning and he didn’t come back, so the Duke and I went into rown to look for him, We looked all afternoon and inthe end we found him ina bar, drunk, and then he and the Duke began to fight. about some money. “Now we ean get away from them, T thought. Turned ~ m We forund the King ina bar, drunk. 25 Huckleberry Hin and! ran back to the river. ‘Quick, Jim?’ I shouted. Tes tame: to go!’ Bur there was no answer, jim wasn't there! nxlshouting Jiny’smiame, But Eran inothe woods, crying, there was still no answer. Just then a hoy came along, “Have you seen a slave? I asked him, and I described Jim, ‘Wiy, yes,'the boyreplied. “He's runaway slave. heard all about itn town. A family called che Phelpses have got him now. Anold man ina bar told Mr Phelpsthat there was a runaway slave on a cafe down by the river. Hle said he hadn't got time to take the slave back himself, So Mr Phelps gavehim forty dollarsand they went down and caught the slave this afternoon, The Phelpses are going to take him «three hundred dollars for buck tohis owner and they'll hint’ knew those ewo men were bad! asked the boy where the Phelpseslivedland he sad it wasa bigwhitehousealittle way down theriver. I began tomakeplanstoget Jimback, First took the raft and wentdown oa litleistand. Thid therafrunder the trees and lay down to sleep. Before it was light, I went off down the river in the canoe. When I thought T was:near che Phelpses’ place, I stopped, got outof thecanoeand went up to the house. Suddenly, a lor of dogs fan out. ‘They case from everywhere and they made a terrible noise, A.woman about fifty yearsold ran ontoFthe house, with 26 ‘The Duke and the King some little children behind her. She was smiling all over her faceand shetookimeby thehandsanderied,“I'syou,atlast, isntei? F didn’t stop to think. “Yes, ma’am,’ Isai, ‘She was smiling all over ber face. a7 Huckleberry Binn ‘Well, what took you so long? We thought you were comming to days ago. Your Uncle Silas goes to town every daytomeetyon. He'sthere now, buthe'llbebocksoon.’She ddido’t stop talking and 1 conldn' tell her that she was ‘making a mistake. ‘Tell us all about them’ she cried. “Tel meeverything? Tknewthenthat Ihad totellher... butjust chen shecried, "Here he ist Quick, hide!” and she pushed me inside the hhouseand behind th: front doce. Than hechusbandcamein andshe asked him, Has he come?” No,’ her husband replied. “Lookt! she shouted, and then she pulled me out from behind the door. "Why, who's that” Mr Phelps cried, surprised. ‘Tes Tom Sanyer? she laughed. i ‘The plan to free jim ‘hen {heard that, [nearly ellehrough the flooy, butt ‘was.abig piece of lack. rwaseasy for me to be Tom Sawyer because Tom. was my best friend, He and his brother Sid lived with their Aunt Poly upin StPetersbarg, 28 ‘The plan to free jim und fknew all aboutthem.Now Heamethat Aunt Polly had sister, who was Mes Phelps. She and her husband were Tom's Aun Sally and Uncle Silas. And Tom was coming slown south by boatto stay with them fora bit, ‘We all sat there talking and I could answer all their questions about the Sawyer family. I was Feeling rally Weall sat dhere talking and cowld answer dll her questions 29 Huekleberry Fin happvaboutthis when sildenly Theare 4 boat on the river. “Tom could be on that boat,” I thought, ‘and he’s going to. walk in hereandeall outmy name before lean stop him. Pye got to go and meer him.” So told the Phelpses that Lwould go into town to getmy. bags, which were atthe boat station. I hurried wp the road. and before I was hallway «0 vown cere was Tom Sawyer coming along, Wher he saw me, his mouth fell open and he looked a bie white in the face, “Aren’t you dead?" he said. ‘Everybody. said thac you were murdered!” ‘The plan to free fim Pim not dead yet? Lsaid, ‘but listen “Troll him about ny adventures, and Tom loved all that. Then [told hira ‘tbout the Phelpscs and thae they thought [ was ‘Tom Sawyer. “Wha shall we do?" Lasked him Tom thought for a bit, and then he said, know. You takemy bags and say they're yours. llcometothe housein about half an hour.” “Allright, 1 sid, ‘but there's another thing. You know ‘old Miss Watson's slave Jim, who ran away? Well, he's @ prisoner here, and Pm going to help hirn escape. Before f eas halfay to town. there was “Tuan Stayer comeing alone, cn ‘Jim? Tom said. ‘Bue he’s ‘Then he stopped and thought, ‘Right, ll help, to0. Pll make. really good plan.” He looked very excited, SoLwenthack to the house with the bags, and Tomcame along balan hour lave. He knocked on the door and when his Aunt Sally opened it, he sad he was Sid, Tom's brother: He wanted his vist to be a surprise for his dear old Aunt Sally, he sad. ‘Well, AuneSally was very pleased to sve Tomand Sid. She thought it was wonderful. She and Uncle Silas were really nice people. ‘When we were alone later, Tom ain talked about fim’ ‘scape. said Thad a plan, and Tom listened tot “I's. good plan,’ he said when I finished, “Bu > oo easy! IP's got to be a real escape, like a real adventure in a story-book. Sowe want something dificultand dangerous, Now, listen to this. So he told me his plan. I knew it would be a good one because Tom’s plans are always erazy'and exciting, And wesurehada lot offunwith tharplant Weknew that Jim waslocked up ina huroutside thehouse. Every night we ‘got out through ourbedroom windowand duga hole right tunder the wall ofthe hat. Iezook usa week, and it was hard work, Wetalkedto jimsecretlyand told himaboutthe plan, and he was really pleased We also wrote secret letters to everybody. Tom said that 32 The pla to free Jim We dug hue right ander the wall ofthe but, 33 Huckleberry Fiwn The plas to free jim people always do this in books. We wrote that there was a Well, there wasn’ time to think about it esi 0 sang of slave thicves coming up from the south, ‘They appends quik We pot jm ou hough ee le wanted to seal Jim and get the shree hundred lls fase snd and ban ra downto Bt the his owner. Well, he Phelpses and their friends gor very mane anandcareateri Tey banoshoot ands ‘oscted, anon chenightofthe eseapel went into the ting weramasfaswecoultothecaos Wepain standin oom, and there was acrowd of meni there=all with gust dover to Span lland. My raft wasthere,and oof pi Wa Tranandtold Tom, and hesaid thatthis was really good. ocscape on that and go on down river: ‘tesa eal adventurenow, all right, he stid, very excited. ‘Perhaps they'll come after us, and shoot, and we'll all g killed a We ra a fast aswe comld 0 the canoe. 4 3 Huckleberry Fom “Now, Jim, Tried, your'rea free man!’ We were all very happy, but Tom was the happiest of all because he had a bull in bis eg ‘When Jim and [heard chat, we weren’tso happy, Tom wanted the adventure « go on, but inv and 1 said that a doctor must look at Tom’s leg. ‘Tom was getting angry ‘about this, but fim said: ‘You listen 1 me, Tom Sawyer. You say ava free man ow. and perhaps Lam. Batol jimisnot goingto runaway and leave one of his friends with a bulletin his leg! So Im staying right here until doctor comes. knew Jim would say thae. He was a good, true friend, and you can't say that about many people. ‘Well, thatwastheendoftheadvencure, really. wentand found a doctor in the town. Hee was a kind old man, and he said he would go over to the island. But Toms leg go: very bad, and the next day the doctor and some other men carried Tom homevo thePhelpses house. They brought fim t00,and they locked hinyup in the hot again, Bue the doctor said, ‘Be kind to him, because he didn’t run away and he stayed to help me with the boy." They took Tom up to bed because his leg was reallybad, ‘and dune Sally sat with him whilehe slept Ididn’ewant to answer any questions 9 T kept out of everyhody’s way. ‘When Tom woke up the nextday, he fle better. I wasn the reom and be said to me, ‘Jim's right, n't he? 36 The plan to free fie “They cared Tom borne tthe Phelps house * and they brought Jint toc. Huckleberry Fins “Now; Jim,’ Tevied, ‘you're freeman!” We were all very happy, bat'Tom wae the heppiese of all, because he had a Dalletin his leg. ‘When im and 1 heaed that, we weren't so happy. ‘Tom ‘wanted the adventure t6 go on, but Jim and I said thar a doctor must look at Tom's leg. ‘Tom was getting angry about this, bue Jim sai: “You listen to me, Tom Sawyer. You say Tima free man ‘now, and perhaps tam. Butold Jimisnotgoingtoraaway and [eave one of his friends wih a bullet in his leg! So Pon staying right here untila doctor comes.’ Tsnew Jim would say that. He was a good, true friend, aml you can't say chat about many people. Well, tharwastheend oftheadventure, really. Iwentand found a doctor in thetown. He wasa kind oldman,and he said he would go over to theisland. But Tom’ leg got very bad, and the next day the doctor and some other men carried Tom home tothe Phelpses'house. They brought fin) ‘o0,and they locked him up in the hueagain, Bucthe doctor said, “Be kind t6 him, because he didn't ran away and he stayed to hp me with the boy.” ‘They took Tom upto bed because his leg was really had, and Aunt Selly sat with him while he slept. I didn’t want to answer any questions s0 I kept out of everybody's way. When Tom woke up the nexe day, he fel betters Las it the room and he said to me, ‘ims ll eight, isn’t?" 6 The plan to free Jine ‘They carrie Tom home to the Phelps powse ~ and they brought Jin too, a7 Huckleberry Finn 1 didn’t kniow what to say because Aune Sally: was listening, and before I could stop him, Tom went on: ‘Weuidit, Aunt Sally. Me and Tons here, We helped Jin ‘escape, He told her all about the digging and everything, and Aunt Sally's mouth was opening and closing like fish ‘Then she got really angey with Tom, “Tharslaveis locked upagainand he's oingrostay there. And if Leatch you again— ‘Tomsudder atupin bed. Youean'edothac!*hecried, "Jim was old Miss Watson's slave, but she died two months ago. Before she died, she wrote that she wanted fim to be fove,andnota slaveany more. fin’sa freeman, notaslave! Well, that was a surprise to me and Aunt Sally! She thought’Tom was crazy. ‘ButSid, why did you help him ro escape, if ee was free already?” she said, “wanted theadventure,ofecurse” said Tom, ‘Wemade a really exciting plan and... Oh my!.. AUNT POLLY? ‘We tumed ound, anc there was Fom’s Aunt Polly in tbe doorway! That was the second big surprise. Aunt Sally was realy pleased to se her sister, and jumped up to put her arms coun her. [got under the bed as fastas Leoul, There was trouble coming for mead Tom, thae was fr sce ‘Then Aunt Polly suidto Tom, ‘Youalways werea teerible boy, Tom Sawyer, and f want know— “Bur Polly dene said Aunt Saly, “his on" Tos, fs Si ‘Tom was here a minute ago. Whereis he?" 38 The plan to free Jie ‘Where's Huck Finn, you mean,’ replied Aunt Polly. “Come out from under that bed, Huck Finn ‘Come out from under that bed, Huck Fin 39 Huckleberry Finn So Yom and I had to explain everything. Aunt Polly said that Aunt Sally wrote and told her that Tom and Sid were ‘here. She knew that it wasn’t tu, so she decided to come and find ont what washappening. Bur she said that it was true about Miss Watson and thae fim wasa free man now, ‘Wegor jim our of the hueand Aunt Sally and Uncle Silas were eallyniceto him Later, Tom, imandThada longtalk ‘Let’ go and have adventures i the reild country dowen south.” 40. The plan to free jive bby ourselves. Tom talked andralkedand chen hesaid, Let's all theee oF us rian away one-night, and go and have adventuresin the wild country dowa south Ie sounded like good plan 10 me. “The only ting is" said, I haven't gor any money’to buy the right clothes and things. All my money back in SePetersbaeg will bein Pop's pockets by now. *Noy sai’ Tom.“Yourmoney’sallthere, YourPop never came back ‘No, and he won't come back, Huck,” Jim sid. ‘remember tha dead man on the civer, when I said “Don’t “You ook athis ace”? Wel, hat was yourPop. Youcangetyour money when you want? Tom's le is almost better now, and I haven't got any ‘oreo write about. Pm really pleased aboot thathecauseit was ery-cificuletowritea book andl. won'e do itagain. Bat I think Fm going to have to run away before the others, because Aunt Sally wants me to ive with her. [il have £0 sleep ina bed and wearclean clothes and learn to be good, and Iean’tdo that again. P've done it once already. ‘The End Yours Truly Huck Finn

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