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Manifestasi klinis

HELLP syndrome is a life-threatening

liver disorder thought to be a type of
severe preeclampsia. It is
characterized by Hemolysis
(destruction of red blood cells),
Elevated Liver enzymes (which
indicate liver damage), and Low
PlateletP count.

Part 1 of 8: Overview
What Is HELLP Syndrome?
HELLP syndrome is an extremely dangerous condition that can develop in pregnant
women. It includes:
EL: elevated liver enzymes
LP: a low platelet count
Hemolysis refers to a breakdown of red blood cells. Specifically, red blood cells get
broken down earlier than normal. Hemolysis can lead to anemia, a condition in which
your blood does not have enough oxygen to supply your body.
Elevated liver enzymes indicate that your liver is functioning poorly. When liver cells
are inflamed or injured, they leak abnormally high amounts of certain chemicals,
including enzymes, into your blood.
Platelets are part of the blood that helps it clot. When they are low, you are at risk for
excess bleeding.
HELLP syndrome usually occurs in the last trimester of pregnancy, before the 37th
week. It is a major health concern because it can be fatal to both mother and unborn
baby. Prompt treatment and delivery of the baby are generally required for the best
outcome. However, about a third of HELLP cases occur after the baby is born in the
first week after delivery (Padden, 1999).
The syndromes cause is unknown. Some experts believe it is related to preeclampsia,
another pregnancy complication, which causes high blood pressure. There are certain
factors that can also increase your chance of developing HELLP syndrome.

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