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- [)h ~ir£:'·t


MIS, !(K1Vt1AJ IECl'i PARK FVr ltC,,:;,



Mit, KEWLB1l'·PACKA!!O G10SALSOFT PRlVAJ~ iAMtfW, :, c::,,cTpOiW hc:','c>GHid ,,<1;;IH 'ii,

A ~" i. '/i's6, ih fEg:rhflr.&Q (~r;k.:>:: :31, 'Yr/';,~~:~ [}::c:rc,ni~"; C[b/ n. +}~ut r.~<>;)~j_ [icnrl<l<~f;;;'

1L;,:<~i~~n~*:d ~)'i ;.jft':'\J-P''; ;>,~vr<f:l i2{~~cn t."'Zt<~:!C IA.·:K'XJ(_p·sr t·:,k rJ)c.-;?,;.:~:<:;;,

t\') <:n Hy~;' 'TESSEE" 9AF!I(:'!t~;c;n jhcli: ~nt'+_-?08 (i.} S:/l·;Ct:,-jSO';·~'> 00H nli hi:d (J$_;rQr\~



fJi"i:_"M'(,rl )n th$ db;" G;l tlH"B,,)t, ll.",pltttnu <J& JiJanctm iH1<J Fa,;, ;;,1 f,)(,:; \~\"'t'()kl0vl~

,',';' ;,_ ~ :-";..J i"'-i

~,SS P.V\\~ ~~'~'-i

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k \ ~,,\:) l"/) f', L G"t. O\.l1:~ 1:1 \? p..;r SIt> C-~ A, <S.c-.U i Nl:?

PiJrf lif.."l)(~t-.l /)'Li;)v';,/,r!



~ ~(F'S"TF~ rz r; :J{J()({ ..•.. ,


~ilI$ '7""'"

, iI";j'~

',,; ~ < , ' ,

l\{\.y -n:;rsrdht:·e' Ie, '(>cHL/ ~jl' "Pct~id~<"S~\(jn !::<> t»rt~;!nJr.~·d H) rrH}O(\ c~nd :ft:<er LFS;:~(>P lCls df~HnecJ (jPGV8J ~d !he-LeSSEE? k:di\~K,k.H:;n~ttrr

WHEREAS CJiJ thel f,ie(>;) <>f r,{op0dy ~j$f G<Ni:;',;tlll\eni

tor ~ndu~'tr1;£;~:~ t11. ~::;u!ndYJ Fir,){ H{)< 1 (SF}. !;kii t:Sk.!!i:7._ (Juif)C1V

,TC''''''''C;W,,, tnuH1J)hr: s.urvey nurnbcrs lnoITltdV 42t;~', ·~·t5/f_tr Jt,:}/~!,.. '~

5{.1/2 )1/2. -S21.;L ,)313, .5"'1./3, 5~t\56J/.~ Hi? (inc_} 9}iJ C:1' r)h:V::,f;; V j\i'(]n:~ivr

N\<)rnbi,)H:;n'~v{;uin:dV 'johJk- {~~')21f\n(j; L)~.$H~L:~ ji'Ii)(':Dl>:;uls, '110f6 'SCHEDULE-A PROPERTY" h(1r\::\rr:")n~1H; '.'lOt ':',igic';l1iy

(Si,:'iif0cJ 1; en !}",' ! ;_J, rvi/s.~ f 'of e~ ~>!jdt) I(~(,h.:_:;h:;'z·~)

Of UrlC1-2~!$h::~ndin-k.l ;'~ s;iH i1Uii-d, ond Ie 0:' rh,'i 'l';Mf't ,i'ROPEru!', ;Jf'id

\ \

WHEREAS KH1VRAJ iECHf>!\I~K PYL LID, trw: LeSSOR helei'·" ho;; ed,;m;j !1\!0 \.! r-/Cff\OfCWldurn of _!'\fJr5~rne-nt <.kJ!-ed «(I". D8CE;-rnb6f"' 2C<).i1 therEHnOner fu.r,Brre::1 V.J :)3. h\t':; 'Sold MOA":" 'Nii,", lhR M(r LV L:U:;';\D1 \N[}U:,li;:H:~, 1i',\Dlf~ UMnED 1)'31'<50"; ;Cf P"',f;: d'1";',i'~'L'f'(;<T,i,:i ih,\" 01:;1(' SCHEDULE·A $'ROPERTY .>&1n;:) lns :'..1;' ".i l"2icF0cJ 1<) (;\ lj'Hit "I<TPL PROPERTY' (!h,j

\ WH, E"""'" ~ ·,'1',," ',A,l" ';:\1"'11"'(\'-;''<\''(,'; "<t'(';",< 11>",e' i ,'['J'<!'"'(J' nos 'rtll";!"'11"'rlih .. ;,

tt.i,; ... -~iJ.~ ....... ,.- ",v~_\O,;'>=, \,1.1 _. ''-'~-¥f,~ ~ ....... _v!"-* «'''' 'i~""" - ,'~"""" ~,~'w ' .• , ",,~,"

ihi"; 1;>\yrnpl';J TcchnQk)~JY I->u:k inrCWO\)f [)i L,l'!>::or hCf0;in by T(~J~'1~<'..l\.:J1cr~ h<~~ b~2:{2n con'lph:'vtc;cl -irr~niir8ry <}.n

YiHcREA-S thf3' t.E~S()R t,:~rh'.;~ )\-:~<;:U(r"{'i Oil n~""J;$-~Gry' rJPf~;!{./-/·::,d:s' fea fn~~

i"a I'~[~:rk)l) In !he S(:'·'JF..t)ULE',,·;-\ .PE'(_)-PERT\ t\,-Y,."

OI-:r0S, (_~o,Jln(j)!, LC{1O-2,2 \iJHh u

rJ\ili'ioq 14). ~PQC>t+ 1(),9'21hfd ,y,/dp i~njC~Ut6 or ih2j"-'~;<11-):}U~S

t!-~rF.H':' bk)ckt < non'\::,-:iy (:rnU$~ ALnUS ()n~j f{)~nlUS or-,et oH ~uii(J!nfJ. \<-;,~\i1

oil Ol! l(;il on the ~okl SCHEDUlE·A PROPERTY 10 be I,nrnec! Cl:: "O!ymp!{J T;..chnol<;gy POlk"" ::prt;od ove: two 005f;!rnenl$, hNG. !Fn$ Of1.(1 lyp:<>:JI j/;Qr,;; un:!

::1:Jf!tyd lh<>n;;in f<~r u;;,cd t('; :{_)norY)j ond n C:ornpnn;~~~~_, ond

WHEREAS Hh> Olvmplo technology POlk

oed Slocl< I CO(\S:lr<JctG'C}

CmO!J.$·B, S! II

<>1;:,';:1 CrnOU$<A~mCi ALi!US'A ALnU5-R

&. Al1lUS·C elnU Block 1111>0:09 COrt;;lfuc'j,)d vlmJld campr;s", building ('.0',1(;(2 fOiHWS(T)'Y'"

Cje:;crinGc) in the enctoseo ANNEXllRE·A therGin dfmr (Bi8rred to ()!t Mosler rICln)~, F c« ::(h:: ~~Jk~ ~)~ <~'\.)q\{qhhi;r\~.~::,<:: Ihe: tI~')('Jft (,(f ClrtUS- .. A, fHJiYl';;;,y 1 "( [>~~~err~t;:nl, 2n~ f1'':1ScrnenL ~';-' S~!I'L

2{;-·I SLiL }',j F:I,~-:)L F~o;jl't -Jtd fie}"")!' .ri~. Ftjt>'( 5j1" fk)t)t, ;~l!, Fluet- 7';1; Hnoi nhd [P'· FL)cr \\'UL1Ci

1)'S fdi6f~e-d l(} I\~ IF·, /\'<2.F,. i(-~-')r-., f'\·SF~ A;-~)F" /·,~7F <~H\d t{··nr

r,;j"f>,)(;i:ve'y, the l)OOE of ALTIUS-A. 2',,; ikl30,rncnl \'1 ;>'ii!:;m<!

).t~!.t ( 'J';1 f.iG'or, z= Hocr. Hoor ~ ·/.'_Ii Flooj unci 6k f<t;<~l{ \vCH31<i :)~~

h0H1incflr':f fi.,')h::rr6cj 'TO ,C~ ('·1 (:-".22<, 'C,· .. !S" (:,~2$, C, .. ,IF ~::--,,2F,. ~;':.~,;n:~ f>4r.: C:',.\f·, C;'-r;r <,;, rr

<~Jn':i c: ·gr rB:.q)0C HV01y.,_ ond



WHEREAS hm C(ln!iq'Mj(j 0;,;,1 11)(0 sokj

dt::~vej(Jr.;;qd ono CtJn5-1!u<~

p~y.~~., hlJ;~

'h'iHI ·~l'tt tC',{,;'Di

WHEREAS LESS{)R h(l} '~)fif;rt::d 10 ¥fH:?; n1{) nr ~ht7.' C(drirrH::::f\~'j(~1 S~:)(J(;{~ or) H-'~f>

f,xlh ,]'if>:)! i A-(,FJ ofCmUS-A OClIm:;O$urin\:l ,n,7JJ2 FI' being P}iAS!>2 SI)(:;;;"" Ci~:j (!,.,

LESSEE h(E BXpf\'!J~~Se(j 11~;-'_lnten.::,;~~i 1{) ("lV';);! thH $pcce tj-ti b~G!8.

WHi:REAS o;l Ih(J\ PGi' <:f'ilj ",'0"""1'.','''''''''''''''.'';'' .4} ~102. Sq F\, b_elt·<J

r>('1fk. 09re8(i Ie i)(:. h~usc<,j (y~ ~HAS'E ... 2 5pacl0 kJ.O(;ti"p;;r t\'..,,;;,~ ~:<yp(_;:L~. ~Tk;f~)'1\!i1i; CL::criU:,;d 1;()(1>",. SCHEDULE-a; hOf(:inoil({>f (lrla h;:m,;';n;";n~!1 !I~!,';n":id j;) (y, "SCHEDlJl.t:-c PROPERTY" ,

'WHJ:HEAS- 1h(7 S.0ocr,;: if.: n::Q(iV -k'd 0.r;~uPGHQn (In(1 n'H~{-;:~tof~~; PGn~ii~ orB c.k:::Y([<>J;· jnk~~ ;h~·5 I·.f·~oz.n [)0.;::-..;J



v, tEASEO AR~A{!. LEASE ?ERlOD; Thi7 ho;, 0911;;,,,(} TO )(':eEe U,): cmd ti+;

LESSEE nerecv toke tty.); SCHEPtltE·Sf'ROPfiHY

41.i'02 Sqj:[· oi mr,!oble tire;) rffor&tu:lyr.!t:scnbco under SCHEDlJlE·S <r, 1>:1 lL;~ FiOQrP)f::n cnh9xBd q~ ANNEXtlRES-A 1, iI0f&\f]Uj!'f;! )c!r;i!!0d i"."» "tEASED

PROPERTY" ! f)6fie,do{ 5 '{B0!~ w;li'! e.flect I(O!T; I" rvL:Jy 200~'

FL POS:SES.stOrt ·~hCt i.e~~5(!"t .shon E'tund ()Vt.~·f Fl~~ D;)\,,€;Ss,(;,n (>1 th(J Le052;(.: r)rcpertj Tn Hie Le~;~e0 on eX{:<:tJ~k}n \A the: LS('j~(~

c RENEWAlI'ERlOD: liVe LESSEE ~I',';:~i! htW0 jhe- 50h) optlon b fB:i(:',,;, !! 'icc [,0::)'<: f,Y <l

L . ..}rih·er (:,i .. 5· y~fJ~1 Clh;f rna- rf\iti(~t Luost'::· .r:€;Cf0d. in the: E>/cnr· n·k:, LL:~SEE

rS'n6\tf~ (j·h~H·tht7r p1.,<,;;rh'''jeJ of .5 y€";{'JfS Ih.s LE$::~EL~ enh~'r jn~o Q n(>V'l·

i.}/· SF ()on !h~~ ;\001(2 tsni18 ond <::;))n(Jilk't:\~; <>} lj'1?S If

SQ .. F t of ~PG(;(.;· !(Jb.:in ·v\Hh.':~It ~){).y(r~crT oJ C.lny"· <..~hGr,~:~c~ :;·n Z)iht::.f v;,:::f(i\, rjr ihs· 5!r~t-s !.? t:)t7 n:;:/.\![vecf 9;; c·ovE,rod .p(.lrk$ (10{.i ;h.~ !.>~Jl;:ir\i::~':

'JPt-f; Qf(00 \vdh~n ihr; le<.Y];c;('i p(operJ"Y' 0:;· ··::t8fio<.:;;,:j r}1j~,

i"hc: LES.SEE S';)(:-f(i OLiO t:8; 8n·l.dh::"~.~.j v: !,;) l"hc

ncwever ~J.c!dil \t.'tno1: Pi)fk.i"l}d L.k)Y<Jr)rJ ifi8 (:JfIU of j :!~·"<i). Sq .. F I

01 F:s~ 15GO/· tR~, vn0 Fhtt;_i !··!un(ir'.~·~'·~.1 C;;r"+/,

per COtp·OiK pe~r rnon1h,_ jn tlfhe( v\,'crcj1j U;S.SLf shoH h::rve: Hit~: ~)phQn k:···s

Ot.J(liik')nol '20 z.~{,HrH~l~·j:S. \\d<jich ~J l(iH bf! (;i"1~TrfJet)b+e (1: ·!h~ rute fA r~.:;.; ·:::;fXi/, tRt}fj~~B5 One· ThC~.j~(:WKi fiVY~· Hundre-d ()n!yl P8i P(JI~

hovv:· ~~xch;~:>j(j to e·x.0fC·\fttx V'}~·~j Of)tfc\f'j un or .H~","''''''/

101 (>~lqjf~onC11 CCK porkin~J Yjt\)t~;< Iht~;,;r\ .thE> (:'01 ;d'\~.lJ! cc.rnrnen(~f~ horn :n~(:: o(·:·LJui {~~Jtc; o{ ~;.t\::'1ge Cit i)j "t,}c.v<20J7 \vhk:j<l.i;'~.VGr: is lQ~GfL LESSEe c~:·n5·E:n1 1('; be or,;:1olned art cor p:,.Ji"K (nr.n(:~n~L)ti$ if

lL.·<;;re J!; G ·~::tevkni0n .10 n'H~ i·;ic.n'ri~c Th·e ~}~$5EE $h(~lI i>3' 1<)

car l)("tkJr'<n j.c,~t ft~f ;-:tiykln(4 CQf$ <df lWO \Nfvee!$:r ns r.lei LFSSEE

conv~r~:.j;~~;<; 'T{"<i~ ~i:~$St:."E M<fji"~~J·.j~~hOV0 ~he ~ph~"'n ro $ur~cnrh~r ~)<Jz.jOk_.\tlr)j c-(v

St.JCJC.f: ~n th·$: t?Hi;; ~s ft0110(1UirC:f! by· ihs LESSEE~ n (~~ ··:ch~r~hi;:(.1

!C;~'dl e!'tljtkjrn::ird <\r h,v(>.·yvh1rtfjif,Jf pork;n;~1 Dnd 1()tt '1'?ht:;clt~H <',.,,"'''','''''

\·v:ii n~>i "7X,C0if;\:1 (1 t('~t~.O c/ ',:~!{ ... d l,:)J crnd ;01' ihf?

;:lurr><;s:,;'-= crt COll1rx.)totion .,~ j"yjt.) vAiti(~lEd. k) 1

cor· p<'H<inrJ, ·Tht:; iGy()\.:1 ~i1t)~~;rl~~~ th* co: f.H:lfk'E.

rn:~.If"k6d .os j)Url cf ltrf; L.E:OSt;d Pf\.)P~Fiy 1t,Jf. LESSFi~~s :)58 Sf-~(j)j t}tt .k~ ct.C;)(;j~~,n<:~;' ,Vi\!1 il'l(': cnneXed ANNEXURE-S


)ndH be ovnnobl~ H1~ LESSEE fO,Qcti.iBf "v~1t'J ~*s fJt(JUP ,~,·,r,,,',,, ,j",.,



Hi (H)~c-jnlnq d~Je tlpprOY(:l 1tCn1_(;Ornp·ela.rSi (~1r<~

"jil) WilhQvl conlrClvonlngClnyAcL wkt:> l;. r(";9dnlh)r!~1n f()fC~.

1~/j No OH'E~f P{~:ts()n ·shQi! hO\/'b Ufvi (iUhl L~\!t1r fhB' 1erH1CJ2 C'XCk,Lt'-h?)1v lu;J~~\'c(:i k,g ·tht:; LESZEL~;H"1d if'~ ~~)r,'_)up



1. LEASE RENT RAiE mel L~S$tl: sh(~ii l)t:; 'Obllg,';:icd ;0 p'Jy' \IV': i~i)~;;, ff.T,\ 01 lh'.;, rare of 'Rs,:3:~U~"iRuJ')$~:;; Thkty Th;e.e cril~l ) pf,~{ Sq, ft PB: fn·Of1r-;\. \.'lh)cb rvv~n t)~:

Rs.i 166/-H'~vrJ0€1S Tl'lid een tees S{~verN ~i)t rN:'U$(Jn:J OrB Hurv:;irG<l E<v Six ()niy) fi.)j the L{$'!;;~'~~'d Pfbr.h~;d·~{ pet Ch~jiJ58 '{(~} cit, th;s- LEASE L)Err)p

:i, LEASE RENi EffECTJVfDAlE , n,e 'Ieo~cr(,nl c:hot: COnVTli;·r:C6 wdh ,,+ff~< t i(,iF' o 1 '~,Ao'/"2007.

iiI. PAYMENJ OF lEASE RENT: lho !;oic i"'CLB ronr sf")oIU>6- P\Jk::i 'N'{xk.if1f:J doy (j11-"t~chcojej)(!GI mc,tdi1, will'lopplh:::(Jbh", tt.Jj;'~> zlf $ourc(Joi n'1,0 lim'_;; of mO\(:;"{l poymen1,

,~, lEASe RENT ESCAlAiION:'hiclS{l$e lon, PD'i(lbi8 Si')CiIi S1011.J in.:;l'f:il58d tA escorcled by3V6Pi& over th0[,;JSi POle! Nerd rU.)l1", i!w.: <1<;1", ('); tF::\U;;ii

',''''!tIl.· "" .. 1",."",.;",·.,,,, "''''1'''·'I,,,;,.;;'';'j'II-'I1) o,'v,,;v '1'(·' f<,;">"1"'t'l

,«_v .,;~, }"",:",.,... w ~ I_It .. , .:1.,., l ... ~,("',,_.. ~ '1! .. l'1!f ' .... /'W'\'C- < _'dt')~'.,,,,-

~::kH'fng fh+.7 ki;05B p(;riod ond the r€t.n~v1oJ TI'\er~~6f H'-onv.,

v i1l.$ ~p~r:HiccUv D~;lfeeO H,;\'H in (;(Jse 1hns :: (;!jrr;tfolneci. H) ,ConlJY~(.;nC5; d~

b\?lrnCS$ <:Jr:J7-tobc-n k,( lh bV$!nes-s -c()rnrn\trn~~:ni-.~ fren% '~he L(;\':SB-(l PrCj;)"e;'t,V' \viJh(~tH !h(3 feh.~;v()nl N()C'$ <:ln~j C,ornpl8Hon C'erj~fh::(d~~L Hh:; U;':-;;.:EE ~~·F}.H J_>;; eq'iin0d~ t'+>, v:i~h-~'h~]nding t)n·/th~ng ,co.n!oin·~-ci j1~~n:!in, h:y I(Jr.;\)G!(} teril !T0n~' blf~;nr::ss OC-C .. tJponcy or t:)J(:,\viUir'\9 C(~

unconcHtio(1G!Jy (J;;ve:~,j- 1(> !n{j(~)rf)ri1fy tl\t.;; L""::5St:1.~

irv":Jl1dj'r~};J tHH no I fh'ni-'f()(_j i{} fi'~-(.h.1i ~'ncJ f(0.iQco1i'-oP

CO'Sf) f-2t(.t$t~~ renr oriei 'czny alhac eh(1(~1e5 ! Dn)O~Jn~ pClid, in rOV'!"'A/ Dr' tj'H:' LESi£:T lc '1hB ~t::L::;t(lcH()n <if the

(:Drnph7lion -(:'~:-JhfCGii:; (H'ld /Or- COt lccd)n lio.n -t';r,ony N'OCs G\- :'",l(!J~'~,d h\ (~!nU>~2

Vit (ml <:Jpp;;;mllvJ.


i, lESSOR MAiNTENANCE OIHIGATIONS: LESSOP "hoi! IHi' Jklblr; <:11 i1': ;:0$\

to c-euse (if) t')~:k:)vJ f_t){ flit: cd 8~)ik,Hng: P~or;t;,:rrl" -!jptif's~

Gnd tS'C1fnpU$" uii[Hh~s, cornrnOfi nffX) H:.'tdt~-::.:d ~+";N,Xj'-,,~:,

::~t;ird,?n;ngl_ f}h~clticJ1Y CG(';5urnp)jon fI~~j.noirti~ ':;1 :~{> <>:_;rnrnUf'~ oreos tCCH':lj>U), oLiil(jirg, Corrmun ;:1f<~O>, Ilfi,<;, Ann~;(JI ,\",cilt',h0:1i"':tn;'c:

Ccnlrocl$ ,::(">:,1 inckl(.iing cost uf$pnre pUil:i/COflStHY1C!tJI2~: ICqHir('i(.t in: on

,,ESliOK Qwn·o::cl d"se,151eqUipm(~ill$!'v>l~nl>lf\)(;ili!i'2s. 0(;>'0

:YKlnOQem0ilif tecurily, common <!lj',0;nHk));lfocililics :;uen cr.

A_r!v1J(;yrn/Cuffedt":)do lo~,h~r)' hlCluding '~).nfJ~,)hig SJCt1\;ioCy f0e5 ./ Ghot"(;~,~,~

pcriObl(~, The cd (l'1(1inl"n<:JrlC0 ;~.m per (he i"N~€)5:U~F - C)"p,;sk;

H. MAiNTENANCE CHARGiiS: jh0 LESSEr: S!\Cl!i pUy !lK: f\.o1nin~f?n,(.lf)C:f) (:rV~1fge-S 01-: ~h~2;· {GHe' Df F\,:.~,50! S'-~*

0. lh~ n1(:;{~jen-:"1nC($ c.t10!\Je:{~h;~d nell be pt1\fcbh~t dUfing OC(JJPCdi.'.)rI fcr H;~' our ono -:sn,oH L:.;ke f;rt0-:d tlu~H-"'l'i'i~n frcrn ~he- dat~~ 01 bu~;no$:;


-~ -.-~::-

, i~i;!g~J WL

rSc'~l!'!,w,'!n \'lHJ i'l,iai~y -chd revl:.e tho ((11'(}$ (t; ,:lCiUCll(;:051 ;nCt!rt(,j'('l (ih:±ms tcinejucle k~'b0 ""L".'j~ q",V'" , C>cnvnon GfdOj(,:~0rrzpus Securdy -U~mtfe~< !~l)l)~,.:(A i /" jk~ ;1.. E. ~jf1

'~)'pfJf:C1Ht}f't, C»rrH'(~(jn f_HS'C;l'h:'U~ (:'0nS\J1'nf'}Ho'<\~ Dc

f.:1()(,Cli6,~j over H·~'t?· f-.nT1ItB to(llatdA' on)c~ l'}f f;qrk

15~~ ()v(:.rh~:>c(.(is Prcitt:: h~l ':te :fhe tCg

MAINTENANCE AGR'E~MENT:. llt"j U::SS2E Ggfees llmltj10{ wiii

rn:~inlen<Jf1_ce (;Pt11f3.n·i~n~$ wHh tessor i rnclintenCln(:e Gf.1~H1CV

1"." ""~"',': r,(",r, ,-'1'"",\ 1""''''''''''- "') "'b","'''" '0' vl'l''''''''"''Arf,1 t,"j'/¥'" ::"'r''';;''f'1

",,s,:!, t, ~ • ...,#.*;.,;.> ~''';}''4'"'''~:;;j'V'<.~ 1'(,. ~J ~ ...... :; .• 0;::;; ~.:J""'l_' .,.. .. ' ~ .... (' "'~'Q ''',)._~'. ""''if

;0\'/5 (;t<> OS opphcoC,!e It: u1!uther 10nnnt\

(vlcI:-,'lenClnr;;s Dej:l(;,:;it ~ht7:(e0fv



of R~5, :,\l;'~~,JP\785 ·Tv;;) tokh~ :~,ifjy ~.ix %\{lnii f'k,1t\dr:f~d

Si::: Clni~:L. 05 JrdFi:r~6; Frf2:C RE':ftJ(H.:!ubl~ ~~1f.:(e'lnqftt(H r~,:,dt}(r8·d {<.j ,0;

IfRSD). Hle·lESSOft 1~-8'cby (,cknovAeclge$<:l'H5I,J),,"lirrt11 rilE', reCEiUJI cd W<>S'::Jn\0. ifL ,:.q:;-E;< ·C:igr8.E1ct th01 1116{~ ~h'UH b~ fJQ $;:$C(1ioLon in {jf';J:.~O$n !hb· L'Cc:~;:

Peri()ci 6r dnY·hsd1B:W9i il<i~.i,·r~('iL

b. SAIIIKGUARANTEE: I\W; U:S$()f{ sf'Jaii OH(H)ge \(iJ)ryZ, ~;nconcJlIi(Jp(J1 6(l'~i; ",,"',-!liC<C: ~he: ptT{n)·:;~'H hv Le$soJ:t} o·{ LESSO·t~~i ('~t)) .ond ~BC;·J vchci Clr tE5:S(,?R's C0St. tJnlH <)nt;., rf1<>hlh c~~er ::EH ~Hi~t;crt·~,·< -s (If!cw{)Gd f f\ynish,Ni!{} le,:<;i:<e <Ii IL»\:iR's cost (lnd rl\k, tJP;YI oV()ull5sicn cd ,~(..J.~~nph:'!Iio('i to Lf:~t0t:L ti~·~· .L8.1SefJ ~hoH· return such 11(2,_ Fot :::;(h> ... 0. ~~jr ckn-i1VI i~ h~':lere.:b'l tJolHiBd ~h(li Ii (:c: ·ji}f~' ·d~:·.de i'::; ,)O,june<j7 I'h-e BG ~t,; t'h~ kep! Vt11itl llii 31-Jdy-0!,

c. IfRSP REPAYMENT: [1 i: (:greec! bGlwer,;"" Jh':, h:\r1i.",5 t10fek; l}'ln' Hit: JfRSO no'.:

(:coy· ·ony lnh;;:\~si {'111"Cl .~~hCJH be: r~slunf.ied qrtd ~~p<Jki fhi:? ~(.: :h-::'~ !,7~~;SL=

irnrn0(ikJt&ly un rf:tJ expi!V (i('" f3t::~rn(iir tBnnlr\urk)n <>11hh~ ond en i.LSSE£'

htlflljjnr) over VQCQ:n~ p·ossBs)kln c;f '~hB Uc-:;'S,00 PtoporJy 1<:, thc~ LESS()F,;' .. lrl tJ <:i;ndWC>li,)ubjGCi It, rethOnql:)l~.: w(';!{jiond igor onQ often:::ledu,:;in,} rente:\! nF,Kli':

Ii tJny. lJ:Ss'EE 5h~:JIJ t>e enHHed 10 recover! odjUS,1 the 17RSD Gq(tin)! HH~~ n<~Ft'>.'~:·

rento~£ pnY',obh~f U~S$f::E. on relffllnoHc-n nt ths~ 1,0'<.1:\(;' (P $00t'i<:·)

d.0:t(;(rntr1oiiDn ihefO(;t. fi-;&' L.f:'S:~EC shaH ncA bt;; n:~ql)~P=(~ to f0$·\(jri:± n··~7,- V3"t.1r.,e.d fYopertv to' ihe s.cnne <>·.)·nd~t!on ,us H hod k)k,(~;n on ~t;'clsn f;o·r:'~ the- ~,",;",'''''';:''

d. i')fifOSIT AiiJUSTMErH ON lERMINATiON: If ih/C; LESSEE lBfmlnotte:5 Ti":\S 1..EI',,5f:: OfTD c, ht~fk,;:ino"fle, iJ9rC$'~;d upon~ rh,b LESSEt:: ·n){JY, notHy nle; Li:S$<)R ~f.)".o<:JJVS! ~he p;:~rnt)n cJ 1/j(; nS-ivtl(lGi1lB S'2ctJrHyDe-po5ij iniiBU oiihe rem j)Clyo(Ae lOrn-If; enlir<" :)f

;,)1 ·ihe notic~~ period" of tf..SSr:E<~ <;;ptf0n, <In lec·eipl ,,:,~f VJcl'"~ tr()fr

L.E~;S()R t:h,:d! odlusl tj'1t,' rent for {~, (.)00

reL)nc! lhs ~)OJCt"I(A: 1\/'iC: J (:OOV$

e. DELA.Y IN REfUND: H LESSOR !oii~ [0 retcmd h:; LESSEe ,he lfRSD {Jr;iJ fyno:,'nl, If,';lwnduoi:1 in kiln\,; 01 thi~Lf:t\SEDr;ED, jt.'t1il LESSEE:;I'l(lli bB t:n~illf.<l !(j ::)~ HV3 :;:nid ;FRSt) one orner OrnOUrl1S oj·ang \·vi1h ·jnh,'7L~~t o! th~ t·{._1hC' (); U1~SI r>(: <J!"'lnt}(1) fron'1 Ih(~··(icd~ iho CdYi;Ciurd b~~GmBS due ~JrJj ;':~}~iyab!f<;'

I. RiGHT TO RETAIN ?OSSESSION Wi!l\·;:)ul pr<"jl1dk'1"lu lhe: lelTil'> d C\CUf.';;'; i\'!di e:

IVie! cbove, Ii Ihe U::S:;C:)j~ k),I$ 16 fwfund loLESSrE l.h", IfRSODn lh0 \crn\.( Zit ilj5

tEASe Dl:I:t) , on lbs expiry err f"'i.\U::,Jr socner Ci61(;({nin.;;!ii(~T' JiH'-;r<~)L !1 >2" \,VJlhQUl k) iii." tighl Df LESSEE !Q rf;jcr;yqm 1(;8 serne. LESSCEsI;t;1! i)~,6n1it!cc1

of 1hti< te_O_$i£1rJ FrOt)ddy ''fvilhout })-·-'.{/ff:;LHt ~)t (HTY

Qnr...i tJPY Grr';?Jd

\9hG('c_Of3iVC! unHt ~w<:h Hrne i~:fun(~ !}-H~

!hsrGo) io LESSeE JOfJblhcr wiih Intore,} 1)i (he felTc} of 13":, jAn tlflnwrn fr"orn th<~ d(1}'Sf- ine' Jf:RSC) tF)C\j!ThiS due fi;J ~hf;1 <:inti.': (d r)(1Yfn,sn"

NOTlilBhsh?I1(!lflO cmyltini;! 10 the c.onil(w!~!QjecJ or HY1)iied herBin, g,,,, PCiik"

(J9ftJe ,on:d ofHrrn ~hor fir;. tit:G:f)";-ec$ :0 bt:~ Of GfJ1Q(}J17 to G

~J In ih~~ L:'~j(~n~ ~h(:t LE~SbL 8'Y_.8rc+Sf?S ih. O_Dllon u; H}revAqq tl1-B h:sc;)"t:;" In h:':;.r')cc-i of ins;;

FT()p.~~rh/~ H"';~it~ $-!'1{jIJ be nGi eSC(11G1k}r~ in tt~;; i(tfYt ;;j~(l\l t; .. ?C(Wi';-e

if.)i the ic:new",d p6r1,udo\ !V;,.(lO,:;:.


'rhj)., LFA.SE. t)EfI) 5h~J)i 00 h;':np,lnCl)l<} i" 11'-10


u. By fhe U3SEE, in Ht~- tx;-erA thtJI cny <:J'f 1htft {epre~-f:ntonons of Ihe lfSSC;R :'XH' l(lln--::~-d helein 'orB: tn(~on-ec;t( "~vilh ;tnrne-dipre _ r:i1-ct'J.

lY if cnV p~)ny nercto rj~?kJug;.:. in ~h~:~ ::·f ·~~.Hlf {')1- ih

oh1;g,olhJnti Jhit' LF!t~$:E t)EIl)' and fn ih(:'1 r1v·(~~rd ~t!c,h

G p-?dc.d ,~\i 30 (j(l.Y:5. -r;;i rec~2~pr ol {) 0QHc:_<t fA (Jet-cfJH i~s\J6.1d r'~-y Ihe nGrLC:{Eduu~Un'~f ill thi" regor<:l,

(:, .shOlt t)E) enJiH(~(.J k> ~r.;(!'(,in(;f<Y) lhSi !C05~ In Hi!;P0Cf o~ nH~ 10GSB(J

glvh19 s:~y.;'1S~ ~;):()ti'G;:'~; ViUJ1(H.iJ or'Ufgr,i-no any reoson 'of 'wvhojsn~_~vel In !-riB f?_·!t~T:;i the LESSEE::' 1<9!n'lim:Ji6i lhe 1>",';:1,0 in rerms or II;ls cJ(JLm~ fl"."" LESSEE

~'Jpi$b(L nollf.;'" ~hiJ' ,!O odju$;! the; IFnSO ~n.lfE~u l,)f s~x f1,'lJnjh~ rent. fj7

St.;c:h no.tir.:::B frqrr~ !hCf If~E~ 1,[53<:)'R sh<JU (J(Jjl')st ffzq15 rOt sh: fnonrh~ DU~ ()l' lht,;

if!f?,SD {And te_tiJn-d ~hB bdidnce Cif thr!; IFI:<-&0, tf (]try, t·tl lh(.~ LES~Er: f,tlfti')\vitn v,.~h~;;n E'if;~ LESSEE V(lCale~ onu l':(ln"ls over VCl<:·0111 !'>(;;~$~,5~;iDn of 11'10 LI"KI'><",3 1(': liv LESSOR,

cL GOVERNMENT ACTfON:!n tho 13;/0,<1 1/.8 l.\ilG$tCi t'f()).N1! Iy <H iJr:y l>.)ri<'Oti itJ •. c;rQ01 'S

i"Y'\y <30VC;(I\f11BntcL JudjckJ'l ('JC1~ or. ('JRcTs:k':ns ;;::Jut cd G0.;-·l"

gOy'f!tnn:~nt dves or <..1ny C;hQf dt~k)ult t~y lhtt 1ht~: f~JH tJtl(i fr~3~~·,:t)n,i()Yf1'~0n~ of ~hb lBQ.$(Hi PrQP_6:r!Y, by CESSEE, ono i~' LESS~].r;~

t;.~not:d~ i{) fectJt.,~ S.tJt;rl d~lfl:;-c;h· vvUh~n 0 rE~q$o.nt.'lt:d\:: p':Hicuj ,of tirriC1 not joys ire,n tiXt dOli] oj thf",lr !)Gin9I1t:liHled ooqul oVdl dc:f,DCL LESSEE lil(1i' PO'lmerd of fUltJlC' fl;inic;rcc! o!i)$( c])orges and lor reduc{£:!he" l.;;,jc\ payobk:;< t;.y 50 % liJlscch tllT1.8 tl1()lllll;":.00tecl:;:oti;\ ts'clifiG{}, tJe,id,-;5 t(j 1errnipcH-(i< ·wUhc,.ihJVl irorn -on<J rescinc jhh 'LEp.SE L~~E!) '(lS <//e-Il c-nr;J (II) oi-hsT hslevGnt (JQfB~rT1_0(\t$, upon ~je-C1Jn1~J1g :(J'\~Jrjh;t of ·t.1f\Y ~uch

propfy~ed to be fUK-0n Of~~Q_in\t -.the ~!1lPGCh~~g 1h(~

'N{)I.i1d ,3'VerdU(lfiy re,~ull in :h8 d;~r:)(j$$(;S$iOn cf l£S$EE ir0m liCf; L${r,e{j

f.Jrcpedy-. LESSEE 'sh('J~1 be enHlhfd !,) ~;lc1kn reo'S-onci)lft relocoHc·fj ir<iH';

e, TERMINATION OPTION If lEASED PROPEfHY RENDERED UNUSABl.E : Ii li";(2' whGir:; or (Jf:j' porn~Jn cYf fht+ L00~1~:;d F'(cr}t~r1V sheiL 0'1 (}p)/ 'Ihn~b., be ~'''jb'.$t,'c:y(2d Of tk:v:n\JDr·t-~:L it) O~ 1(;' be: rertder(sd_~r\fJC:C0s~H:A!.? .. or Unihhobl)qb!~,. <,: h;urn_iJ(~'r!l 1h(~~ LESSeL's. 0P!:~i(}~!'ijn rif b,\.;sil\t?r~~ t')f tjay E) dtJY fn ~.ivht.!hf.; Of in pnd ;(j the LESScE. h¥~s LC;;;A:c ~:j':.(}j) 1"'10Vt:)' the dc;hf to- tsr(nlfll~Jlo U-li~ l£/ .. }-;E· [JEff) ,yUh ifnrnf~,diah2': t:~He;::;t <.vHt'K;ui :.:;!r;v (;«S1

()1 linbilliy 10 ii'ie LESSEE, in tijf: 0venl LESSEE d{)<:ls r;o! h;Jfm;r\ole

~i" ;!iHWflAJ Hull PAnX PVT, CHI.,

"\ ~, j I e .. :"" -e-

\j . i.j'0X').\VN\I~~~"Y-'Y

( l hUWt.H1SiiQ {;igrlM!i),t'V

'"'-' .. "',f¥

_'-':'-, ,... ..

end is in P05$0%:00.onel enjoyrYi;:"nl ef pCl!l the L';;;'OM±d sholl pov prorJoflior.okHt1lilf()r !ho\ oem whch issHli In uli.)81.i'"

tlrne: os Ihe LE5SC)R?hoii ht;:t;t(; F~td Le,o~'ed Propflf'lV ft..d~<f ~n tE;ut}\~~ C-""}r\r.};nc:f'j

Ii thc~ \\JI'j~:+:::: (:A onv f>CH non of C)hrrn:o!'\.)' T~;~,t,hnGh:)£rY-- ?()(r: sholL ~:d G!\y nnw;;,_ L-,~-;" de,;'t(o'y:ed Oi

~::t:, f{~~rid~Er8(j in,"··'"·i."~z.,,t"11" Of unlnhobi~Gb10 ~:,t ·OHiV>.:"f\~,6.i8. be:: n?nck~-:;f·<J orin pOrJ to U:SSr::t:. P!ClV(cj{;'d ~\)d, :.:J~.) !fu;~}jt)n :)1 t~y Jhewron9iul oct Of\9Wful d(;klUIi to i8flYlinOl& Hils tEASE [JEED uii

ur lJniTd>'h')bnub~e-.< ij(Jn)(1:ge is, nc)t LFSS.E:r: 'ih:::lIi heNE:

{jhJf;;:(,~n"1i~6f~ w~th In,1rnediote- effsc,L v.<lthOt)t fncuHih~J ,any -Cr;t5! cr I:~ven_! t.EsSEF doe:$ nor t{1fn't\'ncl'r~ th<:;· 1<'~?:O£~l~ ()rl(l i') in p-O:;5F':S-~;i_on (~nd -(of ::-rdy non {If '~he Lf;·(J~etj .PfO(>~"t; L£5SE"F Sh<lH r.)(.}y proDo(tk>n01-0:. F""::;cd fot that -L<:~J I V/hlCh .is· sfm 1n ~)0'$};7:;;\iGq G:i . .LESS-FE; :-;nJl-1 St.iCh· Hr~'F~ os: LFSS()F; S~;QH t'<T/i~ OLd tj---\c" LeeSE}(J Pt6;nert:; fuHv' jr~ 'W$!':~bk:" (:c,ntJition.,


(J, i"ROPERTfl'lE: Thll'LE$SORc'.)v6-{j(mtr, thoi Ihe U;::;'SOR lIo:>.pmpcf q<)()(f li'dh! lui!

pow",rond Ol)!;Oiutv-;ou!hnrll'l to Ii) thi,~ L0'CISB(i f'fOptif!V ':n ii'l';

rnonnc-( herein~ o.ppe(k~nfd fu!H.'!.~:- ind·:;fnnHy cJnd <~or~!€:=) it:- k-f~i2;f,:j lhs

1rJdcn)n~flf;;{J ogDirrd cj~Jkn>. k;f;t.e.$ ond CH:jrnG(1e~, S'UH:.':h{~-C! by Ih1+

Lf~SSEE ·o-ri:h~g-t)t)j qi " r(l~.:v:j~ .by. thfrd_p'lftjes-O .. QCljn~J Oh~~ .rJt:,;!tl"")i"tt"F::'/ ~l\ !h2 ;;i)~

or !he- L.eSS()\? lnso ror cstne 5rlic~ pf6!rnls5-S an;; cor~CA~H){~<L

(;, MOrm;AQE: lnlj L';J!.,:;;)t \In(h~rl0I:e;l kJ inform (lndkeB'p infO!!fifKJ ti'h~ !"0;::;5;:\'': oj (1\W or ali mQrloog'~$thc!iil IK" crGn'i0:,d fKlln Hmt3 k~ ;;mE: {)V'"r Hw: cp?:ot \")c.c.\.;p;,:~u t;v the LtJ:;S0e in fhe: ;:vDp£~dy" O]Yi'npro Tt~~cl~r.oj(;-t(Jf Pork". The L:St.~~Qr )vlll-;:Jt~~<)- I~€;fjr} ~r"!i: b~~i~,~:n' lfdcdn){7i_j ()f unJf" hjttJi'f~ -on.d the-- tesscr ';;vnrrdnJ: n"H .. )' r:"l sUch cJ1G-rge.s, H -o(',y~ (JI~:: "s.~rbj0c.f ref 1h15 Le_a~)2~ {)Qi7!C} ~J-nQ ~;;it:;, -JhC: l~)$e'e,

c. WAfER:Thfi U::;:'SOF; :;hol1 '~nSur0 lht.H Ih8re ls C(JeqlitJJee W01'i:! %Jpply 01 / 1() inC L8OS\.;d frapGltv lor Jilt;; ·exc;;.J~:iv(, use cd 1!'je LESSEE. idj copit.-;d exp.ens0s n~,(Jijllr,i 10

loc;!jioring supply {;;t'N(JI~;r will bB' by lh,:; L'f'SSOR cno (ill <;SOgB 'NiL

\)y me LESSEE '::J~ purl 01 th~; d-;or90s.

U_ POWER: .lESS(jR t)Q:- Ci)~lgc~ed Io provh;Je 01 Hs t:'C~Y~'e-r (J~ 'J

lOt)! cd {en!ql)je~PQce 1)(:I$j~; i!,8 LESSOR Jh,~iJ :7<": c;unnq ih,,; \'>:,:(;;;0

lor I'll"" pcryrnent oti!lCrern6nklJDeposi1C<Jppiico(1Ie even it trle Ins!oitcltbr: i,

in lhe «orne of the LESSEE,

e SALE OF PROP.ERTY.: lh~ LESSOR ~i'l(lt!· o1::»)oln theprlot COI1$i::nl i{!;.,m l !:Si~E£ t;""iorf;: swiiing lho Le":~~;,,.d Propetr!y, I.E$.$ORcol{f;nqTlt thct \\1 H10 eV£:hl oj LFSS01?

of!hB iensed 10.0: pDfly other Ih(Jn LES,Sf;E.lili)fYinlhcli e'y<,"i'il, Ih(;, SCi';':

shoilblf,lJClj,,!cl fl.' ihe rig!-II$ 01 I.ESJEE \.lnder lrH~ LEASe DEED clnd the be ()biigoled if) 5e;1 fh& sell,l;:: \C, \1'IG prc,pec[\ve bljYC;f 1;1ftar obr(1inin:::i the wrHk,n c(jn$1~(\t lrOrrl LE'SSl:E,- hov/<i;v-e! lhcr 10taJ tlun1-bef <~d $u.<;h (!)h)f8. o\vn_-e;!pllt:ch0~0-~' / LESSOR shot! nD! eXC0<:rJ ofl1'~in r0Si'>:f1C! 1:1:11'1.;: L<:;o,t"td f'mpf2rty Ji;) VIIiW, \l !~; li.,Jflh(N clnfWecl 1h01 LESSORwili conhnve T? ee Ii\(,; locu! P"J[I! for PO';1 Sdh" 1\Jppod U!idi:rI 1£11& LEl\5E OEF.O. It\0 rlqhls Dna ctll;()dllc:m ut~dJf3~~ 1hc~ LE!;SE D£~.LLS!YOg btf· t:or1sfe-rre("j in ~0V:OUt ~)f 1he ~\JcJj ;-;:.)('<1 (y\(J thfJ h'1tT))$, c4 fhil LU:E-L). sholf oppt'y' h-:; ~ho InJ!)sfBfO;fJ lnn-d !t;td in t)'I~-_ ;G~t'it'·~~ rnonnor as Ii Clppii6S 10 tht, LESSOF: iJ0dt\! H'lit tEASEDE'ED, Hov-.'?ver lhh LEp<if. tlEED :huH bE~ l)lndir.g In c:;n j0~P()ct on Hi;; new POrtl purdi :;,sir,glhe Lonsed

<lll r;;f0;;0P! fYDp011y it3V;,,,,:, In

,',',v'""",,v! ()lyn"1pio f0,chne;logy F'CI!,!:: O(',Jj It:&: km0 C'lCI wnic!,;t i,

s(J(v'J;t)nc:d ~;.\8 (if L,e~JS0(i 1:')rOD~iT:r L not hn~dh~1C) hj es 1 ob\i::;h~n9 ()fiIC0S, )'0(-VI~~:;d C$t'l16T:i ,n""r,,,",,v, Inforrrv:(~lon 1echnciogv -end H"ICd LeSSLE .--:;heV; l:~f~:

ho:!;, biSerj ~::()nsiru;;-;:~ed In 0 '-.v6rkrrl!:tf'r:ikq tnnrHll~~t \'Yi!'hOLi c~n'·/ '<;c}k:";ihc~'1~ :)i ~hc n[','I'HP'''',",''.'_' "'~l~th tt~:S· r,anctiorHi\'c1 Ok1f'i vJii'n "$;Y::!YCt:l0tlfJ(<;:~ !

c'ldcti1kw<t 05 nove t'-'t' Jhf~ C'iViDJ.\ or.otner concc'1'(:Bd GuthonHc5 unc~ :;;

ft~~ ironi <~ny (h~h~(:ts j devklilon:i in rrlQi~riog Of wQrkrncnship,

iNDEMNITY: LCSSOR sholi mde:-rnniiv en.::] ~,0'~r' ;njernnified n:c' U;::Sr:: ~(i$S Or' tiorrH)9d ::'uff-0IeCJ tY1'- LESSEE t.e<'J~1-.."n (If 0]\\/ -:;li:L ~:kN;:t,~ {'~r LESS()R 0;(: {'.Fi-sin'J ('>ul oI ()f due; 10 ,-:wry ~dve,r.Ft., i:!cl-k)f'i t)y HVJ; /.5-'S1)Cl{)Tj:::1f'~ :\1t.n11clpcf

Corrj~;Ar~iH()n or cR)tho,-i1/-in r8:'f,)-t;}i;1 qt L0"(lS:ed

~h('i1 t,¢" I!w j i'{:S"T: '~Oh,"sj 011 costs

~,,~ ,.; :1'",,,,, ""1'lr'~'I'lo';0'" ,-,' ,')' nv 'r,:,I::':"~;I':" ~;::r' :";;,:,.,_.'",, oocrovols [',' """'11"'1""1"""" j,'" ,;,',,'

","}::. ~,.'! ~,.~ '>.~' ... ,1; ~" ... , h,,_.~"' ... d -" ~r- !:;;.~,,,,'f"~ .t, ''''''!o..' ~ ..... ~,M~..,J, '0"", f'.>'"~\'" .• ~ .. -. },1\ .••. :.;.;).l..,,!~,.),~.;;-:>,_.,..._ ......

~)~/ lh~:;~ c;'of1cerne(j cu1ho(H/~ rl(;n'"t{'AiT4(Jf! DX proposed "90moHtic:}(l oj' th(~ L~~(1.Si-<'j PrcrpBrfY 0, -ony p,or! ih8f8Cf ond "{Jny l'e'9c~ Pn..}C(l6rijn;r~ ~h~:~l h<l'J uffrl:;;:t 11-:\:.;-

-lntererf ci Lt$SEE~ An io'dwrnnfty l(~ ~hls, incJud40 t:~Jif;tg 1I(';J\")k:,~

LESSEE' fot Qtl';/ io,;~~ i(\t>Ate<i 6r-~' _9C~t,urd of<j(\y ~n

LES_S'f;:[ H 'i\j<~h disruptL-:;t\ C/')P bt;-; onrttjutC(~ t{) LE"SSC)f:

<:(,~Ajn.&ctk7n 'w;~h ('u,y d!f~,~~kJ~ed i5)UC~', j0itJOi'q,f Duthoriiy tlChC;rf\i or U~<~S<)f: (f;:(,fzoriS~ rEn(J'5-.:ir~5:.~ .the noi uS0bre~ inc;de'CFJCr;'?:.:- ClF'}proYGi's ;::Jntj ,efse 1(;. :::-;,j "~'!fi,?-c~i 'r(~prest;;)rdnr!()nS rn{;td~iJ by !il8:' LE-SSOn. Thf~· tt;-:)SZJR $hQII als(_') in(jlS.~fn~'\Hv lh(~ lESSeE

iF<:jf)~1'lnllie5 incurred or ImL


r:nl()f jh~", L""os£,d Property 01 en ,e<:l(;on::l:;rIB times upon :C!ivjtlg 2·; r;ou(:; 'v'ililii:;n noHc(> ,t~j iht:7, Li5SSf:t: ~n order tv V~i:1V'; it~e c_onddion of- H11;; Le<.1~/~<J Property_. T~~p_::

LFS:~(,.>~~ (n,ay :;ety,.;: u~:.()n t!"<,'-C1 LESSEE ncdicr: in \vri,ilng ;~pe-cHyrnn (;H';l/ jE~:",~'-~Ji'rs 'Jj:)fk rone <:lone or J(~Pt<}c6,!n{;(d n~:;I.::B1sory h':J L)<:~ nV:1(j~ t~v HH:~ Lt:SSEf,; in z'hj;::C~fd(T~lt:Hv,iJh 11',0' ctd;gcJli(H",,, \,J!lr.;'';t fhi!, tEASEDELD,

i"hH UiSSE'E t1:1"t~jy \-£:rve upon n"lf:~ nohc(:; in \vritin,q, "5p.ecll!!n~;:] onv rCl>(:'\;':l :~~r \",,\);k k) be d'ono <:r i(;;f.)kl(~~:.;rnerJ1 neC0SSrJr'{ 'to be rnt]de bV 1ht:~ LES,S()f~i. ot\d 'if 1n~'0

thnH f'it)l-¥vtt-h~n j~),n t10,!' days cd serv(,c.e <.~:( ~iJC!) nc:ici"; r:t(.()c(~<;d t(,~ -~:,;·({:~CUh7 sucL fC1PCirS Of fe-ptde(trnenr$~ lhen lh$ t.E):~EE }huiJ ·t~y.;gCl)!e C,{ r(;:pk~F'::t;rrii£:;Hlts ,ond lo Hjc(,'\v;~r:!!UCh' cq§L~ frern jhe or ch]du~:;~ ~hc Y.:;Jf'r'rl$. frc-n (wy urnbunt pnV;::;b!<:0 kJ Ih& 1.ESSOl'!,

f. COMMON FACILITIES; U::SSOR Sholi provkk, 01 its ''::051 Nnerv(,,';t h:::Ci\ill':\'

;;; -. L:liEeJlluliy in [ht) C)i'jmp!<l Ted'flolc\..p/ PorK Cumpus ilke Gy .... t C()ii6B eaL "I1M c(~un Clf'!d tFSSEE, shun be- _c;bhrJcrreci 10 pGY !he .. c-on~ijrrtJ~}1(jn c:n OCiu,of kx C;,,,(b.:'L (:orh71e- fJt:n'> Food -C:c~utL cdc. nnly if u\>::-d, c~_

COMPEHTqRS: lhf: LFSSPR (»nfim(lnui tlv';'i'\\1(11l n:)rl(:';05H (my ;:1

ihe SP(Ji>,:~- in ()_!-y!t'ph;r_ l-t.<chnc/iOfJY FClrk_ <j&vetopeti 1ft tl1r? tc

uny Olhtrr nUT) 0;' <lt~(j~la1iOn ;.vhrch the LESSEE dfj'e~'ns- (J}- C()tnj)<3i'ltO{5 rc

ns SUCl',o1 ('i$' lfHvt E0S. S;jr~ ,tv\k~f(}~':ISr8rn~. DelL (~unnG -irv::

DEJ:D or Ony r';;I',;,\Yol n,(:Hf;cL



~fOtn cufhoriti8:s f(t{ ~hB C'0r~truciltJ:" (>nd L€;(151:)[1 fHQpeny ! Oi}'rr;pio 1tS'(;li!'J(,lor:.;yPo,'!;, Th;; I~Q(; :n,l\,

w~.::jurlfj, but r'\-Ld Jh)IH~::,d ~iO{>; from <::NiL)/\ Ior vb~qi"1:<ng \.v<)1e,{'" r\)lj":c:-\-~

{:onnecHons -k>f Hie L00S<:Jd FTDP~~ffV', Th-e. L6"£S0r hen::t?"y !u 1::U[:,/ "J

{Jg ~/d(;h· C:1~OrCr1C(~~ C'ertiUCQ10 ! l"'~O ()t).j/':'\:Jio(~ C0'dHit:{j~~; ~/ ~forn :<;{/nc:;.~r(~(:c;-

nuilHj{ike_;;, FutH''Hi~-C, !ilf:L' L-ESS()R :,A':it!l1 <jg(~2; .. ;; ~o pf_oy~n(~ ()h"fi~Jpin e::':LL

Comr;,j(~lbn 'C_,enilk:OI\J ! 13uHdint) Cmt;5,A t)(, <'f beforE: oes:

0lfDri bosis,

n. !t-lSURANCE: LESS(:~; 0SSi2~) 't'li:luoing '''Cl,)ipm'3rn, building, uno 'jl{"Jllbe ;n,uH~d dtiflng. !Iv::: currency q'f lh\; ieOS9 by th6 U:SSC~R (H1d (1 ~'eriiiied ',::U'p')' f.)·f 3~fCh v-ohd pc!~CY ~hcH be: r:~r0Vidt~jd 1,::: U:S:~FE rl~~Hn n)""{h,~ F', lin1;:;;,


0, SIGNAGfRIGHTS: LESSEE .lhcll bt;; ,;;-niillii:01Cl displOY nom·.? p\OI0S. plo(:o,ids -c,n~:l od'Ji":{"Hs~rr~0nit ntfl-;:.ide n'E3 i:.e<'Ht,~d Pn)p8zty <.b \/-jB~: :;:: \-vilhw; lht;

U3·us~:)<d Pf-t.:'1')~l.ty beor ond dLpkTY LESSEE't tYJfHe (.JrH.~ Pf(:;;~U( b

offecHn~) -ltV) ~Jt~siha-Hc$ ot ~h~~:f tESSE.E SI'lCdl no,! lk)i:)l-£~ Ttl pc;v ctr'.'~.'

chotg'es.: to ihc' -LE,:>S()R !i)( ~hFj Sf)l1<';:B <,,)'(_;(:upi(:;d try nCJrn9'f)i<Jh3t. kJ9:J f

,iglloocid$, pk](.:OIf;:iS etc, HOW(£vEiC "hnll inhrnote sij;if1(;:qelf"SkjI!Uli;)n jr;

wriHng In lheU;;.$$OR ..

tCSS.C)R ~hcl\l n.z'd 1";(rYf~' ~h€· rtght to in~jGH Qny- other cornptJ(,'/\ >_;-, {L',;t d-edlcwtBd t)uddk:g ~><:,C\Jpic~d 'by / h:'Qsed ~':1 LeSSeE nnd !n !he: {;Vf:fd if lh$ ~<fU~:';: !~~ 1hn~,·~(t: t~v; $igf)o_ge. terrns -.;;hcdf Ctr. rnu!uuHy (H;(,\;~~5-e<j un::l ~ th.s-

t:jf:LJr£~ Sjlv1rlg PBf(n1~StOn J() Cfhf.1t t>i-:cUpqn ~s '(:f e(J'(-nr:<Jr~i':~s_

fh{..; l...t::;SEE shull b.<,:: f:-nHHed lo _p·ut n";()fY(ln,6t1t .-~jgn(1'rJ~~ ~¥" ,dlr~:-:ct:CfC .!,~~I'"V) \,""Idh clue, cC':ns:cnl ir<Jrn, tb-e L;:;5S0r~ Ihf) LESSOR s~loH ccnseru virH'1 ~-i:~1r;(!g0 cledflh_\, -cJkn6nsi.C)f'}$ \vjfh~r-l o -vieek.'s Hn:0~

TtH:: U::~-5<)R 5,h~jll (::vt the b1Jiif.Hn:;J ,tj1n:?"c·~':..x'~e~. 01 !V'h:S njG~n f?;nf~'o! ~{:,~;~ {H n:i <A Qlh(:'1" Kf=:y fr:'!ccti\)n in {he S~::t-ledlJh;~ .. A PC3_P{~l1y -Tn {J V10Y ~hoi ZJl tenanTS ; j,Y;_),iB-B-$ oc-c\.}pvsn,;~ .of 6tJt(.c

11"18- lE§S91~ $1'H:J;~ ?'rf·:}Uf~ 'H1C)i If'j~t' n<>f pcovide; or insfi:Jil B-lf=--tjJ~jnoqe c~f ~Bj,,( EL?; Sun t\'ih:;fO~YS_ff)qj~, t)~'.?n qn 'i he ,d~~(Jic_aied buJ,dlng (,t, ClnY~/j<H:}r(;, in ih6' ,~tt~l)UJ~ .~~~~ PrOr>::fl}\

LJ. SPACE fOR,LESSEE~S E'Q,ijf:PMENT .A,NO·NEEDS~ Wiih(,),j1 <JcjcF~i9rj':Jl",,:{.js.~ 1hl;':,; LESSEE ~\lG\' 1)(;< enlH-led tor -Cl suUODte n:,)q~,,>e ?r ~he h3XtGCe Off:<'} {or \n3!·:j;jl('n;~ ~h \/S;·._"i

<>orr1munk:Qli()f'1 ~?{~ti~p(r'l-erri~)" olher !luch os DC;, ted .;..rh.··> f)r=

Drq!)rtd' !fz.;Vip;J l-n ih'~ (in~(i by ,'ih~~r LES-S:C1R )UD10c1 'it) 1~.)C(;l

T{?ffO(;'f! OCi;;t)nl~:«;j by LE,S:SEE $~'iCH r)s "<:x<::f~,hiv<,; -f::~'

lfSSEE cd rio cost cn~i Zl-the~i: shall no) huv{<: -Clf1Y 't"l~Jhi k> US'A n>:~· jit:'cii'GOh?:-;J

L!\.!i!ding ! lower le{[oce in lh,:;: Oljmplo TeC!'mc;logy Pork Cqmptn,

c. leteCOM SE~V!CES RIGHTS: lESSEE sllwil hew; !i1ij lIght in Dpp!;; tor. (!i)1(]l:! Gnu ;'ns·j;Jit os -~'l\dnj' 'k:'>;3P!"H)(\(:lfc{~(.nnt;:s, ,!nh1rhe,d 'c~onnec'lion$, (jota (>.:·nn·~~~:;_E·jHy If, ~:>:)

t(:(""rs(~~(:! PfCptt'dy 0-; it dftfHH ne(;'~;}$(Hy rt;( Hs business DcLvHi5~ in H-'; GV'<:?{l (I:J'~

God qj \;5 own (/)~L ,hoH poy the tcleph()ncdl(l~ few ,:;vcl', lint>,

zj()cvt1'!G'nls os nxj'f t,~z f;:;qUlrB(1 I)~' lESSEE tor o[)pl'r'ing. Ol'Yl(Ji"'i"9 (.;;I':j ;;uch ~8t(':pt10nej fdX Hn6'$l~ni'ernei C0('!l";-ec;Uor'n:i~ Thv t!:~SS{)R cunnun'~ 1h81;-no oi::jec:Jj''GIA for fhe LESSEr: ('jvoWnr-J {tJ~ s-u-~'!h t~.r~i!c-e1 ret.l.Ji-(Bd ftjr 1h0 LESS-EE'S

bU$ir!l~'$S lr'Or1"j, VCtiOL~} GrOK) (nJt.h.(H~ne=-$~


d, CONSIJM?TlON CHARGES beor E·I·",C7tk':;tl cGrWJri1(1)()n nne:

~:h(Ji{1~~1 tfi re5pf;:c-t (~i H;~:: Leo~eH;i PrOPErty ffQ~T? i1-:8-- ((o1L .<)i ~<1kln.g pp)E,E}s~h;'jry hn(j :')c:;cuponGY for b\.Js~net.<;; OpGrath)rt."~<)t 'li·!=:.j t~~<>~E:-C} r{0rj.l~;:<·1Il"

''" !WAC / CHillER CONSUMPTION CHARGES: AC;,_I,;! c';hc)chi •. ;dy

occount ~)I f) rU<.ll .I\C: con$lIrn;:>li(nl e;!;,::U tAii rnaT"Y,,,<J

to bB fnstoHed i~Y lESSOR h} -rn<:;i/e. Ihe on t:r:hju~:!:

D~3"c1r1(~:ih;~ Guard !crE"f'J(),h3i Dnd lliCJH La: (:uri rndj-k

"h<HI l');,::cn@~,d fer !h~ f'.l::iidy on 2.4X/ 00:;15

f, INJEf(NAl AliEflATIONS TeNANT tMl"ROVE.Ml:NTS AND arour WORKS:, Th~; U;::5iCC sh'cll be err~ln('2U h) 'cony out H'H:'-h-Yk~rnr;j cj;(dfltion.r \.vHhltl the. Lf;1U~~>d

\~vdh0~J $t;ekinQ jl\e '<:nr~~t2t;t the; Cd d1 <)\Vl1 c(rJ %\1hic,h <k)~:~'~ ~"Ii>'i (l~t-~~:1

ri~H._::: tA the j)uHd,ing" it i'; rn(;rJf:- -:-:::f(;;Or the; n'o n1f¢rlCHio.n :)t'~-QU ~::~0' fY'jUC~'/~

n"\e &~xl ()f(lt0~ ~.,.,vnH5. onc1 Th{:; \/Ot~ous <)nd )t~HV!{,o:,:;

FH:.:~\~;dt~f.} ~;l\ntl i>~ G;:(J.Y/~2~'j rj';:'.rk_ ~~jr>G1'\


Pror):::triv \vnich OtB j'lf."jzorc5C!4)s hY n(')Ju,f(~ onci ned

CH)(;, Srq\Jipm0"h,., f\(]i1Br\{jS, ond others (IS


Ii INSURANCE: srioli b(:; rc,,,pqf)sibie- l0ln~;Jie Ii} ossets

tYOugh!by ii of ifs wSL

i lNOfMNITY; LE~;;EF .h(l!l OhVt,lY$QU$",','<: (lnd p.crlorm 011

coveuoms oniJ pU)It::ikm~ on Wflk:h P)\'P$(1; is j,:';

r5~J~·Q u.nej I1ft1 on'i· thint]

L.ES5~C)R ttf Le':'::J~~]d, Proper!\' Vi();(;liCd CI fOrffirli::'C Dr jz~-{Jj:~Gf;:r.z,:,Jtj or

_Dxiinguis}t(}d :(~nU d'j(:~H Oh~"",dy:-:·kldcrnndy'cJn(.1 ~~~;Of) indBr~'U'1Hh~d ~hfi U:S~:<Jk oguin>t ony .lcss Of ckJrnoQe- s\Ah:;;-n~~{r tJy tES-S(iP ~?f rCCt-;CD r,d qr\1 GC-1 c» (;jGi.:ld or omission 01 U::SS£E,

I. STAMP OUT't:ihe 5tiJP1p duly onci R8fJ"ir.::rtl;;n cilOI!)f/\ w~i 1:>~ br)irJ;' Uy LESSEE. -;(:ttdy k_)f the h=tise 'n~~g·iskotk.ll1-hd,.'V't;;Ve:1 oh inchJenkJ! c-t"ttJrgc,s .. sh(J!~ -')0 t, t~>fJV:> hi t:h.;-~:

LE:;S(}f: (JrlCi jf Jht~ seil,; <1f L~10St:::d, Pn:21>erf\<" :h,{?fl i.n ihcf

event. x--H~·g;$-lfction f,;]{~s, StCH11P D·uty cn~--.! il'!(:idar,j(/

(" RENT DISCOUNT: ;n':Chi~ H.c LESSOR fc:k$, [wiher loon fT"-'tn bon]'> ex ,;Yhu: hv;Ulf."tion r,;,n l(,nlc!j"Gc)\Jn\ bl':l~i$1he Lr!S3Ef:: one. lls (;D[m'mt ro pcy monthlY it.:n~e· i6:nlC:llduring :1-:,,, of ihe:,:::o,;';" It requlr,,=."Ci, oylhe LES,5;Ok, l"! if~; bop;;.;m ()J n1()r--t9(.!9~~-:i. ~";:'jV'h'~;-Y.ol', H js' m,o(j~_;' ChE'{:Jf thol_!;uch ,bCH-tker ,qr fnOn~?C1qef\, l)( lj"tU

~11aj,! h.-ov-o- tl() chJ~(n -nt (Jny noiure c{Join£1 h'_!{!. LFS5f:,L ~<~C:

pO)lrn\:;rJt of rrtO(lH:tly ccndrh"::rls-of" tnIs LEi"..::E

L SUBLEASE: LESSEE: ~_ihojt ~nFtls-d ,ond ~~hn;l-hnl/{9 (1deq!~X~1e. '(~9ht'$ j{) -f,l;t}···~~S' ... ;~.;,;r fh.(~. !;Bosed F'J()PBrly or on'y por 11hr,,1=01 10 c:ny of [j5~\Jb3l(j,nrie, qr n th!:7rqrcup ccrnpfl11it:'s, (lfiijjoies, DVf,ln1:;S1 cormers 01 ilvJ tE$;;!E ythho\J! $(\.'5k~ng onv tufli'K:: cctnsu'{)1 of '~he: LESS(')R. tE~J$t:t." -sheil olso nav'0 thc· ri.9ht lo sutJ .. ~,$O~€.= In-f: pori (~r VVflO!C~ Leo$~.d.,FaJf)-u._.rfy, :;;0 tOD_g, H'le leasE' obH9:Jllons CH/) .fUiHnecJ tiv LE)SEE. k'J on/ ctner lbjrcl .p{)n)' (,Jlh(3f thoB ,!h(!:, sub'~kilnd01 t)..f (ttht;f r~-f' n"if; LESSEL il H18 LESSOR It)i~ tn p'lrchos~" fhi\' LESSEE (JEte;,s J U~S-SEE is n;:quif'.ed IO.f~!f<7<'(~k~!1i$ ihf1-felC5e or .1ernlintJie U'e ~n tGspe,c! ot p(An~Gr Of en\ire: l$'CJ$cd f'rop0dy fit!! Its busln:;';\ss ne'Jd$, 11'; oil 'uc.h COS€;, of rw::H6.0se )iF:

Lt:;sse,~~ un(;h~!d"\l;:es 10 be retp_oil~jb!~; t"<;,.r 1!-10, ~e5:s{?·e(£ r::~~prJl}~lb!I1Jk:~s -uncier tl-)~$ fe-;_J!;(:i'

()r\d cOr'd.equef11i6.i cn1sk1[j Q\st of svcn sub .. ieoses.

tn, NO-REINSTATEMENT , LESSEf: $\:ui\ nc!

Lecr~Bc1 ?rDpEHfV ih

1'.>1.::- (',bH!i6K:fj.f:(} h:> ns~<J:'_'He .cr f(>·jn2;lCl_h:;: thi;~

r~!rfn'~n(]Ec}n or (:-.f h0Q~h7' '.;:\ lik:i

l(~f)V~':: behtr:.:;:! H\~~ ~;ji:;<j nQt~;~":F-, ()f ~L>r;"f> <'J~

jf;:(S~!ip~; P't'optJrty ond otso LCS~i-f:E ·;y', -: 1.n L~E: \<~{nnh~,;<i

0U!I:li1 thei;enh imlOi!eci b/ l.ES$CE {11 n~ e: .. "'.,,,'.<>

!f1~Aie~s< A!dt!~t)~5 C~F\Ci 0tht;lfS shalt {i(Jy(;:"unlrTlIY:lir<;\l tlCC;(~$$~:2~ hou?:r~ (} <1C}V, 36-S ;::;~)\'5 C veer. to urrd u~t::· ot l;j{]~,ed prGPe'd:/ tIl n,H rlrnes, iticlty:llrv;; :J(';C,,':;£i~ Ie' a_!l

common (lJBC~~ c~f_ rr~0 ~~.()~yrnp{c

Us """yr',Ic' ... ·,;~?,'

~r! \-vJ~!lch !he L<_.;,:GSC;,-U r~F);>;jn~/ i:,_ (j Fcnn&(i, In'/;~t~~,es,, ,/\£/f-;f"d\ -("1n(:)

~p('-=e ic~ on 1h~Y t.F.SSG'E',,£ o<:nvtneS 0nd It1'S: '~'>,,).;r'r~'><>~-\ Ofq(j~< L; ·!·ne "()lyrnpL":r TBC:\('!t)!09Y rq6(' icr occess to fht,;;- LeC:58d P(UP~~ft'/ h2: ~tF~ ~t:::CUd1V H$(ltJrfeJrEJ0ts·of H'H) Dliih::Hrl£;J.

"s' .. ,t)nth~'i lG,q~{:. ft:;::nlu~ <}ti Ihe; \:hJ(:; ct;"JI8

rJliU\'ICl'''.:;; {)ri(i-{)n <)~)$efvinG or~Cf ~(i~'.;

covenonts. G(>rrjH~L'",rVi- ()!~I~:i sf1pul·rJn~')n1 h~~rein conto1ne.Ci nne! (.In Jt~" p:Jr! ~( L?c:. 0b,<xv~d pt1l'kmnelJ 1ft':': LESSEE she1i1 be p,;m1'lltk:ci uCCU[,>;llion of O,e I.,;:o,,(;\;d Fr::lpr,;rty dud!",,;;! Ihe ,:}{"Y]oc!of th"" nviction.inl0,'fupI10n <mdf¢I' di:,tUl1)Gnc:e \.vt'1at.:;O(1Vt2'f b:'1 !lV2' -LESSOH C)l!On~j :(JrYf- per~_~Cln 1 pE.!(:!()<c< ':::lc!rning. t.Yy,. [rem .. under 01 in Iru: j 101 1heln,




Ace;, CCfllrovei".sy Of ()£1$.1ng Out of cr (cdoHrlGJ to !his· LF.J\SE C)E.ED. Dr C>t

nlksSJf.ld br60d, therec,f, '$hcll. be iinohv seHleLJ Qrbilrof;onln

p;ovi~·i(;ns ,:;f h"l("; !""x~)i~r(]tk;{\ (jnd f;:t:,!")(J~<Jh¢,n <'"\<:t 1996, or,)· for <!$ rh«7 Lft\$E DEC·r> ~s ccncemeo, LtSSE .s;hoU be BniiH:;J('! to nr:)p01pt OP0 ClfQt(crl{~lr Onc? LL::~:~<)R ~hc;~ b·i;} 1::ni1lii;id to GPpC;ili ons oiC!lfOj;;j: 01\(;1 ihal j(r;)50 i'.f!Qo!bilrolofS ti!Cl,: n,)rninOI,2 ,j in'",:! ·arbHrolor: Th:~· t.1xriirntkjn pr~1c0E.~~1IntJ.}··;t~!':1~1 oC!·h';:-Ad In-C:hef1r1"tJ~~ T'1':(::' (/')<.jf1S, in

~;h(}H (J;Ci'lf; i)(Jv{:: i!~H(:;dk:Fon yv';·{h (-aspoct to air motlers o.risif)·~0 tA)l ~h·jt·


\h;~ L-t:/\SE t)eE{) PlOy' bt: </utit:'d or ;:wnc-:n;jefJ only ~n (,lnG un(J:3! fl'iG ..\~q!~C~u!";~

of (j!..Ay f.:r.JtI\(jdt~:;C1 t)t ·5<:: __ ::<"o..! or tho 11(utic's h{~:r(~ !e-',

U. Ti'!"(: Si~~l(Hjh:~~df~~) iv Ihis t ~/\Si~ -LJt:E.D. p.{;rSQnoliy ·covef'rbn.1 ·ihci: !h~~y ·:."w'2 ,\1r.:CJ·j ~Jl.,d/

:1\.di10rized to lh;~LE:;\:;£ Dr:ED ~,n Dcmcif 0\ 1l'H'l'

Ihey repri::.~",nJ.

·'The pCf("Jgrc!ph h·eodinfls ~..:o.hhJ~n8d hi this DEEP QfE:· -f~)f the CCf\Venh?nc('~ '>~

;t;e Pnnies tmd SfiCt!, nd nif.::ci jije IY)€:J<ming {)J inletpreJoiion <;)rlhis I.EASE DECO


AH noHc0s rc-;quired h> b(t-SB1V0-(; by (H)Y of ihi;~ p{"Jn:h;_~ <>n !h8 oihfH M;(~H bt.:

Cie·.~~r~n{?:.('i 1{) t)0. ·d(;~y- ·O!1·tj :efioCiivf:iy .served clfff;t -d~!ivery by r'n;)nd or sen: Unti8( r.:'egr~u;red p~)$t 10 (1CJ(tri::~>s-es ~lJv(7n (]t~OY€i ond lfi0 -n~;·fk::e ~ih~JH 06 dt-~f.Wn-E(l IL>

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o. 24 hO(l[ Pnysiccli (met SY51";!fnS $BC:U1i!y:

b. Entin:: house keeping ond c1eonin£t ot IheCornrnon Areas;

c. ,llumlnCllk::n or the yorrl$, GOI{iciors ond .c~xlemCJlCommcn Ar£?(,;i 10 lYte:

d. tvh::jr;lononC(~ cmd Op"3,(CI!ioncflhe ek:;OvolQr;;;

e.I~c)Clir;k:(,1:)nCf;i cmdop8rolion ot PO'.\i,i:!' distr1bu!icn "y:;10rminc:luciing ~f'~3n':;Jf;n'YH~j:rS( _ bus: dUC!s~ ' n'tOi'n'5f ch~'k,l)vfk:~n pcn~;=.4$ Btc ,_

1. lv~(1inl0nclnc-e dod O!5<2Jotlon (>1 fire Fi9hting "ys,erns,

g. rAoln!encmc<1 dnd cperouon of!it0 bOi8we!is. sumps. ovr:;rfv2Gd fOil~;S ond ih<';; ratufil1d motors ~1nd pipellneforw;:J1Sr :;vpply;

h, Mcint<;,;nt:tfjce (lI1dopemi'iot)f>f $lCHid·by gerV2;{OfO;;;; :,,',(dnli':rKJnC& and vpkeep Df l::ndSC(lpod 0(070S:

P'~rymC'nl oj e;eC1ricilV bills for {Ill common s,:)lvk;,,;~ inc:!udlr.G) IiiI', ;)UDTi)$, C:,()n~:lr..()n Art;N] ,li~;htinD:

K, Ai'h'1~n.~·1 :Y:J (lC e ',:>f (: GT / Two \'Vh(~Bit% ! 'j (:''j\~?t k) og C:Of(CYl;~~f~ C:;Jt;;:<J;~·.

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h. 'Nhi-<,-h is p-BiJC.ehJI t.!f~d q~~'l'fr ('}f

Ill\') ,~;ch8ju;e·B Prope:rty.

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