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Jules Dupuit (Fossano, 18 May 1804 Paris, 5 September 1866) was an Italian-born French civil
engineer and economist. He was natural from Fossano, a town at Piedmont, north of Italy, close
to the French border; by that time it was part of Napoleon Bonapartes France. Still a child he
migrated to le-de-France, and studied in Versailles, where he won a Physics prize at his
graduation. He then studied civil engineering in the cole Polytechnique. Then he joined the
civil-engineering corps, rising to the rank of inspector general of bridges and highways. He
received a Lgion d'honneur in 1843 for his work on the French road system. He also studied
flood management in 1848 and supervised the construction of the Paris sewer system.[1] As an
economist he involved in the creation of politics and was a molder of the canon of neoclassicalcontemporary microeconomic theory, ensconced in the classical age. His holistic view as a
scientist and integrator of theory, legal institutions, and policy has never come to light in his
time, owing in part to the absence of a series of structured essays and communications. Dupuit's
reputation as an economist rest on frequent contributions to periodicals, such as the Journal
des conomistes which published him between 1850 and 1865.[2] This achievements were
displayed in their entirety through Yves Breton and Grard Klotzs compilation of his collected
works Oeuvres conomiques compltes" (ditions Economica) in 2009. This made available, for
the first time, in a convenient format, all of Dupuits major and subsidiary writings.[3]

1. Hager, W.H., Jules DupuitEminent Hydraulic Engineer. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering,
2004. 130(9): p. 843-848.
2. Ekelund, R.B., The Economist Dupuit on Theory, Institutions, and Policy: First of the Moderns?
History of Political Economy, 2000. 32(1): p. 1-38.
3. Ekelund, R.B. and R.F. Hebert, The Intellectual Legacy of Jules Dupuit: A Review Essay. History
of Political Economy, 2012. 44(3): p. 493-504.

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