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519 Assessment 2 . Template 1: Teaching Plan Outline for 2 weeks

Focus for Student Activities: Wonder by R.J. Palacio
Week 2:



Uses an integrated
range of skills,
strategies and
knowledge to read,
view and
comprehend a wide
range of texts in
different media and

Designing, Selecting and Sequencing Activities

T asks Ss to come and sit on the floor. T asks Ss the different steps that they used when
they were being reader detectives last week e.g. summarising, questioning and clarifying.
T explains that Ss will be looking at the final step- Predicting.

T will read the first part of chapter 21 and then stop halfway through (Shared Reading).

T will then explain to Ss that they are going to make Lickin Predictions. Each Ss will be
given a piece of paper in the shape of a lolly pop (see resources tab) (Mrs Robertson
Blog, 2015). On the inside of the paper lollypop, Ss will write down their prediction for
the end of the chapter. Then, on the outside of the paper lollypop, Ss will write why they
came to that prediction. Ss will then put those lickin predictions into a jar. Each Ss will be
able to read out a random prediction to the rest of the class.

The T will then read the read of chapter 21 (Shared Reading). The predictions will then
be placed on the board under two headings, either correct prediction or incorrect

Correct Prediction
Incorrect Prediction

T will then ask Ss questions: Why did you come to that prediction, what made you think
that might happen, Could it have happened differently?

T will then send students back to their tables and they are given 5 minutes to silent read
chapters 22 and 23 of the book (Independent Reading).


- Wonder by R.J.

- Observation of Ss
completing tasks

Observation of Ss

28 x copies of

participating in class

Wonder by R.J.

discussion (EN3-1A)

Palacio for Ss

T will interview 2 Ss

SMART board

towards the end of


the lesson about


their understanding


of making

Lickin Predictions

predictions about a

Glass Jar

given text (EN3-3A)

Blue Tack


samples from Ss to

Table for





T will collect work

EDLA 519 Assessment 2 . Template 1: Teaching Plan Outline for 2 weeks

Homework Menu Board- Ss are to read 2 chapters of the novel for homework

Differentiation: T provided clear and concise instructions- these instructions are written
on the board in simplified language that is at the students level. T provides Matthew,
Lucy, Samir and Jack with visual task cards. The literature circles will assist Samir and Jack
with their oral language development (Kuhs, Johnson, Agrso, Monrad, 2001).


T asks Ss to come and sit on the floor. T will explain that Ss will be using those skills to

complete activities for the rest of the week. T will explain to Ss that they will be looking
at different types of language. Ss will then brainstorm different types of language on the
Discusses how
SMART board that they may have used or that they may have heard of. Students have
language is used to
been working on language in previous weeks, therefore Ss should be able to name the
achieve a widening
different types of language used in written texts.
range of purposes for
a widening range of
T will then go through each type e.g. emotive, descriptive, figurative and persuasive. T
audiences and
will provide Ss with an explanation and an example of each.

T will then provide Ss with an article from the newspaper Breakfast with the Bears

(Hudson, 2015). The article will be displayed on the SMART board and well as each Ss

having a copy to read themselves. T will read through the article with the class (Shared

T will then explain that Ss will move into their literature circle groups again. In their
literature circle groups, each group will be given a different colour highlighter.
Group 1- Persuasive (Pink) Group 2- Descriptive (Blue)
Group 3- Emotive (Orange) Group 4- Figurative (Yellow).

In the groups, Ss are to work together to highlight the different parts of the article that
use their specific type of language. T will model this for the class- reading through part of
the article and highlighting the sentence that has persuasive language with a pink

SMART board

Explanation of

Observation of Ss
participating in class


discussion (EN3-1A)

Anecdotal Records


of Ss locating

1x enlarged copy

different types of

of Newspaper

language use within

article Breakfast

a text (EN3-5B).

with Bears

completing tasks

different types of

(SMART board

Observation of Ss

1x Article for
each student in
the class

English Books


EDLA 519 Assessment 2 . Template 1: Teaching Plan Outline for 2 weeks

highlighter (Modelled Reading).

The class will then come back together and each group will share their findings to the
rest of the class.

Differentiation: T provided clear and concise instructions- these instructions are written
on the board in simplified language that is at the students level. T provides Matthew,
Lucy, Samir and Jack with visual task cards. The literature circles will assist Samir and Jack
with their oral language development.

T asks Ss to come and sit on the floor. T will explain that Ss will be using the article from

yesterday to compare it to Wonder, the novel that they are reading in class. Ss will

create a comparison between the two, looking at the different types of language that is
being used and the importance of the different types of language.
Discusses how

language is used to
T will model this briefly, comparing the first part of the article to the first part of chapter
achieve a widening
25 (Modelled Reading).
range of purposes for
a widening range of
Ss will work individually to read over both the newspaper article and chapter 26 of the
audiences and
novel (Independent Reading). Ss will then fill in a Venn diagram with the similarities and
differences, in terms of language use.

T provide Ss with prompts such as:
- Is it formal? Is it informal?
- Is it fiction? Is it non-fiction?
- Purpose of the author?
- Does it use figurative? Emotive? Descriptive? Persuasive language?
- How does that type of language make you feel about the text?
- Why is the different type of language used? What is the purpose?

Ss will get into their literature circle groups to complete the Venn diagram. Ss may like to
complete the Venn diagram on their computers.

Observation of Ss

SMART board

recognising the

Explanation of

techniques used by

different types of

writers to position a


reader and

(SMART board

influence their point


of view (ENS-5B)

1x enlarged copy -
of Newspaper

Observation of Ss

article Breakfast

discussion (EN3-1A)

with Bears

participating in class

Anecdotal Records

1x Article for

of Ss comparing

each student in

different types of

the class

language use within

English Books

a number of

Wonder by R.J.

different texts (EN3-



EDLA 519 Assessment 2 . Template 1: Teaching Plan Outline for 2 weeks

T will choose 3 Ss to assist during this task, both reading through the two texts and
looking at the different types of language used.

Ss will present to the class their findings (Shared Reading).

Homework Menu Board- Ss are to read 2 chapters of the novel for homework

Differentiation: T provided clear and concise instructions- these instructions are written
on the board in simplified language that is at the students level. T provides Matthew,
Lucy, Samir and Jack with visual task cards. The literature circles will assist Samir and Jack
with their oral language development. T will explain to Ss that instead of writing full
sentences, dot points are acceptable (Kuhs, Johnson, Agrso, Monrad, 2001).


Thinks imaginatively,
interpretively and
critically about
information and
ideas and identifies
connections between
texts when
responding to and

T asks Ss to come and sit on the floor. T will explain to Ss that they are going to write
chapter 1 of their novel in groups of 4. T explains that they will have 2 lessons to do this
and in the next lesson, Ss will present their chapter through Readers Theatre to the rest
of the class. T explains that the might like to use some of the themes that emerged from
what they have read of the novel so far. These may include:
- Family
- Identity
- Suffering
- Coming of Age
- Kindness
- Friendship
- Courage
These will be left on the board for the student to se throughout their planning time.

T reads chapter 29 and 30 to the class before the other activities commence (Shared

28 x copies of
Wonder by R.J.
Palacio for Ss

SMART board




Venn Diagram on
poster for each
literature circle


Word bank of

completing tasks

Observation of Ss


participating in class


discussion (EN3-1A)

Adverbs and

Observation of Ss

Main Assessment


Task: Criterion for

Wonder by R.J.

Readers Theatre- Ss


will be provided

28 x copies of

with a rubric, which

Wonder by R.J.

will be marked by

EDLA 519 Assessment 2 . Template 1: Teaching Plan Outline for 2 weeks

composing texts

T will explain that Ss will be provided with a bank of words categorised into verbs,
adverbs, adjectival groups and noun groups. T will explain that when they get into
groups, they are to choose one word from each section of the bank of words to start off
their chapter. Ss are then able to use the other words from the Bank of Words if they are
unsure when writing their chapter. For example:

Adjectival Groups
Noun Groups

T will explain to Ss that they will start to write the first part of 5Ps chapter together as a
class (Joint Construction). The class will choose a word from each of the sections of the
word bank. This will assist Ss in writing their own chapter toward the end of the lesson.

Once T has written part of the chapter together as the class, Ss will be given a copy of the
first chapter in Wonder by R.J. Palacio to make reference to through out the lesson
(Independent Reading). Ss will be given the rest of the lesson to continue planning and
writing their chapter (Independent Writing).

T will explain that Ss will need to assign parts for their Readers Theatre. Ss need to keep
these roles in mind, as there needs to be enough roles for every member in the group to
have a speaking role. E.g.:
1. Narrator 2. Acting Role 1

Palacio for Ss

the T during the

SMART board

performance (EN3-

English Books



Labels for roles

for each Ss

EDLA 519 Assessment 2 . Template 1: Teaching Plan Outline for 2 weeks

3. Acting Role 2 4. Acting Role 3
5. Acting Role 4

T explains the importance of expression and body language. T explains that their
productions will be recorded on the IPads and some will be presented to the school
during assembly.

Homework Menu Board- Ss are to read 2 chapters of the novel for homework

Differentiation: T provided clear and concise instructions- these instructions are written
on the board in simplified language that is at the students level. T provides Matthew,
Lucy, Samir and Jack with visual task cards (Kuhs, Johnson, Agrso, Monrad, 2001).


T asks Ss to come and sit on the floor. T will explain that in this lesson Ss will be

performing their first chapter of their novel to the rest of the class. Ss have 5- 10 minutes -
Thinks imaginatively, to finish off their chapters and practice presenting their pieces.

interpretively and
Ss will then present their chapter to the rest of the class (Shared Reading).
critically about

information and

ideas and identifies
The next lesson:
connections between Ss will go back into their groups and will be given roles (Summariser, Scribe,
texts when
Questioner and Clarifier. Using the skills that they have learnt, Ss will use the chapter
responding to and
that they have create, to summarise, question and clarify the information in the text. -
composing texts

Printed copy of
Ss original

Observation of Ss
completing tasks

Observation of Ss

chapter 1 to

participating in class

hand to the

discussion (EN3-1A)

teacher at the

Assessment Task:

end of the

Readers Theatre- Ss


will be provided

English Books

with a rubric, which

will be marked by
the T (EN3-7C).

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