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Classic Physics problems (M J Rhoades)

(Attachment to physics cheat sheet)

The weight on a ramp, first in a series of physics problems explained

Force of gravity pushing down on the

Force of friction
(normal force) Force of ramp pushing against weight
(Normal force)

10 kg

Ramp Force down the ramp

Force of gravity acting perpendicular to ramp

θ = 300

Note: force of gravity is 9.81 meter/sec2 but I am calling it 10 to make the math less

Now this is the vector make up for all of the ramp type problems and you should be able
to make a drawing of this by memory with all the vectors on it. The degrees, mass of
block, and the amount of friction will be the only thing that changes.

1) Red, is the force of gravity, which will give us the weight. Fg = m ag

So: 10kg x 10 meter/sec2 = 100 newtons (N) which is our weight.

2) Now let's clear up all the confusion over sine, cosine, and when to use them. Notice
the two lines I drew in parallel (arrows in black) to the ramp. Also notice, I put in the 900
block indicators in the triangles that are formed. Light green, is the force of gravity
acting perpendicular to the ramp. Notice the little triangle and angle ϕ, this angle is 300
and will always be the same as the ramp angle . The red side of this triangle is the
hypotenuse and the light green side is the adjacent side. We want to know what the light
green side is equal to. So: ϕ = 300 , the hypotenuse in red (hyp) = 100 N, and we want
to find the adjacent light green (adj) side. What trig function uses the hyp and the adj?
Cosine, that's right.

Gravity perpendicular to ramp cos 300 = = .866 x 100N = 86.6 N.
3) Now we know that the ramp is supporting this weight and must be pushing back by
the same amount, so the dark green force vector is also 86.6 N. But, if you want to check
that, then look at the triangle formed. The dark green side is the adj and the red side is the
hyp and the angle is also 300 so use the cosine again, and you come out with the same
number, 86.6 N .

4) The force down the ramp is dependent on the angle, mass, and gravity. Look at the
black arrow and the triangle that is formed. The black side (arrow) is the opposite (opp)
side of the triangle and the red side is the hypotenuse (hyp). What trig function uses the
opp and hyp? That's right the sine does. The red side is 100 N the angle is 300 . So:

𝑜𝑝𝑝 𝑜𝑝𝑝
sin 300 = = .5 = .5 (100 N) = 50 N
ℎ𝑦𝑝 100 𝑁
This is the force down the ramp caused by gravity.

5) If the block is stationary, at rest, then the force up the ramp must equal the force down
the ramp. So are problem is solved. Force up the ramp (friction) is also 50 N. You can
also due the math using the sine function in the upper triangle and you come out with 50
N. So in our case if this was a frictionless surface then you would need 50 N holding it.

Now for the student that understands the principles above, there is an easy way to
look at this problem.

mg = 100 N

mg cos θ = 86.6 N mg sin θ = 50 N


This is all you need to remember about this problem. These three forces give you all the
rest of the problem (mass x gravity x cos or sin of the angle θ) all the remaining forces
are in opposition to these forces .
But, this kind of question usually starts with a statement saying that it is a frictionless
surface, and as everybody knows, if the surface was frictionless, the instant the ramp had
any angle at all, the block would slide off. So that brings me to the next part of this
problem, and that is friction. It is what stops that block from just accelerating off the
ramp (at any angle). First, I want to say that friction is a tricky thing, and sometimes it
does not make since at all. Friction is the property of a material to resist movement across
its surface. Many variables affect this property such as, roughness, type off material,
chemistry, humidity, temperature etc. The symbol µ is used to assign a value to the
amount of friction a material may have and is called the coefficient of friction(µ). There
are two types of µ, static and kinetic. During the rest of the paper I will use µs for the
static friction coefficient and µk for the kinetic coefficient of friction.

Now, you may ask, what is the difference between static and kinetic friction
coefficients? I will explain it like this. If you walk up to a box on the floor and start to
push on it a little, it does not move. So you push harder and harder and finally it breaks
free and starts moving. Now, it's easier to push than just before it broke free. This effect
is the difference between static and kinetic friction, µs > µk.

Let's start this discussion out by making a diagram of a block sitting on a flat surface.
The block is not moving (at rest)


Wood block on wood surface

Force of friction Force applied

10 kg

normal force opposite mg

The force of friction = µs x the normal force (mg) = to the force applied
µs > µk
Fs = µs mg or µs N where: Fs = force of static friction
Or Fk = µk mg (after it starts moving) where: Fk = force of kinetic friction
We will be using these formulas for the rest of this paper. Listed below are some
values of coefficients of friction for different materials that were obtained by actual
Material µs µk
Rubber on concrete (dry) 0.90 0.68
Rubber on asphalt (dry) 0.85 0.67
Waxed sky on snow 0.14 0.05
Wood on wood 0.42 0.30
Steel on steel 0.74 0.57
As you can see, the static coefficient is always larger than the kinetic and that is why that
box gets easier to push once you get it moving. In the example above, we have a mass of
10kg and gravity is pushing down at 10m/sec2. So the weight (Normal force)
is mg = 100 N. µs = 0.42 (from the table above)
Fs = 0.42 x 100 N = 42 N
So, if we applied 42 newtons of force (force applied) the block of wood would break free
and start accelerating. The force then needed to keep the block moving would be:

Fk = µk x 100N = 0.30 x 100N = 30N

Ok, let's get back to our inclined ramp and we will go through it with a little addition
of a second mass. At first, assume the block is not moving.


mg sin θ

mg cos θ
10 kg (m1)


? wood

θ = 300

Fs = µs (mg cos θ), Because: now we have to include the angle of the ramp in
figuring the normal force, perpendicular, to the ramp This value
is the point where the block will just start to break free and
accelerate, one way or the other? Or it could just sit there.
So at what exact point would the block of wood move?

mg sin θ - Fs = 0 This is the point the block would move.

and Fs = µs m1g cos θ

Fs = 0.42 100N cos θ = 0.042 x 100N x .866 = 36.37N

Since m1g sin θ = 100N sin 300 = 50N

Then 50N - 36.37N = 13.36N down the ramp so the block would slide down the
ramp unless we had a counter weight at m2 of at least 13.36N weight. Do you see that?
We must have some weight at m2 > 13.36 N, but what happens if we start adding weight
to m2. So let's write an equation for this.

Force down the ramp + force of friction - weight at m2 = 0

mg sin θ + µs mg cos θ - m2g = 0

This is the point at which the block will slide up the ramp. So let's solve for that now.

100N sin 300 + 0.42 100N cos 300 - m2g = 0

50N + 36.37N = m2g = 86.37N

This is the point (weight of m2) at which the block will slide up the ramp. Another point
that is often brought up during these kinds of problems is the tension on the rope or string
that holds the two weights. Dont let this confuse you. Tension (T) is just the weight of m2
or m2g when the objects are at rest. If the ramp object is moving up the ramp T will equal
mg sin θ + the kinetic friction. If the ramp object is going down the ramp T will be m1g
sin θ - the kinetic friction. If this is not intuitive to you, remember that objects change
weight when under acceleration. So let's list these equations for T just to help define it.

At rest T = m2g
Object moving up ramp T = m1g sin θ + µk m1g cos θ
Object moving down the ramp T = m1g sin θ - µk m1g cos θ
Also remember the tension on the string or rope is always continuous through the entire
length of the string.

Ok, let's go back to an equation that I had written earlier, and may have not drawn your
attention fully to it. Recall that:

m1g sin θ - µs m1g cos θ = 0

Notice that we can divide through by mg on both sides of the equation. Right!

m1g sin θ - µs m1g cos θ = 0

sin θ - µs cos θ = 0

sin θ = µs cos θ
sin 𝜃
= µs or tan θ = µs since the sine divided by the cosine is equal to the
cos 𝜃
Now that is interesting. But what does this really mean? It means that friction is not
dependant on the mass or surface area of an object but only the angles involved and the
type of material. Now this is not intuitive at all. But it's true! If you parked your car on a
ramp, and the ramp angle was adjustable, you would find that your car would slide off at
about 450. You could change your tires to a wider set, and it would still slide off at 450.
You could put a dump truck on top of your car and it would still slide off at 450. You can
prove this to yourself by getting a board and two of the same type material containers
(Tupper wear). Place a weight in one container and nothing in the other. Place them on
the board and then start to raise the board on one end and watch them slide off at about
the same angle (within 1/20) This is why I told you earlier that friction is tricky.
So, let's solve a problem with a new set of numbers and you solve it for yourself. I will
put the answers on the following page.

You have a block of steel on a steel ramp. On the uphill side of the ramp, there is a
pulley, and a rope through it. One end of the rope is attached to the block and the other
end is attached to a weight. The mass of the block is 25 kg and the mass of the suspended
object on the other end of the rope is 35 kg. What is the status of the system if the angle
of the ramp is 200. Is the block moving up, down or staying still. Make a drawing of the
system, and show all your work in the space below.
25 kg

35 kg
θ = 200

Fs = µs m1g cos θ
= .74 (25kg) (10 m/sec2) (cos 200)
= 173.84N

Force down the ramp = m1g sin θ

= 25kg (10m/sec2) (sin θ)
= 250N x .3420
= 85.5N
Force up the ramp = m2g
= 35kg (10m/sec2)
= 350N
Force of friction + Force down the ramp, is it less or more than m2g

173.84N + 85.5N = 259.34 < 350N the block is moving up the ramp.
Now that you have the basics, you can calculate all kinds of things. In the above
problem you know the block is moving. You can now calculate Fk determine the
difference in Newtons and then calculate the acceleration of the block up or down the
𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒 𝑛𝑒𝑡
ramp using the formula: a = where: a = acceleration in m/sec2
Fnet = T in the above problems if the object is moving
m = mass of object in kg

So, play with your new knowledge and use it in your school work and see how easy these
problems can be.

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