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[/RIBUN rCH 34 TWELVE f£ * Dillinger! FVE INQUIRY | . BOARDS SPEED +) ‘BREAK’ PROBE’ “Dillinger’s Wife” Identified | | as John Hamilton's Pp) — "| Girl Friend. ig * I OUTSIDE PLOT : PLOT SUSPECTED, btful | —_— Hamilton, Only Gang Member 3) Not Captured, Believed of | Behind Escape. al of } as ti oop, | Crown Point, Ind., March | m r-in-|9-— (AP) —Evidence that] di d. John Dillinger had been in st in |Etequent communication with | ec was | members of his outlaw gang | th ning | While confined in the Lake| w county jail was uncovered; a} was} today as five investigations thly | went forward into his amaz-i fe faj_) ing escape from the jai) with j j a w [ja wooden pistol last Satur- told | day. een dai! attaches identified | the; pictures of Elaine Burton, ‘ore | Sweetheart of John Hamil- ton, as a woman who posed | ring| as Dillinger’s wife and visit- t taJed him several times in his uzh-} cel], Hamilton is the only iseg | @ader in Dillinger's notori- . |ous band who has not been inal | Captured. : tked| She visited Dillinger several Up te- | times, jai} officials said, and some- nen, | times tpiked with him outside the ; presence of gurrds.. They said her Ll last visit was last Thureday—two (days before Dillinger’s escape. Vi “the | Dillinger insisted when he was|4 + |captured with Marry Pierpont and | bea y OF) others of hig g@ng of banle rcbbers | lel WeS {at Tucson, Ariz., s¢me weeks ago | uph » {that Hamilton was dead. - Police |a™ *¥' lfound’ evidence to the contrary,| it "UP land today’s development convinced | con: re 'them Hamilton had e part in plan- imu i hat | ning Dillinger's departure, lin“ : a te be | Hamilton is wanted for a dozen spectacules crimes, including bank robberies and Lhe Killing of a Chi- cago policeman who attampted te capture him. He was one of 10 men whose delivery Dillinger en- gineered last summer from the In- diana state penitentiary at Michi- gan City. In return, Hamilton, Pierpont, tand others freed Dillinger from a a jail at Lime, O., killing a sheriff] ema, in the process, of ti Jai! officiala said Miss Burton, | erty captured af Tucson with ihe others, | foret was inttoduced to them by Attor-| Th ¥S (ney Louis Piquctt of Chicago, DIM-} Jui :inger's lawyer, as the prisoner's | cline wife. tion | During her first visits, they said.) En a_guard assigned to sec that she | the! ar-!smuggled nothing to her 91 more Na | husband overheard her whiapering After p-, numbers to Dillinger, The guard, main ay; Ralph Pierce, believed the svyoman | smaii ki was using cade and forced her to | below | desis st. Qn later visits, however,; 7h nit hold oe eS IT i she saw Dillinger alonc. 7 ICMR TWO MEAT CL ATM ee

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