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Let’s Be Bad Bombshell (Smash) CYT De7 s A = When we're feel - ing down andlow,— then our fay—'rite word is“no” 5 Cym7 Ddim? ~~ B6/Dy CHT Fy+ B6 ce7 s A ‘cause it points the way to go: lets be | BRI Who knows what will 0 D#7 m7 Ddim7 s A = come to-mor-row? _Neigh-bors lose the sobs and sor - row We've got. sug - ar “4 BODY CH] Fit BG E9 s a : you canbor-row Let's be = ba, Don'twan - na be bor-ing,— » B6 cyT Djdim Edim s = a z our twen ~ tiesare roar ~ ing Let’s pun ~ ish the floor ~ ing, yeah, a FT s A drummer man, do whatyou can, to ~ night the (hoo) will hitthe fan n CYT Dg7 s A > If you need some more en-tic - ing, here's. a girl tha’s twice the spic ~ ing a Cym7 Ddim7—B6/Dg G7 Gm6 s - A z We're the cake but she's theic - ing Let's. be bad Lets be bad T — B Let's be bad__ Let’s be bad__ me wear that scarlet let - ter Here's my whis-tle, make it wet - ter, let Here's my whis-tle, make it wet - ter, Tet me wear that scar-let let - ter Here's my whis-tle, make it wet - ter, Tet me wear that scar-let let ~ ter “1 Cm7 C¥dim7 BOD © - ven bet = tet, 80 When I'm bad, rm a CT F+ Bb6 C7 D7 Say “bye bye, pro - pri-e-ty"_ No po-lite si Lets be bat Say “bye bye, pro - pri- No porlite so = ci-ety— Lets be bad a m7 Cdim7 Bo6ID No po-lite Fe BY6 Say “bye bye, pro - pri Give me no - to - . Let's be bad Bb BY6 c7 Ddim Til add theright Bring on the vie - es,— don'tcare_whatthe price is se E}dim ET spic - es Whenthe standup bass slapsyou in the face, well, it aind my husband I can’t see © in wait-ing, _yourlips are_in ~ tox - i-cat-ing 1 can't see in waiting, yourlips are in ~ tox ~ i-cat~ ing I can't see the use inwait-ing, yourlips are in - tox~i-cat- ing o Cm7— Cfdim7_—BY6/D C7 F+ Bb6 ceT Do my lips need —sometranslat - ing? If I drownin s A T B . Lets be Ooh n D4? Cym7 Ddim7 bath -tub gin, no ti- fy my — next of kin They might grieve or 16 BOD} C7 Ft BG. CYT might jumpin c 3 Who wants plays and Let's be bad. 80 Dy? Cym7 Ddim7 0 -'Neildra ~ mas? Gershwin is the cat's pa-ja- mas Fm the queen_ of the ss Bo/De Cq7 Fy+ BO E9 red hot_mamas Each crook and Each crook and. G ~ man Lets be bad__. Each crook and G ~ man,_. ® B6 CYT Dgdim Edim fop and he - Just stick with fop and he =~ each fop and he - man 3 YT joint’sa juke with my redhot uke, and just like Jusdasonce said to Luke ” cyT DE? Here's the ke} trans-mis Here's the key for hit the gas transmis ~ sion B — . Here's the key for my ig-ni- tion, hit the gas to. my _transmis - sion to Cym7—Ddim7 BO/Dg Cim7 Dim? —B6/Dy When you hear the things I'm wishin’ y of = fer op - po-si ~ tion 10s Cym7 Ddim7 BOrDy Lets pro - hi - bit pro - hi - bi - tion or DaT/FY B6 Let's be bad Some like it hot and that ain't bad

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