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angol nyelvvizsgakra


Uj kiadas

Dr. Szalai Elek

2000 feladat a "8" tipusu angol nyelvvlzsqakra



A feladatgyujtemeny 1700 tesztfeladatot, 260 mondatforditast es 40 irdnyitott fogalm aztisvazlatot tartalmaz a kozep- es felsofoku nyelvvizsgakhoz. Valamennyi feladathoz megoldokulcs kesziilt. A fogalmazds temait a nyelvvizsgabizottsdg elozetes tajekoztatoin kozolt tananyagok alapjan allitottuk ossze. A vazlatokon kiviil tovabbi husz tenuit soroltunk fel, melyek az oxfordi nyelvvizsgak (English First Certificate) anyagat kepezik. Az elso tiz temdhoz mintafogalmazdsokat szerkesztettiink, hogy a nyelvvizsgakra kesziilok az egyes gondolati egysegek aranyos elosztasat, a szovegek terjedelmet es a levelezesben hasznalatos keltezest es egyeb kifejezeseket tanulmanyozhassak. A kozepfoku nyelvvizsgakra valamennyi temdt level formajaban kell kifejteni (17-18 sor). Nehany tema kidolgozasa lehet mas formaban is, mint ahogy ezt a felsofoku nyelvvizsgtikra irt fogalmazasok is jelzik: Itt a szovegek terjedelme 21-25 sor.

A tesztfeladatok celja a kommunikativ keszsegek fejlesztese, a fontosabb nyelvtani strukturak tudatosltasa es elmelyitese, valamint a szokincs gyarapitasa. A kiizepfoku nyelvvizsgakon elsosorban nyelvtani ismereteket ellenorzo feladatokat kell megoldani a jelolteknek, mig a felsofoku nyelvvizsgan a lexika a meghatarozo. Ezt aket fajta nyelvi ismeretet ellenorzo feladatsort szetvalasztottuk. '

A nyelvtani ismereteket ellenorzo 1300 feladat sokretii es valtozatos gyakorlatokat tartalmaz. A nehezebben elsajatithato nyelvtani strukturak, mint a szenvedo szerkezetek, felteteles es ohajto mondatok, igeidok egyeztetese, utokerdesek ... gyakran ismetlodnek kiilonbozo feladatokban. A kontrasztivitast szem elott tartva valogattuk ossze azokat a feladatokat, melyek az igevonzatok, a prepoziciok es az igekotdk helyes alkalmazasat teszik lehetove.

A 260 mondatforditds a nyelvi ismeretek magasabb szintii elsajatitasat szolgalja.

A megold6kulcsban megadott mintak nem tekinthetok egyediili megoldasnak, mert a nyelv szerkezetebol adodoan jonehany mas valtozat is elkepzelheto.

A 400 felsofoku tesztfeladat a szinonimak, kifejezesek es a kiiznyelvben hasznalt fordulatok gyakoroltatasdt segiti elo.

Afeladatok megoldasahoz kitarto munkat es eredmenyes nyelvtanuldst kivan

a Szerzo

· ···5

1. You must apply a job immediately.

A) about B) of

C) for D) on

2. Whoever finishes first gets a prize.

A) the one B) that

C) who D) -

3. We've got eggs left.

A) a few C) a little

B) a number D) much

4. I suppose you intend a new car.

A) try to get B) trying get

C) to try getting D) to try get

5. If they here, why didn't they?

A) would come C) came

6. She will be back by 6 A) if I am

C) have I not

B) had come

D) were to come

.................. mistaken.

B) unless I am

D) even if I am not

7. Here is the bag. Take the pen out of .

A) its " B) it's

C) it D) from it

8. She didn't like German all over again.

A) to have learning Br having to learn

C) have to learn D) to have learnt

9. I would be very happy if you .. .......... ...... what they asked.

A) had been done B) did

C) will do D) have done

10. Although she was poor, she always provided her family.

A) to B) for

C) with D) owing to

11. My uncle is man.

A) an old-age C) an old-aged

B) a middle-aged D) a young-aged

12. We get to London in half an hour.

A) would B) ought

C) should have D) should

13. Peter is a good friend of ..

A) her C) him

B) his

D) of him

14. I don't see why I help him.

A) will C) would

B) am going to D) should


15. Can't you .

A) to stop singing C) stopping to sing

songs you don't know.

B) stop to sing D) stop singing

16. He bought some flowers A) to me

C) me

17. He wishes he speak so loudly.

A) wouldn't C) mustn't

B) forme D) byrne

B) shouldn't D) oughtn't

18. Give him another chance, ' ?

A) give you C) do you

B) won't you D) isn't it

19. Ifhe tomorrow, I might have time to see him.

A) will be coming B) will have come

C) were to come D) would have come

20. When Mary was on holiday, she to the beach every morning.

A) has been B) went

C) was going D) was

21. I didn't realise how ill he was A) until I visit

C) until I had visited


B) when I had visited D) before I have visited

22. We heard him your grandparents.

A) promising visit B) promise visiting

C) promise to visit D) promising visiting

23. They........ try to be here before the class starts.

A) would have B) should

C) should have D) ought

24. "Would you take this to the post office for me."

A) Yes, certainly. B) No I wouldn't.

C) Yes, I wouldn't. D) No of course I would.

25. He doesn't fancy A) to paint

C) paint


the room in a week.

B) to be painted D) having to paint

26. Your hands are black. What have you been ?

A) up to B) for

C) on D) by

27. Tom in London when he heard the news.

A) has been B) was

C) had been D) being

28. Let her in as soon as she A) knock

C) will knock

B) knocks

D) would knock



..... :- .. -.-:.;;-_:: __ .{:_ ..

29. Our friends arrived horne .

A) lately

C) at a late time

30. If they hadn't been there yesterday, I A) have to

C) ought

B) at a late hour D) at late

.................. go there now.

B) must

D) would have to

31. This time next year you A) wi1l1earn

C) will have learnt

quite a lot of English.

B) would learn D) will be learnt

32. She her book before she went to bed.

A) was finishing C) finished

33. It is recommended that many changes A) to be made

C) would be made

B) had been finishing D) has finished

B) will be made D) should be made

34. If only they drive more carefully.

A) would have B) should

C) would D) should have

35. Mary was late again, . A) who

C) that

made John very angry.

B) which D) what

36. My brother works A) like

C) just like

a mechanic.

B) similar to D) as

37. How long at the university when. you were abroad?

A) did you teach B) have you taught

C) have you been teaching D) had you taught

38. Peter with the Johnsons the weekend before last.

A) had stayed B) had been staying

C) stayed D) has stayed

39. He would rather A) to arrive

C) have arrived

early than late.

B) arriving D) arrived

40. Would you prefer in Budapest five years ago?

A) living B) to be living

C) to live D) to have lived

41. Don't interfere A) in

C) into

matters which are no concern of yours.

B) to D) of

42. She can't help thought pretty.

A) wanting be C) wanting to be

B) want be

D) wanting being



43. 'Who is your favourite actor?' A) I haven't got.

e) There isn't.

44. They wanted to know there.

A) how long time I had been e) how long time had I been

45 beautiful fowers!

A) So e) How

B) It isn't.

D) I haven't got one.

B) how long had I been D) how long I had been

B) What a D) What

46. We'd better not go out, tonight, ?

A) had we B) hadn't we

e) didn't we D) wouldn't we

47. I crazy to stay with that company for four years.

A) should be B) should have been

e) must be D) must have been

48. Generally .

A) it is e) those are

49. They will feel better after they A) shall take

e) shall have taken

50. I'm with her.

A) up e) on

51. They'll hurt .

A) one the other e) one to another

children who like playing all the time.

B) it was

D) they were

... the medicine.

B) will take D) have taken

B) through D) upon

if we don't stop them fighting.

B) each the other D) each other

52. .. ... ... ..... ..... you see him, please give him this parcel.

A) May B) Would

e) Should D) Must

53. I wish I more time to make up my mind. But I haven't.

A) had B) have

e) will have D) would have

54. They hope for their car soon.

A) finish pay

e) finish paying

B) finish to pay D) to finish paying

55. She is you think.

A) not as silly than e) no so silly as

56. You .

B) not as silly as D) not so silly than

A) must e) ought

to take exercise regularly.

B) should D) could



57. 'Does your brother speak English?' 'If only he '

A) had to . B) did

C) might have D) ought to

58. Your house needs A) to paint

C) being painted


B) painted

D) to be painted

59. She works too hard. That is wrong with her.

A) that which B) the thing what

C) the what D) what is

60. I'm going to the passport office .

A) to stamp my passport B) for stamping my passport

C) to have stamped my passport D) to have my passport stamped

61. You should try to catch the others .

A) up B) up with

C) ahead D) from

62. Our new neighbours are determined very rich.

A) becoming B) to become

C) to have become rich D) having become

63 him to go out ifhe wants to.

A) Allow C) Leave

B) Let

D) Permit

64. I had lots of friends at school but they at my funny accent.

A) used to laugh B) have laughed

C) had laughed D) were laughing

65. He couldn't use my car because it .

A) was repairing B) has been repaired

C) was being repaired D) would be repaired

66. After back to the office.

A) we'll have lunch we'll go C) we've had lunch we'll go

B) we had lunch we'll go D) we've had lunch we go

67. I wouldn't rely A) for

C) on

her if I were you.

B) in D) to

68. They the 7.30 bus yesterday.

A) catch

C) was catching

B) catches D) caught

69. While I I had a strange dream.

A) sleeping B) have slept

C) had slept D) was asleep

70. It was always my helped me most.

A) mother who B) mother, that

C) mother, who D) mother whom

10 .



him only a parcel up to now.

A) sent

C) had sent

72. men live on the first floor.

A) Either C) Both

B) have sent D) was sending

B) Each of D) Every

73. Please protect me A) of

C) from

74. This problem is difficult A) to have solved

C) of solving

my enemies.

B) for D) off

75. Ifhe had had my key I A) couldn't have gone C) couldn't go

B) to solve D) to solve it

into the house.

B) wouldn't be able go D) wouldn't be going

76. Is she talking on the phone?

A) yet B) still

C) already D) any more

77. They to the opera if they had wanted to.

A) might have gone B) ought have gone

C) could have gone D) must have gone

78. What ?

A) should have done C) must be doing

79. A lot of books ..

B) ought to have been done D) might have been doing

A) are buying C) are bought

here every day.

B) have bought D) can buy

80. Your mother might to you now.

A) be written B) be writing

C) have writing D) writing

81. When I arrived home after a hard day at work my daughter ..

A) slept B) had slept

C) was sleeping D) had been slept

82. It took a long time to clear A) up

C) through

after the party.

B) over D) by

will help you.

B) which D)-

83. We'll do anything A) what

C) that

84. He's to come to the party.

A) maybe C) likely

B) probably D) probable

85. Suddenly I realized wrong.

A) what is C) what was

B) what there was D) if there is

86. Have you corrected the mistakes in your homework?

A) I'm sorry, I forgot to B) I'm sorry, I have forgotten

C) I'm sorry, I haven't forgotten D) I often forget it

87. They will inquire the railway station.

A) him where to find B) him to find

C) where to find D) where has been found

88. She makes her living A) with

C) by

writing books.

B) on D) as

89. That's a nice car. My father's got one A) so

C) similar it

B) such D) like it

90 ,he would have been able to pass the exam.

A) Studying more B) Ifhe studied more

C) Had he studied more D) Ifhe were studying more

91. All the windows were painted A) -

C) in

92. I like all the flowers but I can take only A) these two ones

C) two ones of these

black. B) into D) on

B) these two D) this ones

93. Do you think you A) have been

C) will be

ready by the time I come back?

B) are

D) had been

94. Last year I earned ..

A) twice more than C) twice as much as

my father who has a better position.

B) twice as many as D) twice as more as

95. They very tired as they fell asleep during the performance.

A) have to be B) would have had to be

C) should have been D) must have been

96. The parcel next week.

A) will deliver

C) will be delivered

B) will be delivering

D) will have been delivering

97. The work must be carried A) out

C) off

98. He has his flat ..

A) painted

C) to be painted


B) from D) up

every year.

B) been painted D) paint



99. The children are

A) either nor

C) both either

tired hungry.

B) both and

D) nor neither

100 must take care of .

A) Someone himself

C) One oneself

B) Everybody oneself

D) Somebody herself

101. She is embarrassed because she A) was losing

C) has lost

102. It Peter who helped us.

.................. her key.

B) loses D) is lost

A) have been C) had been

B) was

D) were

.................. down.

B) burnt

D) had burnt


103. On my return, I found that my bungalow

A) has burnt

C) had been burning

104. Neither of them has enough money left, ?

A) has he B) have they

C) has nobody D) has she

1 O~. It doesn't matter A) for me

C) to me

whose invitation you accept.

B) me D) of me

106 that you were coming, I wouldn't have gone out.

A) Had I known B) I had known

C) If I knew D) I should know

107. They said hallo but nobody .

A) was spoken C) was speaking

108. He was unwilling to help but I told him he A) might

C) could

109 ..

a word since.

B) had spoken D) has spoken

B) should D) need to

A) Since C) In .

seven weeks she lay in hospital.

B) For D) While

110. She be at home, I saw her in the cinema.

A) might B) doesn't have to

C) can't D) needn't

Ill. Don't mind Mary, she always picks a quarrel with she meets.

A) whenever B) whatever

C) whoever D) wherever

112. Wake her in half an hour. She A) will be

C) will have been

sleeping for six hours by then. B) has been

D) can be


113. I'd rather you me in the dark. It was awful.

A) weren't keeping B) hadn't kept

C) didn't keep D) wouldn't keep

114; We have worked for this company A) last year

C) duringlast year

B) for last year D) since last year

115. She to become a singer ever since she heard him sing.

A) wants B) wanted

C) has wanted D) had wanted

116. If I had been him, I ..

A) shouldn't touch

C) wouldn't have touched

117 JThe kitchen has just been done A) up

C) for

that old electric fire.

B) wouldn't touch

D) shouldn't have been touching

118. There was nothing to do A) than

C) other

B) on D) off

get out fast.

B) but D) unless

119) 'Shouldn't you be at school?' 'Yes, I A) suppose it

C) expect to be

B) am expecting to do D) suppose so

120. Peter went to London last week, and .

A) so I did B) so went I

C) so did I D) I did so

121. She didn't come to the party yesterday. She .

A) may forget the address. B) must have been forgotten the address.

C) must forget the address. D) must have forgotten the address.

122. Hearing the noise, my mother went to the door who it was.

A) seeing B) see

C) to see D) to have seen

123. I'll have to read this article, I hate.

A) what B) which

. C) that D) the one

124. My brother seems ..

A) sleeping' C) have slept

125. She likes two books.

A) both these C) all these

@Nowadays my wife ..

A) went C) goes

since he went to bed.

B) to sleep

D) to have been sleeping

B) these both D) these all

shopping in the new supermarket.

B) has gone D) used to go



127. What records have you been listening to A) last

C) latest

@ Get in touch phone.

A) with C) by

129. If! hadn't been a gambler, I A) hasn't

C) won't have

B) last time D) lately

B) through D) on

got into trouble.

B) wouldn't have D) wouldn't have to

130. I don't think you are -allowed to smoke in here, ?

A) do I B) aren't you

C) do you D) are you

131. He said we

A) were taken

C) were to have taken

enough food to last a week.

B) were to take

D) were to have take.

132. He was I met at the party.

A) the man C) that man

B) who D) one

l33. I don't know where Mrs Black is. She isn't in the kitchen, so she in the


A) should have worked B) must work

C) needs to work D) must be working

134. We've answered this letter.

A) still C) yet

l35. Ifmy parents were richer, I A) would be let

C) let

136. He was surprised at like that.

A) that I have acted C) my having acted

137. By then she for three years.

A) will teach C) should teach

138. A faint light there.

A) was see • C) was to be seen

139. He played tennis therain.

A) instead

C) even though

B) already D) no longer

to buy a new car.

B) was allowed

D) would be allowed

B) that I had acted D) me act

B) would teach

D) will have been teaching

B) has to see D) saw

B) although D) in spite of

140. to practise if we want to learn English.

A) We'd better B) We need

C) We might D) We would

141. He was in England a week ago, but he there before.

A) was never B) hasn't never been

C) won't be D) had never been

142. He is the boy .

A) that we were talking C) we were talking about

B) what we were talking about D) who we were talking

143. When the teacher got us to discuss 'Hamlet' last week the play beforehand.

A) I should have liked rereading B) I should have liked to have reread

C) I should like to reread D) I should like to have reread

144. London, however, a letter awaited him. _

A) After he has reached B) Onihis arriving to

" ~

C) When he landed in D) Ifhe stopped at

145. My wife looks .

A) pleasant C) pleasantly

@ He was ill and so fell .

A) behind

C) behind on

B) to be pleasant

D) that she's pleasant

his work.

B) behind with t1!..l1Labait D) behind for

147. They never complain about A) sending

C) having sent

148. We don't like .

A) this his habit C) this habit of his

to the shop after work.

B) being sent D) sent

B) this of his habit D) his habit of this

149. When you the furniture, please tell me.

A) will finish moving B) finish to move

C) have finished moving D) finish to move

150. If only they in the building when the bomb exploded!

A) hadn't been staying B) hadn't stay

C) didn't stay D) weren't staying

151. He turned on the radio the moment I the room.

A) having left B) . leaving

C) had left D) had been left

152. We hoped we for a second term.

A) will elect B) would elect

C) have been elected D) would be elected

153. We do things or .

~~ with a~cident on purpose

CJ by accident ,., on purpose


B) for accident with purpose

D) on accident by purpose

154. He hard all morning and he is still working hard.

A) works B) has been work

C) had worked D) has been working


155 melting at the Poles, the sea level is rising year after year.

A) For ice is B) Because of ice

C) Though ice is D) For the sake of ice

156. This school by the end of the year.

A) will have built B) will build

C) will have been built D) will be building

157. Jfthere were more women astronauts, certain equipment .. .

A) would redesigning B) would need to redesign

C) would have to be redesigned D) will be necessary to design

158. Your friend .

A) shouldn't be C) isn't able to


~ 5~. The nurse saw .

"-~ A) over

C) on

in Durham because I met him in London only an hour ago.

B) couldn't be D) can't be

the old lady's hand.

B) to D) by

160. The teacher said that the sentence ten times.

A) ought to repeat B) should have repeated

C) would have to repeat D) should be repeated

161. The shopping centre? Take the first tuming .

A) to the left, then go straight on B) to left, then go right forward

C) to left, then go straight on D) to the left, then go right forward

162. My uncle intended leaving me his entire fortune I was married before he


A) whether C) as long as

163. They inquired if the programme A) would broadcast

C) was broadcasting

B) in case D) after

B) had broadcast

D) had been broadcast

164. We have other records A) besides

C) except

165. She .

.................. these.

B) than D) from

A) was wait

C) has been waiting

for days before she heard any news.

B) has waited

D) had been waiting


166. The mechanic said his car had a serious defect.

A) that he went to B) whom he went

C) to who'he went D) to whom he went to

167. He by the police once before for stealing.

A) had searched B) was being searched

C) had been searched D) has been searched

@. J could see that he was rather wom out as if a hard day, and put his

reluctance to talk down to this.

A) having B) it had been

C) being D) to have


169. I think to translate the text ifI had had a good dictionary.

A) I could have been B) I should be allowed

C) I should have been able D) I might have been

170. They having a heated argument.

A) heard B) were heard

C) might have heard D) may have heard

171. He's been collecting records for years but he any new ones lately.

A) didn't buy B) was not able to buy

C) hasn't bought D) won't be able to buy

~. I was put my dinner when somebody said it was roast dog.

A) on B) off

C) with D) up

173. He doesn't want to learn English, though he ..

A) ought to B) mustn't

C) wants to D) would like

174. they earn, the more they spend.

A) How much B) How many forints

C) The more D) The most

... : since dawn.

B) has worked

D) worked

175. It was now six and he was tired because he A) is working

C) had been working

® I want the dispute' ..

A) to have settled .

C) to be settled

as soon as possible.

B) to get settled D) to settle

177. We were not sure if we A) will do

C) would have done

the right thing.

B) have done D) had done

178 seriously ill he had to cancel all his appointments.

A) Because being B) Being

C) To have been D) To be

@He lived fear oflosing his job.

A) under B) in

C) for D) from

180. Mr Black was happy to have someone to chat to and keep him awake he


arrived home.

A) unless B) as long as

C) till D) as far as

181. The reporter asked if biology properly over the past decade.

A) had been teaching B) had taught

C) was teaching D) had been taught

'@. she was tired, she went on working.

A) However B) Yet

C) In spite D) Although


t"· ".. - •• ', :- - ,':- - ,:, -': >-">:::"':. __ '_,;,._;. ,c;,.:--;::_,/."':: ":>:",:''':.',::: ..... ;;: .:


@. Have you already talked to your wife your holiday?

A) about where spending B) about where to spend

C) where spending D) about where to have spent

~ Look me when you come this way again.

A) for B) after

C) up D) through

@ This problem into by a special committee.

A) was inquiring ( B) has been inquiring

C) is inquiring D) is being inquired '-; ,'',jl,jOtR I L{..~Q_"'-<..C<.._

me at the office this week because I'm on holiday.

B) of ringing D) to be ringing

186. It's no use .

A) to ring C) ringing

187. If only I .

A) would know C) had known

(@. He looks as ifhe were A) sure

C) about

about it before we set out.

B) knew

D) would have known

189. I'm afraid the train A) will be left

C) will have left

to fall asleep.

B) ought

D) bound

before we get to the station.

B) will be leaving

D) will have been left

190. Shall we go the morning or night?

A) on in B) at on

C) on at D) in at

191. .

of us has been/asked to take part in this meeting.

B) All D) Some

A) Every C) None,

~ We us at 9 o'clock.

A) would like that you meet C) would like you to meet

193 . You could see the fire A) from

C) on

B) want that you meet

D) want that you would meet

a great distance.

B) off D) at

194. The boat .. by a sailor.

A) damaged B) were damaged

C) was damaging D) could have been damaged

~. What reason did he have for this allegation?

A) Nothing. B) None at all.

C) Something. D) Not at all.

196. I congratulate you A) to

C) on

such an excellent result.

B) for

D) towards


197. When we arrived at the hotel we asked them have.

A) what room could we B) which could we

C) what room may we D) which room we could

198. Something will .

A) be doing C) have to be doing

199. I feel like out for a walk.

to prevent problems like this in the future.

B) have done

D) have to be done

A) of going C) to go

200. You are standing .

A) on of

C) on off

B) going D) go

my foot. Get !

B) at off

D) onto on

201. I told him I no time to think the matter over.

A) haven't had B) hadn't had

C) have had D) had had

202. He walk than go by bus.

A) prefers

C) likes better to

203. It is hoped that the treaty ..

A) would be signed

C) would have been signed

204. I don't think he will help us .

A) otherwise C) unless

B) had better D) would rather

before long.

B) will be sign D) will be signed

you tell him the truth.

B) as long as D) in case

205. By this time next year he A) will get taken

C) may be taken

his degree.

B) will have taken

D) may have been taken

206. " you argue, the more difficult the solution becomes.

A) The most B) How much

C) The more D) No matter how

207. We have not yet been taught A) dealing

C) to deal

208, He wanted before winter.

A) to have mended his coat C) to have his coat mended

with such problems.

B) having dealt D) deal

B) having his coat mended D) his coat to mend

209. The sale of the house has fallen .

A) through BY down

C) with D) by

210. I put it in my suitcase, A) what

C) that

is under my bed.

B) which D) where

.... :;i'



211. get you a glass of water?

A) Shall I

C) Do you want that I

B) Will I

D) Would you like that I

212. You can't expect her her mind as quickly as that.

A) that she would change B) to have been changing

C) to have been changed D) to change

213. The petrol tank's empty. I before we left home.

A) had to fill B) should have filled it

C) would have filled it D) must have filled it

214. He may not be intelligent but A) at least

C) rarely

he works hard.

B) at the moment D) recently

215 very careful in order not to make any mistakes.

A) Will you be so kind B) Be so kind

C) Let's be D) Let's be so kind

216. I worked .

A) in the garden hard all day C) in the garden all day hard

B) hard in the garden all day D) all day hard in the garden

21 7. Why such a lot of time on this?

A) spending B) to spend

C) spend D) having spent

218. I admit that he was right.

A) can't already C) couldn't as

219. I'll go to see them tomorrow.

A) with C) round

220. By the time I

B) couldn't already D) couldn't but

B) to

D) through

my studies, I'll have been living in London for nearly three

what agreement we have reached.

B) would know D) to know

rather not interfere in this affair.

B) was

D) would have been


A) will finish C) finish

221. If only she more careful!

A) were

C) was being

222. It is essential that he A) knows

C) knew

223. He said he A) should C) would

224. I used to go to a school A) five miles long

C) at five miles

B) finished

D) will have finished

B) has been D) be

from home.

B) five miles far D) five miles away

225. Can you show this tourist A) for

C) in

226. They talked quietly ..

A) beside C) among


227. We should help ..

A) one another C)" to themselves


B) around D) near

themselves. i

B) under D) each

228. Which of is stronger?

A) these two material C) this two material

229. It looks like cold outside.

A) to be

C) having been

230. We stopped who had come.

A) seeing

C) to be seen

231. this done at once.

A) Mind C) Get

B) all others D) another one

B) these two materials D) those two material

B) it is

D) is being

B) to see D) see

B) Let D) Make

232. We _ the red light but we were busy arguing.

A) ought to have noticed B) may have noticed

C) must have noticed D) had to notice

233. I am cold because I for an hour.

A) swim B) am swimming

C) have been swimming D) swum

234. Please keep of the office.

A) on C) out

235 ..

B) off D) up

A) How

C) Which plan

he told us was very instructive.

B) What

D) What plan

236. I would like to visit Spain, a country I still know very little.

A) that B) what

C) which about D) about what

237. He for half an hour.

A) kept us to wait C) kept us waiting

B) made us to wait D) made us waiting

238. They retumed to their hotel as soon as the sun .

A) was setting B) sets

C) had set D) has been setting


239. Do you have questions?

A) yet

C) not any

240. They offered Number 7.

A) us room

C) us the room

B) any further D) none

B) to us the room D) to usroom

241 . Hungary borders Austria in the West.

A) with B) to

C) on D) at

242. I regret not .. her last week:

A) meet

C) to have met

B) to met D) have met

243. We mustn't miss the train, ?

A) had to C) must we

B) do we have to D) mustn't we

244. My trousers .

A) must get

C) must have got

tom when I was repairing the car.

B) may get D) has got

245. I would rather you A) shouldn't let C) may not let

246. It is necessary that she A) will be informed C) would be informed

him tamper with our radio.

B) didn't let D) don't let

at once.

B) be informed

D) must have been informed

247. This statement to be a reproach.

B) didn't want D) wasn't meant

........ those on the table.

B) from D) off

A) didn't mean C) wouldn't

248 . Your book is A) between C) among

249. He went away without A) apologise

C) apologising

for his discourtesy.

B) to apologise

D) having been apologised

250. Ifhe come, please give him this letter.

A) would B) should

C) had D) would have

251. He talk as much as he does now.

A) didn't want B) get used to

C) didn't use to D) made

252. If! him tomorrow, I'll inform him about our agreement.

A) will see B) shall see

C) will be seeing D) see

253. We in touch with him so far.

A) haven't got C) won't get

B) didn't get D) may get

254. Suppose he unable to solve the problem, what should we do?

A) wouldn't be B) were

C) wouldn't have been D) will be

255 of my expectations has come true.

A) Nothing B) Anything

C) None D) Nothing more

256. I hope we shall meet again A) sometime

C) some five weeks ago

257. He won't be ~9.-impmdent A) giving up

C) as giving up

258. It was .

A) below C) under

B) one time D) any time

his job.

B) as give up D) ~ to give up

his dignity to do such dirty work.

B) down D) beneath

259. This matter at once.

A) has settled

C) has got to be settled

B) has to settle D) must settle

260. I'm afraid I can't give you an answer straight away, Mr Green.

I'd like to for a day or two.

A) think of it C) think it over

B) think it up D) think it out

261. The prisoner by the guards.

A) must have caught

C) must have been caught

B) might have caught

D) must have been catching

262. any new catalogues sent to him?

A) Were been B) Have been

C) Have - D) Will been

263. John doesn't know the answer to the question, .

A) and nor is Mary B) and neither knows Mary

C) and Mary doesn't know neither D) and Mary doesn't either

264. I would object to like that.

A) treating C) be treated

B) treated

D) being treated

265. She believes herself competent in English.

A) being B) to be

C) be D) might be

266. I shall accept the offer A) so that

C) provided

that the terms are favourable.

B) -

D) unless



267. He asked what the weather A) was it like

C) has been like

268. Listen! Can you hear someone .

A) to come C) coming

269. I work the mornings.

A) on C) by

270. He'll wait until you A) will finish

C) have finished

during my holidays.

B) had been

D) had been like


B) to be coming D) had come

B) during D) at

your work.

B) will have finishing D) finished

271. This is film I've ever seen.

A) thrillingest

C) the most thrilling

272.-He was well informed.

A) surprised C) surprisingly

B) a thrilling

D) mostly thrilling

B) surprising D) surprise

273. You should try to hand in your work than next week.

A) latest B) not so late

C) not later D) not late

274. He said that he my electric iron unsafe.

A) think was B) thinks was

C) thought was D) thought hadn't been

275. He poured some water on the burning oil, A) this

C) which

276. I'm not familiar .

A) to on

C) with on

was a silly thing to do.

B) that D) what

his novels and not keen . reading them.

B) with to

D) to with

277. No doubt you'd rather she stayed in England now, ?

A) wouldn't you B) hadn't you

C) didn't you D) did you

278. These old machines

A) are gradually replacing

C) are gradually being replaced

by new ones.

B) are being gradually replacing D) were gradually replacing

279. He says he's sorry

A) of to

C) - on

what he did so you should not get angry

B) fqr with

D) for on


280. I .. in the town for years when I first met her.

A) lived B) had been living

C) have been living D) have lived

281. What are you doing out in ?

A) a such bad weather C) such a bad weather

B) such bad weather D) so bad a weather

282. It is their wish that the meeting A) would be postponed

C) be postponed

283. I wish I sooner.

A) would inform

C) had been informed

B) is postponed

D) should postpone

B) informed

D) has informed

284. Hardly onto the train than it started.

A) she was getting B) has she got

C) had she got D) got she

285. Will you be able to finish the job this evening?

A) I can't say so. B) I don't know so.

C) I'm not sure so. D) I don't expect so.

286. He is intent .. passing the examination but I'm doubtful...... his


A) to for

C) by with

E) on about

D) to of

291. I'm awfully tired. The last day or two A) were

C) have been

292. When I ..

287. If Peter's letter had come earlier, I'd have learnt when he ......... to go on holiday.

A) will intend B) has intended

C) intended D) would intend

288. Could you imagine her a good housewife?

> A) be B) being

C) has become D) to have become

289 we were pressed for time, we couldn't wait any longer.

A) Although B) Since

C) In order to D) Because of

290. He wants to a central heating installed in his house.

A) have got B) be getting

C) got D) have

.................. a very busy time.

B) was

D) has been

A) opening

C) have opened

293. We posted the letter, A) what

C) which

294. A pessimist always sees A) the better side

C) the worst side

the window, the bird flew out.

B) opened

D) having opened

she wrote yesterday.

B) which one D) the one

of everything.

B) the best side

D) the most worst side

,':::-::-:.::::::'-::"'" "::"":,:'::':::::):::: ,",':,/::,:-::"." ':';' .. -:.-:-:, .. , _'''''/.':'',' ,'",::::::,-"",:":', ,',:-":::,::,:", "i':.' ,':.



295. Which of these two devices do you need?

A) Neither, thank. C) Both of them.

B) Everything. D) Nothing.

296. Did you achieve the goal you aimed ?

A) to B) at

C) onto D) on

297. 'Who locked the door?'

'Paul is said '

A) that he did so C) to have done so

298. The gentleman is a former teacher of mine.

A) that I was talking B) to whom I was talking

C) which I was talking to D) whom I was talking

299. Each man two cars.

A) have had

C) were having

f"300. Don't let him go ..

A) until it stops raining ...

C) till it doesn't stop raining

301. They've already gone. They .

A) was going C) had gone

B) to have done D) to do so

B) are having D) had

B) until it doesn't stop raining

D) as long as it doesn't stop raining

a few minutes ago.

B) have gone D) went

302. George is jealous his younger sister.

A).2f. B) on

C) to D) upon

303. I my dinner when my friend dropped in.

A) have been having B) had

C) was having D) having

304. Peter's locked the door. He because he has no key.

A) didn't do it B) can't do so

C) couldn't do it D) cannot have done so

305. He was heard A) playing C) play

306. I shall be in England ..

A) since six months C) six more months

the piano.

307. Do you think we now.

A) should have drunk

C) should have had a drink

308. What will the Hungarian government do A) of

C) to

B) was playing D) to play

B) more six months D) six months for

B) should be a drink D) should have a drink

this matter?

B) for D) on

309 was yesterday my mother threw an egg at my boss.

A) That it B) That that

C) That when D) It that

310. Will this train be late?

A) I'm expecting it. C) I expect so.

311. I stayed .

A) on C) by

B) I'm waiting for it. D) I don't expect.

a marvellous hotel last summer.

B) at D) upon

312. I dislike

so rudely.

A) him to answer C) his answering

B) answering of him D) an answering of his

313. He went straight horne after .. the theatre.

A) to have left B) having been left

C) had left D) leaving

314. It was that everyone laughed.

A) so a foolish answer C) a so foolish answer

B) a such foolish answer D) so foolish an answer

315. Might I have coffee, please?

A) a few more C) a more little

316. You do as you are told.

A) need C) ought

B) more little D) a little more

B) have D) shall

317. His father agreed . A) let

C) to have let


him have his car.

B) to let

D) to be letting

318. A) What did he say how long she has had B) How long did she say had her car? her car?

C) How long did she say she'd had her car? D) How long she said she had had her car?

319. The meeting is reported .

A) to postpone C) be postponed

B) to have postponed

D) to have been postponed

320. I carne across that old book A) with

C) in


B) by D) on

321. By the time you corne horne, she A) has cleaned

C) may have cleaned

322. These three pupils always help .

A) for each other B) to each other

C) each other D) with each other

.................. the house.

B) cleaned

D) was cleaning

28····· ..


323. She behaved A)on

C) in

324. I'll see you .

A) past two C) until two

325. She asked whether she

a very friendly manner to us.

B) by D)-


A) is allowed to C) can

B) after two D) in two

put a question.

B) might

D) was allowed

their living room repapered.

B) are just having D) have got to .

326. Our neighbours A) have been C) have to

327. else to discuss we'll end the meeting.

A) If there is something B) Unless there is nothing

C) If there is anything D) Unless there is something

328. I didn't want to buy it, .

A) however it was good

C) for how good it might be

B) no matter how good it was D) no matter how good was it

329. From an aircraft everything seems so small.

A) down B) downstairs

C) below D) deep down

330 that skirt when I first saw you?

A) Have you been wearing B) Did you wear

C) Were you wearing D) Have you weared

331. My friend said he his examination results by the time I next saw him.

A) will have been told B) will be told

C) would have been told D) was told

332 anyone in this crowd is almost impossible.

A) To have found B) To finding

B) To be found D) Finding

333. In this country may vote in an election, ifhe or she is over eighteen.

A) every man B) all people

C) anyone D) whoever

334. I , .. , you waste your time in this way.

A) can't let B) can't permit

C) can't leave D) can't allow

335. I cannot have everything I desire.

A) what B) which one

C) that D) whatever

336. The farmers hope A) of

C) for

a good harvest this summer.

B) in D) on


337. I wish I had known you .

A) will be corning C) were corning

338. Do you wish .

A) call C) me to call

B) will corne D) to corne

my next witness, my Lord?

B) to call me D) calling

339 the maid bring you an early cup of tea ?

A) Ought to B) Has to

C) Should have D) Shall

340. I shall be thinking of you while you away.

A) will be B) are being

C) are D) will have been

341. She would rather we A) ought to

C) lived

a little nearer.

B) should live D) shall live

of the two sisters.

B) both D) anyone

342. I was never very fond of .

A) neither C) either

343. The building .

A) has designed C) is being designed

by a famous architect.

B) was designing

D) had been designing

344. We are quite accustomed A) to look

C) to be looking

after ourselves.

B) to looking D) looking

that complaint?

B) concerning D) opposite

345. What will you do A) despite

C) across

346. Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. I am always saying things I .

A) musn't B) shouldn't

C) may not D) ought to

347 Torn Henry has a chance of being elected

A) Neither either B) Either neither

C) Nor neither D) Neither nor

348. If you .. some money, I should be very happy.

A) sent B) had sent

C) would send D) will send

349. My sister usually has A) the breakfast in C) breakfast in the


B) the breakfast in the D) breakfast in

350. He has scarcely A) som~

C) any


B) a few

D) some more



351. He tried everything but the door open.

A) didn't want B) can't

C) wouldn't D) didn't want to

352. You'll get used .

A) to wear

C) to have been wearing

glasses in time.

B) to be wearing D) to wearing

353. I have made A) much

C) lot of

of mistakes in my time.

B) plenty D) many

354. The book .

A) that

C) to which

355. He jumped .

A) through C) across

he referred is not in the library.

B) to that D) to what

the fence.

B) over D) within

356. I'll ask him to phone you as soon as he back.

A) is going to come B) comes

C) is coming D) will come

357. We have had trouble since he arrived.

A) nothing only B) anything but

C) nothing else still D) nothing but

358. How to me so rudely?

A) dare you speak

C) don't you dare to speak

B) you do dare speak D) were you daring

359. It happened that he A) would be left C) had left

when I arrived.

B) was left

D) will be leaving

360. There isn't A) many C) enough

361. I haven't finished yet although I A) am working

C) had been working

room to sit down.

B) lot of D) as much

.................. all day.

B) had worked

D) have been working

362. There are two or three matters I want to see you .

A) about B) of

C)~ D) 00

363. Will you have a cigarette?

A) I don't mind if! do. C) I don't mind if! don't.

B) Never mind.

D) I never mind if! don't.

364. He needn't go to bed yet, ?

A) does he C) doesn't he

B) need he D) do they



365. I have invited but you.

A) anybody else C) somebody

366. He is busy plans.

A) to making C) making

B) all

D) nobody else

B) with to make D) make

367. Our expenses don't correspond our Income.

A) by B) with

C) for D) at

368. If you us some chairs, we could sit down.

A) couldn't find B) has found

C) would find D) had been found

369. I have not been to Spain ..

A) She hasn't been neither C) Neither has she

370. I couldn't bear every day.

A) being working C) working

371. If you had been careful, you A) could have avoiding

C) could have avoided

372. Did you manage A) persuading C) to persuade

373. I can't open the door. The key A) doesn't want to fit

C) won't fit



374. His behaviour is .

A) on

C) beyond


B)' Either has she D) Nor hasn't she

B) have been working D) to have work

these mistakes .

B) could have been avoided D) could be avoided

B) persuade

D) to be persuaded

B) shouldn't fit D) might fit

B) in spite of D) after

375. When I arrived home, my sister to the radio.

A) listened B) were listening

C) was listened D) was listening

376. He said that he since two o'clock.

A) was writing B) has been writing

C) had been written D) had been writing

377. There are new houses on A) both

C) all

side of the street.

B) every D) each

378 you are not able to come, I will go to see you.

A) So that B) Until

C) Since D) Till


379. I stay in England .

A) The longer time better

C) The longer the best

380. My father an English teacher.

A) happened to C) happens to be

I like it.

B) The longest the best

D) The longer the better

B) happens to being

D) happened about to be

381. As I my pencil, I found a ring on the floor.

A) looking for B) have been looking for

C) was looking for D) had looked for

382. You may keep this book you like.

A) until B) as far as

C) till D) as long as

383. My mother isn't working today. I'm not working .

A) as well B) to

C) either D) neither

384. That dog always sits the fire.

A) on

C) inside

B) by

D) outside

385. I thought I .

A) am permitted C) would permit

to finish the work myself.

B) permitted.

D) would be permitted

386. This decision postponed any longer.

A) must be B) could have

C) might have D) mustn't be

387. I don't know this problem.

A) how tackle C) to tackle

B) to tackled

D) how to tackle

388. He was alleged .

A) to have disregarded C) to have been disregarded

389. I know all your children .

A) but not

C) but except

the safety precautions.

B) disregarding D) disregard

the youngest one.

B) still D) but

390. He was when I knew him.

A) a boy oflong hair C) a long-hair boy

B) a boy with long hair D) a boy by long hair'

391. late he goes to bed at night, he is always up early in the morning.

A) Whenever B) How

C) However C) Whatever

392 of these two roads leads to London.

A) All B) Every

C) Neither D) Any



393. It was last week A) where

C) that

I saw her.

B) that when D) since when

my pen, bought me a new one.

B) losing

D) to be losing

394. My brother, ..

A) having lost C) to have lost

395. Ifhe ..

A) came

C) should come

while I am out, ask him to wait.

B) would come D) was coming

396. She beautiful when she was young.

A) has been B) must have been

C) must be D) was being

397. The professor .. in his room.

A) can never find C) could never find

398. He said I home.

A) may going C) might go

B) was never finding

D) could never be found

B) may have gone D) allowed to go

399. This question at the meeting.

A) ought to discuss

C) should be discussed

400. The ship sailed ..

A) upon C) within

401. She looks ..

A) though ,C) even if

the harbour.

B) ought to have discussed D) should have discussed

B) over

D) towards

she were twenty years old.

B) when D) as if

402. Her dress is yours.

A) the same as C) similar than

403. Write to me and tell me A) some

C) all

404. A loud cry .......... ........ in the night.

A) was hearing C) was hear

405. If you would help a little, the work A) could finish

C) could be finished

B) the same that D) similar that

about your holiday in England.

B) much D) every

B) was to be hearing D) was to be heard

.................. today.

B) could have finished D) finished

406. Whoever you , you can't say such a thing ..

A) are B) were

C) be D) would be

407. If he should come before me, my sister A) would have let

C) would have had to let

.................. him in.

B) will let

D) would be letting


,. ,.::; -_ - _-::::_.... :,:::.- " '::-'c'- . ,-'-_-'_,_'-", __ :--t--:' .--'


408. The door should have been closed while you ; away.

A) would be B) are

C) have been D) were

409. I shall not go .. he should send me an invitation.

A) if B) when

C) unless D) as if

410. They broke A) out

C) away

work when it started to rain.

B) off D) down

411. They gave him the plan of the town lest he A) should lose

C) would be lost

.................. his way. B) would have lost D) had been lost

412. The motor was in good order but the car .

A) would not move B) couldn't move

C) was unable to move D) didn't want to be moving

413. Radar is used objects in the air or at sea.

A) in order detect B) in order to be detected

C) in order to detect D) in order to detecting

414. The writer a report before the Commission.

A) is forced make B) was to make

C) has to let make D) will have got make

415. I shall answer your letter ..

A) in return C) by return

B) on return D) with return

416. Your remark has not been taken notice A) -

C) on

B) of D) from

417. So far we ..

A) haven't had C) have had

no opportunity of testing the new machine.

B) had had D) had

418. This theory has been dealt A) on

C) upon

in a number of articles.

B) with D) of

419 . You will excuse A) my leaving C) me being left

420. He couldn't explain what he A) has done

C) had done

you now.

B) to leave D) me leave


B) was doing D) did



421. I consider her to be .

A) one of the world finest singers B) one of the world's finest singer

C) one of finest singer in the world D) one of the world's finest singers

422. I had difficulty reaching the top shelf.

A) with B) of

qin ~fur

423. The dentist said I A) to have

C) ought to have

the tooth out.

B) shall have D) could have

424. It's been so long since I you.

A) had last seen C) last saw

B) have last seen D) last seeing

425 the train arrives on time we shall miss the start of the concert.

A) Because of B) Owing to

C) In order to D) Unless

426. The manager insisted on the work by 6 p.m ..

A) to be finished B) to have finished

C) being finished D) to finish

427. Frank is I know at the club.

A) only the person C) only the man

428. He went on working until he A) has become


429. He is too tired .

A) doing much more B) to do not much more

C) to have been done any more D) to do much more

430. Your secretary ought to have reminded you that.

A)- B)~

C) on D) of

B) the only men D) the only person


B) was D) will be

431. I have never been to such an expensive shop .

A) similar to B) as this one

C) familiar with this D) just like this

432. No sooner than the lift started.

A) I entered B) I had entered

C) entering D) had I entered

433. He is quite certain A) of coming

C) to have come

434. I hate letters.

to the beach tomorrow.

B) to come D) come

A) have to write C) having to write

B) to have writing

D) to have to be writing



435. Nobody did about it.

A) hardly anything C) something

436. I wish you out of my way.

A) got

C) would get

B) nothing D) anything

B) was getting D) should get

437. She asked me if! wanted A) any more cake

C) nothing more cake

438. He his garage painted.

B) no more cake D) some cake more

A) has been C) had

B) had been D) having got

439. We have lived here now for twenty years, which .

A) makes us very sorry to move B) makes us very sorry move

C) would make us very sorry move D) making us very sorry

440. Tomorrow we set London by car.

A) offor B) offfor

C) out to D) on for

441 . I shall be glad if you can stay A) little longer

C) a little longer

B) as far as you'd like D) for a longer time

442. He was sure that we A) would keep

C) would be kept

443. I need some paper to write A) at

C) on

our promise.

B) will keep

D) would have had it kept

B) with D) in

444. Ile was the first man A) hearing

C) to hear

the news.

B) to be hearing D) hear

445. A doctor by the old man.

A) has sent for C) sent for

B) was sent

D) was sent for

446. you let me know in advance, I will arrange things.

A) In order B) Still

C) Yet D) Provided

447. Gold is said A) to find C) be found

448. These small discomforts will just have to A) put up with

·C) put up

in many places.

B) to have found

D) to have been found

B) be put up

D) be put up with


449 , well, the team lost.

A) Despite play

C) Despite playing

B) Despite of play D) Despite to play

450. She can't stand the washing up.

A) have to do B) to have to do

C) having to do D) having got to be done

451. It was a fortnight ago that it .

A) had last rained C) has been raining

B) last rained D) has rained

452. I don't suppose I could have another piece of cake, ?

A) do I B) don't I

C) couldn't I D) could I

453. I came this painting in an antique shop.

A) to B) through

C) across D) over

454. They had dog that nobody would visit them.

A) such fierce B) so fierce

C) so fierce a D) a such fierce

455. Let's sit down. He

his lecture.

A) is about starting C) is about to starting

B) was about to start D) is about to start

456. Do you know how much these apples are ?


A) one pound

C) a pound

B) each of pound D) half a pound

457. My trousers - when I was repairing the car.

A) must get torn B) must have got torn

C) must get tear D) must have getting torn

458. Will you be able to come to the meeting?

A) I'm afraid not C) I'm sorry not

B) I'm not afraid so D) I'm sorry so

459. He the doctor but he didn't want to.

A) was to be seen B) had to go

C) must to see D) was to see

460. You your gloves on the bus.

A) may be leaving .

C) may have left

B) may had left

D) may have got them left

461. He crossed the road A) so not to meet C) so as not to meet


B) not so to meet D) as so not to meet

462. I said I that I him.

A) was sorry not warning B) am sorry had not warned

C) am sorry haven't warned D) was sorry hadn't warned

463. I should be glad if you me some money.

A) were lending B) should lend

C) could have been lending D) would lend

464. Plants usually grow well A) so long as

C) until

you give them enough water.

B) not until D) unless

465. I assisted my mother cleaning the room.

A) to B) -

C) in D) of

466. I haven't seen A) no-one

C) everyone

come past here for an hour.

B) anyone D) someone

467. He complained having been left in the lurch by his best friends.

A) on B) for

C) about D) by

468. I am far from believing what he us.

A) had told B) has been told

C) has told D) was told us

469. She is intent losing weight.

A) from B) of

C) on D) out of

470 she has been thinking of giving up her job.

A) For some time B) Sometime

C) Sometimes D) For sometime

47l. I'd rather have tea .

A) despite of coffee C) instead coffee

B) despite of coffee D) instead of coffee

472. I don't remember me such a thing before.

A) anybody to tell B) to tell somebody

C) anybody telling D) nobody had told me

473. He his mistakes corrected by somebody.

A) must B) did get

C) has got to D) ought to have

474. The two motorists were fined 20 pounds A) all of them

C) each

B) both

D) each of them

475. Fortunately most car accidents are A) minors

C) minor one

476. Pass me the sugar, ?

A) won't you C) will you

B) little

D) minor ones

B) don't you D) do you

.. : ...... : ..

477. A tense atmosphere A) were to feel

C) was feeling

478. How .

A) warm it is C) is it warm

479. All the staff to the meeting.

in the room.

B) feels

D) was to be felt

B) it is warm D) it warm is

A) has gone C) was going

B) have gone

D) weren't going

480. The only way to have a nice garden is to keep it.

A) 00 B)~

C) with D) off

481. I can't make up my mind whether I A) to invite

C) should invite

482. I wish I what to do.

A) know

C) would know

.................. them or not.

B) not to invite D) would invite

B) have known D) knew

483. The young people of today are no worse than .

A) those of yesterday B) these of yesterday

C) they yesterday D) that of yesterday

484. You look as if you a lemon.

A) suck

C) were sucking

B) was sucking D) will suck

485. The accident caused traffic jams.

A) kilometre long B) long kilometres of

C) long kilometre D) a kilometre long

486. You can't go out to play until you your homework.

A) finished B) had finished

C) have finished D) will finish

487. Your driving licence has expired. You'd better .

A) to get it renewed B) renew

C) get it renewed D) to renew it

488. If you really want to hurry you could change a red 7 at Nyugati Station.

A) by B) to

C) into D) on

489. It's not worth there by car, it's quicker .

A) go walking B) to go walking

C) going to walk D) be going to walk

490. will be enough for me.

A) A half cake C) A cake half

B) Half of the cake

D) One half of the cake



491. The child does A) nothing

C) all but

492. This house until next month.

A) has lived in

C) had been lived in

play all day.

B) something but D) nothing but

B) was lived in

D) is being lived in

493. How far is it from here A) as far as

C) to

494. Who was that woman?

London .

. B) until

D) as long as

A) in fair hair C) fair-haired

495. I am not capable of for hours.

A) listening to him

C) has been listening to him .

496. have you known her?

A) How long time C) How much time

B) fair-hair D) of fair hair

B) have listened to him

D) having been listened to him

B) How long D) How much

497. After a long illness his heart gave A) up

C) in

498. That was I wanted.

A) which

C) the one what

499. oranges are full of vitamin C.

B) out D) off

B) the one D) the which

A) Some B) The

C) A few D)-

500 Mrs Black on my way to the shops.

A) It happened me that I found B) I happened to find

C) I happened to meet D) It happened me that I met

501. Don't go to bed without A) not washing

C) washing

your face.

B) to wash

D) any washing

502 is more important than what you say.

A) Doing B) To do

C) What you do D) Doing so

503. If you can have a holiday, A) so we can

C) then so can we

B) than so can we D) Nor can we

504. I have done work today and I did yesterday.

A) a little no B) very little : less

\ C) a lot of anything D) no least


". 41

505. I have visited London .

A) few time C) last time

506. I often drop in the armchair.

A) on C) out'

- °

B) many time

D) a few times

B) off D) over

507. Let's hurry. There is a lot A) what

C) than

must be done.

B) which D) the what

a lot of objections.

B) to be caused D) to cause

508. This decision is certain A) causing

C) to be causing

509 come and have tea with me some time.

A) Do you B) Would you mind

C) Do D) Don't you

510. Has 0.......... said to you about this affair?

A) anyone never something B) no one nothing

C) anyone anything D) anyone hardly something

511. Smoking is a weakness A) of them

C) of theirs

B) of themselves D) their

512. The aeroplane flew high the ocean.

A) above B) through

C) upon D) upstairs

513. He was heard .

A) to be talked C) be talking

at the top of his voice.

B) talking D) talk

514. I would have come even if I A) had to

C) had had to

515. This house needs 0 •••••••••••••••••• A) repairing

C) to repair

cancel this pressing appointment.

B) would have to D) ought to

B) be repaired

D) being to repaired

516. He mustn't put on weight.

A) Nor mustn't I C) Nor do I

517 listen to him!

A) Would you mind C) Do

518. It's ten 0 'clock.

B) Neither must I D) Nor don't I

B) Do you mind D) Dol

A) near C) lately

B) justly D) nearly



519. Be here on Sunday A) the latest

C) at late

520 were present.

A) My several acquaintances C) Several aquaintances of me

521. she hadn't learnt English?

A) Why did she say C) Why she said

522. Peter drinks beer.

A) none

C) too many

B) the latest of all D) at the latest

B) Several of my acquaintances D) Several acquaintances of my

B) What did she say why D) Why did she say it

B) any

D) too much

523. I wish I more time to make up my mind.

A) would have B) should have

C) had D) have

524. Who to kill him? I don't think anyone did.

A) did want B) did he want

C) wanted D) has to want

525. If! for my examination, I would go to the party.

A) was preparing B) had been prepared

C) were not preparing D) wouldn't prepare

526 should help him to overcome this difficulty.

A) A man B) Man

C) One D) One man

527. We some very good photographs of Durham yesterday.

A) have showed B) were showing

C) were shown D) have shown

528. We had hard time trying to persuade him that we gave up.

A) so B) such

C) a so D) such a

529. I don't think they know about it, A) as if

C) however

.................. they may say.

B) whatever D) although

530. While for the tram I met a friend I for a long time.

A) waiting seen B) were waiting hadn't seen

C) waiting hadn't seen D) waiting saw

531 I can't help you today.

A) To have a lot to do C) Having nothing to do

~He was shivering cold.

A) off C) from

B) Having a lot to do D) To having a lot to do

B) of D) with

533. You are old enough to know what you and do.

A) may may not B) were allowed not

C) might need D) are permitted mustn't to

534. At first I thought he A) jokes

C) was joking

B) is joking

D) was being joking

535. I like reading foreign languages but I find it difficult to write

A) on it B) in them

C) on them D) upon it

536. He in for about half an hour when he heard the doorbell ring.

A) was B) have been

C) was being D) had been


,/ 5~is friend always found fault .

A) by him B) in him'

C) on him D) with him

538. Do you know how long Mary .

A) have been going out C) was been going out


539:)1 stayed in Reading last year.

A) at my uncle , C) by my uncle

540. They last year.

A) were married C) have married

~VWho did you learn that ?

A) with C) from

with Peter?

B) will go out

D) has been going out

B) with my uncle's D) at my uncle's

B) are to marry

D) have got married

B) by D) of

542. How long the garden yesterday?

A) have you been digging B) had you dug

C) did you dig D) have you dug

543. He was suspected of burglary.

A) to have committed B) having been committing

C) having committed D) commit

~ I was dissuaded A) to


running such a risk.

B) from D) for

545. I hate standing in queues even if! a short time.

A) had to wait B) had got to wait

C) would have had to D) only have to wait

546. I'd corne and see you if you didn't live A) long way

C) such a long way away

B) such long way D) such long ways



547. He to meet us at the snack-bar but he didn't come.

A) was supposed B) had to

C) allowed D) won't be able

~. Pupils can choose learning English, German and French at our school.

A) among B) from

C) between D) under

549 he goes goes to bed at night, he is always up early in the morning.

A) Whenever late B) Although

C) However late D) So late

550. You in a minute, if you are not careful.

A) are going to sleep B) are going sleeping

C) will fall asleep D) will sleep

551. He has never been to Italy and .

A) either have I B) nor haven't I

C) neither have I D) either haven't I

552. This is bag for you to carry.

A) a too heavy C) too heavy a

B) too heavy D) a heavy too

553. His mother gave him some money he could go to the pictures.

A) in order B) because

C) so that D) since

554. In many new housing estates; . A) very little room

C) very much room

is left between the houses.

B) few rooms

D) no much room

555. I'll try to sum up briefly A) what's been said

C) what had she said

B) what has she said

D) what should she have said

556. She is so good-looking that she the beauty contest.

A) might win B) happened to win

C) could win D) couldn't win

557. Susan was very tired. She A) has been

C) had been

558. How much do you have to pay A) to get cleaned your car

C) having got your car cleaned

up late the night before.

B) was being

D) could have been


B) get your car cleaned D) to get your car cleaned

559. If! go by train I all night.

A) am going to travel C) shall be travelling

560. You .. all the books on this list.

A) haven't got to read C) are able of reading

B) shall travel

D) will have been travelling

B) must to read

D) have allowed reading



561. Do you know . I met last week?

A) who B) with whom

C) which one D) that whom

562. His proposal remains A) to be approved C) to have approved

of by the committee.

B) to approve D) approving

563. He would have spoken for hours if we him.

A) had been interrupted B) had interrupted

C) hadn't interrupted D) had been allowed to interrupt

564. When he came to the station, the train .

A) was just arrived C) was just arriving

@. What does this picture remind you ?

A) to C) on

B) has arrived

D) will have arrived

B) from D) of

566. Take .. ice-cream, there is plenty of it.

A) some more B) something else

C) any of D) no more

567. Go after her! You are A) the only

C) only

who can comfort her.

B) the only one D) the one only

568. Could you stand in for me ,please?

. A) at the tornorrow,..sme~ting :3) at the meeting of tomorrow

(2) at tomorrow meeting D) at tomorrow's meeting

569. Come horne . ..... ... .... ..... it gets dark.

A) unless C) if that

B) so that D) when

570. She was absolutely fascinated about your trip.

A) hearing B) to hear

C) to have heard D) with hearing

571. Why don't you leave me in peace? Can't you see ?

A) I am trying to read B) I try reading

C) I have just tried to read D) am just trying read

572. We .. the most valuable paintings insured last year.

A) had B) had been getting

C) had had D) had got

573. Even if you don't do the whole flat you .

A) would at least tidy up your room B) might at least tidy up your room

C) must at least to tidy up your room D) had to tidy up it

574. He had an accident and to hospital.

A) was brought B) was taken

C) had to take D) is taken

575. All they want is ..

A) getting slim

C) that they should slim

576. We talked to him at the club A) at the night

C) on the other night

B) to get slim D) as to get slim


B) on night

D) the other night

577. Do remember

the book he gave you.

B) to returning

D) having returned

A) returning C) to return

578. I think it to go by air.

A) would make better C) would better

B) had better D) is better

579 the actors that made the play such a success.

A) - B) This was

C) It was D) That was

580. They always argue ..

A) about who's

C) about that who is

going to empty the rubbish.

B) who is about D) who is

581. Take your raincoat A) although

C) however

582 I interrupt you for a moment?

it rains.

B) in case D) when

A) Can C) Would

583. The following problems are A) no less difficult

C) most difficult

B) Will D) Should

than the first.

B) not so difficult D) as difficult

leave a little earlier.

B) was allowed

. D) was permitted

584. He asked us whether he A) can

C) might

585. He thought he to help him ifhe time.

A) would be able have B) could had

C) was able would have D) would be able had

586. She was left alone with A) no one

C) anyone

to look after her.

B) someone D) the one

587. They were good swimmers so they swim to the river bank when the boat


A) might

C) were able to

588. Who's that tall, ?

A) beard man with glasses C) bearded man with glasses

B) could

D) succeeded to

B) bearded man with a pair of glasses D) bearded-glasses-man



5~. I only know her passing.

A) in C) on

590. He hasn't married her, has he?

A) Yes, he hasn't. C) No, he has.

591.lfI had a lot of money, I would do what I A) would like

C) had liked

B) by

D) through

B) No, he hasn't.

D) Yes, he has married.

B) liked

D) would have liked

592. It was a very long time ago that I last my friend.

A) saw B) had seen

C) has seen D) was being seen

593. He can't swim, .

A) nor is he willirig to learn C) either is he willing to

B) nor can't he learn

D) nor is he willing learn

594. Some years ago A) were

C) had been

only a few shops in this street.

B) used to be

D) there used to be

595. This castle in the 12th century.

A) must be built B) must have built

C) must have been built D) has to have been built

596. They supposed the failure of the engine some mistake in the design.

A) was owing to B) due to

C) were owing to D) was due to

597. He is said a new species of bird.

A) had discovered B) to discover

C) to have been discovered D) to have discovered

598. She called twice without an answer.

A) to get B) getting to

C) get D) getting

599 such a long time since I saw you.

A) It's been B) Has been

C) It· had been D) It was

600. No matter what anyone says, you the house.

A) were not to leave B) mustn't leave

C) shouldn't to leave D) are to leave

60 l. this student works hard, he is not making much progress.

A) Since B) If

C) Although D) Because

602. If only I where he !

A) had known lives B) knew to live

C) know had been living D) had known lived


603. to invite to the party?

A) Who do you want us C) Who you want

B) Whom you want us

D) Who do you want for us

604. I wish we to England for our holiday.

A) were going B) have gone

C) will go D) are allowed to go

605. We don't want where we

A) to know have been

C) anyone to know have been

606. Mary's hat was more expensive than A) that of Joan

C) Joan's

B) someone to know have been

D) anyone knows have been

B) the one Joan's D) Joans'

607. This is a novel, was very popular a century ago.

A) the author of which B) which author of

C) of which the the author D) whose the author

~ The road they were now driving was almost clear of traffic.

A) on that B) along which

C) that along D) -

609. She is Susan is going on holiday with.

A) the one girl B) a girl of her

C) one of the girls D) one girl

610. He is on his way to school unless he A) hasn't stopped

C) won't have stopped

B) won't stop

D) has been stopped

611. He will play football tomorrow if .

A) will be cold B) his cold is better

C) will be better D) has been better

612. In some countries women, .

A) despite of men C) rather than men


€9 You can't swim that river.

A) over C) across

, work in the fields.

B) on behalf of men D) because of men

B) through D) over there

614. We smile at the way she behaved.

A) could but B) hadn't got but

C) must but D) couldn't only

615. At present no one knows exactly A) what does cause

C) what cause

616. We put it under the carpet .

A) for that C) so that

.................. cancer.

B) what is caused D) what causes

they wouldn't find it.

B) in order D) that

617. The girl you saw was A) not other

C) not else

than my teacher's daughter.

B) no one

D) none other

618. A) Is it absolutely necessary answer those letters today?

C) Do those letters must be answered today?

B) Do those letters have to answer today?

D) Do those letters need to be answered today?

619. Would you like to come to lunch next Sunday?

A) Unfortunately not. B) I'm afraid I wouldn't.

C) Certainly not. D) I'm afraid I can't.

620. You might have warned me that you were going to bring your friends home to dinner.

How there would be seven of us?

A) can I have known B) was I to know

C) had I know D) I expected to know

621. I her when she rang me instead.

A) was just going ring B) was about to have rung

C) was ready ringing D) was on the point of ringing

622. You can't imagine to come face to face with a gunman.

A) what it is like B) how terrible is it

A) what frightening was D) what fearful situation it was

623. Isn't that report ready yet? You . it hours ago.

A) would have finished B) ought to be finished

C) should have done D) ought to have been done

624. If only I'd have met you at the airport myself.

A) I'd known you were coming B) I'd known when you were arrived

C) I'd known you will come D) I'd known when your plane is due

625. How many times you not to telephone me at the office?

A) have I explained B) have I said

C) I have asked D) do I have to tell

626. Remember me to your parents.

A) Yes, I do.

C) I will. Thank you,

B) Yes, I'm doing it.

D) Yes, please. Thank you.

627. Excuse me, but to put the milk in the fridge?

A) would you rather B) is all right

C) would it be all right D) wouldn't all right

628. I don't suppose I to London again next year.

A) shall going B) shall have travelled

C) shall able to go D) shall want to go

629. I think Julia see a doctor, she very well lately.

A) wasn't B) hasn't felt herself

C) hasn't been feeling D) hadn't felt herself

630. This looks like a good restaurant. Let's go in.

A) Please. B) Yes, we shall.

C) Yes, after you. D) Yes, first you.



631. Don't tell Gordon what Mary said about him. He .

A) might be upset B) may have been upset

C) can upset D) could have been upset

632. Peter says he is going to buy a motor bike whether or not his father .

A) allows him to. B) was allowed to.

C) is allowed to. D) is allowed to.

633. What did the bill come ?

A) on C) to

B) at D) up

634. We've stopped television.

A) to children watching C) the children watch

635. The furniture while I was out.

A) was delivered C) had delivered

B) the children watching

D) for the children watching

B) was delivering D) delivered

636. My telephone has been cut A) out

C) off

B) away D) on

637. I should like

for a walk, but it's been raining.

B) to having gone D) go

A) to have gone C) going

638. I'll call : . .._ .

A) to C) for

639. We like a hot drink before A) went

C) we went

you at 7 o'clock.

640. If you can't find a cup, A) there might be

C) it may be

B) by ~ D) about

to bed.

B) we have gone D) going

one in the cupboard.

B) can be

D) it might be

641. I'll probably arrive on time, but if! ,please don't wait for me.

A) shall be late B) were to late

C) would be late D) should be late

642. The meeting has been called A) on

C) off

643. Have you got these shoes ?

A) in other colour C) in another colour

B) for D) of

B) in the other colour D) in another colours

644. . the telephone, she got up to answer it.

A) She hearing B) While hearing

C) Owing to hear D) On hearing



645. I'm looking for some oil.

A) There are some C) There aren't any

in the garage.

B) There is none D) It is a little

646. It's 7 o'clock. I must be A) out

C) off

B) out away D) far away

647. the money, she locked it in a drawer.

A) Had counted B) She has counted

C) While counting D) Having counted

648. I don't like this town. Oh, A) I don't let stop

C) we let not stop


B) don't let's stop D) don't let stop

649. The school breaks next week.

A) off

C) through

B) away D) up

650. You come if you don't want to.

A) mustn't B) can't

C) needn't D) have got to

651. I'd better do it tonight, although I out.

A) rather go B) was going

C) would rather go D) I'd like go

652. The man who here for 32 years is retiring next month.

A) had been working B) had worked

C) has worked D) working

653. She said she would come but she let me A) off

C) down

B) up D) away

654. The telephone wasn't working, was an awful nuisance.

A) -that B) what

C) which D) that's why

655. I some trousers, ifI'd seen some.

A) might have bought B) can't have bought

C) buy D) could have been bought

656. Our flat is dirty and neglected. We ought A) to have

C) to have had

657. She got well with her studies.

A) through C) ahead

......... it decorated last year.

B) have got D) to get

B) on D) by

658. I stayed awake black coffee.

A) to drink

C) by drinking

B) with drinking

D) because of drinking

many people here.

B) there were

D) there wouldn't have been



659. If it had rained yesterday, A) it would have been C) it would be

660. Sales of second-hand cars have fallen A) down

C) off

661. If we go to town, I A) shall be able do C) couldn't do

B) downstairs D) out

some shopping.

B) am allowed do

D) shall be able to do

662. When I took his temperature, it was two degrees above .

A) average B) regular

C) normal D) usual

663. I don't like these plates as much as we first looked at.

A) that B) that one

C) which D) the ones

664. We have sixty tickets. has a number.

A) Every B) Each

C) Some of them D) The ones

665. I don't know. I'll have to find A) it

C) that out

B) this out D) out

666. The burglar made me him how the safe.

A) to show open B) show to open

C) to show to open D) showing to open

667. I felt the house with the explosion.

A) to shake B) shaken

C) to be shaking D) shake

668. On long journeys I A) most

C) the most

669. We don't want .

A) somebody know C) anybody to know

travel by plane.

B) mostly D) most of

that we are here.

B) somebody to know D) nobody to know

670. Do you think he ?

A) might have been working C) likes have worked

671. I would rather they TV.

A) had been watching C) will be watching

672. She said she to England.

A) wouldn't be able go C) would like go

B) can have worked

D) need have been working

B) have been watching D) would have watched

B) won't to go

D) wouldn't be going


."' .;.\./ ": - ... :;.::. <.::. '····;:::/.-:::.~·::53·

673. If she did her hair differently she look quite nice.

A) should B) might

C) had to D) would have

674. She said she'd come with me as soon as she ready.

A) was B) should be

C) would be D) is

675. You the dog. He can walk very well. ,

A) needn't have carried B) ought to carry

C) could have carried D) may have carried

676. He wondered why Helen A) must

C) ought to

to go.

B) had had D) should

677. She wanted to know where Mr. Black to travel to next month.

A) has been going B) was going

C) is going to D) had to

678. Do you mind a question?

A) to be asked C) being asked

B) asking

D) having asked

679 the stupidest person could understand it.

A)On~ B)Ev~

C) Although D) Already

680. I'm learning English A) at

C) during

evening classes this year.

B) in D) on

681. Peter to tea tomorrow.

A) had

C) ought to

B) may be coming D) is going to

682 we're going to do about it is the important question.

A) How B) What

C) In which way D) Why

683. The sun in the East.

A) always rises

C) always is rising

684. Did you visit England last year?

A) No, I never went there. C) No, I never was there.

B) is always rising D) used to rise

B) No, I've never been there. D) No, I didn't see it.

685. We feel very fresh because we went to bed very early.

A) in the night B) last night

C) tonight D) this night

686. Are my shoes in the box? No, there in the box.

A) isn't nothing B) isn't any thing

C) isn't anything D) is something like

54 .


687. way is the nearest bus stop?

A) What

C) In which

B) Which D) On what

688. Do you know the A) village, which C) village where

689. Let me know if you A) at need

C) need

I live in?

B) village that

D) village in which

of anything.

B) in need D) are need

690. Andrew is the boy black hair.

A) having many C) of much

B) with a lot of D) in much

691. Could you lend me until next week?

A) little money B) a few pounds

C) a small money D) few pounds

692 Kate reads in bed.

A) Always

C) Sometimes

B) Seldom D) Never

693. I don't like at me.

A) them shout C) their shout

B) them shouting D) shout

694. entering the hall, she found everyone waiting for her.

A) While B) On

C) At D) In

695. The German plan to make violent demonstrators pay for "misuse" of police time - .

the burden fall on the taxpayer - is being studied by police officers.

A) better than leave B) more than make

C) rather than let D) sooner than allow

696. Excuse me, sir, is this the quickest way to the post office in Royal Street?

A) I can't tell you, I'm afraid. B) I don't mind, I'm afraid.

C) I wouldn't worry, I'm afraid. D) I can't speak to you, I'm afraid.

697. A holiday on the dude ranch costs about $25 per person a day, on the ranch

you select. A) depended C) which is depending

B) depending

D) that is depending

698. The FBI is the only US police force that is not restricted state boundaries.

A) on B) upon

C) to D) -

699. Have you caught a cold, Mary?

A) Yes, I'm afraid I have. C) Yes, I've caught it.

B) Yes, isn't it?

D) Yes, I'm having it.


.. 55

700. When I asked him yesterday, he said the letter to Miss Johnston posted three

days before.

A) has been B) had been

C) was being D) had being

701. My brother hasn't been feeling at all well lately.

A) I didn't too, I'm afraid. B) I'm sorry to hear that.

C) So have I, I'm afraid. D) Neither do 1.

702. They went .

A) by bus C) by a bus

B) by the car D) by street

703. Are you going to England for your holiday next year?

A) I don't think. B) I don't think so.

C) I don't think that. D) I'm not thinking so.

704. I cannot find my book, it?

A) did you see C) have you seen

B) didn't you see D) haven't you

705. When Trooper Low stopped to assist a motorist, he was confronted a pistol.

A) with B) by

C) towards D) on

706. Remember to visit John when you're in London.

A) Yes, I certainly did. B) Yes, I certainly will.

C) Yes, I remember. I'm sure. D) Yes, it will, I'm sure.

707. Hello, old chap! I haven't seen you for a long time.

A) Hello, Fred! How are you? B) Hello, Fred! How do you do?

C) Hello, Fred! How does it look? D) Hello, Fred! How is it?

708. The delay was due an accident.

A) because of C) to

B) up D) for

709. Only in the last few years done to help the poorest of the Indians.

A) anything has been B) has anything been

C) is anything D) anything was

710 have you read this book?

A) When

C) How many times

B) What

D) How much

711. I must home.

A) coming C) to go

712. Point Miss Rees!

A) on C) for

713. How many did you buy?

A) As I could pay them.

C) Since I need them very much.

B) be going D) be come

B) to D) upon

B) More than I needed. D) As much as I could.



714. "Do you want to go to the theatre?"

"No, I have study."

A) got

C) got up

B) gotto

D) got trough

715. Henry Ford II said he was confident the automobile would continue to be the

favourite mode of travel for most people. A)C) on that

B) in that

D) on the point that

716. My daughter told me she'd been shopping in town and had met a school friend .................. her A-levels.

A) who just finishes C) who will just finish

B) who'd just finished D) who is finishing

717 to Manchester from London early in the morning, what is the earliest train I

could get? A) If! have to travel C) If travelling

B) If to travel

D) If have been travelling

718. Why don't you help the flat?

A) her clean

C) her for cleaning

B) her with the cleaning D) hers to clean

719. My name's Burton. Fred Burton. How do you do.

A) How are you, Mr Burton? B) How do you do, Mr Burton.

C) Very well, thank you, Mr Burton. D) Very nice, Mr Burton.

720. She will go to his office immediately after in London.

A) arriving B) she will arrive

C) she'll be arriving D) has arrived

721. We being in Durham.

A) have to C) like

B) want D) have

722. "Before I settled in Lake Havasu City," she said, " ~ for my vacation for

about six years." A) I'd be corning here C) I'd corning here

B) I'd been corning here D) I'd corne here

723. He's always the first if something goes wrong.

A) complaining B) for complaining

C) complains D) to complain

724. Which of you Peter last week?

A) did see B) has seen

C) saw D) was seeing

725. Would you like to corne to the party next weekend?

A) I'm afraid I can't. B) I'm afraid I wouldn't like.

C) Sorry, but I don't. D) Unfortunately I won't.

726. How much if I buy a large bottle of shampoo instead of two small ones?

A) will I save B) is saving

C) were I saving D) would be saving


. ·57

727. It would be nice to spend a vacation on a dude ranch, a ranch was built for



C) what

B) that D) who

728. Please her the newspaper she asked for.

A) remember me sending B) remember me to send

C) remind me sending D) remind me to send

729 Anne now lives in London, most of her school friends are still in Brighton.

A) Although B) But

C) Since D) Thus

730. What's the weather like?

A) I don't like it.

C) It looks like rain.

B) I like rain, too.

D) I hate weather such.

731. I'll telephone you immediately if we a cancellation of a seat.

A) shall have B) will have

C) should have D) will get

732. They say she was there yesterday afternoon? But that's impossible. She couldn't have

been there, she customers at the time.

A) had visited B) has visited

C) was visiting D) visited

733. I'm so sorry. I think I've broken one of your new glasses.

A) Don't mind, please. B) Never mind.

C) Never worry. D) That's nothing.

734. Shouldn't you be in the clinic?

A) Yes, I'm supposed. C) Yes, I suppose I will.

B) Yes, I supposed.

D) Yes, I'm supposed to be there.

735. A lot of books here every day.

A) are buying C) have bought

B) are bought D) can buy

736. We expected the house before we came home from our holiday.

A) be built B) to be built

C) to be building D) to build

737. You had better .

A) to have your hair cut C) have your hair cut

B) to have cut your hair D) had your hair cut

738. The car is my brother's.

A) being serviced now B) is being serviced now

C) what is serviced now D) of which driver is coming now

739. I shall wait here until you ready.

A) would B) are

C) shall be D) will be

740. " call him for you?" "Thank you. That will be a great help to me."

A) Must I B) Will I

C) Will you D) Shall I


741. Come and meet Mary. She is a good friend of ..

A) our B) us

C) Betty D) Betty's

742. He has hardly money left in the bank.

A) a little B) any

C) much D) some

743. You needn't say anything, it's I can do for you.

A) the least B) the less

C) a least D) the leastest

744 ybu make a real effort or there is no real chance of your passing the exam.

A) Neither B) Either

C) Nor D) Or

745 can make me forgive you.

A) Nothing what you do C) Nothing that you do

B) Nothing which you do D) Nothing you to do

746. He tried to do his best he would get the job.

A) so that B) as so

C) so to D) for

747. He asked them if they had done many that day.

A) works B) work

C) job D) jobs

748. I haven't got much money on me. I can lend you £ 5.

A) mostly B) the most

C) by most D) at most

749. Mary is Susan.

A) a lot pretty than

C) much more pretty then

B) a lots prettier than D) much prettier than

750. He always writes very carefully. He is very .

A) thorough B) though

C) through D) throughout

751. I always the fish in the shop.

A) get cleaning B) have cleaned

C) make cleaned D) have to clean

752. Do you think you could ;. to see what time the film starts?

A) check in B) check on

C) check D) check through

753. I'm afraid Bob was so angry that he at the meeting.

A) made himself fool B) made a fool of himself

C) made a fool for himself D) made fool of himself

754. People who can't hear well are said to be of hearing.

A) short B) hard

C) uneasy D) difficult



755. After the accident the police ordered the crowd to .

A) keep off B) keep back

C) keep on D) keep out

756. He didn't move in until they the painting.

A) had finished B) would finish

C) did not finish D) were finishing

757. He used very bad language, was very impolite.

A) which B) that

C) what D) there

758 he had no money, he ordered a large car.

A) Even though B) However

C) In spite of D) Provided

759. I hope help comes soon, Julie. I don't think we can much longer.

A) hold back B) hold over

C) hold in D) hold out

760. With his accent he could easily pass an American.

A) for B) by

C) on D) about

761. He didn't know or go home.

A) to wait C) if to wait

B) if that he should wait D) whether to wait

762. It goes wrthout that you must be our guest.

A) saying B) explanation

C) telling D) excuse

763 are very intelligent.

A) Both of them C) Both they

B) Both them D) The both

764. You must make that I'm too busy.

A) him to understand B) him understand

C) him understood D) understand him

765. We would have helped you if we you were in difficulties.

A) knew B) have known

C) were knowing D) had known

766. The advertisement didn't say how big .

A) the flat was B) had the flat been

C) was the flat D) is the flat

767. Don't ask for another book until you this one.

A) don't finish B) have not finished

C) have finished D) finished

768. The last time to the library was last week.

A) I have gone B) I have been

C) I was D) I went

;·_"e,., -, ::'_':'.'.' " ' .. :c.,:'.:. -':--'_'_'-, ::':-'::::.:' --' __ ,_ -',' ';-",:,:', .. ::::::-C:' .. " '''<:'''. ,.:1-



769. I object to left there.

A) the car's being C) the car that was

B) the car that is D) the car being

770. Suppose the train late tomorrow, we'll have to take a bus.

A) is B) will be

C) would be D) could be

771. When he was questioned by the police, he denied .

A) going there B) to go there

C) to have gone there D) being going there

772 like ice-cream.

A) Every children C) All of children

B) Every child D) All children

773. I bought a new watch yesterday; myoid watch.................. .

A) couldn't repair B) couldn't be repaired

C) didn't repair D) hadn't repaired

774. He was fined 50 pounds for exceeding the speed limit.

A) - B) for

C) with D) of

775 he does his work, I don't mind what time he arrives at the office

A) So far as B) So long as

C) In case D) Meanwhile

776. We don't need it. It .

A) ought to sell C) need to sell

B) should be selling D) should be sold

777. They want the job by the end of the week.

A) to do B) done

C) did D) to be doing

778. The notice on the door says that people not enter.

A) will B) might

C) could D) may

779. He doesn't like dogs, and his wife.

A) so does B) neither likes

C) neither does D) either does

780. The shirts when the machine stopped.

A) were washing B) were being washed

C) have been washing D) have been washed

781. Lucy, I do wish you so much.

A) shouldn't smoke C) didn't smoke

B) don't smoke D) aren't smoking

782. When I in France I found the people very friendly.

A) have been B) live

C) left D) was



783. He stared at Paul, to communicate something.

A) as though he wanting B) although he wanted

C) as if wanting D) as ifhe wants

784. Food much more expensive in Britain since they joined the EEC.

A) becomes B) became

C) has become D) was becoming

785. I had a reply from Roger this morning. He says he doesn't mind lending us the tent provided we return it by 3rd August. A) even if C) in case

B) unless

D) as long as

786. "I'm sorry I can't do the shopping today." "OK, then."

A) I'm going to do it B) I'll do it

C) I'm doing it D) I do it

787. At minus 50° nobody can touch metal with their bare hand some skin.

A) ifhe does not lose B) unless he loses

C) without the loss of D) except losing

788. He's a good guitarist, but he plays the piano .

A) quiet well B) too hardly

C) very good D) much better

789. Although she tried hard, she could not the work.

A) cope with B) cope up

C) cope uy with D) crop with

790. I don't suppose he has anyone to talk to about his problems, is a pity.

A) that B) this

C) what D) which

791. Thank heavens I managed to get on the train. It seems now.

A) to leave B) that it leaves

C) to be leaving D) that it will leave just

792 ,the lion is a member ofthe cat family.

A) Like the tiger B) Alike to the tiger

C) Liking the tiger D) It is like the tiger

793. Mr Smith has a three- son.

A) year-old C) year's old

B) years old r5) years' old

794. He had such a strong accent that it was very difficult to what he was saying.

A) make up B) make out

C) make over D) make for

795. I have a paper in my desk.

A) lot C) loss

B) little D) little of

796. "Would you like a cigarette?" went up last April."

A) haven't

C) didn't light

"N a thank you. I a cigarette since the price

B) didn't have D) haven't lit



797. "When ?" "In ten minutes time."

A) did you board B) have you boarded

C) are you boarding D) were you boarding

798. Not only but he was arrested as well.

-A) he had gone there B) he went there

C) did he go there D) he had been going there

799. I a fool if! said that.

A) will be

C) will be being

B) will have been D) would be

800. I didn't know at first .

A) who you were talking about C) who about you were talking

801. Take an umbrella it rains.

A) in any case C) because

B) who were you talking about D) about whom were you talking

B) in case D) perhaps

802. Jimmy has been a farmer since he the Army.

A) has left B) had left

C) had been leaving D) left

803. I'd rather you ..

A) have your hair dyed

C) had had your hair dyed

B) have dyed your hair D) had your hair dyed

804. My sister has a daughter who is a successful surgeon, .

A) what pleases my parents B) which pleases my parents

C) that pleases my parents D) and which pleases my parents

805. We'll go to Italy in August, it isn't too expensive.

A) except B) provided

C) so far as D) unless

806. If only he what I tell him, but I'm afraid he won't.

A) had done B) will do

C) has done D) would do

807. If! your boss, I'd tell him.

A) see

C) would see

B) had seen D) saw

808. They're the people car was stolen.

A) what B) which

C) who's D) whose

809. X ou can borrow my notes that you give them back to me tomorrow.

A) if B) only

C) in case D) on condition

810. It's amazing how quickly bad news gets in this town.

A) about B) along

C) off D)~~d

811. When Henry arrived home after a hard day at work, his wife .

A) slept B) has slept

C) was sleeping D) has been sleeping

812. Ifhe spent so much money, he'd have some left now.

A) didn't B) doesn't

C) hadn't D) wouldn't

813. The best worker has worked for them for twenty years has just left them.

A) - B) that

C) he D) in fact

814. I made him what I had told him.

A) repeating C) repeat

815. His car is mine.

A) the same the C) alike

B) that he repeated D) to repeat

B) similar to p) as

816. We wonder his next step is going to be.

A) that what B) how

C) what D) that how

817. If! had not called a doctor, your friend .

A) would have died B) will have died

C) will die D) has died

818. That's the hotel last year.

A) where we stayed at B) where we stayed

C) which we stayed D) at which we stayed at

819. I wondered ifhe a lot of money.

A) will earn B) earn

C) has earning D) earned

820. Mr. Hart (on the phone): Can I speak to Mr Bentley please? Mr. Bentley: .

A) I am that. B) He speaks.

C) Speaking. D) Here am 1.

821. Have some sweets.

A) Yes, I do, thank you. C) Yes, I will, thank you.

B) Yes, I have, thank you. D) Yes, I would, thank you.

822. Do you know a cake?

A) to do

C) how to do

823 . You can't ,whatever you do.

A) make him do it C) make him to do it

824. Will you take a seat, please?

A) Yes, I will. C) Yes, I shall.

B) to make

D) how to make

B) get him do it

D) make him doing it

B) I do.

D) Thank you.



825. I'm waiting .

A) for the weather clearing up C) for the weather to clear up

B) the weather to clear up

D) that the weather is clearing up

826. "It says here that there aren't many palm trees in the Himalayas."

"I'm not surprised. I thought at all."

A) there weren't any B) there aren't many

C) it weren't any D) it wasn't any

827. Last Sunday thousands of people on the beach.

A) it was B) there was

C) they were D) there were

828. I'm not surprised you are afraid of him, he . .... ..... .... .... .

A) is so strange-looking B) is so strangely looking

C) has so strange looks D) is looking out strange

829. All last night the gas pipes were .

A) mending B) having been mended

C) having mended D) being mended

830. I prefer to work rather than with other people.

A) by my own B) for my own

C) by myself D) on myself

831. "Would you like some more coffee? There's still left."

A) a little B) little

C)afuw D)fuw

832. We here since the beginning of the month.

A) are B) had been

C) shall be D) have been

833. Why did you install a new heater? to have constant hot water.

A) For B) Because

C) In order that D) So as

834. Rose is delighted the flowers you sent her.

A) of _ B) by

C) with D) from

835. When I lived in the country 1 for long walks.

A) was often going B) often went

C) had often been taken D) was often taking

836. I can't find the book .

A) nowhere C) anywhere

B) everywhere D) somewhere

837. Mont Blanc, we visited last summer, is the highest mountain in Europe.

A) which B) where

C) that D) what

838 usually made of wood.

A) Furnitures are C) Furniture is

B) The furniture is D) The furnitures are



839. He was such a nuisance. I wish him to corne.

A) I didn't ask B) I wouldn't ask

C) I hadn't asked D) I shouldn't ask

840. She told me she late for the meeting today.

A) can be B) is being

C) shall be D) would be

84 L They will all be back by 9 mistaken.

A) unless I am B) if! am

C) had I not D) unless I am not

842. I wonder .

A) that what they want C) what he is after

B) when is he corning D) where did they put it

843. Sarah is worried about the examination to eat her supper.

A) very B) too

C) so D) such

844 because I can see that it is too big for you.

A) This coat cannot be yours B) It must not be yours

C) You are not allowed to have one D) You ought not to wear it

845. If they football so much they would have been able to pass their finals.

. A) wouldn't play B) didn't to play

C) hadn't played D) had played

846. He won't be long; he'll be here .

A) in short

C) after a minute

B) in short time D) shortly

847. Julia was rather exhausted .

A) since a month

C) for the last month

B) from December till January D) from December

848. Instead for a few minutes, he went horne right away.

A) of waiting B) to wait

C) waiting D) from to be waiting

849. The key is missing.

A) that opens the office C) opens the office

B) which the office opens D) it opens the office

850 I get a curious pain in my leg, doctor.

A) Time by time B) At times

C) In time D) At a time or two

851. Before her death last year, Peter's rich aunt decided that she leave her house

to Peter.

A) can C) may

B) would D) shall

852. I don't really my new boss.

A) get up to C) get on with

B) get on to

D) get away with



853 I had the time, I'd go.

A) If

C) When

B) Unless D) Since

854 I don't know is how much it'll cost.

A) That B) Which

C) The thing what D) What

855. Nobody else has been told he's coming, ?

A) is he B) have they

C) has he D) isn't he

856. I this duck for two hours and it's still not tender.

A) have been grilling B) am grilled

C) am grilling D) been grilled

857. He was talking about .

A) having central heating put in C) having central heating to put in

B) to have central heating put in

D) to have central heating putting in

858. Would you mind keeping a(n) on our house for us while we are away?

~h~ ~~~

C) eye D) view

859. I my car repaired.

A) made C) got

B) let

D) needed

860. You should do as you .

A) have been told C) would tell

B) is told

D) would being told

86l. How does it take you to get to the office?

A) far B) many time

C) long D) time

862. In a shop customers.

A) it is important pleasing

C) there is important pleasing

B) it is important to please

D) there is important to please

863. Everyone is exercising more nowadays, the young, the middle- and the elderly.

A) age B) ages

C) aged D) aging

864. They have got in their home.

A) a beautiful furniture C) beautiful furnitures

B) beautiful furniture

D) some beautiful furnitures

865. If everybody ,we could hold the meeting tomorrow.

A) agrees B) was agreed

C) will be agreed D) would be agreed

866. We in the town by the time you return.

A) have lived B) will leave

C) will be living D) are leaving


867. Nobody likes working here, ?

A) do they C) does she

868. We arrived July 21st.

A) at C) on

869. Ifit , I would have gone.

A) had rain C) rains

B) does he D) doesn't he

B) in D) to

B) rained

D) hadn't rained

870. We watched carefully the houses.

A) during she walked against B) during she walked towards

C) while she walked against D) while she walked towards

871. I don't like the French but 1 France.

A) do like B) care of

C) mind D) please

'872. The guide was only about ten years old.

A) who took us there B) who took there

C) he took us there D) took us there

873. I to meet him.

A) avoided C) happened

B) postponed' D) insisted

874. Most of them over a hundred years.

A) have been dead B) were dead

C) have been died D) are dead

875. She'd have helped you, she?

A) didn't

C) shouldn't

B) hadn't D) wouldn't

876. He thoroughly before the doctors decided to operate.

A) has been examining B) had been examined

C) has examining D) is examining

877. Mary be in Paris because I saw her in town only an hour ago.

A) mustn't B) isn't able to

C) can't D) may not

878. She is the woman .

A) that we are talking B) about that we are talking

C) that we are talking about D) which we are talking about

879. He football professionally since 1969.

A) has been playing B) is playing

C) played D) plays

880. "Our daughter ," they said.

A) was born since three years C) was born three years ago

B) is born for three years ago

D) has been born since three years ago


881. She had an accident and to hospital.

A) was brought B) was taken

C) had been taken D) had to be carried

882. Do you want another cake? No, thank you, .

A) I still have got some left B) I've ~1 got some left

C) I still have some ones D) I have still some ones

883. We are too late, the shop over there .

A) was closing B) had been closed

C) has got to close D) is just being closed


884. If you don't know to say, don't say anything.

A) how B) that

C) what D)-

885. He was always and .

A) likes trusts

C) being liked trusted

B) liked trusted

D) liking trusting

886. She has been engaged him for a year.

A) with B) in

C) to D) into

887. I'd say this development was .

A) to be expected C) to be expecting

888. Can I help you, madam?

A) Yes, if you don't worry. C) Yes, that's awfully good.

B) to expect

D) to have expected

B) Yes, of course you might.

D) Yes, that would be very nice.

889. Thank you very much for your help.

A) That's fine.

C) The same to you.

B) Thank you, too. D) Not at all.

890. Can you recommend a good restaurant in London?

A) for me B) to me

C) me D) as for me

89l. Just I think the year's supply of shocks must be exhausted, my family

usually pull another one out of the bag. A) if C) then

B) like D) when

892. You'd like to know where I was last Saturday, ?

A) don't you B) hadn't you

C) wouldn't you D) shan't you

893. Isn't it a lovely day, John?

A) Yes, by no means. C) Yes, it certainly is.

B) Yes, I'm sure. D) Yes, certainly.

894. Could you give me that catalogue, please?

A) Certainly. Never mind. C) Certainly. Please.

B) Certainly. Here you are.

D) Certainly. You're welcome.


895. "What were you doing when 1 wanted to see you last night?" "I to the


A) must have been listening C) must be listening

B) must listen

D) must have been listened

896. He his wife home by six, but she didn't in fact arrive half past.

A) waited till B) awaited till

C) looked forward to until D) expected until

897. He was worried. He a call telling him his father was ill.

A) has just received B) had received

C) received D) became .

898. So far she in England for as long as she studied in France.

A) didn't study B) hasn't been studying

C) doesn't study D) isn't studying

899. He was told his proposal due attention.

A) would give B) will give

C) would be given D) would have giving

900. A) They fond of each other. B) They love one another very much.

C) They fond of one another. D) They're fond each other.

901. The bed was empty. It in.

A) had not been slept C) was slept

B) was sleeping D) is slept

902. He didn't want to do that, but he ..... .... .... ..... .

A) had to B) must have done

C) ought to D) had better do

903. Please ask and see me.

A) to Bill to come C) to Bill come

B) Bill to come D) Bill come

904. Women's jobs are men's.

A) that important as C) as important as

B) so important that D) as important so

905. He wishes he to the lecture last night.

A) would have gone B) had gone

C) went D) was going

906. If the pain in your leg becomes worse, get it at once.

A) to see B) seen to

C) seeing to D) be seen to

907. Everything goes well, ?

A) does it C) neither

B) didn't it D) doesn't it

908. 1 an easy solution to that problem.

A) think there aren't B) don't think there is

C) think what isn't D) reckon it been



909 was Peter who won the race.


C) There

910. I don't see why 1 help you.

A) would C) should

B) He D) That

B) am going to D) am willing

911. I him in with the front-door key.

A) allowed B) permitted

C)lct D)kft

912. He was given instructions and he knew what .

A) he was to do B) he had done

C) he has to do D) he was to be done

913. You can have this book when I reading it.

A) have finished B) shall finish

C) shall have finished D) will finish

914. He was afraid home late.

A) of us to get C) that we got

B) us getting

D) that we would get

915. 15 people lost their due to the accident.

A) life B) lives

C) lifes D) five

916. To travel from England to Wales you a passport.

A) haven't got B) needn't

C) mustn't have D) don't need

917. How much from this account?

A) has been drawn C) is drawing

918 is becoming less widespread.

A) French language

C) The French language

919. My aunt put me for the night.

A) in C) up

920. Which year are you at school?

A) at .

C) during

B) was drew D) will extract

B) The French

D) Both A) and C) are correct

B) to D) by

B) in D) on

921. He couldn't the tension examinations caused.

A) used to B) get used to

C) got used to D) accustomed

922. I can't help thinking about it.

A) Nothing I do will make any difference.

C) It would be more useful if I did something.

B) I wish I could forget it, but I can't.

D) I wish I could keep my mind on the subject.



923. If you leave me, lost.

A) would be

C) should have been

B) might have been D) I'll be

924. Our boss is stil1 in the office, he .

A) doesn't leave B) hasn't left

C) isn't leaving D) hadn't left

925. Come ! We musn't be late for lunch.

A) with B) along

C) to me D) up with

926. Wil1 the train leave on time?

A) It always has done. C) It must have to.

B) Yes, it always had done.

D) It ought to have left on time.

927. He in his project.

A) would assisted

C) should be assisted

B) ought to assisted D) must to assist

928. No sooner sleep than the doorbel1 rang.

A) had he gone to B) he went go

C) did he go D) had he fal1en to

929. On one hand you have four fingers and a .

A) toe B) heel

C) thumb D) nail

930. There was hardly anybody in the shop, ?

A) wasn't there B) was there

C) were there D) wasn't he

93l. He looked up at the house as if he how to get it.

A) would wander B) would wonder

C) was wandering D) were wondering

932. My son to become an actor ever since he saw Hamlet on stage.

A) wants B) wanted

C) has wanted D) had wanted

933. He entered university .

A) when he had 18 years C) at the age of 18

B) when 18 years were his age D) at the age of 18 years old

934 in the water he showed himself to be a good swimmer.

A) Once . B) Entered

C) Going D) After

935. When he saw the house he couldn't help wondering .

A) how much cost it B) what was the price of it

C) how much did it cost D) what it cost

936. This film before.

A) has been showing C) has shown

.B) has been shown D) was showing

B) whether to help

D) if that I should help

y: •. ,:::::, :: -: .. :: :_'; ::.:-:::,', :::'-:::::('::'-.: .. ': ,'-:-{--,-.,": ' "'::; <"">::::', :: '," .;:: -.::)r· ... -: ,:, ',: ' ... :,:'<:",:'"'::' :':; :,::'::


937. I didn't know him or not.

A) if to help C) to help

938. There in the room.

A) were hardly any fumiture C) weren't hardly any fumiture

939. This is such a thing.

A) my first time of seeing

C) the first time I have ever seen

B) was hardly any fumiture D) were hardly any fumitures

B) my first time to see

D) my first time I have ever seen

940. Why didn't you tell me you could lend me the money? I it from the bank.

A) didn't need to borrow B) needn't have borrowed

C) didn't have to borrow D) shouldn't have borrowed

94l. He was suffering toothache.

A) for C) of

B) from D) under

942. A person who talks to is not necessarily mad.

A) himself B) oneself

C) yourself D) itself

943. "What shall we do on Sunday moming?" "Let's , shall we?"

A) make an excursion B) go to an outing

C) go swimming D) go to sport

944. The boy lost his book is waiting in the office.

A) what B) which

C) who D)-

945. He was of all his money last night.

A) robbed B) stolen

C) taken away D) stolen away

946. Did you hear Julie said?

A) what

C) that what

B) that D) which

947. How did it come that you were there at that time?

A) to B) -

C) on D) about

948. Open the window, please, ?

A) do you C) will you

B) don't you D) won't you

949. When he was a child, he only to his mother.

A) would speak B) will speak

C) is speaking D) has spoken

950. These old buildings will soon down.

A) pull B) be pulled

C) have pulled D) being pulled



951. The new Prime Minister open the new hospital, but, unfortunately, he got ill.

A) would B) was to

C) will D) wanted

952. "It " "How do you know?" "The roofs are wet."

A) has been raining B) can rain

C) will have rained D) is rained

953. He has arrived late .

A) as usual B) like usual

C) as usually D) like usually

954. Although he had been ill, he still .

A) smoked further B) smoked any more

C) went on smoking D) went on to smoke

955 they disliked the speech, they should have kept quiet.

A) Even B) However

C) Moreover D) However much

956. The proposal next month.

A) supposed to be debate

C) is supposed to be debated

B) is supposed to debate D) supposed to debate

957. His car stolen ifhe hadn't left it unlocked.

A) can't have been B) shouldn't have to be

C) mightn't have been D) needn't have to be

958. She always buys my birthday.

A) anything nice to

C) something awful to

B) anything nice for

D) something awful for

959 English takes a lot of time.

A) Study

C) Studying of the

B) The studying D) Studying

960. I will have cleaned the flat by the time .

A) you are going to come back B) you'll come back

C) you come back D) you had come back

961. friendly you are towards him, the more often he will come to see you.

A) Most B) -

C) More D) The more

962. You here much earlier but you were late again.

A) ought to be B) must be

C) needn't D) should have been

963. They all the dresses before we got there.

A) have sold B) were being sold

C) had sold D) had been selling

964. Can I some money from you? I've lost my bag.

A) borrow B) hire

C) lend D) rent



965. No sooner than the rain began bucketing down.

A) the match started B) the match had started

C) had the match started D) had the match start

966. She working hard every evening making dresses.

A) uses to B) used to

C) is used to D) was used

967. When you see the road sign "No stopping" you stop.

A) needn't B) wouldn't

C) mustn't D) don't have to

968. Industry is likely the environment.

A) to blame to pollute B) blaming to pollute

C) to blame for polluting D) to be blamed for polluting

969. He asked her .

A) for not leaving him C) don't leave him

B) not leave him D) not to leave him

970. I've heard some bad news very upsetting.

A) They are B) It is

C) I find them D) Some of them are

971. Stop this fuss, will you?

A) make C) to make

B) making

D) with making

972. He didn't thank me for the present. That is annoyed me.

A) which B) that

C) the thing what D) what

973. Does your father like her?

A) If only he ought to! C) If only he didl

B) If only he may!

D) If only he might have!

974. There will be only two of us, ?

A) will there B) won't they

C) won't there D) won't it

975. Hurry up, the exhibition this very moment.

A) is being opened B) will soon be opening

C) has opened D) is getting open

976. Something happened to him, ?

A) did it B) didn't it

C) did they D) did something

977. Would Mr James please go to the information desk where there news for lfim?

A) are B) are some

C) is a D) is some

978. It's not important, we finish the work until tomorrow.

A) don't need B) mustn't

C) needn't D) needn't to


979. Who him steal the money?

A) seed e) saw

B) was seeing D) sees

980. By the time the police arrived, the thieves the stolen money.

A) hide B) had hidden

e) are hiding D) will have hidden

981. "How long have you been waiting?"

A) Since four hours.

e) For the whole morning.

982. What are you , I wonder.

A) up to

e) about doing

~983 from London to Edinburgh!

A) How long there is

e) What distance is there

B) Since I've finished work. D) For I was thirsty.

B) about to D) knowing

B) What a long way it is D) How long is

984. We do hope they have all arrived by now.

A) well B) safe

e) surely D) safely

985. Although we used to go to the same school, 1 his surname.

A) forget always B) always forget

e) never remind D) always remember

986. Don't say anything before you our letter.

A) are getting B) get

e) will get D) got

987. How did she come those beautiful diamonds?

N~ . m~~

e) by D) into

988. We haven't got a record player. Let's .

A) to borrow the Mary's B) borrow Mary's

e) to lend one of Mary D) lend Mary's one

989 at the moment, I'll go to the shops.

A) For it doesn't rain B) As it doesn't rain

e) For it isn't raining D) As it isn't raining

990. I learn how to cook.

A) got my wife to e) asked my wife

991. How long did you wait?

A) Before lunch time. C) Until six o'clock.

992. I can't help thinking about it.

A) Nothing I do will make any difference.

e) It would be more useful if I did something.

B) made my wife to D) knew my wife

B) As soon as he comes. D) Since this morning.

B) I wish I could forget it, but I can't.

D) I wish I could keep my mind on the subject.



993. Nothing happened to her, ?

A) didn't it C) neither

B) did it

D) nor did it

994 crossing the street, he was knocked down by a car.

A) By B)Fm

C) At D) While

995. "It's a pity you haven't seen the play." "But Ihave, I it last month.

A) have seen B) had seen

C) saw D) was seeing

996. They rang the bell and in.

A) was shown B) have been shown

C) were shown D) had shown

997. He asked me what 1 ifI'd been him.

A) was saying B) had said

C) would have said D) said

998. If you're not listening to the radio, then .

A) turn it up B) turn it out

C) tum it off D) tum it away

999. We were told he : on.

A) can be relied

C) would be relying

B) will be relied D) could be relied

1000. Where has he gone? I have not .

A) told B) being told

C) been told D) be told

1001. you, Derek, but there's something you haven't noticed.

A) I ought tell B) Sorry to correct

C) Don't you mind my correct D) Can I correct

1002. Did you remember ? You might need it!

A) to bring a raincoat B) bringing a mac

C) to carry a raincoat D) taking a mac

1003. Is the tea ?

A) so cool for you to drink

C) cool enough for you to drink

B) too cool that you can drink D) enough cool to drink

1004. She doesn't have to be there until six, ?

A) doesn't she B) does she

C) hasn't she D) has she

1005. You right. It's forbidden.

A) hadn't to tum

C) didn't have to tum

B) mustn't have turned D) shouldn't have turned

1006. Did you answer the invitation? No, I but I forgot.

A) had to B) ought to have

C) should D) must have



1007. A) Who do you think is going to get into the second round?

C) Who you think is going to get into the second round?

B) Do you think who is going to get into the second round?

D) What do you think who is going to get into the second round?

1008. Somebody goes to see her every week, ?

A) doesn't he B) does he

C) don't they D) did he

1009. The girl house he visited was Elizabeth.

A) of which B) of whom

C) which D) whose

1010. I was leave when I heard the doorbell ring.

A) rather to B) about to

C) on the intention of D) around

1011. The old lady had shut all the doors she usually did.

A) what B) like

C)~ D)ili~

1012. The airport is five miles .

A) away from here C) far from here

B) from here away

D) far away from here

1013. Are you interested tennis tomorrow?

A) in playing B) for playing

C) on playing D) to play

1014. You go now. It's getting late.

A) had rather C) would better

B) would rather D) had better

1015. It's a great party: Mike in particular appears himself.

A) to enjoy B) to be enjoying

C) to entertain D) to be entertaining

1016. What he did was the letter.

A) open

C) opening

B) to open

D) that he had to open

1017. There was nobody on the beach, ?

A) wasn't there B) was there

C) were there D) weren't there

10 18. Would you mind paying for the tickets ?

A) in advance B) forwards

C) primarily D) now and then

1019. I think we better go home.

A) had C) must

B) would D) will

1020. This method has been used for many years, it .

A) should improve B) ought to improve

C) should be improved D) ought to be improving

78 .

1021. That old lady can't stop me the tennis match on my radio.

A) to listen B) listening

C) listen to D) listening to

1022. We wish we trees in the garden of our present house.

A) had B) have

C) will have D) to have

1023. He'll know why he there.

A) would be sending C) was being sent

B) is being sent D) will be sending

1024. You don't expect that, do you?

A) me believe B) that I believe

C) me to believe D) that I should believe

1025. We told him not about the tickets.

A) worrying B) worry

C) to worry D) be worrying

1026. You could have come to the party.

A) It was possible, but you didn't. C) You came to the party.

B) You were able to come.

D) You did, but it was unnecessary.

1027. Tom: Shall we go home now?

Reg: No, let's carryon. Now we've got so far we finish the job tonight.

A) might willingly B) would at least

C) could rather D) may as well

1028. The organisers are worried that be no more than a very few spectators for

today's boat race if it keeps on raining. A) there might C) it will

B) they could D) perhaps may

1029. Don't while I'm away.

A) let anybody in

C) let anybody to come in

B) let somebody come in D) let that they come in

1030. I won't be finished in time I work all night.

A) also when B) although

C) even if D) even when

1031. Come to my party, ?

A) won't you C) isn't it

B) shall you D) don't you

1032. The two gangsters were arrested for robbery but any jewels in his bags.

A) none carried B) neither man carried

C) neither was carrying D) neither men was carrying

1033 anything at the time?

A) Did he carry

C) Was he carrying

B) Had he carried

D) Had he been carrying

1034. A) I knew the girl last night, at the disco. B) I've met the girl at a party on Sunday.

C) I got to know the girl at the local disco D) I know the girl last night, at the disco. last night.



1035. My husband will .

A) the fridge have repaired C) make the fridge repaired

B) have the fridge repaired D) the fridge make repaired

1036 you are happy, it doesn't matter if you haven't got much money.

A) Meanwhile B) As long as

C) During D) As for as

1037. It was Thursday the holiday really began.

A) on when B) - when

C) on that D) - that

1038. Do you mind if! open the window?

A) Yes, please. C) Yes, I mind.

1039. How it?

A) will I say C) shall I put

B) No, of course not. D) I don't think.

B) to say D) to tell

1040. It's over five years now .: I last you.

A) since saw B) for saw

C) since have seen D) for have seen

1041. Whenever you come to visit me, I glad to see you.

A) always am B) have been

C) will always be D) 'd always be

1042. "I've lost my wallet."

"It serves you right; you in that small pocket."

A) didn't have to keep it B) shouldn't have kept it

C) needn't have kept it D) hadn't keep it

1043. I don't think industry can become more efficient the whole economy changes.

A) despite B) without

C) unless D) both

1044. "Did you remember the gate?"

"No, I didn't. I'll go back and do it." A) having locked

C) locking

B) to lock

D) having locking

1045. I want postpone all other programmes for tonight.

A) that you to B) you that to

C) you to D) to you to

1046. It didn't seem worth such an expensive picture.

A) to buy B) it

C) buying D) buy

1047. He will stay here until you him to leave.

A) don't tell B) won't tell

C) will tell D) tell

1048. Let's go to the cinema! I suggest to see Star Wars.

A) going B) to go

C) go D) that we went


1049. He ran a dog.

A) in C) over

B) back D) up

1050. I think it's a lot more difficult to children nowadays than it used to be.

A) bring out B) bring off

C) bring away D) bring up

1051. Did you see the photographs in Cairo?

A) I took B) I took them

C) that I took them D) took

1052. How many bridges are there the Danube?

A) on B) above

C) through D) across

1053. By ten o'clock tomorrow, I the contract.

A) signed B) have signed

C) shall have signed D) had signed

1054. I have read the book you lent me.

A) what B) whom

C) that D) whose

1055. In court last week, Mr Williams was accused some shoplifting in the

Cutprice Supermarket. A) of having done C) that he had done

B) with

D) of his doing

1056. Do you know how much ?

A) is it cost C) it costed

1057. Where yesterday?

A) went you

C) have you been

1058. When he arrived he asked ..

A) whatlate he was C) if he was late

B) does it cost D) it costs

B) was you D) were you

B) ifhe'd been later D) if had he been late

1059. This is not question -: the one discussed before.

A) so important as B) more important as

C) such an important as D) such an important than

( 1060. Did she really do it ?

A) lonely

C) on her own

B) of her own D) her own

1061. I don't think you will have difficulty in obtaining a licence.

A) a great deal B) much

C) many D) a little

1062. He prefers to drive himself by someone else.

A) to be driven B) rather than being driving

C) rather than driven D) rather than being driven


1063. Will you stay if they offer you more money?

A) Even if I stay. B) Because I have to leave.

C) Unless I get more money. D) Not unless I geta car as well.

1064. It's too hard what makes me laugh.

A) saying B) say

C) to speak D) to say

1065. This is the second time I him.

A) saw

C) have seen

1066 of the three boys got a prize.

A) Both . C) Each

B) see

D) can see

B) A few D) Every

1067. Who have you shown these pictures to?

A) also B) else

C) more D) other

1068. Don't worry, .

A) we have lots of times C) there're lots of times

1069. He's used to in public.

A) be speaking C) speaking

1070. He isn't .. : to reach the ceiling.

A) so tall

C) enough tall

B) there's lots of time D) there's a lot time

B) the speaking D) speak

B) as tall

D) tall enough

1071. The house is very old and a park.

A) what I want overlooks B) I want look over

C) I want overlooks D) what I want looks over

1072. Do you like my new dress? 1 it last week.

A) bought B) buy

C) have bought D) was buying

1073 the weather was fine, I opened all the windows.

A) As B) For

C) Because of D) Since that

1074. "Oh, what a beautiful dress! Where is it from?" " "

A) German B) Dane

C) Norway D) French

1075. When you see a policeman you drive carefully.

A) need B) should

C) ought D) would

1076 : was a well-known fact.

A) That their team was weak C) As their team was weak

B) That their team being weak D) Their team as being weak

82 ...

1077. The headmaster told the pupil inside.

A) that he came B) to come

C) that he will come D) coming

1078. They travelled speed of 55 mph.

A) with the B) by the

C) at a D) with a

1079. By the time you get back to Europe, I in the bank and you can come and see

me there.

A) shall have worked C) work

B) am working

D) shall be working

1080. The student book I still have can come and take it after the lesson.

A) who B) whose

C) what D) his

1081. John isn't here yet. He about our meeting.

A) should have forgotten B) could forget

C) had to forget D) must have forgotten

1082. The medicine is to be taken three times daily.

A) needed B) meant

C) worth D) ought

1083. You'll have to sit here until he .

A) will telephone C) has telephoned

B) will have telephoned D) has not telephoned

1084. He's lived in London .

A) for some time B) since he is born

C) since a long time D) since some time

1085. I am sorry I couldn't stop to you in the street yesterday. I was in a hurry.

A) talking B) talk

C) to talk D) speaking

1086. I will show you my article after it .

A) will be published B) will have been published

C) has been published D) publishes

1087. I suppose it's time we called it a day ?

A) didn't we B) isn't it

C) don't we D) is it

1088. I wish you to our party tomorrow.

A) will come B) were coming

C) come D) are coming

1089. She the cinema, but her husband doesn't go with her.

A) used to go B) usually sees

C) often goes to D) visits sometimes


1090. Can I count on you all to be there?

A) Yes, you definitely count.

C) Yes, definitely count on us. .

B) Yes, you definitely can.

D) Yes, definitely can count on us.


. ······.·83

1091. I'll be 13 tomorrow, T'

A) amI

C) won't I

B) aren't I D) will I

1092. The manager made him the job again.

A) to do B) do

C) be doing D) to be doing

1093. All the children complained pains in their stomachs.

A) from I B) of

C) for D) because

1094. I am meeting you.

A) expecting

C) looking forward to

1095. He died cancer.

A) for C) of

1096. There was a house at .

A) the mountain foot

C) the feet of the mountain

B) longing D) waiting to

B) from D) by


B) the foot of the mountain D) the mountain's foot

1097 we bought a new house this year, we cannot afford to go on holiday.

A) Yet B) Since

C) When D) After

1098. I : to see you here next week.

A) approve C) think

B) expect

D) look forward

1099. I can't understand all this is about.

A) which B) that .

C) - D) what

1100. They are reluctant any changes.

A) to make B) to be made

C) doing D) will do

11 01. She doesn't believe showing her feelings.

A) at B) by

C) in D) on

1102. Poor little Johnny's leg has .

A) been broken C) be broken

1103. How long have you been there?

A) Since I was a child. C) When I was young.

1104. Sally didn't put in water.

A) no

C) enough of

B) be breaking D) being broken

B) Until I was twenty.

D) Before I went to school.

B) so much D) few



1105. Even if! the money I wouldn't have given him any.

A) had B) have had

C) had had D) would have

1106. He says he by next week.

A) will be finishing

C) will have been finishing

1107 is Oxford from Cambridge?

A) How far

C) How long away

B) will have finished D) may be finishing

B) How long D) What distant

1108. Who was the first person today?

A) spoke to you B) you spoke to

C) you spoke D) whom you spoke

1109. I'm sorry I stepped on your foot. I didn't do it purpose.

A) by B) for

C) on D) with

1110. I enjoyed the book you lent me.

A) what B) that

C) it D) when

1111. He was out of from climbing the stairs.

N~ mw~

C) breath D) oxygen

1112. The boxer is said ....... : .......... two teeth knocked out in last night's fight.

A) to have B) that he has

C) to have had D) that he has had

1113. Do you think we earn enough money to that flat?

A) hire B) lend

C) let D) rent

1114. Give me some tea, please.

A) much C) less

B) little D) more

1115. Excuse me, I if you could help me.

A) think B) believe

C) mean D) wonder

1116. Your room was for the library.

A) appointed C) elected

B) mistaken D) held

1117. "Can't you see this bag is heavy? ,will you?"

A) Give me a helping B) Give me other

C) Give me a hand D) Give me your hand

1118 it's raining, we'll stay at home.

A) As C) How

B) Like

D) Because of

1119. She him to go to the bank.

A) refused

e) remembered

B) reminded D) forgot

1120. The reason his accident was because he drove into a lamp-post.

A) by B) for

e) of D) to

1121. It was all very interesting, but not quite ..

A) what we had expected B) that we expected

e) that we had expected D) which we had expected

1122. She was very generous, her efforts to save.

A) however B) although

e) nevertheless D) in spite of

1123. All she wants is ..

A) getting thin

C) that she should thin

B) to get thin D) eating

1124. The date "8 February" reads: ..

A) eighth of February e) the eight of February

1125. What's matter with you?

A)e) a

1126. Are they open on Tuesdays?

B) February eight

D) February the eighth

B) this D) the

A) I doubt not. e) I suppose so.

B) I don't hope so.

D) They don't seem so.

1127. John had my book last week. I wonder 'whether Mary it now.

A) having B) is having

e) has got D) had

1128. Give my love to your parents!

A) Yes, I do. Thank you. e) Yes, I will. Thank you.

B) Yes, I'll give it to them. D) Yes, please. Thank you.

1129. When they realized that they had a lot they decided to get married.

A) similarities B) in common

e) alike D) similar

1130. We must so fast.

A) stop him drive B) stop him to drive

e) stop him driving D) prevent him drive

1131. Not much about pollution in the 17th century.

A) were speaking B) was known

e) has been known D) were spoken


\ 1132. I think people should get fair wages so that there would be no need tips.

A) of B) to

e) for D) -



1133. You don't know? Well, then someone before you make a mistake.

A) you'd better ask B) you'd better asking

C) you'd better to ask D) -

1134. He said I could take book I wanted.

A) which B) what

C) whichever D) such

1135. He had no sooner put down the receiver the telephone rang again.

A) when B) then

C) than D) before

1136. Would you get this drawing ?

A) to photocopy

C) been photocopied

B) photocopying D) photocopied

1137. It looks as if the weather is beginning to at last.

A) clear off B) clear out

C) clear away D) clear up

1138. I wish he louder; I can't hear what he is saying.

A) will speak B) speaks

C) is speaking D) would speak

1139. How did he look?

A) Because he was ill. C) Though he was ill.

1140. I don't want .

A) that anybody saw me C) that anybody sees me

1141. Doctors cure every illness.

A) may not have C) can't

B) As he was ill. D) As if he were ill.

B) anybody to see me D) anybody see me

B) don't know to D) aren't able

1142. If they could improve the roads, trade .

A) increases B) would increase

C) increased D) had increased

1143. He never speaks English, ?

A) nor he C) does he

B) never does D) doesn't he

1144. May I open the window?

A) Not at all. C) Please, no.

B) I'd rather you didn't. D) No, thank you.

1145. I am confident such mistakes in the future.

A) will be avoided B) will avoid

C) will be avoiding D) will have avoided

1146. 'War and Peace', I read last summer, is a very long book.

A) - B) which

C) that D) what

1 ;I

1147. Brenda likes going to the theatre and.................. .

A) so do I B) so go I

C) so I like D) so I am

1148. "They might arrive any moment now." He said they .

A) might arrive B) might arrived

C) might have arrived D) may to arrive

1149. We found little snow there, as most of it seemed blown off the mountain.

A) it was B) that it had

C) to be D) to have been

1150 a pity I didn't see you.

A) What's C) That's

B) There's D) It's

1151. "If only I travel when I was young!" my mother said.

A) could B) would be able to

C) would have been able to D) had been able to

1152. All the hotels in the town were full up so we stayed in a village .

A) close to B) neighbouring

C) near D) nearby

1153. Is the coffee ?

A) hot enough that you can drink it C) enough milky for you to drink it

B) too hot that you can't drink it D) hot enough for you to drink

1154. At one time I a lot of sports.

A) used to play C) will be playing

B) shall play D) have played

1155. The sea is about 10 kilometres from here.

A) far B) long

C) away D) apart

1156. How is it from here to Berlin?

A) long way C) far

B) long

D) much far

1157 I need is a drink.

A) The thing what C) What

1158. He's bound to agree.

A) He will be forced to agree. C) He has signed an agreement.

1159. You long if you are in a hurry.

A) should have stay C) ought have stayed

1160. She may have caught the bus.

A) It was possible, but she didn't. C) She was allowed to catch it.

B) That D) Which

B) He's certain to agree.

D) When he's tied up, he'll agree.

B) needn't stay D) shall have stay

B) It is possible; we don't know. D) Both A) and B) are possible.



1161. You'll get cold without your coat.

A) Take on it! C) Put on it! .

B) Take it on! D) Put it on!

1162. He a book when I walked in, so he didn't see me.

A) has been reading B) has read

C) read D) was reading

1163. It was that he couldn't finish it alone.

A) a so difficult work B) a so difficult job

C) such a difficult job D) such a difficult work

1164. Would you mind me with these cases?

A) to help B) helping

C) help D) of helping

1165. Aren't they friends.................. ?

A) of yours C) to yours

B) of you D) to you

1166. Some chapters of the book by the author.

A) are being re-written B) have to write

C) must be writing D) should write

1167. I'd like you to meet my wife.

A) Hello.

C) Good day.

B) I'm pleased.


D) It's fine meeting you.

1168. He had better go home, ?

A) didn't he C) hadn't he

B) did he D) had he

1169. After two silence he admitted the paintings from the museum.

A) weeks that he take B) week that he took

C) weeks' having taken D) week's he took

1170. What is your favourite line in French poetry?

A) I haven't got one. B) I haven't got.

C) There isn't. D) Itisn't,

1171. Do you know of the river is?

A) what the deep C) how deep

B) what deep

D) what the depth

1172. .. in my class likes the teacher.

A) All persons C) Everyone

B) All pupils D) All people

1173. The house he lives in is the biggest one in the street.

A) where B) what

C) whose D) -

1174. Tom is waiting the doctor.

A) to see

C) for seeing

B) for to see D) for see

1175. I cannot come at the time you suggested last week.

A) when B) who

C) what D) -

1176. I'm sorry I can't answer your question, 1 .

A) wasn't listening B) haven't listened

C) don't hear D) wasn't hearing

1177. John can't go away with his friends because he's with the flu.

A) down B) out

C) up D) through

1178 people came than I expected.

A) Other C) Another

B) Fewer D) Few

1179. It was six months that he was in Paris.

A) before B) since

C) for D) ago

1180. You said he'd died in a car accident, ?

A) would he B) did he

C) didn't you D) wouldn't he

1181. One militiaman in yesterday's fighting.

A) has killed B) has been killed

C) was killed D) was been killed

1182. I won't be finished in time I work all night.

A) also when B) although

C) even if D) even when

1183. John, would you mind things for a while? I've just got to go and see Mr


A) looking for C) looking at

B) looking up D) looking after

1184. Let's go to the cinema, ?

A) do we

C) let's not we

1185. He made me .

A) angry

C) to be angry

B) don't we D) shall we

B) be angry

. D) that I got angry

1186. His proposal remains of by the company.

A) to be approved B) be approved

C) have approvred D) approving

1187. You must try .

A) making him to understand C) to make him to understand

B) make him understand D) to make him understand

1188. I haven't got a chair .

A) to sit

C) to sit on

B) for to sit on D) for sitting

1189. That yellow carpet looks horrid the purple settee.

A) before B) side by side

C) as D) next to

1190. He still lives his mother.

A) at C) to

B) by D) with

1191. If you by the morning train, I'd have met you at the station.

A) had come B) came

C) would come D) would had come

1192. By next September she the piano for three years.

A) will have been learning B) had learnt

C) will learn D) has been learning

1193. I him cutting the grass.

A) made C) sent

B) noticed D) let

1194. She didn't enjoy reading that novel because it had ending.

A) so sad an B) a so sad

C) so a sad D) such sad an

1195. The teacher says that Mary work hard next year.

A) will have to B) has better

C)' would rather to D) had rather

1196. I quarrel a lot with my children. I want tidy.

A) be them B) them being

C) them to be D) being them

1197. I'd help you if! ..

A) would be able to C) could

B) can

D) I'll be allowed

1198. The postman by Mary.

A) could see C) was seen

B) has seen D) was seeing

1199. I I knew which team will win the match.

A) only B) wish

C) hope D) wanted

1200. We would have arrived two hours ago : the traffic jams.

A) but B) except

C) excepting D) except for

1201. You can't go to the disco all your homework.

A) until you haven't done B) until you've done

C) before you did D) if you don't

1202. I'm very to you for your help.

A) grateful C) pleased

B) agreeable D) thanks

1203. Has he got his illness yet?

A) on • B) out

qo~of D)~cr

1204. What a sight! You look as if somebody has .

A) called a spade a spade B) done an about-face

C) beaten you black and blue D) driven something home

1205. The book "Travels with a Donkey" by hundreds of schoolchildren.

A) is reading B) has been read

C) has read D) are read

1206. This film about.

A) has spoken

C) will much speak

B) is much spoken D) has to speak

1207. I don't see much chance the game against the team from Reading.

A) of us to win B) of winning

C) that we win D) in oder to winn

1208. While his wife in the kitchen, he , the rooms.

A) cooks has tidied B) was cooking was tidying

C) has cooked tidied D) was cooked has tidied

1209. This portrait is said by Rembrandt.

A) that it was painted B) to be painted

C) to be painting D) to have been painted

1210. I've decided to give smoking on my next birthday.

A) through B) up

C) in D) off

121l. In some countries children normally go bikes.

A) to school on B) to the school on

C) to school by D) to the school by

1212. The owners appointed .

A) him that he was manager C) him manager

B) him of being manager D) him to manager

1213. I can't the address, it has been written so badly.

A) make out B) make off

C) make up D) make to

1214. Three people called to see you you were out.

A) since B) during

C) while D) in time

1215. He will not pass the test he tries.

A) however hard B) so that

C) except that D) in spite of

1216. It's not important, we to finish the work until tomorrow.

A) don't need B) mustn't

C) needn't D) haven't



1217. He his English, ifhe was given a place at University.

A) must be improved B) must have improved

C) must to have improved D) must have to improve

1218. These shoes need .

A) mending

C) that they should be mended

B) mend D) to mend

1219. Hurry up or else you'll be .

A) leaving

C) left behind

1220. You are one of my .

A) old friend

C) oldest friends

B) left down D) left

B) oldest friend D) older friend

1221. The Council are planning to build four 20-storey in the area.

A) blocks of flats B) blocks of flat

C) block of flats D) block of flat

1222. The lecture was too dull .

A) that we couldn't listen to it C) to sit through

B) to sit through it D) to listen to it

1223. It is said that French in Hungary.

A) was talking B) is talking

C) is taught D) was much use

1224. He had three daughters, all became teachers.

A) of which B) which

C) of whom D) who

1225. I hope to see her in time.

A) few days C) a few days'

B) a few days D) a day

1226. He might have serious , like opera.

A) interesting B) like

C) interested D) interests

i227. They treated me a king when I won all that money.

A) as B) as to be

C) like he was D) like

1228 twenty I'll have a key of my own to the house.

A) The moment I am B) At the moment I am

C) At the moment I'll be D) At the moment being

1229. I won't tell them anything, and .

A) neither anyone else will C) neither will anyone else

B) so will nobody else

D) anyone else won't, either

1230. I really must go to Birmingham on Tuesday. Nothing will keep .

A) me from leaving B) me to leave

C) my leaving D) me of leaving

1231. She be Canadian because she's got a British passport.

A) can't B) isn't able to

C) mustn't D) doesn't need

1232. We arranged to at the station.

A) meet

C) meet ourselves

1235. The police caught him a house.

N~~~~ ~~~~

C) break his way into D) breaking into

1236. He wanted to know .

A) that when it would be over C) when it was going to end

1237. I wanted to know how often .

A) do the buses run C) run the buses

1238. Jane dialled wrong number.

A) the C) -

1233. I've just finished my shopping.

A) to make C) to do

1234. He couldn't be prevented .

A) from speaking C) that he spoke

B) meet each other D) meet us

B) doing D) making

B) to speak

D) to be spoken

B) that what time it would end D) when was it ending.

B) have the buses run D) the buses ran

B) a

D) some

1239. Like any top athlete she train very hard when she was competing.

A) had to B) might

C) should D) must

1240. Never mind.

A) It doesn't bear thinking about. C) It's none of your business.

1241. The prisoner was made stones.

A) to break C) breaking

B) Don't be upset about it. D) You needn't remember it.

B) break

D) that he broke

1242. Here are two keys. Will of them fit this drawer?

A) any B) each

C) either D) none

1243. I'm broke, and my husband hasn't got much money .

A) too B) either

C) neither D) nor

1244. He's been very ill .

A) finally C) lately

B) lastly D) newly



1245. I spent most of my time reading in the library.

A) by B) with

qon D)-

1246. I have talked to him .

A) much time C) several times

1247. A) Never have I heard of such a thing.

C) Never I have heard of such a thing.

B) many occasions D) much times

B) I never have heard of such a thing. D) I have heard of such a thing never.

1248. I'm busy because my sister tomorrow.

A) get married B) will marry

C) gets married D) is getting married

1249. We need a .

A) few days' rest C) few days rest

B) little days' rest D) little days rest

1250. Police will fine drivers the speed limit.

A) to exceed B) which exceed

C) who exceed D) to exceeding

1251. It has been ages you.

A) that I can't see C) since I saw

B) that I didn't see D) for being seen

1252. To have won yesterday's competition he a lot of time preparing himself but

he didn't.

A) would have had to spend C) would have to spend

B) would spend

D) has had to spend

1253. The car, was a blue Ford, crashed.

A) which B) that

C) what D) -

1254. Thank you so much for all your trouble.

A) Don't mention it. C) It's not worth it.

B) Gladly done. D) No matter.

1255. I was him while I was on leave, but unfortunately I didn't have time.

A) meeting B) to meet

C) to be meeting D) met

1256. The meeting has been cancelled so you at all.

A) didn't have to come B) needn't have come

C) hadn't got to come D) oughtn't have come

1257. For the first time large portions of the universe can be observed

simultaneously. A) since history C) history began

B) in history

D) of the beginning of history

1258. IfI were you, I down on smoking.

A) had cut B) would cut

C) will cut D) must cut

1259. She won't go you call for her.

A) while C) except

B) even D) unless

1260. I'm afraid there isn't enough time to him.

A) for me to talk B) that I can talk

C) for talking D) that I talk

1261. If you need a loan, you'd your bank manager.

A) better see B) rather see

C) rather seeing D) better to see

1262. He promised .

A) for being early C) his being early

B) be early D) to be early

1263. We took a tour that five weeks.

A) took B) held

C) lasted D) kept

1264. Public transportation in most of the nation is expanding the use of

underground trains and buses is declining in some metropolitan areas.

A) Nevertheless B) Consequently

C) Despite the fact D) Although

1265. He spent all of Sunday .

A) and read C) reading.

B) for reading D) to read

1266. Help me with this exercise, please! You are clever.

A) so B) such

C) such a D) as

1267.1 used to have four ,but now I have only two.

A) pair of trousers B) pairs of trousers

C) pair of trouser D) pairs of trouser

1268. Why is there traffic on the streets in February than in May?

A) less B) fewer

C) few D) little

1269. You'll need books to do the homework.

A) both B) both of

C) the both D) the both of the

1270. I as soon as I saw your face.

A) read the riot act

C) read your thoughts

B) ran rings round you D) rapped your knuckles

1271. As your data ,the new system works properly.

A) are proving B) proves

C) is proving D) was proved

1272 "Sh' . hi h irits"

. e s 111 Ig sp n s means .

A) she's bad-tempered

C) she's extremely angry

B) she's in a very good mood D) she's a sprite

1273. He doesn't yet know whether he will take to the job. This means that he doesn't yet

know .

A) whether he will accept the job C) whether he will like the job

B) whether he will keep the job

D) whether he will provide equipment for the job


1274. "How are you going to have your hair cut?"

"I'd like to have it "

A) cut short C) short cut

B) cut shortly D) shortly cut

1275. I think I'm expected to pick him up, ?

A) aren't I B) am not I

C) are you D) don't I

1276. If! unwell, I'd have enjoyed our holiday far more.

A) were B) weren't

C) hadn't been D) had been

1277. Can you pass me the paper when you reading it?

A) will finish B) would finish

C) finished D) have finished

1278. A) What do you think how long they have been married?

C) How long do you think they have been married?

B) How long do you think they are married?

D) What do you think how long have they been married?

1279. Everything depends his answer to my letter.

A) by B) from

C) of D) on

1280. John's work is very good. It is well the average.

A) above B) beyond

C) over D) past

1281. I'm not sure which restaurant .

A) to eat on C) to eat at

B) eating at D) for eating

1282 people will be there because he invited only his best friends.

A) A few B) Little

C) Few D) Some

1283. There are always some difficultes, ?

A) don't they B) aren't there

C) isn't it D) isn't there

1284. At last we have a home ..

A) for us B) of our own

C) of ourselves D) to our own

1285. The Homestead Act of 1862 to acquire land at a small cost.

A) made possible B) made it possible

C) made the possibility D) possibly made



1286. I don't know where Mrs. Griffin is. She isn't in the office, so she in the

other building. A) must work C) has to work

B) must be working D) needs to work

1287. It's impossible to work here now. The children a lot of noise in the other


A) have made C) were making

B) make

D) are making

1288. We must go on all we can to save them.

A) making B) doing

C) to be making D) to be doing

1289. Thousands fled only a few belongings.

A) carried B) carrying

C) was carried D) were carried

1290. I had no idea you so soon.

A) would leave C) will leave

B) were left D) have left

129l. Let my friend and in the next game.

A) I play B) I to play

C) me to play D) me play

1292 people who can't stop gossiping that I can't stand.

A) There is B) There was

C) It is D) There has been

1293 I'm talking about is a huge Victorian house.

A) That B) What

C) Which D)-

1294 clever idea!

A) How a C) What

B) How D) What a

1295. You should try to as soon as possible.

A) let your car repair B) get repair your car

C) get your car repaired D) let your car repaired


1296 no one was sure who discovered America.

A) As a matter of fact B) As the matter of fact

C) As a matter of course D) As matter of fact

1297. It's extremely generous of you, but you really such an expensive present.

A) shouldn't have bought B) mustn't have bought

C) wouldn't have had to bring D) didn't need to bring

12~8. Only if you send a deposit reserve a room for you.

A) shall we be able to B) we'll be able to

C) we can D) were we beable to


1299. "Why haven't they arrived?"

"They the plane."

A) may have missed

C) may have lost

1300. I don't know where ..

A) the lavatory to be C) be the lavatory

B) can have missed D) can have lost

B) is the lavatory D) the lavatory is

1301. We will be glad when the others .

A) will come B) will have come

C) would come D) have come

1302. He all day yesterday.

A) used to sleep C) has slept

B) would sleep D) was sleeping

1303. If you do this again, 1 report it, I'm afraid.

A) must to B) should

C) shall have to D) must have to

1304. No sooner than the rain began pouring down.

A) the match had started B) the match had started

C) had the match started D) had the match start

1305. Do you feel like ?

A) dance

C) to dancing

B) to dance D) dancing


1. Since he didn't want them to see that he was angry, he his anger with a smile.

A) closed B) concerned

C) disguised D) expressed

2. My sister was promoted and was the department.

A) placed in charge of B) paved the way for

C) put at ease with D) pushed her luck in

3. After 15 years of working in an office, she began the old grocery store after

her father's death.

A) doing

C) performing

B) making D) running

4. Only after her husband had agreed to the housework in their home in

Taunton, Somerset, could she start to look for a job.

A) deal B) divide

C) part D) share

5. You should try to be serious for once. Stop .

A) asking for trouble B) acting the fool

C) backing a loser D) being hen-pecked

6. If you want workers to do their job well, you have to them with the proper


A) engage. C) provide

B) finish D) require

7. We offer you an unforgettable in one of the most beautiful hotels in


A) attendance C) life

B) hold . D) stay

8. You when you started to talk about her private life.

A) held the candle to her B) kept her nose to the grindstone

C) hit her below the belt D) jumped down her throat

9. As she was cash last year, she decided to spend her holiday at home.

A) cut from B) hard of

C) run out of D) short of

10. "You can't disturb him at the moment. He's watching a football match on TV."

"Oh, is he? Well, I didn't know that he's such football fan."

A) declared B) a delighted

C) an enthusiastic D) an excited

11. During the first few days of our trip, we had some trouble with the steering of the boat,

but after a while we . t all right.

A) handled C) managed

B) maintained D) operated



12. Business firms or other organisations which pay the costs of radio or TV programmes for advertising purposes are called..................... .

A) aids B) backers

C) commercials D) sponsors

13. Everybody knows I'm leaving. You .

A) jumped down everybody's throat B) let the cat out of the bag

C) laid my cards on the table D) let it all hang out

14. While American waiters usually expect a tip of about 15 to 20 per cent, European

restaurants often the tip in the bill.

A) carry B) declare

C) give D) include

15. She's so happy. She's .

A) beaten them to it C) walking on air

B) looking the other way D) making up her mind

16. At the end of the four weeks without TV, the children - all four of them - were very

irritable. They told us they would never again agree to the TV for such a

long time. A) cut up C) let away

B) fail

D) give up

17. A bit of alcohol now and then is certainly not dangerous, but large amounts of alcohol

will damage your health.

A) definitely C) eagerly

B) determinedly D) reasonably

18. I believe it that he got a fine of £ 4000.

A) serves him right B) sends him packing

C) sells him down the river D) sees fit

19. In difficult times, the production of the things necessary for life has over the

production of luxuries. A) order C) presence

B) place D) priority

20. In many of the poorer countries of Europe, people cannot always live in decent conditions.

A) quiet C) suitable

B) religious D) humble

21. Liverpool Football Club had to to beat Bayern Munich.

A) rush their fences B) rise to the occasion

C) rule with a rod of iron D) set their teeth on edge

22. Some experts say that watching a lot of on TV is bad for the development of

young people. A) detection C) panic

B) force

D) violence

23. "Hold the line, please" means .

A) call again in a few minutes C) wait a minute, don't hang up

B) the person you want to speak to is busy D) get hold of somebody




24. Typical! Nobody wants to take any responsibility. They just want to .

A) send everybody packing B) ring the curtain down

C) pass the buck D) save on things

25. If you want to give up smoking, it is a good idea to change your eating .

A) habits B) kinds

C) means D) uses

26. "Mind your own business" means .

A) keep out of things that do not concern B) open a business of your own you

C) see that your business makes a profit D) have no business to do it

27. It was dangerous to travel across the enormous mountains in the west.

A) hostile B) huge

C) snow-covered D) steep

28. If you try to talk to Annette about her problems, she gets angry. It's just .

A) asking her another B) airing one's grievances

C) adding fuel to the flames D) backing a loser

29. After thinking about the problem for a while, she was able to .> •••••••••••••••• with an interesting idea. A) come up C) start out

B) cutin D) take up

30. I know that I cannot rely on him when I need help .

. A) count . B) pick

C) rest D) focus

31. John? Oh yes, I know him quite well. He's an unpleasant chap, I must say.

A) employee B) fellow

C) friend D) worker

32. Although he's made to give up smoking, he hasn't succeeded.

A) a case B) an effort

C) a measure D) a point

33. It took them about a week to how much damage had been done to the car.

A) appoint B) determine

, C) impose D) search

34. Janet's car after the accident.

A) touched rock-bottom C) turned over in its grave

B) turned up trumps D) was written off

35 "WI . hi . h ?" "H ' . "

. rat IS IS m t e army. e s a captain,

A) position B) regulation

C) salary D) rank

. 36. To as a doctor, you must study for seven years and pass several


A) become C) take place

B) qualify D) be

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