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‘A FEW WORDS FROM CHARLES BERLITZ WORLD FAMOUS LINGUIST Let me introduce you to the cassette course you have chosen to study. In it you will find the basic phrases needed for communication in this lan- (guage. There are two important things to remem- ber about leaming a new language: Be Interested in the people, their country and language. Want to learn the language. Practice it as often as you can. Nothing Is more effective in creating a friendly atmo- ‘sphere and nothing flatters people more than when a foreigner tries to speak their language. ‘The voice on these cassettes will say a phrase in English. Then you will hear the translation of the phrase repeated twice. During the pause after the second repetition, repeat the phrase ‘loud. Try to imitate the pronunciation as nearly 88 you can. Read the words as they are spoken on the cas- sette and use the guide to help you remember the words and pronounce them during the pauses. Remember, knowing the language is the best way of knowing the country and enjoying it more. Charles Berlitz Phrase Dictionary Ss and Study Guide Wabi ISBN 0-910542-01-5, LANGUAGE Educational Services Washington, 0.0. Read the introduction before turning on cassette SIDE 1. INTRODUCTION Arabic is one of the world's most ancient languages. Originally spoken In the Arabian Peninsula in the seventh century. with the conquest of Isiam, it spread throughout the Middle East and as far west as Spain. Today it is the native language of ‘more than 192 million people in an area extending from western North Africa to the eastern borders of the Middle East, deep into Africa and along its coasts. Arabic is an official language of more than twenty nations, comparable in this multinational respect only to English, French, and Spanish. Arabic owes its cohesiveness tothe Islamic religion through the Karan, the Holy Book of the Moslems. The Koran has exercised a unifying inlu- ‘ence over the Arabic language wherever itis spoken, and has sarved likewise as a link to the Arab civilization of the Middlo Ages. Most Moslems are quite familiar with Arabic, having studied it in order to read the Koran. Spoken Arabic difers trom country to country. A traveler who has learned spoken Arabic only In Saudi Arabia, or say. solely in Lebanon or Egypt, would have aticuty communicating with Arab speakers throughout the Middle East. Modern literary Arabic, howaver, is the language of the mass media, and is ‘understood everywhere in the Arab world. LANGUAGE/30 ARABIC teaches universe! Arabic combining fiterary usages and spoken phrases which avoid country- ‘specific idioms and word variations. This course furnishes you with basic phrases you need to communicate in standard ‘Arabie—what you wish to say, and what you can expect to hear in reply. The phrases will enable you to make yourself Understood so you can explain what you want and find your way about. Thay are short, easy to repeat and memorize, and are used by Arabic-speaking people many times every day. The number of words and phrases employed in daily con- versation fs surprisingly small, and the vocabulary of this Course includes and stresses these. Your repetition of these key Phrases will give you an instintive grasp of Arabic sentence structure and you can make your own sentences as you learn new words. When you start the first cassette, you will hear phrases in English immediately translated into Arabic, repeated twice, and followed by a pause. During the pause, say the Arable words aloud. Remember, you can always stop the cassette and repeat ‘any phrase you feel unsure about. Just listening is not enough. ‘You must repeat the words and phrases aloud as often as possi- ble. Say the words many times to impress them on your ‘memory. The Arabic is spoken at normal conversational speed ‘and you should practice repeating at the same speed. Testing has proven that a word spoken 10 to 20 times will impress itselt on your subconscious mind more readily than ‘a word read 50 to 100 times. When the two systems are com- bined, as in this course, you will be surprised at the ease with which you acquire a whole new vocabulary Arabic writing reads from right to left instead of feft to right as in English. The beautiful Arabic script has been used over, the centuries in art and architectural decoration for is delicate and ornamental calligraphy, There are many words in English of Arabic origin. Some ot these words date back to the days at the great Arab civliza- tion of the Midale Ages. We must also include the Arabs’ most Important contribution to the West—the system of numbers, ‘and especially the concept of zero, Arabic words in English include algebra from al jabr (the reuniting); cipher from sir (zero); admiral from amir al ban (lord of the sea); alcoho from al Kon! (antimony): hashish trom hhasheesh (dried grass): sheik from shaikn (chiet or prince); frarem trom naraam (forbidden); coffee—gahwa; sugar— sukkar; came!—jamal; gazelle—ghazaal; and Sahara which simply means desert ‘As you begin your study of the phrase sections, refer to the ‘middle column showing the Arabic words and phrases spelled Phonetially. The spelling uses systematic approximations ot ‘Arabic vowels and consonants based on sounds familiar to the ear of the speaxer of American English. These approximations ‘sould serve only as a guide to nelp you learn the sound sys- tem. The best way to perfect your pronunciation is to listen closely to tha Arabic speaker. Stop the cassette as you go along, imitate, and repeat. Note that like sounds throughout the text will vary in pronunciation depending on adjacent sounds or even ‘the social situation. Training your ear to detect these varia- tions will sharpen not only your pronunciation skills but your Understanding of spoken Arabic as well Now, start the cassette SIDE 1 and proceed with the text CENERAL EXPRESSIONS ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION ARABIC SALUTATIONS, Good morning ‘Good aireroon, ‘masaz’atkhayr va Sobaah alkhayr ya syet bel phe fom bel ol i Fone Way How ae you, How a you, Ki haaleya Tey bbs Madame sayin How are you? Kil alum ya yeu ouay (addresing a group jamaata of peooe) De you speak Englih? Hal that ght fs go in vee i evar, gattan ew ease speck slowly, Teka shay shwoy > eld gp Sp Spb in faa, Tam very pleased Toharafna ere 10 meet you ‘Thank you Shokan, ve You ae welcome. _satwan ve Pree (ddrening Min adak va cen) Poste (adding Min fadik Flat oy Please addressing Min faim ere ‘here ae you sana Anta wayn aaa TOU oe Ua saying atthe Ana skin vay fl UI hotel me Cond bye ata ak TEM Good-bye (aepance) Allah icalmak re ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION ARARIC VISITS AND INTRODUCTIONS ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION ARABIC for coftee? Iigahwae for 1632 Ishshaay? Boryou know hint Hal What 1 syn Jo I Mabie at home? Pal Nabil aout tow me we intredce. amas ears leg a ip el When wil abe be Mate uaa? ter satya ae wc - Moy a yon Min ald age, ii Toa Taal Hat ers ee we "shart bematita yaa p23 Please ‘addresing Tatas Wylaie eet you 200 ‘re you Havant Haditak ayyid Henin? ge al pe Would you tke seid squat? se Where a you rom? Min wayn Radiakt tae oe Svenee Lam from New York Ana min New York + pel UT Ma tffer you Toni taoket Ser ae ow is your son? ‘Kil haal nak? Sau eas stash os coe ease “ nyu ie aaa foto se sn oh {would lke cafes. ‘ahi eahwa, - ree oe il Meas say bello fo _‘Tahivyat i vila TLD ples we so a your tay atkarima : shgot So you soak tgish? Mal wat ing alge Ja‘ to aan hana aya Ae ae Yes a lite Naam, ean Tithe Goodbye buvbanraum. | “se 1 don't speak your aa ataallam Lughat ‘Wher the exprenion w= used with the appropriate esta may mean varnnsthinge, sich ae: Plas he seated, Please tke aneuage wel ayia tha Plane come sm Bcae go before me. ete Flease speak slowly. Takllam shway chuay + lLd ge ap? ape gl - 5 ae ee INQUIRIES OW ine STALEY Please repeat Mara thaanya min alas Bip Where ba phanaey? Ween avsaydlyyat Tealtog fadak pekcemen ‘shah en Will you please wnt Bishan bicaarak tyke ts ths the way fo the Ween ang Be oo with ur on Sunday yam ished + hill weyt ‘market pace? isang? Tapl for brad? tittaart weil ey suport maton? jut for lunch? ghadhat ssa bank bank? ‘salt for dinner leahat care church kana? uot 2 3 encusH PRONUNCIATION —_ ARABIC enous PRONUNCIATION ARABIC “ ing to schoo Ana va i at bt inusyue lcamie elt Lam gs heal is American Embassy Assaleata Abamirkiyya. Aye Haylie Where? Woon? Sow police sation soaker ishshurta Leal 5 5 pel en parker ud mE Ploae write Litubha mn ak vals all radio station mabatat ilidhasta, SYN awe Please draw a picture — Ursumha min fadlak. dbes 1 rriltnad station mahatat ilqitaar Pada of it. oes ease show me this Ween haadha TL! yh Le og Fea wait unit nti hata a. pole yt an the map Saltbaaia come bark Sears aE oF Mm ae splat ie ‘We wil go vight owas Raeyhin Ye ot EVERYDAY EXPRESSIONS should ke to “Ani ash matak ve Num ~ Which way shall we ga? ween ina we 7 Wwe want see Tid shu At they mada ewe we

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