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I can Do It!

By T.

It wasa cold, wet andabusy day at the center. After morning tea, all of the children
were busy with different activities, and youwent over the Montessoricorner and
started looking for an activity to work with. I was watching Safa, she had a good look
at all the activities available and picked up a basket which includes green colored
beads and sat at the table to play. Safa told me T: Fauzia look, this timeI can do it, I
can't pick up with my hand I pick up withthis (Showing me the tongs as she didn't
know the name of it).I pointed to the tongs and said Safa, tongs, she said yes
tongs. I remembered Safaa few weeks ago with this activity, mostlyyouused
yourhands, but Masha Allah today, youpicked up a piece of green beads and put it
in the empty bowl, using the tongs andeach time you pick one and add it to the
bowl, youcount each one, 1-2-3-4-5well done Safa.
It was amazing observing Safa exploring and enjoying this activity.You showed me
your understanding of numbersand worked out what numbers came after 2 and
4.Safa this learning experience, given by your teachers to support you in your
learning and practicing, which gave you a great sense of achievement. I and
everyone at An-Nur Center will continue providing you with different activities that
will give you the opportunity to practice and extend your counting andmathskills.
Through this activity Safa learned how to use a pair oftongs, developing hand, eye,
memory and learning how to count, she developed independence and self-esteem to
try on her own first. Most of all she was enjoying the activity.Next time Safa will get
opportunities to extend her learning and counting skilled from 10 to 20 inshaAllah.

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