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POA - (Position of Attention)

Heels should be touching

Feet should be at 45 degree angles
Legs straight without locking
Head and Shoulder back as if our body is in a straight line
Left arm straight down your side without locking
Place the butt of the rifle on the marching surface with sights to the rear and

touching the right foot.

Secure the rifle with the right hand in a U formed by the finger (extended and
joined) and thumb
Keep the right hand and arm behind the rifle

Parade RestCommand is Parade, Rest and is

the position we go to when the
commander says Flight! before

Cadet will move their left foot 12 inches away

from their right foot

Keep your body in a straight line as in POA
Left arm will go behind your back- Above the

small of your back with your palm is facing out

Thrust the muzzle forward keeping the toe of
the butt on line with the front of the right foot and the right arm straight.
Cadet lifts the rifle up, and crosses their body
with their right hand
As the rifle is lifted with right hand the left grabs
the rifle right in front of the bolt
Once the left hand has made contact with the
rifle the right hand will move to the pistol grip
and stay there
The rifle must be a fist away from the body and
you left arm should make a 90 degree angle at
the elbow

Order Arms At port arms cadet will take right arm and put it on the barrel above the left hand
Bring the rifle down to your side an inch off the ground and drop the rifle
Facing Movements Left/RightCommand is Left/Right, Face

Facing movements Left/Right Starting at POA

Lift the Rifle when the preparatory command is heard
Lift the right foot up just enough to clear the ground
Without bending your knees place the ball of the raised right foot about a shoe and

a half length behind and slightly to the left of the heel

Place all your weight to your right foot and heel of the left foot
Keeping the upper body at POA pivot 180 degrees to the right using your hips to

Once completed, feet should be at 45 degree angles with heels aligned
Drop the rifle down to the ground to the right

of the right foot

Hands remain at seam the entire movement

Present Arms In POA

Cadet raises the rifle to port arms
Cadet place their right hand in the notch at
the end of the pistol grip
Cadet turns the rifle so that the sights are
facing them, and drops right hand to be fully
Once completed, the rifle should be centered
on the body with the bolt and sights facing
the cadet

Inspection Arms On the command of execution ARMS,execute Port

Arms in two counts
On count three, grasp the bolt handle with the thumb
and forefinger of the right hand
Rotate the handle upward and draw the bolt back

On count four, lower the head and eyes and visually inspect the magazine
On count five, return the head and eyes to the front as in the POA
On the command
Port, push the bolt forward and rotate the handle down locking the bolt in place
Right Shoulder Arms-

Once you hear the execution command

arms go to port arms
But instead of placing the right on the
pistol grip, place right hand on the butt
of the rifle making an a circle with
thumb and forefinger around the screw
at the butt
Release the grasp of the left hand,twist
the rifle so that the sights are up, and
place the weapon onto the right
shoulder, moving the left hand to the
small of the stock to guide the rifle to
the shoulder
Return to POA

Left Shoulder Arms release the grasp of the left hand and place
the rifle on the left shoulder with the right
hand, keeping the right elbow down
At the same time, regrasp the rifle with the
left hand with the heel of the butt between
the first two fingers and with the thumb and
forefinger touching

The left forearm is horizontal, and the left upper arm is against the side and on line
with the back
Return to POA
Forward March and Halt When the preparatory command Forward unless at port, right shoulder, or left

shoulder, cadets will lift their rifle an inch off the ground
Marching forward from POA always starts with the left foot
Take a 24in step (heel to heel)
There is a swing with the arms that go along with the steps- right arm goes out 6

inches from waist when left foot goes out and vice versa
The hand behind you goes behind 3 inches from the waist
Body stays straight and tall
Your Flight Commander will be counting a cadence for which foot to be using when
When the commander says Flight, HALT! you take one step and the next step you
put your heels together, drop the rifle at your foot and return back to POA

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