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Tyler Wilson

Period: 6

Night Essay
Turmoil has defined the juvenile race of Humans since the first laid eyes
upon this world. Human history projects tainted scars of blistering crisis,
ranging from prevalent enslavements to bloody massacres of all proportions.
Unfortunately, a recent exemplar of such a catastrophe does not repose far in
our past. Adolf Hitler used his acrimonious propaganda to bend a nation to his
vitriolic ideology, causing a disaster of cataclysmic magnitude all across Europe.
In the story Night by Elie Wiesel, it becomes clear that the Holocaust should
be taken as a coherent lesson, one that could improve the world, and prevent
future calamities.
Today, World War II serves in schools to invoke critical thinking in
students; since it took place so recently, the Holocausts relevancy holds
steadfast. Students are able to examine quotes such as: An SS man [elite Nazi
security force] would examine us. Whenever he found a weak one, a musulman as
we called them, he would write his number: good for the crematory (Wiesel
(854). By delving into this quote, students learn about the abysmal conditions
forced upon prisoners. Every basic right of these people was annihilated, as

Tyler Wilson
Period: 6

demonstrated by Wiesels descriptions: ...we slept almost naked The corpses

were collected in hundreds every day The Kapos [Prisoners who served as
foremen] had orders to kill a certain number of prisoners every day (854).
Examining this atrocity provides a tremendous example of how people are not to
be treated, earning it a large place in the historical and moral education of this
generations children.
Children are not the only ones who must learn from the Holocaust. Today,
much of the world remains stricken by poverty, exploitation, and conflict.
Minorities, and in some cases even majorities, are still treated as lesser than
others all over the world. Livestock were practically equivalent to prisoners to
the Nazis as shown in the quote: And soon a terrible word was circulating selection (854). Nowadays, people still experience cases of extreme violations,
such as North Korean camps and slavery. Usefulness should never be what
defines someones worth, as it happens to be with slavery and similar cases, a
Nazi example would be the quote: He had escaped the second selection. He had
been able to prove that he was still useful (859). Gender and race are prime
examples of identifications used to attack groups. Race and gender mean little,

Tyler Wilson
Period: 6

and even that little meaning could not be considered negative. Everyone stands
together as a Human, working together to craft a better future, which furthers
the idea that Nazi Germany must be remembered, and that the power held
within all Humans could be used to prevent further and stop current iniquity.
Today, the world and all of its societies still face issues present during The
Holocaust. Lackings of clothes, food, money, and other basic needs plague every
corner of this earth. Buna, the labor camp Wiesel endured as a child, paints a
savage caricature of having no resources: Buna was a real hell then. There was
no water, no blankets, less soup and bread (854). Relief does not come until
everyone looks at mankinds past misfortunes, such as The Holocaust, and takes
action accordingly. Action does not come easily, though, as depicted by frantic
prisoners: Save us! You promised . . . ! We want to go to the yard. Were
strong enough to work (858). Nothing remains of these prisoners lives, but
they still bend to the iron fist in futile hope that their lives may be spared.
Submission does not bring about reformation, even in the face of opposition
change must be forced. Without this change, humanity cannot hope to improve
on the liberties of the Human race.

Tyler Wilson
Period: 6

Egregious as it may be, the Holocaust demonstrates what humanity must

conquer. Arrogance, fear, anger, traits such as these turn people into their own
nemesis. Yet, it does not have to be this way anymore. Modern times are upon
the world, and the age of communication has blessed the world with the
rampant spread of ideas, goods, and diversity. Generations of potential rise
now, above their brothers and sisters in the past; they take their cultures,
inventions, traditions, and continue to improve upon them. Questions become
answers, and populations begin to use their minds to the fullest extent. Finally,
after thousands of years, the Human race may be able to become one, as it once
was. Not one as Hitler imagined it, but one in harmony, understanding, and free
thought. Where race, gender, background, and other traits do not invoke
hatred. This world does not rest in arms reach yet, but by simply learning from
the past, perhaps tomorrow brings forth a new dawn .

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