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FIG. 15. Construction of Pler Wall (Arrow Points to Tieback Anchor) 13), then the lateral design force (P,) can be calculated from slope stability analysis by using (15) and (16). Table I presents the maximum on-center spacing of piers. ‘The pier spacing should be decreased as the rock becomes ‘more fractured or the soil becomes more plastic. Figs. 14 and 15 show pictures of the installation of pier walls to stabilize slopes. In Fig. 14, the piers were designed as simple cantilevered members, whereas in Fig. 15, tie-back anchors were installed at the top of the piers to reduce the bending moments and shear forces in the piers. APPENDIX|. REFERENCES Day, R. W, (1996). “Failure of dosert view drive embankment." J. Perf ‘Constr. Fac., ASCE, 10(0), 1114, [hlig, PL, (1986) “The Portuguese Bend landslide: its mechanics and "a plan forts stabilization "* Landslides and Landslide Mitigation in S. CHL: Proc, 82nd Ann. Mig. Condilleran Section, Gel. Soc. Am, Ge- logical Society of America, Boulder, Colo, 181190 hlig, P-L, (1992), “Evolution, mechanics, and migration of the Portu- iguese Bend laxsllde, Palos Verdes Peninsula, Califomia.” Engineer lh geology practice in southern California, B. W. Pipkin and R. I Precton edh, Siar Publishing Company, Belmont, Calif, 31-553. APPENDIX il. NOTATION The following symbols are used in this paper: ‘effective cohesion; ‘diamecer of pier: FS = factor of safety: H = distance from slip surface to ground surface, as defined in Fig. 13; L = length of slip surface; P, = cequired pier wall force that is inclined at an angle (0); P, = lateral design force for each pier, '§ = on-center spacing of piers; u = average pore water pressure along slip surface: W = total weight of failure wed; ‘a= angle of inclination of slip surface; total unit weight, and ffeative frietion angle. Discussion by T. S. Hull’ and H. G. Poulos,‘ Fellow, ASCE ‘Analysis of the influence of piles on the stability of stopes with marginal factors of safety has attracted the interest of Gir for Geoiech, Res, Dope. of Gv. Engrg. Univ. of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australis. "Prot. of Cl. Engrg, Univ, of Sydney, and St Prin, Coffey Partners nt, North Ryde, NSW 2113, Ausra ‘engineers for many years, but it still remains a problem, with tno definitive approach that has found universal approval. The contribution of the authors is welcomed and represents a paper that the discussers feel sure will attract much attention from practitioners and theorists. Tn this vein, the discussers would like to draw attention to some points of interest. “The paper has focused upon the friction circle method (Scott 1969), which perhaps warrants some comment from the au- thors. The friction eirele method requires that the forces due to the cohesive and frictional soil resistance and the force due to the self-weight of the slipping soil are coincident at a point. ‘pointed out in the paper, in the original frietion circle anal ysis, the resultant of the echesive component of soil strength js assumed to act at a radius larger than the radius of the slip circle in order that the moment induced by the resultant force fequals that developed from a uniform shear stress around the slip circle. The ratio of the langer radius tothe slip circle radius is given by the ratio of the arc length of the slip circle to its chord length. It is not clear in the analysis presented in the paper how the resultant pile-soil interaction force F, is treated fo ensure the moments in the analysis are in equilibrium. Using Bishop's modified slip circle analysis for the slope that is depicted in Fig. 3 of the paper, the discussers obtain a similar circle but a somewhat different result (FS = 1.12) to that of the authors (FS = 1,08). The discussers’ use of the tabulated values of Taylor's fiction cirele analysis also gives ‘a slightly higher factor of safety for the slope, with no piles, of 1.11. This discrepancy in itself is not important, but it does set the scale of what might be taken as commonly experienced differences in measures of a factor of safety from wo methods. ‘The concept of the piled slope having a different critical circle to that of a slope without piles is presumably well Known. However, it seems to have been presented in parts of the paper in a manner that does not clearly indicate the inap- plicability of considering the unpiled critical circle when piles fre incorporated, unless it also happens to be the critical circle of the slope with piles installed. It is worth mentioning that the analysis of the slope without the piles present will give the range of positions within which to place piles. Any piles out ‘ide the region of soil affected by the critical circle that was found without piles in the slope can theoretically have no fluence on slope stability ‘The use of piles towards the top of a slope must be viewed cautiously in light of the possibility of tension failure leading to a small mass of soil restrained above the piles while the ower region of soil fails. It is also in this region near the top of the slope that the axial response of the piles may become ‘more important than is normally considered, since the soil movement is now predominantly down the piles «md not Iat- erally across the piles. This feature of pile response leads to ‘consideration of the distributed soil-pile load used by the au- thors. "The chosen distribution of soil load on the piles depends ‘pon the early work of Ko and Matsui (1975), which generated some discussion from De Beer and Carpentier (1977) and a closure in reply from Ito and Matsui (1978). Tt may be as- sumed that the undefined symbol A, appearing in (1) of the authors’ paper is c multiplied by A and a later appearance of ‘Ain (8) is not related to the A appearing in the equation from {to and Matsui. The arguments about the applicability of the stress assumptions that were presented in the discussion and reply referenced above suggest that the chosen distribution is only one of many that are possible, and some comment from the authors conceming their choice would be appreciated. ‘a particular, in Fig. 3, the distribution of pile load due to ‘the movement of soil in the region ofthe slip circle is depicted JOURNAL OF GEOTECHNICAL AND GEOENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING / OCTOBER 1999/611 ‘as having an inclined resultant force. The equation of Ito and Matsui is based upon an analysis of the extrusion of metal through dies and assumes plane strain conditions. In the cur- rent application by the authors, some component of skin frie- tion has been assumed to act down the pile, and that raises questions about the ability of the solution of Ito and Matsui to model such a situation, The assumption of pile rigidity made by Iko and Matsui is due to the need to assume plane strain conditions in order to solve the plasticity problem and does ‘not in itgelf influence the solution that is based upon limiting equilibrium of the pile and soil, It appears that the only possibility forthe ple response that is considered by the analysis of the authors is that of a pile that has sufficient embedment in a strong underlying stratum, and further is strong enough, in both bending and shear resis- tance, so that the loads arising from the slipping soil acting ‘on the pile can be sustained, AS indicated by Hall et al, (1991) and Lee et al. (1991) this is only one of & number of modes ‘of feilure that may occur in a pile loaded by sliding sol acting ‘over the upper length of the pile. Indeed, if the pile does not extend decp enough below the most critical circle, a situation may occur in which the pile lengths extending below the slip circle are dragged through the soil. Between the two cascs of the pile remaining fixed in the underlying soil and the pile being rotated by the failing circle of soil, an intermediate case when the pile rolates excessively can be experienced. In any case, the possibility of developing the full strength of the pile will introduce another limiting pile response. Eqs. (7) and (8) presented in dhe paper for the piled slope present some difficulties, especially when a case is considered Where the pile force F, becomes nearly 7er0. The equations do not provide the answer given by those of Taylor ((5) and (6) for a slope without piles. Tt seems logical that such an answer should be available from the presented equations. The possibilty of a misrepresentation of the eqaations inthe paper is increased when iti realized that a negative stability number results from use of them. From Fig. 6 of the paper, the increase in the factor of safety forthe steeper slope from just above 1 to values up to 3, seems to be an excessive improvement, and a check on the pile in- tegrty and the adequacy of the’pile length below the circle should be carried out to verify that such an improvement is possible. The high value of factor of safety that is predicted by the authors might be explained by the definition that has ‘been adopted for the factor of safety. The available cohesive ‘component in the numerator will remain unchanged while the ‘mobilized cohesive component in the denominator is likely to be decreased when piles are introduced, whereas the available and mobilized frictional components are both likely to be re- ‘duced, since the normal stress on the slip circle might be re ‘duced by the inclusion of piles. This raises the issue of whether it is sensible to base the factor of safety upon the mobilized shear stresses around a slip circle, which are not actually com- puted with any degree of confidence. If the presence of the piles in the slope causes the cohesive and frictional mobilized (required) components of force to be reduced, then the ratio Of the available to mobilized soil shear stress may increase, although the disturbing force of the soil remains unchanged. ‘The discussers have carried out an altemnative analysis of the piled slope in which the equilibrium of moments is used through a modified Bishop slip circle analysis, and the influ ence of the piles is introduced by considering @ bending mo- ment and shear force multiplied by the appropriate distance (Lee et al. 1995). The bending moment and shear force are those acting a¢ the intersection of the slip cirele with the pile and are generated in @ boundary clement analysis of the pile by applying sufficient soil movement to the upper portion of a pile to generate the pile-soil limiting pressures, as suggested by Ito and Matsui (1975). The factor of safety is then defined by the sum of the resisting moments divided by the overturn- ing moment duc to the self weight of the slope. One major difference from the authors’ approach is that the denominator of the factor of safety remains constant; another difference is that the failure mechanism of a slip circle remains consistent ‘with equilibrium of moments, Fig. 16 shows the slope with the centers of the critical cir- cles for a piled slope and a slope with no piles. The factor of safety without piles is found to be 1.12, and the eritcal circle from the Bishop analysis essentially agrees with that from the authors’ analysis. The introduction of piles raises the factor of safety to 1.43 in the discussers’ analysis, whereas the authors’ analysis predicts a value of 1.82 and the two circles are now different. These two answers are sufficiently different to raise considerable concern over the validity of the authors’ less con- 3. 16. Bishop Modified Analysis of Stope with Piles 912 / JOURNAL OF GEOTECHNICAL AND GEOENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING / OCTOBER 1900, VEST ETE TE servative answer. In order to make a comparison with the au- thors’ analysis, the possibility of structural failure of the pile hhas not been considered by the discussers. However, our anal- cates that the maximum bending moment sustained by 'a row of 400 mim diameter concrote piles at a spacing of 1 m is in excess of 2.0 MNm, which far exceeds the structural capacity of the piles. Some discussion by the authors of the validity of the com- parison between the two factors of safety, and the question of the structural capacity of the piles, would be appreciated. APPENDIX. REFERENCES De Beer. E., and Carpentier, R. (1977). “Discussion of "Methods to es ‘imate ater force acting on stabilizing ples” by 7. Ko aT. Mat sie” Sols and Found, 17(), 68 Hull, TS, Lee, C. Y, and Poulos, H. G. (1991). “Mechanics of pile Teinforement for unstable slopes.” Res. Rep. 636, Dept. of Civ. Engrg, University of Sydney, Syne. Ito, T, and Matsa, 7. (1978). "Closure to ‘Methods to estimate Tateral farce acting on stabilizing piles.” Soile and Found. 180), 414, Lee, C. ¥,, Poulos, H. G. and Hull, TS. (1990). “Effect of seetloor Tnsthility on offshore pile foundations.” Can. Geotech. J, Ouse, Canada, 28, 729-737 Lez, C. Y,, Hull, T.S, and Poulos, H.G. (1995). “Sinplifiedpileslope ability analysis. Comp. and Geotecuies, 17, 1-16 Scat, C. R. (1969). An introduction to soil mechanics and foundations “Agpliod Science Publishers, London. Closure by S. Hassiotis,” J. L. Chameau,' and N. Gunaratne” ‘The writers thank the discussers for their vatuable com- ‘ments. Regarding the comments on the moment equilibrium, the writers wish to point out that in deriving (7) and (8), the moment equilibrium was considered as well. However, the writers understend the concem in Tight of the graphical error in Fig. 3, where the three forces P, C,, and W are mistakenly drawn as being concurrent, as in the case of unpiled slopes. ‘Accordingly, the corrected five-body diagram is provided in Fig. 17. It must be reiterated that the concurrency was by no ‘means assumed in the derivation of the above equations. ‘On page 317 the authors state that “he assumption that the critical surface does not change with the addition of piles would lead to non-conservative answers for the factor of safety.”” The writers do agree with the discussers that this is a known fact and that hence such a statement is superfluous. ‘They are also in agreement with the discussers in thatthe only use of knowing the unpiled critical surface is to locate the area where piles can be placed for effective stabilization. ‘As for the chosen soil pressure distribution on the pile, at theme the writers were avare of ony the one developed by Ito and Matsui (1975) for the case of passive pil fore tis was the Obvious chee, Ph wes sppreiae he references provided by the discussion group on alternative methods, "The writers apologize for the following omissions and once, again thank the discussers for highlighting them: 1, In (1), A, should be A-c where A is as defined. On the other hand, as the discussers correctly recognized, A in (8), which is different from the above A, can be defined as TAsst_Prof., Dept of Civ, and Fanvir. Engrg, Univ. of S, Florida, FL 33620, “Georgia Res, Aliance Chair in Envie. Technol, Georgi Int. of Tech. nol, Adanta, GA 30332. “Assoc. Pot, Dep. of Civ. and Envi. Bngrg Univ of South Florida, Tampa, FL. He & FIG. 17, Forces.on Slope Reinforced with Pilos _goCEO) &* sina) 2 2. The definition of F in (8) includes a typographical mis: take. The correct definition should be E=l~2coti +3 coticotx = 3. Fa. (7) also contains a minor typographical eror; ie. he (&~ 2) inthe denominator must be (x ~ 1). The correct is as follows: ese(x)ese(y)+sin(@) + OG coticory + 3cotxeat 25 mH scant +06 Snes sing [2 + come = nts =| The discussers’ concem regarding the reduction of (7) 10 G) in the absence of piles (ie., F, = 0), is addressed as fol- lows. When the slope is not stabilized, since F, = 0, (7) reduces cS G. Fol i E 6 cosee'x cosee y sin [= + coses( — rooster — »| an It is shown in Hassiotis and Chameau (1984) that ew ewa as) JOURNAL OF GEOTECHNICAL AND GEOENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING / OCTOBER 1980/013,

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