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M onday 26th April Take time out.

Visit today- it's less busy - Table seated waitress-served lunch -

8.55am - 9.30 NOTES AT NINE - For all musicians - Join-in with any instrument, or level of ability - M Karen G's tune choice
9.35am -10.05 PART SONG for all to try - Early English rounds, Georgian & Balkan songs - James E.
10. 05 am -10.15 BREAK- TEA / COFFEE/ SQUASH (cost incl.) Chance to meet & chat - LAST lunch or der s taken - Amanda
10.15 am -11.30 JANET's INTERNATIONAL DANCE summary - Janet Woolbar
11. 30 am
- -11.45 BREAK- TEA / COFFEE/ SQUASH (cost is included) - RING Amanda IF YOU'VE NOT YET ORDERED !
11.45 am -1. 00 DALILA's DANCE selection from ARMENIA and ISRAEL - Summing-up - Dalila Heath
1.00 pm - 2.10 LUNCHTIME PAUSE - A sit-down together to be SERVED LUNCH & coffee in the hall. Amanda
2.10pm - 2.40 Gentle dances to follow lunch - Dalila
2.40pm - 3.45 HANDBELLS - Paul
3. 50 pm Ensure all your belongings are ALREADY removed. - Volunteer please to sweep & clean the hall - Paul to finally check
4.15 pm Cars leave: - short WALK in Oversley Wood's carpet of bluebells - Carolyn
All updated 2/4/10

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