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veto #207 December 28, 2015, ‘TOTHE ASSEMBLY: "am etuing beet, Without my apport flowing bills Asembiy Dill Number 8, a AN ACT so amend te a in satan oh postion of en ocupney teenie vile o acta; nd posing for fe epee of sich provisen pea expan tra Asebly Bll Number 217, xia AN ACT so amend tet lay, lation othe imposition of en cep {aco the ton of Noh Cs and proving Toth opel ch povisons pen extn = Asebly BI Number 21, nad AN ACT so amend to wt a, nation othe imposition of an seupny {Gein the ilige of aso; and providing forthe repel f ach Provisions pen exption rea?” Assen Bil Naber 982 ei SAN ACT wo ament tet jn slton owning te own of ‘Greenurgh o dog laa lao imove oitinee!ecaganey ‘efor als at ote in alg toring soci vilags in ‘Beton Greer nd Mot Pleat taped lato Impose hte ecapanc ain ich igs Asse Bll Number S17, ni “AN ACT eo ameod te tt ow, neaton othe poston of hel nd ‘ote! nb town of Woodys nd proving forte epea of Sch provisos ups expan then" Asem Bll Number S555, ene "AN ACT oamead th tt ew in rion othe imposition of an ocapny {eee the ilage of Maraonsk pov te pel ‘ch provision pon expan thas Assembly Bll Number 6556, eile: AN ACT soamend the tt a rebononatoring te imps ofa ‘cepans tain teil of Pon Chose ad ovis fre ‘pm of such poisons up expe et” NOT APPROVED “Ths ils would alo in aon exiting county te tat ace eid spec ocal owns and vilgesto impose lsat on pra sing ht mot ay ‘ery provig overt og, The Legit shorty advanced ecupncy tae ills ony Fr oa aad hc, exept neve unig cicumstance nthe ps. If he 20 pley henge ns ist, shoud be done puso oa conpebeniv and coterie sade ly o ‘dare bythe Lapa. the Litre ss ach li wl commit a reoniering These ile a dsrproves. Execurive Cuawaee VETO #308 Decenber 28, 2015 ‘To THF ASSEMBLY: {am rung herewith, witout myeproval the following i Assembly Bl Number 82, nit *ANACT 1 amend he x in eton the pon of mn oscopaney tac inthe lige of Takao ul roving fo Ue eel su Fovsoas upon expt thee Asbiy Bill Number 217, ett AN ACT. amend he 2, in eton tthe impo fam oceans ‘aclnthe town of North Cale aa roving fre opel of ech visions yen expraton hea” Assembly Bill Name 21, ci “AN ACT soamend tet ny, eton othe imposition of sepny| ‘nel the ile of Fao: and proving fh pel of ch oven upon expiaton eres Assembly Bl Nbr 92, ene AN ACT to amen! the x ayn elaonoatorising te ov of Greeburg adopts eal law inpose tse mel oesupacy ‘ae er bls ot sted in awl; ating spect alae ‘he ons ef Geeaburg nd Mont Plat todo aaa ao Impose hotell ccapancy in sack igs Acsombly Bal Naber S157, eile "AN ACT tw amen! the a inn elton othe inpoon of ote an ‘tl x inthe own of Woodeay; and providing othe pea of Sch ovr upon expiration tee" Assy BL Number 5556, ni “AQACT to amend he it ela to th mpsston fe ccpany tue inte village of Masaronesk abode eps of Sok povion up expat taco Asse Bl Naber 6556, nit AN ACT toamend thee nn aon to itoring the imposition of an ‘ccpancy went vag of Por Chere an evi ie ‘opel fue proviso apo exponent NOT APPROVED “Thesis woal all, nation extn oy est eve, pecifc ‘eclowns a vies topo ny ror 08 pon sig tel me ay ity poe overhang The Legare as bissclyavanced ocean ta bls aly fo coe end ies, exept in ne unicast inthe pst I thes ta b pey change is ‘um should done psu comprehensive an determinative evil danced by the Lepisire, Ihe Leis s such pal wil ori orecsdting, These bills ae disprove Exccurwve Cuaunes VETO #309 Decenber 28, 2015, ‘TO THE ASSEMBLY: Tam euro here, tou yar the flog ils Aste Bl Naber 82, ened AN ACT toamend th te nn eon othe ipso an seupcy thin the vlge of Tockaor loving othe ees eh provisos up expan eset” ‘Assembly Bul Namber 27, ext AN ACT toamend the a ann eon oh iposon of en occupancy tein the town of Noth Ca and proving fre repel ach Prowse upon expan seco" Assay Bil Nae 21, nied AN ACT tosmend ine ny, nation woh poston of sn osypaey {Seine village of Buon: an roving fr he rp fh ovisons upon cxpton hee Ase Bill Numter992, eid AN ACT toamené thee an elton to auboriing the own of {Geese oop aoa lwo impose tse ocsraney ‘fr sot lene in a vilg,acoriing specie vas ‘he tovns af Grsabargh nd Mont lnm ada ll wo Inport ncapany tan sh lage Ase Bll Namber 17, ne AN ACT toamend the tt nw etion othe postion of hot nd ‘ea inthe tne of Woody: nd providing forthe epal Sch provisos apes exis thr Asem Bill Number 5556, ened: AN ACT soamend ts ny jo elton othe position of en xsupney ‘Se inthe vile of Mauna ond pons or te opel of ‘eh proviso pes epson re?" Asem Bll Number 6556, ened AN ACT soamend te tt on sono nthoriing the imposition on ‘scopaney tin he village oP Cher nd proving othe ‘pal of uch poisons upon expan tet” NOT APEROVED These ils woul alow, a ation extn omy aes tht levied peste ‘ccltowns an ages impor daily rom tok o ay prs saying as tl mateo ay "ey provig overt ose. “The Legare as istislly advanced sep ax ils ony for ones ae chic excep ore wigueccumstance inthe pasIither eta Dap shang a ise sod be doe psu a copecbonsiv and Striated oly et ‘vans by the Leghlaace Ute Legare wes sch iy wl comm toeendrng These bil ae dgprov Execurive Cuaworn veto #3/0 oecesber 28, 2015 TOTHE ASSEMBLY: on etuing heroic, that my appro the flog is Assen Bill Nur 2 ties ‘AN ACT toamend then aw ation oh inposdon of as sep tac in the vilage of Tarkan al providing a he opel oF sh eovison apn expat et" Assembly Bil Naber 27, xe *AN ACT wanes te wx en iation oth iposon of an ossopaney tin th tom of No Cassa proving fre pel sth Porsoas upon expiration tee" Asely Bill Number 22, eit AN ACT toamend these nw neiton othe poston of an oscupaney tcinthe vg of larson proving for tees ach oso! upon expan tere Assembly Bill Number 92, cai SAN ACT so ament te tte; etion to miboriing te ow of {Greenburgh oop oa lato nose eet ecaraney ‘98 er els ot lee in a ig: utoriing speci lags ‘he ons af Geer nd Mount Plena etal aw Jmpos betel seupancy tin tl age Asemby BUL Number 5157, nie: "AN ACT tameod thet ny inriton oie impos of at and cel a itt tn af Woodys an pong te ep of Such vss upon expiraion te" Asem Bill Number 5556, nied: *AN ACT tosmeod tote aw eatin he ingen of en ecapsey tat inthe vig of Venkat pong othe ep of ‘ch ovis upon expiration see” Assembly Bil Naber 5556, it YN ACT to ane he ta nel suring be inpoion of ay secapaney ttn lag of Part Chester proving the rep of such rovisans pa expion hte NOT APPROVED hes bis wou alo in aon a exiting conn tks ttre evi pei local owns and vilages to impos aly sem icon any poten syngas hl moo any frliy providing oversight long he Legian as htoriallyavansed ssupncy tox bil ony fr ous a ‘hc, except in ove viqucieonstanc in tps threo be ply change on hi ‘Sue sou ede sunt a compreberiv abd Gets Sve ply at sdvanocl by he Legian. Ihe Lapse ses ach iy, commit oes These bills ae dsppeored executive Chunes veto #3i] Decenber 28, 2015, ‘TO THE ASSEMBLY: Tam usage, witout my Aprons Assembly Bl Nur, nite ‘AN ACT toamens thet ayn ation he postion af an exspaey tacin te wile of Tuckahoe; sl pointe eal uh proven upon expiration ra Assembly Bal Naber 27, en “AN ACE tw amend hots ln eton oh insane esapansy ta inthe town ef Nort: Cale a proving fr he repel fh povisons ape expirion hen” Ase Bi Nunber 21, ci ‘AN ACT to ameod the tax an eaon he imposkon of sepa tacit the vile fan; and providing fr th pl fas rovions pon expan thea” Asset Bil Nunes 92, cae "AN ACT tw amend the ux in elation athosing he oom of (Geecaburh ado alla to inpone elie asonny ta ores ot orto in alge aatring speed alge a tee tohas of Greenburgh nd Moun Pla opt alae aw [pos oslo seers tins lage” Assembly ill NunberS157, it -ANACT toamend the tx anton othe impoon of ot and el inthe town of Woody and providing othe epea of Sch pvr upon expiration ss Asset Bi Naber 5556, oi ‘AN ACT to men’ the tx ayn aon he impostion of an osapcey toca the vile of Marmrenek and providing forthe opel of ‘th provions upo epton ee Asset Bil Nunber6556, et *ANACT tw amend ho i nsston o autoriing the imeston of an scopy ix ne village of Pat Ctr ae proving the ‘ppl of ck proisne pam expion thet NOT AvPROVED ‘These bls wuld alo, addon exiting covey tse tha evi spec local ons nd igs to mp daly oom to person sing a hotel oF any fay proving oven oding ‘The Leyslaur as hstely advanced scum ex bil oly fr buns a thes, xe inane iq caconstanc inte pst. thst Be spy bane on he isu soud be doe su 1 conpreeniv adders sence ly a vance bythe Legs. Ihe Lepstue ss ach pay. wl commit oreensdrng ‘These bil te dapeoved VETO #3)Q. Dacemer 28, 2015 ‘TO THE ASSEMBLY; an etuing herewith, wtou my apr the loning ils Asembly Bill Namter 82 ei: AN ACT 1 amon he a i, in elation tthe mposton of oseuaney lucia the vile of Turk tl viding fo eel sh rosso apo expan te" Asebly Bill Naber 217, ete “AN ACT amend tee os, in eaton othe imposition of an osupny {axinthe own of Not Case an providing ee eel Of ch rovisons pon exption ths Assembly Bl Neter 21, ni AN ACT so andthe et no eon oh poston of an oscupaney "cin te vilg of Hams and pov for opel ach ‘ovine expan ok Assembly Bl Nur 92, nit AN ACT amen! the tx olan toring the own of (Greer dopa a amp ene osupy ‘at forbs at tes in a wilag ating specie villages in the owns of Greeaburgh a Mount lest ape a acl at Impose ahotelinel ccapncy cin ich age Asembi Bill Number 5157, ned AN ACT to amen! te tax a rton oth inporan of et and tel x th oun of Wendy ad proving ee epea of ‘ch ovis upon expan seo” Assembly Bl Numa 5556 nid "AN ACT to ameod th tax ayn retin oh inposon of an aexupoey tes inthe vile of Mamironck ad pointe ped of ‘Bch rove upon expo eo Assenbly Bil Number 8556, eae “ANACT tw amend he x elation to aboriing te iposkion of a ‘Srcupancy tein te lag of Pr Chena u prviing frthe ‘epdl ofc provisions up expiration threo” Nor APPROVED These ils woul lon nono existing coy testa vii local owns nd vilagesompose daly sem taxon any porn saying as heat or any faliy providing ovens loin The Legis as istoially abana supa x ils ly fr ous a ts, except inne sigue aman nth pas taco be a oi) ego hs isa itso be done pursuant oa competense and Serine tte we poly o> ‘lsaced ty he Legare. Fe Leptesesck poly il omit ecoshcing “Ths bills ae dappone, Execurve Chases VETO #3/3, Decenber 28, 2015, ‘TO THE ASSEMBLY: amet ew, without my approve following bills Assembly BL Number, ented AN ACT swamend the tt anon oh impos of sn scapes {acne igo of Fckaoe; and ing repeal o ich ovions pen expo tea ‘Ase Bl Ntnber 217, nit AN ACT wamend ts ta olan oth ipoiton fen ocupney {Seine own of Neth Caan providing fre opel ch Provisens pea expton ers Assembly Bill Nahe 21, i AN ACT arent tea yo saton to impeston of an xcopncy ‘ac inthe vig Ha: nd providing forth opel of ch provisos upon espiton nea?™ Assembly Bl Naber 92, cat SANACT to amco! te x elation toring eon of ‘Grccburg dot alla to pone eli oecupany tut foros ot eted alge aatrzing specified vias a the tonne a Geesuh nd Moon lao taal lwo Ingo u oslo ccepansy wins lage” Assembly Bil Naber 57, ith *ANACT to amen the a neon oh iporon ofa ot a ‘el ex inthe own of Wody and poiding othe pea of Sch ovsons upon expiration ss Assembly Bi Number 5556, nis ‘AN ACT osmendthe sm awn aon othe poston of 8 esupay th nthe village of Masreaek and providing rhe ep o Sek provi upen expiration tee” _Asembly Bil Nabe 6556, et: AN ACT amend thee an sion o abort imposton of an ‘ccupancy ein the vil of Port Chere a providing fn ie ‘pe of sc pov upon enti tee NOT arrRoveD These ils woud low in aon to eising coat te thas evi specie ‘ol owns and ile topos ly rom ikon ay pero saying taht ne ny ‘Sty providing ove og ‘Toe Legis has srl avanced scan tx ills only fr oi nd ies, except in one unis eeansanc Inte pst the isto be ple cing i ‘ss, shuld be done pars oa comreetsve and deena sate wie pc 8 sshnced by the Legis, Ibe Lelie ch ols Til omit ores ‘histo, ‘Thee bills ae dsperoved

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