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Salvation Plan for Children & Youth

___________, the other day you talked with __________ about Jesus coming into your heart.
Can you tell me about it? Why do you think a person needs to become a Christian?

___________ as Christians we believe many facts about God. I have 5 truths about God I
would like for us to look at. Would you read Genesis 1:1? Here we find that (1) God did
special things, He made everything.

Turn to Genesis 2. Here we are told how God made people. What were the names of the first
two people? (Adam & Eve) God made them perfect and placed them in a perfect world.
They could think and plan ahead, they could love each other and God, and they could make
choices; just like you and me. (2) God made us so se could be friends with Him.

God gave Adam and Eve one rule to live by. How many rules do you have to obey? Adam &
Eve only had one rule. God had planted a tree in the middle of the garden and said (read
Genesis 2:16-17). They knew God’s rule. They could choose to obey or not obey that rule.
(3) God has given us rules to follow. We to can choose to obey or not.

One sad day Adam & Eve chose to disobey that one rule. The Bible calls disobedience sin.
That is why we study the Bible in Sunday School and Children’s Worship so we can know
God’s rules. (4) When we know His rules and still disobey Him, we sin. “Sin is anything
we say, do, or think that the Bible says is wrong. Sin is also not doing something the Bible
say’s we should do.” Can you give me examples of things the Bible says are wrong to do,
say, or think?

________ how do you think it made God feel when Adam & Eve sinned? It made God sad, and
it broke His heart. But do you think God still loved them? Yes, God still loved them.

But, because they disobeyed God, Adam & Eve became afraid of God. Their sin caused them
to be afraid and God had to punish them for their sin. Just like at home, when you do
something wrong, your parent still loves you, but they must deal with what you did wrong.

In Genesis 3 we learn the God punished Adam & Eve by sending them out of the perfect,
beautiful Garden of Eden. Their lives would no longer be easy, and they would have to
work for their clothes and food.

But God showed His love to Adam & Eve by making clothes for them and then He promised
that one day a Savior would come to the world. (5) Even though we sin, God still loves us
and offers to forgive us.
Review the 5 points.
(1) God did special things; He made everything.
(2) God made us so se could be friends with Him.
(3) God has given us rules to follow.
(4) When we know His rules and still disobey Him, we sin.
(5) Even though we sin, God still loves us and offers to forgive us.

__________ do you understand what we have talked about? Do you have any questions?

_________, who would you say Jesus is? What did Jesus do for u? (Have child read John
3:16) This verse tells us we need to believe in, or trust Jesus. Tell me some more about

(1) Jesus has always existed. He was there when God made the world.

(2) Jesus is all God and all man at the some time. Do you remember the Christmas story? That
little baby as God was perfect, and as a person He was like you and me.

(3) Jesus died for us. When He grew up, He started doing miracles that only God could do.
Can you tell me about some of them? (List several) Jesus did these because He was God.
He told the disciples who He was also. (Read John 14:8-9) Some people did not
understand Jesus, just like some people don’t today. They accused Jesus of pretending to be

___________, do you think Jesus was pretending to be God? In those days it was against the
law to pretend to be God. People were placed on a cross to die when they pretended to be
God. Since the people did not believe Jesus was God, Jesus was crucified.

Remember, Jesus is God and He did not have to die on the cross. He willingly died to be
punished in our place for our sins. God allowed Jesus to be punished for my sin, the wrong
things I have done. He did this so if I believe He died for me, then I could ask Him to
forgive my sin.

But Jesus didn’t stay dead. Do you remember what happened after His friends place Him in the
grave? He came back to life because He was God.

__________, do you have any questions?

__________, would you read Romans 3:23? For (1) all have sinned. ___________, do you
remember what sin is? (review what sin is) According to this verse who has sinned? Does
that mean I have sinned? Yes, I have sinned, I wish I was perfect like Jesus, but I have done
thing God did not want me too.

__________, does this verse mean you have sinned against God? (A child who truly
understands says yes)(Continue) (If a child answers *o)(Stop) (This child does not
understand yet. Thank the child for talking.)
(2) God knows our problem and has the answer. __________, would you read Romans 5:8?
The word demonstrates means to show. Remember God loved so much that He sent Jesus to
earth to take the punishment for our sins.

____________, just like sin made Adam & Eve afraid of God and separated them form Him,
our (3) sin separates us from a friendship with God. (Read 1st part of Romans 6:23)

Wages are what you earn or deserve for what you do. Have you ever received money for doing
something around the house or for someone? That money was your wages for what you did.
The wages for sin is death (living away from God).

____________, the good news is that (4) God wants us to live in heaven with Him forever.
(read 2nd part of Romans 6:23) God loves us so much that He is willing to forgive us of our
sin and invite us to live with Him forever.

____________, to become a Christian, a person must choose to accept Jesus’ offer to forgive
sin. (Romans 10:9) Confess means to say. What do you think the word Lord means? Lord
means King. Lord is the person in control. Today Lord means Boss. For Jesus to be Lord
(Boss) of our life, means He must influence everything we say, do, and think.

We must also believe that God raised Jesus from the dead. Since we were not there when it
happened, we must trust in Jesus. We believe that He has the power to forgive our sin. This
verse promises that you will be saved. _____________, can you tell me what Jesus will save
us from?

____________, let me review the steps to become a Christian. Do you understand that God
loves you? Do you want Jesus to control/ guide your life?
(1) God loves you, and because He loves you, you must decide to ask Jesus to be Lord of
your life.
(2) Since you have sinned, you must be willing to turn away from (stop doing it) your sin
(repent), and ask Jesus to forgive you and give you the power to live for Him.
How does it make you feel to know you have sinned against God?
Are you willing to turn away from your sin?
Have you already asked Jesus to forgive you and come into your heart?
Do you want to ask Jesus to forgive you and come into your life?

____________, would you like to pray and tell God in your own words what you have told me?
<YES> Let child pray. <HESITANT> Don’t push that child, some children don’t like to
pray out loud. Tell the child God would like to hear them pray in their own words.

____________, I’m so happy for you. Let’s read Romans 10:13. There is a promise here.
Have child write the date, place time, and who helped them ask Jesus into their life in their
own Bible.

Follow Up:
1. Discuss making this decision public in adult worship service soon.
2. Tell child we need to talk with the Pastor about baptism.
3. Talk about telling others about Jesus.

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