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The Lord is calling the Church in America to its knees. Its time for prayer and fasting.
This is a call to save the very life of the nation. God wants to purify the Church and prepare
her to reign at a new, higher level. God is again asking America, as He has before through one
of His prophets, America, how do you want your revival, through desperation or through
devastation? Time is running out for America. There will be revival or judgment.
Many Churches, Christian groups, and individual Christians are aware of an alarming shift in
the spiritual atmosphere in the land. Many have begun to seek the Lord in sacrificial prayer,
fasting, repentance and reconciliation. However, since the attack against the principles of the
kingdom of God are widespread and relentless, God is now calling the Church, the sleeping
giant, to awaken, put on her spiritual armor, take up the sword of the Word and fight.
The Church has to go into warfare mode. How does the Church fight? Not with guns, and
swords, and bombs. Our enemies are evil spirits, and guns and bombs dont stop spirits.
Should we fight? Or should we just cover our heads and go to sleep? Should we just relocate to
a more peaceful part of the universe? How do we fight the enemy? What does the Bible say?
We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers and rulers of
the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places. So we have to use different
protection from regular soldiers. However, the fact remains, we still have to fight to survive.
Its a desperate battle for our personal lives, our families, friends, communities, cities,
government and our country. The world is in turmoil. We are the Church and we are the only
ones with adequate weapons to bring down strongholds. As good soldiers, we have to put on
spiritual armor and pray.
There was a time in ancient history when the Jews were all going to be killed and they went on
a three-day fast. Read Esther 4:15, 16. They prayed, fasting from food and water. Their lives
were saved and their enemies destroyed. In Jonah 3:3-10, the city of Nineveh was going to be
destroyed and the entire city went on a fast, including their precious dogs, asking God for
mercy, and repenting for their sins, and God had compassion on them and spared them.
America needs Gods help. The Church in America needs Gods help. God is waiting to see
when we will decide to really humble ourselves, pray, seek His face and turn from our wicked
ways so that He can hear from heaven, forgive the Churchs sins and heal America. God wants
to raise an intercessory army of prayer warriors who will go to war in prayer for their families,
cities, leaders and their nation. He can move, but He wont if we dont move towards Him.
The call is for Unity, Sacrifice and Consistency. The Lord wants American Christian
churches and ministries to join in united prayer with fasting. He wants us to be united in our
purpose, and persist in praying until we see the answer. We must make prayer our lifestyle. He
has outlined a plan for intercessory unity and prayer coverage to do His mighty work. What is

it? We are to raise up an intercessory army throughout the nation in every city and state to
dethrone the demonic princes that in the land. This will be done through prayer and fasting.
In Daniel 10, we see that the spiritual warfare was so intense that another angel, Michael, had
to come and assist Daniel in the intercessory warfare. How do we war? Simply by praying,
using our sword, the Word of God. We will be praying the Word of God over our nation. This
sword is not used against people, but against spirits. It is very powerful, and it works. Prayer
brought World War II to an end.
Daniels fast was 21 days, but God is calling for 40-day fasts throughout the year. Jesus
fasted for 40 days. It takes 40 days to get rid of a plague. This period of fasting is to defeat
demonic princes over the land. It means humbling ourselves, confessing our sins, forgiving and
making it right with others, getting free ourselves, and interceding in desperation for the nation.
The type of fast will vary according to each persons health as directed by the Lord. Some will
fast from 6am to 6pm, or from 6am to 12pm, or 6am to 3pm, or 24 hours. Some will fast by
drinking only water, or juices, vegetables, fruit, etc. The key is to keep the commitment you
have made with God. Ask forgiveness if you slip, and get back up again. Turn off the TV, make
time to read your Bible and pray for yourself, family, church the Body of Christ, and the nation.
Each church or Christian fellowship will take a day on which they will begin their 40 day fast.
God wants every day of the year covered. Each day of the year, a church or Christian
fellowship will begin their 40 days of prayer, fasting & intercession for at least 365 40-day
fasts. From January 1 to December 31, each day a Church will start their prayer & fasting so
that the warfare is intense throughout the year--not just in January, or at Lent, or at special
seasons. The enemy is not taking breaks. No one Church, prayer fellowship, or individual can
win the war. It takes the whole body, made up of many different members, to win the war. The
Holy Spirit will direct His people concerning His needs at any particular time or season. We
will coordinate our intercessory times so that all 365 days are covered with prayer and fasting.
Let us read Ephesians 6:10-18, as we turn to prayer. Here is our prayer focus:

Let us humble ourselves, pray, seek His face and turn from our wicked ways, then ask God
to cover us and our loved ones with the blood of Jesus. (2 Chronicles 7:14, Rev. 12:11)
Pray, as in, 1Timothy 2: 1-5, for the President and all in authority to be under Gods rule.
Pray for Pastors and all leaders and the Church throughout the nation to be revived.
Pray for the Supreme Court, and all areas of the justice system that Gods justice will rule.
Repent for the sins of the nation and ask God to spare his judgement, as He did in Nineveh.
Ask God to increase our love and cause us to reach out to people who dont know Christ.
Pray and intercede for our schools, prisons, community centers, hospitals, and public places.
Take time to meet and pray with brothers and sisters in Christ who are different from us.
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