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I have a great friend, one I can trust completely.

Tenho um grande amigo, em quem confio completamente.

He knows whats going on inside my heart and understands

whats important to me.
Ele sabe tudo que penso, sinto e entende o que importante
para mim.

I mess up often. But my

friend never judges.
Nem sempre me comporto
como deveria, mas meu
amigo nunca me julga.

He helps me out when Im stuck. When I cant figure out

where I should be going, He gives me advice.
Ele me ajuda quando estou em apuros. Quando no consigo
discernir para onde devo ir, Ele me aconselha.

Hes also a great friend to celebrate with and knows all

about enjoying life.
um grande amigo e tima companhia para celebrar e sabe
tudo sobre desfrutar a vida.

Hes not my only friend. But there is no one, absolutely

nobody, who is constant like He is.
Ele no meu nico amigo, mas ningum, nem de longe,
to constante quanto Ele.

Jesus' love is perfect and His friendship is perfect.

O amor de Jesus perfeito, assim como Sua amizade.

Image Credits: Pages 1 7 courtesy of Page 8 TFI. Used by permission. Text
adapted from Activated magazine.

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