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This lesson is intended for a class of high school students studying Technology

Education. The English proficiency levels from low to high and accounted for in the planning of
this lesson. The reflection below accounts for 1 low level ELL student and a class of 15 other
students. The students have been taking the Technology Education Course for 17 weeks at this
point and are currently learning about careers in the various areas of Technology.
The assessments used during this lesson are both formal and informal. The formal
assessment (essay or Powerpoint) allows for students to express their understanding of the
Technology Workplace through the example of Google. Student should be able to express the
unique atmosphere and other details from documented research and guided discussion.
The first informal assessment is used during the opening activity. A teacher lead
discussion builds background knowledge for the students. The student feedback during the
discussion allows for the teacher to discover how much his or her students already know about
the topic. This is a time for compare and contrast to previous lesson topics to reflect upon prior
learning and can be done so with a guided graphic organizer.. Students mold listening and
speaking skills during classroom discussions. It is advised that a teacher should also write key
vocabulary for student to see and use during a discussion to aid ELL and IEP learners.
The second informal assessment occurs during the closing activity. An exit ticket poses
two questions focusing on the learning objectives for the day. Both assessments allow the
teacher to receive evidence of learning and a measure to base the need for continued instruction
or review the following day for individual students. Varied results would indicate the need for
further scaffold instruction to follow and the continuation of modifications where needed.
I chose the selected standards because they emphasize the use of technology while
learning about technology. When students develop relationships with the content they are
learning, it is easier for them to understand the application of the things they have learned.
The lesson plan offers multiple ways for student to express themselves and allows for
informal and formal feedback for the teacher. A balance of both formal and informal assessments
is necessary to keep the attention of students and maintain a level of comfort in the learning
environment. The lesson design allows for independent work with teacher assistance. This
provides a safe environment for beginning ELLs to express their lack of understanding if
necessary without peer involvement.
LESSON PLAN: The Google Workplace
Grade/Class/Subject: 9th-12th Grade/ Technology Applications/ Technology Education
Unit/Theme: Careers in Technology

ELL Standards:
Standard1:E-5 Identifying the main ideas/concepts of presentations.
Standard1:B-5 Retelling main ideas/concepts and key points/details of presentations
using complete sentences.
Standard1:HI-5 Summarizing main ideas/concepts and key points/details of
Educational Technology Standards :

Strand 1: Creativity and Innovation/Concept 4: Original Works/PO 2.

- Use digital collaborative tools to synthesize information, produce original
works, and express ideas.
Strand 3: Research and Information Literacy/Concept 2: Processing/P.O. 1
- Locate and synthesize information utilizing advanced search strategies
including a variety of search engines, metadata search engines, deep web
searches and databases.

Content Objective(s):
Students will be able to:
- Analyze the Google workplace.
- Identify characteristics of the Google workplace.
- Describe attributes of the Google workplace.
- Utilize technology to gather and display information.

Language Objective(s):
Students will:
Read about Google careers and the workplace.
Write about their observations and opinions of the Google workplace.
Listen to other students present their research and opinions of the Google workplace.
Speak when presenting their knowledge and research of the Google workplace.
SIOP Features
Scaffolding Grouping Options
_X_ Adaptation of Content _X__ Modeling ___ Whole class
_X_ Links to Background _X__ Guided practice___ Small groups
_X_ Links to Past Learning _X__ Independent practice ___ Partners
_X__ Strategies incorporated ____ Comprehensible input _x_ Independent
Integration of Processes
_X__ Reading
_X__ Writing
_X__ Speaking
_X__ Listening

_ X__ Hands-on
_X__ Meaningful
_X__ Linked to objectives
_X_ Promotes engagement

____ Group
__X_ Written
__X_ Oral

Lesson Summary:
The teacher will lead a discussion asking students to describe what they think that they would find in the
Google workplace. (SPEAKING & LISTENING)
Part I:
Students will view a prepared power point presentation providing visual proof of the Google workplace.
Modification for Standard1:E5- Short titles are included on the slides of the presentation to match
common words with the pictures. (LISTENING)


Students will reference Google point to research one of the following topics:
Jobs at Google
Google Company Culture
History of Google
Google Compensation and Benefits
Students will write a 500 word research paper their topic. Students must include a paragraph stating their
own views and opinions regarding the Google workplace and the topic they researched.
Grading Rubric:
Essay contains 500 words
Topic is covered completely and provides evidence
of research (references)
The student has expressed their opinion regarding
their findings about their chosen topic
The essay is free of spelling/ grammatical errors

25 points
25 points
25 points
25 points

Modification for Standard1:E5- Students will have an alternate assignment. Students will be given a print
out of the power point slides and must perform the following
Develop a title for each slide based on the contents of the picture.
Print the title for each slide on the blank lines beside the slide.
Students may use the internet as a resource.
Students will use highlighters to highlight the objects in the picture that the title describes.
Students will receive additional help from the teacher creating written expression of their
ideas and answers.
Assessment: Students will be awarded 5 points per title for each slide. The title must identify the
main idea/subject of each picture for 5 points. If no title is present, zero points will be awarded. If
there was an attempt made but the title does not apply to the topic or the title is unclear, 2.5
points will be awarded. Total assignment is worth 100 points. Students will be given an
opportunity to correct their titles one time after submission.
Modification for Standard1:B5- Students will have an alternate assignment. Students must

Create a 5 slide power point presentation covering the topic they chose from the original
assignment. One slide will be the title slide.
Slides may contain copied material as long as the URL is referenced at the bottom of the
Each slide must contain a title, related graphic, and at least two sentences or bullets.
Students will share their power point with the teacher, describing the content of each
Students will receive additional help from the teacher creating written expression of their
ideas and answers.
Assessment: Students will be awarded 20 points per slide. The Each slide must contain a
title/subtitle, related graphic, and at least two sentences or bullets for 20 points. 20 points will be
deducted for each missing slide. If there was an attempt made but the slide does not apply to the
topic or the content is missing or unclear, 10 points will be awarded for that slide. Total

assignment is worth 100 points. Students will be given an opportunity to correct their slides one
time after submission.
Modification for Standard1:H5- Students will complete a modification of the original assignment. Students
must meet the following requirements

Students will have a 250 word requirement.

The student must have the following in their essay.
o One sentence summarizing their topic.
o Three sentences expressing facts about their topic
o Two sentences describing their opinion concerning their topic.
o URLs are provided for the websites the student used to find information.
Students may include pictures to help describe their topic. Students will receive
additional help from the teacher creating written expression of their ideas and answers.

Essay contains 250 words

Topic is covered completely and provides evidence
of research (references)/ 3 sentences
The student has expressed their opinion regarding
their findings about their chosen topic/ 2 sentences
The essay is free of spelling/ grammatical errors

25 points
25 points
25 points
25 points

Students will be given an opportunity to make correct to their essay one time after submission for
full credit.
Students will provide an exit ticket answering/ responding to the following:
1.) Would you like to work for Google? Why or why not?
2.) List 2 things that you did not know before todays lesson.

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