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Customer Service Database

Screen ID: New Employee Training

Screen 1 of 23

Date: 5 February 2016

Graphics info

New Employee Training: Looking up Customers in the Customer

Service Database
Naviga2on text
Click NEXT to proceed to the next screen.
Click QUIT to exit course.

Template: Background
template of teal screen
and tree trunk
throughout course.
Navigation to include
Quit, Back, and Next
Green ISA graphic

Audio informaDon

Quick audio to explain

naviga2on of course.

Transcript of

Welcome to ISAs New Employee Training. You are beginning the course on how to look up a customer in the Customer Service Database. To navigate through the course, simply use the NEXT buIon located on the
lower right side to move forward through the course, of the BACK buIon to return to the previous page. You can also use the menu on the leL to jump around the course, though you must visit all pages to
complete the course. When you have completed the course or if you need to come back to it at a later 2me, simply click the QUIT buIon and it will save your place in the course.

Next, Back, and Quit buIons with wriIen instruc2ons in white font.

Project name:
Customer Service Database

Screen ID: Course ObjecDve

Screen 2 of 23

Date: 5 February 2016

Graphics info


A customer calls and says he wants to nd out how many

conDnuing educaDon units (CEUs) he sDll needs. He told you his
rst name, but does not remember his CerDcaDon ID. How do
you look him up in the Customer Service Database and verify that
you have found the correct person?
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
Look up a specic customer in the ISA Customer Service Database,
and accurately verify their idenDty.

Transcript of

Narra2on will be the exact same as what is listed above.


Magnifying glass will be a buIon allowing viewers to enlarge the image.

Graphic with magnifying

glass. Screen capture of
Customer Service
Database homepage.

Audio informaDon

Narra2on of main text

automa2c. Must click to
receive audio for buIon

Project name:
Customer Service Database

Screen ID: Search OpDons

Screen 3 of 23

Date: 5 February 2016

Graphics info

Looking up customers in the database can be challenging if they dont provide you
with all the informaDon you require. However, with a liYle pracDce and some key
quesDons, you can quickly learn to verify to whom you are speaking.


There are numerous opDons when searching for someone in the database (see list to
the right). All the idenDers listed are available as search opDons on the database

Hover feature for key

identifiers to include
description of each.

Same screenshot from

previous slide

Key Iden(ers
(bulleted list) CSID, First Name, Last Name, Email, Cert ID, Sales Order ID (SOID)
Hover Text
CSID: Each person who has ever had a transacDon with ISA receives a unique
Customer Service ID (CSID).
First Name / Last Name: Be careful when using these as someDmes people go by
nicknames, or they have been incorrectly entered in the database, parDcularly
internaDonal names.
Cert ID: Each cerDcaDon holder has a unique, alphanumeric Cert ID. It will begin
with two leYers, followed by four numbers, followed by anywhere from 1 to 5
Sales Order ID: Each sales transacDon receives a unique number. This is mostly only
helpful when the customer is inquiring about that parDcular transacDon.
Transcript of

Same as above.

Hover over list of Key Iden2ers for descrip2ons.

Audio informaDon

Narra2on of all text.

Narra2on of hover text will
only be read if they hover
over it for more than a

Project name:
Customer Service Database

Screen ID: Customer ConrmaDon

Screen 4 of 23

Once you enter the informaDon you have received from the caller, you must verify
that you have found the correct person. There are some key items available that can
help to make this vericaDon (see list on the right). You may use addiDonal items as
well to conrm, depending on the informaDon you receive, including dates of tesDng,
event registraDons, or other recent acDvity.

Date: 5 February 2016

Graphics info

Screenshot of post-search
database. Magnifying

Ge3ng Conrma(on
Bulleted list: CSID, Cert ID, Email, Phone Number, Mailing Address
Hover Text
CSID: The CSID is one of the best opDons for ge_ng conrmaDon as every customer
has a unique number.
Cert ID: The Cert ID is a good way to conrm the customer, however you must use
some cauDon. Numbers can be repeated between chapters, so make sure the prex
is the same as what the customer has stated.
Email: Email is an easy one for conrmaDon, though someDmes they can be
Phone Number: Phone numbers can be an easy one for conrmaDon, though
someDmes they can be outdated. If you havent received enough informaDon to
conrm the number, you may at least be able to get a sense of where they are
geographically to see if you have found the right person to conrm the zip code.
Mailing Address: Similar to the phone numbers, mailing addresses can become
outdated, but may be used as a means of narrowing down opDons.
Transcript of

Same as above

Hover over list of GeUng Conrma2on to get descrip2ons. Magnifying glass buIon for close-up of post-search database.

Audio informaDon

Narra2on of all text.

Narra2on of hover text will
only be read if they hover
over it for more than a

Project name:
Customer Service Database

Screen ID: DemonstraDon

Screen 5 of 23

Searching for a customer in the Customer Service Database is a simple and valuable skill. Being able to do
this will help you provide beYer service to our customers, and avoid potenDally giving away personal
informaDon to the wrong person. To begin, visit the ISA UDliDes page on your web browser. Click on ISA
Customer Database.
Once you are on the Customer Service Database homepage, you have mulDple search opDons. Depending on
the informaDon you receive, you may be able to look up the person immediately. For instance, if they know
their CerDcaDon ID or CSID, you can simply type them in their informaDon in the appropriate window and
then click SEARCH. Unfortunately, someDmes people dont know this informaDon or may provide incorrect
informaDon. That is why it is good to verify that you have found the correct person.

Date: 5 February 2016

Graphics info

Black screen with play
button for beginning

If they are calling about a specic transacDon, you might ask them if they have the sales order ID available.
This will be a clear conrmaDon that you have the right person.
You may also use their rst and last name. Use this with cauDon, however, when working with internaDonal
members. SomeDmes names have been incorrectly entered in the database and may not be fully accurate.
Once you have entered in the informaDon and clicked SEARCH, a number of opDons may appear. If more
than one name is listed, you may need to search through them to nd the correct person. Use the headings
at the top to sort the items for easier searching. You can use clues from your conversaDon, such as their
locaDon, but it may be best to ask them to verify a piece of informaDon before proceeding. This can include
mailing address, phone number, or email. Use these with cauDon, as they may be outdated.
Aber you have conrmed their idenDty, you can click on their CSID to visit their prole.
Thats it! Now lets pracDce looking people up in the database.

Transcript of

See above. Close cap2oning will be included.

Click PLAY buIon to begin demonstra2on.

Audio informaDon

Audio from video included.

Project name:
Customer Service Database

Screen ID: Exercise 1

Screen 6 of 23

Open ISAs Customer Service Database in a separate window and

answer the following quesDons using the informaDon you have
been provided. The quesDons will get progressively tougher. You
can return to previous screens to review what you have learned.
Exercise 1:
You have received a call from Tim Walsh in Pennsylvania. What is
his CSID?
A. 3623
B. 1532
C. 10958
D. 111
Correct! Click NEXT to move on to the next exercise.
Incorrect. Try checking your spelling or verifying the state of
Transcript of

Same as above

Op2ons will be buIons with feedback.

Date: 5 February 2016

Graphics info


Audio informaDon

Instruc2ons will be read.

Only quiz ques2on will be
read. Not the op2ons.

Project name:
Customer Service Database

Screen ID: Exercise 2

Screen 7 of 23

Date: 5 February 2016

Graphics info


Exercise 2:
You have received a call from Terry Flanagan who menDoned that
he lives in the Pacic Northwest. What is his phone number?
a. 182-583-0005
b. 717-902-4632
c. 382-391-0255
d. 503-132-2298
Correct! Click NEXT to move on to the next exercise.
Incorrect. Try checking your spelling or verifying the state of

Transcript of

Same as above.

Op2ons will be buIons with feedback.

Audio informaDon

Instruc2ons will be read.

Only quiz ques2on will be
read. Not the op2ons.

Project name:
Customer Service Database

Screen ID: Exercise 3

Screen 8 of 23

Date: 5 February 2016

Graphics info


Exercise 3:
You have received a call from a Kevin Eckert in Hawaii. What is his
Cert ID?
a. WE-3512B
b. WE-0938A
c. WE-3928BT
d. WE-0098BTML
Correct! Click NEXT to move on to the next exercise.
Incorrect. Try checking your spelling or verifying the state of

Transcript of

Same as above.

Op2ons will be buIons with feedback.

Audio informaDon

Instruc2ons will be read.

Only quiz ques2on will be
read. Not the op2ons.

Project name:
Customer Service Database

Screen ID: Exercise 4

Screen 9 of 23

Date: 5 February 2016

Graphics info


Exercise 4:
You have received a call from a Norm Easey. He says he lives in
Florida and is cerDed. What is his email address?
Correct! Click NEXT to move on to the next exercise.
Incorrect. Try checking your spelling or verifying the state of

Transcript of

Same as above.

Op2ons will be buIons with feedback.

Audio informaDon

Instruc2ons will be read.

Only quiz ques2on will be
read. Not the op2ons.

Project name:
Customer Service Database

Screen ID: Exercise 5

Screen 10 of 23

Date: 5 February 2016

Graphics info


Exercise 5:
You have received a call from Alex. She says she is a Master
Arborist and Climber Specialist. She said she currently lives in
Illinois. What is her CSID?
a. 123
b. 3958
c. 188429
d. 13513
Correct! Click NEXT to move on to the next exercise.
Incorrect. Try searching by name and then using the sort feature
to look for other clues.

Transcript of

Same as above.

Op2ons will be buIons with feedback.

Audio informaDon

Instruc2ons will be read.

Only quiz ques2on will be
read. Not the op2ons.

Project name:
Customer Service Database

Screen ID: Exercise 6

Screen 11 of 23

Date: 5 February 2016

Graphics info


Exercise 6:
You have received a call from Todd who says his Cert ID is
NY-1098A. What is his email address?
Correct! Click NEXT to move on to the next exercise.
Incorrect. Try double-checking the Cert ID prex.

Transcript of

Same as above.

Op2ons will be buIons with feedback.

Audio informaDon

Instruc2ons will be read.

Only quiz ques2on will be
read. Not the op2ons.

Project name:
Customer Service Database

Screen ID: Exercise 7

Screen 12 of 23

Date: 5 February 2016

Graphics info


Exercise 7:
You have received a call from Jim in Illinois. He thinks his CSID is
903. Which of the following is his home address?
a. 235 E. Park Lane
b. 9 Cemetery Road
c. 16 BuYernut Grove
d. 22 Hills Avenue
Correct! Click NEXT to move on to the next exercise.
Incorrect. Try retyping the CSID or verifying the state of residence.

Transcript of

Same as above.

Op2ons will be buIons with feedback.

Audio informaDon

Instruc2ons will be read.

Only quiz ques2on will be
read. Not the op2ons.

Project name:
Customer Service Database

Screen ID: Exercise 8

Screen 13 of 23

Date: 5 February 2016

Graphics info


Exercise 8:
You have received a call from Sharon and the phone number that
appeared when she called was 217-585-9756. What is her CSID?
a. 35
b. 99032
c. 632
d. 4623
Correct! Click NEXT to move on to the next exercise.
Incorrect. Try looking up the area code to see in what state she

Transcript of

Same as above.

Op2ons will be buIons with feedback.

Audio informaDon

Instruc2ons will be read.

Only quiz ques2on will be
read. Not the op2ons.

Project name:
Customer Service Database

Screen ID: Exercise 9

Screen 14 of 23

Date: 5 February 2016

Graphics info


Exercise 9:
You have received a call from a gentleman who says he is a Board
CerDed Master Arborist (BCMA) and lives in the UK. His name is
John Simmons. What is his CSID?
a. 381
b. 30273
c. 1083
d. 123
Correct! Click NEXT to move on to the next exercise.
Incorrect. Once you have entered his name, look for who lives in
the UK and who holds the BCMA credenDal.

Transcript of

Same as above.

Op2ons will be buIons with feedback.

Audio informaDon

Instruc2ons will be read.

Only quiz ques2on will be
read. Not the op2ons.

Project name:
Customer Service Database

Screen ID: Exercise 10

Screen 15 of 23

Date: 5 February 2016

Graphics info


Exercise 10:
You have received a call from an unknown number and the
customer says he thinks his Cert ID is MA-3236A. His name is
Phillip. What is actually his correct Cert ID?
a. NE-3236A
b. PW-3236A
c. IL-3236A
d. UK-3236A
Correct! Click NEXT to move on to the next exercise.
Incorrect. Try mulDple spellings of his name or various Cert ID

Transcript of

Same as above.

Op2ons will be buIons with feedback.

Audio informaDon

Instruc2ons will be read.

Only quiz ques2on will be
read. Not the op2ons.

Project name:
Customer Service Database

Screen ID: PracDcal ApplicaDon

Screen 16 of 23

Date: 5 February 2016

Graphics info

Once you have found the customers prole and have veried it is correct, you can
nd informaDon about any transacDons they have had with ISA. Their prole will
help you provide the most accurate informaDon to the customer.

Screenshot and magnifying
glass of customer profile

Key Findings
Bulleted list: RegistraDons, Order History, CEU Report, Exams, Membership, Web
Hover Text
RegistraDons: Any even registraDons they have paid for, including ISAs Annual
Conference, Tree Risk Assessment QualicaDon (TRAQ), or workshops.
Order History: Any purchases they have made, including educaDonal products,
exams, memberships, or apparel.
CEU Report: A lisDng of all CEUs they have earned during their current cerDcaDon
Exams: CerDcaDon or qualicaDon exams for which they have registered and/or
Membership: Current status of ISA or chapter memberships.
Web Password: Allows you to reset their password or view the ISA website as they
see it when logged-in.

Transcript of

Same as above.

Click on magnifying glass to see close-up of customer prole.

Audio informaDon

Narra2on of all text.

Narra2on of hover text will
only be read if they hover
over it for more than a

Project name:
Customer Service Database

Screen ID: Assessment

Screen 17 of 23

In the last few screens, you have learned how to iniDally search for a
customer, verify their idenDty, and nd some key facts on their prole.
Lets see what youve learned.

Date: 5 February 2016

Graphics info

Button for pop-up button
with instruction text.

The following assessment will be a branching scenario. You will not be

able to return to previous slides once the simulaDon begins, as in real life,
you must work on your listening skills. You may, however, repeat
quesDons. Lets get started.
You will receive a phone call from a real customer in the ISA database who
requires informaDon. You will be prompted to either answer their
quesDon or ask a quesDon. You will be able to ask as many quesDons as
youd like, but you are not guaranteed to receive the most accurate
informaDon, nor even the answer your desire.
As you navigate through this assessment, use ISAs Customer Service
Database to nd the answer to the quesDon.
This is intended to simulate real-life scenarios. Do your best and repeat it
as many Dmes as youd like.
Transcript of

Narra2on transcript here

Click on the INSTRUCTION buIons for more informa2on about the assessment.

Audio informaDon
Narra2on of text

Project name:
Customer Service Database

Screen ID: Assessment

Screen 18 of 23

Date: 5 February 2016

Graphics info


Hi. My name is Doug. Im calling to nd out how many more CEUs

I need.
Feedback for answers (relevant for all slides)
The customer has been conrmed. Well done!
You have not accurately conrmed the idenDty of the customer.
Please try again.

Transcript of

Hi. My name is Doug. Im calling to n out how many more CEUs I need.


Fill-in-the-blank op2on pops up if ANSWER QUESTION is selected.

Buttons: Ask a Question;

Answer Question

Audio informaDon

Audio of scenario text only.

Project name:
Customer Service Database

Screen ID: Assessment

Screen 19 of 23

Ask a QuesDon
a. What is your CSID?
Response: I dont know.

Date: 5 February 2016

Graphics info

Buttons: Ask a Question;
Answer Question

b. Where is your phone number?

Dont you have it from your caller ID?
c. What is your last name, Doug?
d. What is your Cert ID?
Do you really need that? Id need to search through my wallet.

Transcript of

Ques2on read once selected.

Op2on to ask a ques2on. Once response given, prompt to ask another ques2on or answer ques2on.

Audio informaDon

Narra2on of ques2on and

then response.

Project name:
Customer Service Database

Screen ID: Assessment

Screen 20 of 23

Ask a QuesDon

Date: 5 February 2016

Graphics info


a. What is your CSID?

Response: I dont know.
b. Where do you live?
c. What cerDcaDon do you hold?
Im a cerDed arborist and uDlity specialist.
d. Whats your home address?
553 Pine St.

Transcript of

Ques2on read once selected.

Op2on to ask a ques2on. Once response given, prompt to ask another ques2on or answer ques2on.

Audio informaDon

Narra2on of ques2on and

then response.

Project name:
Customer Service Database

Screen ID: Assessment

Screen 21 of 23

Ask a QuesDon
a. When did you get cerDed?
I think back in 2006.

Date: 5 February 2016

Graphics info

Description and or file

name of graphics to be
Navigation information

b. What chapter are you a member of?

Im a New England Chapter member and Western. Im also an ISA
c. Do you know your member ID?
d. Do you belong to any aliate organizaDons?
Yes, UAA.

Transcript of

Ques2on read once selected.

Op2on to ask a ques2on. Once response given, prompt to ask another ques2on or answer ques2on.

Audio informaDon

Narra2on of ques2on and

then response.

Project name:
Customer Service Database

Screen ID: Review

Screen 22 of 23

Date: 5 February 2016

Graphics info


Looking up a customer is easy, but verifying their idenDty can be a

bit trickier. Some key facts to remember are:
Customers do not always remember the most accurate
informaDon about themselves.
Some informaDon can become outdated.
CSIDs are unique to everyone and the best source of vericaDon.
Cert IDs are limited to only credenDal holders.
Key IdenDers (same list as corresponding slide)
Ge_ng ConrmaDon (same list as corresponding slide)

Transcript of

See above.


No interac2ons.

Audio informaDon

Only narra2on for the main

text (not the sidebars)

Project name:
Customer Service Database

Screen ID: CongratulaDons

Screen 23 of 23

Date: 5 February 2016

Graphics info


You have successfully completed this course! You are now well on
your way to providing quality customer service to help meet ISAs
Click QUIT to exit this course.

Audio informaDon

Audio of text automa2cally


Transcript of

Same as above

No interac2ons

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