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Method Statement for Application of Concrete surface

retarder formwork painted

Applicator shall execute the whole waterproofing system and done in
accordance to manufacturers instruction.
2.1 Preparation of Substrate
2.1.1 Ensure all surfaces of form are cleaned and free of any previous oil
deposit or deleterious material prior to application.
2.1.2 For best results, formwork should be non-porous.
2.2 Application
2.2.1 Stir and mix retarder well before use.
2.2.2 Without thinning, apply retarder to the formwork evenly in two thin
coats at a rate in accordance to manufacturers recommendation using a
brush, roller or spray.
2.2.3 Allow the first coat to dry before applying the second coat.
2.2.4 If the coated form surface is exposed to wet conditions prior to use,
it is necessary to clean the form and recoat it with retarder.
2.2.5 Place the concrete after the retarder has dried. Drying time will
vary between 1-4 hrs depending on weather conditions.
2.2.6 Forms may be removed within a day in warm weather or up to 2-3
days for cooler weather.
2.2.7 Immediately after the form is removed, flushed off the retarded
surface mortar with high pressure water jet and/or scrubbed with a stiff
brush to expose aggregate.

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