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Proteus V

Eagle Technology, Inc.
All rights reserved.

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possible. Nonetheless, inadvertent errors can occur.



This document could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.

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Eagle Technology, Inc.

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ProLink III, ProTeus and ProTeus V are trademarks or registered trademarks of
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Revision 02/09

Welcome to ProTeus V..................................................................................19

ProTeus V Modules .......................................................................................21

Technical Support .........................................................................................23

Training Services ..........................................................................................25

Implementation Services ..............................................................................27

About this Manual .........................................................................................29

Registration ...................................................................................................31

Any Comments?............................................................................................33

LEARNING THE BASICS ...............................................................................35

Installation .....................................................................................................37
System Requirements..................................................................................37
System Response Time...............................................................................38
Installing ProTeus V.....................................................................................38
Upgrading ProTeus V ..................................................................................38
A note about the Microsoft Windows 2000/XP Multilingual User Interface
(MUI) ...........................................................................................................38

Maintenance Management Concepts...........................................................39

What is Maintenance Management?............................................................39
Why is Maintenance Management Important? .............................................39
What Will Maintenance Management Do For Me? .......................................40

Getting Started ..............................................................................................41

Starting ProTeus V ......................................................................................41
Overview of Menu Selections.......................................................................42
Main Menu...................................................................................................42
Toolbar ........................................................................................................43
Navigator .....................................................................................................43
Assets Menu................................................................................................44
Maintenance Menu ......................................................................................45
Personnel Menu...........................................................................................46
Purchasing Menu.........................................................................................46
Other Menu..................................................................................................47
Reports Menu ..............................................................................................48
Windows Menu ............................................................................................49
Help Menu ...................................................................................................49
Exiting ProTeus V ........................................................................................49

Terms and Concepts.....................................................................................51

Attachments Tab..........................................................................................52
Background Image.......................................................................................52

Table of Contents 5
Dashboard................................................................................................... 52
Date Fields/ Calendar.................................................................................. 53
Date Field Formats...................................................................................... 53
Description Tab ........................................................................................... 53
Drag and Drop Function .............................................................................. 54
Drop-down Lists .......................................................................................... 54
Fields & Field Labels ................................................................................... 55
Floating Numeric Characters....................................................................... 56
Lists............................................................................................................. 57
Master File .................................................................................................. 57
Query Dialog Box ........................................................................................ 58
Quick List Tab ............................................................................................. 58
Quick Screen............................................................................................... 60
Record ........................................................................................................ 61
Record View................................................................................................ 61
Required Fields ........................................................................................... 61
Sending Data to Microsoft Word.................................................................. 61
Sorting Order............................................................................................... 62
Tabs............................................................................................................ 62
Time Fields/ Clock Icon ............................................................................... 62
User Fields Tab........................................................................................... 62

Gathering Data .............................................................................................. 65

Overview of Entering Data........................................................................... 65
Gather Data................................................................................................. 66
Enter Vendor Records................................................................................. 66
Enter Customer Records ............................................................................. 66
Enter Ship To Addresses............................................................................. 66
Choose Currency (if applicable) .................................................................. 66
Enter Stockrooms........................................................................................ 66
Enter Blanket PO Records .......................................................................... 67
Enter Inventory Records.............................................................................. 67
Enter Equipment Records ........................................................................... 67
Enter Labor Craft Records........................................................................... 67
Enter Employee Records............................................................................. 68
Enter Task Records..................................................................................... 68
Enter Cause Records .................................................................................. 68
Enter Cost Centers...................................................................................... 68
Enter PM Master Records ........................................................................... 69
Enter DM Template Records ....................................................................... 69

The Basics..................................................................................................... 71
Overview of the Basics................................................................................ 71

Creating, Modifying and Saving Records.................................................... 73

Records....................................................................................................... 73
Creating Records ........................................................................................ 73
Copying Records......................................................................................... 73
Modifying Records....................................................................................... 74
Deleting Records......................................................................................... 74

Querying Records......................................................................................... 77
Query Dialog Box ........................................................................................ 77
Exceptions................................................................................................... 78

6 Table of Contents
View Summary/ New Search Buttons ..........................................................79
Radio Buttons ..............................................................................................79
Query from a Quick List ...............................................................................80
Default Query ..............................................................................................81

Adding, Editing and Removing Items on a List...........................................83

Lists .............................................................................................................83
Adding Items to a List ..................................................................................84
Modifying a List............................................................................................85
Deleting an Item from a List .........................................................................85
Sorting a List................................................................................................85
Modify the List Layout ..................................................................................86

Adding, Editing and Removing Items on a Drop-Down List.......................87

Drop-Down Lists ..........................................................................................87
Selecting an Item from a Drop-down List .....................................................87
Adding an Item to a Drop-down List .............................................................87
Modifying an Item in a Drop-down List .........................................................88
Deleting an Item from a Drop-down List .......................................................88

REFERENCE ..................................................................................................89

Overview of Approvals .................................................................................91
Enabling Approvals in the Rights application ...............................................91
Approvals Tab .............................................................................................92
Approving a Work Order ..............................................................................93
Prerequisites to being able to approve.........................................................93

Overview of Archive.....................................................................................95
Archiving Data .............................................................................................95
View Archived Data .....................................................................................95
Quick Printing Archive Reports ....................................................................96

Attachment Files ...........................................................................................97

Overview of Attachments .............................................................................97
Set the Attachments Drive ...........................................................................97
Attach a File.................................................................................................97
Other Options ..............................................................................................98
Printing Attachments with a Work Order ......................................................98

Blanket PO .....................................................................................................99
Overview of Blanket PO...............................................................................99
Creating Blanket Purchase Orders...............................................................99
Viewing Releases ......................................................................................100
Deleting Blanket POs................................................................................. 100

Causes Master File...................................................................................... 101

Overview of Causes Master File ................................................................ 101

Closing Work Orders .................................................................................. 103

Overview of Closing Work Orders.............................................................. 103

Table of Contents 7
Closing Individual Work Orders ................................................................. 104
Closing Multiple Work Orders.................................................................... 104
Overriding Next Scheduled Date ............................................................... 105

Company Address ...................................................................................... 107

Overview of Company Address ................................................................. 107

Cost Center Manager.................................................................................. 109

Overview of Cost Center Manager ............................................................ 109
Establish the Fiscal Year Start Date .......................................................... 110
Modify a Cost Center................................................................................. 110
Purge Cost Center Data ............................................................................ 111

Customer Master File ................................................................................. 113

Overview of Customer Master File ............................................................ 113
Uses for the Customer Master File ............................................................ 113
Changing the Customer Field Names........................................................ 114
Adding a Customer.................................................................................... 114
WO List Tab .............................................................................................. 114
Equipment List Tab ................................................................................... 114

DM Active Master File................................................................................. 115

Overview of DM Active Master File............................................................ 115
Work Order Numbering ............................................................................. 115
Creating a DM Work Order........................................................................ 116
Quick List- -Filter by Employee.................................................................. 116
Quick Screen Entry .................................................................................. 117
Assigning a Work Order ............................................................................ 117
Attach a Piece of Equipment ..................................................................... 118
Attach/Change/Delete Equipment on Multiple DMA Records .................... 120
Record DM Scheduling Information........................................................... 120
Select the Task ......................................................................................... 121
Select the Parts......................................................................................... 122
Add an Employee ...................................................................................... 124
Attach/Change/Delete Labor on Multiple Records ..................................... 124
Specify the Tools....................................................................................... 125
Recording the Cause................................................................................. 126
Approving a Work Order............................................................................ 126
Emailing a Work Order .............................................................................. 127

DM Template Master File ............................................................................ 129

Overview of DM Template Master File....................................................... 129
Activating a DM Template Work Order ...................................................... 130

DM History Master File ............................................................................... 131

Overview of DM History Master File .......................................................... 131
Viewing a Closed DM Work Order............................................................. 131
Printing a Closed DM Work Order ............................................................. 131
Archive a Closed DM Work Order ............................................................. 131

Employee Master File ................................................................................. 133

Overview of Employee Master File ............................................................ 133
Approvals .................................................................................................. 134
Quick Screen Entry .................................................................................. 134
Address/Phone Tab................................................................................... 135
8 Table of Contents
Labor Craft Tab.......................................................................................... 136
Setting Employee Non-Working Days ........................................................ 137

Equipment Master File ................................................................................ 139

Overview of Equipment Master File ........................................................... 139
Quick Screen Data Entry ........................................................................... 140
Equipment Tab .......................................................................................... 140
Sub-Assembly Tab .................................................................................... 144
Bill of Materials Tab ................................................................................... 145
PM List Tab ............................................................................................... 146
Cost History Tab ........................................................................................ 146

Inventory Master File .................................................................................. 149

Overview of Inventory Master File.............................................................. 149
Quick Screen Entry...................................................................................149
Inventory Tab............................................................................................. 150
Quantity Tab .............................................................................................. 151
Vendors Tab .............................................................................................. 153
Where Used Tab........................................................................................154
Allocated Tab............................................................................................. 155
Attachments Tab........................................................................................ 155

Labor Craft Master File ...............................................................................157

Overview of Labor Craft Master File........................................................... 157

Multi-Currency............................................................................................. 159
Overview of Multi-Currency........................................................................ 159
Setting Up Multi-Currency Manager ........................................................... 159
Choosing Client Currencies ....................................................................... 162
Currency History ........................................................................................ 163
Set Local Currency ....................................................................................164

Multi-Cycle Scheduling ............................................................................... 165

Overview of Multi-Cycle Scheduling........................................................... 165
Layout........................................................................................................ 166
Daily Cycle Type........................................................................................ 167
Weekly Cycle Type .................................................................................... 169
Monthly Cycle Type ................................................................................... 170
Quarterly Cycle Type ................................................................................. 171
Semi-Annual Cycle Type ........................................................................... 172
Annual Cycle Type.....................................................................................173

PM Master File ............................................................................................. 175

Overview of PM Master File ....................................................................... 175
Summary of Creating a PM Master Work Order......................................... 176
Quick Screen Entry...................................................................................176
Create a Job Number................................................................................. 177
Attach a Piece of Equipment...................................................................... 177
Attach/Change/Delete Equipment on Multiple Records.............................. 179
Scheduling Options....................................................................................179
Schedule by Date ......................................................................................179
Schedule by Runtime................................................................................. 180
Select the Task .......................................................................................... 180
Select the Parts ......................................................................................... 181

Table of Contents 9
Add an Employee ...................................................................................... 182
Attach/Change/Delete Labor on Multiple Records ..................................... 183
Specify the Tools....................................................................................... 184
Activating a Work Order ............................................................................ 184

PM Active Master File ................................................................................. 185

Overview of PM Active Master File............................................................ 185
How a PM Work Order Becomes Active .................................................... 185
Quick Screen Entry ................................................................................... 186
Modifying a PM Work Order ...................................................................... 186
Assigning a Work Order ............................................................................ 187
Approving a Work Order............................................................................ 188
Emailing a Work Order .............................................................................. 188
Skip PM..................................................................................................... 189
Skip PM History......................................................................................... 190
Archive Skipped PM History Records ........................................................ 190

PM History Master File ............................................................................... 191

Overview of PM History Master File........................................................... 191
Viewing a Closed PM Work Order ............................................................. 191
Printing a Closed PM Work Order ............................................................. 191
Archive a Closed PM Work Order.............................................................. 191

Print Work Orders....................................................................................... 193

Overview of Print Work Orders .................................................................. 193
Printing an Individual Work Order.............................................................. 193
Printing an Individual Work Order with Attachments .................................. 194
Printing Multiple Work Orders.................................................................... 194
Printing Multiple Work Order with Attachments.......................................... 194

Pull Parts ..................................................................................................... 195

Overview of Pull Parts ............................................................................... 195
Pulling Parts .............................................................................................. 195
Restocking Parts ....................................................................................... 196
View Pulled Parts ...................................................................................... 196
Printing a Pick List..................................................................................... 197

Purchasing Master File............................................................................... 199

Overview of Purchasing Master File .......................................................... 199
Quick Screen Data Entry ........................................................................... 199
Creating a Requisition ............................................................................... 199
Requisition Tab ......................................................................................... 200
Order Detail Tab........................................................................................ 201
Add a Purchase Order Number ................................................................. 203
Blanket PO Tab......................................................................................... 204
Approval List Tab ...................................................................................... 205
Costs Tab.................................................................................................. 206
Ship To Location Tab ................................................................................ 206
Bill To Tab................................................................................................. 207
PO Amendments....................................................................................... 207
Emailing a Purchase Order ....................................................................... 208
Printing a Purchase Order ......................................................................... 209
Closing a Purchase Order ......................................................................... 209

10 Table of Contents
Purchasing History Master File .................................................................. 211
Overview of Purchasing History Master File............................................... 211
Purchase Order History Printing ................................................................ 211
Archive a Closed Purchase Order.............................................................. 211

Receiving ..................................................................................................... 213

Overview of Receiving ............................................................................... 213
Quick List/Quick Screen............................................................................. 213
Receiving a New Shipment ........................................................................ 213
Closing a Purchase Order.......................................................................... 214

Receiving History Master File..................................................................... 215

Overview of Receiving History Master File................................................. 215
Archive a Receiving History Record........................................................... 215

Reorder List ................................................................................................. 217

Overview of Reorder List ........................................................................... 217
Creating a Requisition................................................................................218

Reports ........................................................................................................ 219

Overview of Reports .................................................................................. 219
Standard Reports....................................................................................... 219
Multi-Currency Reports .............................................................................. 222
Customer Reports......................................................................................223
Printing a Standard Report ........................................................................ 223
Custom Reports (optional) ......................................................................... 225

Scheduling................................................................................................... 227
Overview of Scheduling ............................................................................. 227
Functions of Scheduling............................................................................. 227
Tree Navigation ......................................................................................... 227
Color Codes............................................................................................... 228
View by Year ............................................................................................. 229
View by Month ........................................................................................... 229
View by Week............................................................................................ 231
View by Day............................................................................................... 232
View by Job Number.................................................................................. 233
View by Equipment .................................................................................... 234
View by Employee ..................................................................................... 235
View by Customer......................................................................................236
Resource Assignment................................................................................ 236
Rescheduling Work.................................................................................... 239
Skip PM ..................................................................................................... 241
Activate PM ............................................................................................... 241

Ship to Addresses Master File ................................................................... 243

Overview of Ship To Addresses................................................................. 243

Stockroom ................................................................................................... 245

Overview of Stockroom.............................................................................. 245
Add Stockroom .......................................................................................... 245
Set Local Stockroom.................................................................................. 246
Deleting a Stockroom................................................................................. 246
Modifying the Name of a Stockroom .......................................................... 246
Establishing Multiple Stockrooms for a Part ............................................... 246
Table of Contents 11
Move Stock From Local Stockroom ........................................................... 247
Move Stock to Local Stockroom ................................................................ 248
Move Ticket History Master File ................................................................ 249
Archive Move Ticket History ...................................................................... 250

Tasks Master File........................................................................................ 251

Overview of Tasks Master File .................................................................. 251

Time Card .................................................................................................... 253

Overview of Time Card.............................................................................. 253
Update Labor Hours to Assigned PMs/DMs .............................................. 253
Update Labor Hours to Unassigned PMs/DMs .......................................... 254

Transactions Log........................................................................................ 255

Overview of Transactions Log ................................................................... 255
Types of Transactions ............................................................................... 256
Using the Transactions Log for Tool Tracking ........................................... 256

Transaction History Master File................................................................. 257

Overview of Transaction History Master File ............................................. 257
Archive Transaction History....................................................................... 257

Vendors Master File.................................................................................... 259

Overview of Vendors Master File............................................................... 259
Quick Screen Entry ................................................................................... 259
Vendors Tab.............................................................................................. 260
Contact Tab............................................................................................... 261
Parts List Tab ............................................................................................ 261
Equipment List Tab ................................................................................... 262

Zero Fiscal Year Totals............................................................................... 263

Overview of Zero Fiscal Year Totals.......................................................... 263
Zeroing Fiscal Year Totals......................................................................... 263

ADDITIONAL MODULES ............................................................................. 265

Alarm Interface............................................................................................ 267

Overview of Alarm Interface ...................................................................... 267

Audit Trail.................................................................................................... 269

Overview of Audit Trail .............................................................................. 269

Barcode ....................................................................................................... 271

Overview of Barcode ................................................................................. 271

Equipment Load.......................................................................................... 273

Overview of Equipment Load .................................................................... 273
Installing the Equipment Load Module....................................................... 273
Loading Equipment from Equipment Load................................................. 273

ERP Interface .............................................................................................. 275

Overview of ERP Interface ........................................................................ 275

M-Site........................................................................................................... 277

12 Table of Contents
Overview of M-Site ...................................................................................277

Metasys Interface ........................................................................................ 279

Overview of Metasys Interface................................................................... 279

Mobile........................................................................................................... 281
Overview of Mobile ....................................................................................281

MS Project Interface.................................................................................... 283

Overview of MS Project Interface............................................................... 283

PM Tasks ..................................................................................................... 285

Overview of PM Tasks ............................................................................... 285
Creating a PM Work Order ........................................................................ 285

ProLink Web Browser Service Request..................................................... 287

Overview of ProLink...................................................................................287
ProLink Modes........................................................................................... 287

Service Request .......................................................................................... 289

Overview of Service Request..................................................................... 289
Service Request Modes............................................................................. 289

DATABASE ADMINISTRATION................................................................... 291

DB Name ...................................................................................................... 293

Overview of DB Name ............................................................................... 293

Field Name ................................................................................................... 295

Overview of Field Name............................................................................. 295
Editing Field Names...................................................................................296

Import Utility ................................................................................................ 297

Overview of Import Utility ........................................................................... 297
Import File Requirements........................................................................... 297
Task Table Requirements.......................................................................... 297
Available Fields.......................................................................................... 297
Procedure .................................................................................................. 300
Saving the Log........................................................................................... 305
Clearing the Log ........................................................................................ 305

Rights........................................................................................................... 307
Overview of Rights..................................................................................... 307
Logging into Rights .................................................................................... 307
Groups and Logins .................................................................................... 307
Adding a User to a Group using MSDE database ...................................... 308
Adding a User to a Group using an Oracle database ................................. 308
Adding a User to a Group using Microsoft SQL Server .............................. 309
Module Rights............................................................................................ 310
History Rights ............................................................................................ 311
Function Rights.......................................................................................... 312
Option Rights............................................................................................. 313
Report Rights............................................................................................. 314

Table of Contents 13
Settings ....................................................................................................... 317
Overview of Settings ................................................................................. 317
Work Orders Tab....................................................................................... 317
Approvals Tab ........................................................................................... 319
Purchasing Tab ......................................................................................... 320
Miscellaneous Tab .................................................................................... 321
Set Non-Working Days Tab....................................................................... 322

SMTP Mail Authentication .......................................................................... 325

Establishing Mail Authentication ................................................................ 325

Tools ............................................................................................................ 327

Overview of Tools...................................................................................... 327
Backup ...................................................................................................... 327
Restore ..................................................................................................... 327

APPENDIX ................................................................................................... 329

Sample Worksheets.................................................................................... 331

Blanket PO Worksheet ............................................................................... 333

Causes Worksheet...................................................................................... 334

Customers Worksheet................................................................................ 335

DM Template Worksheet ............................................................................ 337

Equipment Worksheet ................................................................................ 341

Inventory Worksheet .................................................................................. 344

Labor Craft Worksheet ............................................................................... 347

Employee Worksheet.................................................................................. 348

PM Master Worksheet................................................................................. 351

Ship To Addresses Worksheet .................................................................. 355

Tasks Worksheet ........................................................................................ 356

Vendors Worksheet .................................................................................... 357

Database Fields .......................................................................................... 359

Definition of Blanket PO Master File Fields................................................ 359
Definition of Blanket PO Master File Fields (con’t)..................................... 360
Definition of Causes Master File Fields ..................................................... 361
Definition of Company Address Fields....................................................... 361
Definition of Customer Fields .................................................................... 362
Definition of Custom Reports Fields .......................................................... 365
Definition of Custom Reports Fields (con’t)................................................ 385
Definition of DM Active Master File Fields ................................................. 387
Definition of DM History Master File Fields ................................................ 394
Definition of DM History Master File Fields (con’t) ..................................... 395
14 Table of Contents
Definition of DM Template Master File Fields............................................. 409
Definition of Employee Master File Fields .................................................. 414
Definition of Equipment Master File Fields ................................................. 417
Definition of Inventory Master File Fields ................................................... 421
Definition of Inventory Master File Fields (con’t)......................................... 422
Definition of Labor Craft Master File Fields ................................................ 426
Definition of PM Active Master File Fields .................................................. 427
Definition of PM History Master File Fields................................................. 434
Definition of PM Master File Fields............................................................. 449
Definition of Purchasing Master File Fields ................................................ 455
Definition of Purchasing History Master File Fields .................................... 460
Definition of Purchasing History Archive Master File Fields ....................... 465
Definition of Purchasing History Archive Master File Fields (con’t)............. 466
Definition of Purchasing History Archive Master File Fields (con’t)............. 467
Definition of Purchasing History Archive Master File Fields (con’t)............. 468
Definition of Purchasing History Archive Master File Fields (con’t)............. 469
Definition of Purchasing History Archive Master File Fields (con’t)............. 470
Definition of Receiving Fields..................................................................... 470
Definition of Receiving History Master File Fields ...................................... 472
Definition of Receiving History Archive Master File Fields.......................... 473
Definition of Receiving History Archive Master File Fields (con’t)............... 474
Definition of Ship to Addresses Master File Fields ..................................... 474
Definition of Tasks Master File Fields ........................................................ 475
Definition of Transaction Master File Fields ............................................... 475
Definition of Transactions History Master File Fields.................................. 476
Definition of Transactions History Archive Master File Fields ..................... 477
Definition of Vendors Master File Fields..................................................... 478

Approximate Record Sizes ......................................................................... 481

GLOSSARY .................................................................................................. 485

Table of Contents 15
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16 Table of Contents
Welcome to ProTeus V
ProTeus V Modules
Technical Support
Training Services
Implementation Services
About This Manual
Any Comments?

Introduction 17
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18 Introduction
Welcome to ProTeus V
Welcome to ProTeus V™ Computerized Maintenance Management Software.
ProTeus V provides efficient and user-friendly asset and maintenance
management. It includes all of the features needed by most maintenance
departments to organize and efficiently manage their operations. For example,
it enables a company to record information on building equipment and vendors,
keep an inventory of parts, issue work orders when the equipment needs repair
or preventive maintenance, and can store and assign maintenance tasks.
ProTeus V also includes a host of informative reports to help meet ISO 9000
Quality Control and Joint Commission Standards.
ProTeus V runs in the Windows® 2000 and XP environments. It is menu-driven
and possesses a toolbar and a record Navigator to make it user friendly.
Extensive computer knowledge is not needed to put ProTeus V to work.
ProTeus V is designed for office buildings, hospitals, universities,
manufacturing plants, warehouses, hotels, schools, and any other organization
where maintenance is vital to the operation.
All ProTeus V information is stored in a fully relational database, which provides
the flexibility, rapid access, and efficiency to accommodate greater amounts of
data as a company’s information level grows.

Introduction 19
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20 Introduction
ProTeus V Modules
ProTeus V contains various modules to provide effective and efficient operation
of any maintenance department.
Module Description
Causes Quickly identify the causes of equipment failure.
Customer Versatile module. Can be used to classify to whom certain
equipment “belongs”.
Demand Plan and create routine, but unscheduled, maintenance work
Maintenance orders.
Demand Create and record maintenance work orders in response to
Maintenance Active service requests, emergency breakdowns, or other non-
routine maintenance requests.
Demand Keep a historical record of all demand maintenance
Maintenance History performed.
Equipment Track the details and costs of equipment.
Inventory Record all parts and supplies.
Labor Craft Develop and store records for grouping and classifying
maintenance personnel by specific craft, skill level, or function.
Employee Maintain up-to-date personal employee information, labor
rates, and labor craft codes for each maintenance worker.
Move Ticket History Contains records for all inventory items which were moved
between stockrooms.
Preventive Develop, assign, and schedule preventive maintenance work
Maintenance Master orders.
Preventive Holds the active preventive maintenance work orders until the
Maintenance Active work has been completed.
Preventive Store the historical records of all preventive maintenance
Maintenance History performed.
Purchasing Create purchase orders/requisitions and reorder stock.
Purchasing History Stores closed purchase orders.
Receiving Accesses a receiving log, which allows the user to record
parts received from a purchase order.
Receiving History Stores closed receiving logs.
Reports Create and print customized or pre-formatted reports and
Scheduling View active work orders, labor needed and hours by day,
week, month or year.
Stockroom Add, modify, and delete inventory stockrooms.
Tasks Quickly identify the task that needs to be performed by
scrolling through sets of defined tasks.
Time Card Quickly update labor hours worked, by employee.
Transactions Access a transaction log, which allows the user to adjust
physical inventory quantities.
Transactions History Stores historical transaction logs.
Vendors Record all vendors and cross-reference to equipment,
subassemblies, and parts.

Introduction 21
Module Description
Optional Modules Alarm Interface, Audit Trail, Barcode, ERP Interface,
Equipment Load, PM Tasks, Metasys Interface, M-Site,
Mobile Interface, Standard Service Request, Web Browser
Service Request

22 Introduction
Technical Support
ProTeus V includes 30 days of free technical support. Eagle Technology’s staff
of support specialists will assist you with installation, answer any questions and
resolve problems that may arise in the use of this software. After this
complimentary support has expired, the customer is encouraged to purchase
an annual or multi-year support subscription through Eagle Technology.
Eagle Technology support specialists are available to assist customers with
questions pertaining to the functionality and use of ProTeus V. However, it will
be the customer’s responsibility to secure maintenance services for hardware,
third party software and defective devices.
In order to provide effective support to our customers we ask that they possess
a basic understanding of ProTeus V. A basic understanding of PC operating
systems and Microsoft Windows will also assure customers receive the full
benefit of support from our support specialists.
Eagle Technology support specialists are available by telephone at 1-800-388-
3268 or 1-262-241-3845 Monday through Friday between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm
CST. You can also e-mail us at and find us on the
Internet at

Introduction—Technical Support 23
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24 Introduction—Technical Support
Training Services
Knowing how to properly use ProTeus V is the first step in gaining the most
benefit from your CMMS investment. Eagle Technology offers web-based, in-
house and on-site training to teach users how to make the most of their
program. Our instructors will teach your users the best and easiest methods to
run the application, enter data, and create schedules.
Contact an Eagle Technology Sales Representative for training dates, and/or to
schedule on-site training for your facility. Additional information can be found
on our website at

Introduction—Training 25
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26 Introduction--Training
Implementation Services
Eagle Technology understands the potential difficulties that may be
encountered when implementing a CMMS product. Therefore, we offer a
complete implementation service called ProStart. As the name states, this is a
fast way to get your system up and running.
ProStart Implementation ensures timely installation, guarantees successful data
population, includes on-site training, and allows for complete testing of the
system before "real world" implementation.

Our ProStart Implementation package is a pick-and-choose system, includes

any and all of the following:
• Production of a detailed project plan including specific tasks to be
completed, necessary resources, and a time line for completion of the
• Installation, configuration, and testing of the product in the client's
operating environment.
• Determination of which modules will be used, as well as how the
database will be populated. This can be done through data conversion,
data import from another source, or a manual build.
• Building of the databases.
• Conducting training for the client and the end-users. This training is
tailored to the specific needs of each set of users so that everyone
learns the portions of the software critical to their success.
• Launching the software.
• Verification that the objectives defined at the beginning of the project
have been met.
• Assistance in creating reports for management, customize WO, PO
forms, ISO, JCAHO and FDA regulatory requirements.

This work is all performed at the customer’s facility for their convenience. The
timeframe will be dependent on the quantity of assistance needed.
Contact an Eagle Technology Sales to schedule on-site implementation
assistance for your facility.

Introduction—Implementation 27
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28 Introduction--Implementation
About this Manual
This manual is a learning and reference guide for the ProTeus V program. It
explains everything necessary for effectively using ProTeus V. It presumes the
user knows the basics of using Microsoft Windows with a mouse, such as
how to execute an application from a window, how to open, close, and resize
windows, and how to use dialog boxes.
This manual is divided into six major sections:
Introduction: Provides an overview of ProTeus V and the organization of this
Learning the Basics: Defines system requirements, and describes the
primary menus and toolbar items. Introduces maintenance management and
ProTeus V. Explains terms used by ProTeus V and provides recommendations
for entering data. Provides instruction on basic procedures, such as adding
and deleting records.
Reference: Contains instructions and information for all modules and functions
available with ProTeus V. The section is organized alphabetically.
Additional Modules: Contains instructions and information on additional
modules available with ProTeus V.
Database Administrator: Contains instructions and information for the
database administrator.
Appendix: Contains sample worksheets, definition of database fields, and a

Introduction- 29
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30 Introduction
Please fill out the following registration form and mail or fax this form to register
ProTeus V and begin receiving technical support.

ProTeus V
To take advantage of customer support services for ProTeus V, you must be
enrolled in the Customer Support Plan. Initial, free telephone support is
provided for 30 days. Please fill out this registration form and
Fax to: (262) 241-5248 or
Mail to: Eagle Technology, Inc.
10500 N. Port Washington Road, Mequon, WI 53092
ATTN: Customer Support.

Please print.

PRODUCT (circle one)

ProTeus V Enterprise ProTeus V Professional ProTeus V Expert

PRODUCT CODE NUMBER________________________________________________

SERIAL NUMBER ________________________________________________________

Your Name_______________________________________ Phone (___) ____________

Company Name___________________________________ Fax (___) ______________
Street Address__________________________________ City _____________________
State __________ Zip _________________ Date Purchased _____________________
Your Title _____________________________________________________________
Alternate Contact Person ____________________________ Phone (___) ___________
Computer __________________ Model __________________ Printer ______________
Sold By _____________________________________________________________

For Office Use: Date Received: _____/_____/_____

Introduction 31
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32 Introduction
Any Comments?
If you have any comments about this manual or suggestions for how this
manual could be made more useful, please feel free to call us at 1-262-241-
3845, 1-800-388-3268 or send an email to

Introduction 33
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34 Introduction
Learning the Basics
Maintenance Management Concepts
Getting Started
Terms and Concepts
Gathering Data
The Basics

Learning the Basics 35

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36 Learning the Basics

System Following are the system specifications for ProTeus V:
Databases ProTeus Professional and Expert products are delivered with Microsoft Desktop
Supported Engine 2000 (MSDE 2000) database.
ProTeus Enterprise Database (customer supplied):
MS SQL Server 2000 w/SP3 -or- Oracle 9i (version 9.2.0) or later
MS SQL Server 2005

Hardware PC Platform
Recommended = 1 GHz or greater

Recommended = 512 MB or greater

Hard Disk
100 MB for the program, 100 MB minimum for database (for Expert or
Professional), Enterprise databases require 725 MB minimum on server

CD-ROM Drive and Windows compatible printer

Operating Client Workstation

Windows 2000 Pro, w/SP4 or later
Windows XP Professional SP1 or later

Notes: Home/Consumer version of XP is not supported.

Database Operating System

ProTeus Expert or Professional
Windows 2000 Pro, w/SP4 or later
Windows XP Professional SP1 or later
Windows 2000 Server SP4
Windows Server 2003

Learning the Basics--Installation 37

ProTeus Enterprise MS SQL Server 2000 or 2005
Windows 2000 Server w/SP4
Windows Server 2003

ProTeus Enterprise Oracle

Any operating system supported by Oracle

Special ProTeus Alarm Interface (PAI) and ProTeus Mobile - requires using Windows
Considerations 2000 Professional or Windows XP Professional. See Technical Information for
list of supported Control Systems.
ProTeus Mobile - requires customer furnish Palm Pilot hardware with Palm OS
3.5 or later.

System The system response time is dependent on the number of active users, the
Response Time processor speed of the Client and Server hardware, the speed and traffic on the
network, the size of the CMMS database, and the complexity of the specific
function being completed.

Installing Installation instructions will vary, depending upon which version of ProTeus V is
ProTeus V being installed. Please refer to the documentation included with the ProTeus V
software CD for complete installation instructions. These instructions can be
found in the /doc directory.

Upgrading Instructions on upgrading the ProTeus V software to a newer version will vary,
ProTeus V depending upon the version and type of database server. Please refer to the
documentation included with the ProTeus V upgrade for complete instructions.

A note about ProTeus V is directly compatible with the Windows 2000 Professional and XP
the Microsoft Professional Multilingual User Interface (MUI) feature. This feature allows each
user of a workstation to store their languages preferences in their Windows
user profile. When a user logs onto the computer, Windows will open in the
2000/XP user’s preferred language. This was done to allow ProTeus V workstations to
Multilingual be shared by users who speak different languages. When a user logs onto
User Interface ProTeus V, the software looks at a user’s stored language preference (in
(MUI) Regional Options) in the MUI and opens the appropriate language version of
ProTeus V (if installed).

38 Learning the Basics--Installation

Maintenance Management Concepts
Maintenance management is the effective planning and execution of work
What is orders meant to maintain the operation of a facility. It spans many diverse
Maintenance functions and responsibilities, ranging from designing maintenance jobs to
Management? providing and scheduling the resources needed to complete the work.
Maintenance jobs may be defined by the engineering, production, or
maintenance staffs. They are either unscheduled, demand (emergency repair)
jobs or regular preventive maintenance procedures. Except for emergency
repair jobs, every maintenance procedure can be planned, scheduled, and
performed according to a plan.
To successfully plan a maintenance procedure, accurate information on
equipment and its components must be maintained. Additionally, it will be
necessary to plan around the schedule of the qualified technician, as well as
the production schedule of the equipment to be maintained. If applicable, it will
also be necessary to procure any parts in advance of actually performing the

Why is Maintenance management is important for several reasons. The first is the fact
Maintenance of growing building complexity. Today’s buildings are becoming more
automated, and automation adds to complexity. In industrial/commercial
buildings, health care facilities and campus labs, automated HVAC, electrical,
Important? electronic and pneumatic systems, auxiliary power, and special environmental
technologies are becoming more and more common. The potential cost of
breakdowns to these critical systems is becoming an increasing risk to building
management. Reduced staffs are being asked to do more, with increasingly
complex buildings.
The second reason is competition. With competitive marketplace pressures
increasing, building owners and managers are striving to find new and better
ways to contain and control the costs of doing business. As a result of
economic pressures, an area long neglected -- building equipment maintenance
management -- is becoming recognized as another potentially productive,
profitable field of management. Today’s managers are focusing on building
operations with the goal of cutting costs and improving the efficiency of
maintenance and engineering departments.
Third, maintenance management is important because the potential costs for
doing nothing are high. Industry statistics show that of the billions of dollars
spent annually to maintain production plants, commercial buildings, educational
and health care facilities and equipment, over one-third is wasted due to poor or
inadequate maintenance management.
When scheduled maintenance is not followed, premature breakdown is a
certain outcome. The attendant costs of breakdown do not stop with equipment
repair and replacement—there are also the realities of work stoppage,
production downtime, displacement of building occupants, uneven work loads,
overtime, and emergency inventory purchasing.
The fourth and last reason is that the old ways do not work anymore.
Historically, most systems for managing maintenance activities have been
manual, everything from index cards and memo files to wall-mounted log
boards. These methods are cumbersome, incomplete, and ineffective. What’s

Learning the Basics--Maintenance Management Concepts 39

more, they are used inconsistently; this further reduces whatever minimal
benefits they might once have provided. Computer-aided maintenance
management is a much more robust and profitable method.

What Will When a properly-applied program of automated maintenance is in place:

Maintenance • Staff and equipment operate more efficiently and cost-effectively
Management Do
• Equipment failures can be anticipated or prevented altogether
For Me?
• Workloads can be balanced to correspond to available manpower
• Paperwork and communication costs are greatly reduced
• Equipment and parts costs are optimized
In addition, a vast arena of related costs and risks are minimized. Computer-
aided maintenance has become a major growth industry because effective
maintenance management can be one of the most important factors in saving
on operating costs for any business or facility operation. ProTeus V is designed
to satisfy the need for managing maintenance costs.

40 Learning the Basics--Maintenance Management Concepts

Getting Started
Starting To start ProTeus V, first make sure the ProTeus database is started and
ProTeus V running. Then, select Start > Programs > ProTeus V. Click on ProTeus V and
the following dialog box then appears.

ProTeus V Login Dialog Box

At this point, the user must enter his/her login name and password to start the
ProTeus V application.
A unique login name and password should already be set up by the database
administrator for each individual who will be using the program. Please refer to
the Rights section for more information on creating logins.
Users have three chances to login correctly. If the third attempt is incorrect, the
ProTeus V Login window will close.
After the user enters a valid login name and password, the ProTeus V
application is loaded, and the main menu displays.

Note: ProTeus V MS SQL installations using Windows NT Authentication will

not be presented with a login, but rather pass through directly into
ProTeus V.

Learning the Basics--Getting Started 41

Overview of All ProTeus V functions can be accessed from the Menu Bar on the Main Menu,
Menu the toolbar, or the menu shortcut icons. The toolbar does not appear on the
Main Menu.

Main Menu

Main Menu The ProTeus V main menu screen is displayed whenever a Master File is not in
use, or when ProTeus V is first opened. The main menu is comprised of a
menu bar, menu shortcut icons, and a background bitmap or a dashboard
report (if selected).
The menu bar provides access to all ProTeus V options. It is always displayed
at the top of the application window. To select a menu option, position the
mouse pointer (arrow) over the word and click the left mouse button once. The
following options are available from the menu bar: Assets, Maintenance,
Personnel, Purchasing, Other, Reports, Windows, and Help. Each of these
options has its own submenu, which drops down on the screen when that
option is selected.
Shortcuts to the most commonly used main menu options are displayed on the
left side of the screen.
The background bitmap on the right defaults to the ProTeus V screen, but can
be changed. See Background Bitmap or Dashboard in Terms and Concepts
section for more details.

42 Learning the Basics--Getting Started

Toolbar When not on the Main Menu, a Shortcut Toolbar is provided to quickly open
specific templates or screens without going through the Main Menu. It is
located below the Menu Bar. The toolbar is similar to the items available on the
Main Menu screen, but it is displayed only while a Master file is open. The
name of the corresponding Master file can be displayed by positioning the
mouse pointer over a toolbar button.

The Toolbar Buttons are: Equipment, Inventory, Preventive Maintenance

Active, Demand Maintenance Active, Labor Craft, Scheduling, Time Card,
Employee Vendors, Purchasing, Receiving and Help. If optional modules are
installed, there may be more buttons.

Navigator ProTeus V also includes a Navigator to help the user perform common tasks in
each Master File. The Navigator is located to the right of the Toolbar buttons,
while a Master file is on-screen. This Navigator Toolbar allows the user to
insert, delete, edit, cancel, refresh the data, and save records, as well as move
through a Master File. All buttons include ToolTips to assist the user.


Here are explanations of the Navigator Buttons.

Go to first record

Go to prior record

Go to next record

Go to last record

Insert new record

Delete record

Post edit

Cancel changes since last save


Learning the Basics--Getting Started 43

Menus For the following menu descriptions, note that some items on the menu will
appear grayed out, if that feature is not applicable to the ProTeus V version

Assets Menu The Assets Menu allows the user to access and edit equipment, inventory,
and transaction information, as well as view transaction history information.
The Exit option quits the program.

Assets Menu

Customer Allows the user to add, delete, modify, or view customer

Equipment Allows the user to add, delete, modify, or view equipment
Inventory Allows the user to add, delete, modify, or view inventory
Stockroom Allows the user to add, modify, and delete stockrooms, as

well as set the local stockroom .
Move Ticket History Displays a complete listing of all parts that were moved
between stockrooms.
Transaction Accesses a transaction log, which allows the user to adjust
physical inventory quantities.
Transaction History Displays a complete listing of all transactions that have been
entered and parts that were pulled or restocked.
Exit Exits ProTeus V and returns to Windows.

If only one stockroom is being used, set the local stockroom to MAIN for
each ProTeus workstation.

44 Learning the Basics--Getting Started

The Maintenance Menu allows the user to perform preventive and demand
maintenance activities. It also allows the user to define tasks and causes,
schedule work orders, as well as view work order history.

Maintenance Menu

PM Master Allows the user to define preventive maintenance

procedures and schedules.
PM Active Allows the user to view, modify and close all active
preventive maintenance work orders.
DM Template Allows the user to define or activate commonly occurring
demand maintenance work orders.
DM Active Allows the user to view, modify and close demand
maintenance work orders.
Tasks Allows the user to add, delete, modify, or view maintenance
Causes Allows the user to add, delete, modify, or view maintenance
errors and failures.
Scheduling* Displays a schedule for all upcoming preventive and
demand maintenance work orders.
PM History Displays all closed preventive maintenance work orders that
are contained in the history database.
Skip PM History* Displays all preventive maintenance work orders that were
PM Shadow Log Displays a history log of preventive maintenance work
orders that were shadowed in earlier versions of ProTeus
(only applicable to ProTeus III and earlier data conversions).
DM History Displays all closed demand maintenance work orders.
* not available with ProTeus V Expert

Learning the Basics--Getting Started 45

The Personnel Menu allows the user to define labor codes, create an employee
Personnel Menu
database, and manage time cards.

Personnel Menu

Labor Craft Allows the user to add, delete, modify, or view labor codes
and their descriptions.
Employee Allows the user to add, delete, modify, or view employee
Time Card* Allows employees to update labor for PM and DM work
* not available with ProTeus V Expert

Purchasing The Purchasing Menu allows the user to edit vendor information, reorder parts,
Menu create and print purchase orders, record parts received, and view purchasing
and receiving history.

Purchasing Menu

Vendors Allows the user to add, delete, modify, or view vendor

Reorder List Displays a list of all parts that require reordering.
Purchasing Allows the user to add, delete, modify, or view purchase
Receiving Accesses a receiving log, which allows the user to record
parts received from a purchase order.
Blanket PO* Allows the user to add, delete, modify, or view blanket
purchase orders.
Ship to Addresses Allows the user to add, delete, modify, or view shipping
Purchasing History Displays all closed purchase orders that are contained in the
history database.
Receiving History Displays all receipts of parts against purchase orders.
* not available with ProTeus V Expert

46 Learning the Basics--Getting Started

The Other Menu allows the user to set the query, report, drawing and OSHA
Other Menu viewer paths, set up Email, set the background bitmap, access the Cost Center
module, access the Currency Manager and switch the currency rate, select the
local printer, view archived data, enter the company address, and zero fiscal
year totals.

Other Menu

Options: Query Allows the user to specify the path of saved queries.
Options: Report Allows the user to specify the path of saved reports.
Options: OSHA Allows the user to specify the path of the OSHA (or alternate
Path safety site) website.
** Options: E-mail Allows the user to enter his/her e-mail address and SMTP
Setup* Server Name.
Options: Set Allows the user to change the background image.
** Options: Set Allows the user to specify the path of saved drawings and
Drive for other attachments.
Options: Switch Allows the user to set and switch the local client currency
Currency Rate* rate.
** Select Printer Allows the user to select the local printer.
** Cost Center Allows the user access to the Cost Center Manager module.
Barcode* Allows the user to interface with the Bar Code Module, if
MS Project* Allows the user to interface with the Microsoft Project
Module, if installed.
Import Utility* Allows the user to import data from a tab-delimited file.
Group Rights Allows the user to log into the Group Rights program.
Multi-currency Allows the user to log into and access the Currency
Manager* Manager program.

Learning the Basics--Getting Started 47

View Archive* Allows the user to view data archived from the History files,
and provides the option to permanently delete records from
PM, DM, PM Shadow, Skip PM, Move Ticket, Purchasing,
Receiving and Transactions history.
* Company Address Defines the company’s billing name and address which will
be placed on purchase orders.
Zero Fiscal Year Resets the year-to-date Cost History to zero for all pieces of
Totals equipment.
* not available with ProTeus V Expert
** Must be set for the proper operation of ProTeus V.

Reports Menu The Reports Menu allows the user to display and print pre-formatted reports,
graphs, and customized reports.
Note: Crystal Reports XI or greater software is needed for report customization.

Reports Menu

Equipment Reports Allows the user to select, display, and print equipment
related reports.
Inventory Reports Allows the user to select, display, and print inventory related
Maintenance Allows the user to select, display, and print DM and PM
Reports related reports.
Labor Reports Allows the user to select, display, and print labor related
Vendor Reports Allows the user to select, display, and print vendor related
Purchasing Reports Allows the user to select, display, and print purchasing
related reports.
Forms Allows the user to select, display, and print work order
Custom Reports Allows the user to select, display, and print custom reports
created through Crystal Reports.

48 Learning the Basics--Getting Started

Windows Menu The Windows menu allows the user to change the view of the windows
currently displayed. Tiling and Cascading windows will allow the user to view
more than one window on the screen at a time.

Windows Menu

Cascade Cascades the current windows displayed.

Tile Tiles the current windows displayed.

Help Menu The Help Menu allows the user to display an on-line version of the ProTeus V
User’s Manual, access Eagle’s Web Site, and display the copyright and version
information for the program.

Help Menu

Index Displays an index of the on-line ProTeus V User’s Manual

from which any Help topic can be accessed.
Eagle Website Connect directly to Eagle’s web site using your internet
About ProTeus Displays the ProTeus copyright screen and version

Exiting ProTeus To exit ProTeus V, there are three choices:

V Click Asset > Exit.
Click the (Exit button) in the upper right corner of the application window.
Press the Alt and F4 buttons on the keyboard simultaneously.

Learning the Basics--Getting Started 49

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50 Learning the Basics--Getting Started

Terms and Concepts
The ProTeus V User’s Manual uses certain terms and concepts with which the
user will need to become familiar. They are introduced in this section.
Attachments Tab
Background Bitmap
Date Fields/Calendar Icon
Date Field Formats
Description Tab
Drag and Drop Function
Drop-down Lists
Fields & Field Labels
Floating Numeric Characters
Master File
Query Dialog Box
Quick List Tab
Quick Screens
Record View
Required Fields
Sending Data to Microsoft Word
Sorting Order
Time Fields/Clock Icon
User Fields Tab

Learning the Basics—Terms & Concepts 51

Attachments The Attachments Tab stores a list of attachments that are associated with a
Tab record in ProTeus V. Attachments may include scanned drawings, AutoCAD
files, photographs, MSDS documents, etc. For more information, see
Attachment Files in the Reference section of this manual.

The Background Image is the image or dashboard report displayed on the right
hand side of the ProTeus V Main Menu. Most bitmaps and reports can be
Image displayed here. To select the background image, choose Options > Set
Background from the Other Menu. Enter the file location of the bitmap or report
to be displayed.
To revert back to the main ProTeus V bitmap, set the bitmap to [drive]:\Program
Files\Eagle\ProTeus V\ProTeusBackground.bmp.

Dashboard The ProTeus Dashboard allows users to view a report of Key Performance
Indicators (KPIs) on the main screen of ProTeus V. The report can be set by
choosing a .rpt file from the Other > Options > Set Background menu. The
default Dashboard report is entitled the Status Report (Dashboard.rpt), and
contains the following information.

Title Criteria
Open Demand Maintenance Work Total count of all active Demand Maintenance work orders.
Overdue Demand Maintenance Work Total count of all Demand Maintenance work orders where the
Orders date issued is aged over 30 days.
Open Preventive Maintenance Work Total count of all active Preventive Maintenance work orders.
Overdue Preventive Maintenance Total count of all Preventive Maintenance Active work orders
Work Orders where the Scheduled Date is less than today.
Open Purchase Orders Total count of all open Purchase Orders.
Past Due Purchase Orders Total count of all open Purchase Orders where the Promise
Date is less than today.
Insufficient Inventory Levels Total count of Inventory records that should be ordered where
the On Hand balance is less than the Quantity Allocated for
work orders.

52 Learning the Basics—Terms & Concepts

Date Fields/ Dates can be added to the date fields in ProTeus V in one of three ways.
Calendar 1. Click on the drop-down button at the end of a date field. The calendar
pop-up appears. Navigate to the proper date using the arrows at the top
of the window to move forward or backwards by month or year. Clicking
on a date will add it to the ProTeus date field.

Calendar Pop-Up

2. To quickly choose today’s date, click the calendar button at the end
of the date field.
3. Dates may also be entered manually. However, make sure to type in
the year as a 4-digit number.

Date Field In Windows, confirm the date format by selecting Control Panel and double-
Formats clicking on Regional Options, then the Date tab. In order to run ProTeus V, the
date format must be set to this format: mm/dd/yyyy. This is also the format you
should use within ProTeus V itself, when manually typing in dates.

Description Tab The Description Tab displays a text screen on which miscellaneous information
associated with the record can be entered. It is a “notepad” with which any
relevant information, such as vendor performance, purchasing details,
equipment breakdown history, etc, can be recorded. Data can be typed in
directly, or copied into the description tab by using the keyboard shortcuts
Ctrl+C to copy and Ctrl+V to paste. The window can hold about 400 lines of text
(32 Kb), which should be more than enough to hold any notes. Each new entry
is prefixed with the current date, which can be edited or deleted. Note that if
there were three separate description entries on the same day, each of the
three entries would be prefixed with the same date. All data is saved at
departure from the Description tab, including the date stamp. This automatic
date insertion can be turned off/on through the Settings tab in the Rights
The Description Tab is located in the following Master files: Customer,
Equipment, Inventory, Labor Craft, Employee, Vendors, Purchasing, Blanket
PO (Conditions), PM Master, PM Active, DM Template, DM Active. Please note
that all of the PM and DM Master files contain two description tabs: Work Order
Description and Equipment Description. Work Order Description will typically

Learning the Basics—Terms & Concepts 53

contain instructions that are necessary to complete the work order. The
contents of the Work Order Description are printed on the work order.
Equipment Description is linked directly to the Description of the equipment that
is attached to the work order. The Description Tab is also located in the
following History Master files: DM History, PM History, and Purchasing History.
However, these sections are read-only and cannot be edited.

Drag and Drop The Drag and Drop function allows the user to easily transfer a record from one
Function area to a list in another. The following lists have the Drag and Drop function
Selected Vendor Parts List (Order Detail Tab in Purchasing)  Order Detail List
(Order Detail Tab in Purchasing). Description: Inventory items can be dragged
from the Selected Vendor Parts List into the currently selected purchase order.
Reorder List (Order Detail Tab in Purchasing)  Order Detail List (Order Detail
Tab in Purchasing). Description: Inventory items can be dragged from the
selected vendor’s Reorder List into the currently selected purchase order.
Available Currencies (Currency Setup Tab in Multi-currency Manager) 
Currencies in Database List (Currency Setup Tab in Multi-currency Manager).
Description: Predefined currencies can be dragged from the Available Currency
list into the database of currencies available to ProTeus V clients.

Drop-down Drop-down Lists are selection panels containing a list of choices for the
Lists corresponding field. Drop-down lists are accessed by clicking on the drop-
down arrow to the right of a field.

Drop-down List

There are two types of lists: linked dropdown lists, which refer to a previously
created record in a different master file, and editable drop-down lists. The
remainder of this section focuses on editable drop-down lists.

Fields with editable drop-down lists can be recognized by the Edit Icon
located at the end of the field. Editable drop-down lists are found in the
following modules:

54 Learning the Basics—Terms & Concepts

Cost Center Manager Cost Center
Customer State, Country, User 7, User 8
DM Template Priority, Maintenance Code, Work Type, Shift, Requested By,
User 7, User 8
DM Active Priority, Maintenance Code, Work Type, Shift, Status,
Requested By, User 7, User 8
Employee Department, Division, State, User 7, User 8
Equipment Category, User 7, User 8
Inventory Stock Class, Category, User 7, User 8
PM Master Priority, Maintenance Code, Work Type, Shift, User 7, User 8
PM Active Priority, Maintenance Code, Work Type, Shift, User 7, User 8
Purchasing Account No., Requested By, Buyer, Payment Terms, Tax 1,
Tax 2, Ship Via, User 7, User 8
Ship to Addresses State, Country
Stockroom Stockroom
Transaction Reason for Adjustment
Vendors State, Country, Payment Terms, User 7, User 8

Fields that appear in several different Master Files access the same compiled
list of items. For example, if MECH1 is entered into the Maintenance Code field
in the PM Master File, MECH1 will also appear on the Maintenance Code list
box in PM Active, DM Template, DM Active, PM History, and DM History Master
All drop-down lists can be searched (filtered) by typing the first few characters
of the item being searched, then pressing the ALT + down-arrow keys
The process of editing the list of selections through the dialog box will be
dependent on user rights. If the user has been given rights, the user may edit,
as well as add, information to any of the list boxes.
For instructions on adding, modifying, and deleting items on a drop-down list,
please refer to The Basics section of Learning the Basics.

Fields & Field A field is the portion of a database record containing text, logical, or numeric
Labels information. Some fields require data entry by the user, and some fields are
automatically calculated by ProTeus V.
A field label is a heading that describes the value in the corresponding field.
Any field label can be modified by using the Field Name Change application
(not available for ProTeus V Expert).

Learning the Basics—Terms & Concepts 55

Fields & Field Labels

Floating Floating numeric characters are numbers consisting of up to 15 numeric

characters plus a space for a decimal point. The decimal point may fall
anywhere within the 15 characters. Note that though the decimal point may be
Characters placed anywhere in the number, the number cannot exceed 15 numeric

56 Learning the Basics—Terms & Concepts

Lists Many Master files contain tabs which access Lists. These lists contain items
which are records from another Master file. For example, the Vendor tab in the
Inventory Master file contains a list of all vendors that supply this part.
Following is a list of all the lists in ProTeus V:

Master File List

Equipment Bill of Materials, PM List
Inventory Where Used, Allocated, Vendor
PM Master/PM Active Equipment, Tasks, Parts, Labor, Tools, BOM
DM Active /DM Template Equipment, Tasks, Parts, Labor, Tools, BOM
DM Active Causes
Employee Labor Craft
Purchasing Order Detail, Approvals

For instructions on adding, modifying, and deleting items on a list, please refer
to The Basics section of Learning the Basics.

Master File A Master File is a set of information stored in a table, which in turn contains
many individual records. An equipment record in the Equipment Master File is
shown below.

Equipment Record in the Equipment Master File

Learning the Basics—Terms & Concepts 57

Query Dialog A Query is a tool that is used to filter records in a Master file or report, so that
Box only records which match the user-defined criteria are shown. The Query
dialog box appears when (1) the Query button is clicked within a Quick List tab,
(2) the Query button is clicked on the Date Schedule tab of PM Master, or (3),
when the user clicks on ‘Query’ when selecting a report from the Reports menu

Query Dialog Box

Quick List Tab The Quick List tab displays a listing of all records in the current Master file. The
list is sorted in ASCII sort order by the contents in the first column. The Quick
List can be expanded by right-clicking and choosing Hide Quick Screen. The
following quick list is a complete listing of all equipment records, sorted by
Equipment No.

58 Learning the Basics—Terms & Concepts

A Quick List Grid

To sort by a different field (for example, “Location”), click on the column

header (in this example, the “Location” header), and drag and drop it to the
first column, as far left as it will go. The list re-sorts, and displays all records by

Each Quick List tab also contains a Search Character box, which can be used
Search Char. to quickly locate a record or group of records. For example, typing the letter F
in the Search Character box moves the record indicator to the first item
beginning with the letter “F”. ASCII order in a Quick List grid is defined as
special characters first, followed by numbers 0-9, then by letters A-Z.

Once a record has been located, by either using the Search Character box or
by scrolling through the list, select the record by clicking on it. Any tabs that are
then chosen will display information for the currently selected record.

Filter by In the PM Active and DM Active Master files, there is an additional query
Employee feature. To see only those work orders for a particular employee, choose
his/her name from the Employee Name drop-down at the top of the QuickList.

Learning the Basics—Terms & Concepts 59

Quick Screen A Quick Screen is provided on the Quick List tabs of the Equipment, Inventory,
PM Master, DM Template, Vendor, Employee, Receiving and Purchasing
Master Files. Quick Screens allow quick creation of a record, providing only
required or most frequently accessed fields in each Master file. This prevents
the need for a user to jump from tab to tab when only minimum information is

Quick Screen in DM Template Master File

Auto Print, Auto Checkboxes for Auto Print and Print Attachments can be found on the PM
Activate, Print Master and DM Template tabs in their respective master files (not available on
Attachments ProTeus V Expert). The PM Master tab also has an additional checkbox for
Checkboxes Auto Activate.
• Checking the Auto Print checkbox for a record enables that work order
to print automatically when it is activated.
• Checking the Print Attachments checkbox will print the files attached to
the work order when Auto Print is also selected.
• Auto Activate will activate all appropriate work orders within the date
cycle or runtime cycle when ProTeus is opened.
On new record creation, Auto Activate will default to checked. Auto Print and
Print Attachments will not be checked.
Right-clicking on a Quick Screen and selecting Hide Quick Screen will hide it
from view. Right-click again to unhide a Quick Screen. This setting will be
retained per Master file, per workstation.

60 Learning the Basics—Terms & Concepts

Record A record is a collection of related data that is stored as a unit. For example, the
data a user enters into the Equipment Master File template for one piece of
equipment creates one equipment record.

Record View Record View is used to add, delete or modify items on a List. It is accessed by
clicking on the Record View icon in the upper left-hand corner of a list.

Record View Window on Tasks List

Required Fields Required fields are highlighted with blue field labels. Each of these fields
requires data in order to post the current record. The user will not be able to
save a record until all required fields have been filled in. The exception to this
rule is the Completion Date field in PM Active and DM Active, and the
Equipment No. and Equipment Name fields in DM Active. These fields are
required before a work order can be closed.

Sending Data to The Send data to Word option is accessed by right-clicking the mouse button.
Microsoft Word This function can be accessed in most Master files. Choosing this option will
export all data (except for the contents in the Description tabs) from the
currently selected record to a Word document in a list format.

Learning the Basics—Terms & Concepts 61

Sorting Order All sorting in ProTeus V is done in ASCII order, which is similar to alphanumeric
order, but also considers all keyboard characters such as the number sign (#),
dashes (-), and blank spaces. The table below shows all characters in ASCII
order. Use it to determine how ProTeus V will sort data.

Characters in ASCII Order (Read Left to Right)

! “ # $ % & ‘ ( ) * +
, - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C
P Q R S T U V W X Y Z {
} [ \ ] ^ _ ‘ | ~

Note: ProTeus V defaults to all upper case letters. It does not sort lower
case letters separately from upper case.

Tabs Each Master file is made up of several tabs, each of which display specific data
that relates to the record selected in the Quick List.

Time Fields/ Times can be added to the time fields in ProTeus V in one of two ways.
Clock Icon
1. Click the clock button at the end of a time field to insert the current time
(as per the settings defined in Regional Options, Time tab in the Control
Panel on the computer).
2. Times may also be entered manually. Use the format HH:MM (AM or PM)
to manually enter times.

User Fields Tab The User Fields tab displays a window which consists of eight extra fields,
labeled User 1 to User 8, into which information not provided on the master file
template can be entered. For example, the condition of a piece of equipment
can be entered in a user field under the Equipment Master File. Each user field
entry can hold up to 30 alphanumeric characters. User Fields can be unique for
each Master file.
The user field label (field name) can be changed by the System Administrator to
fit the company’s needs (not applicable to ProTeus V Expert). Please see
Field Name Change in the Database Administrator section for more information
on changing user field names.
The following Master files have eight unique user fields: Customer, Equipment,
Inventory, PM Master, PM Active, DM Template, DM Active, PM History, DM
History, PM Archive, DM Archive, Employee, Vendors, Purchasing, Purchasing
History and Purchasing Archive. Fields User 1-User 6 are text fields, while
fields User 7 and User 8 contain drop-down list boxes. PM Master and PM
Active share their dropdown lists, and while DM Template and DM Active share

62 Learning the Basics—Terms & Concepts

User Fields Tab

After typing in data, either close the Master File window or click on a different
tab. Either of these actions will save any changes.

Learning the Basics—Terms & Concepts 63

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64 Learning the Basics—Terms & Concepts

Gathering Data
Overview of Before ProTeus V can be used to issue work orders and print reports, certain
Entering Data data must first be entered into the system. Please follow our recommended
sequence of data entry to minimize data entry time and maximize efficiency.
1. Gather Data
2. Enter Vendor records
3. Enter Customer records
4. Enter Ship To Addresses
5. Choose Currency (if applicable)
6. Enter Stockrooms
• Set Local Stockroom
7. Enter Blanket PO records
• Attach Vendors
8. Enter Inventory records
• Attach Vendors
• Assign Inventory to Stockrooms
9. Enter Equipment records
• Attach Vendors
• Attach Customers
• Attach Inventory to Bill of Materials
10. Enter Labor Craft records
11. Enter Employee records
• Attach Labor Crafts
• Attach Login
12. Enter Task records
• Attach Labor Crafts
13. Enter Causes records
14. Enter Cost Centers
• Assign Cost Center Budgets
• Assign a Fiscal Year Start Date
15. Enter PM Master records
• Attach Equipment, Inventory, Labor Crafts, Employees, and Tasks as
• Schedule the PM
16. Enter DM Template records
• Attach Equipment, Inventory, Labor Crafts, Employees, and Tasks as

Note: Keep in mind that Eagle Technology offers the data collection and data
entry services to assist in the gathering and entering of data.

Learning the Basics—Gathering Data 65

Gather Data Before beginning to enter data, gather as much information as possible.
Sample Worksheets for each master file are available in the Appendix section.
Copy as many worksheets as necessary, then fill out a separate worksheet for
each corresponding record in ProTeus V. For example, fill out one Equipment
worksheet for each Equipment record that will be entered into ProTeus V. This
information can then be given to data entry personnel, who can easily enter the
data into ProTeus V.

Enter Vendor After gathering the information for vendors, add the vendors to the Vendor
Records Master File. On the Vendor Master File template, fill in all data possible. One
of the required items is a vendor code number. ProTeus V organizes vendors
by this code number. Any code or numbering scheme can be used, as long as
it allows for a meaningful search later. However, if the company’s purchasing
department uses preset numbers to identify vendors, it may be best to use the
same numbers within ProTeus V.
We recommend entering vendor information first, since equipment and
inventory can be easily associated with their vendors, if this information already

Enter Customer The Customer Master File is used to record information on all remote customer
locations where equipment needs to be maintained. A good example is a
company who owns, or is responsible for maintaining machines at several
different physical customer sites. Each customer record can be linked to
individual equipment records, so it is easy to determine where each piece of
equipment is physically located.

Enter Ship To The Ship To Addresses Master file is used to record addresses for the most
Addresses frequent shipment locations. These addresses may be accessed in the
Purchasing Master file when purchase orders are created.

Choose (not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)

Currency (if The Multi-Currency feature allows users to select any world currency for all
applicable) fields that contain currency values. The program’s Multi-Currency Manager is
used to select and manage the various currencies.

Enter (not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)

Stockrooms The Multiple Stockroom option is used to track inventory parts in multiple
stockroom locations, as well as move parts to different stockroom locations via
a move ticket.
The default stockroom, MAIN, always maintains an Inventory master file of all
parts, regardless of location, and is updated automatically as any parts are
added to Inventory from any stockroom location. If only one stockroom is being
managed through ProTeus V, set the local stockroom to MAIN.

66 Learning the Basics—Gathering Data

Enter Blanket (not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)
PO Records The Blanket PO file is used to create and edit blanket purchase orders with
vendors. A blanket PO is a standing order for a predetermined amount with a
vendor. ProTeus V automatically keeps track of the amount remaining for each
Blanket PO agreement.

Enter Inventory After gathering the information on inventory items and recording that
Records information onto the Sample Worksheets found in the Appendix section, create
each item as a new record in the Inventory Master File. The Vendors tab can
be used to associate a list of vendors to each part in inventory. Categorize the
inventory according to the different types, such as electrical, mechanical, or
pneumatic parts. If predefined inventory-numbering schemes already exist,
incorporate those into ProTeus V.

Enter After gathering information on the equipment and recording that information
Equipment onto the Sample Worksheets found in the Appendix section, enter each piece of
equipment as a new record in the Equipment Master File. Equipment may
• CNC machines, presses, conveyors
• Sensors and actuators
• Air handlers, boilers, chillers, fans
• Buildings and grounds
• Vehicles (company cars, vans, trucks, etc.)
Determine some sort of numbering scheme to assign to the equipment. Each
equipment record is required to have a unique Equipment No. If an existing
numbering scheme or system is used by other departments, it may be used
with ProTeus V as long as the numbers do not exceed the 24-character limit. If
an equipment numbering system does not exist, consider developing a logical
numbering system.
When creating a numbering scheme, allow gaps in the numbers to take in
account future growth. For example, separate equipment numbers by 100,
500, or 1,000 for major subgroups. If there is more than one unit of similar
equipment, use a meaningful prefix before a unique suffix as follows:
An existing vendor can be associated to an equipment record by choosing the
vendor from the drop-down list in the Vendor Code field. Likewise, existing
inventory parts can be associated to an equipment record through the BOM (Bill
of Materials) tab.

Enter Labor Labor crafts are used to classify maintenance employees and contractors
Craft Records according to specific craft, skill, or function. These labor crafts can then be
assigned to individual employees and contractors who perform maintenance.
Examples of labor codes are: MECH01, HVAC, MAINT, EL-CON, etc.

Learning the Basics—Gathering Data 67

Enter Employee The Employee Master file is used to record employee information, labor rates,
Records and labor codes for all employees and contractors who perform maintenance.

Enter Task Tasks are step-by-step instructions that can be attached to Preventive and
Records Demand Maintenance work orders. When assigning Task numbers, we
recommend using a three-digit prefix which designates the type of work being
performed, followed by a unique three-digit number. This will make it easy for
users to locate the proper task(s) when attaching them to a work order.

Prefixes Suffixes
ADJ – Adjustment 001-099 Miscellaneous
CHG – Change 100-199 Mechanical
INS – Inspection 200-299 Electrical
LUB—Lubrication 300-399 HVAC
CAL – Calibration 400-499 Customer
CLN – Cleaning 500-599 Bldg. & Grounds
LOC – Lock out/Tag out 600-699 Facilities
SAF – Safety 700-799 Paint
800-899 Welding
900-999 Plumbing
Task No. Description
CHG302 Change air filters if needed
LOC003 Turn off power and lockout machine
INS335 Inspect all belts and hoses for wear

Causes are reasons for equipment breakdowns, which can be attached to

Enter Cause Demand Maintenance work orders. Tracking causes over time helps to
Records categorize the source of the equipment breakdowns. Here are some examples
of causes:
OE Operator Error
PM Poor Maintenance
NW Normal Wear & Tear
DP Defective Parts
VN Vandalism

Enter Cost (not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)

Centers The Cost Center Manager is used to add, modify, and delete cost centers, as
well as set budgets for individual cost centers. Users can set a material budget
and a labor budget amount for each month, per cost center. They will also be
able to select when their fiscal years begins. These budget amounts will be
used for the budgeting reports.

68 Learning the Basics—Gathering Data

Enter PM The Preventive Maintenance Master file is used to develop, assign, and
Master Records schedule preventive maintenance work orders (PMs) on specified equipment.
The user can schedule maintenance on any existing equipment record, based
upon a date cycle or runtime cycle. All PMs must be created in the PM Master
Work orders will automatically be copied to the PM Active file when they are
scheduled to be completed.

Enter DM The DM Template Master file is used to create templates for commonly
Template occurring breakdowns, repairs, or maintenance that cannot be scheduled.
When a breakdown or repair request occurs, any DM Template record can be
activated by a right-click. The DM Template record is then automatically copied
to the DM Active file.

Learning the Basics—Gathering Data 69

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70 Learning the Basics—Gathering Data

The Basics
Overview of the The Basics section includes information on the common, basic operations
Basics found throughout ProTeus V. This includes:
Adding new records
Deleting records
Modifying records
Saving records
Querying records
Adding items to a list
Editing items on a list
Removing items from a list
Adding items to a drop-down list
Editing items on a drop-down list
Removing items from a drop-down list

Please refer to the Reference section for specific informant related to each

The Basics 71
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72 The Basics
Creating, Modifying and Saving
Records Records are the foundation of ProTeus. Make sure that any numbering
schemes take into consideration the ASCII Sort Order. This is vital when
searching for records using the Quick Lists. It is also vital that the information
entered is standardized and accurate. Standardized means that all items are
entered using a predetermined set of rules regarding spaces, periods, dashes,
etc. For example, two users may add the same equipment record with the
same part number, but the system will not recognize that these are duplicates,
because one user entered AH 100, while the other user entered AH-100.

Creating To create new records:

Records 1. Open the Master File in which to add a new record.
2. Click the Insert Record button on the Navigator. The screen will clear,
and the user may enter the data for the new record. When moving from field
to field during data entry, use the Tab key rather than the Enter key.
3. Once a new record has been filled in, the user may save the record by
clicking the Post Edit button on the Navigator, or by clicking on another
4. The new record will appear at the end of the Quick List. Click the Refresh
button on the Navigator to display the new record in ASCII sort order on
the list.

Copying A quick way to create a new record that is similar to an existing record is to use
Records the Copy feature. Records may be copied from within the following Master
Module Copy Checklist
Equipment Equipment Description, BOM, User Fields
Inventory Description, Vendors, Where Used, User Fields
DM Template WO Description, Tasks, Parts, Tools, Labor, User Fields
PM Master WO Description, Tasks, Parts, Tools, Labor, User Fields
Tasks Task
Causes Cause
Vendors Description, User Fields
Customer Description, User Fields

Follow these steps to copy a record.

1. Select the record to be copied, then right-click the mouse button.
2. Choose the Copy option.
3. A copy checklist will be displayed. This checklist will vary depending on the
master file (see above). Mark the items to be copied by clicking on the
check box next to the choice. Type in a new identification number for this
file (i.e. Equipment number, Job number), then click OK.

The Basics -- Creating, Modifying and Saving Records 73

Copy Checklist for PM Master

4. A new record containing the copied fields will be displayed. Modify or add
to the record as necessary.

Modifying Follow these steps to modify or update a record.

Records 1. Access the record you wish to modify within the appropriate Master file.
2. Make any necessary changes to the editable fields by navigating through
the tabs.
3. When complete, either click onto another tab, or click the Post Edit
button on the Navigator. Either method will save any changes.
4. Close the window.

Deleting Follow these steps to permanently delete obsolete or incorrect records from a
Records master file.
Note: Deleted records cannot be restored.
1. Open the appropriate Master file.
2. Once on the record, click the Delete Record button on the Navigator.
The message “Delete record?” appears. Click OK to delete, or Cancel
to stop this operation.
3. If OK is clicked, an additional message may appear, reminding the user that
linked files may also be deleted. Click OK to delete these linked records, or
Cancel to stop this operation.
4. If, upon attempt to delete a record, the message “This record cannot
be deleted. Another file is dependent upon this record”
appears, this means that the record is being used in another master file.
Remove any reference to that record from other areas of the program
before attempting to delete.

74 The Basics -- Creating, Modifying and Saving Records

Note: If the Delete button is grayed out, this means that the user does not
have Delete Rights. Please contact the System Administrator.

The Basics -- Creating, Modifying and Saving Records 75

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76 The Basics -- Creating, Modifying and Saving Records

Querying Records
Query Dialog A Query is a tool that is used to filter records in a Master file or report, so that
Box only records which match the user-defined criteria are shown. The Query
dialog box appears when (1) the Query button is clicked within a Quick List tab
or (2), when the user clicks on ‘Query’ when selecting a report from the Reports
menu option.

Query by Value Dialog Box

On the left side of the Query dialog box is the Fields list box. The fields listed in
this box will vary depending upon which Master file is being used. Two tabs
appear beneath the Fields list. Click on the appropriate tab to toggle between
displaying all of the field names possible for this query and the fields that have
already been added to the query.
Beneath the Fields list box is the Field Order box. Click on the appropriate
radio button to list the fields alphabetically or in their logical (as they appear in
ProTeus V) order.
On the right side of the Query dialog box is a description box. This box will
display the chosen field name at the top, and display one of two search
windows below. These search windows are:
“Search by Value”: (shown above) this window appears when a field is
clicked that requires a single value. A good example of this might be an
equipment number. Beneath the Field Value box is the Search Type box. See
below for an explanation of the Radio Buttons.
“Search by Range”: (shown next) this window appears when a field is clicked
that requires a range of values, for example, active dates.

The Basics -- Querying Records 77

Query by Range Dialog Box
The user may toggle between the two types of search windows using the tabs
below the Description box. Note, however, that certain fields may only accept
one type of search or the other. For example, if active date is selected as the
field to query on, a range of dates must be entered in the Description box.
After entering the value(s):
1. Click OK to perform the query
2. Choose another field to search on to narrow the query, or
3. Click Cancel to end the query process.
Note: This process may take a moment depending on the query depth and
number of records.
Note: When the words “and” or “or” are used in the query (i.e. searching for
the name “Bed and Bath Company”), the entire name must be
surrounded with quotes.

Some fields are stored as integers in the database. In these cases, the query
filter only works for the integer and not for the displayed value.
Status Field When querying on the Status field (from Equipment Master File), use Exact
Match = “-1” to query on equipment “In Service” and Exact Match = “0” to query
on equipment “Out of Service”.
Distribute Costs When querying on the Distribute Costs field (from PM/DM Files), choose Exact
Field Match = “1” to query on work orders whose costs are distributed and Exact
Match = “0” to query on work orders whose costs are NOT distributed.

78 The Basics -- Querying Records

View Summary/ On the lower right are two buttons labeled View Summary and New Search.
Click on View Summary to quickly view the boolean operators which are
New Search
governing the search. Click on New Search to clear all values entered, and
Buttons perform a new query.

Radio Buttons Located on the query screen under Search Type are three radio buttons.
These are used to tell ProTeus V specifically upon which information or group
of information to query.
The radio buttons are:
• Exact Match
• Partial Match at Beginning
• Partial Match Anywhere
• Show records that do not match

Exact Match Click on Exact Match to select only those records which exactly match the
requested criteria.
Example: User only wants to print work orders for job number JOB01
In Field list, choose: Job Number
In Field Value box, type: JOB01
Select Exact Match radio button.
Results: Only work orders in which JOB No. = JOB01 will be shown.

Partial Match at Click on Partial Match at Beginning to select only those records which begin
Beginning with the letter or number indicated in the Field Value box.
Example: User wants to view equipment numbers that begin with AHU.
In Field list, choose: Equipment No.
In Field Value box, type: AHU
Select Partial Match at Beginning radio button.
Results: Only equipment numbers which start with the letters AHU will be

Partial Match Click on Partial Match Anywhere to select only those records which have that
Anywhere specific letter(s) or number(s) indicated in the Field Value box somewhere
within their name or number.
Example: User wants to close all work orders for lube jobs.
In Field list, choose: Job Number
In Field Value box, type: LUB
Select Partial Match Anywhere radio button.
Results: Only work orders in which Job No. contains the characters “LUB” will
be shown.
The Basics -- Querying Records 79
Show records Clicking on Show records that do not match shows only records that do not
that do not match match the search criteria that you enter.

Query from a The Query feature is built into the Quick List of most Master files. This allows
Quick List the user to place a filter on the records, so that only records which match the
selected criteria will be displayed. When the Query option is activated from a
Quick List screen, a menu similar to one below displays:

New Query Displays the Query dialog box. Only those records that match the chosen
criteria will be displayed in the template.
Save Query Saves and names a newly defined query.
Load Query Loads a query that has been saved.
Clear Query Clears the current query and displays all records in the current master file.
Edit Query Allows a saved query to be edited.
Save Default Allows users to create a default query, so that any time this module is
Query opened, this saved query is loaded.
Load Default If a default query has been cleared, selecting this option will allow the
Query default query to be reloaded.
Delete Default Deletes the default query.

All DM and PM modules contain sub-menu query lists (ProTeus V Enterprise

and Professional only). This allows for more precise querying of records.

Query in PM Active

ProTeus V has the ability to save queries for repeated use. Define the location
of shared queries under Other > Options > Query Path. Saved queries are
stored in the query path location as [Module].txt, where [Module] is the name
of the master file the query pertains to. The ability to save queries to a query
path allows the query to be shared on a network drive, so the same queries
can be accessed by other ProTeus V workstations.

80 The Basics -- Querying Records

Default queries can be set up on a per login basis. Each time a user logins
Default Query with a unique login and password their default queries will automatically load.
Default queries will also be saved to the location specified in the query path.
Default queries are stored based on login, in a single file. The file is called
[Login]_defaultquery.eti, where [Login] will be the ProTeus V login to which the
default query belongs.

The Basics -- Querying Records 81

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82 The Basics -- Querying Records

Adding, Editing and Removing Items
on a List
Lists Many Master files contain tabs which access lists. These lists contain items
which are records from another Master file. An example of a list is the Bill of
Materials in the Equipment Master file, or the Tasks List in a work order. Follow
these steps to add, modify, or delete items on a list.

Click the Record View button in the upper left-hand corner of a list to access
the Record View window.

Record View Window on Tasks List in PM Master

The Record View Window includes a Navigator to help the user insert, delete,
and sort, or order, records from the list.

Record View Navigator

The Basics -- Adding, Editing and Removing Items on a List 83

Here are explanations of the Record View Navigator Buttons.

Go to first record in the list

Go to prior record in the list

Go to next record in the list

Go to last record in the list

Add a record from the Master file to the list

Delete a record from the list

Post edit

Cancel changes since last save

Move this record up one line (only appears in a Tasks list)

Move this record down one line (only appears in a Tasks list)

Adding Items Adding items to a List can be done in one of two ways.
to a List 1. Click the tab which contains the desired list.

2. Click the Record View button in the upper left-hand corner of the list.
The Record View window opens.
3. To add a record to the list from the corresponding Master file, click the
Insert Record button on the Record View Navigator. The screen will
clear, and the user may choose a record from the drop down lists or by
typing the item number or name in the field box.
4. Fill in any other pertinent information.
5. Click OK.
Repeat steps 2 through 5 for each additional item to be added. Each item is
added to the bottom of the list.
6. After all the items have been added, either close the window or click on a
different tab. Either action will save the changes.
Note: Items may also be added to the list manually, bypassing the Record
View function. To manually add an item, select the item directly from the
drop-down list. Use the down-arrow key on the keyboard to insert
another line.

84 The Basics -- Adding, Editing and Removing Items on a List

Modifying items on a List can be done in one of two ways.
Modifying a List
1. Click the tab which contains the desired list.

2. Click the Record View button in the upper left-hand corner of the list.
The Record View window opens.
3. Select the record to modify using the Navigator buttons or the drop-down
4. Make the changes to the record. Note: Not all fields are editable.
5. Click OK.
6. Close the window or click on a different tab to save the changes.

Items on a list can also be modified by clicking directly in the field on the list.

Deleting an Deleting items from a List can be done in one of two ways.
Item from a List 1. Click the tab which contains the desired list.

2. Click the Record View button in the upper left-hand corner of the list.
The Record View window opens.
3. Select the record to delete using the Navigator buttons or the drop-down

4. Click the Delete Record button on the Record View Navigator. The
message, “Delete Record?” appears. Click Yes to remove this item from
the list or No to cancel this function.
Note: Doing so will not delete the record from the Master file; only from the
current list.
5. Click OK.
6. Close the window or click on a different tab to save the changes.

Items on a list can also be deleted by highlighting the item on the list and
pressing Delete on the keyboard. The message, “Are you sure you want
to delete this item?” appears. Click Yes to permanently delete this item
or No to cancel this function.
Note: Do not use the Delete button on the Main Navigator to delete records
from the list, as this will delete the entire record from the ProTeus

Sorting a List Note: Sorting a list is only applicable to tasks (on the Tasks tabs) in the PM
and DM modules.
Tasks lists are sorted by moving individual records up or down on the list. The
order the records appear on the list will be the order they print.
1. Click the Tasks tab in PM or DM.
2. Select the record to move (up or down) by highlighting the item on the list.

The Basics -- Adding, Editing and Removing Items on a List 85

3. Click the Record View button in the upper left-hand corner of the list.
The Record View window opens.

4. Click the Move Up or Move Down button on the Record View

Navigator to move the record to its appropriate position on the list. Move the
Record View window out of the way to properly place the record on the list.
5. Click OK.
6. Close the window or click on a different tab to save the changes.

Modify the List Columns on most lists, including the Quick Lists on each Master file, can be
Layout changed so that the settings for column ordering and width will fit the user’s
needs. These settings are retained per module, per user, and are stored in the
ProTeus directory as UserName_Grids.eti. The file can be copied onto another
workstation to obtain the same settings. Default settings can be obtained by
deleting this file.
To sort, click on a column header in a list. Drag the column to a new location on
the list. To modify column width, drag the boundary on the right side of the
column heading until the column is the width you want.
The following lists can be modified:

Master File List

Blanket PO Quick List
Causes Quick List
Customer Quick List
DM Active Quick List, Tasks, Parts, Labor, Causes
DM Template Quick List, Tasks, Parts, Labor, Causes
DM History Quick List
Employee Quick List
Equipment Quick List
Inventory Quick List
Labor Craft Quick List
PM Active Quick List, Parts, Labor and Tasks
PM Master Quick List, Parts, Labor and Tasks
PM History Quick List
Purchasing Quick List, Order Details
Purchasing History Quick List
Receiving Shipment, Recv. Detail
Receiving History Quick List, Recv. Detail
Reorder List Quick List
Skip PM History Quick List
Tasks Quick List
Vendors Quick List

86 The Basics -- Adding, Editing and Removing Items on a List

Adding, Editing and Removing Items
on a Drop-Down List
Drop-Down Drop-down Lists are selection panels containing a list of choices for the
Lists corresponding field. Drop-down lists are accessed by clicking on the drop-
down arrow to the right of a field.

Drop-down List

Selecting an Click on the arrow to the right of a field providing a drop-down list.
Item from a Choose one of the items from the drop-down box by clicking on the desired
Drop-down List selection. That item will then appear in the field on the Master file screen.
Note: Typing in a letter in the drop-down box and pressing the ALT key + the
Down Arrow key simultaneously will filter the list to items beginning with
that letter. Items in the list above what is being searched will not be
visible again until the filter is cleared by deleting the selected item.
Additionally, this filter is automatically applied when an item already
exists in the field.

Adding an Item 1. Click on the Edit Icon or double-click in the field which contains the drop-
to a Drop-down down list to open the drop-down modification window. This window will only
List appear if the current user has been given the appropriate rights.
Note: The Edit Icon for the Cost Center field is located in the Cost Center
Manager, which is accessed from the Other > Options Menu.
2. Click the Add button and type a new entry in the dialog box. To add another
selection, click Add and type in the next selection. When finished adding
entries, click Close to return to the Master file.

The Basics -- Adding, Editing and Removing Items on a Drop-Down List 87

Add to a Drop-down List

Modifying an 1. Click on the Edit Icon or double-click in the field which contains the drop-
Item in a Drop- down list. The drop-down modification window appears.
down List 2. Select the item to be modified, and click Modify.
3. Type the modification in the dialog box, then click OK.
4. Click Close to return to the Master file.

Modify a Drop-down List

Deleting an Item 1. Click on the Edit Icon or double-click in the field which contains the drop-
from a Drop- down list. The drop-down modification window appears.
down List 2. Select the item to be deleted, then click Delete.
3. If the message “Other records are dependent on this record.
Dependent records must be removed before this record can
be deleted.” appears, this means that the record is being used in
another record or master file. Remove any reference to that record from
other areas of the program before attempting to delete.
4. Click Close to return to the Master file.

88 The Basics -- Adding, Editing and Removing Items on a Drop-Down List

Attachment Files
Blanket PO
Causes Master File
Close Work Orders
Company Address
Cost Center Manager
Customer Master File
DM Active Master File
DM Template Master File
DM History Master File
Employee Master File
Equipment Master File
Inventory Master File
Labor Craft Master File
Multi-Currency Manager
Multi-Cycle Scheduling
Multiple Stockroom
PM Master File
PM Active Master File
PM History Master File
Print Work Orders
Pull Parts
Purchasing Master File
Purchasing History Master File
Receiving Log
Receiving History Master File
Reorder List
Ship To Addresses Master File
Tasks Master File
Time Card
Transactions Log
Transaction History Master File
Vendors Master File
Zero Fiscal Year Totals

Reference 89
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90 Reference
Overview of (not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)
Approvals Approvals is an option which can be enabled or disabled in ProTeus V through
the Rights module. In essence, if Approvals is enabled, all PM and DM work
orders must be approved at a pre-defined level before they can be closed.

Enabling 1. Select Start > Programs > ProTeus V > Rights.

Approvals in 2. Click the Settings button.
the Rights 3. Click the Approvals Tab (If the tab is not visible, click in the PM Approvals or
application DM Approvals checkbox to make the Approvals Tab appear.)

Approvals Tab in Settings, within the Rights application

4. The close level is the required level at which the work order must be
approved at before closure can occur. The close level, by default, is “2”.
The maximum level a work order can be approved at is “5”.
5. The close number is the number of employees (at the level specified in the
Close Level field) required to approve a work order before it can be closed.
The close number is defaulted to “1”.

Reference—Approvals 91
Approvals Tab Once enabled in Rights, a new tab appears in the PM and DM Files called
Approvals. This tab contains five fields: Originator (the creator of the work
order), Employee No., Employee Name, Approval Date, and Approval Level.

Approvals Tab in DM Active

The approval process consists of several stages:

Until approved at level 2, any user can make edits to the work order. Thereby,
each level 1 employee can edit and approve their portion of the work order.
When a level 2 employee approves, level 1 employees will have read-only
access to the work order.
When a level 3 employee approves, level 1 and level 2 employees will have
read-only access to the work order.
When a level 4 employee approves, level 1, level 2 and level 3 employees will
have read-only access to the work order.
After a level 5 employee approves, all lower levels will be read-only. The work
order will remain editable only for level 5 employees.

92 Reference—Approvals
Approving a 1. To approve a work order, access the PM Active or DM Active file, and select
Work Order the work order to be approved.
2. Right-click and choose Approve from the shortcut menu.
3. A ProTeus V Login dialog box will then appear, prompting for a login name
and password. If the login name and password matches the user that is
currently logged in, the work order will be approved at the employee’s
defined approval level.
Note: Login is case sensitive.
4. When the work order has been approved at the close level, the following will
occur. First the prompt, “Work order has been approved.” will
display. Once the prompt has been acknowledged, a second prompt will
appear, stating, “Work Order has been approved at the close
level. Do you wish to close it?” Answering ‘Yes’ to this prompt
will immediately close the work order. Answering “no” to the prompt will
cause the work order to remain present in the (PM or DM) Active file.

Prerequisites to There are three steps that must be taken before an employee can approve a
being able to work order. He/she must be set up in Rights with a username and password,
approve have a defined approval level, and his/her password must be reconfirmed in the
Employee Master file.

Establishing an The first step before an employee can approve a work order is making sure
Employee’s he/she is set up in the Rights application with a user login and password. See
Login and the Database Administrator Rights section for detailed instructions.

Setting an In addition to being assigned a password in the Rights application, an

Employee’s employee’s password must also be set in the Employee Master file before
Password in the being able to approve a work order. This function can only be performed by an
Employee Administrator.
In the Employee Master file:
1. Locate the employee that will be approving work orders.
2. Right-click in the Quick List on that employee’s name.
3. Select Password Change from the pop-up menu.
4. Confirm the user’s password (use CAPITAL LETTERS).
5. Click OK.

Setting an Before an employee can approve a work order, he/she must have a defined
Employee’s approval level. This level is set in the Approval Level (W.O.) field under the
Approval Level Employee tab of the Employee Master file. This field can contain a value of
between 1 and 5. Approval Level 1 is a standard approval level, and Approval
5 might be a supervisory approval level, for example.

Reference—Approvals 93
Employee Tab

94 Reference—Approvals
Overview of (not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)
Archive The Archive option is used to archive history records that are no longer needed.
The Archive files have a similar look and feel as their corresponding History
files, however archived files are not included in any history reports.
One or a group of records may be archived at one time. For example, all PM
History records from last month can be archived. Any archived data can be
viewed through the Other > View Archive option.
The databases that can be archived are:
PM History
DM History
Skip PM History
Transactions History
Move Ticket History
Purchasing History
Receiving History

Archiving Data Important: A backup of the database should always be performed prior to
archiving or purging any data. Interrupting the Archive process could result in
lost data or database corruption.
1. Select the record(s) to archive from the Quick List. Use a query to narrow
the list. Multiple records can be chosen by holding down the Control or Shift
key while selecting.
2. When finished selecting records, right-click and choose Archive from the
right-click menu.
3. A message will appear, asking “Are you sure you want to archive
these items?” Click Yes to send the data to the Archive files.
4. When finished, the message “Archive is Complete” appears. Click
the OK button. The selected files are now archived.

View Archived 1. To view archived data, select Other > View Archive from the main menu.
Data 2. Select the corresponding directory to view (DM, PM, PM Shadow, Skip PM,
Move Ticket, Purchasing, Receiving or Transactions).
Note: The corresponding History file must be closed before accessing the
Archive file.
3. Select OK.
4. The archive files look and act similar to the history files, however archived
files are not included in any history reports.

Reference—Archive 95
Quick Printing While in the DM Archive, PM Archive and Purchase Archive Master Files,
Archive Reports archive reports can be printed simply by clicking on the right mouse button and
selecting the Print menu selection from the popup menu.
1. From the DM, PM or Purchasing Archive file, select the record(s) to print.
Use a query to narrow the list.
2. Right-click and choose Print from the right-click menu.
3. The Print Window appears. Follow the normal Printing guidelines as
outlined in the Print Work Orders section of Reference.
Other archive reports can be printed from within the Reports module. See the
Reports section of Reference for more details.

Purge Important: A backup of the database should always be performed prior to

archiving or purging any data. Be careful when selecting which records to
purge. Purged database records cannot be recovered. Note that only logins
with Archive/Purge Rights to a given master file have access to this function.
1. From the Quick List of the Archive file, select the record(s) to purge. Use a
query to narrow the list. Multiple records can be chosen by holding down the
Control or Shift key while selecting.
2. When finished selecting records, right-click and chose Purge from the right-
click menu.
3. A message will appear, asking “Purging will permanently delete
records from the database. Do you want to continue?”
Click the Yes button to permanently delete the archived records from the
ProTeus V database. This process may take several minutes to complete
depending on the amount of data being purged.
4. The message “Purge is done!” will appear when the purge has
completed. Click the OK button.

For additional information on how to use queries, see Query in Learning the

96 Reference—Archive
Attachment Files
Overview of (not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)
Attachments Any number of attachments can be associated with a record in ProTeus V, and
printed with a work order. These files may include scanned drawings, AutoCAD
files, PDF files, photographs, MSDS files, etc.
Attachments may be viewed from within the Equipment, Inventory, PM Master,
PM Active, DM Template, DM Active, PM History, and DM History master files.

Set the Before attaching a file, the Attachments File path under Other > Options must
Attachments be set. This will be the drive and path where your attachments are located.
Attach a File To attach a file to a record, follow these steps:
1. Click on the Attachments tab in the Equipment, Inventory, PM Master, PM
Active, DM Template, DM Active, PM History, or DM History master files.
2. Right-click anywhere in the window to activate the Attachments pop-up

Attachments Tab in DM Active

3. Click Add. A dialog box opens, allowing a file to be selected.

4. Select the file to attach, then click the Open button.
5. The file is added to the Attachments tab.
6. Click the Print checkbox next to the file if it should be printed along with the
corresponding work order.

Reference—Drawing Files 97
Other Options Right-click anywhere in the window to activate the Attachments pop-up menu

Add Attaches a new file to the work order.

View Allows the user to view the attached file.
Print Prints the attached file at the printer chosen in Select
Delete Deletes the attachment to the selected file.

Printing Attachments can be printed along with a work order manually or automatically
Attachments when the work order is printed.
with a Work To manually print a work order and associated attachments, choose Print Work
Order Order with Attachments from the right-click popup menu in DM Active, DM
Template, PM Active or PM Master files. The work order and attachments will
print out on the spot.
To set attachments to print automatically, both Auto Print and Print Attachments
must be checked for the work order. These checkboxes are found on PM
Master and DM Template tabs of their respective master files.
It is also possible to set the print attachments function in the Inventory Master
file. On the Attachments tab in the Inventory Master file, click the Print WO
checkbox. This will allow attachments associated with the current part print
when the part is assigned to a work order that has the Auto Print function set.

98 Reference—Drawing Files
Blanket PO
Overview of (not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)
Blanket PO A Blanket Purchase Order is a standing order for a predetermined amount
and/or predetermined time period with a vendor. The Blanket Purchase Order
Master file is used to create and edit blanket purchase orders with vendors.
ProTeus V automatically keeps track of the amount left for each PO. Creating
blanket purchase orders will reduce the amount of paperwork required to place
an order, since multiple purchase orders will not have to be written out every
time an order is placed. The same PO number is issued until that PO reaches
its predetermined amount or expiration date.
Note: BPO records cannot be used with currencies other than that for which
they were created.

To create a new Blanket PO, choose the Blanket PO option under Purchasing
from the Main Menu. Insert a unique Blanket PO Number, choose the
Blanket appropriate vendor code from the drop-down list, and the vendor name will fill
Purchase in automatically. Enter notes or conditions of the P.O. in the Description field at
Orders the bottom of the Blanket PL tab.

Blanket PO Master File

Additional information on fields and tables is located within the Appendix

section under Database Fields.

Reference—Blanket PO 99
Viewing To view the open requisitions issued against this Blanket PO, click the
Releases Releases tab. A list showing each requisition issued against the blanket PO is
displayed, showing the Requisition No., P.O. No., Requisition Date, Requested
by, and Parts Total.
A list of closed requisitions issued against this Blanket PO appears at the
bottom of the Releases tab.

Deleting In order to delete a Blanket PO record, there cannot be any open purchase
Blanket POs orders which use this Blanket PO number. If an open purchase order exists in
the Purchasing Master File using this blanket PO number, the message “This
record cannot be deleted. Another file is dependent on
this record” appears.
For further instruction on entering, copying, and deleting records, please refer
to The Basics section of Learning the Basics. Additional information on fields
and tables is located within the Appendix section under Database Fields.

100 Reference—Blanket PO
Causes Master File
Overview of Causes are used to track the reasons for equipment breakdowns and part
Causes Master failures. The Causes Master file categorizes the sources of these breakdowns,
and any other conditions that caused the problem. The Causes option can be
used when closing a DM Active work order to record the events or conditions
that caused the maintenance problem. A cause number is assigned to the
record so that the same cause description can be selected from the Causes
database again if necessary. Over time, causes can provide valuable
information on the source of many maintenance problems.

Causes Master File

For instructions on adding, modifying and deleting records, please refer to The
Basics section of Learning the Basics. Additional information on fields and
tables is located within the Appendix section under Database Fields.

Reference—Causes 101
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102 Reference—Causes
Closing Work Orders
Overview of When a work order is closed, all data for that work order is transferred from the
Closing Work PM or DM Active Master Files to the appropriate PM or DM History Master File.
In addition, all dates, costs, and inventory levels are updated according to the
values entered on the completed work order.
When a work order is closed, the following occurs:
1. The work order is transferred from the PM/DM Active File to the PM/DM
History Master File. The PM/DM History Master File shows all closed work
orders since the last time its database was archived.
2. For each part used on the work order, a new Qty on Hand is calculated and
written to the Inventory Master File. Also, the Date Last Used field in
Inventory is updated.
3. The actual material and labor costs are calculated as follows and then
written to the Equipment Master File:
4. Material Cost = Qty Allocated (or Qty Pulled) x Unit Cost
5. Labor Cost = Labor Rate for Appropriate Labor Craft for Each Employee x
Hours Taken to Complete Task
6. All dates are updated in the Preventive Maintenance (Demand
Maintenance) History File.
7. Date Last Used in the Bill of Materials (BOM) of the Equipment Master File
is updated for each part used on the work order.
8. The Next Scheduled Date is updated for PMs.

Note: Work order data cannot be modified after the work order is closed.

Work orders can be closed in one of two ways:

Method How What it does
Close Right-click on Closes out the selected work order(s).
PM/DM Active file(s) Requires Completion Dates and Actual Hours
and chose Close Worked (Hours at Rate 1, Hours at Rate 2,
etc) (if a labor code is attached) to be filled in
prior to closing the work order(s).
Quick Close Right-click on Closes out the selected work order(s).
PM/DM Active file(s) Completion Dates and Actual Hours are not
and chose Quick required prior to closing the work order.

Note: If Approvals is turned on, a work order must be approved at the chosen
level before it can be closed. This is true no matter which of the above
3 ways you close a record.

Reference—Close Work Orders 103

Closing While in the PM or DM Active Master Files, an individual work order can be
Individual Work closed simply by clicking on the right mouse button and selecting the Close or
Quick Close menu selection from the drop-down menu. This will close the work
order currently displayed.
If Close is chosen, the Completion Date on the Date Schedule tab must be filled
in before the work order can be closed. In addition, if an employee is defined,
both the Completion Date and Actual Hours Worked (Hours at Rate 1, Hours at
Rate 2, etc) must be filled in on the Labor tab.
Completion Dates and Actual Hours do not need to be filled in to close an
individual work order using Quick Close.
When the Quick Close option is chosen, all Completion Dates will be filled in
with the current date. Hours at Rate 1 will be filled in with the value from Est.
Hours, unless that value is empty, as well. In that case, it will default to 1.

Closing Multiple Multiple records can be selected and closed at one time from the Quick List.
Work Orders Select multiple records by clicking on a record and then clicking the Ctrl or Shift
buttons as additional records are selected.

If Close is chosen, and not all of the required information is entered on even
just one record, an error box will appear. This will list the problems that are
preventing work order(s) from being closed, so that they may be addressed.
To close just the valid work orders, click the Close Valid button. Clicking
Cancel will ignore the request to close any of the work orders.

Work Order Validation Screen

104 Reference—Close Work Orders

Normally, when a PM work order is closed, the Next Scheduled Date for that
Overriding Next work order is automatically updated. However, when a PM work order has been
Scheduled Date manually activated, or activated as a result of the ProTeus Alarm Interface
(optional), the option of advancing the date cycle to the next schedule is
offered. Answering ‘yes’ to “Do you want to advance the date
schedule to the next cycle for Job No. xxx?” will advance the
date cycle and close the work order. Answering ‘no’ will not advance the date
cycle, but will continue to close the work order. This is helpful when a work
order has been accidentally activated.

Reference—Close Work Orders 105

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106 Reference—Close Work Orders

Company Address
Overview of The Company Address option is used to enter the company’s billing address for
Company use on purchase orders. It is best to complete this information at installation.
This information can always be entered or revised later, should any changes
occur. If the company’s billing address is not entered now, it will be missing
from the printed purchase orders.
1. Select Company Address from the Other Menu.
2. Fill in the appropriate information.

Company Address

For instructions on adding, modifying and deleting records, please refer to The
Basics section of Learning the Basics. Additional information on fields and
tables is located within the Appendix section under Database Fields.

Reference—Company Address 107

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108 Reference—Company Address

Cost Center Manager
(not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)
Overview of
Cost Center The Cost Center Manager is used to add, modify, and delete cost centers, as
Manager well as set budgets for individual cost centers. It is found by choosing Other >
Cost Center Manager from the Main Menu. Users must have rights to the Cost
Center Manager (see Option Rights in the Database Administrator section for
more details) to use this feature.
The Cost Center Manager allows authorized users to set a material budget and
a labor budget amount for each month, per cost center. Labor costs are
accumulated when a work order is closed. Material costs accumulate when a
work order is closed, or when a purchase order is closed. Settings to determine
from where the material is charged is found on the Miscellaneous tab of
Settings in Rights.

Cost Center Manager

The actual amount of money used from a budget is displayed in the Actual field.
The Remaining field is the Budget (amount) – Actual (amount). The Total field
is the total of the respective column.

Reference—Cost Center Manager 109

Establish the Fiscal Year Start date is a company-wide setting. To set the Fiscal Year Start
Fiscal Year Start date:
Date 1. From the Cost Center Manager, select when the company’s current fiscal
year starts by choosing the month and (current) year from the Fiscal Year
Start drop-downs.
2. Click the disk icon to the right of the Fiscal Year Start field to save the
3. The screen will refresh to display the selected start month.
4. Click the Save button at the bottom of the screen to save any changes.

For instructions on adding, modifying and deleting items to a Drop-down List,

please refer to the Adding, Editing and Removing Items on a Drop-Down List
section of Learning the Basics.

Modify a Cost 1. From the Cost Center Manager, choose a cost center from the drop-down.
Center Cost Centers can be searched using the ‘Search Character’ function.
2. Click in the Budget field for each month and set the appropriate budget
3. Click the Save button at the bottom of the screen to save any changes.
4. Choose another Cost Center and repeat the steps above or click the Close
button to close the window.
Note: When trying to delete a cost center that is already used in another area
of ProTeus V, the following message will appear: “Other records
are dependent on this record. Dependent records must
be removed before this record can be deleted.”
For instructions on adding, modifying and deleting items to a Drop-down List,
please refer to The Basics section of Learning the Basics.

110 Reference—Cost Center Manager

Purge Cost 1. From the Cost Center Manager, right-click anywhere on the screen. The
Center Data Purge Cost Center window appears.

Purge Cost Center

2. Choose a cost center from the drop-down.

3. Choose a Start Month and Year and an End Month and Year between
which to purge data.
4. Click the Purge button.
5. Click the disk icon to the right of the Fiscal Year Start field to refresh the
Important! Purged database records cannot be recovered.

Reference—Cost Center Manager 111

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112 Reference—Cost Center Manager

Customer Master File
Overview of (not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)
Customer The Customer Master file can be used in a variety of manners, depending upon
Master File the industry in which it is used. It is essentially a place to classify to whom
certain equipment “belongs”.
The Customer Master file is linked to the Equipment Master file, so that the
equipment belonging to each customer can be displayed from the Customer
Master file.
Five customers can be added to the customer module. For additional
customers, please contact Eagle Technology.

Customer Master File

A manufacturer might use the Customer Master file to identify various

Uses for the production areas, internal plants, workcells or buildings. In this respect, each
Customer “customer” would be a production area, such as the prepping area,
Master File manufacturing area and quality assurance area. Equipment could then be
assigned to each production area.
This is useful when printing the ProTeus V Customer Equipment PM Listing
Report, which breaks down equipment by which “customer” it belongs to, or in
this case, by production area. The Report further breaks down which
preventive maintenance work orders are scheduled for the named equipment.
Other uses of the Customer Master file might be for a service contractor who is
hired to perform maintenance activities for various companies’ buildings and
equipment. The contractor could assign specific equipment or entire buildings
to each customer.

Reference—Customer Master File 113

Commercial building owners can assign buildings, equipment and other assets
to individual landlords and/or tenants of buildings. Again, using the ProTeus V
Customer Report, a building owner can easily see which equipment and which
upcoming PMs are assigned to each “customer”.

Changing the Because the Customer Master file is so versatile, users may want to change the
Customer Field field names to better suit the user’s industry.
Names Please see Field Name Change in the Database Administrator section for more
information on changing user field names.

Assign each customer a unique Customer Number. Additional information,

Adding a such as the Web Page field can be used to enter the customer’s website, if any.
Customer Click on the globe icon to the right of this field to launch the customer’s website
using the computer’s default Internet browser.
For instructions on adding, modifying and deleting records, please refer to The
Basics section of Learning the Basics. Additional information on fields and
tables is located within the Appendix section under Database Fields.

WO List Tab Click the WO List tab to display a read-only listing of all work orders that are
scheduled for this customer. Work orders can be sorted by clicking on the
column headers.

Equipment List Click the Equipment List tab to display a read-only listing of all equipment that
Tab has been assigned to this customer. This listing can be sorted by clicking on
the column headers.
Note: Customers are assigned to equipment in the Equipment Master file.

114 Reference—Customer Master File

DM Active Master File
Overview of DM The DM Active Master file is used to plan, create, and record maintenance jobs
Active Master and procedures in response to maintenance service requests, emergency
breakdowns, or other non-routine maintenance activities. Each work order
contains a variety of information, such as who requested the job, the estimated
down time of the equipment, the reason or problem, and the date by which the
job should be completed.
DM Work Orders can be entered into either the DM Active File or the DM
Template File. The DM Active File is used to record isolated occurrences of
non-scheduled, equipment failure work orders. However, there may be
repetitive (but not scheduled), breakdown or repair occurrences for which work
orders can be planned in advance (for example, machine setup). Use the DM
Template Master File to create this type of work order.

Work Order
Numbering Work order numbers in the DM Active File are assigned automatically. The
work order numbers may be either date-coded or sequential. The System
Administrator in the Settings option of the Rights application determines this. If
DM WO No. Date Code is selected; ProTeus V numbers the work orders in a
date-code fashion (YYYYMMDDNNN, with “N” being a sequential number
starting with 001). If the DM WO No. Date Code option is not selected, then
ProTeus V numbers the work orders sequentially. Fill in the starting value and
a minimum and maximum range to establish the numbering sequence.
Note: In ProTeus V Expert, DM WO’s always use the Date Code.

Work Order Settings, In The Rights Application

Reference—DM Active 115

All completed demand maintenance work order information should be updated
in the DM Active File prior to close, since modifications are not allowed in the
DM History File.
For instruction on entering, copying, and deleting records, please refer to The
Basics section of Learning the Basics. Additional information on fields and
tables is located within the Appendix section under Database Fields.

To create a new work order, click on the Insert Record button on the
Creating a DM Navigator. ProTeus V automatically assigns a Demand Maintenance work
Work Order order number as soon as the work order is created.

DM Active Master File

For instructions on entering, copying, and deleting records, please refer to The
Basics section of Learning the Basics. Additional information on fields and
tables is located within the Appendix section under Database Fields.

Quick List- - The Quick List tab displays a listing of all records in the DM Active file. To see
Filter by only those work orders for a particular employee, choose his/her name from
the Employee Name drop-down, located on the Quick List screen.

116 Reference—DM Active

Quick Screen Information is added to a DM work order by filling in the fields located on the
various tabs (i.e. Parts, Labor, etc) throughout the Master file. Alternatively, the
DM Active Quick Screen can be used. For more information, see the Quick
Screen section in Learning the Basics. While much of the information can be
added via the Quick Screen, the remainder of this chapter concentrates on
adding information tab by tab.

DM Active Quick List/Quick Screen

Assigning a (not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)

Work Order DM Active work orders can be assigned to an individual. From the DM Active
tab, choose an employee from the Assign To field. To assign multiple work
1. From the DM Active Quick List, select the work orders to assign. Multiple
records may be selected by holding the Ctrl or Shift keys while selecting.
2. Right-click the mouse, and choose Assign To from the right-click menu.

Assign To Window

Reference—DM Active 117

3. An information box appears, asking, “Would you like to add this
employee to Labor?”
4. Clicking YES will add this employee to the labor tab.
5. The assigned employee’s name will appear on the DM Active tab of the
corresponding DM Active files.

A DM Active work order may be specific to a single piece of equipment or

Attach a Piece location (i.e. North Lawn) or to multiple pieces of equipment. (ProTeus V
of Equipment Expert users can only add a single piece of equipment to a work order.)
To add multiple pieces of equipment to a work order, click first on the
Equipment Tab. Then click the Plus (+) button next to the ‘Equipment No’ field
to open the Add Equipment window.

Add Equipment Window

Equipment can be added by clicking the Equipment No. drop-down to select by
equipment number, or by clicking the Equipment Name drop-down to select by
equipment name. As pieces of equipment are added, they’ll appear on the grid
on the top of the Equipment tab.
To delete a piece of equipment, select the record from the upper equipment
grid, then click on the Minus (-) button next to the ‘Equipment No’ field.
Note: The Distribute Costs field determines if the cost of the work order will be
distributed equally among the equipment, or leveled totally against the
base equipment (the first equipment item in the list). When a DM or PM
work order is closed, the Cost History tab in the Equipment master file
will be updated appropriately. The calculations for DM/PM Material and
Labor are derived from the following formulas:

118 Reference—DM Active

If “Yes” If “No”
Material (Qty Pulled x Unit Cost) / Number Qty Pulled x Unit Cost (if Unit Cost <>0)
of equipment (if Unit Cost <> 0) The cost is applied to the base equipment
Calculated when work order is
closed. Calculated when work order is closed.
Labor Labor Rate for each employee x Labor Rate for each employee x Actual
Actual Hours for that labor rate / Hours for that labor rate. The cost is applied
number of equipment. to the base equipment only.

Calculated when work order is Calculated when work order is closed.


Note: If the Pull/Restock option is clicked under Settings in Rights, then the
Material cost will only be updated on parts that have been pulled.

Equipment Tab
Notes for a piece of equipment can be entered on the lower half of the
Equipment tab. Any changes made here are reflected in the Description
section of the Equipment Master File.

Reference—DM Active 119

Attach/Change/ To add a piece of equipment to several DM records at one time, select the
Delete appropriate work orders from the Quick List. Right-click and choose Equipment
Equipment on > Add Equipment. Select a piece of equipment from the drop-down to add to
the selected work orders.
Multiple DMA
Records To delete equipment from multiple DMs, choose Equipment > Delete
Equipment. Only the chosen equipment item will be deleted from the selected
work orders.
To change a piece of equipment from multiple DMs, choose Equipment >
Change Equipment. Select the equipment to change FROM from the top of
the Change Equipment window, and the equipment to change TO from the
lower half of the window.

The Schedule tab is used to specify estimated downtime and requested time
Record DM
and date for maintenance. Follow these steps to record scheduling information
Scheduling associated with a DM job prior to performing the job.
1. Click the Schedule tab.
2. Enter information as necessary, including Estimated Down Time and Date
and Time Required. Actual Down Time, Completion Date, Time Completed,
Date Started and Time Started will be entered AFTER the work order has
been completed.
Note: To enter dates and times, refer to the Date Fields and Time Fields
sections in Learning the Basics.
3. After completing all scheduling operations, either close the file window or
click on a different tab; either action will save any changes.

Schedule Tab

120 Reference—DM Active

After the work order has been completed, follow these steps to record
scheduling information associated with a DM job after the job has been
1. Click the Schedule tab.
2. Enter information as necessary, including Actual Down Time, Completion
Date, Time Completed, Date Started and Time Started.
• The Completion Date must be filled in before closing the work order.
• Enter the actual time the equipment was down in the Actual Down Time
• The Current Usage field defaults to the Current Usage field from the
Equipment file. This field is editable, and will update the corresponding
Equipment file if changed.
3. After completing all scheduling operations, either close the file window or
click on a different tab; either action will save any changes.

For instructions on entering, copying, and deleting records, please refer to The
Basics section of Learning the Basics. Additional information on fields and
tables is located within the Appendix section under Database Fields.

Select the Task Multiple tasks can be defined per job. Each job is composed of individual tasks
defined in the Task Master file.
To assign a task to a work order:
1. Click on the Tasks tab.

2. Click the Record View button .

3. Select the proper Task No. or Description from the drop-down list.
To add, delete, or change the order of items on a list, please refer to Editing
Lists in The Basics section of Learning the Basics.

Reference—DM Active 121

Tasks Tab

Multiple parts can be added to a work order. To assign a part from the
Select the
Inventory Master file to a work order:
1. Click on the Parts tab.

2. Click the Record View button .

3. Select the proper Part No. or Part Name from the drop-down list.
Note: To view only those parts attached to this equipment’s BOM list, click
the Parts from BOM checkbox.
Note: To view parts from all stockrooms, select the View All Stockrooms
checkbox. If this checkbox is not selected, only quantities from the
local stockroom will appear. (The View All Stockrooms checkbox
only appears if it is enabled in Rights.)
If Inventory Check is enabled in the Rights application, ProTeus V will check for
parts availability before closing the work order. If Qty. on Hand < Qty. Allocated
for the work order, then the work order will not be closed.

122 Reference—DM Active

Parts Tab

Pull Parts: If Pull Parts is disabled (or for ProTeus V Expert users), the Qty On
Hand in Inventory is decreased according to the value in Qty Allocated when
the work order is closed. If Pull Parts is enabled (not applicable to ProTeus V
Expert), the Qty on Hand in Inventory is decreased immediately when a part is
pulled, using the Pull Parts option. For instructions on pulling parts, please refer
to Pull Parts in the Reference section.
Note that if a part is re-stocked back into Inventory after being pulled, the
quantity restocked will reappear under Qty. Allocated for that work order.
However, when the work order is closed, those parts will not be pulled out of
Inventory. Therefore, if items are restocked, be sure to delete the number from
the Qty. Allocated field to avoid erroneous history data.
For instructions on adding items to a list, please refer to Editing Lists in The
Basics section of Learning the Basics. Additional information on fields and
tables is located within the Appendix section under Database Fields.

Reference—DM Active 123

Add an To add an employee(s) to a work order:
Employee 1. Click on the Labor tab.

2. Click the Record View button . The Labor Record View window opens.
3. Choose a Labor Code from the drop-down list.
4. Select the proper Employee No. or Employee Name from the drop-down
Note: Only employees who are attached to the chosen Labor Code will
appear in this list.
5. To assign an employee to a specific task, choose a task from the Tasks No.
drop-down (This is an optional selection).

Labor Tab

To add, delete, or change the order of items on a list, please refer to Editing
Lists in The Basics section of Learning the Basics. Additional information on
fields and tables is located within the Appendix section under Database Fields.

To add an employee to several DM records at one time, select the appropriate

Attach/Change/ work orders from the Quick List. Right-click and choose Labor > Add Labor.
Delete Labor on Select an employee from the drop-down to add to the selected work orders.
Records To delete labor from multiple DMs, choose Labor > Delete Labor. Only the
chosen employees will be deleted from the selected work orders.
Note: Labor cannot be deleted from active DMs; only DM Template files.

124 Reference—DM Active

To change employees on multiple DMs, choose Labor > Change Labor. Select
the employee to change FROM from the top of the Change Labor window, and
the employee to change TO from the lower half of the window.

Specify the Tools are anything the employee may need to perform the DM or PM job.
Tools Tools include such things as ladders, wrenches, and voltmeters. Add tools on a
per job basis directly under the Tools tab.

Tools Tab

To add a tool to the list, type directly into the field below Tool Description. To
add another tool, either press the Tab key or the down-arrow key on the
keyboard to add a new line.

Reference—DM Active 125

Recording the To assign a cause to a work order from the Causes Master file, click on the
Cause Causes tab. Using the Record View button , select the proper Cause No. or
Description from the drop-down list. The Description will automatically fill in, and
the user then has the option of attributing Down Time to this cause.

Causes Tab

To add, delete, or change the order of items on a list, please refer to Editing
Lists in The Basics section of Learning the Basics. Additional information on
fields and tables is located within the Appendix section under Database Fields.

Approving a (not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)

Work Order The Request/Approvals tab maintains a read-only list of all employees who
have approved this work order.
If the DM Approvals function is enabled in Rights, a work order must be
approved before it can be closed. A work order does not require approval if
WO Approvals is disabled in the Rights application.
Refer to the Approvals section in Reference for further details on approving a
work order.

126 Reference—DM Active

(not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)
Emailing a
Work Order DM Active work orders can be sent electronically via email. To e-mail a work
1. First, make sure e-mail settings have been established under Other >
Options >E-mail Setup.
2. In the DM Active file, click on the DM Active tab.
3. Click on the e-mail icon to the right of the Send E-mail field. An Exporting
Records window briefly appears. When it is complete, the Send E-mail
window opens.

Send Email Window

4. In the To field, enter the email address of the person to whom the work
order should be emailed.
5. Modify the subject line, and if appropriate, files can be attached and a
memo may be included with the work order details.
6. Click the Send E-mail button.
Note: Depending on the size of the work order, it may take a few moments to
open and/or send.
7. An Information box appears stating that the email was successfully sent.
8. Click the Close button to close the Send E-mail window.
9. Emailed work orders will be sent as an ".rtf" attachment.

Reference—DM Active 127

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128 Reference—DM Active

DM Template Master File
Overview of DM The DM Template Master file is used to define maintenance jobs and
Template procedures that are routine, but not scheduled, occurrences. An example of
this type of work order may be machine setup. It is a job which follows the
Master File
same procedures every time, but still falls under the category of demand
maintenance, because one cannot anticipate when the need will arise.

Demand Maintenance Template Master File

Demand Maintenance work order numbers are automatically assigned in the

DM Active File, and thus, do not appear in this file.
Each DM Template job can be assigned a priority to classify how important or
urgent it is. DM Active jobs can then be sorted and printed by priority level.
Please refer to the DM Active section of Reference for explanation of assigning
labor, tasks, and parts to a Demand Maintenance Template file. Also refer to
The Basics section of Learning the Basics for further information on adding,
copying, or deleting files. Additional information on fields and tables is located
within the Appendix section under Database Fields.

Reference—DM Template 129

When it is time for a job defined by a DM Template record to be performed, the
Activating a DM
user can activate the job by right-clicking the mouse button and selecting
Template Work Activate. Activating a DM Template record creates a new record in the DM
Order Active file which contains pre-defined information from the DM Template. A
Work Order number is also assigned.
If e-mail has been configured, and an e-mail address appears in the Send E-
mail field of the DM Template record, this work order will be emailed to the
recipient (the email address that appears in the Send E-mail field) upon

130 Reference—DM Template

DM History Master File
Overview of DM The DM History Master file contains records for all Demand Maintenance work
History Master orders that have been closed. A corresponding history record is also kept for
Preventive Maintenance work orders (refer to the PM History section). Thus,
ProTeus V maintains a complete record of all maintenance work performed.
Please note that no changes may be made to the History Files.
When a Demand Maintenance work order is closed, its labor and material totals
are posted to the Equipment and Inventory Master files to update the
equipment’s cost, the bill of materials usage quantities, and inventory. The
closed work order is then automatically transferred to the DM History File.

Demand Maintenance History Master File

Viewing a To view a closed Demand Maintenance work order, click on the DM History
option under Maintenance. Find the work order to view using the Navigator bar
Closed DM
or the Quick List.
Work Order

Printing a To print a record from the DM History File, right-click the mouse button and
select Print.
Closed DM
Work Order
(not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)
Archive a
Closed DM To archive DM History records, highlight the records to be archived from the
Work Order Quick List and right-click the mouse. Select Archive from the right-click menu.
Please refer to the Archive section of Reference for further explanation of
archiving files.

Reference—DM History 131

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132 Reference—DM History

Employee Master File
Overview of The Employee Master file is used to record and maintain personal employee
Employee information, labor rates, and labor craft codes for each maintenance worker.
Each employee utilizing the ProTeus V system should be entered into the
Master File
Employee Master file.
Prior to the employee accessing the ProTeus V system, the Database
Administrator should 1) set up the employee as a user in the Employee Master
file and 2) assign a login name that was established in the Rights Application.
If DM Approvals, PM Approvals, Login for each WO Approval, DM Security, PM
Security, or Login for each WO Creation is selected in the Rights Application,
the Database Administrator will need to right-click on the record of each
employee that will be using the functions listed above, select Password
Change, then enter the user’s current password. (not applicable to ProTeus V
Note: Labor craft codes should be defined prior to defining employee records.

Employee Master File

Reference—Employee 133
(not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)
If Approvals are enabled in Rights, make sure to assign each employee a
Purchase Order Approval Level and Work Order Approval Level. These levels
indicate whether an employee can, alone, edit and/or close an order, or if
additional approvals are needed.
These levels are similar to seniority ranking. If an employee has a WO
Approval Level of “1”, but in Rights, it is set up that Work Orders must be
approved at level “2”, someone with a WO Approval Level of “2” must approve
this work order before it can be closed.
Note: To avoid adverse effects, once approval levels are set, do not alter them
until all work orders approved by that employee are closed.
The Employee Master file may also be used to record contractors. Since the
names of the contractor’s employees are usually not known, specify the name
of the contractor in the Employee Name field.
See The Basics section of Learning the Basics for instructions on adding,
modifying, and deleting records. Additional information on fields and tables is
located within the Appendix section under Database Fields.

Information is added to the Employee Master file by filling in the fields located
Quick Screen
on the various tabs (i.e. Address/Phone, Labor Craft, etc) throughout the
Entry Master file. The Employee Quick Screen allow easy access to required or most
frequently accessed fields, preventing the need to jump from tab to tab when
only minimum information is required. While much of the information can be
added via the Employee Quick Screen, the remainder of this chapter
concentrates on adding information tab by tab.

Employee Quick List/ Quick Screen

134 Reference—Employee
Address/ Among other information, an employee’s e-mail address can be entered on the
Phone Tab Address/Phone Tab. Click on the e-mail icon to the right of the E-mail Address
field to send an e-mail message to an employee (not applicable to ProTeus V
Many functions found throughout ProTeus V, including e-mail service request
(optional), will only work properly if the employee’s e-mail address is entered.

Address/Phone Tab

Reference—Employee 135
Labor Craft The Labor Craft tab is used to specify a labor rate(s) for an employee by labor
craft code.
There may be up to 5 different labor rates for each employee, such as regular
time, overtime and double time. Or, each rate can be assigned to a particular
shift. For example, use Rate #1 as first shift, Rate #2 as second shift, Rate #3
as third shift, Rate #4 as time and a half, and Rate #5 as double-time or holiday
Each employee may be assigned to multiple labor crafts by code, each having
a separate labor rate table. Each labor code will likely have more than one
employee assigned to it.
To specify a labor rate, click the Labor Craft tab. Choose the appropriate Labor
Code from the drop-down list, and tab across and enter the appropriate rate(s)
for that employee.
Use the down-arrow key to add additional labor crafts.
Preventive and Demand Maintenance work orders use labor rates along with
hours worked to calculate maintenance costs. Labor craft codes are also
assigned to tasks and used to link labor and tasks on a work order. For
generic-type tasks, all employees should be assigned a generic labor craft

Labor Craft Tab

136 Reference—Employee
Setting ProTeus V allows the Database Administrator to set employee vacation/days off
Employee Non- so that work cannot be assigned to those employees on that date.
Working Days 1. In the Employee Master file, right-click the mouse button and select Set
Employee Non-Working Days from the menu. Calendar dates which are
highlighted in red are non-working days for the entire company (see
Settings-Set Non-Working Days in the Database Administration section).
2. To specify a non-working day for the selected employee, click on the
appropriate calendar date, then select the Non-Working Day radio button.
3. The calendar date becomes highlighted in red, with a gray circle around it.
4. Work that has already been scheduled for that employee on that day will
need to be adjusted. The easiest way is to use the “Change Start Date”
options. These options adjust the Work Started field within PM/DM Active
labor to an available working day for that employee.
“Next Day”: Any labor scheduled for that employee will be rescheduled to
the next available working day.
“Previous Day”: Any labor scheduled for that employee will be
rescheduled to the previous available working day.
“Ignore”: Any labor scheduled for that employee will remain as scheduled.

Set Employee Non-Working Days

Reference—Employee 137
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138 Reference—Employee
Equipment Master File
Overview of The Equipment Master file is used to record in detail all the equipment and
Equipment equipment subassemblies that are the responsibility of the maintenance
department. Equipment may include fans, chillers, presses, forklifts, building
Master File
and grounds, fleet vehicles, and renovation or overhaul projects.
Subassemblies include any subcomponents of equipment that are maintained
separately. Generally speaking, any asset or physical location that must be
maintained on a regular basis, or for which maintenance records are kept, can
be tracked by the Equipment Master File.
Equipment records may be sorted, selected, retrieved, and reported. This will
help to analyze, plan, and manage the equipment maintenance operations.
Each piece of equipment is identified by a unique Equipment Number and is
recorded separately in the Equipment Master File.
If there is not an existing equipment database that can be converted to a
ProTeus V database, each piece of equipment will need to be manually entered
into the Equipment Master File template. The process of entering data is
relatively simple, especially if the worksheets in the Sample Worksheets section
of the Appendix are used. Simply transcribe the information listed on the forms
into the matching screen entry fields.

Reference—Equipment 139
Information is added to an Equipment file by filling in the fields located on the
Quick Screen
various tabs (i.e. Details, Runtime, BOM, etc) throughout the Master file. The
Data Entry Equipment Quick Screen allow easy access to required or most frequently
accessed fields, preventing the need to jump from tab to tab when only
minimum information is required. While much of the information can be added
via the Equipment Quick Screen, the remainder of this chapter concentrates on
adding information tab by tab.

Equipment Quick List/Quick Screen

Equipment Tab The Equipment Master File template fields that are required are Equipment No.
and Equipment Name. All other fields are optional. Note, however, that leaving
information fields blank decreases ProTeus V’s effectiveness in building
complete maintenance history records. Therefore, make sure all available
information has been gathered prior to recording. At the very least, enter the
manufacturer, location, and serial number of the equipment (located on the
Details tab), in addition to the other required fields.
Note: Make sure to post the record before modifying a category, as opening
the Category table will clear any information entered on that record.

140 Reference—Equipment
Equipment Tab

All or part of an existing Equipment Master file record may be duplicated. The
Copy function is helpful if there is a group of very similar equipment records to
enter, such as identical air handlers which differ only in equipment number,
serial number, and purchase date. To access the copy function, click the right
mouse button, and select Copy.
For further instructions on adding, copying, modifying and deleting records,
please refer to The Basics section of Learning the Basics. Additional
information on fields and tables is located within the Appendix section under
Database Fields.

Reference—Equipment 141
Out Of Service Equipment can be taken out of service so that no associated PM work orders
will be automatically activated against it. Toggle the Status icon located to
the right of the Status field to designate the equipment Out of Service or In
Service. While work orders from the DM Active and Service Request modules
can be activated against an out-of-service piece of equipment, work orders from
the DM Template and the PM Master files can not until the piece of equipment
is placed back ‘In Service’. Once the equipment is back in service, the PM will
resume its normal schedule.
A history of the dates and times the equipment was taken out of and returned to
service can be found by right-clicking anywhere in the equipment record and
choosing View Status History from the right-click menu.
Note: Status History is only available to those pieces of equipment that were
created in ProTeus III or later and that have been taken out of service at
some point.

Equipment Status History Window

142 Reference—Equipment
Runtime Runtime data for the selected equipment appears on the bottom of the
Information Equipment tab. Runtime is the meter reading of the piece of equipment, such
as the odometer on a vehicle. Updating the runtime on a regular basis will
allow PMs with runtime schedules to activate automatically.
To update runtime readings, follow these steps:
1. Click the Equipment tab.
2. Type the new runtime reading in to the Current Usage field. Also type the
units if not already defined. Examples of units are cycles, miles, hours,
days, etc.
3. Daily Runtime is a daily average figure to be used as a reference in record
keeping and for calculating projections on reports.
For more information on runtime scheduling of PMs, refer to PM Master in the
Reference section.

Reference—Equipment 143
Sub-Assembly Click this tab to display a sub-assembly tree, which shows all sub-assembly
levels associated with the selected equipment record.
Highlighting any item on this list and pressing Enter will jump to that respective
equipment record.

Sub-Assembly List Tab

To add a subassembly to a piece of equipment, navigate to the child equipment
record. Click the Sub-Assembly tab. Use the drop-down list in the Sub-
Assembly Of field to choose the parent equipment for the selected equipment
To delete a sub-assembly, navigate to the child equipment record. The parent
equipment will appear in the Sub-Assembly Of field. Click in the Sub-Assembly
Of field and hit the delete key.
Note: Copying an equipment record will place the newly copied record on the
same position of the tree as the original piece of equipment. Thus, both
pieces of equipment will have the same parent equipment.

144 Reference—Equipment
Bill of Materials The Equipment Master File allows for the creation of a Bill of Materials. A Bill of
Tab Materials (BOM) is a single-level list of component parts, service items, or
materials linked to the equipment. This can be an entire breakdown of every
part within the equipment or it may be a list of spare parts commonly replaced.
A list of parts can usually be obtained from the literature that comes with the
actual equipment.
Taking time to construct a BOM for the equipment pays off in easier work order
production and better control over parts inventory and reordering. The BOM
gives an immediate view of stocked or non-stocked parts that may be needed
for routine maintenance procedures specific to each piece of equipment. The
BOM also lists the last date each part was replaced on the equipment. This
date is automatically updated by ProTeus V every time a work order that uses
this part is closed.
To add a new item to the BOM, click the down-arrow key on the keyboard to
insert a new line.

Bill Of Materials Tab

The BOM list works in conjunction with the Where Used tab in the Inventory
Master File. If a part is designated to a piece of equipment in the Equipment
Master File (on the BOM List), that equipment will automatically appear on the
Where Used tab in the Inventory file. Also, if a piece of equipment is
designated to a part in the Where Used tab of the Inventory Master File, that
part will automatically appear on the BOM list in the Equipment Master File.
Lastly, parts are added to the BOM automatically when a part is used on a PM
or DM work order that does not exist in the primary (first) equipment’s BOM.
For instructions on adding items to a list, please refer to The Basics section of
Learning the Basics.

Reference—Equipment 145
PM List Tab Click this tab to display a read-only list of PM jobs defined for the selected
equipment record. The Job Number, Cycle Type, Priority, Next Scheduled
Date, and Procedure Description are listed.

PM List Tab

Cost History Click this tab to display the cost history for the selected equipment. This screen
Tab shows the year-to-date and life-to-date costs for Preventive and Demand
Maintenance on this equipment. These figures are based on accumulated
labor and material costs on closed PM and DM work orders. These figures
cannot be edited since they are calculated values.
To zero out the year-to-date costs, use the Zero Fiscal Year Totals option found
under the Other menu.

146 Reference—Equipment
Cost History Tab

The calculations for these fields are derived from the following formulas:
Pull Parts Enabled Pull Parts Disabled
OR ProTeus V
Expert Users
Material Qty Pulled x Unit Cost Qty Allocated x Unit
(if Unit Cost <>0) Cost (if Unit Cost <>0)
Calculated when work Calculated when work
order is closed. order is closed.
Labor Labor rate for each Labor rate for each
employee x Actual employee x Actual
hours for that labor hours for that labor
rate rate
Calculated when work Calculated when work
order is closed. order is closed.

Note: For work orders with multiple equipment, if Distribute Costs is enabled
(“Yes”), then the material costs are divided equally by the number of
pieces of equipment. If Distribute Costs is disabled (“No”), then the
material costs are allocated only to the base equipment. (not applicable
to ProTeus V Expert)

Reference—Equipment 147
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148 Reference—Equipment
Inventory Master File
Overview of The Inventory Master file is typically used to record details on all stocked and
Inventory non-stocked parts that are used in maintenance. Inventory is a complete spare
parts and maintenance supplies management system, which is linked with the
Master File
Equipment, Vendor, Maintenance, and Purchasing modules, allowing extensive
lookup and cross-referencing capabilities throughout the ProTeus V system.
ProTeus V offers extensive display and report features which provide the ability
to sort, select, retrieve, and report inventory information to help analyze, plan,
and manage parts and materials. Within ProTeus V, entering inventory records
into the Inventory Master File is easy (especially if using the worksheet forms in
the Sample Worksheet section of the Appendix). Simply transcribe the
collected information from the forms into the matching template entry fields. If
no forms were used, information may be entered as it becomes available.

Information is added to an Inventory record by filling in the fields located on the

Quick Screen various tabs (i.e. Quantity, Vendors, etc) throughout the Master file. The
Entry Inventory Quick Screen allows easy access to required or most frequently
accessed fields, preventing the need to jump from tab to tab when only
minimum information is required. While much of the information can be added
via the Inventory Quick Screen, the remainder of this chapter concentrates on
adding information tab by tab.

Inventory Quick List/ Quick Screen

Reference—Inventory 149
The Inventory Master File required fields are Part No. and Part Name. All other
Inventory Tab
fields are optional. While Qty on Hand (under the Quantity tab) is not required,
it is a good idea to enter that number immediately after creating a part.
Otherwise, a Transaction will need to be performed to update the Qty on Hand.

Inventory Master File

In addition, leaving information fields blank decreases ProTeus V’s

effectiveness in building complete inventory records. Therefore, make sure all
available information has been gathered prior to record entry time. At the very
least, enter the part number, part name, quantity on hand, and cost information.
Also, to create requisitions and purchase orders for the part at a later date,
define a reorder point and vendor. Data (except for Quantity on Hand) may
always be edited or added at a later date.
Inventory can appear in multiple stockrooms (not applicable to ProTeus V
Expert). The name of the stockroom that is currently in use will appear in the
title bar of Inventory. To move parts between stockrooms, please refer to the
Multiple Stockroom section in the Reference section.
For instructions on adding, modifying, copying and deleting records, please
refer to The Basics section of Learning the Basics. Additional information on
fields and tables is located within the Appendix section under Database Fields.

150 Reference—Inventory
Quantity Tab The Quantity tab in Inventory contains many quantity fields. All quantities are
drawn from the local stockroom, except for the Total Qty on Hand field, which is
a summary of all stockrooms.
Following is an explanation of those fields.

Quantity Tab

Additional information on fields and tables is located within the Appendix

section under Database Fields.

Quantity on Hand Quantity on Hand can only be edited immediately after a part has been added
to the Inventory Master file. When a part is added, the message “You can
enter quantity on hand only for new records, so enter it
now!” appears. Enter the quantity on hand and click OK. After this value has
been entered, it cannot be edited by the user. ProTeus V will automatically
adjust this value when parts are received from a purchase order and when
parts are used on a work order. The only other way to modify this value is to
create a Transaction on this part.
If multiple stockrooms are available for this part, Qty on Hand shows only the
quantity in stock in the local stockroom. See Total Qty on Hand for a total of
this part in all stockrooms.

Reference—Inventory 151
Quantity This is the total number of parts that will be needed for all active PM and DM
Allocated work orders. It is possible that this value may exceed the quantity on hand, but
will never be negative. Qty Allocated is automatically updated to reflect the
total number of parts attached to work orders in the DM Active and PM Active
Master files.

Quantity This value is calculated from the following formula: Qty on Hand – Qty
Available Allocated. It is possible that this value may become negative, based upon part
usage in work orders. This value is used when the system calculates a part’s
reorder point (Qty Available + Qty on Order ≤ Reorder Point).

Reorder Point When the number in the Reorder Point field is equal to (Qty on Hand – Qty
Allocated + Qty on Order), ProTeus V will place this item on the Reorder List.

Quantity on Order This value is calculated according to the quantity of parts on open requisitions
in the Purchasing Master File for the current local stockroom.

Economic Order This value is the number ProTeus will use as a default order quantity in the
Quantity Order Detail tab of the Purchasing Master file.

Maximum Qty Use the value in Maximum Qty to manage inventory levels and avoid

Total Quantity on This value is calculated according to the quantity of parts on open requisitions
Order in the Purchasing Master File for the all stockroom(s) (not applicable to
ProTeus V Expert).

Total Quantity on This value is the total number of parts in all stockroom(s) (not applicable to
Hand ProTeus V Expert).

Physical The Physical Inventory fields provide a place to enter physical inventory
Inventory schedules. Routine physical inventories may be performed to double check the
Qty on Hand.
The Next Physical Inventory field is not editable. ProTeus V calculates this field
as follows:
Last Physical Inv. + Physical Inv. Frequency = Next Physical Inv.

152 Reference—Inventory
Costs The Cost fields in Inventory contain many calculated fields. Last Cost, Total
Cost, Date Last Used, Last Purchase Date, and Last P.O. No. are read-only.
Total Cost is calculated as follows: Qty. on Hand x Unit Cost x (1 + Carrying
Unit Cost can be entered by the user, and this value is updated each time this
part is received on a purchase order, according to the following formula: ((Old
Unit Cost x Qty. on Hand) + (Qty. Received x New Unit Cost)) / (Qty. on Hand +
Qty. Received)
Date Last Used is updated when the parts are pulled (if Pull Parts is turned on),
or when the work order is closed (if Pull Parts is off).
Total Cost is calculated, and the value updated each time this part is received
on a purchase order.
Additional information on fields and tables is located within the Appendix
section under Database Fields.

Vendors Tab Vendors from whom this part can be purchased may be assigned to the record
through the Vendors tab. An unlimited number of vendors may be assigned to
one part, but only one default vendor can be assigned. Choose your default
vendor by selecting the checkbox under the Default Vendor column. This
vendor will default onto any Purchase Requisition for this part.

Vendors Tab

For instructions on adding an item to a list, please refer to The Basics section of
Learning the Basics. Additional information on fields and tables is located within
the Appendix section under Database Fields.

Reference—Inventory 153
Where Used To designate and/or view the piece(s) of equipment upon which this part is
Tab used, click the Where Used tab. This list consists of Equipment Number,
Equipment Name, and the number of units to use for each equipment instance.
The Date Last Used field is the last date the part appeared on a maintenance
work order for the specified piece of equipment. ProTeus V fills in this
information after the work order is closed, or the part is pulled for a work order.
This list works in conjunction with the BOM tab in the Equipment Master file. If
a part is designated to a piece of equipment on the Where Used tab of the
Inventory Master file, that part will automatically appear on the BOM list in the
Equipment Master file. Also, if a part is designated to a piece of equipment in
the Equipment Master file (on the BOM list), that equipment will automatically
appear on the Where Used tab in the Inventory Master file.

Where Used Tab

For instructions on adding items to a list, please refer to The Basics section of
Learning the Basics. Additional information on fields and tables is located within
the Appendix section under Database Fields.

154 Reference—Inventory
Allocated Tab The Allocated tab in Inventory displays a read-only list of all DM and PM work
orders which have this part allocated.

Allocated Tab

Attachments Attachments, such as MSDS files, can be associated with inventory records.
Tab After adding an attachment, check the “Print WO” checkbox next to the
attachment to be printed. These attachments will then print along with the work
order containing this part anytime a user chooses to “Print Attachments with
Work Order”.
For more information, see Attachment Files in the Reference section of this

Reference—Inventory 155
This page was intentionally left blank.

156 Reference—Inventory
Labor Craft Master File
Overview of The Labor Craft Master file stores labor craft codes, which are used for
Labor Craft identifying and classifying maintenance personnel by specific craft, skill level, or
function. ProTeus V can store an unlimited number of labor craft codes. Labor
Master File
craft codes are assigned to employees in the Employee Master file.

Labor Craft Master File

The Labor Code designates a single craft or skill level. Implement a numbering
scheme that best meets departments’ needs. For example:
MECH01 = Mechanic, entry level
HVAC02 = Heating/Air Conditioning Technician, expert
ELEC03 = Electrician, supervisor
OC01 = Outside Contractor

For instructions on adding, modifying, copying and deleting records, please

refer to The Basics section of Learning the Basics. Additional information on
fields and tables is located within the Appendix section under Database Fields.

Reference—Labor Craft 157

This page was left intentionally blank.

158 Reference—Labor Craft

Overview of (not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)
Multi-Currency The Multi-Currency feature allows users to select any world currency for all
fields that contain currency values. The program’s Multi-Currency Manager is
used to select and manage the various currencies.
Multi-Currency, allows users at the client level to use local currency other than
the base currency set in the ProTeus V server. When these users enter
currency data, the information is automatically converted from their selected
currency to the base currency set in the ProTeus V database. (The currency
values will appear in the currency set on the client computer. They are
converted only in the ProTeus V server database.)
Multiple different currencies can be used simultaneously. For example, on a
given workstation, a purchase order can be created using the Euro currency,
and then a different PO can be created using the US Dollar; it is simply a matter
of switching the currencies in between creating the two records. Please note
that when a PO is created in a currency other than the current currency, part
quantities, prices, and other costs cannot be modified during a PO Amendment.
Please note that the standard ProTeus V reports do not reflect international
currencies. To install the multi-currency reports, see the section entitled Multi-
Currency Reports.

Setting Up Multi-Currency should be set up before any data is entered into ProTeus V. If it
Multi-Currency is set up after ProTeus has been in use, any history prior to the setup will not be
changed. Setup includes:
• Setting the Currency Baseline in the ProTeus Database.
• Copying the currency-related reports from the ProTeus V CD to the proper
directory on each workstation that is to connect to the ProTeus V
database. Otherwise, currency-related data on the Reports will not
properly compile.

Multi-Currency The Base Currency is the currency of the server, and the currency in which all
Setup: Setting the transactions will be converted to and saved in the ProTeus V database. All
Base Currency exchange rates are applied to this baseline.
Note: If no Base Currency is set, the software defaults to US dollars.
WARNING: Setting the Base Currency can only be performed one time. If
there is a need to change the Base Currency at a later date, please contact
Eagle Technology for our “Change Base Currency” executable file.

1. Select Multi-currency Manager from the Other menu.

2. Log in using the Administrator username and password.
3. A blank template will appear. Click on the Currency Setup tab. A list of
available currencies in ProTeus V appear on the bottom half of this tab.

Reference—Multiple Currency 159

Currency Setup
4. Find the currency to be used as the Base Currency from the list of Available
Currencies and drag and drop it to the upper half of the screen.
5. Make any adjustments to the fields as necessary. This can only be done
during the initial creation of the currency record.
Note: It is recommended that you leave the exchange rate at 1 for the
baseline currency.
6. Click the Set Baseline tab.
7. Select the currency (the one that was just entered) to be used as the Base
Currency, then click the Set Baseline button.

160 Reference—Multiple Currency

Set Base Currency
8. The Base Currency has been set. (Note that the Set Baseline tab
Note: Once the baseline is set, it can only be changed by contacting Eagle
Technology. Changing the baseline will distort history records.

Multi-Currency The standard ProTeus V reports installed with the ProTeus V client do not have
Setup: Setting Up multiple currency capability. To view multiple currencies on ProTeus V reports,
Reports the standard reports must be replaced.
1. Navigate to the Multi Currency Reports\xxx folder (where xxx is your
database; either MSSQL, Oracle or MSDE) on the ProTeus V CD.
2. Copy all of the currency-enabled reports from the Multi Currency
Reports\xxx folder to the directory where the ProTeus V client has been
installed (the default is C:\Program Files\Eagle\ProTeus V).
3. Paste and force the overwrite of the existing reports. Perform this operation
on all client workstations that will be using the Multi-Currency feature of
ProTeus V.
WARNING: The multiple currency reports will overwrite the default reports with
the same filenames. If any custom reports are present in the \ProTeus V
directory, remove or rename them before replacing them with multiple currency

Please refer to the Reports section of this manual for a listing of multiple
currency enabled reports

Reference—Multiple Currency 161

Choosing Client Note: Make sure Multi-Currency has been set up before proceeding.
Currencies Before choosing a currency to be used on a client computer, it must be added
to the ProTeus V database.
1. Select Multi-currency Manager from the Other menu.
2. Log in.
3. Click on the Currency Setup tab. If already set, the Base Currency will
appear on the top half of this screen, while a list of available currencies in
ProTeus V appears on the bottom half.
4. Drag the currencies that will be used and drop them on the upper half of the
5. Make any adjustments to these fields as necessary, as changes (with the
exception of the Exchange Rate field) can only be set during the initial
creation of the currency record.
Note: It is recommended to drag one currency at a time, then make changes
to the fields before dragging another currency.

Currency Setup

Each currency record contains:

• Currency name
• Currency symbol
• Symbol used to separate thousands
• Symbol used to identify decimals

162 Reference—Multiple Currency

• Number of digits to appear after the decimal
• Placement of the currency symbol (before or after the number)
• Format used to indicate a negative number
• Exchange rate (defaults to 1)
6. Set the current Exchange Rate by clicking in the Exchange Rate field.
Other default settings can also be modified in the upper portion of the
Note: The exchange rate is the ratio of new currency to Base Currency:
US Dollar is the Base Currency

7. Exit the Currency Manager to save all changes.

Currency All changes to the currency rates are maintained in the Currency History. To
History view, click the Currency History Tab. Times and dates of each change to a
currency’s exchange rate are maintained.

Currency History

Reference—Multiple Currency 163

Set Local The local client currency rate is set using the Switch Currency Rate option.
Currency Note: If no Local Currency is set, the software defaults to the Base Currency.
1. Select Other > Options > Switch Currency Rate.
2. The Switch Currency Rate window appears.
3. All currencies previously selected in the Currency Manager will appear.
4. Select the currency to set as the local rate and click the Set Currency
Note: To revert back to the Base Currency, click the Reset button.
5. Click Close.

Set/Switch Local Currency

164 Reference—Multiple Currency

Multi-Cycle Scheduling
Overview of Multi Cycle Scheduling allows multiple cycle frequencies to be applied to a
Multi-Cycle single Preventive Maintenance work order. Cycle types include: daily, weekly,
monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual. Multi Cycle Scheduling can be
found on the Date Schedule tab of the Preventive Maintenance Master file.
Any combination of cycles can be established for a single PM. When a PM
reaches its activation date for a cycle (based on the Next Scheduled Date), it
will become active. The only exception to this rule is if two or more cycles have
the same active date. In this case, the highest-level work order will activate. For
example, if a monthly and weekly both have the same Next Scheduled Date,
the monthly will get activated.
Note: If Days Advance is set, then the work order will get activated on the date
set for the higher cycle even if the Days Advance is greater for the lower
cycle. For the example below, the monthly cycle will get activated even
though the weekly has an earlier Active Date.
Note: Multi-Cycle Scheduling takes the place of PM Shadowing from previous
releases of ProTeus.

Cycle Type Days Advance Active Date Next Scheduled Date

Weekly 3 07/27/2005 07/30/2005
Monthly 2 07/28/2005 07/30/2005

Parts, Labor and Tasks can be assigned to a specific cycle or all cycles. Only
the items assigned to a specific cycle will appear when the work order becomes

Reference—Multi-Cycle Scheduling 165

Layout Cycle type setup is fairly similar from one cycle to another. The similarities are
explained next; the dissimilarities are covered in the following sections.

Date Schedule Tab

On the left-hand side of the Date Schedule tab is the Cycle Type panel. This is
where the cycle type is chosen. Cycles that have been defined have a
checkmark next to them. Cycles that are currently active (in the PM Active
Master File) will have a grayed out checkmark next to them.
Below the Cycle Type checkboxes are three cycle-specific field boxes. The
First Occurrence date is used to determine the start date of the cycle. It defaults
to today’s date and may be changed to a future date. First Occurrence is also
the first date the PM will activate. Thereafter, work orders will activate according
to their cycle.
Monthly Cycle set to activate on the 1st of every month

5/3/2005 Today’s Date

5/3/2005 First Occurrence

5/3/2005 Activated
6/1/2005 Activated
7/1/2005 Activated
8/1/2005 Activated

Advance By is the number of days in advance a work order should activate

before its Next Scheduled Date. Est. Down Time is the estimated number of
hours this PM will take to complete. It is exclusive to the cycle.

166 Reference—Multi-Cycle Scheduling

The middle panel is the Individual Cycle Setting panel. It changes based on the
cycle type, displaying a different set of variables. See the following sections for
more details on these dynamic panels.
On the right-hand side is the View Schedule panel (not available for ProTeus
V Expert). By entering a number (of days, weeks, etc, depending on the current
schedule), then clicking the View button, the user will be able to see the future
dates that a work order is due. The dialog that is displayed is a floating dialog
box, which can be dragged to any location on the screen while configuration is
being completed. If changes are made to the dates while the schedule dialog
box is open, the user must click on the View button again to refresh.

Work orders can be scheduled to activate based on a span of days (i.e. every
Daily Cycle other day) or on a certain day of the week. In addition, work orders scheduled
Type by day span can be set to activate based on their start date or completion date.

Daily Cycle

Steps 1. Click on the checkbox next to the Daily Cycle Type.

2. To schedule by day span, click the radio button in front of Every [blank]
Day(s). Select the span of days. Select whether the work order should
activate based on Start Date or Completion Date by clicking on the
appropriate radio button (see below for more details).
3. To schedule by specific day of the week, click the radio button in the lower
half of the panel. Select the day of the week that the work order should
activate. This causes the work order to activate on the same day every
4. Either close the window or click on a different tab. Either action will save
the changes.

Reference—Multi-Cycle Scheduling 167

Start Date The equations used to compute Start Date Scheduling fields are as follows:
Scheduling Next Scheduled Date = Last Scheduled Date + # Days in cycle
Active Date = Next Scheduled Date – Advance By days
Last Scheduled Date = Next Scheduled Date from previous activation
Example: Last Scheduled Date = 4/17/2005, Cycle = 5 days, Advance By = 1

4/17/2005 Last Scheduled Date

+ 5 Days (in cycle)
4/22/2005 Next Scheduled Date
– 1 Advance By
4/21/2005 Active Date

Note: On the first activation of the work order, the First Occurrence date is
used instead of the Last Scheduled Date in the above calculations. On
subsequent activations of the work order, Last Scheduled Date is used
in the calculations above.

Completion Date Completion Date scheduling is queued off the field Completion Date as entered
Scheduling on the previous occurrence of the work order.
The equations used to compute Completion Date Scheduling fields are as
Next Scheduled Date = Last Completed Date + # Days in cycle
Active Date = Next Scheduled Date – Advance By days
Last Scheduled Date = Next Scheduled Date from previous activation
Example: Last Completed Date = 4/20/2005, Cycle = 5 days, Advance By = 1

4/20/2005 Last Completed Date

+ 5 Days (in cycle)
4/25/2005 Next Scheduled Date
– 1 Advance By
4/24/2005 Active Date

168 Reference—Multi-Cycle Scheduling

Work orders can be scheduled to activate based on a span of weeks (i.e. every
Weekly Cycle other week), a certain week (first, second, etc), or on a certain day of the week.
The activation date is determined by Next Scheduled Date – Advance By days.

Weekly Cycle

Steps 1. Click on the checkbox next to the Weekly Cycle Type.

2. To schedule by week span, click the radio button in front of Every [blank]
Week(s). Select the span of weeks. In the lower half of the panel, select
which day of the week the work order should activate.
3. To schedule by specific week of the month, click the second radio button in
front of Every (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th & Last). Select the particular week the work
order should activate. In the lower half of the panel, select which day of the
particular week the work order should activate.
4. Either close the window or click on a different tab. Either action will save
the changes.

Reference—Multi-Cycle Scheduling 169

Monthly Cycle Work orders can be scheduled to activate based on a span of months (i.e.
Type every other month) or a certain month every year (every January, etc). Further,
the work order can be scheduled to activate on a particular date every month,
or a particular week every month.
The activation date is determined by Next Scheduled Date – Advance By days.

Monthly Cycle

Steps 1. Click on the checkbox next to the Monthly Cycle Type.

2. To schedule by month span, click the radio button in front of Every [blank]
Month(s). Select the span of months. In the lower half of the panel, select
which date or day of the week the work order should activate.
3. To schedule by specific month, click the second radio button. Select the
particular month the work order should activate. In the lower half of the
panel, select which day or week of the particular month the work order
should activate.
4. Either close the window or click on a different tab. Either action will save
the changes.

170 Reference—Multi-Cycle Scheduling

Quarterly Cycle Work orders can be scheduled to activate based on a span of quarters (i.e.
Type every quarter) or a certain week of the quarter. Further, the work order can be
scheduled to activate on a particular day of the week in the quarter.
The activation date is determined by Next Scheduled Date – Advance By days.

Quarterly Cycle

The quarterly cycles are defined by the month entered in the First Occurrence
Quarterly Cycle Setting Panel Parameters: On the 1st Day
First Occurrence: 4/3/05 (month of April)
Next Schedule Date Calculation: April + 3 months = July 1, 2005
Long-Term Schedule: every July 1, October 1, January 1, and April 1

Quarterly Cycle Setting Panel Parameters: On the 1st Monday
First Occurrence: 4/3/05 (month of April)
Next Schedule Date Calculation: April 2005 + 3 months = July 2005. First
Monday in July of 2005 is July 4.
Long-Term Schedule: the first Monday every July, October, January, and

Reference—Multi-Cycle Scheduling 171

Steps 1. Click on the checkbox next to the Quarterly Cycle Type.
2. To schedule by specific date, click the radio button in front of On the [blank]
Day and fill in the specific date of the month (of the respective quarter) that
the work order should activate.
3. To schedule by day, click the second radio button. Using the drop-downs,
choose the appropriate day of the month (of the respective quarter) that the
work order should activate.
4. Either close the window or click on a different tab. Either action will save
the changes.

Semi-Annual Work orders can be scheduled to activate semi-annually. The work order can
Cycle Type be scheduled to activate on a particular day or week of the year.
The activation date is determined by Next Scheduled Date – Advance By days.

Semi-Annual Cycle

The semi-annual cycles are defined by the month entered in the First
Occurrence field.
Semi-Annual Cycle Setting Panel Parameters: On the 1st Day
First Occurrence: 4/3/05 (month of April)
Next Schedule Date Calculation: April + 6 months = October 1, 2005
Long-Term Schedule: every October 1 and April 1

172 Reference—Multi-Cycle Scheduling

Semi-Annual Cycle Setting Panel Parameters: On the 1st Tuesday
First Occurrence: 4/3/05 (month of April)
Next Schedule Date Calculation: April 2005 + 6 months = October 2005. First
Tuesday in October of 2005 is October 4.
Long-Term Schedule: the first Tuesday every October and April

Steps 1. Click on the checkbox next to the Semi-Annual Cycle Type.

2. To schedule by specific date, click the radio button in front of On the [blank]
Day and fill in the specific date of the month that the work order should
3. To schedule by day, click the second radio button. Using the drop-downs,
choose the appropriate day of the month that the work order should
4. Either close the window or click on a different tab. Either action will save
the changes.

Annual Cycle Work orders can be scheduled to activate based on a span of years (i.e. every
Type 5 years) or a certain time every year. Further, the work order can be scheduled
to activate on a particular day or week of the year.
The activation date is determined by Next Scheduled Date – Advance By days.

Annual Cycle

Reference—Multi-Cycle Scheduling 173

Steps 1. Click on the checkbox next to the Annual Cycle Type.
2. Choose the year span from the Every [blank] Year(s) field. Then select
which month of the year the work order should activate.
3. In the lower half of the panel, select which day or week of the particular
month the work order should activate.
4. Either close the window or click on a different tab. Either action will save
the changes.

174 Reference—Multi-Cycle Scheduling

PM Master File
Overview of PM The PM Master file option is used to develop, assign, and schedule preventive
Master File maintenance procedures. A carefully planned and consistently executed
preventive maintenance program is crucial to improved maintenance
department operations.
Planned, regular maintenance of equipment and facilities reduces emergency
repair requests, shortens machine downtime during periods intended for
production, improves the condition and useful lifespan of equipment and
facilities, and evens out maintenance personnel workload and resource
availability. With all those benefits, it’s worth the time and effort to design and
implement preventive maintenance tasks, procedures, and work assignments.
The Preventive Maintenance Master File is designed around a library of pre-
defined tasks. The PM Master is used to assemble sets of cyclical
maintenance procedures (PM “jobs”), which may then be assigned to individual
pieces of equipment or performed facility-wide.
The PM job design process goes much faster if the sample worksheet forms
provided in the Sample Worksheets section of the Appendix are used.
Each PM job can be assigned a priority to classify its importance or urgency,
and can be sorted, printed, and assigned by priority level.

Preventive Maintenance Master File

Reference—PM Master 175

Summary of Below is a summary of how to create a PM Master Work order. Details on each
Creating a step follows.
PM Master 1. Create a Job Number.
Work Order 2. Attach a piece of equipment.
3. Create the work order schedule.
4. Assign tasks to the work order (optional).
5. Assign parts to the work order (optional).
6. Assign labor to the work order (optional).

Quick Screen The above information is added to a PM work order by filling in the fields
located on the various tabs (i.e. Parts, Labor, etc) throughout the Master file.
Alternatively, the PM Master Quick Screen can be used. For more information,
see the Quick Screen s section in Learning the Basics. While much of the
information can be added via the Quick Screen, the remainder of this chapter
concentrates on adding information tab by tab.

PM Master Quick List/Quick Screen

176 Reference—PM Master

Create a Job The first thing that needs to be done is to create a job number for the work
Number order. PM job numbers can be categorized by work type, interval, equipment
type, or by any other meaningful method of grouping. Examples include:
AH100- CLN Weekly cleaning of Air Handling Unit #100
AH100- INS Inspection of Equip #100
TEST01 Compressor leakdown test

Attach a Piece A PM work order can be specific to a single piece of equipment or be applied to
of Equipment multiple pieces of equipment. (ProTeus V Expert users can only add a single
piece of equipment to a work order.) PM work orders can be created for a
location by creating an equipment record that represents that area (i.e., create
an equipment record called North Lawn, North Building, or North Entrance).

Equipment Tab

Reference—PM Master 177

To add multiple pieces of equipment to a work order, click first on the
Equipment Tab. Then click the Plus (+) button next to the ‘Equipment No’ field
to open the Add Equipment window.

Add Equipment Window

Equipment can be added by clicking the Equipment No. drop-down to select by

equipment number, or by clicking the Equipment Name drop-down to select by
equipment name. As pieces of equipment are added, they’ll appear on the grid
on the top of the Equipment tab.
To delete a piece of equipment, select the record from the upper equipment
grid, then click on the Minus (-) button next to the ‘Equipment No’ field.
ProTeus V Expert users: to delete a piece of equipment, simply delete its
name or number from the Equipment Name or Equipment No. field.
Note: If a piece of equipment is listed as ‘Out of Service’ in the Equipment
Master file, no PM work orders with the out-of-service equipment chosen
as the primary equipment will activate until the piece of equipment is
placed back ‘In Service’. Once the equipment is back in service, the PM
will resume its normal schedule.

Distribute (not applicable to ProTeus V Expert) The Distribute Costs field determines if
Costs the cost of the work order will be distributed equally among the equipment, or
leveled totally against the base equipment. When a DM or PM work order is
closed, the Cost History tab in the Equipment master file will be updated
appropriately. The calculations for DM/PM Material and Labor are derived from
the following formulas:
If “Yes” If “No”
Material (Qty Pulled x Unit Cost) / Number of Qty Pulled x Unit Cost (if Unit Cost <>0)
equipment (if Unit Cost <> 0) The cost is applied to the base equipment
Calculated when work order is
closed. Calculated when work order is closed.
Labor Labor Rate for each employee x Labor Rate for each employee x Actual
Actual Hours for that labor rate / # of Hours for that labor rate. The cost is
equipment. applied to the base equipment only.

Calculated when work order is Calculated when work order is closed.


Note: If the Pull/Restock option is clicked under Settings in Rights, then the
material cost will only be updated on parts that have been pulled.

178 Reference—PM Master

To add a piece of equipment to several PM records at one time, select the
appropriate work orders from the Quick List. Right-click and choose Equipment
Delete > Add Equipment. Select a piece of equipment from the drop-down to add to
Equipment on the selected work orders.
Records To delete equipment from multiple PMs, choose Equipment > Delete
Equipment. Only the chosen equipment item will be deleted from the selected
work orders.
To change a piece of equipment from multiple PMs, choose Equipment >
Change Equipment. Select the equipment to change FROM, from the top of
the Change Equipment window, and the equipment to change TO, from the
lower half of the window.

Scheduling A PM work order can be scheduled either by a date schedule or a runtime

Options schedule, or both.

Schedule by To schedule a PM work order according to a date schedule (every week, every
second Tuesday, twice a year, etc.), click on the Date Schedule tab in the PM
Master file. Select a cycle from the Cycle Type panel. Complete the parameters
of the work order.
For more information, please refer to Multi-Cycle Scheduling in the Reference

Date Schedule Tab

Reference—PM Master 179

Schedule by To schedule a PM work order according to its runtime, click on the PM Master
tab in the PM Master file. The Current Usage field, which is read-only, is taken
directly from the Equipment Master file. This field can only be edited in the
Equipment Master File. The user can fill in Runtime Cycle and Runtime
Advance; according to how often this work order needs to be scheduled.
ProTeus V calculates Next PM using the following formula:
Next PM = Current Usage + Runtime Cycle – Runtime Advance
(The above formula is recalculated ONLY when the work order is initially
created, and immediately after the work order is closed.)
For an explanation of fields, please see the Database Fields section towards
the end of this manual.
As soon as the Current Usage reaches the value in Next PM, this work order
becomes active (if Auto Activate is checked). Last PM displays the runtime
value from when the work order was last performed.
Advance Next Cycle will link the Runtime work order to a Date Schedule. When
the runtime work order is closed, it will also advance the Next Scheduled Date
and Date Completed. This will allow scheduling based on either runtime or
dates for the same set of tasks.

To remove the runtime schedule from this work order, enter “0” in the Runtime
Cycle field.

Each job is composed of individual tasks defined in the Task Master file.
Select the Task
Multiple tasks can be defined per job.
To assign a task to a work order:
1. Click on the Tasks tab.

2. Click the Record View button .

3. Select the proper Task No. or Description from the drop-down list.
4. To make the task be specific to a cycle(s), choose a cycle type(s) from the
Cycle Type drop-down. If no selection is made, the cycle type will default to
‘All’ (meaning this task will be included on the PM work order no matter
which cycle is activated).

180 Reference—PM Master

Tasks Tab
To add, delete, or change the order of items on a list, please refer to Editing
Lists in The Basics section of Learning the Basics.

Select the Parts Multiple parts can be added to a work order. To assign a part from the
Inventory Master file to a work order:
1. Click on the Parts tab.

2. Click the Record View button .

3. Select the proper Part No. or Part Name from the drop-down list.
Note: To view only those parts attached to this equipment’s BOM list, click
the Parts from BOM checkbox.
Note: To view parts from all stockrooms, select the View All Stockrooms
checkbox. If this checkbox is not selected, only quantities from the
local stockroom will appear. (The View All Stockrooms checkbox
only appears if it is enabled in Rights.)
4. To make the part be specific to a cycle(s), choose a cycle type(s) from the
Cycle Type drop-down. If no selection is made, the cycle type will default to
‘All’ (meaning this part will be included on the PM work order no matter
which cycle is activated).
To add, delete, or change the order of items on a list, please refer to Editing
Lists in The Basics section of Learning the Basics.

Reference—PM Master 181

Parts Tab

If Pull Parts is disabled (or for ProTeus V Expert users), the Qty On Hand in
Inventory is decreased according to the value in Qty Allocated when the work
order is closed. If Pull Parts is enabled (not applicable to ProTeus V Expert),
the Qty on Hand in Inventory is decreased immediately when a part is pulled,
using the Pull Parts option. For instructions on pulling parts, please refer to Pull
Parts in the Reference section.
Note: Parts are not actively allocated until the PM becomes active.

Add an To add an employee(s) to a work order:

Employee 1. Click on the Labor tab.

2. Click the Record View button . The Labor Record View window opens.
3. Choose a Labor Code from the drop-down list.
4. Select the proper Employee No. or Employee Name from the drop-down
Note: Only employees who are attached to the chosen Labor Code will
appear in this list.
5. To assign an employee to a specific task, choose a task from the Tasks No.
drop-down (This is an optional selection). The Cycle Type field fills in
automatically from the Tasks tab.
Note: The employee task assignment is not displayed in ProTeus V Mobile
and the Barcode modules.
6. If no Tasks are assigned, the Cycle Type defaults to ‘All’.

182 Reference—PM Master

PM Master – Labor Tab with Record View Window

To add, delete, or change the order of items on a list, please refer to Editing
Lists in The Basics section of Learning the Basics. Additional information on
fields and tables is located within the Appendix section under Database Fields.

To add an employee to several PM records at one time, select the appropriate

Attach/Change/ work orders from the Quick List. Right-click and choose Labor > Add Labor.
Delete Labor on Select an employee from the drop-down to add to the selected work orders.
Multiple To delete labor from multiple PMs, choose Labor > Delete Labor. Only the
Records chosen employees will be deleted from the selected work orders.
Note: Labor cannot be deleted from active PMs; only PM Master files.
To change employees on multiple PMs, choose Labor > Change Labor. Select
the employee to change FROM, from the top of the Change Labor window, and
the employee to change TO, from the lower half of the window.

Reference—PM Master 183

Specify the Tools are anything the employee may need to perform the PM job. Tools
Tools include such things as ladders, wrenches, and voltmeters. Add tools on a per
job basis directly under the Tools tab.
To add a tool to the list, type directly into the field below Tool Description. To
add another tool, either press the Tab key or the down-arrow key on the
keyboard to add a new line.
To make a tool be specific to a cycle(s), choose a cycle type(s) from the Cycle
Type drop-down. If no selection is made, the cycle type will default to ‘All’
(meaning this tool will be included on the PM work order no matter which cycle
is activated).

Tools Tab

Activating a Work orders can be manually activated, or can be scheduled to automatically

Work Order activate according to a date cycle, or according to runtime readings.
To set a PM work order to automatically activate, check the Auto Activate
checkbox on the PM Master tab of the work order.
To manually activate a work order, right-click (anywhere in the work order you
want to run) and select the Activate option from the menu. Note that selecting
Activate makes a PM active immediately, regardless of scheduling.

184 Reference—PM Master

PM Active Master File
Overview of PM The PM Active Master file is used to modify, print and close active preventive
Active Master maintenance jobs previously created in the PM Master File. Records in the PM
Active are “live” work orders that need to be completed. These work orders
have been activated based upon the schedule set up in PM Master.
Note: New work orders cannot be created in the PM Active File.
Each work order is designed with a variety of information, such as who is
scheduled to perform each task, the estimated down time, and the schedule by
which the job should be activated and completed.
The appending letter on the Job Number can determine the cycle that has been
activated. (D) stands for a daily work order; (W) stands for weekly; (M) stands
for monthly; (Q) stands for quarterly; (S) stands for semi-annual, and (A) stands
for annual.

Preventive Maintenance Active Master File

How a PM Work When a work order from the PM Master file is due, and if the Auto Activate
Order Becomes checkbox is checked for that work order, it is automatically activated and is
copied from the PM Master file to the PM Active File. This occurs when
ProTeus V is opened for the first time each day.
To manually activate all PMs within the date cycle or runtime cycle, right-click
anywhere in the PM Active module and choose Activate PM’s from the right-
click menu. A message will appear asking, “Would you like to activate
all appropriate Preventive Maintenance work orders?”
Choosing YES will search the PM Master records for work orders that are

Reference—PM Active 185

eligible for activation, and activate those work orders. Please refer to the Multi-
Cycle Scheduling section to review how scheduling operates.

Quick Screen Information is modified on a PM work order by filling in the fields located on the
Entry various tabs (i.e. Parts, Labor, etc) throughout the Master file. The PM Active
Quick Screen allow easy access to required or most frequently accessed fields,
preventing the need to jump from tab to tab when only minimum information is
required. While much of the information can be added via the PM Active Quick
Screen, the remainder of this chapter concentrates on modifying information via
the tabs.

PM Active Quick List/ Quick Screen

Modifying a PM All modifications to a PM work order must be made in the PM Active File or the
Work Order PM Master File, since modifications are not allowed in the PM History File.
Please be aware that some of the fields in PM Active cannot be changed.
These values come from the PM Master.
Select a PM Active File, and make any changes necessary to the PM Active
record. After all the necessary information has been completed on the PM
Active File template, the following may need to be performed:
1. If the employee originally assigned to perform the preventive maintenance
work either did not complete the tasks (and a different employee finished
the work) or the total time required to complete the tasks differed (which
affects the pay schedule), the Employee assignment will need to be
modified. Choose the Labor tab in PM Active and make the necessary

186 Reference—PM Active

2. If the tasks originally assigned to the work either did not get completed or
different tasks were required to complete the work, the tasks assignment
will need to be modified. Keeping accurate records of the actual tasks
performed on the PM work orders will help plan accurate PMs for the future
(by modifying the PM Master File). Go to the Tasks tab in PM Active and
make the necessary adjustments.
3. If the parts or tools originally assigned to the work were either different or
were not needed to complete the work, the Parts and Tools assignments
will need to be updated. Keeping accurate records to complete the PM
work order will help plan accurate PMs for the future and help ensure
accurate Quantity on Hand in the Inventory Master File.
4. Finally, the Actual Downtime and Completion Date will need to be entered
after the work has been finished.

Assigning a (not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)

Work Order PM Active work orders can be assigned to an individual. From the PM Active
tab, choose an employee from the Assign To field. To assign multiple work
1. From the PM Active Quick List, select the work orders to assign. Multiple
records may be selected by holding the Ctrl or Shift keys while selecting.
2. Right-click the mouse, and choose Assign To from the right-click menu.

Assign To Window

3. An information box appears, asking, “Would you like to add this

employee to Labor?”
4. Clicking YES will add this employee to the labor tab.
5. The assigned employee’s name will appear on the PM Active tab of the
corresponding PM Active files.

Reference—PM Active 187

Approving a (not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)
Work Order The Approvals tab maintains a non-editable list of all employees who have
approved this work order. If the PM Approvals function is enabled in Rights, a
work order must be approved before it can be closed. A work order does not
require approval if WO Approvals is disabled in the Rights application. Refer to
the Approvals section in Reference for further details on approving a work

Approvals Tab

Emailing a (not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)

Work Order PM Active work orders can be sent electronically via email. This can be done
manually or automatically.
To e-mail a work order manually:
1. First, make sure e-mail settings have been established under Other >
Options >E-mail Setup.
2. In the PM Active file, click on the PM Active tab.
3. Click on the e-mail icon to the right of the Send E-mail field. An Exporting
Records window briefly appears. When it is complete, the Send E-mail
window opens.

188 Reference—PM Active

Send Email Window

4. In the To field, enter the email address of the person to whom the work
order should be emailed.
5. Modify the subject line, and if appropriate, files can be attached and a
memo may be included with the work order details.
6. Click the Send E-mail button.
Note: Depending on the size of the work order, it may take a few moments to
open and/or send.
7. An Information box appears stating that the email was successfully sent.
8. Click the Close button to close the Send E-mail window.

Work orders can also be set to email automatically upon activation. If an e-mail
address is entered in the Send E-mail field of a PM Master record, an e-mail
containing the work order information will be sent to the recipient (the name in
the Send E-mail field) upon activation of the work order.

(not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)

Skip PM
To skip the current cycle of the PM Active work order, navigate to the PM Active
record. Right-click and choose Skip PM from the pop-up menu. Holding down
the ALT or SHIFT key while selecting records from the Quick List, then right-
clicking can skip multiple PMs.

Reference—PM Active 189

A confirmation box appears for each PM to be skipped, asking “Do you want
to advance the date schedule to the next cycle for Job No.
xxx?” Answering ‘yes’ will advance the date cycle and answering ‘no’ will not
advance the date cycle.
Thereafter, a display appears, stating, “The PM Work Order Cycle has
been Skipped”. Click OK to remove the work order(s) from the PM Active file
and update the Next Scheduled Date in PM Master. The right to use the Skip
PM option is controlled through the Function Rights tab in the Rights

(not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)

Skip PM History
All PMs that are skipped are kept in a History Log. To view all PMs that were
skipped, select the Skip PM History option under the Maintenance Menu.

Skip PM History

(not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)

Skipped PM To archive Skipped PM History records, highlight the records to be archived
History Records from the Skip PM History Quick List and right-click the mouse. Select Archive
from the right-click menu. Please refer to the Archive section of Reference for
further explanation of archiving files.

For instructions on modifying records, or for instructions on lists, please refer to

The Basics section of Learning the Basics. Additional information on fields and
tables is located within the Appendix section under Database Fields.

190 Reference—PM Active

PM History Master File
Overview of PM The PM History Master file is used to view all Preventive Maintenance (PM)
History Master work orders that have been closed. A corresponding history record is kept for
demand maintenance work orders, too (refer to the DM History section). Thus,
ProTeus V maintains a complete record of all maintenance work performed.

Preventive Maintenance History

When Preventive Maintenance work orders are closed, their labor and material
totals are posted to the Equipment and Inventory Master files to update the
equipment’s cost, the bill of materials usage quantities, and inventory. Then,
the closed work orders are automatically added to the PM History Master File.

Viewing a To view a closed Preventive Maintenance work order, go to the PM History File
Closed PM and choose the work order to review. Changes may not be made.
Work Order
Printing a To print a record from the PM History File, right-click the mouse button and
Closed PM select Print.
Work Order
(not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)
Archive a
Closed PM To archive PM History records, highlight the records to be archived from the
Work Order Quick List and right-click the mouse. Select Archive from the right-click menu.
Please refer to the Archive section of Reference for further explanation of
archiving files.

Reference—PM History 191

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192 Reference—PM History

Print Work Orders
Overview of Work orders can be printed from the PM Active, PM Master, DM Template or
Print Work DM Active Quick List. Work orders can be printed either one at a time, or in a
The work order forms included with ProTeus V were created using Business
Object’s Crystal Reports ProfessionalTM. Crystal Reports can be used to modify
any of the work order forms to include almost any information from ProTeus V.
Personalized work order forms may also be created. However, when creating
personalized report forms or editing the existing report forms, the report names
must remain USERPMA.rpt (PM Active), USERPMM.rpt (PM Master),
USERDMA.rpt (DM Active), USERDMT.rpt (DM Template), USERPMH.rpt (PM
History), and USERDMH.rpt (DM History).

PM Active Work Order

Printing an While in the PM Master, PM Active, DM Template or DM Active Master Files, an

Individual Work individual work order can be printed simply by clicking on the right mouse
button and selecting the Print menu selection from the popup menu. A print
preview window will appear, from which the work order can be viewed and/or
printed. Click the printer icon to begin printing the work order.

Reference—Print Work Orders 193

Printing an Work orders with attachments can be printed by clicking on the right mouse
Individual Work button and selecting Print Work Order with Attachments from the popup menu.
This will send the work order and attachments directly to the printer.
Order with

Printing Multiple Multiple records can be selected and printed at one time from the Quick List.
Work Orders Select multiple records by clicking on a record and then clicking the Ctrl or Shift
buttons as additional records are selected. Right-click the mouse and select
Print from the popup menu. A print preview window will appear, from which the
work orders can be viewed and/or printed. Click the printer icon to begin
printing the work orders.
If the work orders have attachments, right-click the mouse and select Print
Work Order with Attachments from the popup menu. This will send the work
order and attachments directly to the printer.
To select specific work order(s) to print, query the records before printing.
Note: For more information on queries, see Querying Records in the Learning
the Basics section.

Printing Multiple Multiple work orders with attachments can be printed by right-clicking and
Work Order with selecting Print Work Order with Attachments from the popup menu. This will
send the work order and attachments directly to the printer.

194 Reference—Print Work Orders

Pull Parts
Overview of Pull (not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)
Parts Pull Parts gives the user the option of decreasing the Quantity on Hand of a
part before the work order is closed. The Pull Parts option is accessed in the
Parts tab in the PM Active and DM Active files, and has a global on/off setting in
the Rights program.
If Pull Parts is enabled (on), the Qty on Hand in Inventory is adjusted
immediately when a part is pulled (using the right-click Pull Parts submenu).
Note: If Pull Parts is enabled, and parts are not pulled via the right-click Pull
Parts option, Qty On Hand in Inventory will not be updated, even if there
is a value in the Qty Allocated field.
If Pull Parts is NOT enabled (off), the Qty on Hand in Inventory is adjusted
when the work order is closed, according to the value in Qty Allocated.

Pull Parts Enabled Pull Parts Disabled

When Is Qty on Inventory is adjusted immediately Inventory is adjusted when the
Hand Adjusted? when a part is pulled. work order is closed.
How is it Adjusted? Using the number in the Adjusting Using the number in the Qty
Qty field in the Pull Parts window. Allocated field of the Parts tab.

Before parts can be pulled for a work order, the Qty Allocated field on the Work
Pulling Parts
Order Parts tab must be filled in to reflect the number of parts needed for this
work order. After Qty Allocated has been filled in, select the part to be pulled
and right-click the mouse button to access the Pull Parts screen.

Reference—Pull Parts 195

1. Select an Employee from the Checked Out To drop-down list.

Pull Parts Screen

2. Fill in the number of parts to be pulled in the Adjusting Qty field. The
Adjusting Qty cannot be higher than the To Use value, nor can it be higher
than the Qty on Hand.
3. Select the Pull radio button then click Submit.
4. Click the Close button.

Restocking If more parts were pulled for a work order than were actually used, this option
Parts can be used to reconcile the inventory totals.
1. Select an Employee from the Checked Out To drop-down list.
2. Fill in the number of parts to be restocked in the Adjusting Qty field. The
Adjusting Qty cannot be higher than the value in Qty. Pulled.
3. Select the Restock radio button then click Submit.
4. Click the Close button.

View Pulled If Pull Parts is enabled, a read-only listing of parts that were pulled or restocked
Parts for a particular work order can be displayed. Right-click in the area just below
the Active parts grid in the Parts tab of the DM Active or PM Active file to
choose this option. Note that a Transaction History record will also be created
for each part that is pulled or restocked.

196 Reference—Pull Parts

View Pulled Parts Screen
Note: If Pull Parts is being used in conjunction with the ProTeus V Barcode
optional module, parts for a given work order will automatically be pulled
upon ‘End of Day Processing’.
Note: If a part is restocked, the quantity restocked will reappear within the Qty
Allocated field. However, when the work order is closed, these quantities
will not be removed from inventory. To maintain an accurate history for
PM/DM History, the user can delete these quantities after the restock

Printing a Pick The Pick List allows the user to print a listing of parts required on the work order
List to the printer of their choice, so the parts may be pulled ahead of time.

Reference—Pull Parts 197

Pick List

Printing a Pick While in the PM Active or DM Active Master Files, a Pick List for an individual
List for an work order can be printed by clicking on the right mouse button while on the
Individual Work appropriate record, and selecting Print Pick List from the popup menu. A print
Order preview window will appear, from which the Pick List can be viewed and/or
printed. Click the printer icon to print the Pick List.

198 Reference—Pull Parts

Purchasing Master File
Overview of The Purchasing Master File is used to create, edit, print, and close purchase
Purchasing requisitions. The Purchasing Master File works in conjunction with the following
sections: Reorder List, Receiving Log, Blanket PO, PO Amendments, and
Master File
Ship To Addresses.

Quick Screen Information is added to a Purchasing file by filling in the fields located on the
various tabs (i.e. Order Detail, Costs, etc) throughout the Master file. The
Data Entry
Purchasing Quick Screen allows easy access to required or most frequently
accessed fields, preventing the need to jump from tab to tab when only
minimum information is required. While much of the information can be added
via the Purchasing Quick Screen, the remainder of this chapter concentrates on
adding information tab by tab.

Purchasing Quick List/ Quick Screen

Creating a Follow these steps to create a new purchase requisition. More details on each
Requisition step are explained in the following sections.
1. Enter vendor, date and other information on the Requisition tab.
2. Add parts to the requisition via the Order Detail tab.
3. Assign a purchase order number.

Reference—Purchasing Master 199

1. Click Purchasing from the Main menu.
Requisition Tab
2. Click the Purchasing option.
3. Click the Requisition Tab

4. Click the Insert Record button on the Navigator. Note that the
Requisition No. is automatically filled in.

Requisition Tab
5. Do not enter a PO number until after a vendor has been chosen and all data
in the Order Detail tab has been verified. Once a PO number has been
assigned, the selected requisition cannot be deleted, and the data in the
Order Detail tab cannot be modified without amending the PO.
6. Select the vendor with whom the order will be placed by clicking either the
down arrow in the Vendor Code field or the Vendor Name field to access a
drop-down list.
7. Use the calendar icon to enter a date in the PO Date field. If the PO Date
field is empty when the PO is issued (when a PO number is assigned), the
date will automatically be filled in with the current date.
8. Type in any other information necessary for the purchase order. Use the
drop-down lists and calendar buttons to help enter data. Names may be
added and deleted from the Requested By and Buyer fields by clicking the
Edit icon to the right of their respective fields.

200 Reference—Purchasing Master

Order Detail Tab Click the Order Detail tab to add parts to this Purchase Order. Depending upon
whether the part currently exists in the Inventory master file or not, there are
five ways to add parts to a requisition.

Order Detail Tab

Add a Part via the To add a part that is already associated with the selected vendor, click the
Dropdown List drop-down arrow in the Part No., Part Name, or Vendor Part No. field. This
displays a list of all parts in the Inventory Master File that are attached to the
selected vendor. Select which part to order by clicking on its Part No., Part
Name, or Vendor Part No.

Add a part via Alternatively, parts associated with the selected vendor can be dragged from
Drag-and-Drop the bottom half of the Order Detail window. The bottom window of the Order
Detail tab shows both a list of parts by the vendor on the requisition, as well as
a list of parts from the reorder list. These parts can be selected and dragged up
to the Order Detail list for addition to the requisition.
Note: Only the local stockroom’s inventory is listed.

Add a part via To add a part that is in the Inventory Master File, but is not attached to the
Attach Vendor on selected vendor, position the cursor in a Part No. field on the upper half of the
the Fly screen, then double-click. A dialog box, of all parts from the Inventory Master
file, will appear. Select the part to attach to the vendor. Click the Attach
Vendor button. A record view box will appear containing the current vendors
attached to this part. Click the + button in the Record View window and choose
the vendor associated with the current requisition from the drop-down list.
Close and click yes to save changes made to the Record View window. Click
the Refresh button to display the new part on the Selected Vendor Parts List.

Reference—Purchasing Master 201

Note: This process will also update the vendor list in the Inventory Master File.
Note: Vendors can only be added on the fly to a record that does not have a
PO number already assigned to it.

Attach a Vendor on the Fly

Add a part via To add a part that is not in the Inventory Master File, but should be, position
Add Parts on the the cursor in a Part No. field on the upper half of the screen, then double-click.
Fly A dialog box will appear of all parts from the Inventory Master file. Click on the
Add Part button and type the new part information. Enter a quantity and click
OK. This process will add parts directly to the Inventory Master File.
Note: Parts can only be added on the fly to a record that does not have a PO
number already assigned to it.
Note: Remember to assign a cost to the new parts, either in the Inventory
Master file, or within the Order Detail list.
Note: All inventory contained within the Add Parts on the Fly dialog box is from
the local stockroom. However, when adding a new part, it is added to
both the local stockroom and the Main stockroom.

202 Reference—Purchasing Master

Adding Parts on the Fly

Note: Parts added on the fly will be attached to the vendor on the requisition.
This vendor will become the default vendor.

Add a Non- To add a non-stocked part that is not in the Inventory Master File and does not
Stocked part need to be added to the Inventory Master file, position the cursor in a Part No.
field on the upper half of the screen, then click once. Start typing the part
information. Continue across the list entering information by single-clicking in
each field. Finish by entering a Qty. Ordered.
Note: Remember to assign a cost to the new parts within the Order Detail list.
Note: Non-stocked parts can be received in the Receiving module, but no
quantity, cost or other information regarding the part will be retained in

Now that parts have been chosen, and a vendor assigned, a PO No. may be
Add a Purchase added. Please remember that once a PO number has been assigned, all fields
Order Number within the selected record become read-only. Therefore, make sure all relevant
information has been added to the record, such as the Shipping location.
To assign a PO number, go back to the Requisition tab. As an alternative to
assigning a PO number, a Blanket PO may be assigned. See Blanket PO
Agreement Tab, next.
Note: The cost of the Purchase Order may not exceed the employee’s
maximum purchase amount, as defined in the Employee Master file.
Additional information on fields and tables is located within the Appendix
section under Database Fields.

Reference—Purchasing Master 203

Blanket PO Tab (not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)
The Blanket PO tab can be used to attach an existing Blanket PO agreement to
the selected requisition. Click on the drop-down arrow in the Blanket PO No.
field to select from a list of Blanket PO agreements for the vendor that has
already been created in the Blanket PO Master file.
Once a Blanket PO No. has been selected, the Expiration Date, Agreement
Amount, and Amount Remaining fields will automatically fill in. Also note that
the PO No. field is automatically updated with the Blanket PO No. that was
selected using the following format: BPONO-RELEASENO. For example, a
requisition which is the first release on Blanket PO No. 85968 will have a PO
No. of 85968-1. As with assigning a PO number, once you select a Blanket PO
Number, all fields within the current requisition will become read-only.
The Releases tab, located in the bottom pane of the Blanket PO tab, displays a
read-only listing of all purchases that have been made against the selected
Blanket PO No.
Additional information on Blanket Purchase Orders is located in the Blanket
Purchase Order section under Reference.

Blanket Purchase Order Tab

204 Reference—Purchasing Master

Approval List (not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)
Tab The Approval List tab maintains a read-only list of all employees who have
approved this purchase order. Approvals are done after a requisition has been
assigned a Purchase Order number.
Before an employee can approve a purchase order, he/she must have a
defined approval level (1 through 2) in the Employee Master file. Approval
Level 1 is a standard approval level, and Approval Level 2 might be a
supervisory approval level, for example.
To approve a PO:
1. Access the Purchase Order to be approved.
2. Right-click the mouse button, and choose Approve PO from the shortcut
3. The name of the employee approving the purchase order will be added
to the Approval List tab.
Please note that PO Approvals are a user option. A PO does not require
approval in order to be generated or closed.

Approval Tab

Reference—Purchasing Master 205

Costs Tab The Costs tab displays a summary of cost information for this purchase order.
ProTeus V automatically calculates Parts Total, according to the values entered
by the user in the Order Detail tab. Subtotal and Grand Total are automatically
calculated according to the values entered into the Tax, Freight, and Other
Total fields.

Costs Tab

Ship To The Ship To Location tab is used to designate to which address this order
Location Tab should be delivered. This tab interfaces with the Ship To Addresses Master file
for easy access to shipping addresses.
Follow these steps to designate a ship to address:
1. Click the Ship To Location down arrow to access all shipping locations.
Select which location to which to ship this order. The Address 1 through Zip
Code fields are filled in automatically.
2. Click the Ship Via down arrow to access the list of shipping options. Select
the correct option.
3. Click in the F.O.B. field (Freight on Board) and enter the correct party who
has responsibility for the product during transit. For example, FOB Origin
means the buyer owns and has responsibility for goods in transit. FOB
Destination means the seller owns and has responsibility for goods in

4. Click the Post Edit option on the Navigator when finished entering
shipping and billing information.
Refer to the Ship To Addresses section for further detail on entering Shipping

206 Reference—Purchasing Master

Bill To Tab The address on the Bill To tab defaults to the address filled in on the Company
Address section of ProTeus V. This data is read-only, and can only be modified
through the Company Address menu option. See the Company Address
section for further detail.

After a PO No. has been assigned to the purchase order, data cannot be
modified. The only way to change that information would be to amend the
Amendments purchase order.
To amend a purchase order after the PO No. has been assigned, locate the
purchase order, right-click the mouse, and choose Amend PO from the menu.
Now make any necessary changes to the purchase order. All changes will be
tracked and can be viewed through the PO Amendments tab. After amending a
PO, an amendment number will appear in the Amendment No. field. The ability
to amend a PO function can be controlled through the Function Rights tab of
the Rights application.
Note: To modify a part number or name, the existing part must be deleted and
the new part added.
Note: Do not make modifications to drop-down lists during a PO Amendment,
as it will result in the amendment being closed.
Note: Parts that have already been received against cannot be deleted from a
PO during an amendment.

PO Amendments Tab

Reference—Purchasing Master 207

Emailing a (not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)
Purchase Purchase orders can be sent electronically via email.
Order To e-mail a purchase order:
1. First, make sure e-mail settings have been established under Other >
Options >E-mail Setup.
2. In the Purchasing file, click on the Requisition tab.
3. Click on the e-mail icon to the right of the Send E-mail field. An Exporting
Records window briefly appears. When it is complete, the Send E-mail
window opens.

Send Email Window

4. In the To field, enter the email address of the person to whom the purchase
order should be emailed.
5. Modify the subject line, and if appropriate, files can be attached and a
memo may be included with the purchase order details.
6. Click the Send E-mail button.
7. An Information box appears stating that the email was successfully sent.
8. Click the Close button to close the Send E-mail window.

208 Reference—Purchasing Master

Printing a Before attempting to print a purchase order, make sure the printer is attached,
Purchase Order on-line, and ready to receive data.
To print a purchase order, simply locate the purchase order to print using the
Navigator buttons or the Quick List. Right-click the mouse and select Print from
the shortcut menu. A Print Preview window displays. Click the printer icon to
print the selected purchase order.

Closing a To close a purchase order, simply locate the purchase order to close using the
Purchase Order Navigator buttons or the Quick List. Right-click the mouse and select Close
from the drop-down menu. A message appears, asking, “Do you want to
close?” Click Yes to close the PO, and it will be sent to the Purchasing
History Master File. Once in History, the file becomes read-only.
Closing a purchase order can also be done from the Receiving Master file. See
Receiving Log for more details.
Note: A PO cannot be closed until all parts are received, or the PO is
amended to show a quantity of 0 parts still on order.

Reference—Purchasing Master 209

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210 Reference—Purchasing Master

Purchasing History Master File
Overview of The Purchasing History Master file contains records for all purchase orders
Purchasing which have been closed. This data is read-only, and is therefore used for
reference purposes only.
History Master

Purchasing History Master File

Purchase Order Right-click on a purchase record to print a Purchase Order History Report.
History Printing

(not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)

Archive a
Closed To archive Purchasing History records, highlight the records to be archived
Purchase Order from the Quick List and right-click the mouse. Select Archive from the right-click
menu. Please refer to the Archive section of Reference for further explanation
of archiving files.

Reference—Purchasing History 211

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212 Reference—Purchasing History

Overview of The Receiving Master file is used to receive parts from open purchase orders.
Receiving As soon as a record is posted in the Receiving Master file, it is recorded in the
Receiving History Master file. The Qty on Hand field in the Inventory Master file
is also updated to reflect the quantity of stocked parts received. The quantity of
non-stocked parts is not recorded in Inventory, but is reflected in the original

Note: The Quick List/Quick Screen tab is also called the Shipment tab in this
Screen Information can be added to a Receiving file by filling in the fields on the Recv.
Detail tab OR via the Receiving Quick Screen. The remainder of this chapter
concentrates on adding information via the Recv. Detail tab.

Receiving a Follow these steps to receive parts that are currently on order.
New Shipment 1. From the Main menu, click on Purchasing > Receiving.
2. Select a requisition from the Quick List/Shipment tab.
3. A requisition must have a PO number attached to show up in the Receiving
Master file. Several fields on the Quick Screen fill in automatically, but the
remaining fields, including Invoice No. and Packing Slip No., need to be
filled in, if necessary.

Receiving Quick List/Quick Screen (a.k.a. Shipment Tab)

Reference—Receiving Log 213

4. Click the Receiving Detail tab. A list of all parts ordered on the selected
requisition are listed. Update the Date Received field for each part
Note: When a PO is created in a currency other than the current currency, part
quantities, prices and other costs cannot be modified during a PO

Receiving Detail Tab

5. Click on the icon in the Qty Received field to specify the quantity
received for the selected part. After the Qty Received has been entered,
the user will be prompted to verify that the quantity is correct.
6. After all the details have been updated, return to the Shipment Tab to
update the Date Received for the Purchase Order.
7. Close the Receiving Master file window.

Closing a If all parts have been received against a purchase order, it may be closed
Purchase Order directly from the Receiving Detail tab. Right-click the mouse and select Close
PO from the menu. A message appears, stating, “The PO has been closed.”
Click OK the PO will then be sent to the Purchasing History Master File.
Note: If a purchase order has only one part, it can be received and closed
directly from the Shipments tab.
Closing a purchase order can also be done from the Purchasing Master file.
See Purchasing Master File for more details.

214 Reference—Receiving Log

Receiving History Master File
Overview of The Receiving History Master file contains the records of all parts that were
Receiving received through the Receiving Master file. This data is read-only, and is
therefore used for reference or reporting functions only.
History Master
File Note: An Invoice No. or Packing Slip No. can be added to the Receiving Record
until the PO has been closed. This functionality can be accessed from the
Quick List or the Shipment Tab.

Receiving History Quick List

(not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)

Archive a
Receiving To archive Receiving History records, highlight the records to be archived from
History Record the Quick List and right-click the mouse. Select Archive from the right-click
menu. Please refer to the Archive section of Reference for further explanation
of archiving files.

Reference—Receiving History 215

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216 Reference—Receiving History

Reorder List
Overview of Selecting the Reorder List menu option displays a listing of all parts from the
Reorder List Inventory Master file in which the following criteria applies:
(Qty on Hand – Qty Allocated) + Qty on Order ≤ Reorder Point
Reorder Point ≥ 0

For example, a part with the following quantities would appear on the reorder
Quantity On Hand = 10
Reorder Point = 5
Qty Allocated = 6

Parts appear on the reorder list according to their specific vendors, so an

inventory record MUST be attached to a vendor in order for it to be displayed
on the reorder list. If an inventory record is attached to multiple vendors, it will
be displayed multiple times on the reorder list – once per vendor. Clicking on
the Default Vendor button will narrow down the list to show all of the inventory
records on the Reorder List only once, with only the default vendors present.
Note: Only the local stockroom’s inventory is displayed.

Reference—Reorder List 217

Reorder List

Creating a A requisition can be generated directly from the Reorder List. To create a
Requisition requisition, follow these steps:
1. Select the part(s) to be reordered.
2. Click on the Create Requisition button.
Note: Multiple parts can be chosen by holding down the Shift key while
selecting. Additional parts may be added by holding down the CTRL
key. Keep in mind, however, that all parts selected for a single
requisition must be ordered from the same vendor.
3. Clicking on the Create Requisition button will automatically generate a new
requisition and fill in Requisition No., Vendor Code, Vendor Name, and a
listing of the parts selected. You can then proceed to fill in any other details
for this purchase requisition.
For more information on creating and editing purchase orders, refer to the
Purchasing section.

218 Reference—Reorder List

Overview of The Reports option is used to print any one of the many pre-formatted reports
Reports shipped with ProTeus V. These reports contain helpful information such as
equipment downtime, cost history and labor costs. The information is obtained
from the ProTeus V database tables. Each report is labeled and stamped with
the current date and page number.
Standard ProTeus V provides the following reports.
Reports Note: Reports marked with an asterisk (*) are NOT available with ProTeus V
Note: Reports marked with a cross (†) will be grayed out in the Reports menu
unless the optional modules they are associated with are enabled within
the ProTeus V database (Professional and Enterprise levels only).
Sample printouts of each report can be found on the ProTeus V CD-ROM, in
the Docs folder.

Equipment Reports
Asset Report (ASSET.rpt)
Equipment Cost History Report (ECH.rpt)
Equipment Location Report (ELR.rpt)
Equipment Report (EQUIP.rpt)
PM Report for Equipment Subassemblies (SUB.rpt)
YTD Subassembly Work Order Cost History Summary (SUBCHY.rpt)
LTD Subassembly Work Order Cost History Summary (SUBCHL.rpt)
Actual vs. Budget (BUDGET.rpt*)
Customer Contact Report (CUST.rpt)
Customer Equipment PM Listing (CUSTEQPM.rpt)
Customer Equipment List (CUSTEQ.rpt)
Mean Time to Repair Graph (MTTR.rpt*)
Mean Time Between Failure Graph (MTBF.rpt*)
Equipment Bill of Materials (BOM.rpt)
Equipment Runtime Report (EQRT.rpt)

Equipment Alarm Configuration Report (EQALARM.rpt*)

Inventory Reports
Avery 5262 Inventory Bin Label (BIN5262.rpt)
Inventory Cost Report (ICR.rpt)
Inventory Location Report (ILRL.rpt)
Inventory Location Report by Part Number (ILR.rpt)
Physical Inventory Worksheet (INVWKSHT.rpt)
Price List by Part No (PNPRICE.rpt)
Reorder List, Without Reorder Point (RDRLST0.rpt)
Reorder List, Incl. Min. Qty. of 0 (RDRLST1.rpt)
Inventory Reorder Point Listing (REORDER.rpt)
Transactions History Report (TRANHIST.rpt)

Reference—Reports 219
Stockroom Transfer History (INVM.rpt*)
Transactions History Archive Report (TRANHISTAR.rpt*)
Move Ticket History Archive Report (INVMAR.rpt*)

Maintenance Reports—DM Reports

DM Equipment History Report (DMEH.rpt)
Downtime by Cause Report (DTBYCS.rpt)
DM History Actual Hours by Employee (EMPDMHTM.rpt)
Equipment Out-of-Service (DM Active Listing) (EOSDMA.rpt)
Equipment DM Time Performance Report (ETP.rpt)
Employee Est. Time on DM Active WO By Equipment (DMEST2.rpt)
DM Active Work Order Listing (DMALIST.rpt)
DM Work Order Cost History (DMCH.rpt)
DM Overdue Work Orders (DMO.rpt)
Estimated vs. Actual Downtime by Work Order DM Graph (ESTACTDMHGRA.rpt*)
Completed DM History Work Orders by Month Graph (DMHWOGRA.rpt*)
DM History Labor Costs by Equipment Graph (DMHLCGRA.rpt*)
DM History Material Costs by Equipment Graph (DMHMCGRA.rpt*)
Total Cost of Parts Used on DM Work Orders Graph (DMHPRCSTGRA.rpt*)
DM History Actual Hours by Craft (incl. Labor Costs) Graph (DMHLCSTGRA.rpt*)

Mobile DM Template Work Orders (MOBILEDMT.rpt*)

Mobile DM Active Work Orders (MOBILEDMA.rpt*)

DM Alarm History (ALARMDM.rpt*)
DM Invoice Form (DMINV.rpt)
Parts Used on Equipment – DM (INVWUDM.rpt)

Maintenance Reports—PM Reports

Employee PM Labor Cost Report (EMPCOST.rpt)
PM History Labor Costs (by Labor Craft) Report (PMHLCOST.rpt)
PM History Actual Hours by Employee (EMPPMHTM.rpt)
Equipment Out-of-Service (PM Master Listing) Report (EOSPMM.rpt)
Equipment Out-of-Service (PM Active Listing) (EOSPMA.rpt)
PM Equipment History Report (PMEH.rpt)
PM History Work Order Report (PMH.rpt)
PM Master Work Order Listing (PMML.rpt)
Task Listing (TASK.rpt)
Task Listing, by Labor Code (TASKLC.rpt)
Employee Est. Time on PM Active WO by Equipment (PMAEST2.rpt)
PM Active Work Order Listing (PMALIST.rpt)
PM Work Order Cost History (PMCH.rpt)
PM Overdue Work Orders (PMO.rpt)
Task Where-Used PM (TASKWU.rpt)
Skip PM History Report (SPMH.rpt*)
PM Shadow History Report (PMHSD.rpt*)
Skip PM History Archive Report (SPMHAR.rpt*)
PM Shadow History Archive Report (PMHSDAR.rpt*)

220 Reference—Reports
Estimated vs. Actual Downtime by Work Order PM Graph (ESTACTPMHGRA.rpt*)
Completed PM History Work Orders by Month Graph (PMHWOGRA.rpt*)
PM History Labor Costs by Equipment Graph (PMHLCGRA.rpt*)
PM History Material Costs by Equipment Graph (PMHMCGRA.rpt*)
PM History Actual Hours by Craft (incl. Labor Costs) Graph (PMHLCSTGRA.rpt*)
Total Cost of Parts Used on PM Work Orders Graph (PMHPRCSTGRA.rpt*)

Mobile PM Master Work Orders (MOBILEPMM.rpt*)

Mobile PM Active Work Orders (MOBILEPMA.rpt*)

PM Alarm History (ALARMPM.rpt*)
PM Invoice Form (PMINV.rpt)
Parts Used on Equipment – PM (INVWUPM.rpt)

Labor Reports
Employee Est. Time on DM Active WO Report (DMEST.rpt)
Employee Est. Time on PM Active WO Report (PMAEST.rpt)
Employee Avery Rolodex Card Report (EMP5385.rpt)
Employee Emergency Report (EMPEMER.rpt)
Employee Labor Rate Report (EMPLBRT.rpt)
Employee Listing Report (EMPLOYEE.rpt)
Labor Code Report (LC.rpt)
Employee Time Projection Report (TIMEPROJ.rpt)
DM Work Order Labor History (DMLH.rpt)
PM Work Order Labor History (PMLH.rpt)

Vendor Reports
Vendor Contact Report (VENDOR.rpt)
Vendor Performance Report (POVP.rpt)
Vendor Purchases Listing (VPL.rpt)

Purchasing Reports
Account Purchase Report (ACTP.rpt)
Purchasing History Report (POH.rpt)
Cost Center Purchases Report (CCP.rpt)
Open Items Listing (OPENITEM.rpt)
Purchase Order Report (POPQ.rpt)
POs Past Due Report (PASTDUE.rpt)
Inventory Purchases Report by Part Name (DIPNAME.rpt)
Inventory Purchases Report by Part No. (DIPNO.rpt)
Receiving History Summary (RECVH.rpt)
Total Purchases Report, by Vendor (VPR.rpt)
Blanket Purchase Order Listing (BPO.rpt*)
Total Cost Parts Purchased Graph (POPTCSTGRA.rpt*)
Receiving History Summary Archive Report (RECVHAR.rpt*)

Reference—Reports 221
DM Active Work Order Form (USERDMA.rpt)
DM History Work Order Form (USERDMH.rpt)
DM Template Work Order Form (USERDMT.rpt)
PM Active Work Order Form (USERPMA.rpt)
PM History Work Order Form (USERPMH.rpt)
PM Master Work Order Form (USERPMM.rpt)
Purchase Order Form (USERPO.rpt)
Purchase Order History Form (USERPOH.rpt)

Miscellaneous Reports
These reports are not found on the Reports menu. Their locations are identified.
DM Active Pick List (DMAPICK.rpt)
(This report is accessed by right-clicking in the DM Active Master File.)
PMA Pick List Report (PMAPICK.rpt)
(This report is accessed by right-clicking in the PM Active Master File.)
DM History Archive Work Order Form (USERDMHAR.rpt*)
(This report is accessed by right-clicking in the DM Archive File.)
PM History Archive Work Order Form (USERPMHAR.rpt*)
(This report is accessed by right-clicking in the PM Archive File.)
Purchase Order History Archive Form (USERPOHAR.rpt*)
(This report is accessed by right-clicking in the Purchasing Archive File.)
Dashboard Report (DASHBOARD.rpt)
(This report is accessed by choosing Other > Options > Set Background menu)
Advanced Audit Trail Report (ADAUDITTBL.rpt*)
This report can be found within the Audit Trail optional module.
Advanced Audit Trail Archive Report (ADAUDITTBLAR.rpt*)
This report can be found within the Audit Trail optional module.
Audit Trail Report (AUDITTBL.rpt*)
This report can be found within the Audit Trail optional module.

Multi-Currency (not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)

Reports Multiple Currency Reports are located on the ProTeus V installation disk in the
‘Alternate’ directory. Copy the reports from the CD to the \ProTeus V directory
on the workstation that will be accessing them.
WARNING: The multiple currency reports will over-write the default reports with
the same filenames. If any custom reports are present in the \ProTeus V
directory, remove or rename them before replacing them with multiple currency
They include:
Account Purchase Report (ACTP.rpt*)
Asset Report (ASSET.rpt*)

Blanket Purchase Order Listing (BPO.rpt*)

Actual vs. Budget (BUDGET.rpt*)
Cost Center Purchases Report (CCP.rpt*)
222 Reference—Reports
Inventory Purchases Report by Part Name (DIPNAME.rpt*)
Inventory Purchases Report by Part Number (DIPNO.rpt*)
DM Work Order Cost History (DMCH.rpt*)
Equipment Cost History Report (ECH.rpt*)
Employee PM Labor Cost Report (EMPCOST.rpt*)
Employee Labor Rate Report (EMPLBRT.rpt*)
Inventory Cost Report (ICR.rpt*)
PM Work Order Cost History Report (PMCH.rpt*)
PM History Labor Costs (by Labor Craft) Report (PMHLCOST.rpt*)
Price List by Part Number Report (PNPRICE.rpt*)
Purchasing History Report (POH.rpt*)
LTD Subassembly Work Order Cost History Summary Report (SUBCHL.rpt*)
YTD Subassembly Work Order Cost History Summary Report (SUBCHY.rpt*)
Purchase Order Form (USERPO.rpt*)
Purchase Order History Form (USERPOH.rpt*)
Vendor Purchases Listing Report (VPL.rpt*)
Total Purchases Report by Vendor (VPR.rpt*)

Customer (not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)

Reports Work order, history and archive forms are available with the Customer Name on
top, if the Customer module is being used. These reports are located on the
ProTeus V installation disk in the ‘Alternate’ directory. Copy the reports from
the CD to the \ProTeus V directory on the workstation that will be accessing
WARNING: These customer reports will over-write the default reports with the
same filenames. If any custom reports are present in the \ProTeus V directory,
remove or rename them before replacing them with the customer reports.

Before attempting to print a report, make sure the printer is attached, ready,
Printing a and on-line. Follow these steps to select and print a report.
Report 1. Select the Reports option on the Main menu.
2. The Reports drop-down menu will appear, showing several categories of
reports and graphs to choose from.
3. Select the report to print. The Report Dialog Box appears.

Reference—Reports 223
Report Dialog Box

4. To place a condition on the selected reports, click Query.

5. The Query box displays. Query your records and click OK. A Report
screen appears.
6. To browse through the report, use the Page Up/Page Down keys or the
scroll bars. The icon at the top of the screen will also help in
viewing the report. This sets the magnification factor for viewing your
7. If the report contains multiple pages of information, use the right and left
arrows, located next to the printer icon, to browse through the report.

Sample Report

224 Reference—Reports
To print the report, click the printer icon on the report screen.

To export the report to another application, click the export icon.

To exit without printing, click on the exit icon to close. The Main menu will

Custom Reports (not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)

(optional) Custom Reports allow the user to select, display, and print custom reports
created through Crystal Reports Professional XI or greater. Crystal Reports
Professional can be used to modify any standard reports included with ProTeus
V and to create new custom reports.

Reference—Reports 225
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226 Reference—Reports
Overview of (not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)
Scheduling The Scheduling module displays current, overdue and upcoming PM and DM
work orders in calendar-view and tree-view formats. Viewing these active,
overdue, and future work orders allows equipment availability to be planned,
available resources to be identified, and over-scheduling to be eliminated.

Functions of From within the scheduler, many functions can be performed. Each of these
Scheduling functions is explained in detail later in this section.
• Work orders can be viewed by day, week, month, year, , employee,
equipment or customer, or by specific job number.
• Labor can be reassigned.
• Work orders can be rescheduled.
• PM Masters, Overdue and Future PMs can be activated.
• Active work orders can be skipped.
These functions are performed from the “month view” of the scheduler. The
month view is explained later.

Tree Navigation The tree-view of the Scheduling module allows users to drill down to see PM
and DM work orders by year, month, week, day or by specific employee,
equipment or customer. The number of months that display can be changed by
altering the numbers that appear in the display panel on the lower left-hand side
of the screen.
Note: The larger the span of months, the longer ProTeus will take to refresh. It
is recommended that you do not go out more than a couple of months
for optimal refresh times.
Additionally, filters can be placed to show only PMs, DMs, or both PMs and
DMs (the default).

Reference—Scheduling 227
Right-click on the year or month to preview or print all work orders for that time

Color Codes Work orders are color-coded, both on the calendar, and in the tree, as follows:
PM - Active: PM work orders that have reached their Activation Date or
Runtime threshold, and have not yet been closed. PM Active work orders are
placed on the calendar according to their Active Date (field in PM Active). They
are represented in GREEN.
PM - Overdue: PM work orders whose Next Scheduled Date is earlier than
today’s date, but that have not been activated. PM Overdue work orders are
placed on the calendar according to their Next Scheduled Date (field in PM
Master). They are represented in RED. An example of an overdue PM would be
one in which the equipment is out of service, preventing its activation.
PM - Future: PM work orders that are scheduled to activate in the future. Future
PM work orders are placed on the calendar according to ProTeus’ projection of due
dates based on the Next Scheduled Date (field in PM Master). They are
represented in BLUE.
Note: If the Hide/Show PM Future button is set to HIDE, then only PM Masters
due to become active on the Next Scheduled Date will be displayed.
Future scheduled dates will not be shown. This is helpful when
rescheduling work.
Note: PM work orders that are scheduled by runtime are not forecasted, and
therefore, will NOT be displayed as future PMs.
DM - Active: DM work orders that are currently Active, and have not yet been
closed. DM work orders are placed on the calendar according to their Date
Started (field in DM Active). They are represented in PURPLE.

228 Reference—Scheduling
To view all upcoming work orders by year, select and click the year from the
View by Year
Tree View. A list of work orders (separated by PMs and DMs) for that year

Schedule - View by Year

Note: This is the view from which most Scheduling functions are performed.
View by Month
To view all upcoming work orders by month, select and click on a month from
the Tree View. A calendar appears, providing a month-at-a-glance view of the
number (quantity) of upcoming work orders. Numbers appear on each day for which
maintenance activities are scheduled, and represent the number of Active PM’s,
Overdue PM’s, Future PM’s and Active DM’s.
Left-clicking on a number will bring up the associated work orders in Quick List
format below the calendar, showing the work order number, equipment number,
equipment name, next scheduled date and procedure description.

Reference—Scheduling 229
Schedule - View by Month

On the right, there are two show/hide toggle buttons: PM Future and Details.
When future PMs are hidden, then only PM Masters due to become active on
the Next Scheduled Date will be displayed.
The Details button is used to expand and collapse records that appear in the
right pane of the window. By hiding the details, all records will appear as
collapsed. The user can then click on the [+] button next to the record to expand
the record and view the details.
Note: Depending upon the number of PMs and DMs in the ProTeus V
database, selecting the SHOW option on these buttons may affect the
performance (slow down the speed) of the scheduler.

230 Reference—Scheduling
View by Week To view all upcoming work orders for a specific week, click the [+] icon next to
the month. The tree expands, listing each week of the month. Click on the
desired week. A summary of the work orders for the chosen week appears on
the right-hand side of the window.

Schedule - View by Week

Click on the [+] button next to any Job No./Work Order No. for additional detail
for that work order.
Right-click anywhere in the right-hand window to preview and print a copy of
the schedule.

Reference—Scheduling 231
To view all upcoming work orders for a specific day, click the [+] icon next to the
View by Day
week. The tree expands, listing each day of the week. Click on the desired day.
A summary of the work orders for the chosen day appears on the right-hand
side of the window.

Schedule - View by Day

Click on the [+] button next to any Job No./Work Order No. for additional detail
for that work order.
Right-click anywhere in the right-hand window to preview and print a copy of the

232 Reference—Scheduling
View by Job To view all upcoming work orders by Job Number, click the [+] icon next to the
Number day. The tree expands, listing each work order scheduled for that day. Clicking
on a Job Number from the tree, displays the work order in printable format.

Schedule - View by Job No.

Right-click anywhere in the right-hand window to print a copy of the work order.

Reference—Scheduling 233
View by To view upcoming work orders for a piece of equipment, expand the tree to the
Equipment Day level. Click on the word Equipment. A summary of work for the week
appears on the right.
Click the [+] icon next to the word Equipment. The tree expands, listing each
piece of equipment that is scheduled for maintenance that week. Select an
individual piece of equipment by clicking on it. A summary of work orders
containing that equipment item is displayed on the right.

Schedule - View by Equipment

Click on the [+] button next to any Job No./Work Order No. for additional detail
for that work order.
Right-click anywhere in the right-hand window to preview and print a copy of the

234 Reference—Scheduling
View by To view upcoming work orders by employee, expand the tree to the Day level.
Employee Click on the word Employee. A summary of work for the week appears on the
Click the [+] icon next to the word Employee. The tree expands, listing each
employee that is scheduled to perform work that week. Select an individual
employee by clicking on his/her name. A summary of work orders scheduled
for that employee is displayed on the right.

Schedule - View by Employee

Click on the [+] button next to any Job No./Work Order No. for additional detail
for that work order.
Right-click anywhere in the right-hand window to preview and print a copy of the

Reference—Scheduling 235
View by To view upcoming work orders by customer, expand the tree to the Day level.
Customer Click on the word Customer. A summary of work for the week appears on the
right, sorted by customer.
Click the [+] icon next to the word Customer. The tree expands, listing each
customer that is scheduled for maintenance that week. Select an individual
customer by clicking on the customer name. A summary of work orders
scheduled for that customer is displayed on the right.

Schedule - View by Customer

Click on the [+] button next to any Customer for additional detail for that work
Right-click anywhere in the right-hand window to preview and print a copy of the

Resource Labor can be added to or changed on PM Active, PM Future, PM Overdue and DM

Assignment Active work orders. Labor can be deleted from PM Future and PM Overdue work
orders. The scheduler must be expanded to the month view.
To modify labor:
1. Hide the future PM’s by clicking on the Hide/Show PM Future button.
This will guarantee that only valid PMs are visible.
2. On the calendar, left-click on a number representing a scheduled work
3. Right-click on the Resource Assignment pop-up menu. The Resource
Assignment window appears.

236 Reference—Scheduling
Resource Assignment Window

4. Work orders that are scheduled for that day appear. A work order
number or job number is listed multiple times in the Resource
Assignment grid for each employee that is assigned to the work order.
Note: Work orders can be sorted by clicking on the column headers.
5. Click on a work order (multiple work orders can be selected by holding
down the SHIFT or ALT key while selecting) to select the work order(s)
to reschedule.
6. To add labor, right-click and choose Add Labor.
a. A Labor box appears. Choose an employee to add to the work
order(s), enter in the hours, and click ADD.

Reference—Scheduling 237
Add Labor Screen

b. The employee will be added to the work order(s).

7. To change labor, right-click and choose Change Labor.
a. A Labor box appears. Choose an employee to add to the work
order(s) in place of the existing employee, enter in the hours,
and click CHANGE.

b. The newly selected employee will replace the existing employee.

8. To delete labor (on PM Future and PM Overdue records only), right-
click and choose Delete Labor. The employees will be removed from the
work order(s).

238 Reference—Scheduling
Rescheduling Upcoming work orders can be rescheduled to a different date via the calendar if
Work several conditions are met:
1. The work order cycle for the particular Job No. is not active.
2. The work order cycle has a Next Scheduled Date (look in PM Master
under the Date Schedule tab).
3. The work order to be rescheduled must be the next one in the cycle to
be activated.
Clicking the Hide PM Future button guarantees that only reschedulable PMs (those
that meet the conditions above) are visible.
Example: Work order with a Cycle = Weekly; Scheduled for every Monday.
Today’s Date: Tuesday, May 4, 2005
Next Scheduled Date: Monday, May 10, 2005
Future Scheduled Dates: Monday, May 17; Monday, May 24; Monday, May
31, etc.
Only the work order scheduled for Monday, May 10 will be shown on the
calendar, and thus, can be rescheduled.

To Reschedule:
1. Hide the future PM’s by clicking on the Hide/Show PM Future button.
This will guarantee that only reschedulable PMs are visible.
Note: When hiding future PM’s the Hide/Show button should read Show.
2. On the calendar, left-click on a number representing a scheduled work
3. Right-click on the Resource Assignment pop-up menu. The Resource
Assignment window appears.

Reference—Scheduling 239
Resource Assignment Window

4. Work orders that are scheduled for that day appear. In fact, a work order
number or job number will appear multiple times in the Resource
Assignment grid if there are multiple employees assigned to the work
Note: Work orders can be sorted by clicking on the column headers.
5. Click on a work order (multiple work orders can be selected by holding
down the SHIFT or ALT key while selecting) to select the work order(s)
to reschedule.
6. Right-click and choose Reschedule.
7. A date box appears. Choose a date to which to reschedule the work
order(s) from the drop-down calendar.

8. The work order(s) will be rescheduled.

240 Reference—Scheduling
(not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)
Skip PM
Active PMs can be skipped from the “month view” of the scheduler.
1. Select a month from the Tree navigator.
2. On the calendar that appears, left-click on the number representing the
date of the work order to skip.
3. Work orders that are scheduled for that day appear at the bottom in
Quick List format.
4. Select the work order to skip from the Quick List by clicking on it.
5. Now right-click and choose Skip.
6. The message “Do you want to advance the date schedule to the next
cycle for Job No. xxx?”. Click Yes, if you want to advance the cycle of
the PM Work Order.
7. When the message “The PM Work Order cycle has been skipped
“appears, click OK.
8. The work order will be skipped.
For more information about skipping PMs, please see the PM Active section.

PMs can be activated from the “month view” of the scheduler.

Activate PM
1. Select a month from the Tree navigator.
2. On the calendar that appears, left-click on the number representing the
date of the work order to Activate.
3. Work orders that are scheduled for that day appear at the bottom in
Quick List format.
4. Select the work order to activate from the Quick List by clicking on it.
5. Now right-click and choose Activate.
6. The work order will be activated.
For more information about activating PMs, please see the PM Master section.

Reference—Scheduling 241
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242 Reference—Scheduling
Ship to Addresses Master File
Overview of The Ship to Addresses Master file is used to designate addresses for frequent
Ship To shipment locations, such as different plant locations or buildings. These
addresses may then be used in the Purchasing Master File when creating
purchase orders.

Ship To Window

To add an address, choose Ship To Addresses under the Purchasing option on

the Main Menu.
For instructions on adding, modifying and deleting records, please refer to The
Basics section of Learning the Basics. Additional information on fields and
tables is located within the Appendix section under Database Fields.

Reference—Ship To Addresses 243

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244 Reference—Ship To Addresses

Overview of (not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)
Stockroom The Stockroom option is used to track inventory in multiple stockroom locations,
as well as move inventory to different stockroom locations.
Using a “Move Ticket”, users can move inventory from another stockroom to the
user’s local stockroom and/or move inventory from the user’s local stockroom to
another stockroom. All Move Ticket transactions are recorded in a Move Ticket
History file.
The default stockroom, MAIN, always maintains a master file of all inventory
items, regardless of stockroom, and is updated automatically as any parts are
added to the Inventory Master file from any stockroom location.
The Stockroom name appears in the title bar of Inventory when the user is
logged into a stockroom other than MAIN.
Note: If a part exists in multiple stockrooms, changing the Part No. or the Part
Name in any stockroom will change the Part No./Part Name wherever it

Add Stockroom To add a new stockroom:

1. Select Add Stockroom from the Other > Options > Stockroom menu.
2. Click the Add button.
3. Enter the new stockroom and click OK.

Add Stockroom Window

4. Verify the new stockroom was added and click the Close button.

Reference—Stockroom 245
Set Local Initially, the local stockroom is set to MAIN. To change this:
Stockroom 1. Select Set Local Stockroom from the Assets > Stockroom menu.
2. Click the drop-down arrow and select the stockroom which will be the new
Local stockroom for this computer workstation. Click OK.

Deleting a 1. Select Add Stockroom from the Assets > Stockroom menu.
Stockroom 2. Select the stockroom to delete and click the Delete button.
3. Click Yes to delete this item.
Note: Stockroom “MAIN” cannot be deleted. The following message appears
when trying to delete it: “Cannot delete default stockroom!”
Note: Stockrooms with any inventory quantities cannot be deleted. The
following message appears when trying to delete it: “Other records
are dependent on this record. Dependent records must
be removed before this record can be deleted.”

Modifying the 1. Select Add Stockroom from the Assets > Stockroom menu.
Name of a 2. Select the stockroom to modify and click the Modify button.
3. Modify the stockroom name and click OK.
Note: When modifying a stockroom, the modification will be made throughout
ProTeus V.

Establishing To move parts from one stockroom to another, first that stockroom must be
created (see Add Stockroom) and then the inventory item must be added to the
new stockroom.
for a Part 1. To attach another stockroom to an inventory item, select Inventory from the
Assets Menu.
2. From the Inventory Quick List, click on the inventory item whose parts will
be added to the new stockroom.
Note: To add a new stockroom to multiple inventory items at one time, hold
down the <CTRL> key and click on each item. All selected items must
have the same destination stockroom.
3. Right-click anywhere in the grid and click Add To Another Stockroom.

Stockroom Menu
4. Select a destination stockroom from the drop-down. Click OK.
5. The new stockroom (with a Quantity on Hand defaulting to 0) is added to
the Inventory tab.

246 Reference—Stockroom
Multiple Stockrooms in Inventory

Move Stock Before moving inventory stock, multiple stockrooms must be established for this
From Local part (see Establishing Multiple Stockrooms for a Part).
Stockroom To move parts from the local stockroom to another stockroom:
1. Select Inventory from the Assets Menu.
2. From the Quick List, click on the part to move.
3. Right-click anywhere in the anywhere in the grid and click Move Stock from

Stockroom Menu
4. Make sure there is enough inventory and then select the Destination
Note: If there isn’t enough Qty on Hand, the system ignores the transaction.
5. Enter the Transfer Amount. To send an e-mail, go on to Step 6. Otherwise,
skip to step 8.
6. Click the E-mail checkbox to send an e-mail notification of the transfer.
Note: Employee Name and E-mail Address fields will be grayed out until the
E-mail checkbox is checked.
7. Select the employee to whom to send the e-mail. The e-mail address will be
drawn from the Employee Master file.

Reference—Stockroom 247
Note: The e-mail functionality will only work if the information in E-mail Setup
under the Other > Options menu was entered.
8. Click the Submit button. A message appears, stating that the transaction
and/or email message were sent successfully. Click OK.
9. Close the Move Ticket window.

Move Stock to Before moving inventory stock, multiple stockrooms must be established for this
Local part (see Establishing Multiple Stockrooms for a Part).
Stockroom To move parts to the local stockroom from another stockroom:
1. Select Inventory from the Assets Menu.
2. From the Quick List, click on the part to move.
3. Right-click anywhere in the anywhere in the grid and click Move Stock to

Stockroom Menu
4. Select the Source Stockroom and make sure there is enough inventory on
hand to do the transaction.
Note: If there isn’t enough Qty on Hand, the system ignores the transaction.

Move Ticket Window

5. Enter the Transfer Amount. To send an e-mail, go on to Step 6. Otherwise,
skip to step 8.
6. Click the E-mail checkbox to send an e-mail notification of the transfer.

248 Reference—Stockroom
Note: Employee Name and E-mail Address fields will be grayed out until the
E-mail checkbox is checked.
7. Select the employee to whom to send the e-mail.
Note: The e-mail functionality will only work if the information in E-mail Setup
under the Other > Options menu was entered, and the employee
chosen to receive the e-mail has an e-mail address entered in the
Employee Master file.
8. Click the Submit button. A message appears, stating that the transaction
and/or email message were sent successfully. Click OK.
9. Close the Move Ticket window.

Move Ticket The Move Ticket History Master file contains records for all inventory items
History Master which were moved between stockrooms. This data is read-only, and is
therefore used for reference purposes only.
1. Select Move Ticket History from the Assets Menu.
2. Select a record from the Quick List to view the details on a transfer.

Move Ticket History

Reference—Stockroom 249
(not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)
Archive Move
Ticket History To archive Move Ticket History records, highlight the records to be archived
from the Quick List and right-click the mouse. Select Archive from the right-click
menu. Please refer to the Archive section of Reference for further explanation
of archiving files.

250 Reference—Stockroom
Tasks Master File
Overview of The Tasks Master file is used to record various maintenance tasks that are
Tasks Master performed at regular intervals. These tasks can be generic, such as replace,
inspect, or calibrate. They can also be safety-related or machine-specific tasks.
Tasks can later be attached to Preventive or Demand Maintenance work
Important! Devote careful planning to developing the task code library and
task descriptions. The effort spent in devising task codes tailored to the
facility’s operations will result in easier work order production and clear, precise
maintenance procedures.

Tasks Master File

A Task Number identifies all tasks. Use any numbering scheme that makes
sense. However, it is preferable to number by type of work, or by type of

Reference—Tasks 251
Using a logical numbering scheme, tasks can be organized into groups by
prefixes and suffixes like the following examples:

Prefixes: Suffixes:
INS Inspection 000-099 Custodial
LUB Lubrication 100-199 Electrical
SAF Safety 200-299 Mechanical
VIB Vibration 300-399 HVAC
CAL Calibration 400-499 Facilities
CLN Cleaning 500-599 Carpentry
FAB Fabrication 600-699 Painting
FIR Fire Systems 700-799 Plumbing
LOP Lock out/Tag Out 800-899 Bldg/Grounds
ADJ Adjust 900-999 Welding
CHG Change TST Test

Tasks can also be assigned a labor code, which will determine which
employees can perform a task, and estimated hours, which can be used in
scheduling labor on a work order.
For instructions on adding, modifying and deleting records, please refer to The
Basics section of Learning the Basics. Additional information on fields and
tables is located within the Appendix section under Database Fields.

252 Reference—Tasks
Time Card
Overview of (not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)
Time Card The Time Card feature allows employees to look up work orders associated
with their name and update labor for PM and DM work orders. It is a one-stop
location to easily update labor hours and dates without accessing the individual
PM and DM work order records.
The Time Card feature is filtered by Employee Name. Both DM Active and PM
Active work orders are listed for each employee.

Time Card Module

Update Labor To update hours and dates worked, follow these steps:
Hours to 1. Select Time Card from the Personnel Menu.
Assigned 2. Choose the employee whose labor needs updating from the Employee
PMs/DMs Name or Employee No. drop-down list.
3. Click on the DM Active or PM Active tab for the respective work orders.
Only work orders with the employee’s name attached will appear.
4. Select a work order or job number from the Quick List.
5. Enter the date work was performed in the Completion Date field on the
Quick Screen. Fill in the hours worked on that date in the Hours fields.

6. Click the Post button. The information entered will transfer

automatically to the proper work order record in PM Active and DM Active.

Reference—Time Card 253

7. If work on the same PM or DM was performed by this employee on a
subsequent day, click the Insert button to add a new day.
8. Re-select the work order or job number and labor code used above.
9. Select the date additional work was performed from the Completion Date
dropdown on the Quick Screen. Fill in the hours worked on that date in the
Hours fields.

10. Click the Post button. The information entered will transfer
automatically to the proper work order records in PM Active and DM Active.
11. Repeat steps 7 through 10 for each additional day work was performed on
this one job by this one employee.
Note: PM and DM work orders cannot be closed using the Time Card function.

Update Labor To update hours and dates worked, follow these steps:
Hours to 1. Select Time Card from the Personnel Menu.
Unassigned 2. Choose the employee whose labor needs updating from the Employee
PMs/DMs Name or Employee No. drop-down list.
3. Click on the DM Active or PM Active tab to choose DMs or PMs.

4. Click the Add button. Select the Job Number that this employee worked
5. Select the Labor Code.
6. Select the date that work was performed from the Completion Date
dropdown on the Quick Screen. Fill in the hours worked on that date in the
Hours fields.

7. Click the Post button. The information entered will transfer

automatically to the proper work order records in PM Active and DM Active.
8. Repeat steps 4 through 7 for each additional day, which work was
performed by this employee.

254 Reference—Time Card

Transactions Log
Overview of The Transactions Log is used to adjust the Qty on Hand for parts in the
Transactions Inventory Master file. Inventory adjustments may be necessary when parts
have been left over, miscounted, or found defective. The Transactions Log also
handles miscellaneous inventory withdrawals, additions, receiving errors, and
physical count adjustments. The Quantity on Hand is displayed for your
reference, and is read-only.
Note: Qty on Hand in Inventory is automatically adjusted when parts are used
on PM or DM work orders, and when parts are received from a PO, so
no adjustment for these is necessary.
Note: Inventory transactions will, if a Cost Center is selected, affect the
materials budget for that Cost Center.
Each new transaction is identified by an adjustment number, which consists of
the current year, month, day, and a three-digit transaction number. See
example in the picture below:


Note: Quantities shown are from the local stockroom only.

For instructions on adding, modifying and deleting records, please refer to The
Basics section of Learning the Basics. Additional information on fields and
tables is located within the Appendix section under Database Fields.

Reference—Transactions Log 255

Types of Follow these steps to create a transaction.
Transactions 1. From the Main menu, select Assets > Transactions. The Transaction
window displays.
2. Note that Adjustment No. and Employee Name are automatically filled in.
3. Click on the Part No. or Part Name field to activate the drop-down list of
parts in Inventory. Select the Part No. to adjust.
4. Type in the quantity of parts to adjust in the Adjustment Qty. field.
5. Select the type of adjustment to make. Add will add the number in
Adjustment Qty. to the Qty. on Hand in Inventory, while Subtract will
subtract it. Replace will replace the current Qty on Hand with the new
amount in Adjustment Qty.
6. Click on a Reason for Adjustment and enter in a description if necessary.
7. Select Checked Out To (optional).
8. Fill in the Description field for extended detail on the reason for
9. Click Submit to submit this information to Transaction History, and to
update the Qty on Hand in Inventory.

Using the The Transactions log can also serve as a Tool Check In/ Check Out feature.
Transactions For this to work, the user must enter the various tools into the Inventory Master
file. Follow these steps to check tools in or out.
Log for Tool
Tracking 1. From the Main menu, select Assets > Transactions. The Transaction
window displays.
2. Choose a tool from the Part No. or Part Name field.
3. Type in the quantity of that tool to check out/in in the Adjustment Qty. field.
4. Select the type of adjustment to make. Select Subtract when tools are
being checked out. Select Add when tools are being checked in.
5. Select the employee name from the Checked Out To field.
6. Click Submit to submit this information to Transaction History.

256 Reference—Transactions Log

Transaction History Master File
Overview of When transactions are made in the Transaction Log, or when a part is pulled
Transaction from PM/DM Active, it is recorded within the Transaction History Master File.
This file can be viewed by clicking the Transaction History option under the
History Master
Assets menu. This data is read-only, and is therefore used for reference
File only.

Transaction History Master File

(not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)

Transaction To archive Transaction History records, highlight the records to be archived
History from the Quick List and right-click the mouse. Select Archive from the right-click
menu. Please refer to the Archive section of Reference for further explanation
of archiving files.

Reference—Transaction History 257

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258 Reference—Transaction History

Vendors Master File
Overview of The Vendors Master file is used to record, in detail, all the information relevant
Vendors Master to the suppliers of equipment, tools, parts, contracted services, or any other
purchased commodity. It allows vendors to be added, deleted and copied.
The Vendor Master File is linked to the Equipment and Inventory Master Files,
so that the equipment and inventoried parts supplied by the vendor can be
displayed from the Vendor Master File.

Quick Screen Information is added to a Vendor file by filling in the fields located on the
Entry various tabs (i.e. Contact, Purchases, etc) throughout the Master file. The
Vendors Quick Screen allow easy access to required or most frequently
accessed fields, preventing the need to jump from tab to tab when only
minimum information is required. While much of the information can be added
via the Vendors Quick Screen, the remainder of this chapter concentrates on
adding information tab by tab.

Vendor Quick List / Quick Screen

Reference—Vendors 259
Vendors Tab Assign each vendor a unique code number. We recommend using the same
vendor codes that the purchasing department uses, so that POs and
requisitions, which may be passed between the two departments, have
The Web Page field can be used to enter in the vendor’s home page, if any.
Click on the globe icon to the right of this field to launch the vendor’s home
page using the computer’s default internet browser.
Historical cost data from this vendor can also be found on this tab. This
includes Year-to-Date and Life-to-Date purchasing totals. Payment Terms can
also be added on this tab. This information will automatically appear in the
Payment Terms field under the Costs tab in Purchasing.

Vendor Master File

For instructions on adding, modifying and deleting records, please refer to The
Basics section of Learning the Basics. Additional information on fields and
tables is located within the Appendix section under Database Fields.

260 Reference—Vendors
Contact Tab Additional information can be added on the Contact tab.

Parts List Tab Click the Parts List tab to view a read-only listing of all the parts that have been,
or may be, purchased from this vendor.
The Parts List tab displays only the parts in the Main stockroom, no matter what
the local stockroom is set to. However, when adding parts, only the local
stockroom’s inventory will be listed. When a vendor is attached to a part from a
local stockroom, the default stockroom, Main, will automatically be updated with
the vendor information. The default vendor checkbox will remain specific to
each stockroom.

Parts List Tab

Reference—Vendors 261
Equipment List Click the Equipment List tab to display a read-only listing of all equipment that is
Tab associated to this vendor from the Equipment Master file.

Equipment List Tab

Note: The Equipment List is for reference only.

262 Reference—Vendors
Zero Fiscal Year Totals
Overview of The Zero Fiscal Year Totals option is used to set all PM and DM year-to-date
Zero Fiscal Year costs that were associated with each piece of equipment to $0.00. The cost
history data that is kept for equipment includes material and labor costs. These
costs can be viewed by clicking the Cost History tab while displaying an
equipment record in the Equipment Master File.
Zero Fiscal Year Totals also clears out year-to-date purchases for all vendors.
These costs can be viewed under the Vendor Master file.
The zeroing procedure does not affect the life-to-date costs or life-to-date
purchases, which remain intact. The procedure is designed to be used once a
year, at the end of the fiscal year. If it is used at any other time, the cost history
data collected over the period of the current fiscal year will be lost (but will
remain in life-to-date totals). If needed, gather this data before zeroing the
Note: Only logins with rights to this function can zero fiscal year totals.

Zeroing Fiscal Follow these steps to zero the year-to-date cost history for every piece of
Year Totals equipment.
1. From the Main menu, select Other > Zero Fiscal Year Totals.
2. A verification message, “Are you sure you want to zero out
all Year-to-date totals?” displays to make sure it can clear the
3. Click OK to clear the totals or click Cancel to exit this operation without
affecting the year-to-date totals.

Reference—Zero Fiscal Year Totals 263

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264 Reference—Zero Fiscal Year Totals

Additional Modules
Alarm Interface
Audit Trail
Equipment Load
ERP Interface
Metasys Interface
MS Project Interface
PM Tasks
Service Request

Additional Modules 265

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266 Additional Modules

Alarm Interface
Overview of (not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)
Alarm Interface Please refer to the documentation included with the Alarm Interface module for
installation and operation instructions.
Contact Eagle Technology, Inc. for more information on adding the Alarm
Interface module.

Additional Modules—Alarm Interface 267

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268 Additional Modules—Alarm Interface

Audit Trail
Overview of Note: Audit Trail is only available with ProTeus V Enterprise.
Audit Trail The Audit Trail application allows the database administrator to keep track of all
changes to work orders in ProTeus V.

Please refer to the documentation included with the Audit Trail module for
installation and operation instructions.

Contact Eagle Technology, Inc. for more information on adding the Audit Trail

Additional Modules—Audit Trail 269

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270 Additional Modules—Audit Trail

Overview of (not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)
Barcode The Barcode module allows for remote data entry through hand-held scanners.
Information can be collected on completed PM and DM work orders, equipment
runtime can be updated, and physical inventory can be adjusted. This
information can then be uploaded into the ProTeus V database.
The Barcode module is available for the following hardware:
PSC: PT2000 Portable Data Terminal (TopGun®)
PSC: Falcon PT40 Compact Bar Code Data Collection Terminal
When selecting a Barcode printer, please make sure to choose one that can
print on labels up to 4 inches wide. Barcode type labels and reports are
included with the Barcode Module.
Please refer to the documentation included with the Barcode Module for
installation and operating instructions.

Please contact Eagle Technology, Inc. for more information on adding the
Barcode module to your ProTeus V application.

Additional Modules--Barcode 271

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272 Additional Modules--Barcode

Equipment Load
Overview of (not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)
Equipment Equipment Load is a utility which automatically copies equipment numbers and
Load names from Johnson Controls' Metasys (PMI Versions) Control System
directly into ProTeus V. This easy to use tool provides users with a process
which builds the Equipment Master file with only a few simple steps.

Installing the The Equipment Load module is installed during Metasys interface installation.
Load Module

Loading 1. Start the Equipment Load program by running C:\Program Files\Eagle\

Equipment from Metasys\MSIAlarm\EquipLd.exe.
Equipment 2. Open the appropriate DDL file which contains the equipment data from
Load Metasys (most likely it will be named dsaglb.ddl). A list of equipment and
descriptions appears.

Equipment Load

3. From the list box, select which equipment records to transfer to ProTeus V.
4. Click on the Database menu option, and choose Add from the drop-down
5. A message will then appear, stating how many equipment records were
added to the ProTeus V Equipment Master file. Only equipment records
that do not already exist will be added to the Equipment Master file.

Additional Modules—Equipment Load 273

Contact Eagle Technology, Inc. for more information on adding the Equipment
Load module.

274 Additional Modules—Equipment Load

ERP Interface
Overview of Note: The ERP Interface is only available with ProTeus V Enterprise.
ERP Interface The ERP Interface allows you to develop selected data exchange between
ProTeus V Enterprise and an ERP or accounting system that is external to
ProTeus V.

Please refer to the documentation included with the ERP Interface Module for
installation, development and operation instructions.

Contact Eagle Technology, Inc. for more information on adding the ERP
Interface module.

Additional Modules—ERP Interface 275

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276 Additional Modules—ERP Interface

Overview of (not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)
M-Site Multi-Site (or M-Site) is a client based application designed for organizations
with multiple plants, facilities, campuses or locations. It allows the user to
easily switch between multiple databases. ProTeus V M-Site users with the
appropriate login rights can enter any database connected to their corporate
LAN, WAN or intranet.

Please refer to the documentation included with the M-Site Module for
installation and operation instructions.

Contact Eagle Technology, Inc. for more information on adding the M-Site

Additional Modules—M-Site 277

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278 Additional Modules—M-Site

Metasys Interface
Overview of (not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)
Metasys The Metasys Interface is a separate application, which provides an interface
Interface between ProTeus V and Johnson Controls' Metasys (PMI Versions) Control
System. This allows for work orders to be generated automatically when a
critical alarm is triggered, and automatically update runtime totals on specified
equipment (thereby automatically generating runtime-based PM’s).

Please refer to the documentation included with the Metasys Interface for
installation and operation instructions.

Please contact Eagle Technology, Inc. for more information on adding the
Metasys Interface module.

Additional Modules—Metasys Interface 279

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280 Additional Modules—Metasys Interface

Overview of (not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)
Mobile Please refer to the documentation included with the Mobile module for
installation and operation instructions.
Contact Eagle Technology, Inc. for more information on adding the Mobile

Additional Modules—Mobile 281

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282 Additional Modules—Mobile

MS Project Interface
Overview of MS The MS Project interface (Supports MS Project 2000) module has been
Project Interface designed to allow users to bring Project information over to ProTeus V to be
tracked by the maintenance department.
1. To launch a new MS Project file, either click on the MS Project toolbar
button or select MS Project > New from the Other menu.
2. To import MS Project files into DM Active, select MS Project > Import
Work Orders from the Other menu.
3. To launch MS Project and open files which have already been imported,
select MS Project > Open from the Other menu. This will display a dialog
box with imported Project files. Double-click to open a file.
Note: A right-click in the Equipment Master file will also bring up a MS Project
dialog box from which to choose Project files. The name of the Project
file (including the path) is stored in a field in the Equipment Master file
as a MS Project file. This field is displayed on the User Fields tab in
The import procedure is as follows:
The MS Project file name from MS Project will transfer over as a new piece of
equipment in ProTeus V Equipment Master file. This equipment/project will be
given the name of "PROJ" plus the MS Project Name. For example, an
equipment number for a project named OVERHAUL would be called PROJ-
OVERHAUL in ProTeus V.
The tasks from the Microsoft Project will transfer over as individual Demand
Active work orders. Each Project task is a separate work order. These work
orders will be given a date coded work order number, with the equipment
attachment being that MS Project "equipment" (i.e. project).
The following fields are imported from MS Project into ProTeus V.
MS Project Field Name ProTeus V Field Name Notes
Name of the Project PROJ + Equipment No. in
Equipment Master
Title of Project Equipment Name in Defaults to file name, however,
Equipment Master can be changed under File >
Properties (32 characters
maximum) in the MS Project
Tasks Name Symptom in DM Active
Start Date Started in DM Active
Finish Date Required in DM Active
Resource Names Description field in DM Active
Duration (in days) Estimated Down Time (in Converts duration in days in MS
hours) in DM Active Project to hours in ProTeus V
based on an 8-hour-workday
If task is on critical path Priority field in DM Active fills
then.. in with 'critical'

Additional Modules—MS Project Interface 283

MS Project Screen

Please refer to the documentation included with the MS Project Module for
installation and operation instructions.

Contact Eagle Technology, Inc. for more information on adding the MS Project

284 Additional Modules— MS Project Interface

PM Tasks
Overview of PM (not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)
Tasks Reduce system development time with PM Tasks, the preventive maintenance
tasking database tool. Use the predefined preventive maintenance task list for
common HVAC equipment to build preventive maintenance work orders within
ProTeus V. These lists can be edited and customized to meet the specific
needs of the equipment they will be assigned to. This easy to use tool provides
users with an intuitive process which allows preventive maintenance work
orders to be built with only a few simple steps.

Creating a PM 1. Start the PM Tasks program by clicking on its icon in the ProTeus V
Work Order program group. The ProTeus administrator is the one that has access to
this application.
2. Select the proper equipment category from the File drop-down list (only
HVAC is currently defined).
3. The Equipment tab appears. Choose an Equipment Type from the left
panel and a corresponding Equipment Name from the list on the right panel.

PM Tasks—Equipment Tab

4. Next, click on the PM tab and select the correct PM job from the list.
5. Click on the Task tab to view the entire list of tasks that must be completed
for this job. By default, all tasks are checked. To uncheck a task, select the
appropriate tasks and click on UNCHECK.

Additional Modules—PM Tasks 285

6. After all of the desired tasks have been checked, click on the Insert Data
tab. Use this tab to specify details for the work order that will be transferred
to the PM Master file.
7. Click on INSERT to transfer this PM work order and all associated tasks to
the ProTeus V database.

PM Tasks—Insert Data Tab

Please refer to the documentation included with the PM Tasks Module for
installation and operation instructions.

Contact Eagle Technology, Inc. for more information on adding the PM Tasks

286 Additional Modules—PM Tasks

ProLink Web Browser Service
(not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)

ProLink resides on a web server and allows users to access the ProTeus
Overview of
database using a standard web browser. It can be used in plants and facilities
ProLink with multiple buildings, locations or warehouses that are not networked
together, but have access to the Internet.

The ProLink Web Browser Service Request module allows users to access
ProTeus V from remote computers. Users can:
• Submit service requests
• Search work orders
• Review, modify, and approve requests online
• Notify service technicians of work order updates via email or text pager

ProLink can operate in two modes:

ProLink Modes
Standard Mode: Service requests must be approved or rejected by a Service
Request Administrator before becoming a work order.
Direct Mode: Service requests immediately become a work order. No
administrator middleman is needed.

ProLink Module

Additional Modules—ProLink Web Browser Service Request 287

Please refer to the documentation included with the ProLink Module for
installation and operation instructions.

Contact Eagle Technology, Inc. for more information on adding the ProLink

288 Additional Modules— ProLink Web Browser Service Request

Service Request
(not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)

Overview of Service Request enables users to access the ProTeus database via LAN or
WAN. It is primarily used in networked warehouses, campuses, and off-site
Service Request
The Service Request module allows users to access ProTeus V from remote
computers. Users can:
• Submit service requests
• Search work orders
• Review, modify, and approve requests online
• Notify service technicians of work order updates via email or text pager

Service Request The Service Request module can operate in two modes:
Modes Standard Mode: Service requests must be approved or rejected by a Service
Request Administrator before becoming a work order.
Direct Mode: Service requests immediately become work orders. No
administrator middleman is needed.

Service Request Module

Additional Modules—Service Request 289

Please refer to the documentation included with the Service Request Module
for installation and operation instructions.

Contact Eagle Technology, Inc. for more information on adding the Service
Request module.

290 Additional Modules—Service Request

Database Administration
DB Name
Field Name Change
Import Utility
SMTP Mail Authentication

Database Administrator 291

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292 Database Administrator

DB Name
Overview of DB Select Start > Programs > ProTeus V > DBName to launch the DB Name
Name application.
This application allows the Database Type, Server Name, Database Name, or
Connect String to be changed for the local workstation. The information
entered here will be proprietary to each company, based on server names, and
the platform the ProTeus V database is running on.

DB Name Application

Database Administrator--DB Name 293

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294 Database Administrator--DB Name

Field Name
Overview of (not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)
Field Name The Field Name application allows the database administrator (MM) to change
the field names in the ProTeus V program. The Field Name application can be
started by clicking on the Field Name icon, which is located in the ProTeus V
program group. The ProTeus Administrator is the only one who has access to
this application.
The following template is displayed when the Field Name application is
launched. The Equipment module is shown.

Field Name Change Utility

Database Administrator—Field Name Change 295

Editing Field 1. Click on the drop-down box next to Module to select which field names
Names to edit. Module refers to all of the Master Files within ProTeus V.
2. The left column, titled Default Display Name, contains the internal field
names for the selected module. These internal field names cannot be
edited. The right column, titled Display Name, contains the field names
as displayed in ProTeus V.
Note: The first display name refers to the title of the master file.
3. Make changes to the field entries in the Display Name column. Changes
will be applied to all references of that field in the ProTeus V master
files, quicklists, menu options, and reports.
4. Once all changes have been made, click on OK to save the changes.
(Click on the Reset button to restore the default text labels for the
selected module.)
5. (Optional) Click on the MS-Word button to export a listing of all Default
Display Names and Display Names for the selected module to a Word

296 Database Administrator—Field Name Change

Import Utility
Overview of (not applicable to ProTeus V Expert)
Import Utility The Import Utility allows the import of data from a tab-delimited text file into the
most common tables. The following data can be imported: Vendors,
Equipment, Tasks, Inventory, Employee, Labor Craft, and Causes.

Import File When creating a text (.txt) file to import data, the following specifications apply:
Requirements • Import file names must have .txt file extensions.
• Import files must be in Tab Delimited format.
• Date fields must be in YYYYMMDD format.
• Time fields must be in HHMMSS format.
• All text must be uppercase.

When creating Tab Delimited files using Microsoft programs, i.e. Excel and
Access, strings will be enclosed in quotes. Remove these quotes prior to
inserting data. DO NOT use any quote characters in data for import.

Task Table When importing data into the tasks table, and labor codes associated with each
Requirements task are desired, the labor code data must be imported first and contain all
labor codes to be used with tasks.

Available Fields Each table has its own fields available that can be imported. Field names listed
in bold are required fields. Field Names with * are fields that must be unique.
The available fields with its associated table are listed next:

Database Administrator—Import Utility 297

Field Name Field Description Length Field Name Field Description Length
Vencode * Vendor Code 16 Usaphone1 USA Phone Number 27
Venname Vendor Name 50 Intlphone1 Intl. Phone Number 27
Address0 Address 1 40 Faxno1 Fax Number 27
Address1 Address 2 40 Email1 E-mail Address 80
Address2 Address 3 40 Pagerno1 Pager Number 27
City City 20 Contact1 Contact 30
State State 20 Title1 Title 30
Zip Zip Code 16 Extension1 Extension 10
Country Country 20 Terms Payment Terms 16
Webpage Web Page 80 User0 - 7 User Fields 1- 8 30

Field Name Field Description Length Field Name Field Description Length
Equipno * Equipment Number 24 Weight Weight 16

Equipname Equipment Name 30 Rating Rating 16

Serialno Serial Number 24 Capacity Capacity 16
Location Location 24 Model Model 16
Instdate Date Installed 8 Mfgr Manufacturer 32
Wardate Warranty Date 8 Units Units 6
Orcost Original Cost 15 User0 - 7 User Fields 1 - 8 30
Pono P.O. Number 21
Assetno Asset Number 24

Field Name Field Description Length Field Name Field Description Length
Taskno * Task No. 10 Laborcode* Labor Code 10

Descript Description 100 EstHours Est. Hours 9

Descript2 Description 2 100

298 Database Administrator—Import Utility

Field Name Field Description Length Field Name Field Description Length
Partno * Part Number 32 Onhndqty Quantity on Hand 9
Partname Part Name 30 Minqty Reorder Point 9
Location Location 30 Econpoint Econ. Order Qty. 9
Stockroom Stockroom 16 Maxqty Maximum Quantity 9
Shelfbin Shelf / Bin 16 Avgcost Unit Cost 9
Partsize Size 30 Units Unit of Measure 8
Category Category 16 Serialno Shelf Life 15
Mfgr Manufacturer 32 Stockclass Stock Class 16
Mfgrtoolno Mfgr. Part Number 20 User0 - 7 User Fields 1– 8 30

Descript Description 80

Field Name Field Description Length Field Name Field Description Length
Employee Employee Number 14 Fax Fax Number 27
no *
Employee Employee Name 30 Pager Pager Number 27
Startdate Start Date 8 Email E-mail Address 80
Address0 Address 1 40 Department Department 20
Address1 Address 2 40 Division Division 20
City City 20 SSN Social Security No. 11
State State 20 User0 - 7 User Fields 1– 8 30
Zip Zip Code 14 Supervisor Supervisor
Phone Phone Number 27
Note: Supervisor is not added as a separate employee to the Employee
Master file; it will only appear as a name in the Supervisor field of the
Employee Master file.
Field Name Field Description Length Field Name Field Description Length
Causeno * Cause Number 10 Descript Description 80

Field Name Field Description Length Field Name Field Description Length
Laborcode * Labor Code 10 Descript Description 60

Database Administrator—Import Utility 299

Procedure The first row in the file must be the header row. The header names used
should match the Field Names listed in the each of the Tables.
A pound sign (#) that is placed as the first character in a row will be a comment
line and all data for that line will be ignored. An example is shown below. All
field names listed on row 1 will not be imported into the ProTeus V database.

Example of Import Spreadsheet

Note: This example is from an Excel spreadsheet. Any method of creating a

tab delimited text file can be used.

• All date columns must be in the format “yyyymmdd”.

• All time columns must be in the “hhmmss” format.
• Data entered must be saved as Text (Tab delimited).

300 Database Administrator—Import Utility

To install the Import Utility, please refer to the Import Utility installation
instructions found on the product CD. Once installed:
1. The first window of the Import Utility displays a list of the available tables
into which data can be inserted.

Choice of Tables for Import

2. Select the directory that contains the Tab Delimited Text file to import from.
3. Available fields are associated with the previously selected table. From the
Available Fields list, select the field names to import data into. One or more
field names may be selected at a time.

Important: The selected field names that appear in the Import Fields Order list
must match the exact order of the field names from the text file. The Import field
order must match the field listing below top to bottom, left to right.

Database Administrator—Import Utility 301

Available Fields

Note: Field names with blue text are required fields. These must be defined.

4. Click the “>” button to move the selected field names to the Import Fields
Order list.

302 Database Administrator—Import Utility

Fields Moved to Import

5. Verify the path where the information is being imported from and click the
Import button.
6. Each line in the text file is a “Record” for import purposes. For each line
(“Record”) in the Text file, the status of that import “Record” is displayed.

Database Administrator—Import Utility 303

Status of Import Window

7. Any errors encountered during data insertion are also recorded.

Sample Errors

304 Database Administrator—Import Utility

Note: Refer to the ‘File Requirements’ under the Help menu for further
information regarding the proper procedure for importing data.

1. To save a log file of the Import Record, select the ’Save Log’ option under
Saving the Log
the File menu.
2. Name and select the location to save the log to.

Note: The log file can later be viewed in any program capable of displaying a
text format document. (Examples: WordPad, Notepad, etc.)

Clearing the To clear the log, select the ’Clear Log’ option under the File menu.
Note: The log file automatically is cleared when the program is closed and

Database Administrator—Import Utility 305

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306 Database Administrator—Import Utility

Overview of (Rights features and functionality is limited in ProTeus V Expert)
Rights There is a separate application, named Rights, which allows the database
administrator to add users to the ProTeus V database, modify user rights, and
change global program settings. The Rights application is located in the
ProTeus V program group.

Logging into Users of MSDE must login to Rights using the default MM login.
Rights Users of Oracle must login as the schema owner. The default is MM.
Users of Microsoft SQL Server must have the following database user
properties set prior to accessing the Rights program: db_owner, db-access
admin, db_security admin, public, maintenance manager.
After the Rights application has been launched, the following template is

Groups Tab

Groups and When the Groups tab is selected, there are two columns displayed in the Group
Logins Rights window – Group List and Login List. The list of users displayed in the
Login List are members of the group which is selected in the left column.
Program rights are assigned according to groups; therefore, all members of the
same group have the same access rights.
Please note that a single user may belong to only one group.

Database Administrator—Rights 307

There are two to five pre-defined groups, depending on which version of
Adding a
ProTeus is installed (Expert has two; Professional has five). They include:
Group using TECHNICIAN. Each login needs to be associated with one of the groups. Only
MSDE the Administrator has rights to set up group associations.
Right-click in the Login List column to access the following options:
Add Login – This option is used to add a user to the selected group. A unique
user name must be entered, along with a unique password. It is recommended
to use the login name as the password. The user name cannot match a group
Edit Password – This option is used to edit the password of the currently
selected user.
Edit Group – This option is used to move the currently selected login to a
different group.
Delete Login – This option is used to delete the currently selected user from
the group.

Adding a User There are five pre-defined groups: MAINTENANCEMANAGER, DATA_ENTRY,

to a Group MANAGEMENT, PURCHASING, TECHNICIAN. Each login needs to be
associated with one of the five groups. Only the Administrator has rights to set
using an Oracle
up group associations. Right-click in the Login List column to access the
database following options:
Assign Users to Group – This option is used to assign existing users to a

Assign Users to Group Window

308 Database Administrator—Rights

To add users to a group:
1. Click the drop-down arrow and choose the group to which to add users.
2. Highlight the Login Names to which to add to the chosen group.
3. Click the Assign Group button.
4. Click Close.

Add Users to Group Window

Adding a User The Database Administrator must create users and assign groups through
to a Group Enterprise Manager.
using Microsoft
SQL Server

Database Administrator—Rights 309

Module Rights Click on the Module Rights tab to access rights for the selected group.

Module Rights Tab

Select the appropriate files this group can access by clicking on the appropriate
radio buttons. When satisfied with the selections, click Save to save all changes
and close the window.
The three levels of rights are: Write, Read, and None.
Write: Select to give the group authority to create new records and view or
modify existing ones.
Read: Select to give the group authority to only view existing records.
None: Select to forbid the group’s access to this master file.

310 Database Administrator—Rights

History Rights Select the appropriate history files this user group can access by clicking on the
appropriate checkboxes. This tab also contains checkboxes for access rights
to purging and archiving history files. Select the Purge/Archive rights this user
group can access by clicking on the appropriate checkboxes on the right. If a
box is checked, the group will have access to purge and/or archive that
particular history module.

History Rights Tab

When satisfied with the selections, click Save to save all changes.

Database Administrator—Rights 311

Function Rights The Function Rights tab allows the supervisor to define to which functions
the group will have access.

Function Rights Tab

Select the combination of functions this user group can access by clicking on
the appropriate checkboxes. If the box is checked, the group will have access
to the function. Function Rights include the following:
Single Close DM: Select to give the group authority to close DMs.
Single Close PM: Select to give the group authority to close PMs.
Quick Close DM: Select to give the group authority to quick close a DM work
Quick Close PM: Select to give the group authority to quick close a PM work
Batch Close: Select to give the group authority to batch close work orders.
Batch Print: Select to give the group authority to batch print work orders.
Skip PM: Select to give the group authority to skip the current cycle on PM Active
work orders.
Assign To: Select to give the group authority to assign an employee to a work
Delete Records: Select to give the group authority to delete records. Add to
Drop-down Lists and Edit Drop-down Lists must also be checked to delete.
Create PO (Reorder): Select to give the group authority to create requisitions
through the reorder list.
Assign PO No: Select to give the group authority to assign a PO number onto
a purchase requisition.

312 Database Administrator—Rights

PO Amendments: Select to give the group authority to amend purchase
Move Stock From Local: Select to give the group authority to move inventory
from the local stockroom.
Move Stock To Local: Select to give the group authority to move inventory to
the local stockroom.
Company Address: Select to give the group authority to change the company
Zero Fiscal Year: Select to give the group authority to zero the fiscal year
Add to Drop-down Lists: Select to give the group authority to add items to the
drop-down lists.
Edit Drop-down Lists: Select to give the group authority to edit items on the
drop-down lists.
If users have READ or NONE access to DM Active or PM Active files, the
functions for closing and skipping work orders will be grayed out.

Option Rights (The Option Rights Tab will not appear in ProTeus V Expert.)
The Option Rights tab allows the supervisor to define to which functions of any
installed Optional Modules the group will have access.

Option Rights Tab

Select the combination of functions this user group can access by clicking on
the appropriate checkboxes. If the box is checked, the group will have access
to the function. Option Rights include the following:

Database Administrator—Rights 313

E-Mail in Service Request: Select to enable the option to send a Service
Request via e-mail. Associated with the Service Request optional modules.
Service Request Direct Rights: Select to give the group authority to log into
Service Request Direct or ProLink Direct.
Service Request Admin Rights: Select to give the group authority to log into
Service Request Administrator or ProLink Administrator.
Cost Center Manager: Select to allow access to the Cost Center Manager.
Metalink Rights: Select to give the group authority to access the optional
Metasys Interface program.
Mobile Interface: Select to allow access to the Mobile Interface module. (This
is grayed out if the Mobile module is not installed.).
Audit Trail: The checkboxes next to Setup, View, and Purge in the Audit Trail
section control the group’s access to the Audit Trail application. (This is grayed
out if the Audit Trail module is not installed.)
Currency Maintenance: Select to allow access to the Multi-currency Manager.
Bar Code: Select to allow the group to upload the barcode program to a
scanner and download information using the Bar Code module. (This is grayed
out if the Bar Code module is not installed.)

Report Rights Click the Report Rights tab. A reports selection window for this group displays.
The Report Rights matrix defines precisely which reports the group will be able
to display and print.

Report Rights Tab

314 Database Administrator—Rights

1. To make a report available to the selected group, click in the checkbox to
the left of the report name.
2. To remove the report access from a group, click in the box again to uncheck
3. When satisfied with the report selections, click Save to save all changes
and close the Group List window.

Database Administrator—Rights 315

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316 Database Administrator—Rights

Overview of (Setting choices are limited in ProTeus V Expert)
Settings The Settings button is located on the toolbar at the bottom of the Group Rights
window and allows the supervisor to modify global settings for Work Orders,
Approvals (if Approvals is checked in Settings-Work Orders), Purchasing,
Miscellaneous, and Set Non-Working Days. Any changes made to settings will
affect all users of ProTeus, regardless of the rights settings for their group.

Work Orders Select the settings for work orders by clicking on the appropriate checkboxes.

Work Orders Settings Tab

Work Order settings include the following:

PM Security: If this option is checked, only the creator (originator) of a work
order and his/her supervisor will be authorized to edit the work order in PM
Master and PM Active.
Note: Both PM Security and PM Approvals cannot be checked at the same
DM Security: If this option is checked, only the creator (originator) of a work
order and his/her supervisor will be authorized to edit the work order in DM
Template and DM Active.
Note: Both DM Security and DM Approvals cannot be checked at the same

Database Administrator—Settings 317

PM Approvals: If this option is checked, all PM work orders must be approved
at the level specified in the PM Close Level and PM Close Number fields (found
on Approvals Tab in Settings) before they can be closed.
Note: Both PM Security and PM Approvals cannot be checked at the same
DM Approvals: If this option is checked, all DM work orders must be approved
at the level specified in the DM Close Level and DM Close Number fields (found
on Approvals Tab in Settings) before they can be closed.
Note: Both DM Security and DM Approvals cannot be checked at the same
Pull/Restock: If this option is checked, Qty on Hand in Inventory will be
immediately adjusted when parts are pulled for a work order. If this option is
not checked, Qty on Hand in Inventory will be adjusted according to the number
of Parts Allocated when the work order is closed. This also allows the user to
pull/restock in PMs/DMs (Active) and to view any pulled parts in History.
Inventory Check: If this option is checked, ProTeus V will check if there is
sufficient Qty. Available before closing a work order with attached parts. If the
Qty. Allocated for the work order is greater than the Qty. Available for the part,
the work order will not be closed.
Note: Both Pull/Restock and Inventory Check options cannot be checked at
the same time.
Login for each WO Creation: If this option is checked, the user is required to
log in each time a new DM or PM work order is created.
View all Stockrooms: If this option is checked, users can view inventory
information from all available stockrooms, and not just the stockroom that is the
default for his/her workstation.
WO No. Date Code: If this option is checked, each new DM work order will be
assigned a date coded Work Order No. (YYYYMMDDNNN). For example, a
Work Order No. of 20050709004 represents the fourth work order created on
July 9, 2005.
If this option is not checked, each new DM work order will be assigned a user-
defined Work Order No., according to the values entered in the WO Starting
Value, WO Range Min, and WO Range Max fields, and will number

318 Database Administrator—Settings

When PM or DM Approvals is clicked, the Approvals tab will appear
Approvals Tab automatically. Click the Approvals tab and enter the PM and/or DM Close Level
and Number.
PM/DM Close Level: The close level is the required level at which the work
order must be approved at before it can be closed. The close level is defaulted
to “2”. The maximum level a work order can be approved at is “5”.
PM/DM Close Number: The close number is the number of employees at the
level specified in the Close Level field required to approve a work order before it
can be closed. The close number is defaulted to “1”. For example, if a work
order had a close level of “3,” and a close number of “2,” that would mean two
employees with a close level of three (set in the Employee Master File) would
have to approve the work order before it could be closed.
Login for each WO Approval: If this option is checked, the user is required to
log in before approving a DM or PM work order. If the option is unchecked, the
user only has to log in once, as ProTeus V will remember the login for any
subsequent approvals, as long as the PM Active or DM Active Master file
remains open.

Approval Settings Tab

Database Administrator—Settings 319

Select the settings for purchase orders by clicking on the appropriate
checkboxes. Purchasing settings include the following:
Req No. Date Code: If this option is checked, each new purchase order will be
assigned a date coded Requisition No. (YYYYMMDDNNN). For example, a
Requisition No. of 20050709004 represents the fourth purchase order created
on July 9, 2005.
If this option is not checked, each new purchase order will be assigned a user-
defined Requisition No., according to the values entered in the Req. No.
Starting Value, Req. No. Range Min, and Req. No. Range Max fields, and will
number sequentially.

Purchasing Settings Tab

320 Database Administrator—Settings

The Miscellaneous Tab is includes settings for E-mail Response for Web
Miscellaneous Request and Description Date.
E-mail Response for Web Request: If this option is checked, an email reply
will be sent to the Requestor after a web service request has been accepted or
Description Date: If this option is checked, each entry in the Description tabs
(in all Master Files) will be date stamped with the current date.
Cost Center Manager - Costs from Work Orders: If this option is selected,
material costs will be charged from a work order when it is closed.
Cost Center Manager - Costs from Purchasing: If this option is selected,
material costs will be charged from a purchase order when it is closed.

Miscellaneous Settings Tab

Database Administrator—Settings 321

Set Non-Working Days, within the context of the Rights application, is intended
Set Non-
for the entire organization. These are days upon which work orders should not
Working Days be scheduled.

Normal Working Check the appropriate boxes under the Select Work-days panel to specify the
Days normal working days for the organization, i.e. days on which work orders can be
scheduled. Days without a checkbox become highlighted in red, signifying non-
working days for the entire organization.
Work orders that end up being scheduled on a non-working day will need to be
adjusted. The easiest way is to use the “Change Active Date” options below the
Select Work-days panel. These options adjust the Work Started field within
PM/DM Active labor to an available working day.
“Previous Day”: Any work orders scheduled for activation on a non-
working day will be rescheduled to the previous available working day.
“Ignore”: Any work orders scheduled for activation on a non-working day
will remain as scheduled.
“Next Day”: Any work orders scheduled for activation on a non-working day
will be rescheduled to the next available working day.

Set Non-Working Days Tab

322 Database Administrator—Settings

Holidays, Plant To specify other non-working dates for the entire organization, such as
Shutdown, etc holidays, plant shutdowns, etc., click on the appropriate calendar date, then
select the Non-Working radio button in the Change Date Setting panel. The
calendar date becomes highlighted in red.
Work orders that end up being scheduled on a non-working day will need to be
adjusted. The easiest way is to use the “Change Active Date” options below the
Select Work-days panel. These options adjust the Work Started field within
PM/DM Active labor to an available working day.
“Previous Day”: Any work orders scheduled for activation on a non-
working day will be rescheduled to the previous available working day.
“Ignore”: Any work orders scheduled for activation on a non-working day
will remain scheduled.
“Next Day”: Any work orders scheduled for activation on a non-working day
will be rescheduled to the next available working day.

See the Employee section in Reference for setting individual employee non-
working days.

Database Administrator—Settings 323

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324 Database Administrator—Settings

SMTP Mail Authentication
ProTeus V supports SMTP Mail Authentication. Thereby, if authentication is
required on the Mail Server, users sending mail from within ProTeus V will be
required to provide a valid user name and password.

Establishing To set up SMTP Mail Authentication in ProTeus V, check the SMTP

Mail Authentication Required checkbox on the E-Mail Setup screen, which is
accessed from the Other > Options menu.

E-Mail Setup Screen

If the ‘SMTP Authentication Required’ checkbox is checked, then the user must
provide a password before mail can be routed from ProTeus V. The password
can be provided in one of two ways.
1. If the ‘SMTP Authentication Required’ checkbox is checked and a
password is entered on the E-mail Setup screen, then the password will
be stored and will be automatically used when a mail is sent. This
password will be stored even if ProTeus V is closed.
2. If the ‘SMTP Authentication Required’ checkbox is checked and no
password is entered on the E-mail Setup screen, then a Mail Login
Dialog will appear when the user attempts to send a mail. When the
dialog appears, the user must enter a password before the mail can be
routed. The password will be stored while ProTeus V is open and any
subsequent attempts to send mail will not require a password to be

Database Administrator—SMTP Mail Authentication 325

The Mail Login Dialog contains the fields User Account and Password. The
User Account will default to the user name that is entered in the From E-mail
Address field. However, this can be changed when the dialog appears. The
User Account field is the name of the user in which the mail account has been
established. (Example: The user account is the name to
the left of the @ symbol. In this case, Joe is the user account.)

Note: Changes made to the E-Mail Settings in ProTeus V will be reflected in

the optional Service Request module, if installed.

326 Database Administrator— SMTP Mail Authentication

Overview of (Not applicable to ProTeus V Enterprise)
Tools Tools include Backup and Restore applications, to be used with MSDE
database installations. These tools are used for the periodic backup of the
ProTeus V database, as well as to restore a previously created database
backup in case of a failure such as hard drive crash or other situation resulting
in the loss of the ProTeus database.
These applications can be started by clicking on the Tools folder, which is
located in the ProTeus V program group. The user must be a part of the
MAINTENANCEMANAGER group in order to run these two applications.
Backup and Restore can only be completed on the local hard drives. Do not
attempt to perform these on a mapped network drive.

Allows the user to create a backup of the MSDE database. To use:

1. Close ProTeus and verify that all other users are logged out of ProTeus.
2. Open the Tools folder and click on the Backup icon.
3. Log in. The Database Backup window appears.

ProTeus Database Backup Window

4. Browse to the directory in which to save the backup.

5. Begin the backup by clicking the Start Backup button.
6. When “Backup Done” appears, close the Database Backup Window.
Note: The file can be named as desired.

Allows the user to restore a backup of the MSDE database. To use:

1. Close ProTeus and verify that all other users are logged out of ProTeus.
2. Open the Tools folder and click on the Restore icon.
3. Log in. The Restore Database window appears.

Database Administrator—Tools 327

Restore ProTeus Database Window

4. Browse to the directory that contains the file to be restored.

5. Click the Restore from Backup button to replace the existing database with
the database that was selected.
6. When “Restore Done” appears, close the Restore Database Window.

328 Database Administrator— Tools

Sample Worksheets
Database Fields
Approximate Record Sizes

Appendix 329
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330 Appendix
Sample Worksheets
Following are sample worksheets, which can be used to collect data for each
master file. They can then be easily entered into the ProTeus V databases.
For maximum efficiency, please follow the recommended sequence of data
entry outlined in The Basics.
Abbreviations used:
A/N Alphanumeric characters
Float Floating numeric value
MM/DD/YYYY Month/Day/Year
N Numeric Value

Appendix--Sample Worksheets 331

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332 Appendix--Sample Worksheets

Blanket PO Worksheet
Blanket P.O. (18 A/N) ________________________________
Vendor Code (16 A/N) ________________________________
(from Vendors
Master File)
Expiration (MM/DD/YY ________________________________
Date YY)
Agreement (13 Float) _______________________________
Conditions ___________________________________
(Description) ___________________________________

Appendix--Sample Worksheets 333

Causes Worksheet
Cause No. (10 A/N) ______________________________
Description (80 A/N) __________________________________

Cause No. (10 A/N) ______________________________

Description (80 A/N) __________________________________

Cause No. (10 A/N) ______________________________

Description (80 A/N) __________________________________

Cause No. (10 A/N) ______________________________

Description (80 A/N) __________________________________

Cause No. (10 A/N) ______________________________

Description (80 A/N) __________________________________

Cause No. (10 A/N) ______________________________

Description (80 A/N) __________________________________

Cause No. (10 A/N) ______________________________

Description (80 A/N) __________________________________

Cause No. (10 A/N) ______________________________

Description (80 A/N) __________________________________

334 Appendix--Sample Worksheets

Customers Worksheet
Customer No. (16 A/N) _______________________________
Customer (50 A/N) _______________________________
Web Page (80 A/N) __________________________________
Address #1 (40 A/N) _______________________________
#2 (40 A/N) _______________________________
#3 (40 A/N) _______________________________
City (20 A/N) _______________________________
State (20 A/N) _______________________________
Country (20 A/N) _______________________________
Zip Code (16 A/N) _______________________________

Contact (30 A/N) _______________________________

Title (30 A/N) _______________________________
USA Phone (27 A/N) _______________________________
Extension (10 A/N) _______________________________
Intl. Phone No. (27 A/N) _______________________________
Fax No. (27 A/N) _______________________________
Pager No. (27 A/N) _______________________________
E-mail (80 A/N) __________________________________
Address ____________________________
Alt. Contact (30 A/N) _______________________________
Alt. Contact’s (30 A/N) _______________________________
Alt. USA (27 A/N) _______________________________
Phone No.
Alt. Extension (10 A/N) _______________________________
Alt. Int’l Phone (27 A/N) _______________________________
Alt. Fax No. (27 A/N) _______________________________
Alt. Pager No. (27 A/N) _______________________________
Alt. E-mail (80 A/N) __________________________________
Address ____________________________

Appendix--Sample Worksheets 335

Customer User Fields
User Field 1 (30 A/N) _______________________________

User Field 2 (30 A/N) _______________________________

User Field 3 (30 A/N) _______________________________

User Field 4 (30 A/N) _______________________________

User Field 5 (30 A/N) _______________________________

User Field 6 (30 A/N) _______________________________

User Field 7 (30 A/N) _______________________________

User Field 8 (30 A/N) _______________________________

336 Appendix--Sample Worksheets

DM Template Worksheet
Job No. (30 A/N) _______________________________
Request No. (12 A/N) _______________________________
Requested By (30 A/N) _______________________________
Priority (10 A/N) _______________________________
Maint Code (16 A/N) _______________________________
Work Type (16 A/N) _______________________________
Est. Down (9 Float) _______________________________
Shift (10 A/N) _______________________________
Symptom (80 A/N) __________________________________
Equipment No. (24 A/N) _______________________________
Master File)

Cost Center (16 A/N) _______________________________

Attachment (255 A/N) __________________________________

File __________________________________
WO __________________________________
Description __________________________________

Appendix--Sample Worksheets 337

Tasks (from Tasks Master File)
Task No. (10 A/N) _______________________________
Description 1 (100 A/N) __________________________________
Description 2 (100 A/N) __________________________________

Task No. (10 A/N) _______________________________

Description 1 (100 A/N) __________________________________
Description 2 (100 A/N) __________________________________

Task No. (10 A/N) _______________________________

Description 1 (100 A/N) __________________________________
Description 2 (100 A/N) __________________________________

Task No. (10 A/N) _______________________________

Description 1 (100 A/N) __________________________________
Description 2 (100 A/N) __________________________________

Task No. (10 A/N) _______________________________

Description 1 (100 A/N) __________________________________
Description 2 (100 A/N) __________________________________

338 Appendix--Sample Worksheets

Parts (from Inventory Master File)
Part No. (32 A/N) _______________________________
Part Name (30 A/N) _______________________________
Qty to Use (9 N) _______________________________

Part No. (32 A/N) _______________________________

Part Name (30 A/N) _______________________________
Qty to Use (9 N) _______________________________

Part No. (32 A/N) _______________________________

Part Name (30 A/N) _______________________________
Qty to Use (9 N) _______________________________

Tool Name (80 A/N) __________________________________
Tool Name (80 A/N) __________________________________
Tool Name (80 A/N) __________________________________

Labor (from Employee Master File)

Labor Code (10 A/N) _______________________________
Employee No. (14 A/N) _______________________________
Employee (30 A/N) _______________________________
Est. Hours (15 Float) _______________________________

Labor Code (10 A/N) _______________________________

Employee No. (14 A/N) _______________________________
Employee (30 A/N) _______________________________
Est. Hours (15 Float) _______________________________
Labor Code (10 A/N) _______________________________
Employee No. (14 A/N) _______________________________
Employee (30 A/N) _______________________________
Est. Hours (15 Float) _______________________________

Appendix--Sample Worksheets 339

DM Template User Fields
User Field 1 (30 A/N) _______________________________
User Field 2 (30 A/N) _______________________________
User Field 3 (30 A/N) _______________________________
User Field 4 (30 A/N) _______________________________
User Field 5 (30 A/N) _______________________________
User Field 6 (30 A/N) _______________________________
User Field 7 (30 A/N) _______________________________
User Field 8 (30 A/N) _______________________________

340 Appendix--Sample Worksheets

Equipment Worksheet
Equipment No. (24 A/N) _______________________________
Equipment (30 A/N) _______________________________
Location (24 A/N) _______________________________
Model (16 A/N) _______________________________
Capacity (16 A/N) _______________________________
Rating (16 A/N) _______________________________

Weight (16 A/N) _______________________________

Manufacturer (32 A/N) _______________________________
Serial No. (24 A/N) _______________________________
P.O. No. (21 A/N) _______________________________
Asset No. (24 A/N) _______________________________
Date Installed (MM/DD/YY ____/____/________
Category (16 A/N) _______________________________
Original Cost (15 Float) $___________________
Warranty Date (MM/DD/YY ____/____/________
Vendor Code (16 A/N) _______________________________

Attachment (255 A/N) __________________________________

File __________________________________
Sub-Assembly (24 A/N) _______________________________
of (Equip. No.
of parent
Description __________________________________

Appendix--Sample Worksheets 341

Current Usage (15 Float) _______________________________
Units (6 A/N) _______________________________
Daily Runtime (15 Float) _______________________________

B.O.M. (from Inventory Master File)

Part No. (32 A/N) _______________________________
Part Name (30 A/N) _______________________________
Qty Used (9 N) _______________________________

Part No. (32 A/N) _______________________________

Part Name (30 A/N) _______________________________
Qty Used (9 N) _______________________________

Part No. (32 A/N) _______________________________

Part Name (30 A/N) _______________________________
Qty Used (9 N) _______________________________

Part No. (32 A/N) _______________________________

Part Name (30 A/N) _______________________________
Qty Used (9 N) _______________________________

Part No. (32 A/N) _______________________________

Part Name (30 A/N) _______________________________
Qty Used (9 N) _______________________________

342 Appendix--Sample Worksheets

Equipment User Fields
User Field 1 (30 A/N) _______________________________
User Field 2 (30 A/N) _______________________________
User Field 3 (30 A/N) _______________________________
User Field 4 (30 A/N) _______________________________
User Field 5 (30 A/N) _______________________________
User Field 6 (30 A/N) _______________________________
User Field 7 (30 A/N) _______________________________
User Field 8 (30 A/N) _______________________________

Appendix--Sample Worksheets 343

Inventory Worksheet
Part No. (32 A/N) _______________________________
Part Name (30 A/N) _______________________________
Location (30 A/N) _______________________________
Size (30 A/N) _______________________________
Category (16 A/N) _______________________________
Manu-facturer (32 A/N) _______________________________
Mfgr. Part No. (20 A/N) _______________________________
Shelf Life (15 A/N) _______________________________
Description (80 A/N) __________________________________
Qty on Hand (9 N) _______________________________
Reorder Point (9 N) _______________________________
Econ. Order (9 N) _______________________________
Maximum Qty (9 N) _______________________________
Unit of (8 A/N) _______________________________
Unit Cost (9 Float) $______________________________
Carrying Cost (8 Float) ___________%
Stock Class (16 A/N) _______________________________
Last Physical (MM/DD/YY ____/____/________
Inv YY)
Physical Inv. (4 N) _______________________________
Shelf/Bin (16 A/N) _______________________________

Attachment (255 A/N) __________________________________

File ____________________________

344 Appendix--Sample Worksheets

Description __________________________________

Vendors (from Vendors Master File)

Default Vendor ( )Check Box
Vendor Code (16 A/N) _______________________________
Vendor Name (50 A/N) __________________________________
Vendor Part (32 A/N) _______________________________
Last Cost (15 Float) $_________________
Lead Time (9 N) _______________________________

Default Vendor ( )Check Box

Vendor Code (16 A/N) _______________________________
Vendor Name (50 A/N) __________________________________
Vendor Part (32 A/N) _______________________________
Last Cost (15 Float) $______________
Lead Time (9 N) _______________________________

Appendix--Sample Worksheets 345

Inventory User Fields
User Field 1 (30 A/N) _______________________________
User Field 2 (30 A/N) _______________________________
User Field 3 (30 A/N) _______________________________
User Field 4 (30 A/N) _______________________________
User Field 5 (30 A/N) _______________________________
User Field 6 (30 A/N) _______________________________
User Field 7 (30 A/N) _______________________________
User Field 8 (30 A/N) _______________________________

346 Appendix--Sample Worksheets

Labor Craft Worksheet
Labor Code (10 A/N) _______________________________
Description (60 A/N) __________________________________

Labor Code (10 A/N) _______________________________

Description (60 A/N) __________________________________

Labor Code (10 A/N) _______________________________

Description (60 A/N) __________________________________

Labor Code (10 A/N) _______________________________

Description (60 A/N) __________________________________

Labor Code (10 A/N) _______________________________

Description (60 A/N) __________________________________

Labor Code (10 A/N) _______________________________

Description (60 A/N) __________________________________

Labor Code (10 A/N) _______________________________

Description (60 A/N) __________________________________

Appendix--Sample Worksheets 347

Employee Worksheet
Employee No. (14 A/N) _______________________________
Employee (30 A/N) _______________________________
S.S.N. (11 A/N) _______________________________
Start Date (MM/DD/YY ____/____/________
Login Name (30 A/N) _______________________________
Supervisor (30 A/N) _______________________________
Department (20 A/N) _______________________________
Division (20 A/N) _______________________________
Approval Level 1 or 2 (circle one)
Approval Level 1 or 2 (circle one)
Max. Purchase (15 Float) _______________________________
Address #1 (40 A/N) _______________________________
Address #2 (40 A/N) _______________________________
City (20 A/N) _______________________________
State (20 A/N) _______________________________
Zip Code (14 A/N) _______________________________
Phone No. (27 A/N) _______________________________
Fax No. (27 A/N) _______________________________
Pager No. (27 A/N) _______________________________
E-Mail (80 A/N) __________________________________
Address ____________________________
Web Page (80 A/N) __________________________________
Address ____________________________
Description __________________________________

348 Appendix--Sample Worksheets

Labor Craft Rates (from Labor Craft Master File)
Labor Code (10 A/N) _______________________________
Labor Rates (15 Float) Labor Rate #1____________________

Labor Rate #2 ___________________

Labor Rate #3 ___________________

Labor Rate #4 ___________________

Labor Rate #5 ___________________

Labor Code (10 A/N) _______________________________

Labor Rates (15 Float) Labor Rate #1____________________

Labor Rate #2 ___________________

Labor Rate #3 ___________________

Labor Rate #4 ___________________

Labor Rate #5 ___________________

Labor Code (10 A/N) _______________________________

Labor Rates (15 Float) Labor Rate #1____________________

Labor Rate #2 ___________________

Labor Rate #3 ___________________

Labor Rate #4 ___________________

Labor Rate #5 ___________________

Appendix--Sample Worksheets 349

Employee User Fields
User Field 1 (30 A/N) _______________________________
User Field 2 (30 A/N) _______________________________
User Field 3 (30 A/N) _______________________________
User Field 4 (30 A/N) _______________________________
User Field 5 (30 A/N) _______________________________
User Field 6 (30 A/N) _______________________________
User Field 7 (30 A/N) _______________________________
User Field 8 (30 A/N) _______________________________

350 Appendix--Sample Worksheets

PM Master Worksheet
Job No. (30 A/N) ______________________________
Priority (16 A/N) _______________________________
Maint. Code (16 A/N) _______________________________
Work Type (16 A/N) ______________________________
Cost Center (16 A/N) ______________________________
Est Down Time (9 Float) ______________________________
Shift (10 A/N) _______________________________
Procedure (80 A/N) __________________________________
Description ____________________________

Equipment No. (24 A/N) ______________________________

Attachment (255 A/N) __________________________________

File __________________________________

Cycle Type (6 N) ______________________________

Days Advance (6 N) ______________________________
First (MM/DD/YY ____/____/________
Occurrence YY)
Runtime Cycle (9 N) ______________________________
Runtime (9 N) ______________________________
Schedule Type Start Date or Completion Date (Circle

Description __________________________________

Appendix--Sample Worksheets 351

Tasks (from Tasks Master File)
Cycle (6 N) ______________________________
Task No. (10 A/N) _______________________________
Description (100 A/N) __________________________________
Line 1 ____________________________
Description (100 A/N) __________________________________
Line 2 ____________________________

Cycle (6 N) ______________________________
Task No. (10 A/N) _______________________________
Description (100 A/N) __________________________________
Line 1 ____________________________
Description (100 A/N) __________________________________
Line 2 ____________________________

Cycle (6 N) ______________________________
Task No. (10 A/N) _______________________________
Description (100 A/N) __________________________________
Line 1 ____________________________
Description (100 A/N) __________________________________
Line 2 ____________________________

Cycle (6 N) ______________________________
Task No. (10 A/N) _______________________________
Description (100 A/N) __________________________________
Line 1 ____________________________
Description (100 A/N) __________________________________
Line 2 ____________________________

Cycle (6 N) ______________________________
Task No. (10 A/N) _______________________________
Description (100 A/N) __________________________________
Line 1 ____________________________
Description (100 A/N) __________________________________
Line 2 ____________________________

Cycle (6 N) ______________________________
Task No. (10 A/N) _______________________________
Description (100 A/N) __________________________________
Line 1 ____________________________
Description (100 A/N) __________________________________
Line 2 ____________________________

352 Appendix--Sample Worksheets

Parts (from Inventory Master File)
Cycle (6 N) ______________________________
Part No. (32 A/N) _______________________________
Part Name (30 A/N) _______________________________
To Use (9 N) _______________________________

Cycle (6 N) ______________________________
Part No. (32 A/N) _______________________________
Part Name (30 A/N) _______________________________
To Use (9 N) _______________________________

Cycle (6 N) ______________________________
Part No. (32 A/N) _______________________________
Part Name (30 A/N) _______________________________
To Use (9 N) _______________________________

Cycle (6 N) ______________________________
Part No. (32 A/N) _______________________________
Part Name (30 A/N) _______________________________
To Use (9 N) _______________________________

Cycle (6 N) ______________________________
Part No. (32 A/N) _______________________________
Part Name (30 A/N) _______________________________
To Use (9 N) _______________________________

Cycle (6 N) ______________________________
Part No. (32 A/N) _______________________________
Part Name (30 A/N) _______________________________
To Use (9 N) _______________________________

Cycle (6 N) ______________________________
Tool Name (80 A/N) __________________________________
Tool Name (80 A/N) __________________________________
Tool Name (80 A/N) __________________________________

Appendix--Sample Worksheets 353

Labor (from Employee Master File)
Cycle (6 N) ______________________________
Labor Code (10 A/N) _______________________________
Employee No. (14 A/N) _______________________________
Employee (30 A/N) _______________________________
Est. Hours (15 N) _______________________________

Cycle (6 N) ______________________________
Labor Code (10 A/N) _______________________________
Employee No. (14 A/N) _______________________________
Employee (30 A/N) _______________________________
Est. Hours (15 N) _______________________________

Cycle (6 N) ______________________________
Labor Code (10 A/N) _______________________________
Employee No. (14 A/N) _______________________________
Employee (30 A/N) _______________________________
Est. Hours (15 N) _______________________________

PM Master User Fields

User Field 1 (30 A/N) _______________________________
User Field 2 (30 A/N) _______________________________
User Field 3 (30 A/N) _______________________________
User Field 4 (30 A/N) _______________________________
User Field 5 (30 A/N) _______________________________
User Field 6 (30 A/N) _______________________________
User Field 7 (30 A/N) _______________________________
User Field 8 (30 A/N) _______________________________

354 Appendix--Sample Worksheets

Ship To Addresses Worksheet
Ship to (30 A/N) _______________________________
Address 1 (40 A/N) _______________________________
Address 2 (40 A/N) _______________________________
City (20 A/N) _______________________________
State (20 A/N) _______________________________
Zip Code (14 A/N) _______________________________
Phone No. (27 A/N) _______________________________
Ext. (10 N) _______________________________

Appendix--Sample Worksheets 355

Tasks Worksheet
Task No. (10 A/N) _______________________________
Description (100 A/N) __________________________________
Line 1 ____________________________
Description (100 A/N) __________________________________
Line 2 ____________________________
Labor Code (10 A/N) _______________________________
Est. Hours (9 Float) _______________________________

Task No. (10 A/N) _______________________________

Description (100 A/N) __________________________________
Line 1 ____________________________
Description (100 A/N) __________________________________
Line 2 ____________________________
Labor Code (10 A/N) _______________________________
Est. Hours (9 Float) _______________________________

Task No. (10 A/N) _______________________________

Description (100 A/N) __________________________________
Line 1 ____________________________
Description (100 A/N) __________________________________
Line 2 ____________________________
Labor Code (10 A/N) _______________________________
Est. Hours (9 Float) _______________________________

Task No. (10 A/N) _______________________________

Description (100 A/N) __________________________________
Line 1 ____________________________
Description (100 A/N) __________________________________
Line 2 ____________________________
Labor Code (10 A/N) _______________________________
Est. Hours (9 Float) _______________________________

356 Appendix--Sample Worksheets

Vendors Worksheet
Vendor Code (16 A/N) _______________________________
Vendor Name (50 A/N) _______________________________
Web Page (80 A/N) _______________________________
Address #1 (40 A/N) _______________________________
#2 (40 A/N) _______________________________
#3 (40 A/N) _______________________________
City (20 A/N) _______________________________
State (20 A/N) _______________________________
Country (20 A/N) _______________________________
Zip (16 A/N) _______________________________
Contact (30 A/N) _______________________________
Title (30 A/N) _______________________________
USA Phone (27 A/N) _______________________________
Extension (10 A/N) _______________________________
Intl. Phone No. (27 A/N) _______________________________
Fax No. (27 A/N) _______________________________
Pager No. (27 A/N) _______________________________
E-mail (80 A/N) _______________________________
Alt. Contact (30 A/N) _______________________________
Alt. Contact’s (30 A/N) _______________________________
Alt. USA (27 A/N) _______________________________
Phone No.
Alt. Extension (10 A/N) _______________________________
Alt. Phone No. (27 A/N) _______________________________
Alt. Fax No. (27 A/N) _______________________________
Alt. Pager No. (27 A/N) _______________________________
Alt. E-mail (80 A/N) ___________________________________
Address _____________________________

Appendix--Sample Worksheets 357

Vendor User Fields
User Field 1 (30 A/N) _______________________________
User Field 2 (30 A/N) _______________________________
User Field 3 (30 A/N) _______________________________
User Field 4 (30 A/N) _______________________________
User Field 5 (30 A/N) _______________________________
User Field 6 (30 A/N) _______________________________
User Field 7 (30 A/N) _______________________________
User Field 8 (30 A/N) _______________________________

358 Appendix--Sample Worksheets

Database Fields
This section lists the database fields contained in each ProTeus V Master File.
The Description column briefly describes the field. The Length column
indicates how many characters ProTeus V will allow the user to enter in that
field. Following is an explanation of the various field types:

A/N Alphanumeric Characters

N Numeric Value
Float Floating Numeric Value
MM/DD/YYYY Date in Month/Day/Year format
Toggle Click on a button next to this field to change its

Blanket PO Tab
Definition of
Blanket PO Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Master File
BPO No. Purchasingagreement.BP A unique identifying 18 A/N
Fields ONO number assigned to
each Blanket PO
record by the user.
Vendor Code* Purchasingagreement.VE The vendor which 16 A/N
NCODE corresponds to the
Blanket PO which is
being created.
(Chosen from a list of
records from the
Vendors Master File)
Vendor Purchasingagreement.VE Full company name of 50 A/N
Name* NNAME the vendor, which is (Read-only)
automatically filled in
to correspond with the
chosen vendor.
Last Req. Date Purchasingagreement.LA Date of the last time a 8 MM/DD/YYYY
STREQDATE purchase requisition (Read-only)
was assigned to this
Blanket PO.
(Calculated field)
Agreement Purchasingagreement.AG The total amount of 13 Floating
Amount REEMENTAMOUNT allowed purchases
under this agreement.
Expiration Purchasingagreement.EN Date the blanket PO 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Date DINGDATE expires.

Appendix—Database Fields 359

Definition of Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Blanket PO Amount Purchasingagreement.AM Amount remaining 13 Floating
Master File Remaining OUNTUSED from the original (Read-only)
Fields (con’t) agreement amount.
(Calculated field)
Conditions PurchasingAgreement Note field in which 32 KB A/N
Memo.TERMS conditions associated (about
with the Blanket PO 400 lines
can be entered. of text)
Fields listed in bold are required fields
*Denotes a drop-down list box.

Releases Tab (List)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Requisition Po.REQNO A unique requisition 15 A/N

No. identification number
that is automatically
assigned by ProTeus
P.O. No. Po.PONO User-defined purchase 21 A/N
order number. This
number will likely
come from the
department. This
could also be the
Blanket P.O. number.
Requested By Po.REQWHO Name of the person 16 A/N
who requested this (Read-only)
purchase order.
Requisition Po.REQDATE The date on which the 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Date requisition was issued
Parts Total Po.PARTTOTAL A calculated total of 15 Floating
the parts on the
purchase order. This
figure is calculated
from the costs in Order
Detail tab.
Requisition Pohistory.REQNO A unique requisition 15 A/N
No. History identification number
that is automatically
assigned by ProTeus
P.O. No. Pohistory.PONO User-defined purchase 21 A/N
History order number. This
number will likely
come from the
department. This
could also be the
Blanket P.O. number.
Requested By Pohistory.REQWHO Name of the person 16 A/N
History who requested this (Read-only)
purchase order.

360 Appendix—Database Fields

Requisition Date Pohistory.REQDATE The date on which the 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Definition of History requisition was issued
Blanket PO Parts Total Pohistory.PARTTOTAL A calculated total of 15 Floating
Master File History the entire purchase
Fields (con’t) order. This figure is
calculated from the
values in the Costs tab
and Order Detail tab.
Fields listed in bold are required fields

Definition of Causes
Causes Master Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
File Fields Cause No. Cause.CAUSENO A unique identifying 10 A/N
number assigned to
each Cause record by
the user.
Description Cause.DESCRIPT Brief description of what 80 A/N
caused the problem.
Fields listed in bold are required fields

Company Address Tab

Definition of
Company Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Address Bill To Billto.BILLTO Name of the company or 30 A/N
Fields department where the
billing invoices will be
Address 1 Billto.ADDRESS1 The first line of the billing 40 A/N
Address 2 Billto.ADDRESS2 The second line of the 40 A/N
billing address.
City Billto.CITY The city of the billing 20 A/N
State* Billto.STATE The state of the billing 20 A/N
Country* Billto.COUNTRY The country of the billing 20 A/N
Zip Code Billto. ZIPCODE The zip code of the billing 14 A/N
Phone No. Billto.PHONE The phone no. at the 27 A/N
billing location.
Extension Billto.EXTENSION The telephone extension 10 A/N
at the billing location.
Fax No. Billto.FAXNO1 The fax no. at the billing 27 A/N
Email Address Billto.EMAIL1 The email address of the 80 A/N
billing location.
Web Page Billto.WEBPAGE The billing locations web 15 A/N
Address page address
*Denotes a drop-down list box.

Appendix—Database Fields 361

Definition of Customer Tab
Customer Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
A unique code A/N
Customer Customer.CUSTOMER 16
assigned to each
No. NO
Full name of the A/N
Customer Customer.CUSTOMER 50

The customer’s home A/N

Web Page Customer.WEBPAGE 80
page address on the
World Wide Web.
Click on the icon next
to this field to view this
web page through the
default internet
The customer’s street A/N
Address 1 Customer.ADDRESS0 40
Second part of the A/N
Address 2 Customer.ADDRESS1 40
customer’s street
address, if needed.
Third part of the A/N
Address 3 Customer.ADDRESS2 40
customer’s street
address, if needed.
City where customer is A/N
City Customer.CITY 20
State where customer A/N
State* Customer.STATE 20
is located.
Zip Code for the A/N
Zip Code Customer.ZIP 16
Country where A/N
Country* Customer.COUNTRY 20
customer is located.
Text screen upon A/N
Description CustomerMemo.DESFIL 32 KB
E which miscellaneous (about
information associated
with record can be
lines of

*Denotes a drop-down list box.

Contact Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Primary contact A/N

Contact Customer.CONTACT1 30
person at customer
Professional title of A/N
Title Customer.TITLE1 30
primary contact.
Telephone number of A/N
USA Phone Customer.USAPHONE1 27
No. primary contact
Telephone extension A/N
Extension Customer.EXTENSION1 10
number of primary
contact, if any.
Telephone extension A/N
Int’l Phone Customer.INTLPHONE1 27
No. of primary contact, if

362 Appendix—Database Fields

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Definition of Fax number of A/N
Fax No. Customer.FAXNO1 27
Customer contact’s facsimile
Fields (con’t) machine, if any.
Pager number of A/N
Pager No. Customer.PAGERNO1 27
primary contact.
E-mail address of A/N
E-mail Customer.EMAIL1 80
primary contact.

Alternate contact A/N

Alt. Contact Customer.CONTACT2 30
person at customer
Professional title of A/N
Alt. Contact’s Customer.TITLE2 30
alternate contact.

Telephone number of A/N

Alt. USA Customer.USAPHONE2 27
alternate contact
Phone No.
Telephone extension A/N
Alt. Customer.EXTENSION2 10
of alternate contact, if
Alternate phone A/N
Alt. Int’l Customer.INTLPHONE2 27
Phone No. number of alternate
Fax number of A/N
Alt. Fax No. Customer.FAXNO2 27
alternate contact’s
facsimile machine, if
Pager number of A/N
Alt. Pager Customer.PAGERNO2 27
alternate contact.

E-mail address of A/N

Alt. E-mail Customer.EMAIL2 80
alternate contact.

WO List Tab – PM Date Cycle section

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

The job number of the A/N

Job No. Pmmaster.JOBNO 30
PM that applies to this
The schedule cycle- N
Cycle Type Pmmschedule.CYCLET N/A
type for this PM.

The date that this PM MM/DD/YYYY

Next Pmmschedule.DATENE 8
Scheduled XT is scheduled for its
next occurrence.

Ranking of urgency for A/N

Priority Pmmaster.PRIORITY 10
this work order.
1,2,3 or high, medium,
A brief description of A/N
Procedure Pmmaster.DESCRIPT 80
the work that will be
performed. Detailed
notes and descriptions
can be entered under
the WO Descriptions

Appendix—Database Fields 363

WO List Tab – PM – Runtime Cycle Section
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

The job number of the A/N

Job No. Pmmaster.JOBNO 30
PM that applies to this
The number of runtime Floating
Runtime Pmmaster.UNITCYCLE 15
Cycle units between
occurrences of this
work order.
Ranking of urgency for A/N
Priority Pmmaster.PRIORITY 10
this work order.
1,2,3 or high, medium,
A brief description of A/N
Procedure Pmmaster.DESCRIPT 80
the work that will be
performed. Detailed
notes and descriptions
can be entered under
the WO Description
WO List Tab – DM
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

A work order A/N

Job No. Dmtemplate.JOBNO 30
identification number,
assigned by the user.
Ranking of urgency for A/N
Priority Dmtemplate.PRIORITY 10
this work order.
1,2,3 or high, medium,
A description of the A/N
Symptom Dmtemplate.DESCRIPT 80
problem that needs to
be addressed.
Equipment List Tab - PM
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Equipment Equipment.EQUIPNO The unique equipment 24 A/N (read only)

No. identification number
of equipment
associated with this

Equipment Equipment.EQUIPNAM Equipment associated 30 A/N (read only)

Name E with this customer.

Location Equipment.LOCATION The equipment’s 24 A/N

physical location

Warranty Equipment.WARDATE The date the 8 MM/DD/YYYY

Date equipment’s warranty

The PM work order for A/N

Job No. Pmmaster.JOBNO 30
this equipment.

364 Appendix—Database Fields

Definition of Equipment List Tab - DM
Customer Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Fields (con’t)
Equipment Equipment.EQUIPNO The unique equipment 24 A/N (read only)
No. identification number
of equipment
associated with this

Equipment Equipment.EQUIPNAM Equipment associated 30 A/N (read only)

Name E with this customer.

Location Equipment.LOCATION The equipment’s 24 A/N

physical location

Warranty Equipment.WARDATE The date the 8 MM/DD/YYYY

Date equipment’s warranty

The DM Template that A/N

Job No. Dmtemplate.JOBNO 30
has been established
for this equipment.
User Fields Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

User 1 Customer.USER0 User definable field 30 A/N

User 2 Customer.USER1 User definable field 30 A/N

User 3 Customer.USER2 User definable field 30 A/N

User 4 Customer.USER3 User definable field 30 A/N

User 5 Customer.USER4 User definable field 30 A/N

User 6 Customer.USER5 User definable field 30 A/N

User 7* Customer.USER6 User definable field 30 A/N

User 8* Customer.USER7 User definable field 30 A/N

*Denotes a drop-down list box.

Definition of Hint Text

Custom HintID Hint Text Language ID
Reports Fields 1 &Equipment 1
2 &Inventory 1
3 PM Active 1
4 DM Active 1
5 Labor 1
6 &Employees 1
7 &Vendors 1
8 &Tasks 1
9 &Causes 1
10 List 1
11 Help 1
12 Login 1

Appendix—Database Fields 365

Definition of 13 Settings 1
14 Edit 1
15 Check All 1
Reports 16 Save 1
Fields (con’t) 17 Login Name 1
18 Password 1
19 Confirm Password
20 Search Char. 1
21 Search By 1
22 Query 1
23 Causes 1
24 Specifications 1
25 &All 1
26 Show all fields or only currently searched fields 1
27 Alpha&betic 1
28 &Clear 1
29 Clear the current field's search value 1
30 Cl&ear 1
31 Clear ending range for field 1
32 &Clear 1
33 Clear starting range for field 1
34 &New Search 1
35 Start a new search 1
36 View Su&mmary 1
37 View summary of current search criteria 1
38 By &Range 1
39 By &Value 1
40 Searching is case-sensitive 1
41 Case Sensi&tive 1
42 Enter ending range for field 1
43 En&ding Range 1
44 Sort field list alphabetically or in their natural logical order. 1
45 Field Order 1
46 &Fields 1
47 Enter field's search value 1
48 Field &Value 1
49 &Logical 1
50 Partial Match Any&where 1
51 &Exact Match 1
52 &Partial Match at Beginning 1
53 &Searched 1
54 Specify how the Field Value should be compared 1
55 Search Type 1
56 Enter starting range for field 1
57 &Starting Range 1
58 Field 1
59 Search Type 1
60 Value 1
61 Search fields by value or by range 1
62 Cancel 1
63 Fi&rst 1
64 Find first match 1
65 &Next 1
66 Find next match from current record 1
67 Searching is case-sensitive 1
68 &Case-sensitive 1
69 &Fields 1

366 Appendix—Database Fields

Definition of 70 Enter field's search value 1
71 Field &Value 1
72 Match occurs if any part of the field matches. 1
Reports 73 Partial Match &Anywhere 1
Fields (con’t) 74 Match occurs only if there is an exact match. 1
75 &Exact Match 1
76 Match occurs if the start of the field's value matches. 1
77 &Partial Match at Beginning 1
78 &Search Type 1
79 Incremental searching and sorting order 1
80 Search &By 1
81 Enter characters for incremental search 1
82 &Search Characters 1
83 &Search Char 1
84 of 1
85 Rec # 1
86 You have not selected any search criteria. 1
87 No matches found. 1
88 No more matches found. 1
89 Changes have been made! Are you sure you wish to cancel? 1
90 Invalid characters. Field : 1
91 Discard changes to this record? 1
92 OK 1
93 Cancel 1
94 Yes 1
95 No 1
96 (Query-New) 1
97 Query Name 1
98 Name of Query? 1
99 Create 1
100 Copy 1
101 Attachment 1
102 Binder File 1
103 Activate 1
104 Close 1
105 Print 1
106 Approve 1
107 View 1
108 Send data to Word 1
109 New Query 1
110 Save Query 1
111 Load Query 1
112 Clear Query 1
113 Add 1
114 Subtract 1
115 Submit 1
116 Close 1
117 Delete 1
118 Modify 1
119 Choose Query 1
120 Page 1
121 Zoom 1
122 Zoom to Fit 1
123 Zoom to Width 1
124 Print 1
125 Report Preview 1
126 Total 1

Appendix—Database Fields 367

127 Grand Total 1
Definition of
128 Date 1
Custom 129 Hours 1
Reports 130 Enter New 1
Fields (con’t) 131 Copy Checklist 1
132 Enter New 1
133 Copy Checklist 1
134 Enter New 1
135 Enter Database Server Name 1
136 Completion Dates 1
137 Select 1
138 Graph 1
139 Print Pick List 1
140 Print Pick List 1
141 Any Questions, Call: 1
142 Taken By 1
143 Group List 1
144 Login List 1
145 Add Group 1
146 Delete Group 1
147 Add Login 1
148 Edit Password 1
149 Edit group 1
150 Delete Login 1
151 Old Group Name 1
152 New Group Name 1
153 Viewer 1
154 Delete Rights 1
155 Edit Dropdown Lists 1
156 Group Edit 1
157 Group Name 1
158 Security 1
159 Security 1
160 Pull/Restock 1
161 WO No. Date Code 1
162 WO Starting Value 1
163 WO Range Min 1
164 WO Range Max 1
165 Req. No. Date Code 1
166 Starting Value 1
167 Range Min 1
168 Range Max 1
169 offline 1
170 Equipment Maintenance Costs 1
171 Downtime By Work Order Type 1
172 Estimated Vs. Actual Downtime 1
173 Number of Work Orders 1
174 Worst Labor Costs 1
175 Worst Material Costs 1
176 PM Hours Vs. DM Hours 1
177 Meantime Between Replacements 1
178 PM 1
179 DM 1
180 Old Password 1
181 New Password 1
182 Password Change 1

368 Appendix—Database Fields

Definition of 183 Write 1
184 Read 1
Custom 185 None 1
Reports 186 Batch Close 1
Fields (con’t) 187 Batch Print 1
188 Graphs 1
189 Bar Code 1
190 Tools 1
191 Report List 1
192 Report Name 1
193 Enter File location 1
194 Start Date 1
195 End Date 1
196 Show non-matching records 1
197 N&on-matching records 1
198 Office use only 1
199 Calendar 1
200 Refresh 1
201 View 1
202 Purge 1
203 Report 1
204 Exit 1
205 Transactions 1
206 Scheduling 1
207 Close 1
208 Enter New 1
209 Copy Checklist 1
210 Enter New 1
211 Copy Checklist 1
212 Batch Close Defaults 1
213 File Name 1
214 Receiving 1
215 Reports 1
216 Assets 1
217 Reporting 1
218 New 1
219 Copy Checklist 1
220 Enter New 1
221 Copy Checklist 1
222 Set Non-Working days 1
223 Change Date Setting 1
224 Working 1
225 Non-Working 1
226 Set Non-Working Days 1
227 Select Work-days 1
228 Importing MS-Project Files 1
229 Append the BCINPUT.TXT file produced by the scanner to the 1
end-of-day processing file.
230 Process the end-of-day processing file. 1
231 Process Scanner Data 1
232 End of Day Processing 1
233 All Vendors 1
234 Type 1
235 Pull 1

Appendix—Database Fields 369

236 Restock 1
Definition of
237 PM Active 1
Custom 238 Select All Records 1
Reports 239 Filter Records 1
Fields (con’t) 240 Reset Filter 1
241 Fields 1
242 New Data 1
243 Service Request 1
244 Field Name of ProTeus 1
245 Module 1
246 Default 1
247 Display Name 1
248 Reset 1
249 Replace 1
250 Edit Query 1
251 Amend PO 1
252 PO Amendments 1
253 Inventory Check 1
254 Description Date 1
255 Select Printer 1
256 View Pulled Parts 1
257 Check-In &Tool 1
258 Check-In &New Crib 1
259 Check-In &All Tools 1
260 Check-In All Ne&w Crib 1
261 Check &Out 1
262 Cannot purge %d records. Purchasing Module is still using these 1
263 ProTeus - Purge Utility 1
264 Skip PM 1
265 Print Current WO 1
266 Print All 1
267 PM Active Work Orders 1
268 DM Active Work Orders 1
269 E-mail Response for Web Request 1
270 Send E-mail 1
271 E-mail Setup 1
272 connected 1
273 Send PO EDI 1
274 Sender 1
275 Receiver 1
276 Account 1
277 User ID 1
278 SMTP Server Name 1
279 Your E-mail Address 1
280 E-Mail Settings 1
281 Attach File 1
282 Send Message 1
283 Add 1
284 Remove 1
285 Create DM WO 1
286 Single Close PM 1
287 Single Close DM 1
288 Quick Close 1
289 Assign PO No. 1
290 Attach Another Piece of Equipment to this Work Order 1

370 Appendix—Database Fields

291 Delete a Piece of Equipment from this Work Order 1
Definition of 292 Load 1
Custom 293 Show All 1
Reports 294 Create Req. - Reorder List 1
Fields (con’t) 295 Requester E-mail 1
296 Send WO details to E-mail/Pager 1
297 E-Link 1
298 E-Link in Service Request 1
299 Service Request Direct Rights 1
300 Add Reply to Requester 1
301 PM Shadow 1
302 Metalink Rights 1
303 Quick Close PM 1
304 Quick Close DM 1
305 E-mail in Service Request 1
306 Service Request Direct 1
307 PM Close Level 1
308 DM Close Level 1
309 PM Close Number 1
310 DM Close Number 1
311 Shadows: 1
312 Default Date 1
313 Work Orders 1
314 Modify Data 1
315 Add Data 1
316 New Default Stockroom 1
317 Set Local Stockroom 1
318 Add Stockroom 1
319 Move Stock To Local 1
320 Move Stock From Local 1
321 Local Stockroom 1
322 Source Stockroom 1
323 Destination Stockroom 1
324 Quantity to Move 1
325 Move Ticket History 1
326 Assign Users to Group 1
327 Assign Group 1
328 Total Qty on Hand 1
329 Set Stockroom 1
330 Add to another Stockroom 1
331 Actual vs. Budget 1
332 Stockroom Transfer History 1
333 Tasks where used - PM 1
334 Customer Contact Report 1
335 Customer - Equipment-PM - Listing 1
336 Blanket Purchase Order Listing 1
337 Warning 1
338 Error 1
339 Information 1
340 Confirm 1
341 Qty. on Order 1
342 &Purge history data 1
343 &Archive history data 1
344 Data 1
345 PO History 1
346 Transactions History 1
347 Period 1

Appendix—Database Fields 371

Definition of 348 Archive to 1
349 &Start 1
350 Archive Utility 1
Reports 351 Match Equip. No.: 1
Fields (con’t) 352 Add to Dropdown Lists 1
353 Option Rights 1
354 Delete Records 1
355 WO Qty Reserved 1
356 Purge PM History 1
357 Purge DM History 1
358 Purge Transaction History 1
359 Purge Purchasing History 1
360 Purge Receiving History 1
361 Purge PM Shadow Log 1
362 Purge Skip PM History 1
363 Purge Move Ticket History 1
364 Add 1
365 Edit 1
366 View 1
367 Print 1
368 Delete 1
369 Print Work Order with Attachments 1
370 Switch Currency Rate 1
371 Current Currency Rate 1
372 Baseline Currency Rate 1
373 Set Currency 1
374 Set Drive for Attachments 1
375 Set Binder Drive 1
376 Set Binder File Drive 1
377 Set Drive for Attachments 1
378 Change 1
379 Login for each WO Creation 1
380 Login for each WO Approval 1
381 Currency Maintenance 1
382 View all Stockrooms 1
383 Parts from BOM 1
384 Service Request Admin Rights 1
385 Tridium Interface 1
386 Alarm Configuration 1
387 Alarm Viewer 1
388 Alarm Manager 1
389 Alarm History 1
390 Alarm Settings 1
391 ProVyk 1
392 Mobile Interface 1
393 Mobile 1
394 Mobile Status 1
395 Awaiting 1
396 Setup in Queue 1
397 Sent to Mobile 1
398 Completed from Mobile 1
399 Returned from Mobile and not completed 1
400 New work order from Mobile 1
401 Send to Mobile 1
402 Undo check out 1
403 Clear 1
404 Archive 1

372 Appendix—Database Fields

405 Select All 1
Definition of
406 Visible 1
Custom 407 Current Field Name 1
Reports 408 Default Field Name 1
Fields (con’t) 409 Field Width 1
410 Field Names Editor 1
411 Hide Quick Screen 1
412 Auto Activate 1
413 Auto Print 1
414 Print Attachments 1
415 Activate PM's 1
416 Purge/Archive DM 1
417 Purge/Archive PM 1
418 Purge/Archive PM Shadow 1
419 Purge/Archive Skip PM 1
420 Purge/Archive Move Ticket 1
421 Purge/Archive Purchasing 1
422 Purge/Archive Receiving 1
423 Purge/Archive Transactions 1
424 Alarm Manager Information 1
425 Select one 1
426 Host Name 1
427 IP Address 1
428 Enter a port number 1
429 Port Number 1
430 Test Connection 1
431 View Status History 1
432 Equipment Status History 1
433 Remove Binder file 1
434 Add Part 1
435 Attach Vendor 1
436 Changes have been made! Do you wish to save your changes? 1
437 ProTeus Data Source 1
438 ProTeus Data Source Configuration 1
439 Change ProTeus Password 1
440 Apply 1
441 Internet Address for Web Supervisor 1
442 HTTP 1
443 Internet Address for Print Engine 1
444 Niagara Notification Classes to Monitor 1
445 Search 1
446 Search DMs 1
447 Search PMs 1
448 Employee Search 1
449 Return to Alarm Configuration 1
450 Record was updated 1
451 Record was inserted 1
452 Record was deleted 1
453 No Records Found 1
454 Database Type 1
455 Server Name 1
456 Database Name 1
457 Port 1
458 Language ID 1
459 Valid Entry (0-255 or 'All') 1
460 All 1
461 General 1

Appendix—Database Fields 373

Definition of 462 Return to Alarm Configuration 1
463 Return to Login 1
464 ProTeus Login 1
Reports 465 Enter URL Address 1
Fields (con’t) 466 First 1
467 Second 1
468 Third 1
469 Fourth 1
470 Last 1
471 Every 1
472 Day(s) 1
473 Advance by 1
474 Week(s) 1
475 Month(s) 1
476 Day 1
477 On the 1
478 Begin 1
479 Year(s) in 1
480 Display 1
481 Months before 1
482 Months after 1
483 PM - Active 1
484 PM - Overdue 1
485 PM - Future 1
486 DM - Active 1
487 Cycle Type 1
488 First Occurrence 1
489 All 1
490 Daily 1
491 Weekly 1
492 Monthly 1
493 Quarterly 1
494 Semi-Annual 1
495 Annual 1
496 Runtime 1
497 Skip PM History 1
498 Receiving History 1
499 Reschedule 1
500 Change Start Date 1
501 No. of Equip. 1
502 Total Est. Labor 1
503 Total Act. Labor 1
504 Total Downtime 1
505 Year(s) 1
506 D 1
507 W 1
508 M 1
509 Q 1
510 S 1
511 A 1
512 R 1
513 Select Cycle Type 1
514 Zero Fiscal Year 1
515 Ignore 1
516 Previous 1
517 Next 1
518 1

374 Appendix—Database Fields

Definition of 519 View Schedule 1
520 View 1
521 On 1
Reports 522 Today 1
Fields (con’t) 523 Time Card 1
524 Employee Time Card 1
525 Print WO 1
526 Amt. Required 1
527 Amendment No. 1
528 Cycle and Date 1
529 ProLink 1
530 Set Query Path 1
531 Set Report Path 1
532 Set OSHA Path 1
533 E-Mail Setup 1
534 Close Valid 1
535 Default Query 1
536 Load Default Query 1
537 Save Default Query 1
538 Delete Default Query 1
539 Work Order Validation 1
540 Date Cycle 1
541 Runtime Cycle 1
542 SMTP Authentication Required 1
543 PM - Date Cycle 1
544 PM - Runtime Cycle 1
545 Reschedule 1
546 Reassign 1
547 Resource Assignment 1
548 Add Labor 1
549 Change Labor 1
550 Delete Labor 1
551 Show 1
552 Hide 1
553 Add Equipment 1
554 Change Equipment 1
555 Delete Equipment 1
556 Delete Valid 1
557 Equipment Validation 1
558 Print Preview 1
559 Change From 1
560 Change To 1
561 Labor Completion Date 1

Appendix—Database Fields 375

Definition of Label Text (Modules 1-4)
Custom Equipment Inventory Transaction PM
Reports MODULE 1 2 3 4
Fields (con’t) FIELD1 Equipment Inventory Transaction PM Master
FIELD2 Sub-Assembly Part No. Adjustment No. PM Active
FIELD3 Equipment No. Part Name Transaction History PM History
FIELD4 Equipment Name Category PM Scheduling
FIELD5 Location Stock Class Job No.
FIELD6 Serial No. Size Adjustment Qty Priority
FIELD7 Down Cost Description Adjustment Type Date Started
FIELD8 Date Installed Reorder Point Reason for Maintenance Code
FIELD9 Warranty Date Econ. Order Qty Description Work Type
FIELD10 Original Cost Maximum Qty Cost Center Cost Center
FIELD11 P.O. No. Checked Out To Runtime Cycle
FIELD12 Asset No. Manufacturer Transaction Date Next PM
FIELD13 Weight Mfg. Part No. Destination Last PM
FIELD14 Rating Qty On Order Source Stockroom Runtime Advance
FIELD15 Capacity Qty Allocated Transfer Amount Procedure
FIELD16 Model Qty Available Transfer Date Cycle in Days
FIELD17 Manufacturer Qty Reserved Date No. Next Scheduled
FIELD18 Drawing Files Phy. Qty Available Last Scheduled
FIELD19 Quantity Days Advance
FIELD20 Sub-Assembly Of Cost Active Date
FIELD21 Current Usage Physical Inv. Closed Date
FIELD22 Units Date Last Used Completion Date
FIELD23 DM YTD Labor Last Cost Printed
FIELD24 DM LTD Labor Unit Cost Drawing Files
FIELD25 PM YTD Labor Parts Shift
FIELD26 PM LTD Labor Total Qty on Order Est. Down Time
FIELD27 DM YTD Material Total Qty on Hand Actual Down Time
FIELD28 DM LTD Material Last Purchase Date Last Completed
Costs Date
FIELD29 PM YTD Material Unit of Measure Time Completed
FIELD30 PM LTD Material Qty On Hand Scheduled Date
Equipment Inventory Transaction PM
376 Appendix—Database Fields
MODULE 1 2 3 4
FIELD31 Status Last P.O. No. User 1
FIELD32 User 1 Where Used User 2
FIELD33 User 2 Drawing File User 3
FIELD34 User 3 Physical Inv. User 4
FIELD35 User 4 Last Physical Inv. User 5
FIELD36 User 5 Next Physical inv. User 6
FIELD37 User 6 Unit Price User 7
FIELD38 User 7 Move Ticket User 8
FIELD39 User 8 WO Description
FIELD40 Daily Runtime Down Time
FIELD41 Approval 1
FIELD42 MS Binder File Approval 2
FIELD43 Equip. Desc. Originator
FIELD44 Year To Date Employee Info
FIELD45 Material Carrying Cost To Use
FIELD46 Labor Total Cost Qty Reserved
FIELD47 Total Allocated Adjusting Qty
FIELD48 Life To Date User Fields Phy. Qty Reserved
FIELD49 PM MSDS Required Schedule Type
FIELD51 In Service MSDS Work Started
FIELD52 Out Of Service Location Scheduling
FIELD53 Parent Shelf/Bin Close PM WO
FIELD54 MS-Project File Vendor Part No. PM and DM
FIELD55 User 1 User Fields
FIELD56 Details User 2 PM
FIELD57 Runtime User 3 Start Date
FIELD58 BOM User 4 Sched.
FIELD59 PM List User 5 Checked Out To
FIELD60 Cost History User 6 Prev. Sched. Date
FIELD61 User Fields User 7 Prev. Active Date
FIELD62 User 8 Date Skipped
FIELD63 Description PM Shadow
FIELD64 Shelf Life Date Shadowed
FIELD65 Binder File Distribute Costs
FIELD66 Used Start
FIELD67 Qty. Pulled Completion
FIELD68 Lead Time Assign To
FIELD69 Stockroom Advance Next Cycle

Appendix—Database Fields 377

Definition of (Modules 5-8)
Custom DM Tasks Causes Tools
MODULE 5 6 7 8
FIELD1 DM Template Tasks Causes Tool Description
Fields (con’t)
FIELD2 Work Order No. Cause No. Tools
FIELD3 DM Active Task No. Description Serial No.
FIELD4 DM History Description Shelf/Bin
FIELD5 DM Scheduling Description 2 Down Time Checked Out
FIELD6 Job No. Size
FIELD7 Request No. Est. Hours
FIELD8 Requested By
FIELD9 Priority
FIELD10 Status
FIELD11 Date Started
FIELD12 Time Started
FIELD13 Completion Date
FIELD14 Date Required
FIELD15 Time Required
FIELD16 Date Issued
FIELD17 Time Issued
FIELD18 Maintenance Code
FIELD19 Work Type
FIELD20 Cost Center
FIELD21 Symptom
FIELD22 Printed
FIELD23 Drawing File
FIELD24 Shift
FIELD25 Est. Down Time
FIELD26 Actual Down Time
FIELD27 From Alarm
FIELD28 Date Closed
FIELD29 Time Closed
FIELD30 Demand No.
FIELD32 Time Completed
FIELD33 User Fields
FIELD34 User 1
FIELD35 User 2
FIELD36 User 3
FIELD37 User 4
FIELD38 User 5

378 Appendix—Database Fields

Definition of DM Tasks Causes Tools
MODULE 5 6 7 8
Reports FIELD39 User 6
Fields (con’t) FIELD40 User 7
FIELD41 User 8
FIELD42 WO. Desc.
FIELD43 Runtime
FIELD44 Service Request
FIELD47 Auto Print Work
FIELD48 Actual DM Hours
FIELD49 Shift Work Done
FIELD50 Act. Equip. Down
FIELD51 Date completed
FIELD52 WO Description
FIELD53 Approval 1
FIELD54 Approval 2
FIELD55 Originator
FIELD56 Work Started
FIELD57 Phone
FIELD58 E-Mail
FIELD59 From
FIELD60 Manual
FIELD61 Standard Srv. Req.
FIELD62 E-Mail Srv. Req.
FIELD63 Web Browser Srv.
FIELD64 MS-Project
FIELD65 Srv. Req.
FIELD67 Checked Out To
FIELD68 Select Printer

Appendix—Database Fields 379

Definition of (Modules 9-12)
Custom Employee Labor Vendors Purchasing
MODULE 9 10 11 12
Fields (con’t) FIELD1 Employee Labor Vendors Purchasing
FIELD2 Employee No. Labor Code Vendor Code Requisition No.
FIELD3 Employee Name Description Vendor Name Purchasing History
FIELD4 Login Name Description File Address 1 Requisition
FIELD5 Approval Level Labor Rate #1 Address 2 Reorder List
FIELD6 P.O. Labor Rate #2 Address 3 Last Date Received
FIELD7 W.O. Labor Rate #3 City Date Closed
FIELD8 Max. Purchase Labor Rate #4 State P.O. No.
FIELD9 Start Date Labor Rate #5 Zip Code Requisition Date
FIELD10 Address 1 Hours at Rate1 Country P.O. Date
FIELD11 Address 2 Hours at Rate2 Web Page Account No.
FIELD12 City Hours at Rate3 USA Phone No. Cost Center
FIELD13 State Hours at Rate4 Intl Phone No. Requested By
FIELD14 Zip Code Hours at Rate5 Fax No. Buyer
FIELD15 Phone No. Total Labor Cost Email Address Payment Terms
FIELD16 Fax No. Est. Hours Pager No. F.O.B.
FIELD17 Pager No. Labor Craft Alt. USA Phone No. Freight
FIELD18 E-Mail Address Actual Hours Alt. Intl Phone No. Ship Via
FIELD19 Web Page Address Alt. Fax No. Promise Date
FIELD20 Supervisor Alt. Email Address P.O. Status
FIELD21 Department Alt. Pager No.
FIELD22 Division Contact Tax 1(%)
FIELD23 S.S.N. Title Tax 2(%)
FIELD24 Priority Extension Parts Total
FIELD25 User 1 Alt. Contact Subtotal
FIELD26 User 2 Alt. Contact’s Title Other Total
FIELD27 User 3 Alt. Extension Grand Total
FIELD28 User 4 YTD Purchases Ship To Location
FIELD29 User 5 LTD Purchases User 1
FIELD30 User 6 Last Purchase Date User 2
FIELD31 User 7 Blanket Order User 3
FIELD32 User 8 Last P.O. No. User 4
FIELD33 Description User 1 User 5
FIELD34 Rate 1 User 2 User 6
FIELD35 Rate 2 User 3 User 7
FIELD36 Rate 3 User 4 User 8
FIELD37 Rate 4 User 5 Description
FIELD38 Rate 5 User 6 Tax Type

380 Appendix—Database Fields

Definition of Employee Labor Vendors Purchasing
MODULE 9 10 11 12
Reports FIELD39 Approval Date User 7 Tax Rate
Fields (con’t) FIELD40 P.O. Approval Level User 8 Last Price
FIELD41 W.O. Approval Level Description Date Received
FIELD42 Blood Type Default Vendor User Fields
FIELD43 Drug Allergies Purchases Account/GL#
FIELD44 Emergency No. User Fields Budget
FIELD45 Doctor Name Cost Center
FIELD46 Doctor Phone No. Fiscal Year Start
FIELD47 Personnel
FIELD48 Address/Phone
FIELD49 Labor Craft Rates
FIELD50 User Fields
FIELD51 Approval Time
FIELD52 Approval 1 Date
FIELD53 Approval 2 Date

Appendix—Database Fields 381

Definition of (Modules 13-16)
Custom Blanket PO Ship To Address Company Metasys
Reports MODULE 13 14 15 16
Fields (con’t)
FIELD1 Blanket PO Ship To Addresses Company Address Metasys
FIELD2 BPO No. Ship To Location Bill To Network
FIELD3 Expiration Date Address 1 Address 1 System
FIELD4 Agreement Amount Address 2 Address 2 Object
FIELD5 Amount Remaining City City Totals?
FIELD6 Receiving State State Alarms?
FIELD7 Receiving History Zip Code Zip Code Print?
FIELD8 Last Req. Date Country Country Critical Level
FIELD9 Payment Terms Phone No. Phone No. Alarm types
FIELD10 Qty. Ordered Extension Extension Critical 1
FIELD11 Qty. Received Fax No. Critical 2
FIELD12 Total Qty. Received E-mail Address Critical 3
FIELD13 Balance Due Web Page Critical 4
FIELD14 Invoice No.
FIELD15 Packing Slip No.
FIELD16 Received By
FIELD17 Account/GL#
FIELD18 Shipment No.
FIELD19 Shipment
FIELD20 Recv. Detail
FIELD21 Releases
FIELD22 Releases History
FIELD23 Conditions

382 Appendix—Database Fields

(Modules 17-21)
Audit Trail Customer Approvals Miscellan- Tools
Definition of eous
Custom MODULE 17 18 19 20 21
Reports FIELD1 Table Name Customer To GroupTab Crib
Fields (con’t)
FIELD2 ParentID Customer No. From Group No. Crib No.
FIELD3 Child ID Customer ORIGINATE Group Name Crib
Name Description
FIELD4 Parent Address 1 REVIEW Group
Identifier Description
FIELD5 Child Identifier Address 2 APPROVE Manufacturer
FIELD6 Changed Field Address 3 MODIFY Mfgr. Tool No.
FIELD7 Before Change City Approval Class
FIELD8 After Change State Category
FIELD9 Type Zip Code Size
FIELD10 Date Time Country Reorder Qty.
FIELD11 Changed By Web Page Qty. Available
FIELD12 Track ID USA Phone Total Qty.
FIELD13 Field Name Intl Phone No.
FIELD14 Track Fax No.
FIELD15 Audit Trail Email Address
FIELD16 View Audit Pager No.
FIELD17 Setup Track Alt. USA
Option Phone No.
FIELD18 TrackID Alt. Intl Phone
FIELD19 Field Name Alt. Fax No.
FIELD20 Track Alt. Email
FIELD21 ProTeus V – Alt. Pager No.
Audit Trail
FIELD22 Date Contact
FIELD23 Time Title
FIELD24 Amendment Extension
FIELD25 View Audit Alt. Contact
Trail Archive
FIELD26 Record Data Alt. Contact’s
FIELD27 Approval Data Alt. Extension
FIELD28 Employee YTD Sales
FIELD29 Record No. LTD Sales

Appendix—Database Fields 383

Audit Trail Customer Approvals Miscellan- Tools
MODULE 17 18 19 20 21
FIELD30 Action Last Sales
FIELD31 Approval Blanket Order
Reason Agreement
FIELD32 Approval Level Last S.O. No.
FIELD33 Date Data User 1
FIELD34 Archive User 2
FIELD35 Archive Query User 3
FIELD36 Purge User 4
FIELD37 Purge Query User 5
FIELD38 Record ID User 6
FIELD39 Report Query User 7
FIELD40 Display Name User 8
FIELD41 Description
FIELD42 Default
FIELD43 Equipment List
FIELD44 User Fields

(Modules 22-26)
Currency ProTeus Alarm Archive InVue Budget
Maintenance Interface
MODULE 22 23 24 25 26
FIELD1 Currency ProTeus Alarm PM Archive InVue Costs from
Maintenance Interface Work Orders
FIELD2 Baseline Alarm Rights DM Archive Object Tree Costs from
Currency Purchasing
FIELD3 Exchange Alarm PO Archive Work Order Budget
Rates Configuration Details
FIELD4 Currency Alarm Manager Transaction Alarm Details Actual
Setup Archive
FIELD5 Currencies in Alarm Viewer Skip PM Select DM Remaining
Database Archive
FIELD6 Available ProTeus Alarm PM Shadow Select PM Purge Cost
Currencies Viewer Archive Center
FIELD7 Rate Name Viewer Options Move Ticket Auto-Print Start Month -
Archive Year
FIELD8 Symbol Clear Alarms Currency Auto-Activate End Month -
Archive Year
FIELD9 Thousands Clear Alerts Receiving E-Link
Separator Archive
FIELD10 Decimal Refresh Rates Update

384 Appendix—Database Fields

Definition of Currency ProTeus Alarm Archive InVue Budget
Maintenance Interface
Custom Reports MODULE 22 23 24 25 26
Fields (con’t)
FIELD11 No. of Digits Manually Delete
FIELD12 Symbol After Activated Limit
FIELD13 Negative After Printed Select a DM
Format Record
FIELD14 Exchange Rate After Closed Select a PM
FIELD15 Currency View Work System Status
FIELD16 Choose from View Alarm Started Date
list Details
FIELD17 Set Baseline Priority Last Poll
FIELD18 DateTime Object Automatic
Changed Description Polling
FIELD19 Currency Alarm Time Manual Polling
FIELD20 WO Type Start
FIELD21 Work Order Stop
FIELD22 Value Go
FIELD23 Work Order Start Manual
FIELD24 Alarm Id Alarm Manager
FIELD25 Object Type Print Manager
FIELD26 Description Log File
FIELD27 Notification Auto-Poll
FIELD28 Date Cleared Active Log
FIELD29 Employee Exceptions Log
FIELD30 Status Flags Warnings Log
FIELD31 Parameter1 Purge
FIELD32 Parameter2 Set interval
FIELD33 Parameter3 Auto-Poll
FIELD34 Parameter4 Seconds
FIELD35 Parameter5 Idle
FIELD36 Alert Time Browse
FIELD37 Alert Id Set Database
FIELD38 Alarm Archive Service Log
FIELD39 Alert Archive Manager

Appendix—Database Fields 385

Definition of Currency ProTeus Alarm Archive InVue Budget
Maintenance Interface
Custom MODULE 22 23 24 25 26
FIELD40 Alarm Query Service
Fields (con’t)
FIELD41 Alert Query Service login
FIELD42 Alarm History User Name
FIELD43 Alert History Password
FIELD44 DM Template Service info
Work Order
FIELD45 DM Active Install Service
Work Order
FIELD46 PM Master Restart Service
Work Order
FIELD47 PM Active Acknowledge
Work Order
FIELD48 Alarm Details E-Link Setup
FIELD49 Enter a new Select
status Employee
FIELD50 Change Work Pager
Order Status
FIELD51 Provider E-Mail
FIELD52 Server Status Employee
FIELD53 Alarm Type Auto-Poll on
FIELD54 Alarm Generate Log
FIELD55 Alert Print Host
FIELD56 Niagara Login Print Port
FIELD57 Change Required Field
FIELD58 Server Started From E-Mail
FIELD59 Server Stopped ProTeus
FIELD60 Auto-Start Clear Log
FIELD61 Uninstall

386 Appendix—Database Fields

Definition of DM Active Tab
DM Active Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Master File Work Order Dmactive.WONO A unique work order 15 N
Fields No. identification number (Read-only)
that is automatically
assigned by ProTeus
Job No. Dmactive.JOBNO A work order 30 A/N
identification number,
assigned by the end
Request No. Dmactive.REQUESTNO An additional work 12 A/N
order identification
number, or the
telephone number of
the person requesting
the work order,
assigned by the end
Cost Center* Dmactive.COSTCENTE The department or 16 A/N
R accounting code to
which the cost of this
work order will be
Assign To* Dmactive.BATCHASSIG Employee to who the 30 A/N
NEMPNAME work order is assigned
Symptom Dmactive.DESCRIPT A description of the 80 A/N
problem that needs to
be addressed.
Send Email Dmactive.TOEMAIL Email address of 500 A/N
employee who will
receive the work order.
Requested By* Dmactive.REQUESTBY Name of the person or 30 A/N
department that
requested the work
Priority* Dmactive.PRIORITY Ranking of urgency for 10 A/N
this work order.
1, 2, 3 or high,
medium, low
Maint. Code* Dmactive.MAINTCODE User-defined field for 16 A/N
grouping work orders.
Elec, HVAC, Mech or
In-house, Contractor
Work Type* Dmactive.WORKTYPE An additional user- 16 A/N
defined field for
grouping work orders.
Inspection, Repair,
Lube or Elec, HVAC,

Appendix—Database Fields 387

Definition of Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
DM Active To Dmactive.TOEMAIL The email address of 500 A/N
Master File the person to whom
Fields (con’t) the DM Active work
order will be sent.
CC Dmactive.CCEMAIL The email address of 100 A/N
the person to whom
the DM Active work
order will be carbon
Attach File Dmactive.ATTACHMEN File listing of 1000 A/N
TS attachments to the DM
Active work order
(Body of email Dmactive.BODY Content of the DM 1000 A/N
message)) Active work order

*Denotes a drop-down list box.

Equipment Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Equipment Equipment.EQUIPNO The Equipment No. of 24 A/N

No. the equipment which
needs to have
maintenance or repair
performed on it.
(Chosen from a list of
records from the
Equip. Master File)
Equipment Equipment.EQUIPNAME This field is 30 A/N
Name automatically filled in, (Read-only)
corresponding to the
Equipment No. that
was defined.
Location Equipment.LOCATION This field is 24 A/N
automatically filled in, (Read-only)
corresponding to the
Equipment No. that
was defined.
Warranty Date Equipment.WARDATE This field is 8 MM/DD/YYYY
automatically filled in, (Read-only)
corresponding to the
Equipment No. that
was defined.
Distribute Dmactive.DISTRIBCOST Indicates whether the N/A Radio
Costs S distribute costs
function was enabled
or disabled for this
work order.
Vendor Code Vendors.VENCODE This field is automatic- 16 A/N
ally filled in, (Read-only)
corresponding to the
Equipment No. that
was defined.

388 Appendix—Database Fields

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Definition of
DM Active Vendor Name Vendors.VENNAME This field is 50 A/N
Master File automatically filled in, (Read-only)
corresponding to the
Fields (con’t) Equipment No. that
was defined.
Customer No. Customer.CUSTOMERN A unique code 16 A/N
O assigned to each (Read-only)
Customer Customer.CUSTOMERN Full name of the 50 A/N
Name AME customer to whom this (Read-only)
equipment belongs,
which is automatically
filled in corresponding
to the selected
customer code.
Equipment Equipmentmemo.DESFI Text screen upon 32 KB A/N
Description LE which miscellaneous (about
information associated 400 lines
with record can be of text)

*Denotes a drop-down list box.

Schedule Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Est. Down Dmactive.ESTDNTIME The estimated time that 15 Floating

Time this equipment will be
out of service (hours).
Actual Dmactive.DOWNTIME The actual downtime of 15 Floating
Downtime the equipment due to
this work order.
Completion Dmactive.DATECOMPL The date on which this 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Date ETED work order was
Time Dmactive.TIMECOMPL The time on which this 10 HH:MM:SS
Completed ETED work order was
Shift* Dmactive.SHIFT The shift when the work 10 A/N
is scheduled to be
Status * Dmactive.STATUS Brief status indication of 16 A/N
the work order.
Daily Runtime Equipment.DAILYRUNT The daily runtime on the 15 Floating
IME selected equipment.
Date Issued Dmactive.DATEISSUE The date this work 8 MM/DD/YYYY
D order was issued.
Time Issued Dmactive.TIMEISSUED The time this work order 10 HH:MM:SS
was issued.
Date Required Dmactive.DATEREQ The date by which this 8 MM/DD/YYYY
work order needs to be
Time Required Dmactive.TIMEREQ The time by which this 10 HH:MM:SS
work order needs to be
Date Started Dmactive.DATESTART The date on which this 8 MM/DD/YYYY
work order was started.

Appendix—Database Fields 389

Definition of Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
DM Active Time Started Dmactive.TIMESTART The time on which this 10 HH:MM:SS
Master File work order was started.
Fields (con’t) Current Usage Equipment.UNITCURR The meter reading on 15 Floating
EN the selected equipment.
Fields listed in bold are required fields
*Denotes a drop-down list box.

Task Tab (List)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Task No.* Taskad.TASKNO The step-by-step 10 A/N

instructions that need to (Read-Only)
be followed for this work
order. (Chosen from a
list of records from the
Tasks Master File)
Labor Code Tasksad.LABORCODE The labor code of the 10 A/N
task(s) that are chosen (Read-Only)
for the work order.
(Chosen from a list of
records from the Labor
Craft Master File
Description* Taskad.DESCRIPT The description of the 100 A/N
task, which is (Read-Only)
automatically filled in
according to the Task
Description 2 Taskad.DESCRIPT2 The description of the 100 A/N
task, which is (Read-only)
automatically filled in
according to the Task
Est. Hours Taskad.ESTHOURS The estimated hours of 9 A/N
the task, which is (Read-only)
automatically filled in
according to the Task

Parts Tab (List)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Part No.* Partsad.PARTNO The part(s) that are 32 A/N

needed to complete this
work order. (Chosen
from a list of records
from the Inventory
Master File)
Part Name* Partsad.PARTNAME The name of the part, 30 A/N
which is automatically
filed in according to the
Part No.
Amount Partsad.AMTREQUIRE The number of parts 9 N
Required D required for the work
order to be completed.
This number does not
update or affect any
Inventory quantities.

390 Appendix—Database Fields

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Definition of
DM Active Qty Allocated Partsad.QTYALLOC The quantity of this part 9 N
Master File that will be used for this
work order.
Fields (con’t)
Qty Pulled Partsad.QTYPULL The quantity of this part 9 N
that has been physically (Read-Only)
pulled out of inventory
for this work order.
Unit Cost Partsad.UNITCOST The unit cost of this 15 Floating
part, which is
automatically filled in
according to the Part
Stockroom Partsad.STOCKROOM The stockroom in which 16 A/N
the parts were used. (Read-Only)
Inventory INVENTORY TABLE Inventory information N/A N/A
Specifications about the part currently
selected for use on this
work order, including
part number, part name,
Qty. allocated, Qty
available, Qty reserved,
Phy. Qty available, and
Qty on hand.

View Pulled Parts (right-click option) (List)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Lengt Type

Work order no. Dmpull.WONO The work order number for 15 N

the job that this part is (Read-only)
attached to.
Checked Out Dmpull.LOGINNAME The name of the employee 30 A/N (Read-
To that the part was checked only)
out to.
Part No. Dmpull.PARTNO The part no. of the part that 32 A/N (Read-
was pulled or restocked. only)
Part Name Dmpull.PARTNAME The name of the part that 30 A/N (Read-
was pulled or restocked. only)
Adjustment Dmpull.QTY The quantity of parts pulled 9 N
Qty. or restocked.
Adjustment Dmpull.TYPE The type of adjustment Radio Toggle
Type (pull or restock). button
Employee Dmpull.EMPNAME The name of the employee 30 A/N (Read-
Name that performed the only)
Transaction Dmpull.PULLDATE The date that the part was 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Date pulled or restocked. (Read-only)

Labor Tab (List)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Lengt Type

Task No.* Laborad.TASKNO The task number 10 A/N

associated with the task
that the employee will

Appendix—Database Fields 391

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Definition of
DM Active Labor Code* Laborad.LABORCODE The labor code of the 10 A/N
employee(s) who will
Master File perform the work.
Fields (con’t) (Chosen from a list of
records from the Labor
Craft Master File)
Employee No.* Laborad.EMPLOYEEN The employee who will 14 A/N
O perform the work.
(Chosen from a list of
records from the
Employee Master File)
Employee Laborad.EMPLOYEEN The name of the 30 A/N
Name* AME employee, which is
automatically filled in
according to the
Employee No.
Work Started Laborad.WORKSTART The date on which the 8 MM/DD/YYYY
ED employee began the work
Completion Laborad.DATECOMP The date that this 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Date employee finished the
work order.
Est. Hours Laborad.ESTHOURS The estimated labor time 15 Floating
for this employee to
complete the work order.
Hours at Rate Laborad.ACTHOURS0 The number of hours this 15 Floating
1 employee worked at rate
Hours at Rate Laborad.ACTHOURS1 The number of hours this 15 Floating
2 employee worked at rate
Hours at Rate Laborad.ACTHOURS2 The number of hours this 15 Floating
3 employee worked at rate
Hours at Rate Laborad.ACTHOURS3 The number of hours this 15 Floating
4 employee worked at rate
Hours at Rate Laborad.ACTHOURS4 The number of hours this 15 Floating
5 employee worked at rate

Tools Tab (List)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Tool Toolsad.TOOL The tool(s) that are 80 A/N

Description required to perform the

Causes Tab (List)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Cause No.* Causead.CAUSENO The cause of the 10 A/N

equipment breakdown
or why the maintenance
had to be performed.
(Chosen from a list of
records from the
Causes Master File)

392 Appendix—Database Fields

Definition of
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
DM Active
Master File Description* Causead.DESCRIPT The cause description, 80 A/N
Fields (con’t) which is automatically (Read-only)
filled in according to the
selected Cause No.
Down Time Causead.DOWNTIME The equipment down 15 Floating
time, in hours, due to
this cause.

Work Order Description Tab

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Description Dmactivememo.DESFIL Text screen upon 32 KB A/N

E which miscellaneous (about
information associated 400
with record can be lines of
entered. text)

User Fields Tab

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

User 1 Dmactive.USER0 User definable field 30 A/N

User 2 Dmactive.USER1 User definable field 30 A/N

User 3 Dmactive.USER2 User definable field 30 A/N

User 4 Dmactive.USER3 User definable field 30 A/N

User 5 Dmactive.USER4 User definable field 30 A/N

User 6 Dmactive.USER5 User definable field 30 A/N

User 7* Dmactive.USER6 User definable field 30 A/N

User 8* Dmactive.USER7 User definable field 30 A/N

Attachments Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Print Dmactivedrawings.SEL Indicates whether the N/A Check-Box

ECTDWG attachment should be
Attachments Dmactivedrawings.DRA Path to the 255 A/N
WINGPATH attachment(s)

Appendix—Database Fields 393

Definition of Approvals Tab
DM Active Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Master File
Fields (con’t) Originator Dmactive.LOGINNAME The name of the 30 A/N
employee who created (Read-only)
this work order.
Employee No. Employee.EMPLOYEE The employee number 14 A/N
NO of the person who (Read-only)
approved this work
order at level 1.
Employee Employee.EMPLOYEE The employee name of 30 A/N
Name NAME the person who (Read-Only)
approved this work
order at level 1.
Approval Date Dmactive.APPROVALD The date this work 8 MM/DD/YYYY
ATE order was approved at (Read-only)
level 2.
Approval Level Dmactive.APPROVELE The approval level of 1 N
VEL the person who (Read-only)
approved this work

Mobile Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Employee No.* Employee.EMPLOYEE The employee the work 14 A/N

NO order was checked out
Employee Employee.EMPLOYEE The name of the 30 A/N
Name* NAME employee the work
order was checked out
Mobile Status Wrq.STATUS Status of the work order 1 Toggle
in relation to the mobile

DM History Tab
Definition of
DM History Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Master File Work Order Dmhistory.WONO A unique work order 15 N
Fields No. identification number that (Read-only)
is automatically assigned
by ProTeus V.
Job No. Dmhistory.JOBNO A work order identification 30 A/N
number, assigned by the (Read-only)
end user.
Request No. Dmhistory.REQUESTN An additional work order 12 A/N
O identification number, or (Read-only)
the telephone number of
the person requesting the
work order, assigned by
the end user.
Cost Center Dmhistory.COSTCENT The department or 16 A/N
ER accounting code to which (Read-only)
the cost of this work order
will be charged

394 Appendix—Database Fields

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Definition of
DM History Symptom Dmhistory.DESCRIPT A description of the 80 A/N
Master File problem that needs to be (Read-only)
Fields (con’t)
Send Email Dmhistory.TOEMAIL The email address of the 500 A/N
employee to whom the (Read-Only)
work order was sent.
Assign To Dmhistory.BATCHASSI The name of the 30 A/N
GNEMPNAME employee the work order (Read-Only)
was assigned to.
Requested By Dmhistory.REQUESTB Name of the person or 30 A/N
Y department that requested (Read-only)
the work order.
Priority Dmhistory.PRIORITY Ranking of urgency for 10 A/N
this work order. (Read-Only)
1, 2, 3 or High, Med., Low
Maintenance Dmhistory.MAINTCOD User-defined field for 16 A/N
Code E grouping work orders. (Read-only)
Elec, HVAC, Mech or In-
house, Contractor
Work Type Dmhistory.WORKTYPE An additional user-defined 16 A/N
field for grouping work (Read-only)
Inspection, Repair, Lube
or Elec, HVAC, Mech
To Dmhistory.TOEMAIL The email address of the 500 A/N
person to whom the DM (Read-only)
Active work order was
CC Dmhistory.CCEMAIL The email address of the 100 A/N
person to whom the DM (Read-only)
Active work order was
carbon copied.
Subject Dmhistory.SUBJECT The subject line of the DM 100 A/N
Active work order email. (Read-only)
Attach File Dmhistory.ATTACHME File listing of attachments 1000 A/N
NTS to the DM Active work (Read-only)
order email.
(Body of email Dmhistory.BODY Content of the DM Active 1000 A/N
message) work order email. (Read-only)

Equipment Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Equipment No. Dmhequip.EQUIPNO The unique equipment 24 A/N

identification number. (Read-only)
Equipment Dmhequip.EQUIPNAM A descriptive name of the 30 A/N
Name E equipment. Consistency (Read-only)
is important, since this is a
search field.
Location Dmhequip.LOCATION Physical location of the 24 A/N
equipment (building, floor, (Read-only)
zone, etc.)

Appendix—Database Fields 395

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Definition of
DM History Warranty Date Dmhequip.WARDATE The expiration date of the 8 MM/DD/YYY
warranty. Y
Master File
Fields (con’t)
Distribute Dmhistory.DISTRIBCOST Indicates whether the NA N
Costs S distribute costs function (Read-only)
was enabled or disabled
for this work order.
Vendor Code Dmhequip.VENCODE The vendor code 16 A/N
corresponding to the (Read-only)
vendor from whom this
equipment was
Vendor Name Dmhequip.VENNAME The name of the vendor 50 A/N
corresponding to the (Read-only)
selected vendor code.
Customer No. Customer.CUSTOMERN A unique code assigned 16 A/N
O to each customer. (Read-only)
Customer Customer.CUSTOMERNA Full name of the customer 50 A/N
Name ME to whom this equipment (Read-only)
belongs, which is
automatically filled in
corresponding to the
selected customer code.
Equipment Dmhistoryequip.EQUIPDE Text screen upon which 32 KB A/N
Description SC miscellaneous information (about (Read-Only)
associated with record 400
can be entered. lines of

Schedule Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Est. Down Dmhistory.ESTDNTIME The estimated time that 15 Floating

Time this equipment will be out (Read-only)
of service (hours).
Shift Dmhistory.SHIFT The shift when the work is 10 A/N
scheduled to be (Read-only)
Date Issued Dmhistory.DATEISSUED The date this work order 8 MM/DD/YYY
was issued. Y
Time Issued Dmhistory.TIMEISSUED The time this work order 10 HH:MM:SS
was issued. (Read-only)
Date Required Dmhistory.DATEREQ The date by which this 8 MM/DD/YYY
work order needs to be Y
completed. (Read-only)
Time Required Dmhistory.TIMEREQ The time by which this 10 HH:MM:SS
work order needs to be (Read-only)
Date Started Dmhistory.DATESTART The date on which this 8 MM/DD/YYY
work order was started. Y
Time Started Dmhistory.TIMESTART The time on which this 10 HH:MM:SS
work order was started. (Read-only)

396 Appendix—Database Fields

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Definition of
DM History Completion Dmhistory.DATECOMPLE The date on which this 8 MM/DD/YYY
Master File Date TED work order was Y
completed. (Read-only)
Fields (con’t)
Time Dmhistory.TIMECOMPLE The time at which this 10 HH:MM:SS
Completed TED work order was (Read-only)
Current Usage Dmhequip.RUNTIME The meter reading on the 15 Floating
selected equipment. (Read-only)
Daily Runtime Dmhequip.DAILYRUNTIM The daily runtime on the 15 Floating
E selected equipment. (Read-only)
Actual Dmhistory.DOWNTIME The actual downtime of 15 Floating
Downtime the equipment due to this (Read-only)
work order.
Status Dmhistory.STATUS Brief status indication of 16 A/N
the work order. (Read-only)
Date Closed Dmhistory.DATECLOSED The date on which this 8 MM/DD/YYY
work order was closed. Y
Time Closed Dmhistory.TIMECLOSED The time at which this 10 HH:MM:SS
work order was closed. (Read-only)

Tasks Tab (List)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Task No. Taskhd.TASKNO The step-by-step 10 A/N

instructions that were (Read-only)
followed for this work
Description 1 Taskhd.DESCRIPT The description of the 100 A/N
chosen task. (Read-only)
Description 2 Taskhd.DESCRIPT2 An extended description 100 A/N
of the chosen task. (Read-only)

Parts Tab (List)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Part No. Partshd.PARTNO The part(s) that were used 32 A/N

to complete this work (Read-only)
Part Name Partshd.PARTNAME The name of the part, for 30 A/N
the chosen Part No. (Read-only)
Amount Partshd.AMTREQUIRED The number of parts 9 N
Required required for the work (Read-only)
order to be completed.
This number does not
update or affect any
Inventory quantities.
Qty Allocated Partshd.QTYALLOC The quantity of this part 9 N
that was allocated for this (Read-only)
work order.
Qty Pulled Partshd.QTYPULL The quantity of this part 9 N
that have physically been (Read-only)
pulled out of inventory for
this work order.

Appendix—Database Fields 397

Unit Cost Partshd.UNITCOST The unit cost of this part. 15 Floating
Stockroom Partshd.STOCKROOM The stockroom in which 16 A/N
the parts were used. (Read-Only)

Definition of View Pulled Parts (right-click option)

DM History Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Master File
Fields (con’t) Work Order Dmhpull.WONO The work order 15 N
Number number of the job for (Read-only)
which this part was
Checked Out Dmhpull.LOGINNAME The name of the 30 A/N (Read-
To employee that the part only)
was checked out to.
Part No. Dmhpull.PARTNO The part no. of the part 32 A/N (Read-
that was pulled or only)
Part Name Dmhpull.PARTNAME The name of the part 30 A/N (Read-
that was pulled or only)
Adjustment Dmhpull.QTY The quantity of parts 9 N (Read-only)
Qty. pulled or restocked.
Adjustment Dmhpull.TYPE The type of adjustment 10 A/N (Read-
Type (pull or restock). only)
Employee Dmhpull.EMPNAME The name of the 30 A/N (Read-
Name employee that only)
performed the
Transaction Dmhpull.PULLDATE The date that the part 8 MM/DD/YYY
Type was pulled or Y (Read-only)

Labor Tab (List)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Labor Code Laborhd.LABORCODE The labor code of the 10 A/N

employee(s) who (Read-only)
performed the work.
Employee No. Laborhd.EMPLOYEENO The employee no. of 14 A/N
the employee who (Read-only)
performed the work.
Employee Laborhd.EMPLOYEENAME The name of the 30 A/N
Name employee who (Read-only)
performed the work.
Est. Hours Laborhd.ESTHOURS The estimated labor 15 Floating
time for this employee (Read-only)
to complete the work
Completion Laborhd.DATECOMP The date that this 8 MM/DD/YYY
Date employee finished the Y (Read-only)
work order.
Work Started Laborhd.WORKSTARTED The date on which the 8 MM/DD/YYY
employee began the Y (Read-only)
work order.

398 Appendix—Database Fields

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Definition of
Hours at Rate Laborhd.ACTHOURS0 The number of hours 15 Floating
DM History 1 this employee worked (Read-only)
Master File at rate #1.
Fields (con’t) Hours at Rate Laborhd.ACTHOURS1 The number of hours 15 Floating
2 this employee worked (Read-only)
at rate #2.
Hours at Rate Laborhd.ACTHOURS2 The number of hours 15 Floating
3 this employee worked (Read-only)
at rate #3.
Hours at Rate Laborhd.ACTHOURS3 The number of hours 15 Floating
4 this employee worked (Read-only)
at rate #4.
Hours at Rate Laborhd.ACTHOURS4 The number of hours 15 Floating
5 this employee worked (Read-only)
at rate #5.
Description Laborhd.LABORDESCRIPTI Short explanation of the 60 A/N (Read-
ON qualifications/ only)
specifications of this
labor craft

Tools Tab (List)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Tool Toolshd.TOOL The tool(s) that are 80 A/N

Description required to perform the (Read-only)

Causes Tab (List)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Cause No. Causehd.CAUSENO The cause of the 10 A/N

equipment breakdown or (Read-only)
why the maintenance had
to be performed.
Description Causehd.DESCRIPT The cause description, 80 A/N
associated to the chosen (Read-only)
Cause No.
Down Time Causehd.DOWNTIME The equipment down 15 Floating
time, in hours, due to this (Read-only)

Work Order Description Tab

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Description Dmhistorymemo.DESFI Text screen upon 32 KB A/N (Read-

LE which miscellaneous (about only)
information associated 400
with record can be lines of
entered. text)

Appendix—Database Fields 399

Definition of User Fields Tab
DM History Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Master File
User 1 Dmhistory.USER0 User definable field 30 A/N (Read-
Fields (con’t) only)

User 2 Dmhistory.USER1 User definable field 30 A/N (Read-


User 3 Dmhistory.USER2 User definable field 30 A/N (Read-


User 4 Dmhistory.USER3 User definable field 30 A/N (Read-


User 5 Dmhistory.USER4 User definable field 30 A/N (Read-


User 6 Dmhistory.USER5 User definable field 30 A/N (Read-


User 7 Dmhistory.USER6 User definable field 30 A/N (Read-


User 8 Dmhistory.USER7 User definable field 30 A/N (Read-


Attachments Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Attachments Dmhistorydrawings.DRA Path to the attachment(s) 225 A/N

WINGPATH used on the work order. (Read-Only)

Approvals Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Originator Dmhistory.LOGINNAME The name of the 30 A/N

employee who created (Read-only)
this work order.
Employee No. Dmapphistory.EMPLOYE The employee number of 14 A/N
ENO the person who approved (Read-only)
this work order at level 1.
Employee Dmapphistory.EMPLOYE The name of the 30 A/N
Name ENAME employee who approved
this work order at level 1.
Approval Level Dmapphistory.APPROVE The approval level of the 1 N
LEVEL person who approved this (Read-only)
work order.

Approval Date Dmapphistory.APPROVA The date this work order 8 MM/DD/YYY

LDATE was approved. Y (Read-

400 Appendix—Database Fields

Definition of Mobile Tab
DM History
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Master File
Fields (con’t) Employee No. Dmhistory.MEMPLOYEE Mobile employee number 14 A/N
NO (Read-Only)
Employee Dmhistory.MEMPLOYEE Mobile employee name 30 A/N
Name NAME (Read-Only)
Mobile Status Dmhistory.MOBILESTAT Mobile status of the work 1 A/N
US order when the DM was (Read-Only)

Definition of
DM History DM History Tab
Archive Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Master File Work Order Dmhistoryarchive.WON A unique work order 15 N
Fields (con’t) No. O identification number that (Read-only)
is automatically assigned
by ProTeus V.
Job No. Dmhistoryarchive.JOBN A work order identification 30 A/N
O number, assigned by the (Read-only)
end user.
Request No. Dmhistoryarchive.REQ An additional work order 12 A/N
UESTNO identification number, or (Read-only)
the telephone number of
the person requesting the
work order, assigned by
the end user.
Cost Center Dmhistoryarchive.COS The department or 16 A/N
TCENTER accounting code to which (Read-only)
the cost of this work order
will be charged
Symptom Dmhistoryarchive.DES A description of the 80 A/N
CRIPT problem that needs to be (Read-only)
Send Email Dmhistoryarchive.TOE Email address to which 500 A/N
MAIL this work order was sent (Read-Only)
Assign To Dmhistoryarchive.BATC The employee to whom 50 A/N
HASSIGNEMPNAME this work order was (Read-Only)
Requested By Dmhistoryarchive.REQ Name of the person or 30 A/N
UESTBY department that requested (Read-only)
the work order.
Priority Dmhistoryarchive.PRIO Ranking of urgency for 10 A/N
RITY this work order. (Read-Only)
1, 2, 3 or High, Med., Low
Maintenance Dmhistoryarchive.MAIN User-defined field for 16 A/N
Code TCODE grouping work orders. (Read-only)
Elec, HVAC, Mech or In-
house, Contractor

Appendix—Database Fields 401

Definition of Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
DM History Work Type Dmhistoryarchive.WOR An additional user-defined 16 A/N
Archive KTYPE field for grouping work (Read-only)
Master File
Fields (con’t)
Inspection, Repair, Lube
or Elec, HVAC, Mech
To Dmhistoryarchive.TOE The email address of the 500 A/N
MAIL person to whom the DM (Read-only)
Active work order was
CC Dmhistoryarchive.CCE The email address of the 100 A/N
MAIL person to whom the DM (Read-only)
Active work order was
carbon copied.
Subject Dmhistoryarchive.SUBJ The subject line of the DM 100 A/N
ECT Active work order email. (Read-only)
Attach File Dmhistoryarchive.ATTA File listing of attachments 1000 A/N
CHMENTS to the DM Active work (Read-only)
order email.
(Body of email Dmhistoryarchive.BOD Content of the DM Active 1000 A/N
message) Y work order email. (Read-only)

Equipment Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Equipment No. Dmhequiparchive.EQUI The unique equipment 24 A/N

PNO identification number. (Read-only)
Equipment Dmhequiparchive.EQUI A descriptive name of the 30 A/N
Name PNAME equipment. Consistency (Read-only)
is important, since this is a
search field.
Location Dmhequiparchive.LOC Physical location of the 24 A/N
ATION equipment (building, floor, (Read-only)
zone, etc.)
Warranty Date Dmhequiparchive.WAR The expiration date of the 8 MM/DD/YYYY
DATE warranty. (Read-only)
Distribute Dmhistoryarchive.DIST Indicates whether the NA N
Costs RIBCOSTS distribute costs function (Read-only)
was enabled or disabled
for this work order.
Vendor Code Dmhequiparchive.VEN The vendor code 16 A/N
CODE corresponding to the (Read-only)
vendor from whom this
equipment was
Vendor Name Dmhequiparchive.VEN The name of the vendor 50 A/N
NAME corresponding to the (Read-only)
selected vendor code.
Customer No. Customer.CUSTOMER A unique code assigned 16 A/N
NO to each customer. (Read-only)

402 Appendix—Database Fields

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Definition of
DM History Customer Customer.CUSTOMER Full name of the customer 50 A/N
Name NAME to whom this equipment (Read-only)
Archive belongs, which is
Master File automatically filled in
Fields (con’t) corresponding to the
selected customer code.
Equipment Dmhistoryequiparchive. Text screen upon which 32 KB A/N
Description EQUIPDESC miscellaneous information (about (Read-Only)
associated with record 400
can be entered. lines of

Schedule Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Est. Down Dmhistoryarchive.ESTDN The estimated time that 15 Floating

Time TIME this equipment will be out (Read-only)
of service (hours).
Shift Dmhistoryarchive.SHIFT The shift when the work is 10 A/N
scheduled to be (Read-only)
Date Issued Dmhistoryarchive.DATEIS The date this work order 8 MM/DD/YYY
SUED was issued. Y
Time Issued Dmhistoryarchive.TIMEIS The time this work order 10 HH:MM:SS
SUED was issued. (Read-only)
Date Required Dmhistoryarchive.DATER The date by which this 8 MM/DD/YYY
EQ work order needs to be Y
completed. (Read-only)
Time Required Dmhistoryarchive.TIMER The time by which this 10 HH:MM:SS
EQ work order needs to be (Read-only)
Date Started Dmhistoryarchive.DATES The date on which this 8 MM/DD/YYY
TART work order was started. Y
Time Started Dmhistoryarchive.TIMEST The time on which this 10 HH:MM:SS
ART work order was started. (Read-only)
Completion Dmhistoryarchive.DATEC The date on which this 8 MM/DD/YYY
Date OMPLETED work order was Y
completed. (Read-only)
Time Dmhistoryarchive.TIMEC The time at which this 10 HH:MM:SS
Completed OMPLETED work order was (Read-only)
Current Usage Dmhequiparchive.RUNTI The meter reading on the 15 Floating
ME selected equipment. (Read-only)
Daily Runtime Dmhequiparchive.DAILYR The daily runtime on the 15 Floating
UNTIME selected equipment. (Read-only)
Actual Dmhistoryarchive.DOWN The actual downtime of 15 Floating
Downtime TIME the equipment due to this (Read-only)
work order.
Status Dmhistoryarchive.STATU Brief status indication of 16 A/N
S the work order. (Read-only)

Appendix—Database Fields 403

Date Closed Dmhistoryarchive.DATEC The date on which this 8 MM/DD/YYY
LOSED work order was closed. Y
Time Closed Dmhistoryarchive.TIMECL The time at which this 10 HH:MM:SS
OSED work order was closed. (Read-only)

Tasks Tab (List)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Task No. Taskhdarchive.TASKNO The step-by-step 10 A/N

instructions that were (Read-only)
followed for this work
Description 1 Taskhdarchive.DESCRIP The description of the 100 A/N
T chosen task. (Read-only)
Description 2 Taskhdarchive.DESCRIP An extended description 100 A/N
T2 of the chosen task. (Read-only)

404 Appendix—Database Fields

Definition of
DM History Parts Tab (List)
Archive Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Master File Part No. Partshdarchive.PARTNO The part(s) that were used 32 A/N
Fields (con’t) to complete this work (Read-only)
Part Name Partshdarchive.PARTNA The name of the part, for 30 A/N
ME the chosen Part No. (Read-only)
Amount Partshdarchive.AMTREQ The number of parts 9 N
Required UIRED required for the work (Read-only)
order to be completed.
This number does not
update or affect any
Inventory quantities.
Qty Allocated Partshdarchive.QTYALLO The quantity of this part 9 N
C that was allocated for this (Read-only)
work order.
Qty Pulled Partshdarchive.QTYPULL The quantity of this part 9 N
that have physically been (Read-only)
pulled out of inventory for
this work order.
Unit Cost Partshdarchive.UNITCOS The unit cost of this part. 15 Floating
T (Read-only)
Stockroom Partshdarchive.STOCKR The stockroom in which 16 A/N
OOM the parts were used. (Read-Only)

View Pulled Parts (right-click option)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Work Order Dmhpullarchive.WONO The work order 15 N

Number number of the job for (Read-only)
which this part was
Checked Out Dmhpullarchive.LOGINNAM The name of the 30 A/N (Read-
To E employee that the part only)
was checked out to.
Part No. Dmhpullarchive.PARTNO The part no. of the part 32 A/N (Read-
that was pulled or only)
Part Name Dmhpullarchive.PARTNAME The name of the part 30 A/N (Read-
that was pulled or only)
Adjustment Dmhpullarchive.QTY The quantity of parts 9 N (Read-only)
Qty. pulled or restocked.
Adjustment Dmhpullarchive.TYPE The type of adjustment 10 A/N (Read-
Type (pull or restock). only)
Employee Dmhpullarchive.EMPNAME The name of the 30 A/N (Read-
Name employee that only)
performed the
Transaction Dmhpullarchive.PULLDATE The date that the part 8 MM/DD/YYY
Type was pulled or Y (Read-only)

Appendix—Database Fields 405

Definition of
DM History
Labor Tab (List)
Master File Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Fields (con’t) Labor Code Laborhdarchive.LABORCO The labor code of the 10 A/N
DE employee(s) who (Read-only)
performed the work.
Employee No. Laborhdarchive.EMPLOYEE The employee no. of 14 A/N
NO the employee who (Read-only)
performed the work.
Employee Laborhdarchive.EMPLOYEE The name of the 30 A/N
Name NAME employee who (Read-only)
performed the work.
Est. Hours Laborhdarchive.ESTHOURS The estimated labor 15 Floating
time for this employee (Read-only)
to complete the work
Completion Laborhdarchive.DATECOM The date that this 8 MM/DD/YYY
Date P employee finished the Y (Read-only)
work order.
Work Started Laborhdarchive.WORKSTA The date on which the 8 MM/DD/YYY
RTED employee began the Y (Read-only)
work order.
Hours at Rate Laborhdarchive.ACTHOUR The number of hours 15 Floating
1 S0 this employee worked (Read-only)
at rate #1.
Hours at Rate Laborhdarchive.ACTHOUR The number of hours 15 Floating
2 S1 this employee worked (Read-only)
at rate #2.
Hours at Rate Laborhdarchive.ACTHOUR The number of hours 15 Floating
3 S2 this employee worked (Read-only)
at rate #3.
Hours at Rate Laborhdarchive.ACTHOUR The number of hours 15 Floating
4 S3 this employee worked (Read-only)
at rate #4.
Hours at Rate Laborhdarchive.ACTHOUR The number of hours 15 Floating
5 S4 this employee worked (Read-only)
at rate #5.
Description Laborhdarchive.LABORDES Short explanation of 60 A/N (Read-
CRIPTION the qualifications/ only)
specifications of this
labor craft

Tools Tab (List)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Tool Toolshdarcive.TOOL The tool(s) that are 80 A/N

Description required to perform the (Read-only)

406 Appendix—Database Fields

Definition of
DM History Causes Tab (List)
Archive Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Master File Cause No. Causehdarchive.CAUSEN The cause of the 10 A/N
Fields (con’t) O equipment breakdown or (Read-only)
why the maintenance had
to be performed.
Description Causehdarchive.DESCRI The cause description, 80 A/N
PT associated to the chosen (Read-only)
Cause No.
Down Time Causehdarchive.DOWNTI The equipment down 15 Floating
ME time, in hours, due to this (Read-only)

Work Order Description Tab

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Description Dmhistoryarchivememo. Text screen upon 32 KB A/N (Read-

DESFILE which miscellaneous (about only)
information associated 400
with record can be lines of
entered. text)

User Fields Tab

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

User 1 Dmhistoryarchive.USER User definable field 30 A/N (Read-

0 only)

User 2 Dmhistoryarchive.USER User definable field 30 A/N (Read-

1 only)

User 3 Dmhistoryarchive.USER User definable field 30 A/N (Read-

2 only)

User 4 Dmhistoryarchive.USER User definable field 30 A/N (Read-

3 only)

User 5 Dmhistoryarchive.USER User definable field 30 A/N (Read-

4 only)

User 6 Dmhistoryarchive.USER User definable field 30 A/N (Read-

5 only)

User 7 Dmhistoryarchive.USER User definable field 30 A/N (Read-

6 only)

User 8 Dmhistoryarchive.USER User definable field 30 A/N (Read-

7 only)

Appendix—Database Fields 407

Definition of
DM History Attachments Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Master File
Fields (con’t) Attachments Dmhistoryarchive.DRAWI The path to the 255 A/N
NGPATH attachment(s) file for this (Read-Only)
work order

Approvals Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Originator DmhistoryarchiveLOGINN The name of the 30 A/N

AME employee who created (Read-only)
this work order.
Employee No. Dmapphistoryarchive.EM The employee number of 14 A/N
PLOYEENO the person who approved (Read-only)
this work order at level 1.
Employee Dmapphistoryarchive.EM The name of the 30 A/N
Name PLOYEENAME employee who approved
this work order at level 1.
Approval Level Dmapphistoryarchive.APP The approval level of the 1 N
ROVELEVEL person who approved this (Read-only)
work order.

Approval Date Dmapphistoryarchive.APP The date this work order 8 MM/DD/YYY

ROVALDATE was approved. Y (Read-

Mobile Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Employee No. Dmhistoryarchive.MEMPL Employee the work order 14 A/N

OYEENO was checked out to. (Read-Only)
Employee Dmhistoryarchive.MEMPL Name of the employee the 30 A/N
Name OYEENAME work order was checked (Read-Only)
out to.
Mobile Status Dmhistoryarchive.MOBIL Status of the work order in 1 Toggle
ESTATUS relation to the mobile (Read-Only)

408 Appendix—Database Fields

Definition of DM DM Template Tab
Template Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Master File Job No. Dmtemplate.JOBNO A work order 30 A/N
Fields identification number,
assigned by the end
Request No. Dmtemplate.REQUEST An additional work 12 A/N
NO order identification
number, or the
telephone number of
the person requesting
the work order,
assigned by the end
Cost Center* Dmtemplate.COSTCEN The department or 16 A/N
TER accounting code to
which the cost of this
work order will be
Est. Down Dmtemplate.ESTDNTI The estimated time that 9 Floating
Time ME this equipment will be
out of service. (Hours)
Originator Dmtemplate.Loginname The name of the 30 A/N (Read-
employee who created only)
this work order.
Symptom Dmtemplate.DESCRIPT The problem which 80 A/N
needs to be addressed.
Send Email Dmtemplate.TOEMAIL The email address 500 A/N
where this work order
will be sent when
Requested By* Dmtemplate.REQUEST Name of the person or 30 A/N
BY department that
requested the work
Priority* Dmtemplate.PRIORITY Ranking of urgency for 10 A/N
this work order.
1, 2, 3 or high,
medium, low
Maintenance Dmtemplate.MAINTCO User-defined field for 16 A/N
Code* DE grouping work orders.
Elec, HVAC, Mech or
In-house, Contractor
Work Type* Dmtemplate.WORKTYP An additional user- 16 A/N
E defined field for
grouping work orders.
Inspection, Repair,
Lube or Elec, HVAC,
Shift* Dmtemplate.SHIFT The shift when the work 10 A/N
is scheduled to be

Appendix—Database Fields 409

Definition of Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
DM Template To Dmtemplate.TOEMAIL The email address of 500 A/N
Master File the person to whom the
Fields (con’t) DM work order will be
CC Dmtemplate.CCEMAIL The email address of 100 A/N
the person to whom the
DM work order will be
carbon copied.
Subject Dmtemplate.SUBJECT The subject line of the 100 A/N
DM work order email.
Attach File Dmtemplate.ATTACHM File listing of 1000 A/N
ENTS attachments to the DM
work order email.
(Body of email Dmtemplate.BODY Content of the DM work 1000 A/N
message) order email.

Fields listed in bold are required fields

* Denotes a drop-down list box field

Equipment Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Equipment No. Equipment.EQUIPNO The Equipment No. of 24 A/N

the equipment which
needs to have
maintenance or repair
performed on it.
(Chosen from a list of
records from the
Equipment Master
Equipment Equipment.EQUIPNAME This field is 30 A/N
Name automatically filled in, (Read-only)
corresponding to the
Equipment No. that
was defined.
Location Equipment.LOCATION This field is 24 A/N
automatically filled in, (Read-only)
corresponding to the
Equipment No. that
was defined.
Warranty Date Equipment.WARDATE This field is 8 MM/DD/YYYY
automatically filled in, (Read-only)
corresponding to the
Equipment No. that
was defined.
Distribute Dmtemplate.DISTRIBCO Choose to enable or N/A Radio
Costs STS disable the distribute
costs function for this
work order (defaults to
Vendor Code Vendors.VENCODE This field is 16 A/N
automatically filled in, (Read-only)
corresponding to the
Equipment No. that
was defined.

410 Appendix—Database Fields

Definition of Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
DM Template Vendor Name Vendors.VENNAME This field is 50 A/N
Master File automatically filled in, (Read-only)
Fields (con’t) corresponding to the
Equipment No. that
was defined.

Customer No. Customer.CUSTOMERN A unique code 16 A/N

O assigned to each (Read-only)
Customer Customer.CUSTOMERN Full name of the 50 A/N
Name AME customer to whom this (Read-only)
equipment belongs,
which is automatically
filled in corresponding
to the selected
customer code.
Equipment Equipmentmemo.DESFI Text screen upon 32 KB A/N
Description LE which miscellaneous (about
information associated 400 lines
with record can be of text)

Tasks Tab (List)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Task No.* Taskmd.TASKNO The step-by-step 10 A/N

instructions that need to
be followed for this work
order. (Chosen from a
list of records from the
Tasks Master File)
Labor Code Taskmd.LABORCODE The labor code of the 10 A/N
Description * Taskmd.DESCRIPT The description of the 100 A/N
task, which is (Read-only)
automatically filled in
according to the Task No.
Description 2 Taskmd.DESCRIPT2 The description of the 100 A/N
task, which is (Read-only)
automatically filled in
according to the Task No.
Est. Hours Taskmd.ESTHOURS The estimated hours of 9 Floating
the task, which is (Read-only)
automatically filled in
according to the Task No.
* Denotes a drop-down list box field

Parts Tab (List)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Part No.* Partstd.PARTNO The part(s) that are 32 A/N

needed to complete this
work order. (Chosen
from a list of records
from the Inventory
Master File)

Appendix—Database Fields 411

Definition of Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
DM Template Part Name* Partstd.PARTNAME The name of the part, 30 A/N
Master File which is automatically (Read-only)
filed in according to the
Fields (con’t) Part No.
Amount Partstd.AMTREQUIRE The number of parts 9 N
Required D required for the work
order to be completed.
This number does not
update or affect any
Inventory quantities.
Qty. Allocated Partstd.QTYALLOC The quantity of this part 9 N
needed for the work
Stockroom Partstd.STOCKROOM The stockroom from 16 A/N
where the parts will be (Read-only)

Labor Tab (List)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Task No.* Labormd.TASKNO The task number 10 A/N

associated with the task
that the employee will
Labor Code* Labormd.LABORCODE The labor code of the 10 A/N
employee(s) who will
perform the work.
(Chosen from a list of
records from the Labor
Craft Master File)
Employee No.* Labormd.EMPLOYEEN The employee who will 14 A/N
O perform the work.
(Chosen from a list of
records from the
Employee Master File)
Employee Labormd.EMPLOYEEN The name of the 30 A/N
Name* AME employee, which is (Read-only)
automatically filled in
according to the
Employee No.
Est. Hours Labormd.ESTHOURS The estimated labor time 15 Floating
for this employee to
complete this work order

Tools Tab (List)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Tool Toolsmd.TOOL The tool(s) that are 80 A/N

Description required to perform the

412 Appendix—Database Fields

Work Order Description Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Description Dmtemplatememo.DES Text screen upon which 32 KB A/N

FILE miscellaneous (about 400
information associated lines of
with record can be text)

Definition of User Fields Tab

DM Template Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Master File User 1 Dmtemplate.USER0 User definable field 30 A/N
Fields (con’t) User 2 Dmtemplate.USER1 User definable field 30 A/N
User 3 Dmtemplate.USER2 User definable field 30 A/N
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

User 4 Dmtemplate.USER3 User definable field 30 A/N

User 5 Dmtemplate.USER4 User definable field 30 A/N
User 6 Dmtemplate.USER5 User definable field 30 A/N
User 7* Dmtemplate.USER6 User definable field 30 A/N
User 8* Dmtemplate.USER7 User definable field 30 A/N

Attachments Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Print Dmtemplatedrawings.SEL Indicates whether the N/A Check-Box

ECTDWG drawing should be
Attachments Dmtemplatedrawings.DR Path to the attachments 225 A/N
AWINGPATH for this DM Template.

Mobile Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Employee Employee.EMPLOYEEN The employee number 14 A/N

No.* O of the mobile user this
DMT will be sent to.
Employee Employee.EMPLOYEEN The employee name of 30 A/N
Name* AME the mobile user this
DMT will be sent to.

Appendix—Database Fields 413

Definition of
Employee Employee Tab
Master File Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Fields Employee No. Employee.EMPLOYEEN Unique identifier 14 A/N
O assigned to each
employee and
contractor who perform
Employee Employee.EMPLOYEEN Name of employee or 30 A/N
Name AME contractor.
S.S.N. Employee.SSN The employee’s social 11 A/N
security number.
Login Name Employee.LOGINNAME The ProTeus V login 30 A/N
assigned to this
employee. (Chosen
from a list of login
names that were
created in the Rights
Start Date Employee.STARTDATE The hire date of the 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Department * Employee.DEPARTMEN The department where 20 A/N
T the employee works.
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Division * Employee.DIVISION The company division, 20 A/N

if any, to which the
employee belongs.
Supervisor * Employee.SUPERVISOR The name of the 30 A/N
employee’s supervisor.
Approval Level Employee.PURCHASEA The level of approval 1 N
(PO) PPLEVEL for approving purchase
orders. (The only valid
approval levels are
1 and 2)
Approval Level Employee.APPROVELEV The level of approval 1 N
(WO) EL for approving DM and
PM work orders. (The
only valid approval
levels are 1 and 2)
Max Purchase Employee.MAXPURCHA The maximum amount 15 Floating
SE of a purchase order that
this employee can
Fields listed in bold are required fields
* Denotes a drop-down list box field

Password Change (right-click option)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Password Employee.PASSWORD The password assigned 14 A/N

to this login name.

414 Appendix—Database Fields

Definition of Address/Phone Tab
Employee Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Master File Address 1 Employee.ADDRESS0 Street address of the 40 A/N
Fields (con’t) employee or contractor.
Address 2 Employee.ADDRESS1 Continuation of 40 A/N
employee’s or
contractor’s address.
City Employee.CITY City of employee’s or 20 A/N
contractor’s address.
State * Employee.STATE State of employee’s or 20 A/N
contractor’s address.
Zip Code Employee.ZIP Zip code of employee’s 14 A/N
or contractor’s address.
Phone No. Employee.PHONE The employee’s or 27 A/N
contractor’s phone
Fax No. Employee.FAX The employee’s or 27 A/N
contractor’s fax number.
Pager No. Employee.PAGER The employee’s or 27 A/N
contractor’s pager
E-Mail Employee.EMAIL The employee’s or 80 A/N
Address contractor’s e-mail
Web Page Employee.WEBPAGE The employee’s or 80 A/N
Address contractor’s web page

Labor Craft Tab

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Labor Code* Emplabor.LABORCODE The labor craft(s) that 10 A/N

this employee is
qualified to perform.
(Chosen from a list of
records from the
Labor Craft Master
Labor Rate #1 Emplabor.LABORRATE1 The pay rate of this 15 Floating
employee at rate #1.
Labor Rate #2 Emplabor.LABORRATE2 The pay rate of this 15 Floating
employee at rate #2.
Labor Rate #3 Emplabor.LABORRATE3 The pay rate of this 15 Floating
employee at rate #3.
Labor Rate #4 Emplabor.LABORRATE4 The pay rate of this 15 Floating
employee at rate #4.
Labor Rate #5 Emplabor.LABORRATE5 The pay rate of this 15 Floating
employee at rate #5.

Appendix—Database Fields 415

Definition of Description Tab
Employee Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Master File Description Employeememo.DESFIL Text screen upon 32 KB A/N

Fields (con’t) E which miscellaneous (about
information associated 400
with record can be lines of
entered. text)

User Fields Tab

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

User 1 Employee.USER0 User definable field 30 A/N

User 2 Employee.USER1 User definable field 30 A/N

User 3 Employee.USER2 User definable field 30 A/N

User 4 Employee.USER3 User definable field 30 A/N

User 5 Employee.USER4 User definable field 30 A/N

User 6 Employee.USER5 User definable field 30 A/N

User 7* Employee.USER6 User definable field 30 A/N

User 8* Employee.USER7 User definable field 30 A/N

416 Appendix—Database Fields

Definition of
Equipment Equipment Tab
Master File Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Fields Equipment Equipment.EQUIPNO The unique equipment 24 A/N
No. identification number.
Equipment Equipment.EQUIPNAME A descriptive name of 30 A/N
Name the equipment.
Consistency is
important, since this is
a search field.
Location Equipment.LOCATION Physical location of the 24 A/N
equipment (building,
floor, zone, etc.)
Asset No. Equipment.ASSETNO An equipment 24 A/N
identifying number,
usually assigned by
the accounting dept.
Category* Equipment.CATEGORY A user defined field to 16 A/N
categorize equipment
Status Equipment.STATUS Clicking on the icon N/A Toggle
next to this field
toggles the value of
the field between In
Service and Out of
Service. Any
associated PM work
orders will not become
activated while a piece
of equipment is
designated as Out of
Date Installed Equipment.INSTDATE The original installation 8 MM/DD/YYYY
date of this equipment.
Weight Equipment.WEIGHT The weight of the 16 A/N
Manufacturer Equipment.MFGR The name of the 32 A/N
Model Equipment.MODEL The model or type of 16 A/N
equipment specified by
the manufacturer.
Serial No. Equipment.SERIALNO The manufacturer’s 24 A/N
assigned serial
Capacity Equipment.CAPACITY Size of the equipment 16 A/N
or the equipment’s
output capacity.
Rating Equipment.RATING Power specifications of 16 A/N
the equipment (volts,
amps, etc.)
Vendor Code* Vendors.VENCODE The vendor code 16 A/N
corresponding to the
vendor from whom this
equipment was
purchased. (Chosen
from a list of records
from the Vendors
Master File)

Appendix—Database Fields 417

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Definition of Vendor Name Vendors.VENNAME The name of the 50 A/N
Equipment vendor, which is (Read-only)
Master File automatically filled in,
corresponding to the
Fields (con’t) selected vendor
P.O. No. Equipment.PONO The original purchase 21 A/N
order number that
was used to purchase
this equipment.
Original Cost Equipment.ORCOST Price paid for this 15 Floating
piece of equipment
Warranty Date Equipment.WARDATE The expiration date of 8 MM/DD/YYY
the warranty. Y
Customer No.* Customer.CUSTOMER A unique code 16 A/N
NO assigned to each (Read-only)
Customer Customer.CUSTOMER Full name of the 50 A/N
Name NAME customer to whom (Read-only)
this equipment
belongs, which is
automatically filled in
corresponding to the
selected customer
Current Usage Equipment.UNITCURR The current meter 15 Floating
EN reading on this
Units Equipment.UNITS The units of runtime 6 A/N
(cycles, miles, hours,
Daily Runtime Equipment.DAILYRUNT The amount of 15 Floating
IME runtime accumulated
on a daily basis.
Fields listed in bold are required fields
* Denotes a drop-down list box field

Sub-Assembly Tab

Sub-Assembly Equipment.parent The equipment 24 A/N

Of record which contains
this equipment as a

418 Appendix—Database Fields

Definition of BOM Tab (List)
Equipment Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Master File
Fields (con’t) Part No.* Bom.PARTNO The Part No. of the 32 A/N
part which is a
component of this
equipment. (Chosen
from a list of records
from the Inventory
Master File)
Part Name* Bom.PARTNAME The name of the part, 30 A/N
which is automatically (Read-only)
filled in, corresponding
with the selected Part
Used Bom.USED The quantity of this 9 N
part used on this
Date Last Bom.LASTUSED The date that this part 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Used was last used on a (Read-only)
work order.
PM List Tab (List)
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Job No. Pmmaster.JOBNO A listing of PM work 30 A/N

orders which are (Read-only)
associated with this
piece of equipment.
Cycle Type Pmmaster.DATECYCL The cycle upon which 6 N
E this work order is based (Read-only)
Next Pmmaster.DATENEXT The next date that this 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Scheduled work order is scheduled (Read-only)
Date to be performed
Priority Pmmasterlist.PRIORIT The priority that has 10 A/N
Y been assigned to this (Read-only)
work order.
Procedure Equippmlist.DESCRIPT A brief description of 80 A/N (Read-only)
Description the PM Job

Cost History Tab

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

YTD Material Equipment.PMMATYCS Year To Date 15 Floating (Read-

(PM) T Material PM Costs only)

YTD Labor Equipment.PMLABYCS Year To Date Labor 15 Floating (Read-

(PM) T PM Costs only)

Internally calculated field

YTD Total Year To Date Total 15 Floating (Read-
(PM) PM Costs only)

LTD Material Equipment.PMMATLCS Life To Date Material 15 Floating (Read-

(PM) T PM Costs only)

LTD Labor Equipment.PMLABLCST Life To Date Labor 15 Floating (Read-

(PM) PM Costs only)

Appendix—Database Fields 419

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Definition of
Equipment LTD Total
Internally calculated field
Life To Date Total PM 15 Floating (Read-
Master File (PM) Costs only)
Fields (con’t)
YTD Material Equipment.DMMATYCS Year To Date 15 Floating (Read-
(DM) T Material DM Costs only)

YTD Labor Equipment.DMLABYCS Year To Date Labor 15 Floating (Read-

(DM) T DM Costs only)

Internally calculated field

YTD Total Year To Date Total 15 Floating (Read-
(DM) DM Costs only)

LTD Material Equipment.DMMATLCS Life To Date Material 15 Floating (Read-

(DM) T DM Costs only)

LTD Labor Equipment.DMLABLCS Life To Date Labor 15 Floating (Read-

(DM) T DM Costs only)

Internally calculated field

LTD Total Life To Date Total 15 Floating (Read-
(DM) DM Costs only)

Internally calculated field

YTD Material Year To Date 15 Floating (Read-
(Total) Material Total Costs only)

Internally calculated field

YTD Labor Year To Date Labor 15 Floating (Read-
(Total) Total Costs only)

Internally calculated field

YTD Total Year To Date Total 15 Floating (Read-
(Total) Costs only)

Internally calculated field

LTD Material Life To Date Material 15 Floating (Read-
(Total) Total Costs only)

Internally calculated field

LTD Labor Life To Date Labor 15 Floating (Read-
(Total) Total Costs only)

Internally calculated field

LTD Total Life To Date Total 15 Floating (Read-
(Total) Costs only)

Equipment Description Tab

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Description Equipmentmemo.DESFI Text screen upon 32 KB A/N

LE which miscellaneous (about
information associated 400
with record can be lines of
entered. text)

420 Appendix—Database Fields

Definition of
Equipment User Fields Tab
Master File Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Fields (con’t)
User 1 Equipment.USER0 User definable field 30 A/N

User 2 Equipment.USER1 User definable field 30 A/N

User 3 Equipment.USER2 User definable field 30 A/N

User 4 Equipment.USER3 User definable field 30 A/N

User 5 Equipment.USER4 User definable field 30 A/N

User 6 Equipment.USER5 User definable field 30 A/N

User 7* Equipment.USER6 User definable field 30 A/N

User 8* Equipment.USER7 User definable field 30 A/N

MS-Project Msprojectfile.EQUIPME The project file 255 Path

File NT associated to the

Attachments Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Attachments Equipmentdrawings.DR Path to attachments 255 A/N

AWINGPATH for this equipment.

Definition of Inventory Tab

Inventory Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Master File Part No. Inventory.PARTNO Unique number used to 32 A/N
Fields identify the part in
Part Name Inventory.PARTNAME The part’s formal name. 30 A/N
Location Inventory.LOCATION The location of the parts. 30 A/N
Stockroom Stockroom.STOCKROO Reflects inventory 16 A/N
M “Quantity” information for (Read-only)
any stockroom to which
this part belongs.
Shelf/Bin Inventory.SHELFBIN Shelf/bin where this part is 16 A/N
Size Inventory.PARTSIZE Size dimensions of the 30 A/N
Stock Class* Inventroy.STOCKCLAS User-defined classification 16 A/N

Appendix—Database Fields 421

Definition of Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Inventory Category* Inventory.CATEGORY A user defined field to 16 A/N
Master File categorize parts.
Fields (con’t) Examples:
Disposal category –
repair, reuse, dispose
Work Trade – Mech, Elec,
Manufacturer Inventory.MFGR Name of the company that 32 A/N
created the part.
Mfgr. Part No. Inventory.MFGRTOOL Original part number from 20 A/N
NO the manufacturer.
Description Inventory.DESCRIPT Extended description of 80 A/N
the inventory part.
Unit of Inventory.UNITS The unit in which the 8 A/N
Measure asset is measured by.
Shelf Life Inventory.SERIALNO Length of time part can be 15 A/N
stored before it must be
Fields listed in bold are required fields
* Denotes a drop-down list box field

Quantity Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Qty on Hand Inventory.ONHNDQTY The physical quantity of 9 N

this part in stock. This (Read-Only)
value is automatically
increased when a
purchase order for this
part is received; and
decreased when a work
order containing this part
is closed.
Qty. Allocated Inventory.QTYALLOC The total quantity of this 9 N
part allocated for current (Read-only)
work orders.
Qty. Available Inventory.QTYAVAIL The total quantity of this 9 N
part available for use on (Read-only)
work orders. It is
calculated by Qty on Hand
– Qty Allocated.
Reorder Point Inventory.MINQTY The point at which this 8 N
part needs to be
reordered. When Qty on
Hand + Qty on Order <=
Reorder Point, this part
will be placed on the
Reorder List.
Econ. Order Inventory.ECONPOINT The quantity at which a 9 N
Qty. bulk discount can be
received when this part is
reordered. This value
defaults as the Qty
Ordered when a purchase
requisition is created.

422 Appendix—Database Fields

Definition of
Inventory Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Master File
Maximum Qty. Inventory.MAXQTY The maximum acceptable 9 N
Fields (con’t) quantity of this part in
Qty on Order Inventory.QTYOO The quantity of this part 9 N
that is currently on order (Read-only)
for the selected
Total Qty. on Internally calculated Total quantity on order for 9 N
Order field all stockrooms. (Read-only)
Total Qty on Internally calculated Total quantity on hand for 9 N
Hand field all stockrooms (Read-only)
Last Cost Inventory.LASTCOST Price paid the last time 15 Floating
this part was purchased. (Read-only)
Unit Cost Inventory.AVGCOST The average price per unit 9 Floating
of this part.
Carrying Cost Inventory.CARRYCOST Percentage added to part 8 Floating
for costs of storage,
handling, waste, or other
overhead costs.
Total Cost Inventory.TOTALCOST Total cost of part. The 15 Floating
system calculates this (Read-only)
value using the equation:
(Average Cost + Carrying
Cost) x Qty on Hand.
Date Last Inventory.LASTUSED The date when this part 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Used was last used on a work (Read-only)
Last Purchase Inventory.LASTPODAT The date on which this 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Date E part was last purchased. (Read-only)
Last PO No. Inventory.LASTPONO The purchase order 21 A/N
number assigned the last (Read-only)
time this part was
Last Physical Inventory.CALIBLAST Date when the last 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Inv. physical inventory of the
part was performed. This
field must be updated by
the user after each
physical inventory.
Next Physical Inventory.CALIBNEXT Date when the next 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Inv. physical inventory should (Read-only)
be performed. The
system calculates the
date with the equation:
Next Physical Inv. = Last
Physical Inv. + Physical
Inv. Frequency.
Physical Inv. Inventory.CALIBCYCLE Number of days between 4 N
Frequency each physical count of
* Denotes a drop-down list box field

Appendix—Database Fields 423

Definition of Vendors Tab (List)
Inventory Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Master File
Default Vendor Inventoryvendor.DEFA This checkbox is used N/A Checkbox
Fields (con’t) ULTVENDOR to designate the primary
vendor for this part.
Vendor Code* Inventoryvendor.VENC The code of the vendor 16 A/N
ODE from whom this part is
purchased. (Chosen
from a list of records
from the Vendors
Master File)
Vendor Name* Inventoryvendor.VENN The name of the 50 A/N
AME vendor, which is
automatically filled in to
correspond to the
chosen vendor.
Vendor Part Inventoryvendor.VENP The part number which 32 A/N
No. ARTNO is designated by this
Last Cost Inventoryvendor.LASTP The price that was paid 15 Floating
RICE the last time this part
was purchased.
Lead Time Inventoryvendor.LEADT The length of time (in 9 N
IME days) that this vendor
requires to process this

Where Used Tab (List)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Equipment Bom.EQUIPNO The equipment that this 24 A/N

No.* part is used on (chosen
from a list of equipment
from the Equipment
Master file).
Equipment Bom.EQUIPNAME The name of the 30 A/N
Name* equipment, which is
automatically filled in,
according to the
selected Equipment No.
Used Bom.USED The quantity of this part 9 N
used on this equipment.
Date Last Bom.LASTUSED The date that this part 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Used was last used on a work (Read-only)

424 Appendix—Database Fields

Definition of Allocated Tab (List)
Inventory Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Master File
Fields (con’t) Work Order Dmactive.WONO A unique work order 15 N
No. identification number (Read-only)
that is automatically
assigned by ProTeus V.
Job No. Pmactive.JOBNO A user-defined code 30 A/N (Read-
which serves as the only)
work order’s
identification number.
We recommend
creating a code which
contains the following
Equip No. – Cycle
(M,W,Y) – Work Type
(Cln, Ins, Lub)
Example: AHU01-M-
INS (monthly inspection
of AHU01)
First Pmactive.DATESTART The date on which the 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Occurrence work order was created. (Read-only)
This date is the
schedule’s driving date
– all other scheduling
dates are derived from
this value.
Next Pmactive.DATENEXT The date of the next 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Scheduled scheduled occurrence (Read-only)
Date of this work.
Date Issued Dmactive.DATEISSUE The date this work 8 MM/DD/YYYY
D order was issued.
Date Required Dmactive.DATEREQ The date by which this 8 MM/DD/YYYY
work order needs to be
Qty Allocated Partsad.QTYALLOC The quantity of this part 9 N
that will be used for this
work order.

Description Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Description Inventorymemo.DESFIL Text screen upon 32 KB A/N

E which miscellaneous (about
information associated 400
with record can be lines of
entered. text)

Appendix—Database Fields 425

Definition of
Inventory User Fields Tab
Master File Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Fields (con’t)
User 1 Inventory.USER0 User definable field 30 A/N

User 2 Inventory.USER1 User definable field 30 A/N

User 3 Inventory.USER2 User definable field 30 A/N

User 4 Inventory.USER3 User definable field 30 A/N

User 5 Inventory.USER4 User definable field 30 A/N

User 6 Inventory.USER5 User definable field 30 A/N

User 7* Inventory USER6 User definable field 30 A/N

User 8* Inventory.USER7 User definable field 30 A/N

Attachments Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Print W.O. Inventorydrawings.SELE Indicates whether or N/A Radio

CTDWG not the attachment will
print with the work

Attachments Inventorydrawings.DRA Path to the 255 A/N

WINGPATH attachment(s).

Definition of
Labor Craft Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Master File Labor Code Laborcr.LABORCODE Unique identifier of the 10 A/N
Fields labor craft, assigned by
the end user.
Description Laborcr.DESCRIPT Short explanation of the 60 A/N
specifications of this
labor craft.

Description Laborcrmemo.DESFIL Text screen upon which 32 KB A/N

E miscellaneous (about
information associated 400 lines
with record can be of text)

Fields listed in bold are required fields

426 Appendix—Database Fields

Definition of PM Active Tab
PM Active Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Master File Job No. Pmactive.JOBNO A user-defined code 30 A/N (Read-
Fields which serves as the only)
work order’s
identification number.
We recommend
creating a code which
contains the following
Equip No. – Cycle
(M,W,Y) – Work Type
(Cln, Ins, Lub)
Example: AHU01-M-
INS (monthly inspection
of AHU01)
Est. Down Pmactive.ESTDNTIME The estimated time that 15 Floating
Time this equipment will be
out of service (hours).
Cost Center * Pmactive.COSTCENTER The department or 16 A/N
accounting code to
which the cost of this
work order will be
Assign To Pmactive.BATCHASSIGN The employee to whom 30 A/N
EMPNAME the work order is
Procedure Pmactive.DESCRIPT A brief description of 80 A/N
Description the work that will be
performed. Detailed
notes and descriptions
can be entered under
the WO Description tab.
Send Email Pmactive.TOEMAIL Employee who will 500 A/N
receive a copy of the
work order via email.

Priority * Pmactive.PRIORITY Ranking of urgency for 10 A/N

this work order.
1, 2, 3 or high,
medium, low
Maintenance Pmactive.MAINTCODE User-defined field for 16 A/N
Code* grouping work orders.
Elec, HVAC, Mech or
In-house, Contractor
Work Type * Pmactive.WORKTYPE An additional user- 16 A/N
defined field for
grouping work orders.
Inspection, Repair,
Lube or Elec,
HVAC, Mech
Shift* Pmactive.SHIFT The shift when the work 10 A/N
is scheduled to be

Appendix—Database Fields 427

Definition of
PM Active Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Master File
To Pmactive.TOEMAIL The email address of 500 A/N
Fields (con’t) the person to whom the
PM Active work order
will be sent.
CC Pmactive.CCEMAIL The email address of 100 A/N
the person to whom the
PM Active work order
will be carbon copied.
Subject Pmactive.SUBJECT The subject line of the 100 A/N
PM Active work order
Attach File Pmactive.ATTACHMENT File listing of 1000 A/N
S attachments to the PM
Active work order email.
(Body of email Pmactive.BODY Content of the PM 1000 A/N
message)) Active work order email.
Fields listed in bold are required fields
* Denotes a drop-down list box field

Equipment Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Equipment Equipment.EQUIPNO The Equipment No. of 24 A/N

No. the equipment which (Read-only)
will have maintenance
performed on it.
(Chosen from a list of
records from the
Equipment Master
Equipment Equipment.EQUIPNAME This field is 30 A/N
Name automatically filled in, (Read-only)
corresponding to the
Equipment No. that
was defined.
Location Equipment.LOCATION This field is 24 A/N
automatically filled in, (Read-only)
corresponding to the
Equipment No. that
was defined.
Warranty Date Equipment.WARDATE This field is 8 MM/DD/YYYY
automatically filled in, (Read-only)
corresponding to the
Equipment No. that was
Distribute N/A Activates or deactivates N/A Radio
Costs the Distribute Costs (Read-only)
function for this work
order (defaults to
Vendor Code Vendors.VENCODE This field is 16 A/N
automatically filled in, (Read-only)
corresponding to the
Equipment No. that was

428 Appendix—Database Fields

Definition of
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
PM Active
Master File Vendor Name Vendors.VENNAME This field is 50 A/N
Fields (con’t) automatically filled in, (Read-only)
corresponding to the
Equipment No. that
was defined.
Customer No. Customer.CUSTOMERN A unique code 16 A/N
O assigned to each (Read-only)
Customer Customer.CUSTOMERN Full name of the 50 A/N
Name AME customer to whom this (Read-only)
equipment belongs,
which is automatically
filled in corresponding
to the selected
customer code.
Equipment Equipmentmemo.DESFI Text Screen upon 32 KB A/N
Description LE which miscellaneous (about
equipment information 400 lines
associated with record of text)
can be entered.
Fields listed in bold are required fields

Date Schedule Tab

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Actual Down Pmactive.ACTDNTIME The number of hours 15 Floating

Time that the equipment was
down, due to this work
Cycle Type Pmactive.CYCLETYPE The cycle that is A/N
currently active. (Read-only)
Days Advance Pmactive.DATEADVAN The number of days in 9 N
advance that this work (Read-only)
order will be activated,
to allow for lead time.
First Pmactive.DATESTART The date on which the 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Occurrence work order was created. (Read-only)
This date is the
schedule’s driving date
– all other scheduling
dates are derived from
this value.
Last Pmactive.DATELAST The date of the last 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Scheduled scheduled occurrence (Read-only)
Date of this work order,
which is automatically
updated each time this
work order is closed.
Scheduled Pmactive.DATENEXT The date of the next 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Date scheduled occurrence (Read-only)
of this work.
Active Date Pmactive.DATEACTIVE The date that the work 8 MM/DD/YYYY
order became active, or (Read-only)
will become active.

Appendix—Database Fields 429

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Definition of
PM Active Current Usage Equipment.UNITCURR This value directly 15 Floating
Master File EN corresponds to the (Read-only)
Runtime value in the
Fields (con’t) Equipment Master File
Runtime Cycle Pmactive.UNITCYCLE The number of runtime 15 Floating
units between each (Read-only)
scheduled occurrence
of this work order.
Runtime Pmactive.UNITADVAN The number of runtime 15 Floating
Advance units that this work (Read-only)
order should be
advanced by, to allow
for lead time.
Last PM Pmactive.UNITLAST The meter reading of 15 Floating
the equipment when the (Read-only)
last PM was performed.
Next PM Pmactive.UNITNEXT Once the Current 15 Floating
Usage value reaches (Read-only)
this level, the work
order will become
Completion Pmactive.DATECOMPL The date that this work 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Date ETED order was completed,
filled in after the work is

Tasks Tab (List)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Task No.* Taskap.TASKNO The step-by-step 10 A/N

instructions that need to
be followed for this work
order. (Chosen from a
list of records from the
Tasks Master File)
Labor Code Taskap.LABORCODE The labor code 10 A/N
assigned to the task.
Description* Taskap.DESCRIPT The description of the 100 A/N
task, which is (Read-only)
automatically filled in
according to the task
no. (Chosen from a list
of records from the
Tasks Master File)
Description 2 Taskap.DESCRIPT2 The description of the 100 A/N
task, which is (Read-only)
automatically filled in
according to the task
Est. Hours Taskap.ESTHOURS The estimated hours of 9 Floating
the task, which is (Read-only)
automatically filled in
according to the task

430 Appendix—Database Fields

Definition of
PM Active Parts Tab (List)
Master File Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Fields (con’t) Part No.* Partsap.PARTNO The part(s) that are 32 A/N
needed to complete this
work order. (Chosen
from a list of records
from the Inventory
Master File)
Part Name* Partsap.PARTNAME The name of the part, 30 A/N
which is automatically (Read-only)
filed in according to the
part no.
Amount Partsap.AMTREQUIRE The number of parts 9 N
Required D required for the work
order to be completed.
This number does not
update or affect any
Inventory quantities.
Qty Allocated Partsap.QTYALLOC The quantity of this part 9 N
that will be used for this
work order.
Qty Pulled Partsap.QTYPULLED The quantity of this part 9 N
that have physically
been pulled out of
inventory for this work
Unit Cost Partsap.UNITCOST The unit cost of this 15 Floating
part, which is (Read-only)
automatically filled in
according to the part
Stockroom Partsap.STOCKROOM The stock room from 16 (Read- A/N
where the parts will be only) (Read-only)

View Pulled Parts (right-click option)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Job No. Pmpull.JOBNO The number of the job 30 A/N
for which the parts
were pulled (Read-only)

Checked Out Pmpull.LOGINNAME The name of the 30 A/N (Read-

To employee that the part only)
was checked out to.
Part No. Pmpull.PARTNO The part no. of the part 32 A/N (Read-
that was pulled or only)
Part Name Pmpull.PARTNAME The name of the part 30 A/N (Read-
that was pulled or only)
Adjustment Pmpull.QTY The quantity of parts 9 N (Read-only)
Qty. pulled or restocked.
Adjustment Pmpull.TYPE The type of adjustment 10 A/N (Read-
Type (pull or restock). only)

Appendix—Database Fields 431

Definition of
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
PM Active
Master File Employee Pmpull.EMPNAME The name of the 30 A/N (Read-
Fields (con’t) Name employee that only)
performed the
Transaction Pmpull.PULLDATE The date that the part 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Date was pulled or (Read-only)

Labor Tab (List)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Task No.* Laborap.TASKNO The task number 10 A/N

associated with the task
that the employee will
Labor Code* Laborap.LABORCODE The labor code of the 10 A/N
employee(s) who will
perform the work.
(Chosen from a list of
records from the Labor
Craft Master File)
Employee No.* Laborap.EMPLOYEEN The employee who will 14 A/N
O perform the work.
(Chosen from a list of
records from the
Employee Master File)
Employee Laborap.EMPLOYEEN The name of the 30 A/N
Name* AME employee, which is
automatically filled in
according to the employee
Work Started Laborap.WORKSTART The date on which the 8 MM/DD/YYYY
ED employee began the work
Completion Laborap.DATECOMP The date that this 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Date employee finished the
work order.
Est. Hours Laborap.ESTHOURS The estimated labor time 15 Floating
for this employee to
complete this work order.
Hours at Rate Laborap.ACTHOURS0 The number of hours this 15 Floating
1 employee worked at rate
Hours at Rate Laborap.ACTHOURS1 The number of hours this 15 Floating
2 employee worked at rate
Hours at Rate Laborap.ACTHOURS2 The number of hours this 15 Floating
3 employee worked at rate
Hours at Rate Laborap.ACTHOURS3 The number of hours this 15 Floating
4 employee worked at rate
Hours at Rate Laborap.ACTHOURS4 The number of hours this 15 Floating
5 employee worked at rate

432 Appendix—Database Fields

Tools Tab (List)
Definition of Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
PM Active
Tool Toolsap.TOOL The tool(s) that are 80 A/N
Master File required to perform the
Fields (con’t) work.

Work Order Description Tab

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Description Pmactivememo.DESFIL Text screen upon 32 KB A/N

E which miscellaneous (about
information associated 400
with record can be lines of
entered. text)

User Fields Tab

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

User 1 Pmactive.USER0 User definable field 30 A/N

User 2 Pmactive.USER1 User definable field 30 A/N

User 3 Pmactive.USER2 User definable field 30 A/N

User 4 Pmactive.USER3 User definable field 30 A/N

User 5 Pmactive.USER4 User definable field 30 A/N

User 6 Pmactive.USER5 User definable field 30 A/N

User 7* Pmactive.USER6 User definable field 30 A/N

User 8* Pmactive.USER7 User definable field 30 A/N

Attachments Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Print Pmactivedrawings.SEL Indicates whether or N/A Check-Box

ECTDWG not the attachment
should print with the
work order

Attachments Pmactivedrawings.DRA The path to the 225 A/N

WINGPATH attachment(s).

Approvals Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Originator Pmactive.LOGINNAME The name of the 30 A/N

employee who created (Read-only)
this work order.

Appendix—Database Fields 433

Definition of Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
PM Active
Employee No. Employee.EMPLOYEEN The number of the 14 A/N
Master File O employee who (Read-only)
Fields (con’t) approved this work
Employee Pmactive.EMPLOYEENA The name of the 30 A/N
Name ME employee who (Read-only)
approved this work
Approval Date Pmapprovals.APPROVA The date this work 8 MM/DD/YYYY
LDATE order was approved. (Read-only)

Approval Pmactive.APPROVALEV The level at which this 1 N

Level EL work order was last

Mobile Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Employee Pmhistory.MEMPLOYEE The employee number 14 A/N

No.* NO of the employee who
received this PM on
their mobile device.
Employee Pmhistory.MEMPLOYEE The employee name of 30 A/N
Name NAME the person who
received this PM on
their mobile device.
Mobile Status Pmhistory.MOBILESTAT The mobile status of 1 A/N
US this PM when it was

Definition of PM History Tab

PM History Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Master File Job No. Pmhistory.JOBNO A user-defined code 30 A/N
Fields which serves as the (Read-only)
work order’s
identification number.
We recommend
creating a code which
contains the following
Equip No. – Cycle
(M,W,Y) – Work Type
(Cln, Ins, Lub)
Example: AHU01-M-
INS (monthly inspection
of AHU01)
Est. Down Pmhistory.ESTDNTIME The estimated time that 15 Floating
Time this equipment will be (Read-only)
out of service (hours).
Cost Center Pmhistory.COSTCENT The department or 16 MM/DD/YYYY
ER accounting code to (Read-only)
which the cost of this
work order will be
Assign To Pmhistory.BATCHASSI The employee to whom 30 A/N
GNEMPNAME the work order was (Read-only)

434 Appendix—Database Fields

Definition of Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
PM History Procedure Pmhistory.DESCRIPT A brief description of 80 A/N
Master File Description the work that will be (Read-only)
Fields (con’t) performed. Detailed
notes and descriptions
can be entered under
the WO Description tab.
Send Email Pmhistory.TOEMAIL The email address of 500 A/N
the employee that
received this PM work
order via email
Priority Pmhistory.PRIORITY Ranking of urgency for 10 A/N
this work order. (Read-only)
1, 2, 3 or high,
medium, low
Maintenance Pmhistory.MAINTCODE User-defined field for 16 A/N
Code grouping work orders. (Read-only)
Elec, HVAC, Mech or
In-house, Contractor
Work Type Pmhistory.WORKTYPE An additional user- 16 A/N
defined field for (Read-only)
grouping work orders.
Inspection, Repair,
Lube or Elec,
HVAC, Mech
Shift Pmhistory.SHIFT The shift when the work 10 A/N
is scheduled to be (Read-only)
To Pmhistory.TOEMAIL The email address of 500 A/N
the person to whom the (Read-only)
PM Active work order
was sent.
CC Pmhistory.CCEMAIL The email address of 100 A/N
the person to whom the (Read-only)
PM Active work order
was carbon copied.
Subject Pmhistory.SUBJECT The subject line of the 100 A/N
PM Active work order (Read-only)
Attach File Pmhistory.ATTACHME File listing of 1000 A/N
NTS attachments to the PM (Read-only)
Active work order email.
(Body of email Pmhistory.BODY Content of the PM 1000 A/N
message) Active work order email. (Read-only)

Appendix—Database Fields 435

Definition of Equipment Tab
PM History Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Master File Equipment Pmhequip.EQUIPNO The unique equipment 24 A/N
Fields (con’t) No. identification number. (Read-only)
Equipment Pmhequip.EQUIPNAM A descriptive name of 30 A/N
Name E the equipment. (Read-only)
Consistency is
important, since this is a
search field.
Location Pmhequip.LOCATION Physical location of the 24 A/N
equipment (building, (Read-only)
floor, zone, etc.)
Warranty Date Pmhequip.WARDATE The date the warranty 8 MM/DD/YYYY
expired for the (Read-Only)
Distribute Cost Pmhistory.DISTRIBCO Indicates whether or not N/A Radio
STS the Distribute Cost (Read Only)
function was used with
this work order.
Vendor Code Pmhequip.VENCODE The vendor code 16 A/N
corresponding to the (Read-only)
vendor from whom this
equipment was
purchased. (Chosen
from a list of records
from the Vendors
Master File)
Vendor Name Pmhequip.VENNAME The name of the 50 A/N
vendor, which is (Read-only)
automatically filled in,
corresponding to the
vendor code that has
been entered.
Customer Pmhequip.CUSTOMER A unique code assigned 16 A/N
Code NO to each customer. (Read-only)
Customer Pmhequip.CUSTOMER Full name of the 50 A/N
Name NAME customer to whom this (Read-only)
equipment belongs,
which is automatically
filled in corresponding
to the selected
customer code.
Equipment Pmhistoryequip.EQUIP Text upon which 32 KB A/N
Description DESC miscellaneous (about (Read-Only)
information associated 400 lines
with record can be of text)

436 Appendix—Database Fields

Definition of Date Schedule Tab
PM History Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Master File Actual Down Pmhistory.ACTDNTIME The number of hours 15 Floating
Fields (con’t) Time that the equipment (Read-only)
was down, due to this
work order.
Cycle Type Pmhistory.CYCLETYPE The cycle that is A/N
currently active. (Read-only)
Days Advance Pmhistory.DATEADVAN The number of days in 9 N
advance that this work (Read-only)
order will be activated,
to allow for lead time.
First Pmhistory.DATESTART The date on which the 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Occurrence work order was (Read-only)
created. This date is
the schedule’s driving
date – all other
scheduling dates are
derived from this
Scheduled Pmhistory.DATENEXT The date of the next 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Date scheduled occurrence (Read-only)
of this work.
Completion Pmhistory.DATECOMPLE The date that this work 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Date TED order was last (Read-only)
completed. This field
is automatically
updated each time this
work order is closed.
Active Date Pmhistory.DATEACTIVE The date that the work 8 MM/DD/YYYY
order became active, (Read-only)
or will become active.
Closed Date Pmhistory.DATECLOSED The date this work 8 MM/DD/YYYY
order was closed. (Read-only)
Current Usage Equipment.UNITCURREN This value directly 15 Floating
corresponds to the (Read-only)
Runtime value in the
Equipment Master File
Runtime Cycle Pmhistory.UNITCYCLE The number of runtime 15 Floating
units between each (Read-only)
scheduled occurrence
of this work order.
Runtime Pmhistory.UNITADVAN The number of runtime 15 Floating
Advance units that this work (Read-only)
order should be
advanced by, to allow
for lead time.
Last PM Pmhistory.UNITLAST The meter reading of 15 Floating
the equipment when (Read-only)
the last PM was
Next PM Pmhistory.UNITNEXT Once the Current 15 Floating
Usage value reaches (Read-only)
this level, the work
order will become

Appendix—Database Fields 437

Definition of
Tasks Tab (List)
PM History
Master File Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Fields (con’t) Task No. Taskhp.TASKNO The step-by-step 10 A/N
instructions that were (Read-only)
followed for this work
Labor Code Taskhp.LABORCODE The labor code 10 A/N (Read-
assigned to the only)
chosen task.
Description Taskhp.DESCRIPT The description of the 100 A/N
chosen task. (Read-only)
Description 2 Taskhp.DESCRIPT2 An extended 100 A/N
description of the (Read-only)
chosen task.
Est. Hours Taskhp.ESTHOURS The estimated hours 9 A/N
of the chosen task. (Read-only)

Parts Tab (List)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Part No. Partshp.PARTNO The part(s) that were 24 A/N

used to complete this (Read-only)
work order.
Part Name Partshp.PARTNAME The name of the part, 30 A/N
for the chosen Part No. (Read-only)
Amount Partshp.AMTREQUIRED The number of parts 9 N
Required required for the work (Read-only)
order to be completed.
This number does not
update or affect any
Inventory quantities.
Qty Allocated Partshp.QTYALLOC The quantity of this 9 N
part that was allocated (Read-only)
for this work order.
Qty Pulled Partshp.QTYPULL The quantity of this 9 N
part that have (Read-only)
physically been pulled
out of inventory for this
work order.
Unit Cost Partshp.UNITCOST The unit cost of this 15 Floating
part. (Read-only)
Stockroom Partshp.STOCKROOM The stockroom from 16 A/N
where the parts were (Read-only)

View Pulled Parts (right-click option)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Job No. Pmhpull.JOBNO Job number assigned 30 A/N

to this PM History work
Checked Out Pmhpull.LOGINNAME The name of the 30 A/N (Read-
To employee that the part only)
was checked out to.

438 Appendix—Database Fields

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Definition of
PM History Part No. Pmhpull.PARTNO The part no. of the part 32 A/N (Read-
Master File that was pulled or only)
Fields (con’t)
Part Name Pmhpull.PARTNAME The name of the part 30 A/N (Read-
that was pulled or only)
Adjustment Pmhpull.QTY The quantity of parts 9 N (Read-only)
Qty. pulled or restocked.
Adjustment Pmhpull.TYPE The type of adjustment 10 A/N (Read-
Type (pull or restock). only)
Employee Pmhpull.EMPNAME The name of the 30 A/N (Read-
Name employee that only)
performed the
Transaction Pmhpull.PULLDATE The date that the part 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Date was pulled or (Read-only)

Labor Tab (List)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Task No. Laborhp.TASKNO The task number 10 A/N

associated with the (Read-only)
task that the
employee performed.
Labor Code Laborhp.LABORCODE The labor code of the 10 A/N
employee(s) who (Read-only)
performed the work.
Employee No. Laborhp.EMPLOYEENO The employee no. of 14 A/N
the employee who (Read-only)
performed the work.
Employee Laborhp.EMPLOYEENAME The name of the 30 A/N
Name employee who (Read-only)
performed the work.
Work Started Laborhp.WORKSTARTED The date on which 8 MM/DD/YYYY
the employee began (Read-only)
the work order.
Completion Laborhp.DATECOMP The date that this 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Date employee finished the (Read-only)
work order.
Est. Hours Laborhp.ESTHOURS The estimated labor 15 Floating
time for this (Read-only)
employee to
complete the work
Hours at Rate Laborhp.ACTHOURS0 The number of hours 15 Floating
1 this employee worked (Read-only)
at rate #1.
Hours at Rate Laborhp.ACTHOURS1 The number of hours 15 Floating
2 this employee worked (Read-only)
at rate #2.
Hours at Rate Laborhp.ACTHOURS2 The number of hours 15 Floating
3 this employee worked (Read-only)
at rate #3.
Hours at Rate Laborhp.ACTHOURS3 The number of hours 15 Floating
4 this employee worked (Read-only)
at rate #4.

Appendix—Database Fields 439

Definition of
PM History Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Master File Hours at Rate Laborhp.ACTHOURS4 The number of hours 15 Floating
Fields (con’t) 5 this employee worked (Read-only)
at rate #5.
Description Laborhp.LABORDESCRIPTI The labor code 60 A/N (Read-
ON description of the only)
employee(s) who
performed the work.

Tools Tab (List)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Tool Toolshp.TOOL The tool(s) that are 80 A/N

Description required to perform the (Read-only)

Work Order Description Tab

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Description Pmhistorymemo.DESFIL Text screen upon 32 KB A/N (Read-

E which miscellaneous (about only)
information associated 400
with record can be lines of
entered. text)

User Fields Tab

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

User 1 Pmhistory.USER0 User definable field 30 A/N (Read-only)

User 2 Pmhistory.USER1 User definable field 30 A/N (Read-only)

User 3 Pmhistory.USER2 User definable field 30 A/N (Read-only)

User 4 Pmhistory.USER3 User definable field 30 A/N (Read-only)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

User 5 Pmhistory.USER4 User definable field 30 A/N (Read-only)

User 6 Pmhistory.USER5 User definable field 30 A/N (Read-only)

User 7 Pmhistory.USER6 User definable field 30 A/N (Read-only)

User 8 Pmhistory.USER7 User definable field 30 A/N (Read-only)

440 Appendix—Database Fields

Definition of
PM History Attachments Tab
Master File Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Fields (con’t) Attachments Pmhistorydrawings.DR Path to the attachment 225 A/N
AWINGPATH for the PM. (Read-Only)

Approvals Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Originator Pmhistory.LOGINNAME The name of the 30 A/N

employee who created (Read-only)
this work order.
Employee No. Pmapphistory.EMPLOY The employee number 14 A/N
EENO of the employee who (Read-Only)
approved this work
Employee Pmapphistory.EMPLOY The employee name of 30 A/N
Name EENAME the employee who (Read-Only)
approved this work
Approval Date Pmapphistory.APPROV The date this work 8
ALDATE order was approved.

Approval Level Pmapphistory.APPROV The employee’s 1 A/N

ELEVEL approval level (Read-only)

Mobile Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Employee No. Pmhistory.MEMPLOYEE Record of to whom the 14 A/N

NO PM was checked out (Read-Only)
Employee Pmhistory.MEMPLOYEE Record of to whom the 30 A/N
Name NAME PM was checked out (Read-Only)
Mobile Status Pmhistory.MOBILESTAT The mobile status of 1 A/N
US the PM when it was (Read-Only)

Appendix—Database Fields 441

Definition of
PM History PM History Tab
Archive Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Master File Job No. Pmhistoryarchive.JOBN A user-defined code 30 A/N
Fields O which serves as the (Read-only)
work order’s
identification number.
We recommend
creating a code which
contains the following
Equip No. – Cycle
(M,W,Y) – Work Type
(Cln, Ins, Lub)
Example: AHU01-M-
INS (monthly inspection
of AHU01)
Est. Down Pmhistoryarchive.ESTD The estimated time that 15 Floating
Time NTIME this equipment will be (Read-only)
out of service (hours).
Cost Center Pmhistoryarchive.COST The department or 16 MM/DD/YYYY
CENTER accounting code to (Read-only)
which the cost of this
work order will be
Assign To Pmhistoryarchive.BATC The employee to whom 30 A/N
HASSIGNEMPNAME the work order was (Read-only)
Procedure Pmhistoryarchive.DESC A brief description of 80 A/N
Description RIPT the work that will be (Read-only)
performed. Detailed
notes and descriptions
can be entered under
the WO Description tab.
Send Email Pmhistoryarchive.TOE Email address of the 500 A/N
MAIL employee who will
receive the work order.
Priority Pmhistoryarchive.PRIO Ranking of urgency for 10 A/N
RITY this work order. (Read-only)
1, 2, 3 or high,
medium, low
Maintenance Pmhistoryarchive.MAIN User-defined field for 16 A/N
Code TCODE grouping work orders. (Read-only)
Elec, HVAC, Mech or
In-house, Contractor
Work Type Pmhistoryarchive.WOR An additional user- 16 A/N
KTYPE defined field for (Read-only)
grouping work orders.
Inspection, Repair,
Lube or Elec,
HVAC, Mech
Shift Pmhistoryarchive.SHIF The shift when the work 10 A/N
T is scheduled to be (Read-only)

442 Appendix—Database Fields

Definition of Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
PM History To Pmhistoryarchive.TOE The email address of 500 A/N
Archive MAIL the person to whom the (Read-only)
PM Active work order
Master File was sent.
Fields (Con’t) CC Pmhistoryarchive.CCE The email address of 100 A/N
MAIL the person to whom the (Read-only)
PM Active work order
was carbon copied.
Subject Pmhistoryarchive.SUBJ The subject line of the 100 A/N
ECT PM Active work order (Read-only)
Attach File Pmhistoryarchive.ATTA File listing of 1000 A/N
CHMENTS attachments to the PM (Read-only)
Active work order email.
(Body of email Pmhistoryarchive.BOD Content of the PM 1000 A/N
message) Y Active work order email. (Read-only)

Equipment Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Equipment Pmhequiparchive.EQUI The unique equipment 24 A/N

No. PNO identification number. (Read-only)
Equipment Pmhequiparchive.EQUI A descriptive name of 30 A/N
Name PNAME the equipment. (Read-only)
Consistency is
important, since this is a
search field.
Location Pmhequiparchive.LOCA Physical location of the 24 A/N
TION equipment (building, (Read-only)
floor, zone, etc.)
Warranty Date Pmhequiparchive.WAR This field is 30 A/N
DATE automatically filled in, (Read-Only)
corresponding to the
Equipment No. that was
Distribute Cost Pmhistoryarchive.DIST Indicates whether or not N/A Radio
RIBCOSTS the Distribute Cost (Read Only)
function was used with
this work order.
Vendor Code Pmhequiparchive.VEN The vendor code 16 A/N
CODE corresponding to the (Read-only)
vendor from whom this
equipment was
purchased. (Chosen
from a list of records
from the Vendors
Master File)
Vendor Name Pmhequiparchive.VEN The name of the 50 A/N
NAME vendor, which is (Read-only)
automatically filled in,
corresponding to the
vendor code that has
been entered.
Customer Customer.CUSTOMER A unique code assigned 16 A/N
Code NO to each customer. (Read-only)

Appendix—Database Fields 443

Definition of
PM History Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Archive Customer Customer.CUSTOMER Full name of the 50 A/N
Master File Name NAME customer to whom this (Read-only)
Fields (Con’t) equipment belongs,
which is automatically
filled in corresponding
to the selected
customer code.
Equipment Pmhistoryarchivememo. Text upon which 32 KB A/N
Description DESFILE miscellaneous (about (Read-Only)
information associated 400 lines
with record can be of text)

Date Schedule Tab

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Actual Down Pmhistoryarchive.ACTDN The number of hours 15 Floating

Time TIME that the equipment (Read-only)
was down, due to this
work order.
Cycle Type Pmhistoryarchive.CYCLE The cycle that is A/N
TYPE currently active. (Read-only)
Days Advance Pmhistoryarchive.DATEA The number of days in 9 N
DVAN advance that this work (Read-only)
order will be activated,
to allow for lead time.
First Pmhistoryarchive.DATES The date on which the 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Occurrence TART work order was (Read-only)
created. This date is
the schedule’s driving
date – all other
scheduling dates are
derived from this
Scheduled Pmhistoryarchive.DATEN The date of the next 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Date EXT scheduled occurrence (Read-only)
of this work.
Completion Pmhistoryarchive.DATEC The date that this work 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Date OMPLETED order was last (Read-only)
completed. This field
is automatically
updated each time this
work order is closed.
Active Date Pmhistoryarchive.DATEA The date that the work 8 MM/DD/YYYY
CTIVE order became active, (Read-only)
or will become active.
Closed Date Pmhistoryarchive.DATEC The date this work 8 MM/DD/YYYY
LOSED order was closed. (Read-only)
Current Usage Equipment.UNITCURREN This value directly 15 Floating
corresponds to the (Read-only)
Runtime value in the
Equipment Master File
Runtime Cycle Pmhistoryarchive.UNITCY The number of runtime 15 Floating
CLE units between each (Read-only)
scheduled occurrence
of this work order.

444 Appendix—Database Fields

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Definition of
PM History Runtime Pmhistoryarchive.UNITAD The number of runtime 15 Floating
Advance VAN units that this work (Read-only)
Archive order should be
Master File advanced by, to allow
Fields (Con’t) for lead time.
Last PM Pmhistoryarchive.UNITLA The meter reading of 15 Floating
ST the equipment when (Read-only)
the last PM was
Next PM Pmhistoryarchive.UNITNE Once the Current 15 Floating
XT Usage value reaches (Read-only)
this level, the work
order will become

Tasks Tab (List)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Task No. Taskhparchive.TASKNO The step-by-step 10 A/N

instructions that were (Read-only)
followed for this work
Labor Code Taskhparchive.LABORCO The labor code 10 A/N (Read-
DE assigned to the only)
chosen task.
Description Taskhparchive.DESCRIP The description of the 100 A/N
T chosen task. (Read-only)
Description 2 Taskhparchive.DESCRIP An extended 100 A/N
T2 description of the (Read-only)
chosen task.
Est. Hours Taskhparchive.ESTHOUR The estimated hours 9 A/N
S of the chosen task. (Read-only)

Parts Tab (List)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Part No. Partshparchive.PARTNO The part(s) that were 24 A/N

used to complete this (Read-only)
work order.
Part Name Partshparchive.PARTNA The name of the part, 30 A/N
ME for the chosen Part No. (Read-only)
Amount Partshparchive.AMTREQ The number of parts 9 N
Required UIRED required for the work (Read-only)
order to be completed.
This number does not
update or affect any
Inventory quantities.
Qty Allocated Partshparchive.QTYALL The quantity of this 9 N
OC part that was allocated (Read-only)
for this work order.
Qty Pulled Partshparchive.QTYPUL The quantity of this 9 N
L part that have (Read-only)
physically been pulled
out of inventory for this
work order.

Appendix—Database Fields 445

Definition of
PM History Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Unit Cost Partshparchive.UNITCO The unit cost of this 15 Floating
Master File ST part. (Read-only)
Fields (Con’t)
Stockroom Partshparchive.STOCKR The stockroom from 16 A/N
OOM where the parts were (Read-only)

View Pulled Parts (right-click option)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Job No. Pmhpullarchive.JOBNO Job number assigned 30 A/N

to this PM History work
Checked Out Pmhpullarchive.LOGINN The name of the 30 A/N (Read-
To AME employee that the part only)
was checked out to.
Part No. Pmhpullarchive.PARTN The part no. of the part 32 A/N (Read-
O that was pulled or only)
Part Name Pmhpullarchive.PARTNA The name of the part 30 A/N (Read-
ME that was pulled or only)
Adjustment Pmhpullarchive.QTY The quantity of parts 9 N (Read-only)
Qty. pulled or restocked.
Adjustment Pmhpullarchive.TYPE The type of adjustment 10 A/N (Read-
Type (pull or restock). only)
Employee Pmhpullarchive.EMPNA The name of the 30 A/N (Read-
Name ME employee that only)
performed the
Transaction Pmhpullarchive.PULLDA The date that the part 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Date TE was pulled or (Read-only)

Labor Tab (List)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Task No. Laborhparchive.TASKNO The task number 10 A/N

associated with the (Read-only)
task that the
employee performed.
Labor Code Laborhparchive.LABORCO The labor code of the 10 A/N
DE employee(s) who (Read-only)
performed the work.
Employee No. Laborhparchive.EMPLOYEE The employee no. of 14 A/N
NO the employee who (Read-only)
performed the work.
Employee Laborhparchive.EMPLOYEE The name of the 30 A/N
Name NAME employee who (Read-only)
performed the work.
Work Started Laborhparchive.WORKSTA The date on which 8 MM/DD/YYYY
RTED the employee began (Read-only)
the work order.
Completion Laborhparchive.DATECOM The date that this 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Date P employee finished the (Read-only)
work order.

446 Appendix—Database Fields

Definition of
PM History Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Archive Est. Hours Laborhparchive.ESTHOURS The estimated labor 15 Floating
Master File time for this (Read-only)
Fields (Con’t) employee to
complete the work
Hours at Rate Laborhparchive.ACTHOUR The number of hours 15 Floating
1 S0 this employee worked (Read-only)
at rate #1.
Hours at Rate Laborhparchive.ACTHOUR The number of hours 15 Floating
2 S1 this employee worked (Read-only)
at rate #2.
Hours at Rate Laborhparchive.ACTHOUR The number of hours 15 Floating
3 S2 this employee worked (Read-only)
at rate #3.
Hours at Rate Laborhparchive.ACTHOUR The number of hours 15 Floating
4 S3 this employee worked (Read-only)
at rate #4.
Hours at Rate Laborhparchive.ACTHOUR The number of hours 15 Floating
5 S4 this employee worked (Read-only)
at rate #5.
Description Laborhparchive.LABORDES The labor code 60 A/N (Read-
CRIPTION description of the only)
employee(s) who
performed the work.

Tools Tab (List)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Tool Toolshparchive.TOOL The tool(s) that are 80 A/N

Description required to perform the (Read-only)

Work Order Description Tab

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Description Pmhistoryarchivememo. Text screen upon 32 KB A/N (Read-

DESFILE which miscellaneous (about only)
information associated 400
with record can be lines of
entered. text)

User Fields Tab

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

User 1 Pmhistoryarchive.USE User definable field 30 A/N (Read-only)


User 2 Pmhistoryarchive.USE User definable field 30 A/N (Read-only)


User 3 Pmhistoryarchive.USE User definable field 30 A/N (Read-only)


Appendix—Database Fields 447

Definition of Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
PM History User 4 Pmhistoryarchive.USE User definable field 30 A/N (Read-only)
Archive R3
Master File
Fields (Con’t) User 5 Pmhistoryarchive.USE User definable field 30 A/N (Read-only)

User 6 Pmhistoryarchive.USE User definable field 30 A/N (Read-only)


User 7 Pmhistoryarchive.USE User definable field 30 A/N (Read-only)


User 8 Pmhistoryarchive.USE User definable field 30 A/N (Read-only)


Attachments Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Attachments Pmhistorydrawingarchiv The path to the 255 A/N

e.DRAWINGPATH attachment files for this (Read-Only)
work order.

Approvals Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Originator Pmhistoryarchive.LOGI The name of the 30 A/N

NNAME employee who created (Read-only)
this work order.
Employee No. Pmapphistoryarchive.E Employee number of 14 A/N
MPLOYEENO the employee who (Read-Only)
approved this work
Employee Pmapphistoryarchive.E Employee name who 30 A/N
Name MPLOYEENAME approved this work (Read-Only)
Approval Date Pmapphistoryarchive.A The date this work 8
PPROVALDATE order was approved.

Approval Level Pmapphistoryarchive.A The level at which this 30 A/N

PPROVAL PM was approved. (Read-only)

Mobile Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Employee No. Pmhistoryarchive.EMPL Record of to whom this 14 A/N

OYEENO PM was checked out (Read-Only)
Employee Pmhistoryarchive.EMPL Record of to whom this 30 A/N
Name OYEENAME PM was checked out (Read-Only)
Mobile Status Pmhistoryarchive.MOBIL The mobile status of 1 A/N
ESTATUS this PM when it was (Read-Only)

448 Appendix—Database Fields

Definition of PM Master Tab
PM Master Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
File Fields Job No. Pmmaster.JOBNO A user-defined code 30 A/N
which serves as the
work order’s
identification number.
Cost Center * Pmmaster.COSTCENTE The department or 16 A/N
R accounting code to
which the cost of this
work order will be
Originator Pmmaster.LOGINNAME The name of the 30 A/N
employee that created (Read-only)
this work order.
Priority * Pmmaster.PRIORITY Ranking of urgency for 16 A/N
this work order.
1, 2, 3 or high,
medium, low
Maintenance Pmmaster.MAINTCODE User-defined field for 16 A/N
Code* grouping work orders.
Elec, HVAC, Mech or
In-house, Contractor
Work Type * Pmmaster.WORKTYPE An additional user- 16 A/N
defined field for
grouping work orders.
Inspection, Repair,
Lube or Elec,
HVAC, Mech
Shift* Pmmaster.SHIFT The shift when the 10 A/N
work is scheduled to
be performed.
Est. Down Pmmaster.ESTDNTIME The estimated time 9 Floating
Time that this equipment will
be out of service.
Current Usage Equipment.UNITCURRE This value directly 15 Floating
N corresponds to the (Read-only)
Runtime value in the
Equipment Master File
Runtime Cycle Pmmaster.UNITCYCLE The number of runtime 9 Floating
units between each
scheduled occurrence
of this work order.
Runtime Pmmaster.UNITADVAN The number of runtime 9 Floating
Advance units that this work
order should be
advanced by, to allow
for lead time.
Last PM Pmmaster.UNITLAST The meter reading of 15 Floating
the equipment when (Read-only)
the last PM was

Appendix—Database Fields 449

Definition of Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
PM Master
Next PM Pmmaster.UNITNEXT Once the Current 9 Floating
File Fields Usage value reaches (Read-only)
(con’t) this level, the work
order will become
Advance Next Pmmschedule.CYCLETY For runtime PM list 1 Floating
Cycle* PE any date–cycle who’s
schedule will be
advanced by closing
the runtime PM.
Procedure Pmmaster.DESCRIPT A brief description of 80 A/N
Description the work that will be
performed. Detailed
notes and descriptions
can be entered under
the Description
command button.
Send Email Pmmaster.TOEMAIL The email address of 500 A/N
the person to whom
the PM work order will
be sent.
To Pmmaster.TOEMAIL The email address of 500 A/N
the person to whom
the PM work order will
be sent.
CC Pmmaster.CCEMAIL The email address of 100 A/N
the person to whom
the PM work order will
be carbon copied.
Subject Pmmaster.SUBJECT The subject line of the 100 A/N
PM work order email.
Attach File Pmmaster.ATTACHMEN File listing of 1000 A/N
TS attachments to the PM
work order email.
(Body of email Pmmaster.BODY Content of the PM 1000 A/N
message) work order email.
Fields listed in bold are required fields
* Denotes a drop-down list box field

Equipment Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Equipment Equipment.EQUIPNO The Equipment No. of 24 A/N

No. the equipment which
will have maintenance
performed on it.
(Chosen from a list of
records from the
Equipment Master File)
Equipment Equipment.EQUIPNAME This field is 30 A/N
Name automatically filled in,
corresponding to the
Equipment No. that was
Location Equipment.LOCATION This field is 24 A/N
automatically filled in, (Read-only)
corresponding to the
Equipment No. that was

450 Appendix—Database Fields

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Definition of
PM Master Warranty Date Equipment.WARDATE This field is 8 MM/DD/YYYY
File Fields automatically filled in, (Read-only)
corresponding to the
(con’t) Equipment No. that was
Distribute Cost N/A Activates or deactivates N/A Radio
the Distribute Cost
function for this work
Vendor Code Vendor.VENCODE This field is 10 A/N
automatically filled in, (Read-only)
corresponding to the
Equipment No. that was
Vendor Name Vendor.VENNAME This field is 16 A/N
automatically filled in, (Read-only)
corresponding to the
Equipment No. that was
Customer No. Customer.CUSTOMERN A unique code assigned 16 A/N
O to each customer. (Read-only)
Customer Customer.CUSTOMERN Full name of the 50 A/N
Name AME customer to whom this (Read-only)
equipment belongs,
which is automatically
filled in corresponding
to the selected
customer code.
Equipment Equipmentmemo.DESFI Text screen upon which 32 KB A/N
Description LE miscellaneous (about
information associated 400 lines
with record can be of text)
Fields listed in bold are required fields
* Denotes a drop-down list box field

Date Schedule Tab

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Cycle Type Pmmschedule.CYCLETY The cycle of the PM work N

PE order.
Next Pmmschedule.DATENE The date of the next 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Scheduled XT scheduled occurrence of (Read-only)
Date this work. Please refer
to the Scheduling section
for more details.
Last Pmmschedule.DATELAS The date of the last 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Scheduled T scheduled occurrence of (Read-only)
Date this work order, which is
automatically updated
each time this work order
is closed.
Active Date Pmmschedule.DATEAC The date that the work 8 MM/DD/YYYY
TIVE order became active, or (Read-only)
will become active.
Please refer to the
Scheduling section for
more details.

Appendix—Database Fields 451

Definition of
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
PM Master
File Fields Last Pmmschedule.DATECOM The date that this work 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Completed PLETED order was last closed. (Read-only)
(con’t) Date This field is
automatically updated
each time this work
order is closed.
First Pmmschedule.FIRSTOCC The date on which the 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Occurrence URENCE work order was created.
This date is the
schedule’s driving date
– all other scheduling
dates are derived from
this value.
Estimated Pmmschedule.ESTDNTIM The amount of time in 9 A/N
Downtime E hours that the
equipment will be out of
Days Advance Pmmschedule.DATEADV The number of days in 6 N
AN advance that this work
order will be activated,
to allow for lead time.
Schedule Type Pmmschedule.SCHEDTY Toggle between Start N/A Toggle
PE Date and Completion
Date to specify how the
next scheduled date will
be generated for this
work order.

Tasks Tab (List)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Cycle Type Taskmp.CYCLETYPE The cycle to which this N

task is assigned.
Task No.* Taskmp.TASKNO The step-by-step 10 A/N
instructions that need to
be followed for this work
order. (Chosen from a
list of records from the
Tasks Master File)
Labor Code Taskmp.LABORCODE The labor code 10 A/N
assigned to the work (Read-Only)
Description* Taskmp.DESCRIPT The description of the 100 A/N
task, which is (Read-only)
automatically filled in
according to the task

452 Appendix—Database Fields

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Definition of
PM Master
File Fields Description 2 Taskmp.DESCRIPT2 The description of the 100 A/N
task, which is (Read-only)
(con’t) automatically filled in
according to the task
Est. Hours Taskmp.ESTHOURS The estimated hours 9 Floating
of the task, which is (Read-only)
automatically filled in
according to the task

Parts Tab (List)

Field Label TableName.FieldNam Description Length Type

Cycle Type Partsmp.CYCLETYPE The cycle with which N

this part will be used.
Part No.* Partsmp.PARTNO The part(s) that are 32 A/N
needed to complete
this work order.
(Chosen from a list of
records from the
Inventory Master File)
Part Name* Partsmp.PARTNAME The name of the part, 30 A/N
which is automatically (Read-only)
filed in according to
the part no.

Amount Partsmp.AMTREQUIR The number of parts 9 N

Required ED required for the work
order to be completed.
This number does not
update or affect any
Inventory quantities.
Qty. Allocated Partsmp.QTYALLOC The quantity of this 9 N
part needed for the
work order.
Stockroom Partsmp.STOCKROO The stockroom from 16 A/N
M where the parts will be (Read-only)

Labor Tab (List)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Task No.* Labormp.TASKNO The task number 10 A/N

associated with the
task that the employee
will perform.
Cycle Type Labormp.CYCLETYPE The work order cycle N
type associated with (Read-Only)
this task.

Appendix—Database Fields 453

Definition of
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
PM Master
File Fields Labor Code* Labormp.LABORCODE The labor code of the 10 A/N
(con’t) employee(s) who will
perform the work.
(Chosen from a list of
records from the Labor
Craft Master File)

Employee No.* Labormp.EMPLOYEEN The employee who will 14 A/N

O perform the work.
(Chosen from a list of
records from the
Employee Master File, if
Labor Craft is attached)
Employee Labormp.EMPLOYEEN The name of the 30 A/N
Name* AME employee, which is
automatically filled in
according to the
Employee No.
Est. Hours Labormp.ESTHOURS The estimated labor 15 Floating
time for this employee
to complete this work

Tools Tab (List)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Cycle Type Toolsmp.CYCLETYPE The cycle with which N

this tool will be used.
Tool Toolsmp.TOOL The tool(s) that are 80 A/N
Description required to perform the

Work Order Description Tab

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Description Pmmastermemo.DESFI Text screen upon 32 KB A/N

LE which miscellaneous (about
information associated 400
with record can be lines of
entered. text)

User Fields Tab

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

User 1 Pmmaster.USER0 User definable field 30 A/N

User 2 Pmmaster.USER1 User definable field 30 A/N

User 3 Pmmaster.USER2 User definable field 30 A/N

User 4 Pmmaster.USER3 User definable field 30 A/N

User 5 Pmmaster.USER4 User definable field 30 A/N

454 Appendix—Database Fields

Definition of Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
PM Master
File Fields User 6 Pmmaster.USER5 User definable field 30 A/N
User 7* Pmmaster.USER6 User definable field 30 A/N

User 8* Pmmaster.USER7 User definable field 30 A/N

Attachments Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Print Pmmasterdrawings.SEL Indicates whether the N/A Check-Box

ECTDWG attachment file will print
with the work-order or
Attachments Pmmasterdrawings.DR The path of the 225 A/N
AWINGPATH attachment files for the

Mobile Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Employee No.* Employee.EMPLOYEE The employee number 14 A/N

NO to who’s mobile device
the work order will be
Employee Employee.EMPLOYEE The employee name to 30 A/N
Name* NAME who’s mobile device the
work order will be sent.

Requisition Tab
Definition of
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Master File Requisition Po.REQNO A unique requisition 15 N
No. identification number
Fields that is automatically
assigned by ProTeus V.
P.O. No. Po.PONO User-defined purchase 21 A/N
order number. This
number will likely come
from the purchasing
department. This could
also be the Blanket
P.O. number.
Amendment Poamendment.AMEND The number of 3 A/N
No. NO amendments made to a (Read-Only)
Vendor Code* Po.VENCODE The vendor from whom 16 A/N
the purchase is being
made. (Chosen from a
list of records from the
Vendors Master File)
Vendor Name* Vendors.VENNAME The full vendor name, 50 A/N
which is automatically
filled in according to the
selected Vendor Code.

Appendix—Database Fields 455

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Definition of
Purchasing Requisition Po.REQDATE The date on which the 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Master File Date requisition is being
Fields (con’t)
P.O. Date Po.PODATE Date on which the 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Purchase Order number
was created.
Promise Date Po.PROMDATE The promised delivery 8 MM/DD/YYYY
date of this order.
Send Email Po.TOEMAIL Email address to which 500 A/N
to send this P.O.
PO Status Po.STATUS The current status of 30 A/N
the order.
Cost Center* Po.COSTCENTER Budget or accounting 16 A/N
department code that
will be charged for this
purchase order.
Account No.* Po.ACCTNO Number assigned to 19 A/N
this account.
Requested By* Po.REQWHO Name of the person 19 A/N
who requested this
purchase order.
Buyer* Po.BUYER Name of person or 16 A/N
company who is the
buyer of the part.
Grand Total Po.GRANDTOTAL A calculated total of the 15 Floating
entire purchase order. (Read-only)
This figure is calculated
from the values in the
Costs tab and Order
Detail tab.

Fields listed in bold are required fields

* Denotes a drop-down list box field

Order Detail Tab (List)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Part No.* Poprts.PARTNO The Part No. of the 32 A/N

part(s) being ordered.
(Chosen from a list of
records from the
Inventory Master File)
Part Name* Poprts.PARTNAME The name of the part, 30 A/N
which is automatically
filled in according the
selected Part No.
Vendor Part Poprts.VENDORPARTN The vendor’s part no., 32 A/N
No.* O which is automatically
filled in according to the
selected Part No.
Account/G.L. # Poprts.ACCOUNTGL The Account or General 30 A/N
Ledger # assigned to
this part.
Unit Price Poprts.UNITCOST The price paid for this 15 Floating
part, per unit.
Qty. Ordered Poprts.QTYORDERED The quantity of parts 9 N

456 Appendix—Database Fields

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Definition of
Purchasing Unit of Poprts.UNITS Stock keeping unit used 6 N (Read-only)
Measure for quantity on hand
Master File (each, ltrs, lbs, etc.).
Fields (con’t) Qty. Received Poprts.QTYRECEIVED The quantity of parts 9 N
received from this (Read-only)
purchase order.
Total Qty. Poprts.PORECEIVED The total quantity of 9 N
Received parts received from this (Read-only)
purchase order, to date.
Last Date Poprts.DATERECEIVED The date that the last 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Recv’d shipment was received (Read-only)
from this purchase

Blanket PO Agreement Tab

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

BPO No.* Purchasingagreement.B The Blanket PO No. to 18 A/N

PONO which this purchase
order is being assigned.
(Chosen from a list of
records from the
Blanket PO Master File)
Expiration Purchasingagreement.E Date the blanket PO 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Date NDINGDATE expires, which is (Read-only)
automatically filled in
according to the
selected BPO No.
Agreement Purchasingagreement.A The original agreement 13 Floating
Amount GREEMENTAMOUNT amount of the Blanket (Read-only)
PO, which is
automatically filled in
according to the
selected BPO No.
Amount Purchasingagreement.A The calculated amount 13 Floating
Remaining MOUNTUSED remaining on the (Read-only)
selected Blanket PO.

Approval List Tab (List)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Employee No. Employee.EMPLOYEE The employee number 14 A/N (Read-

NO of the person who only)
approved this purchase
Employee Employee.EMPLOYEE The name of the 30 A/N (Read-
Name NAME employee who only)
approved this purchase
Approval Level Employee.PURCHASE The approval level of 1 N (Read-only)
APPLEVEL the employee who
approved this purchase
Max Purchase Employee.MAXPURCH The maximum purchase 15 Floating
ASE value of the employee (Read-only)
who approved this
purchase orders.

Appendix—Database Fields 457

Definition of Approval Date Poapprovals.APPROVA The date that this 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Purchasing LDATE purchase order was (Read-only)
Master File
Fields (con’t)
Costs Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Parts Total Po.PARTTOTAL The total cost of all 15 Floating

parts ordered, from the (Read-only)
Order Detail tab
Payment Po.TERMS The agreed payment 16 A/N
Terms * terms for this PO.
Tax 1 * Po.TAX1 Local, State, or County 15 Floating
taxes that apply to this
Tax 2 * Po.TAX2 Any additional tax that 15 Floating
applies to this order.
Subtotal Po.SUBTOTAL A calculated subtotal of 15 Floating
the parts total and (Read-only)
Freight Po.FREIGHT Shipping costs for this 15 Floating
Other Total Po.OTHERTOTAL Other miscellaneous 15 Floating
costs for this order.
Grand Total Po.GRANDTOTAL A calculated grand total 15 Floating
of all costs for this (Read-only)
* Denotes a drop-down list box field

Ship To Location Tab

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Ship To Po.SHIPTOLOCATION Company name of the 30 A/N

Location* shipping address.
(Chosen from a list of
records from the Ship to
Addresses Master File)
Address 1 Shipto.ADDRESS1 Street address of the 40 A/N
ship to location. (Read-only)
Address 2 Shipto.ADDRESS2 Second part of the ship 40 A/N
to location’s address. (Read-only)
City Shipto.CITY City where the shipping 20 A/N
address is located. (Read-only)
State Shipto.STATE State of the shipping 20 A/N
address. (Read-only)
Country Shipto.COUNTRY Country of the shipping 20 A/N
address. (Read-only)
Zip Code Shipto.ZIPCODE Zip code of the shipping 14 A/N
address. (Read-only)
Ship Via * Po.SHIPVIA Method of shipping. 10 A/N
FOB Po.FOB The party responsible 30 A/N
for the freight on board.

458 Appendix—Database Fields

Definition of Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Purchasing Bill To Billto.BILLTO Company’s billing 30 A/N
Master File address, automatically (Read-only)
filled in from Company
Fields (con’t) Address.
Address 1 Billto.ADDRESS1 Company’s street 40 A/N
address, automatically (Read-only)
filled in from Company
Address 2 Billto.ADDRESS2 Second part of the 40 A/N
company’s address, (Read-only)
automatically filled in
from Company Address.
City Billto.CITY City where the company 20 A/N
is located, automatically (Read-only)
filled in from Company
State Billto.STATE State of the company’s 20 A/N
address, automatically (Read-only)
filled in from Company
Country Billto.COUNTRY Country of the 20 A/N
company’s address, (Read-only)
automatically filled in
from Company Address.
Zip Code Billto.ZIPCODE Zip code of the 14 A/N
company, automatically (Read-only)
filled in from Company
* Denotes a drop-down list box field

Description Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Description Pomemo.DESFILE Text screen upon which 32 KB A/N

miscellaneous (about
information associated 400 lines
with record can be of text)

User Fields Tab

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

User 1 Purchasing.USER0 User definable field 30 A/N

User 2 Purchasing.USER1 User definable field 30 A/N

User 3 Purchasing USER2 User definable field 30 A/N

User 4 Purchasing.USER3 User definable field 30 A/N

User 5 Purchasing.USER4 User definable field 30 A/N

Appendix—Database Fields 459

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Definition of
Purchasing User 6 Purchasing.USER5 User definable field 30 A/N
Master File
Fields (con’t) User 7* Purchasing.USER6 User definable field 30 A/N

User 8* Purchasing.USER7 User definable field 30 A/N

PO Amendments Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Amendment Poamendment.AMEND The amendment 3 N (Read-only)

No. NO number that is
automatically assigned
to the PO Amendment.

Changed Poamendment.POFIEL The name of the field 30 A/N (Read-

Field D that was changed. only)

Before Poamendment.BEFORE The value of the field 30 A/N (Read-

Change AM that was changed. only)

After Change Poamendment.AFTERA The value of the field 30 A/N (Read-

M before the amendment only)
was made.

Date Poamendment.DATECH The date the 8 MM/DD/YYYY

ANGE amendment was (Read-only)

Time Poamendment.TIMECH The time the 8 HH:MM:SS

ANGE amendment was (Read-only)

Changed By Poamendment.LOGINN The name of the 30 A/N (Read-

AME employee that made only)
the amendment.

Definition of Requisition Tab

Purchasing Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
History Master Requisition Pohistory.REQNO A unique requisition 15 N
File Fields No. identification number that (Read-only)
is automatically assigned
by ProTeus V.
P.O. No. Pohistory.PONO User-defined purchase 21 A/N
order number. This (Read-only)
number will likely come
from the purchasing
department. This could
also be the Blanket P.O.
Amendment Poamendmenthistory.A Number of amendments 3 A/N
No. MENDNO made to this P.O. (Read-Only)

460 Appendix—Database Fields

Definition of Vendor Code Pohistory.VENCODE The vendor from whom 16 A/N
the purchase is being (Read-only)
Purchasing made. (Chosen from a
History list of records from the
Master File Vendors Master File)
Fields (con’t) Vendor Name Pohistory.VENNAME The full vendor name, 50 A/N
which is automatically (Read-only)
filled in according to the
selected Vendor Code.
P.O. Date Pohistory.PODATE Date on which the PO 8 MM/DD/YYYY
number was created. (Read-only)
Promise Date Pohistory.PROMDATE The promised delivery 8 MM/DD/YYYY
date of this order.
Date Closed Pohistory.CLOSED Date on which the PO 8 MM/DD/YYYY
was closed. (Read-only)
Send Email Pohistory.TOEMAIL Email address to which 500 A/N
this P.O. was sent (Read-Only)
Requisition Date Pohistory.REQDATE The date on which the 8 MM/DD/YYYY
requisition was issued (Read-only)
Cost Center Pohistory.COSTCENT Budget or accounting 16 A/N
ER department code that will (Read-only)
be charged for this
purchase order.
Account No. Pohistory.ACCTNO Number assigned to this 19 A/N
account. (Read-only)
Requested By Pohistory.REQWHO Name of the person who 19 A/N
requested this purchase (Read-only)
Buyer Pohistory.BUYER Name of person or 16 A/N
company who is the (Read-only)
buyer of the part.
Grand Total Pohistory.GRANDTOT A calculated total of the 15 Floating
AL entire PO. This figure is (Read-only)
calculated from the
values in the Costs tab
and Order Detail tab.

Order Detail Tab (List)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Part No. Pohistoryprts.PARTNO The Part No. of the 32 A/N

part(s) being ordered. (Read-only)
(Chosen from a list of
records from the
Inventory Master File)
Part Name Pohistoryprts.PARTNA The name of the part, 30 A/N
ME which is automatically (Read-only)
filled in according the
selected Part No.
Vendor Part Pohistoryprts.VENDOR The vendor’s part no., 32 A/N
No. PARTNO which is automatically (Read-only)
filled in according the
selected Part No.
Account/GL# Pohistoryprts.ACCOUN The Account or 30 A/N
TGL General Ledger # (Read-only)
assigned to this part.

Appendix—Database Fields 461

Definition of Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Date Received Pohistoryprts.DATEREC The date that the last 8 MM/DD/YYYY
History EIVED shipment was received (Read-only)
Master File from this purchase
Fields (con’t) order.
Unit Price Pohistory.UNITCOST The cost of the part A/N
Unit of Pohistoryprts.UNITS Stock keeping unit 6 N
Measure used for quantity on (Read-only)
hand (each, ltrs, lbs,
Qty. Ordered Pohistoryprts.QTYORD The quantity of parts 9 N
ERED ordered (Read-only)
Total Qty. Internally calculated The total quantity of 9 N
Received field parts received from (Read-only)
this purchase order, to
Total Cost Internally calculated Unit Cost x Total Qty. 15 Floating
field Received (Read-only)

Blanket PO Agreement Tab

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

BPO No. Pohistory.BPONO The Blanket PO No. 18 A/N

to which this purchase (Read-only)
order is being
Expiration Purchasingagreement.EN Date the blanket PO 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Date DINGDATE expires, which is (Read-only)
automatically filled in
according to the
selected BPO No.
Agreement Pohistory.AGREEMENTA The original 13 Floating
Amount MOUNT agreement amount of (Read-only)
the Blanket PO, which
is automatically filled
in according to the
selected BPO No.
Amount Purchasingagreement.AM The calculated 13 Floating
Remaining OUNTUSED amount remaining on (Read-only)
the selected Blanket

Approval List Tab

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Employee No. Poapphistory.EMPLOY The employee number 14 A/N

EENO of the person who (Read-only)
approved this purchase
Employee Poapphistory.EMPLOY The name of the 30 A/N
Name EENAME employee who (Read-only)
approved this purchase
Approval Level Poapphistory.PURCHA The approval level of 1 A/N
ESAPPLEVEL the employee who (Read-only)
approved this purchase

462 Appendix—Database Fields

Definition of Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Max Poapphistory.MAXPUR The maximum amount 8 MM/DD/YYYY
History Purchases CHASE of a purchase order that (Read-only)
Master File this employee can
Fields (con’t) approve.
Approval Date Poapphistory.APPROV The date that this 8 HH:MM:SS
ALDATE purchase order was (Read-only)

Costs Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Parts Total Pohistory.PARTTOTAL The total cost of all 15 Floating

parts ordered, from the (Read-only)
Order Detail tab
Payment Pohistory.TERMS The agreed payment 16 A/N
Terms terms for this PO. (Read-only)
Tax 1 Pohistory.TAX1 Local, State, or County 15 Floating
taxes which apply to (Read-only)
this order.
Tax 2 Pohistory.TAX2 Any additional tax 15 Floating
which applies to this (Read-only)
Subtotal Pohistory.SUBTOTAL A calculated subtotal 15 Floating
of the parts total and (Read-only)
Freight Pohistory.FREIGHT Shipping costs for this 15 Floating
order. (Read-only)
Other Total Pohistory.OTHERTOTAL Other miscellaneous 15 Floating
costs for this order. (Read-only)
Grand Total Pohistory.GRANDTOTAL A calculated grand 15 Floating
total of all costs for this (Read-only)

Ship To Location Tab

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Ship To Pohistory.SHIPTOLOC Company name of the 30 A/N

Location ATION shipping address. (Read-only)
(Chosen from a list of
records from the Ship to
Addresses Master File)
Address 1 Pohistory.ADDRESS1 Street address of the 40 A/N
ship to location. (Read-only)
Address 2 Pohistory.ADDRESS2 Second part of the ship 40 A/N
to location’s address. (Read-only)
City Pohistory.CITY City where the shipping 20 A/N
address is located. (Read-only)
State Pohistory.STATE State of the shipping 20 A/N
address. (Read-only)
Country Pohistory.COUNTRY Country of the shipping 20 A/N
address. (Read-only)
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Appendix—Database Fields 463

Zip Code Pohistory.ZIPCODE Zip code of the shipping 14 A/N
Definition of address. (Read-only)
Ship Via Pohistory.SHIPVIA Method of shipping. 10 A/N
Master File
FOB Pohistory.FOB The party responsible 30 A/N
Fields (con’t) for the freight on board. (Read-only)
Bill To Billto.BILLTO Company’s billing 30 A/N
address, automatically (Read-only)
filled in from Company
Address 1 Billto.ADDRESS1 Company’s street 40 A/N
address, automatically (Read-only)
filled in from Company
Address 2 Billto.ADDRESS2 Second part of the 40 A/N
company’s address, (Read-only)
automatically filled in
from Company
City Billto.CITY City where the company 20 A/N
is located, automatically (Read-only)
filled in from Company
State Billto.STATE State of the company’s 20 A/N
address, automatically (Read-only)
filled in from Company
Country Billto.COUNTRY Country of the 20 A/N
company’s address, (Read-only)
automatically filled in
from Company
Zip Code Billto.ZIPCODE Zip code of the 14 A/N
company, automatically (Read-only)
filled in from Company

Description Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Pohistorymemo.DESFI Text screen upon which 32 KB A/N (Read-

LE miscellaneous (about only)
information associated 400 lines
with record can be of text)

User Fields Tab

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Pohistory.USER0 User definable field 30 A/N (Read-

User 1
Pohistory.USER1 User definable field 30 A/N (Read-
User 2
Pohistory.USER2 User definable field 30 A/N (Read-
User 3
Pohistory.USER3 User definable field 30 A/N (Read-
User 4

464 Appendix—Database Fields

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Definition of
Purchasing User 5
Pohistory.USER4 User definable field 30 A/N (Read-
History only)
Master File Pohistory.USER5 User definable field 30 A/N (Read-
User 6
Fields (con’t)
Pohistory.USER6 User definable field 30 A/N (Read-
User 7
Pohistory.USER7 User definable field 30 A/N (Read-
User 8

PO Amendments Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Poamendmenthistory.A The amendment number 3 N (Read-only)

MENDNO automatically assigned to
the PO Amendment.
Poamendmenthistory.P The name of the field 30
Changed A/N (Read-
OFIELD that was changed.
Field only)

Poamendmenthistory.B The value of the field that 30

Before A/N (Read-
EFOREAM was changed.
Change only)

Poamendmenthistory.A The value of the field 30

After A/N (Read-
FTERAM before the amendment
Change only)
was made.
Poamendmenthistory.D The date the amendment 8
ATECHANGE was made.

Poamendmenthistory.TI The time the 8

MECHANGE amendment was made.

Poamendmenthistory.LO The name of the 30

Changed By A/N (Read-
GINNAME employee that made the only)

Definition of Requisition Tab

Purchasing Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
History Archive
Master File Requisition Pohistoryarchive.REQN A unique requisition 15 N
No. O identification number that (Read-only)
Fields is automatically assigned
by ProTeus V.
P.O. No. Pohistoryarchive.PONO User-defined purchase 21 A/N
order number. This (Read-only)
number will likely come
from the purchasing
department. This could
also be the Blanket P.O.
Amendment Pohistroyarchive.PONO The amendment number 3 A/N
No. that is automatically (Read-Only)
assigned to the PO

Appendix—Database Fields 465

Definition of Vendor Code Pohistoryarchive.VENC The vendor from whom the 16 A/N
ODE purchase is being made. (Read-only)
Purchasing (Chosen from a list of
History Archive records from the Vendors
Master File Master File)
Fields (con’t) Vendor Name Pohistoryarchive.VENN The full vendor name, 50 A/N
AME which is automatically filled (Read-only)
in according to the
selected Vendor Code.
P.O. Date Pohistoryarchive.PODA Date on which the PO 8 MM/DD/YYYY
TE number was created. (Read-only)
Promise Date Pohistoryarchive.PROM The promised delivery date 8 MM/DD/YYYY
DATE of this order.
Date Closed Pohistoryarchive.CLOS Date on which the PO was 8 MM/DD/YYYY
ED closed. (Read-only)
Send Email Pohistoryarchive.TOEM Email address to which 500 A/N
AIL this PO was sent
Requisition Date Pohistoryarchive.REQD The date on which the 8 MM/DD/YYYY
ATE requisition was issued (Read-only)
Cost Center Pohistoryarchive.COST Budget or accounting 16 A/N
CENTER department code that will (Read-only)
be charged for this
purchase order.
Account No. Pohistoryarchive.ACCT Number assigned to this 19 A/N
NO account. (Read-only)
Requested By Pohistoryarchive.REQ Name of the person who 19 A/N
WHO requested this purchase (Read-only)
Buyer Pohistoryarchive.BUYE Name of person or 16 A/N
R company who is the buyer (Read-only)
of the part.
Grand Total Pohistoryarchive.GRAN A calculated total of the 15 Floating
DTOTAL entire PO. This figure is (Read-only)
calculated from the values
in the Costs tab and Order
Detail tab.

Order Detail Tab (List)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Part No. Pohistoryprtsarchive.PA The Part No. of the 32 A/N

RTNO part(s) being ordered. (Read-only)
(Chosen from a list of
records from the
Inventory Master File)
Part Name Pohistoryprtsarchive.PA The name of the part, 30 A/N
RTNAME which is automatically (Read-only)
filled in according the
selected Part No.
Vendor Part Pohistoryprtsarchive.VE The vendor’s part no., 32 A/N
No. NDORPARTNO which is automatically (Read-only)
filled in according the
selected Part No.
Account/GL# Pohistoryprtsarchive.AC The Account or 30 A/N
COUNTGL General Ledger # (Read-only)
assigned to this part.

466 Appendix—Database Fields

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Definition of
Purchasing Date Received Pohistoryprtsarchive.DATE The date that the last 8 MM/DD/YYYY
History Archive RECEIVED shipment was received (Read-only)
from this purchase
Master File order.
Fields (con’t) Unit Price Phyadjustarchive.AVGCOS Cost of the part per N/A Float
T unit.
Unit of Pohistoryprtsarchive.UNITS Stock keeping unit 6 N
Measure used for quantity on (Read-only)
hand (each, ltrs, lbs,
Qty. Ordered Pohistoryprts.QTYORDER The quantity of parts 9 N
ED ordered (Read-only)
Total Qty. Internally calculated field The total quantity of 9 N
Received parts received from (Read-only)
this purchase order, to
Total Cost Internally calculated field Unit Cost x Total Qty. 15 Floating
Received (Read-only)

Blanket PO Agreement Tab

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

BPO No. Pohistoryarchive.BPON The Blanket PO No. to 18 A/N

O which this purchase order (Read-only)
is being assigned.
Expiration Purchasingagreement.E Date the blanket PO 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Date NDINGDATE expires, which is (Read-only)
automatically filled in
according to the selected
Agreement Pohistoryarchive.AGRE The original agreement 13 Floating
Amount EMENTAMOUNT amount of the Blanket PO, (Read-only)
which is automatically
filled in according to the
selected BPO No.
Amount Purchasingagreement.A The calculated amount 13 Floating
Remaining MOUNTUSED remaining on the selected (Read-only)
Blanket PO.

Approval List Tab

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Employee No. Poapphistoryarchive.E The employee number 14 A/N

MPLOYEENO of the person who (Read-only)
approved this purchase
Employee Poapphistoryarchive.E The name of the 30 A/N
Name MPLOYEENAME employee who (Read-only)
approved this purchase
Approval Level Poapphistoryarchive.PU The approval level of 1 A/N
RCHAESAPPLEVEL the employee who (Read-only)
approved this purchase

Appendix—Database Fields 467

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Definition of
Purchasing Max Poapphistoryarchive.M The maximum amount 8 MM/DD/YYYY
History Archive Purchases AXPURCHASE of a purchase order that (Read-only)
this employee can
Master File approve.
Fields (con’t) Approval Date Poapphistoryarchive.AP The date that this 8 HH:MM:SS
PROVALDATE purchase order was (Read-only)

Costs Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Parts Total Pohistoryarchive.PARTTO The total cost of all 15 Floating

TAL parts ordered, from the (Read-only)
Order Detail tab
Payment Pohistoryarchive.TERMS The agreed payment 16 A/N
Terms terms for this PO. (Read-only)
Tax 1 Pohistoryarchive.TAX1 Local, State, or County 15 Floating
taxes which apply to (Read-only)
this order.
Tax 2 Pohistoryarchive.TAX2 Any additional tax 15 Floating
which applies to this (Read-only)
Subtotal Pohistoryarchive.SUBTOT A calculated subtotal 15 Floating
AL of the parts total and (Read-only)
Freight Pohistoryarchive.FREIGH Shipping costs for this 15 Floating
T order. (Read-only)
Other Total Pohistoryarchive.OTHER Other miscellaneous 15 Floating
TOTAL costs for this order. (Read-only)
Grand Total Pohistoryarchive.GRAND A calculated grand 15 Floating
TOTAL total of all costs for this (Read-only)

Ship To Location Tab

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Ship To Pohistoryarchive.SHIPT Company name of the 30 A/N

Location OLOCATION shipping address. (Read-only)
(Chosen from a list of
records from the Ship to
Addresses Master File)
Address 1 Pohistoryarchive.ADDR Street address of the 40 A/N
ESS1 ship to location. (Read-only)
Address 2 Pohistoryarchive.ADDR Second part of the ship 40 A/N
ESS2 to location’s address. (Read-only)
City Pohistoryarchive.CITY City where the shipping 20 A/N
address is located. (Read-only)
State Pohistoryarchive.STAT State of the shipping 20 A/N
E address. (Read-only)
Country Pohistoryarchive.COUN Country of the shipping 20 A/N
TRY address. (Read-only)
Zip Code Pohistoryarchive.ZIPCO Zip code of the shipping 14 A/N
DE address. (Read-only)

468 Appendix—Database Fields

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Definition of
Purchasing Ship Via Pohistoryarchive.SHIPV Method of shipping. 10 A/N
IA (Read-only)
History Archive
Master File FOB Pohistoryarchive.FOB The party responsible 30 A/N
for the freight on board. (Read-only)
Fields (con’t)
Bill To Billto.BILLTO Company’s billing 30 A/N
address, automatically (Read-only)
filled in from Company
Address 1 Billto.ADDRESS1 Company’s street 40 A/N
address, automatically (Read-only)
filled in from Company
Address 2 Billto.ADDRESS2 Second part of the 40 A/N
company’s address, (Read-only)
automatically filled in
from Company
City Billto.CITY City where the company 20 A/N
is located, automatically (Read-only)
filled in from Company
State Billto.STATE State of the company’s 20 A/N
address, automatically (Read-only)
filled in from Company
Country Billto.COUNTRY Country of the 20 A/N
company’s address, (Read-only)
automatically filled in
from Company
Zip Code Billto.ZIPCODE Zip code of the 14 A/N
company, automatically (Read-only)
filled in from Company

Description Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Pohistoryarchivememo. Text screen upon which 32 KB A/N (Read-

DESFILE miscellaneous (about only)
information associated 400 lines
with record can be of text)

User Fields Tab

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Pohistoryarchive.USER User definable field 30 A/N (Read-

User 1
0 only)
Pohistoryarchive.USER User definable field 30 A/N (Read-
User 2
1 only)
Pohistoryarchive.USER User definable field 30 A/N (Read-
User 3
2 only)

Appendix—Database Fields 469

Definition of Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Purchasing Pohistoryarchive.USER User definable field 30 A/N (Read-
User 4
History Archive 3 only)
Master File User 5
Pohistoryarchive.USER User definable field 30 A/N (Read-
Fields (con’t) 4 only)
Pohistoryarchive.USER User definable field 30 A/N (Read-
User 6
5 only)
Pohistoryarchive.USER User definable field 30 A/N (Read-
User 7
6 only)
Pohistoryarchive.USER User definable field 30 A/N (Read-
User 8
7 only)

PO Amendments Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Poamendmenthistoryar The amendment number 3 N (Read-only)

chive.AMENDNO automatically assigned
to the PO Amendment.
Poamendmenthistoryar The name of the field 30
Changed A/N (Read-
chive.POFIELD that was changed.
Field only)

Poamendmenthistoryar The value of the field 30

Before A/N (Read-
chive.BEFOREAM that was changed.
Change only)

Poamendmenthistoryar The value of the field 30

After A/N (Read-
chive.AFTERAM before the amendment
Change only)
was made.
Poamendmenthistoryar The date the 8
chive.DATECHANGE amendment was made.

Poamendmenthistoryar The time the amendment 8

chive.TIMECHANGE was made.

Poamendmenthistoryar The name of the 30

Changed By A/N (Read-
chive.LOGINNAME employee that made the only)

Definition of Shipment Tab

Receiving Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Fields Shipment No. Recvlog.SHIPID A unique shipment no. 9 N
assigned by ProTeus V. (Read-only)
Requisition Recvlog.REQNO The Requisition No. of 15 N
No. the order being
received. (Chosen from
a list of records from the
Purchasing Master File)
PO No. Recvlog.PONO The purchase order no, 21 A/N
which is automatically (Read-only)
filled in according to the
chosen Requisition No.
Vendor Code Po.VENCODE The vendor code, which 16 A/N
is automatically filled in (Read-only)
according to the chosen
Requisition No.

470 Appendix—Database Fields

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Definition of
Receiving Vendor Name Vendors.VENNAME The vendor name, 50 A/N
which is automatically (Read-only)
Fields (con’t) filled in according to the
chosen Requisition No.
PO Date Po.PODATE The date the purchase 8 MM/DD/YYYY
order was created. (Read-only)
Date Received Recvlog.RECVDATE The date that this order 8 MM/DD/YYYY
is being received, which (Read-only)
is automatically filled in
by ProTeus V
Received By* Recvlog.RECVDBY The login name of the 30 A/N
user receiving this (Read-only)
order, that is
automatically filled in by
ProTeus V.
Ship Via Po.SHIPVIA The ship via field, which 10 A/N
is automatically filled in (Read-only)
according to the chosen
Requisition No.
Invoice No. Recvlog.INVOICENO The invoice no. on the 21 A/N
received order filled in
by the end-user.
Packing Slip Recvlog.PACKINGNO The packing slip no. on 21 A/N
No. the received order filled
in by the end user.
Fields listed in bold are required fields

Receiving Detail Tab (List)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Part No. Recvparts.PARTNO The Part No. of the 24 A/N

part(s) that are on the (Read-only)
selected Requisition.
Part Name Recvparts.PARTNAME The name of the part(s) 30 A/N
that are on the selected (Read-only)
Vendor Part Recvparts.VENDORPAR The vendor part no. of 32 A/N
No. TNO the part(s) that are on (Read-only)
the selected
Unit Price Recvparts.UNITCOST The price paid for this 15 Floating
part, per unit. (Read-only)
Date Received Recvparts.DATERECEI The date that the parts 8 MM/DD/YYYY
VED were received on this
purchase order.
Qty. Ordered Recvparts.QTYORDERE The quantity of parts 9 N
D ordered (Read-only)
Qty. Received Recvparts.QTYRECEIV The quantity of parts 9 N
ED received on this
shipment from the
purchase order.
Total Qty. Internally calculated field The total quantity of 9 N
Received parts received from this (Read-only)
purchase order, to date.

Appendix—Database Fields 471

Balance Due Internally calculated field The number of parts 9 N
not yet received on the (Read-only)
purchase order.
Total Cost Internally calculated field The total cost of the 8 Floating
purchase order. (Read-only)
Account/G.L. # Recvparts.ACCOUNTGL The Account or General 19 A/N
Ledger # assigned to
this part.

Shipment Tab
Definition of
Receiving Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
History Shipment No. Recvlog.SHIPID A unique shipment no. 9 N
Master File assigned by ProTeus V. (Read-only)
Fields Date Received Recvlog.RECVDATE The date that this order 8 MM/DD/YYYY
is being received, which (Read-only)
is automatically filled in
by ProTeus V
Requisition Recvlog.REQNO The Requisition No. of 15 N
No. the order being (Read-only)
PO No. Recvlog.PONO The purchase order no, 21 A/N
which is automatically (Read-only)
filled in according to the
chosen Requisition No.
Received By Recvlog.RECVDBY The login name of the 30 A/N
user receiving this (Read-only)
order, automatically
filled in by ProTeus V.
Ship Via Po.SHIPVIA The ship via field, which 10 A/N
is automatically filled in (Read-only)
according to the chosen
Requisition No.
Invoice No. Recvlog.INVOICENO The invoice no. on the 21 A/N
received order, filled in (Read-only)
by the end-user.
Packing Slip Recvlog.PACKINGNO The packing slip no. on 21 A/N
No. the received order, filled (Read-only)
in by the end user.

Receiving Detail Tab (List)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Part No. Recvparts.PARTNO The Part No. of the 24 A/N

part(s) that are on the (Read-only)
selected Requisition.
Part Name Recvparts.PARTNAME The name of the part(s) 30 A/N
that are on the selected (Read-only)
Qty. Ordered Recvparts.QTYORDER The quantity of parts 9 N
ED ordered (Read-only)
Qty. Received Recvparts.QTYRECEIV The quantity of parts 9 N
ED received on this (Read-only)
shipment from the
purchase order.

472 Appendix—Database Fields

Definition of Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Receiving Total Qty. Internally calculated The total quantity of 9 N
History Received field parts received from this (Read-only)
purchase order, to date.
Master File
Balance Due Internally calculated The number of parts not 9 N (Read-only)
Fields (con’t) field yet received on the
purchase order.
Date Received Recvparts.DATERECEI The date that the part 8 MM/DD/YYYY
VED from this purchase (Read-only)
order was received.
Vendor Part Recvparts.VENDORPA The vendor part no. of 24 A/N
No. RTNO the part(s) that are on (Read-only)
the selected
Account/G.L. # Recvparts.ACCOUNTG The Account or General 19 A/N
L Ledger # assigned to (Read-only)
this part.
Unit Cost Recvparts.UNITCOST The price paid for this 15 Floating
part, per unit. (Read-only)
Total Cost Internally calculated The total cost of the 15 Floating
field purchase order. (Read-only)
Stockroom Recvparts.STOCKROO The stockroom into 16 A/N
M which the parts were (Read-only)

Shipment Tab
Definition of
Receiving Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
History Shipment No. Recvlogarchive.SHIPID A unique shipment no. 9 N
Archive assigned by ProTeus V. (Read-only)
Master File Date Received Recvlogarchive.RECVD The date that this order 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Fields ATE is being received, which (Read-only)
is automatically filled in
by ProTeus V
Requisition Recvlogarchive.REQN The Requisition No. of 15 N
No. O the order being (Read-only)
PO No. Recvlogarchive.PONO The purchase order no, 21 A/N
which is automatically (Read-only)
filled in according to the
chosen Requisition No.
Received By Recvlogarchive.RECVD The login name of the 30 A/N
BY user receiving this (Read-only)
order, automatically
filled in by ProTeus V.
Ship Via Recvlogarchive.SHIPVI The ship via field, which 10 A/N
A is automatically filled in (Read-only)
according to the chosen
Requisition No.
Invoice No. Recvlogarchive.INVOIC The invoice no. on the 21 A/N
ENO received order, filled in (Read-only)
by the end-user.
Packing Slip Recvlogarchive.PACKI The packing slip no. on 21 A/N
No. NGNO the received order, filled (Read-only)
in by the end user.

Appendix—Database Fields 473

Definition of Receiving Detail Tab (List)
Receiving Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
History Part No. Recvpartsarchive.PART The Part No. of the 24 A/N
Archive NO part(s) that are on the (Read-only)
Master File selected Requisition.
Fields (con’t) Part Name Recvpartsarchive.PART The name of the part(s) 30 A/N
NAME that are on the selected (Read-only)
Qty. Ordered Recvpartsarchive.QTY The quantity of parts 9 N
ORDERED ordered (Read-only)
Qty. Received Recvpartsarchive.QTY The quantity of parts 9 N
RECEIVED received on this (Read-only)
shipment from the
purchase order.
Total Qty. Internally calculated The total quantity of 9 N
Received field parts received from this (Read-only)
purchase order, to date.
Balance Due Internally calculated The number of parts not 9 N (Read-only)
field yet received on the
purchase order.
Date Received Recvpartsarchive.DATE The date that the part 8 MM/DD/YYYY
RECEIVED from this purchase (Read-only)
order was received.
Vendor Part Recvpartsarchive.VEN The vendor part no. of 24 A/N
No. DORPARTNO the part(s) that are on (Read-only)
the selected
Account/G.L. # Recvpartsarchive.ACC The Account or General 19 A/N
OUNTGL Ledger # assigned to (Read-only)
this part.
Unit Cost Recvpartsarchive.UNIT The price paid for this 15 Floating
COST part, per unit. (Read-only)
Total Cost Internally calculated The total cost of the 15 Floating
field purchase order. (Read-only)
Stockroom Recvpartsarchive.STO The stockroom into 16 A/N
CKROOM which the parts were (Read-only)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Definition of
Ship to Ship To Shipto.SHIPTOLOCATI Company name of the 30 A/N
Addresses Location ON shipping address.
Master File Address 1 Shipto.ADDRESS1 Street address of the 40 A/N
ship to location.
Address 2 Shipto.ADDRESS2 Second part of the ship 40 A/N
to location’s address.
City Shipto.CITY City where the shipping 20 A/N
address is located.
to Shipto.STATE State of the shipping 20 A/N
Addresses address.
Master File
Fields (con’t
Country* Shipto.COUNTRY Country of the shipping 20 A/N

474 Appendix—Database Fields

Zip Code Shipto.ZIPCODE Zip code of the shipping 14 A/N
Phone No. Shipto.PHONE Telephone number at 27 A/N
the shipping address.
Extension Shipto.EXTENSION Telephone extension of 10 A/N
contact, if any.
Fields listed in bold are required fields
* Denotes a drop-down list box field

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Definition of
Tasks Master Task No. Task.TASKNO Unique identifier of the 10 A/N
task. assigned by the
File Fields end-user.
Description Task.DESCRIPT A detailed description of 100 A/N
the task to be
Description 2 Task.DESCRIPT2 A continuation of the 100 A/N
task description.
Labor Code* Task.LABORCODE The labor code of 10 A/N
personnel qualified to
perform this task.
(Chosen from a list of
records from the Labor
Craft Master File)
Est. Hours Task.ESTHOURS The estimated time to 9 Floating
complete this task (in

Fields listed in bold are required fields

Definition of
Transaction Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Master File Adjustment Phyadjust.ADJUSTNO A unique Adjustment 12 N
Fields No. No. assigned to each (Read-only)
Transaction by ProTeus
Employee Phyadjust.LOGINNAME Name of employee 30 A/N
Name performing the (Read-only)
automatically filled in by
ProTeus V
Part No.* Phyadjust.PARTNO Identification number of 32 A/N
the part which is being
adjusted. (Chosen from
a list of records from the
Inventory Master File)
Part Name* Phyadjust.PARTNAME Part description, which 30 A/N
is automatically filled in
according to the
selected Part No.
Qty. on Hand Inventory.ONHNDQTY The current quantity on 9 N (Read-only)
hand of the selected
Adjustment Phyadjust.QTY The quantity of this part 9 N
Qty. to adjust.

Appendix—Database Fields 475

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Definition of
Transaction Cost Center Phyadjust.COSTCENT The department or 16 A/N
ER accounting code to
Master File which the cost of the
Fields (con’t) parts on this P.O. will be
Adjustment Phyadjust.TYPE Click on ADD, SUBTR- N/A Radio
depending upon the
type of transaction.
Reason for Phyadjust.REASON The reason that this 30 A/N
Adjustment * transaction is being
Checked Out Phyadjust.EMPLOYEEL The name of the 30 A/N
To* OGIN employee that the part
was checked out to.
Description Phyadjust.DESCRIPT Any further explanation 60 A/N
or notes on this
Fields listed in bold are required fields
* Denotes a drop-down list box field

Definition of
Transactions Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
History Master Adjustment Phyadjust.ADJUSTNO A unique Adjustment 12 N
File Fields No. No. assigned to each (Read-only)
Transaction by ProTeus
Employee Phyadjust.LOGINNAME Name of employee 30 A/N
Name performing the (Read-only)
automatically filled in by
ProTeus V
Part No. Phyadjust.PARTNO Identification number of 32 A/N
the part which is being (Read-only)
adjusted. (Chosen from
a list of records from the
Inventory Master File)
Part Name Phyadjust.PARTNAME Part description, which 30 A/N
is automatically filled in (Read-only)
according to the
selected Part No.
Stockroom Phyadjust.STOCKROO The stockroom where 16 A/N
M the adjustment (Read-only)
Adjustment Phyadjust.QTY The quantity of this part 9 N
Qty. to adjust. (Read-only)
Cost Center Phyadjust.COSTCENT The department or 16 A/N
ER accounting code to (Read-only)
which the cost of the
parts on this P.O. will be
Unit Cost Phyadjust.AVGCOST The per-unit cost of the N/A Float
Reason for Phyadjust.REASON The reason that this 30 A/N
Adjustment transaction is being (Read-only)

476 Appendix—Database Fields

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Definition of
Adjustment Phyadjust.TYPE The type of transaction N/A Toggle
Transactions Type that was performed. (Read-only)
Description Phyadjust.DESCRIPT Any further explanation 60 A/N
Master File or notes on this (Read-only)
Fields (con’t) transaction.
Transaction Phyadjust.TRANDATE The date this 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Date transaction was (Read-only)
Checked Out Phyadjust.EMPLOYEEL The name of the 30 A/N (Read-
To OGIN employee that the part only)
was checked out to.

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Definition of
Transactions Adjustment Phyadjustarchive.ADJU A unique Adjustment 12 N
No. STNO No. assigned to each
History Archive Transaction by
Master File ProTeus.
Fields Employee Phyadjustarchive.LOGI Name of employee 30 A/N
Name NNAME performing the (Read-only)
automatically filled in by
ProTeus V
Part No. Phyadjustarchive.PART Identification number of 32 A/N
NO the part which is being (Read-only)
adjusted. (Chosen from
a list of records from the
Inventory Master File)
Part Name Phyadjustarchive.PART Part description, which 30 A/N
NAME is automatically filled in (Read-only)
according to the
selected Part No.
Stockroom Phyadjustarchvie.STOC The stockroom where 16 A/N
KROOM the adjustment (Read-only)
Adjustment Phyadjustarchive.QTY The quantity of this part 9 N
Qty. to adjust. (Read-only)
Cost Center Phyadjustarchive.COST The department or 16 A/N
CENTER accounting code to (Read-only)
which the cost of the
parts on this P.O. will be
Unit Cost Phyadjustarchive.UNIT The price paid for this 15 Floating
COST part, per unit. (Read-only)
Reason for Phyadjustarchive.REAS The reason that this 30 A/N
Adjustment ON transaction is being (Read-only)
Adjustment Phyadjustarchive.TYPE The type of transaction N/A Toggle
Type that was performed. (Read-only)
Description Phyadjustarchive.DESC Any further explanation 60 A/N
RIPT or notes on this (Read-only)
Transaction Phyadjustarchive.TRAN The date this trans- 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Date DATE action was submitted. (Read-only)
Checked Out Phyadjustarchive.EMPL The name of the 30 A/N (Read-
To OYEELOGIN employee that the part only)
was checked out to.

Appendix—Database Fields 477

Definition of Vendors Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Master File
Fields Vendor Code Vendors.VENCODE A unique code assigned 16 A/N
to each vendor by the
Vendor Name Vendors.VENNAME Full company name of 50 A/N
the vendor. This name
is used on purchase
orders and in the
Equipment and
Inventory Master Files.
Web Page Vendors.WEBPAGE The vendor’s home 80 A/N
page address on the
World Wide Web. Click
on the icon next to this
field to view this web
page through the
default internet browser.
Address 1 Vendors.ADDRESS0 Street address of the 40 A/N
vendor or continuation
of the vendor’s name.
Address 2 Vendors.ADDRESS1 Second part of the 40 A/N
vendor’s street address,
if needed.
Address 3 Vendors.ADDRESS2 Third part of the 40 A/N
vendor’s street address,
if needed.
City Vendors.CITY City where vendor is 20 A/N
State* Vendors.STATE State where vendor is 20 A/N
Zip Code Vendors.ZIP Zip Code for the 16 A/N
Country* Vendors.COUNTRY Country where vendor 20 A/N
is located.
Payment Vendors.TERMS Terms of payment to 16 A/N
Terms* the vendor.
YTD Vendors.YTD Calculated amount of 8 Floating
Purchases total money spent on (Read-only)
purchasing this vendor’s
products for this fiscal
year only.
LTD Vendors.LTD Calculated amount of 8 Floating
Purchases total money spent on (Read-only)
purchasing this vendor’s
products totaled for all
Last Purchase Vendors.LASTPODATE Date of the last time an 8 MM/DD/YYYY
Date item was received from (Read-only)
this vendor. The
Purchasing function of
ProTeus V updates this
field automatically.
Fields listed in bold are required fields
* Denotes a drop-down list box field

478 Appendix—Database Fields

Contact Tab
Definition of
Vendors Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Master File Contact Vendors.CONTACT1 Primary contact person 30 A/N
Fields (con’t) at vendor location.
Title Vendors.TITLE1 Professional title of 30 A/N
primary contact.
USA Phone Vendors.USAPHONE1 Telephone number of 27 A/N
No. primary contact person.
Extension Vendors.EXTENSION1 Telephone extension of 10 A/N
primary contact, if any.
Intl Phone No. Vendors.INTLPHONE1 Alternate phone number 27 A/N
of primary contact.
Fax No. Vendors.FAXNO1 Fax number of vendor’s 27 A/N
facsimile machine, if any.
Pager No. Vendors.PAGERNO1 Pager number of primary 27 A/N
E-Mail Vendors.EMAIL1 E-mail address of 80 A/N
Address primary contact.
Alt. Contact Vendors.CONTACT2 Alternate contact 30 A/N
person at vendor
location. (Quick List
Alt. Contact’s Vendors.TITLE2 Professional title of 30 A/N
Title alternate contact.
Alt. USA Vendors.USAPHONE2 Telephone number of 27 A/N
Phone No. alternate contact
Alt. Extension Vendors.EXTENSION2 Telephone extension of 10 A/N
alternate contact, if any.
Alt. Int’l Phone Vendors.INTLPHONE2 Alternate phone number 27 A/N
No. of alternate contact.
Alt. Fax No. Vendors.FAXNO2 Fax number of alternate 27 A/N
contact’s facsimile
machine, if any.
Alt. Pager No. Vendors.PAGERNO2 Pager number of 27 A/N
alternate contact.
Alt. E-Mail Vendors.EMAIL2 E-mail address of 80 A/N
Address alternate contact.

Parts List Tab (List)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Inventory.PARTNO Part numbers which 30 A/N

Part No.
are associated with (Read-only)
this vendor.
Inventory.PARTNAME Part names which 30 A/N
Part Name
are associated with (Read-only)
this vendor.
Inventory.VENDORPAR The part number 30 A/N
Vendor Part
TNO. used by the vendor (Read-only)
to describe the part.

Appendix—Database Fields 479

Definition of Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type
Vendors Inventory.LASTPRICE The price of the part, as 30 A/N
Master File Last Price
per the last purchase (Read-only)
Fields (con’t) order.
Inventory.LEADTIME The amount of time 30 A/N
Lead Time
needed by the vendor to (Read-only)
deliver the part.

Equipment List Tab (List)

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Equipment.EQUIPNO Part numbers which 24 A/N

No. are associated with this (Read-only)
Equipment.EQUIPNAM Part names which are 30 A/N
E associated with this (Read-only)
Equipment.WARDATE The price of the part, 8 A/N
Date as per the last (Read-only)
purchase order.
Equipment.LOCATION The location of the 24 A/N
equipment. (Read-Only)

Description Tab
Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Vendorsmemo.DESFIL Text screen upon 32 KB A/N

E which miscellaneous (about 400
information associated lines of text)
with record can be

User Fields Tab

Field Label TableName.FieldName Description Length Type

Vendors.USER0 User definable field 30 A/N

User 1

Vendors.USER1 User definable field 30 A/N

User 2

Vendors.USER2 User definable field 30 A/N

User 3

Vendors.USER3 User definable field 30 A/N

User 4

Vendors.USER4 User definable field 30 A/N

User 5

User 6 Vendors.USER5 User definable field 30 A/N

Vendors.USER6 User definable field 30 A/N

User 7*

Vendors.USER7 User definable field 30 A/N

User 8*

Fields listed in bold are required fields

* Denotes a drop-down list box field

480 Appendix—Database Fields

Approximate Record Sizes
This section lists the approximate record sizes for the records in ProTeus V.
The Size in bytes column refers to approximate size per record for that table.
Blob size is dependent on amount of data typed into description file. The
Association column lists which records are associated with others.
Table Name Record Desc. Size in Association

ACCTNO Account No 19 Each entry on Account No. Drop-down List

drop-down list
AUDITTRAIL Audit Trail 281 Each audit trail entry as designated by the
application Rights
Programs Settings.
BILLTO Company 225 Entry in Bill To Address
Address - Bill
To Tab
BOM Equipment - 200 Each BOM line on equipment record
BUYER Buyer drop- 16 Each entry on Buyer drop-down list
down list
CATEGORY Category drop- 16 Each entry on category drop-down list
down list
CAUSE Cause Master 79 Each entry in Cause Master File
CAUSEAD DM Active - 91 Each Cause line on DM Active record
Causes Tab
CAUSEHD DM History - 87 Each Cause line on DM History record
Causes Tab
COSTCENTER Cost Center 12 Each entry in Cost Center drop-down list
drop-down list
COUNTRY Country drop- 20 Each entry in Country drop-down list
down list
DEPARTMENT Department 20 Each entry in department drop-down list
drop-down list
DIVISION Division drop- 20 Each entry in Division drop-down list
down list
DMACTIVE DM Active 1220+ Add (sizes * #of lines) of CAUSEAD,
DMAPPHISTORY DM History - 72 Each Approval line on DM History record
Approvals tab
DMAPPROVALS DM Active - 24 Each approval line on DM Active record
Approvals Tab
DMHISTORY DM History 1380+ Add (sizes * #of lines) of CAUSEHD,
DMHISTORYEQUIP DM History - 4+blob Equipment description file in DM History record
Equip. Desc
DMPULL DM Active - 137 Each time a part is pulled for a DM Active
Parts Tab record.
DMTEMPLATE DM Template 1084+b Add (sizes * #of lines) of CAUSETD,

Appendix 481
EMPLABOR Employee - 62 Each labor line on an employee record.
Labor Rates tab
EMPLOYEE Employee 808+bl Add (size * # of lines) of EMPLABOR
Master file ob
EQUIPMENT Equipment 1123+ Add (size * # of lines) of BOM,
Master File blob EQUIPMENTTREE
EQUIPMENTTREE Equipment - 40 Once for each equipment master file record
Sub-Assy Tab
INVENTORY Inventory 1611+ Add (size * # of lines) of INVENTORYVENDOR
Master File blob
INVENTORYVEND Inventory - 119 Each vendor line on Inventory record
OR Vendors tab
LABORAD DM Active - 182 Each labor line on DM Active record
Labor Tab
LABORAP PM Active - 182 Each labor line on PM Active record
Labor Tab
LABORCR Labor Craft 74+
Master File blob
LABORHD DM History - 234 Each labor line on DM History record
Labor Tab
LABORHP PM History - 234 Each labor line on PM History record
Labor Tab
LABORMD DM Template - 78 Each labor line on DM Template record
Labor tab
LABORMP PM Master - 78 Each labor line on PM Master record
Labor tab
MAINTCODE Maintenance 6 Each entry on Maintenance code drop-down list
Code drop-
down list
PARTSAD DM Active - 95 Each part line on DM Active record
Parts tab
PARTSAP PM Active - 95 Each part line on PM Active record
Parts tab
PARTSHD DM History - 150 Each part line on DM History record
Parts tab
PARTSHP PM History - 150 Each part line on PM History record
Parts tab
PARTSMP PM Master - 78 Each part line on PM Master record
Parts tab
PARTSTD DM Template - 78 Each part line on DM template record
Parts tab
PHYADJUST Transaction 212
PMACTIVE PM Master file 1208+ Add (size* # of lines) of TASKAP, PARTSAP,
PMAPPHISTORY PM History - 24 Each Approvals line on PM History
Approvals tab
PMAPPROVALS PM Active - 24 Each approvals line on PM Active
Approvals tab
PMHISTORY PM History 1410+ Add (size* # of lines) of TASKAP, PARTSAP,
PMHISTORYEQUIP PM History - 4+ blob Equipment description file in PM History record
Equip. Desc tab

482 Appendix
PMMASTER PM Master file 1186+ Add (size * # of lines) of TASKMP, PARTSMP,
PMPULL PM Active - 152 Each time a part is pulled for PM Active record
Parts tab
PO Purchasing 694+ Add (size * # of lines) of POPRTS,
master file blob POAPPROVALS
RECVLOG Receiving- 132 Add (size * # of lines) of RECVPARTS
Shipment tab
RECVPARTS Receiving - 208+ Each part line on shipment record
Receive Detail blob
REQUESTBY DM - 30 Each entry on Requested By drop-down list
Requested By
drop-down list
REQWHO Purchasing - 16 Each entry on Requested By drop-down list
Requested By
drop-down list
SHIFT Shift drop-down 6 Each entry on Shift drop-down list
SHIPTO Company 219 Each Ship to address entry
Address - Ship
To Tab
SHIPVIA Ship Via drop- 10 Each entry on ship via drop-down list
down list
STATE State drop- 20 Each entry on State drop-down list
down list
STATUS Status drop- 16 Each entry on Status drop-down list
down list
STOCKCLASS Stock Class 16 Each entry on Stock Class drop-down list
drop-down list
TASK Task Master file 162
TASKAD DM Active - 170 Each task line on DM Active record
Task tab
TASKAP PM Active - 170 Each task line on PM Active record
Task tab
TASKHD DM History - 166 Each task line on DM History record
Task tab
TASKHP PM History - 166 Each task line on PM History record
Task tab
TASKMD DM Template - 170 Each task line on DM Template record
Task tab
TASKMP PM Master - 170 Each task line on PM Master record
Task Tab
TAXRATE Tax rate drop- 28 Each entry on tax rate drop-down list
down list
TERMS Terms drop- 16 Each entry on terms drop-down list
down list
TOOLSAD DM Active - 88 Each tool line on DM Active record
Tools Tab
TOOLSAP PM Active - 88 Each tool line on PM Active record
Tools tab
TOOLSHD DM History - 88 Each tool line on DM History record
Tools tab
TOOLSHP PM History - 88 Each tool line on PM History record
Tools tab
TOOLSMD DM Template - 88 Each tool line on DM Template record
Tools tab

Appendix 483
TOOLSMP PM Master - 88 Each tool line on PM Master record
Tools tab
USER7DM DM - User tab 30 Each entry on User 7 drop-down list
USER7PM PM - User tab 30 Each entry on User 7 drop-down list
USER8DM DM - User tab 30 Each entry on User 8 drop-down list
USER8PM PM - User tab 30 Each entry on User 8 drop-down list
VENDORS Vendor Master 1186+
file blob
WORKTYPE Worktype drop- 10 Each entry on work type drop-down list
down list

484 Appendix
CMMS Computerized Maintenance Management System

Screen Tabs Tabs appear at the top of Master File windows. When a tab is clicked on with a
mouse, a corresponding screen appears.

Data Entry Fields A data entry field is the space next to the field parameter (name) where data is
entered and subsequently stored into the table.

Drop-Down Menu A Drop-Down Menu appears when a menu selection is clicked upon. The
Drop-Down Menu appears with a list of opens to perform a routine or open a
Master File by clicking on the item with the mouse.

Data Master File Master Files are related tables and records pulled together with tabs to display
all associated information in an organized fashion on the screen.

Navigator Toolbar The Navigator Toolbar is used to perform routines on master files, such as
insert a new record, post (save) a record, delete a record, or to move from
record to record within a master file. The Navigator Toolbar has Tooltips to
assist in the identification of each button’s purpose.

Tooltip Tooltips are small, boxed text which appear when the mouse pointer is placed
over a button on the Navigator toolbar. This tooltip will instruct the user as to
the purpose of the toolbar button, such as Insert, Edit, Next and Prev.

Master File Below the menu bar, is the Master File toolbar. The Master File toolbar allows
Toolbar quick access to many of the commonly used Master Files. When the mouse
pointer is placed over a toolbar button, a tooltip displays the master file name,
such as Equipment, PM Active and Employees.

Mouse Pointers A symbol on the computer screen that shows the position of the mouse or
and Cursors where the next typed character will appear. The mouse pointer appears as an
arrow, a hairline cursor, or an hourglass.

Field A field label or parameter can also be referred to as the field name. It is a label
Label/Parameter to the left of the data entry field describing what is to be entered into the data
entry field.

Master File Quick Within Master Files, the Quick List tab displays a sorted list of records
List Tab contained in the Master File. In certain Master Files, this list can be sorted
various fields, and a search character can be typed in to quickly jump to a
certain record on the list.

Master File A collection of related data that is displayed as a unit, even though the data
Record may be pulled from various tables.

Index 485
Drop-down List Drop-down List Boxes are selection panels (list of choices to be entered into the
Boxes corresponding field) used in data entry. To edit the selection panel, double-
click on the data entry field and a dialog box will appear with the ability to add
and delete items from the list.

486 Index

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