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Automatic Photo Maker

This program will produce a

photo of you by using the
data you insert, describing
your facial features.
 The results won’t be perfect but
pretty close. Here are some

 Answer the following questions

about your facial features to create
your picture.
Hair Color
 Brown
 Blonde
 Dark
 Grey
Estilo Hair Type cabello
 Straight
 Wavy
 Curly
 Bald
Eye Color
 Brown
 Black
 Blue
 Green

 Large
 Flat
 Normal
 Large
 Small
 Medium
 Full
 Fine
 Medium
 Pointed
 Large
 Small
 Medium
Shape of face

 Oval
 Thin
 Round
 Square
Skin Condition
 Pale
 Tan
 Normal
 White
 Black
 Oriental
 Hispanic
Facial Features
 Beard
 Mustache
 Double Chin
 Pierced
 Glasses
 None
 Male
 Female
 0-5
 5-9
 10-13
 14-16
 17-24
 25-35
 36-45
 46-55
 56-65
 +65
 Your data is being processed. In a
few seconds you’ll see the results.
We hope that they’ll be as close to
the original as possible.
 ................

Data analyzed
Press to see your picture.
In the Image and Likeness of Him
that created us!

 Your physical
appearance is
not important,
what really
matters is that
He made you
in His likeness
and that He
loves you just
as you Are!
Jesus Loves you and will give you His wonderful gift of
Eternal Life right now if you will sincerely pray this
simple prayer asking Him to come into your heart:

“ Dear Jesus, I know that I

need help and that I can’t
save myself. I believe that you
are the Son of God. Please
come into my heart, forgive
me for all the wrongs I have
done & give me your gift of
Eternal life.
Help me to love and live for
You, to hunger for Your truth,
to learn from Your Word and
to share your love with others.

“Thank You for writing my name in the Book of Life and for the
gift of Eternal life. Bless my life, my family, my home, my finances
and my friends. In Jesus’ Name . Amen.”
What do you think?

The End
God bless You!

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