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Sierra Vista Middle School 2015-2016

7th Grade Science Syllabus and Safety Contract

Be Kind, Work Hard, Challenge Yourself!
Teachers Contact Information: Mrs. Durant (949) 123-4567
I will be your 7th grade science teacher this year, I obtained my BA in Biology at Colorado
University in Boulder, CO. My teaching credential was obtained from California State
University, Fullerton. My professional experience includes working with children of all kinds of
backgrounds. Im looking forward to creating a fun, exciting learning environment in our
classroom this year!
Teaching Philosophy
My classroom is centered on the students. I believe that students should be guided to learn and
discover what science is and how it impacts their lives. I want students to ask questions and find
ways to examine those questions that will lead to an understanding of concepts.
Course Description
This course is based on the Next Generation Science Standards
We will be learning about life science which will include topics such as cells, genetics,
evolution, and ecology.
Grading Policies
Your grade will be comprised of four parts
1) Science binder, your binder is collected every Friday for a grade. All of your weeks work
is kept in your binder. (30% of your grade)
2) Projects, we will have three projects during the year (10% of your grade)
3) Quizzes will be given throughout the trimester on content matter and vocabulary (30% of
your grade)
4) Tests will be given at the end of each sub-unit (30% of your grade)
All grades will be updated weekly on the district website.
Grading Scale

100% - 90%
59% or below

Academic Honesty Policy

In our classroom we will strictly follow the schools policy, which is outlined in your planner. We
will also follow the SVMS Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PSIS) this year. Detailed
information can be found in the matrix located in your planner and posted in the classroom.
Routines and Procedures
Being on time is essential to our learning environment. When the bell rings at the beginning of
class, you should already be in your seat working. If another teacher keeps you after class, get an
excused tardy slip from them. Unexcused tardies will result in after school detentions and a
lower citizenship grade.
Entering Class
Students are expected to arrive to class on time and pick up handouts as they enter the class.
Then they should update their planner with homework and weekly learning log. Then begin the
bell ringer activity of the day.
During Class
Students will be working individually and with lab groups throughout the week. When I am
giving instruction students should avoid using the pencil sharpener, so that all students can hear
the instructions.
Students should use the restroom before or after class and during break and lunch. If students
need to go during class time, they should avoid asking when instructions are being given. They
can ask permission, then sign out on the sheet located in the front of the room. Students should
take the pass with them and sign in when they return.
End of Class
At the end of class every student should clean up their lab benches. At the being of each
trimester each class period starts with 30 points. If a class period doesnt clean up before leaving
they lose a point, at the end of the trimester the class period with the most points will receive a
surprise. It is also important to understand I dismiss students from class, NOT the bell.
If a student is absent they should check the classroom website to find out what work was
completed. In the classroom there is also a folder where the handouts are placed based on the
date they were assigned. Please check these two resources then ask me for any clarification.

Collection of Assignments
Every Friday, students will turn in their work from the week. It will include the daily bell ringer
questions and answers, the learning log and all supporting handouts. The work will be graded
and returned on Monday.
Late Work
If you have an excused absence, you may turn in work late for full credit. If you were not absent
you can still turn in late work for reduced credit. All late work should be turned into the late
work folder for your period. Please attach a late work slip (located next to the folders) with the
reason for the late submission.
Need Help?
If you need any help just ask! Im available to help during tutorial every day. Also, I can help
you before or after school if you set the day and time up with me beforehand.
Science Safety Contract
Since our classroom is a lab it is very important that students follow these safety rules.
1) Come prepared to learn every day, have your 3 ring science notebook, pencil and
colored pencils.
2) Treat others in our classroom as you like to be treated, be kind and respectful.
3) Listen to the teacher and respect all lab materials.
4) Display honesty in both your words and actions.
5) Utilize collaboration, work and help your fellow classmates.
6) No food or drinks in class, with the exception of water.
7) Cell phones, need to be muted and put away unless directed by me.
8) Keep your lab area neat and organized, place backpacks under tables.
9) Accidents happen, it is important to report all accidents to the teacher immediately.
10) Wear eye protection when directed to and be careful when fire is used during a lab.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. The best way to get a hold of me is
by email, I hope that I will have the opportunity to meet you all at back
to school night on September 1st. Please sign and return the form below.

I _______________________________________, have read and understand the science safety

rules and syllabus.
Student Signature ______________________________________________________________
Parent Signature _______________________________________________________________
Date____________________ Period______________

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