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Editorial Note: While this 2009 essay is now somewhat dated - given Myatt's post 2011 revision

and evolution of the 'numinous way' into his 'philosophy of pathei-mathos' - it does place into
perspective both Myatt's decades as a neo-nazi and his Vindex mythos as well as providing an
insight into the link between that mythos and the Order of Nine Angles.

Myatt And The Quest For Vindex

One of the fundamental themes of both David Myatts early and later National
Socialist writings (1) and of many of his other non-political writings, is his vision
of a Galactic Imperium. According to what we might call Myatts radical and
esoteric millennial philosophy, crucial to the creation of this Imperium is the
revolutionary leader he called Vindex. This revolutionary leader would,
according to Myatts early political writings, be Adolf Hitlers successor, and
would lead his, or her, (2) forces against what Myatt euphemistically calls The
Magian (3).
The Galactic Imperium is, for Myatt, fundamentally the exploration and
settlement of Outer Space the Final Frontier by a new breed of warrior
clans, and it is this Imperium which will, according to Myatt, provide us with
the opportunities and the challenges we need to evolve, as human beings, and
to create new societies where genuine, individual, freedom, and honor, are the
It would be a mistake, however, to conclude that Myatt envisages or
envisioned hordes of neo-Nazi stormtroopers marauding around the Galaxy
and invading other planets. Rather, Myatt initially saw Hitlers National
Socialist Germany and indeed National Socialism itself, as only a prelude, and
while in his earlier NS writings he eulogized both Hitler and National Socialism
in general, in his later Reichsfolk writings he pointed out some of the aws of
early, German, National Socialism, and came to believe that Hitler had made
some fundamental tactical mistakes.
" One mistake was to initiate a war, and to seek new living-space in already
occupied lands. Of course, war against NS Germany was inevitable just
like the recent war against Iraq was inevitable. In the case of Iraq the
cabal spent over ten years from the time of the Gulf War trying to starve
the people into submission, and destroying the defensive capability of the
Iraqi defence forces.
But Germany should have waited, and most certainly not launched
oensives in other countries. The cabal would then have to had
resorted to invading Germany, which would have taken perhaps a few
more years to organize, giving NS Germany more time to create a

genuine NS society, and prepare to defend Germany. More alliances

should have been saught, and NS exported as a revolutionary creed.
Had the cabal invaded Germany, they would have been on dubious
moral ground, and eective resistance could have been undertaken
against the occupying forces.
The eort that went into the war should have been directed toward
building a stronger Germany, and showing, by example, that NS
worked. In addition, scientic research should have been undertaken
into spacecraft.
But this, of course, is hindsight. What happened, happened. We have
to learn the lessons. One lesson is to evolve NS itself which has been
done, based upon the ideal of honor and the vision of a Galactic
Empire or Federation, created by a NS homeland which seeks allies
among the various peoples and cultures of Earth on the basis of honor
and mutual respect. " ONA: Aeonic Notes IX, dated 114yf
In respect of the aws of what Myatt called early German National-Socialism,
Myatt in his second (4) seminal text about Vindex, entitled The Mythos of Vindex,
writes that:
" One error was in adhering to and striving to apply the un-ethical, and
un-numinous, principle of eternal struggle, or what is now commonly,
vulgarly, and rather incorrectly called the survival of the ttest. This was
an error because we have now, as I have mentioned many times in various
writings, reached the stage of not only being able to consciously, rationally,
understand the processes of change and evolution as they apply to us, as
human beings, but also of using our understanding and our abilities of will
and empathy to change ourselves for the better in an ethical way. That is,
we have passed a threshold in our human evolution, and so can make
conscious, informed and ethical choices for we are not just thinking,
talking, animals in thrall to our emotions, desires, and external forces, but
moral beings possessed of the ability to consciously evolve ourselves by
striving to adhere to certain ethical guidelines. Or, expressed in a
simplistic and cliched way, we can and indeed should learn from our own
history and from our mistakes.
In practical terms, this error led to invasion and occupation of other lands,
as it led to the desire to seek lebensraum in lands already inhabited and
settled by others."
As Myatt explained, the new Galactic Imperium would be quite dierent from
previous Empires:
" The Imperium which Vindex will create will be dierent from previous
Empires because it will be a conscious creation: the result of a reasoned,
honourable, civilized, approach: that is, it will be based upon honor, and

will be the result of the esoteric understanding we have achieved over

hundreds, indeed thousands, of years.
This means it will not impose itself by force of arms upon others. Rather, it
means it will be composed of thinking warriors who uphold honor and who
prefer combat to dishonourable modern war. In particular, it means a
federation of countries, or nations, who co-operate together in the pursuit
of a numinous goal: not an Empire in the old sense of domination and
conquest and occupation.
The old type of Empire belongs in the past: it is unsuitable for an
honourable, rational, people. Furthermore, the old type of Empire is
founded upon a basic error.
The basic mistake is to believe that war can solve problems or be of
benet. Thus to have war as a political policy is stupid. This mistake about
war arises from two things: (1) a lack of perspective, and thus a viewing of
events in current rather than historical terms; (2) failing to act in accord
with the ethics of honor.
Every old type of Empire has a time of glory; as it has to maintain itself by
occupation, war, and repression. Every such Empire declines, and is then
destroyed. Sometimes an Empire may last a few decades; sometimes a
century or more. Rarely, a few centuries. After the destruction of the
Empire, there follows a period of chaos, of barbarism, of regression, with
only a few positive attributes of the Empire remaining: some stories of
glory, perhaps; or some literature; some monuments, or some technological
or scientic achievement. But a great deal is lost.
What applies to an Empire applies to the results of terrestrial wars such
as the occupation of a foreign country after victory in a war or after an
invasion. Such occupation may well last for a while: a few years; a decade;
several decades. But it will inevitably end, through either a successful
uprising (often after several failed attempts) or through the withdrawal of
the occupiers, for military, economic, or political reasons, and while some
elements of the occupying forces may remain (in terms of their culture,
ideas, and so on), a great deal is lost. In the meantime, thousands upon
thousands of people have been injured, killed, repressed or dishonourably
conned in prisons. Furthermore, it is the honourable right and duty of
those under occupation to resist, using lethal force and to try and take
away this right and duty, by making it "illegal", as all occupying forces do,
is dishonourable in itself, the act of the bully, the tyrant. It is also the right
of individuals to possess weapons, and one of the many dishonourable
things an army of occupation does is make possession of weapons illegal.
This old imperial process is incredibly wasteful, and stupid, because the
positive, evolutionary, civilized, changes which Empires sometimes bring
can be achieved in not only less wasteful ways but also in ways which can

ensure much greater, and longer lasting, evolutionary change.

In brief, imperial conquest and colonialism are short-term solutions: in
Aeonic terms in the timescale of civilizations and Aeons they are
failures, detrimental to the long-term evolution that is required.
In terms of acquiring new living-space often used as an argument in
favour of Empires and conquest and colonialism the honourable,
futuristic solution is the colonization of Outer Space.
In terms of war, the new Imperium or Stellar Federation or Cosmic
Federation or Cosmic Reich or whatever we want to call it would use
force only as a last means of self-defence of its own territory or homeland,
or when there needs to be an honourable combat between it and its
In addition, it needs to be understood that modern warfare is for the most
part dishonourable, employing as it does cowardly methods such as aerial
bombing which an honourable warrior would refuse to use, condone, or
accept. The warriors of the new Imperium, the troops of Vindex, will seek
honourable combat, a fair ght, rather than impersonal war. Honourable
combat means personal ghting between groups of warriors, or armies. It
means an end to the dishonour which has blighted armies for hundreds of
years. It means a return to civilized treatment of captured or surrendering
soldiers allowing them to retain their honor, and go free. It means a
conscious decision based upon honor to do only that which is
honourable, and which bets an honourable warrior." ONA: Aeonic Notes
IX, dated 114yf
National Socialism, Clans, and the Imperium of Vindex

Initially, from the 1970s to the early 1990s, Myatt considered his Galactic
Imperium would be based if not upon National Socialism itself, then upon an
updated version of it; an updated version which he himself assiduously created
over a period of some ten years, culminating in his "ethical non-racist NationalSocialism" and in his Reichsfolk organization. However, as, in the late 1990s
and the early part of the twenty-rst century, he developed this new ethical
philosophy which he rst called The Numinous Way of Folk Culture and then
simply called The Numinous Way he moved away from the concept of a strong,
united, nation-State which was central to early, German, National-Socialism,
even going so far as to describe the State, in The Mythos of Vindex, as "an
unethical abstraction that is a great cause of suering and nullier of the
ethical and numinous principle of personal honour."
In place of the nation-State, he advocated, in his alter writings, "small, rural,
communities, which co-operate with, and which trade with, other local
communities for their own mutual benet. That is, a return to what is human; to

the human-scale-of-things, and a moving-forward to a simple, ethical, letting-be

based upon personal honour," (5) and the formation of new clans, or tribes,
which, in essays such as The Clan, Culture, and The Numinous Way and The
Mythos of Vindex, he described as the basis for a new type of communities and
culture, the basis for a new, more evolved, more human, type of society.
In addition, as he further developed his own ethical philosophy of The
Numinous Way, he also moved away from the concept of both race and "the
folk" as the basis for, or even as a part of, his philosophy, or Way of Life as he
mostly described it. Hence, he wrote that:
" Race, the causal concept of the folk, bound as that concept of the folk is
by a certain racial exclusivity and all that derives from such things (such
as racism, racialism, racial prejudice, and nationalism) have no place in
The Numinous Way
A clan is a basis for individuals to live in a numinous way, in harmony with
themselves, with Nature, and with the Cosmos. The clan is basically just a
large extended family, where the individuals are personally known to each
other and/or related to each other by family ties, such as marriage. What
distinguishes a clan is this personal knowing, these personal, direct, living,
relationships and a certain honourable loyalty, a certain "clannishness",
based on this personal knowing and this personal loyalty.
Thus, the clan is living: growing, changing, evolving; and it is not tied to or
dependant upon any static, causal, un-numinous abstraction such as
"race". It is a coming-into-being, and the criteria for "membership", if you
will, is not determined by some causal abstraction, such as perceived
(outward) ethnicity, but by personal interaction, a personal knowing, based
on personal (individual) character.
Furthermore, the clan is the basis for establishing new, numinous,
communities based on The Numinous Way itself. That is, new clans can
express, manifest, presence, the numinous itself by the members of such
new clans living according to the numinous principles of empathy,
compassion and personal honor. They are thus nexions, regions where
numinous law, based upon honor, can be established, to the benet of the
individuals of such new communities." Questions About Race, The Folk,
and The Numinous Way
Thus, Myatt no longer saw his Galactic Imperium in either political or racial
terms, but developed an entirely new and ethical philosophy his Numinous
Way as its basis.
Since this Numinous Way disdained the modern nation-State and its vast,
capitalist based industries and championed new and small communities based
on new tribes one might wonder how such tribes might develope the type of
technology needed for Space exploration. Myatt, however, had an answer to this

acausal technology, based on his own concept of acausal Space, acausal Time,
and acausal energy. He wrote that:
" The Numinous Way considers that it is such new cultures which can aid
the evolution of the individual, establishing over a certain amount of
causal Time a more evolved, more cultured, more empathic, more
compassionate, more honourable, human species. Such cultures, and their
clan-communities, are, or rather should be, the genesis for the next stage
of our human evolution, where we leave this planet, which is currently our
home, and so live and evolve and diversify among the stars of this and
other Galaxies.
However, given that such numinous cultures are small and may often be
rural in nature how can this Galactic, extra-terrestrial, development be
achieved, especially since a numinous culture would most certainly not
involve large national or supra-national industries, as it would not be
reliant upon the usury, and the supra-national trade and commerce, which
all modern States and nations depend upon?
It could and should be achieved by means of the development of a new
acausal science, and the development of a new type of technology, based
on acausal energy. For a numinous culture and all empathic human
beings are, both in principle and in practice, opposed to the exploitation
of the Earth, and the exploitation of the living beings of the Earth, which
exploitation is inseparable from capitalism and the modern industries, and
technologies, deriving from, and dependant, upon such capitalism, on such
supra-national commerce, and on other causal un-numinous abstractions.
The basis for the new acausal technology is the science of causal and
acausal, of the apprehension of acausal energy emanating from the acausal
universe by means of living nexions." The Clan, Culture, and The Numinous
He expounded upon this concept of a new acausal science, based on acausal
energy, in his essay Acausal Science: Life and The Nature of the Acausal and in
his work The Physics of Acausal Energy.
Vindex and Revolution

Despite both his move from, rst, the old style National Socialism of Hitlers
Germany to his own ethical Reichsfolk type of National-Socialism, and then,
later on, to the development of his own The Numinous Way philosophy as the
new basis for his new Imperium, Myatt has never wavered from his belief that
what he calls The Old Order needs to be and should be undermined and
destroyed by practical revolutionary means, by armed force.
Indeed, Myatt makes it quite clear in his Mythos of Vindex that he believes that

the Galactic Imperium will never be more than a dream unless "the current
tyrannical Magian order the abode of Homo Hubris and exemplied by the
new ignoble arrogant Amerikan empire and the Police-States of the West (of
which modern Britain is a prime example) is confronted, undermined, and
destroyed by armed force, ideological subversion and by the numinosity of a
new mythos This is the supreme and severe challenge before us in these dire
and ignoble times, and an opportunity which will not arise again, for were we to
fail, then our further evolution as a species is doubtful."
Myatt considers Vindex as not only a manifestation of the new, warrior,
clan-based ethos of Imperium, but also as the pivotal character in the armed
confrontation with the Old Order the person who inspires others to take up
arms, and who, possibly initially as a modern type of outlaw, achieves success
after success against them, using and developing tactics which nullify the
advantages the Old Order possesses in terms of military superiority, weaponry,
and wealth.
The ONA and the Vindex Mythos

The Occult group The Order of Nine Angles which many people consider
Myatt founded, led and still leads, using the pseudonym Anton Long can be
considered as one means of spreading not only Myatts Vindex mythos, but of
practically seeking to bring about, and aid, the Galactic Imperium. That is,
Myatt conceived, created and implemented the ONA to achieve certain goals,
one of which was and is to counter the Magian ethos and another of which was
to train individuals and send them out, into the world, to undermine and disrupt
the status quo as a prelude to the practical revolution Myatt has always
regarded as necessary for the destruction of the Old Order and the emergence
of a new order based upon his law of personal honor.
In addition, one of the stated aims of the ONA was to breed a new type of
individual and new types of tribes:
" The sinister tribes of the ONA what they are now; what they are
becoming; and what they will-be are that presencing of acausal energy
which will fundamentally and irretrievably change our world, and which
will manifest, and bring-into-being, an entirely new, more evolved, type of
human being and entirely new types of human communities, preludes as
these are to us leaving this planet which has for so long been our childhood
home and to seeding ourselves among the stars of the Galaxies of the
Cosmos. " The Sinister Tribes of the ONA, dated 120 Year of Fayen
Importantly, the basis for these new tribes is what the ONA calls The Law of the
New Aeon, and, unsurprisingly, this Law is Myatts law of personal honor, the
basis for his Galactic Imperium.

Conclusion: The Quest for Vindex

It is my considered view that Myatts primary aim, throughout his entire adult
life, has been to nd, develop and use means to bring about his vision of a
Galactic Imperium. All his various endeavors and involvements from National
Socialism, to the ONA, to his philosophy of The Numinous Way, to his
involvement with radical Islam are all part of this. They are all means to
explain, to propagate, to try and implement through, for example,
destabilizing the status quo, confronting the Magian, and agitating for
revolution his Vindex mythos and this vision of a Galactic Imperium.
He has been almost fanatically single-minded in his pursuit of this vision, and,
at times, quite ruthless. He has also been exceptionally pragmatic using
whatever means, whatever ideology, whatever tactics, that might help him
undermine and confront what he calls "the tyranny of the Magian manifest in
the dishonourable Amerikan empire of Homo Hubris." (6) These tactics have
included racist violence, racist and Islamic terrorism, Nazi politics, and using
the ONA as a means of subversion and radical change.
Myatt has also been consistent, for over four decades, in upholding and
propagating the principle of personal honor, which he wove into his NS
writings, which he made one of the foundations of his philosophy of The
Numinous Way, and which he made the basis for both the clans of Vindex and
the tribes of the ONA.
In addition, he has also expounded at some length (7) on what he calls the new
science of acausal energy, which energy he sees as the most viable means of
developing the new acausal (i.e. the organic) technology of living machines
capable of taking us out among the stars of our Galaxy.
In conclusion, therefore, there is, in my view, a rigorous consistently to Myatts
life, writings and involvements, which his many, and vocal, detractors have
overlooked. Myatt has also undertaken, it seems, something of personal,
interior, spiritual, quest leaving behind the racism of National Socialism (and,
now, apparently according to some rumors, also radical Islam) to develope his
own, unique and ethical, philosophy, that of The Numinous Way, based on the
principles of empathy, compassion, and personal honor; which philosophy he
now regards as the way of life appropriate to and for the new type of human
beings who, he envisages will explore and settle the planets around the star
systems of our Galaxy.
June 2009

(1) Myatts early writings about National Socialism with the notable and

important exception of his Vindex: The Destiny of The West published in 1984
are clearly distinct from his later NS writings. Those early works, written before
1998, were often polemical and sometimes overtly racist. His later NS works, in
which he developed what he called the "ethical National-Socialism" of his
Reichsfolk organization, were decidedly non-racist. These later works include:
(1) The Theology of National-Socialism; (2) The Complete Guide to the Aryan
Way of Life; (3) Why National-Socialism is Not Racist; and (4) The Meaning of
National-Socialism (Third Edition, 115yf). Around 1999, Myatt revised several of
his earlier works in order, as he stated at the time, to remove those aspects
incompatible with the ethical principles of honor, as dened by him in several of
these later works, including The Code of Honour, given in his The Complete
Guide to the Aryan Way of Life, a code he later made minor revisions to for its
inclusion in the Reichsfolk publication Ethical National-Socialism: A Collection
of Essays, issued in 2009.
(2) Although in his earlier works including his Vindex: The Destiny of The West
Myatt described Vindex as a male warrior, in many of his later writings he
intriguingly stated that Vindex could be either a man or a woman, and might not
arise in the West itself:
" Vindex is the generic name for that revolutionary noble warrior who leads
the practical ght against the Magian and their allies, manifest as the
Magian are now in so-called mis-named New World Order whose twin
centres of power (both ideological and practical) are in Amerika and the
Zionist entity that occupies Palestine. Vindex thus prepares the way for the
Galactic Imperium, whose practical beginnings lie in the establishment of
new communities, based around new tribes whose only law is that of
Personal Honour. Vindex (who may be male or female) is the embodiment
of The Law of the New Aeon of the Imperium, which is personal honor, and
who, with his or her victorious warriors, establishes an entirely new type of
Used as the name of an individual, Vindex means "The Avenger", and while
it is traditionally (and semantically) regarded as a male name, with the
Anglicized feminine form being Vengerisse, Vindex is now often used to
refer to either the man or the woman who is or who becomes this
revolutionary warrior leader
While it is probable that Vindex will arise from one of the nations of the
West (which includes Russia, the United States and the lands formerly
referred to as Eastern Europe) and be of Caucasian (European) ethnicity
it is also possible that he or she could arise elsewhere in the world, and
be of mixed, or of any, ethnicity. For what is fundamental to Vindex is that
he or she is a charismatic and revolutionary leader who inspires absolute
loyalty; that he or she ghts, in a practical way through force of arms, the
forces of the Old Order, manifest in the power of the Magian; and that he
or she triumphs in the nal battle, enabling the establishment of new

communities free from the now broken and discarded and tyrannical
Magian ethos" The Mythos of Vindex
(3) By Magian, Myatt following Yockey means both "the Zionists and their
allies, such as Amerika", and what he, in his Mythos of Vindex, calls the
"un-numinous and materialistic crypto-marxian ethos, and its decadent and
capitalistic culture, which has emasculated and controlled the individual, done
away with excellence based on nobility, replaced the law of the warrior which
is personal honor with the abstract life-less law of tyrannical States, and
whose servants and lackeys are hypocritical new barbarians lacking in manners
who have de-evolved to become almost a new human species, Homo Hubris."
(4) His rst work on the subject being his 1984 pamplet Vindex: The Destiny of
The West
(5) A Numinous Future Beyond The Abstractions of The State and The Nation
(6) The Mythos of Vindex
(7) See, for example, his essay Acausal Science: Life and The Nature of the
Acausal and his, currently still unpublished, work The Physics of Acausal

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