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Hello Father,

My name is Garrett and have attended your mass on multiple occasions. In

my world religion class we are being asked to interview a religious leader,
so I would like to interview you. Can you please answer the following
Do you know of any major differences between catholicism and
While we hold similar beliefs in the divinity of Jesus Christ and his saving
Passion, Death, and Resurrection, there are unfortunately, some
differences as well. One of these differences regards the source of
Revelation. We both believe that Jesus Christ is the full Revelation of God
the Father, but we differ in believing how that Revelation is communicated
in the Church. Protestants accept that the Scriptures alone suffice,
whereas Catholics believe that, in addition to Scripture, we also need
Tradition inspired by the Holy Spirit. After all, the Scriptures came from
that very Tradition so we do not want to ignore its importance.
What would you say the general impact of christianity was on society?
Christianity effected western society for the better in ways that no other
factor ever has. It has inspired most of the greatest art and music. It has
sought to understand the universe through supporting scientific research.
And it has upheld the dignity of every human person.
What are some material objects that hold significance to christianity?
We believe that all of matter is very important. Although the created world
is imperfect because of sin, it was all created good, and thus can become
an avenue to reach God, its Creator. This is the Sacramental principle in a
nutshell. Through the visible, we touch the invisible. Through the
temporal, we touch the eternal. Through our humanity, we touch God
himself. After all, God took on flesh in Christ. This is the foundation of all
sacramental theology.
What does it mean to be Catholic?
It means to dedicate ones entire life to following Jesus Christ in the
Catholic Church through seeking to love as God loves.

How do you, as a priest, continue to keep negativity about the Catholic

church in the media out of your mind?
Obviously, these days the Church is under attack. Some of this animosity
is justified because of the heinous crimes committed by people within the
Catholic Church. For such atrocities, we beg forgiveness and seek
reconciliation. Some of the hatred; however, it excessive and unjustified.
For this, we recognize that the Church of Christ will always be persecuted.
After all, Jesus was killed on a Cross, was he not?
In all honesty do you believe the Christianity is based off of Judaism?
Of course, there is a strong connection between Christianity and Judaism.
After all, Jesu was raised as an observer of the law. But he also came to
fulfill the law, not, however, to abolish it. This is the great paradox.
Through his chosen people, God was making preparations for the coming
of Christ. This is what we call salvation history. So there is both continuity
and discontinuity.
Why can't priests marry?
Priests act not according to their own power, but rather, God acts through
them. For example, when a priest says Mass, he does not say This is the
Body of Jesus. Rather, through him, Jesus says, This is my Body.
Priests are called to represent Christ himself, who as you know was
unmarried. There also is the dimension of feeling called by God (hence,
the word vocation) to sacrifice good things, like marriage and family, for a
radical life of dedication to God. Its really a matter of love. I love God with
all my heart and, in a very direct way, I desire to give him everythingbody
and soul. Of course, we must not forget that there is a complementarity
between celibate life and married life. Both assist one another.
What are your favorite duties of being a priest? And least favorite?
I love saying Mass, hearing Confessions, and witnessing the amazing faith
present in so many peoples hearts. I have a front row seat to watch the
miracles that God performs. Its beautiful. What dont I like? Mmmmm,
having to wash my own laundry. But thats good penance for me.
How does one convert to Christianity?
Typically, someone interested in converting would go through a preparation
process in which they would grow in discipleship and have an opportunity
to be catechized. Then, if its really what that person wants, he/she would

be cleaned of original sin in baptism and reborn as a son/daughter of our

heavenly Father.

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