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a) What happened during the Storming of the Bastille?

The Bastille was attacked by an angry and aggressive mob. The prison had become a
symbol of the monarchy's dictatorial rule, and the event became one of the defining
moments in the Revolution that followed.
b) Who might have supported this event?
The French people supported this event because they thought that it was wrong to
have the Bastille.

a) What does the above photo indicate about King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette?
That they were targetted by all the people in France
b) Why were they being arrested?
They got arrested because of Treasaen

a) Which estates do the three men represent in the above photograph?

The man on the ground is from the third estate. The clergyman is from the First estate
and the other person is from the second estate.

b) What message is being portrayed about the Estate System in the

photograph? Provide evidence from the photo.
The person from the third estate is being pushed away by the 2 nd estate because
the 1st estate is well the most important so the 2nd estate is blocking them.

a) Identify the following for the above photograph; who is being

represented in this picture?
The people being represented in this picture, as is conveniently stated in
the caption, are the people to whom the French Revolution gave a
voice. That is basically saying all of those people who have had to live
their lives suffering in silence now had an opportunity to right the wrong
done by the Clergy and Nobility.
b) What important event might this photograph represent?
The watercolour image does bear a striking resemblance to another painting;
that of the Tennis Court Oath. To add to that, the joining together of all of
these people, finally calling for change, does sound like what the Tennis
Court Oath was all about.

a) What is meant by French Liberty and British Slavery.

The French Liberty meant that the French had Freedom from things but didnt have nice
clothes, or food to eat. The British Slavery meant that the British have food and live in lovely
places with clothes and all the stuff that the French dont have but they dont have freedom of
speech they have to go by what their king says.
b) Use the source to give examples of why these images are mocking the French Revolution.
The British are mocking the French because they thought that the French were stupid because they
wanted freedom over all the things that the British have.
Last question: Use any 3 of the above sources
Refer to at least 3 of the above sources in your answer, explain
(in your own words) why the French Revolution was considered a period of violence and bloodshed
but also brotherhood and liberty.
The French revolution was considered a period of violence and bloodshed but also brotherhood and
liberty as I have said in the first source is that, The Bastille was attacked by an angry and aggressive
mob. The prison had become a symbol of the monarchy's dictatorial rule, and the event became one
of the defining moments in the Revolution that followed. In that time lots of people died and thats
when lots of the violence happened. The French were considered as a brother hood by the
explanation in source four when I said, the people being represented in this picture, as is conveniently
stated in the caption, are the people to whom the French Revolution gave a voice. That is basically
saying all of those people who have had to live their lives suffering in silence now had an opportunity
to right the wrong done by the Clergy and Nobility. Source five shows that the French had liberty
because they are free.

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