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En el mes en el que se celebra

el primer Congreso Internacional
de Escapismo, regresamos a la
ciudad en la que comenz todo

As the first international escape

game conference takes place
this month, we visit Budapest,
the city that started a global craze

i preguntamos a cualquiera por el hngaro

ms famoso, es probable que la mayora nombre a Harry Houdini. Nacido en Budapest
hace 142 aos, el hngaro se convirti en una
estrella mundial del ilusionismo y el escapismo era famoso por zafarse de cadenas, esposas, camisas de fuerza bajo el agua, jaulas e
incluso de atades enterrados. Puede que esa
aficin por el arte del escape sea algo caracterstico de la mentalidad hngara. En los ltimos cinco aos, una nueva forma de entretenimiento
conocida como juegos de escape se ha popularizado
en la capital y ha provocado rplicas por todo el mundo.
Estas pruebas de habilidad fsica y mental se han convertido en una de las formas de diversin ms populares en Budapest, tanto para turistas como para locales.
Los juegos fueron creados por un fan de Houdini,
Attila Gyurkovics que, a sus 40 aos, tuvo la idea en el
lugar ms creativo de todos: el bar. Delante de una cerveza en Gondoz Kert uno de los locales de moda en
el antes denostado distrito 8 de Budapest, este trabajador social reflexionaba sobre los juegos de ordenador, por qu eran tan atractivos para la gente y cmo se
podra lograr lo mismo en el mundo real. Para ello, no
solo se inspir en Houdini, sino tambin en otro hngaro: Mihly Cskszentmihlyi, el distinguido psiclogo autor de la teora del flujo que trata de explorar la
psicologa de la experiencia ptima, como explica Attila. Para que eso ocurra, segn Cskszentmihlyi, tienen que darse tres condiciones bsicas: que exista un
reto, recibir retroalimentacin y tener objetivos claros.

If you were to ask the general public to name the

most famous Hungarian they could think of, theres
a good chance their answer would be Harry Houdini.
Born in Budapest over 140 years ago, Houdini became
a global superstar as an illusionist and escape artist,
famously breaking his way out of chains, handcuffs,
underwater straitjackets and even being buried alive.
That penchant for escapism, it transpires, might just
be something deeply embedded in the Hungarian psyche. In the last five years, a new form of entertainment
called escape games has exploded in the Hungarian
capital. Tests of brain and brawn, they have become
one of the most popular forms of recreation in Budapest
for both locals and tourists alike. Whats more, the
phenomenon has spread to all corners of the globe.
Escape games are the brainchild of 40-year-old
Houdini fan Attila Gyurkovics, who was struck by the
idea in that most creative of places: the pub. Over a
beer at Gondoz Kert, one of Budapests trendy ruin
bars in the once-seedy 8th district, the social worker
was musing over why computer games were so totally
engrossing, and how one might be able to create that
same level of engagement in the real world. I wanted
to explore that idea of complete absorbtion in what one
is doing, he says. Attila was inspired not only by
Houdini but also by another fellow Hungarian, Mihly
Cskszentmihlyi, the distinguished psychologist
responsible for flow theory. Flow theory is all about
exploring the psychology of the optimal experience,
says Attila. For that to occur, says Cskszentmihlyi,
three basic conditions have to be met: participants






Los juegos de escape, segn Attila, podran reunir

las tres. Saba que las pruebas no podan ser demasiado fciles para que los jugadores no se aburrieran, pero
tampoco muy complicadas porque les acabara estresando, explica el empresario.
Inspirado en los sencillos videojuegos que sitan al
jugador en una habitacin cerrada y lo retan a buscar
pistas para escapar, Attila inaugur en 2011 ParaPark,
una atraccin que consiste justamente en eso: entre
dos y seis personas encerradas en una habitacin disponen de 60 minutos para encontrar la forma de salir.
Las tramas van cambiando. Puede haber una bomba
con un cronmetro de una hora, durante la cual los jugadores tienen que conseguir fugarse, o la escena de
un crimen, donde hay que resolver el misterio antes de
que el criminal regrese. Nuestros juegos tienen un
nivel de dificultad Houdini de entre uno y cinco, pero
todos requieren creatividad y pensamiento riguroso,
dice Attila. Hace falta cierto grado de esfuerzo fsico
para buscar las pistas, pero el autntico reto es mental.
De todos los equipos, solo el 50% lo consigue en el
tiempo reglamentario, a menudo con la ayuda del
maestro de juegos, que vigila sus acciones por vdeo y
les da alguna pista cuando lo cree conveniente.
Hoy en da, el negocio que Attila invent con una
pinta de cerveza en la mano es una de las actividades
ms populares de Budapest, donde hay ms de 30 locales que imitan el concepto y se aprovechan de su bajo
coste y alto rendimiento. Pero la moda ha viajado ms
all de esta ciudad y de este pas. Parapark cuenta hoy
con varias franquicias funcionando en Espaa y tambin por todo el mundo, desde Vietnam a Colombia,

must be challenged, have clear goals and receive

constant feedback. Escape games, Attila wagered,
could achieve all three. So I knew the tasks shouldnt
be too easy, or players would get bored, says Attila.
But they also couldnt be too difficult, because that
would just create stress.
Inspired by early computer games that placed the
player in a locked room and encouraged them to hunt
through the space to seek clues on how to escape,
Attilas first real-life version, ParaPark, opened in 2011
and did just that: placing between two to six people in
a locked room, and giving them 60 minutes to escape.
The settings and storylines could vary: a disaster scenario might, for instance, take the form of a ticking
bomb, set to an hour timer, during which players had
to engineer their escape; another might place players
in a crime scene with just an hour to solve the mystery
before the perpetrator returned. Balancing the level of
the challenge was key. Our games are given a Houdini
level of one to five in difficulty, but all they really rely
on is creativity and thorough thinking, says Attila.
There is some mild physical exertion involved, scrambling around looking for the clues, which can be hidden in or under every piece of furniture, carpet or
framed portrait. The real challenge, however, tends to
be more a test of mind than muscle, and escape from
these challenges is by no means guaranteed: only
around 50% of teams do so within the allotted time,
often aided by the games master who watches their
actions via video.
Today, the games Attila Gyurkovics invented over a
pint at his local are now some of Budapests most


No te vayas de Budapest sin

participar en los tres mejores
juegos de escapismo de la ciudad.
It would be a sin not to try an
escape game in the city that
started it all. Here are three
of the best.
El juego de escape original tiene
lugar en un escenario recin sacado
de la Guerra Fra, con luces
intermitentes y sirenas.




The original escape game takes

place in a set thats straight out of
the Cold War, complete with
flashing lights and wailing sirens.
Trap Puzzle Games
Los participantes tienen que salvar
al mundo del siguiente Armagedn,
deteniendo a un asteroide que se
dirige a la Tierra.
Save the world by stopping an
asteroid thats hurtling through

space, aimed directly at the Earth.
Perfecciona tu swing de golf
y convierte el coleccionismo
de sellos en una forma de arte
escapista en este juego de gran
emocin mental.
Youll hone your golf swing and turn
stamp collecting into an escapist
artform in this mind-boggling game.



Kuwait, Noruega, Australia o Rusia, entre otros. Este

mes de abril tendr lugar en msterdam la primera
convencin internacional de escapismo, la Escape
Room & Real Life Gaming Conference, en la que Attila
participar como conferenciante estrella. El empresario est contento de que su idea haya tenido tanto xito
y que existan tantos imitadores por todo el mundo,
aunque para l, ParaPark siempre ser la primera,
dice sonriendo. De cara al futuro, Attila desvela que
est desarrollando un nuevo concepto de juegos para
mviles en los que podrn participar docenas de jugadores a la vez y en todo tipo de ambientes.
Han pasado 90 aos desde que Houdini desapareciera por ltima vez, pero estamos seguros de que
aprobara las ideas de Attila y de toda una nueva generacin de hngaros inspirados por sus increbles proezas en el arte del escape.
popular activities, with more than 30 other companies imitating the concept. Moreover, escape games
have caught on all over the world, with franchises
operating as far afield as Vietnam, Colombia, Kuwait,
Norway and Australia. This April also sees Amsterdam
host the first international Escape Room & Real Life
Gaming Conference, where Attila will appear as a
speaker. He says he is happy that there is now such an
internationally successful escape game scene, and is
keen to encourage like-minded competitors after all,
ParaPark will always be the first-ever real-life escaperoom game in the world, he says, smiling. As for the
future, Attila has big plans hes eager to share with his
peers. We are developing a new mobile game concept,
where dozens of players can participate at the same
time, and in all sorts of environments. Its the future.
It is 90 years since the great Hungarian escape artist Houdini performed his final disappearing act. But
its safe to assume that historys most renowned escape
artist would approve of Attila Gyurkovics and the new
generation of Hungarians inspiring the world to such
dazzling feats of escapology.

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