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Parker, Smith, Stewart & Zangotsis 1

Proposal for Semester Long Project (MLA)

Professor Raymond
UWRT 1102
17 February 2016
Cape Hatteras Lighthouse
As we dive into our semester-long project, we plan to focus our research on the Cape
Hatteras lighthouse. Cape Hatteras is located on Hatteras Island, within the Outer Banks, in the
town of Buxton, North Carolina. The Outer Banks is known as a group of islands located off the
coast of North Carolina on the Atlantic Ocean. Cape Hatteras lighthouse stands at an astonishing
210 feet tall, which makes it the tallest brick lighthouse in the United States. Throughout this
document, we are going to discuss which technologies we will use to gather research and use for
our presentation, how we will gain access to create media assets, and how we will integrate our
research throughout our final product. With this project we plan to discuss a variety of topics
such as the history, the significance, the location, the purpose, and finances that go along with the
lighthouse. Overall, the goal for our final product is to inform our classmates on the importance
and history surrounding the Cape Hatteras lighthouse in our state of North Carolina.
To be able to get the full experience of learning the history of Cape Hatteras lighthouse
we plan to approach the project in several different aspects. To set the basic information of the
lighthouse, our group has decided to display the research by using a powerpoint. For our
intended audience, the UWRT 1102 class or outside learners, the powerpoint will provide a
visual display to follow along easily as we present. Another aspect of our project will be the
interview about the Cape Hatteras lighthouse. We plan to conduct an interview with one of the

employees of the lighthouse via e-mail about some of the community perspectives the lighthouse
gives, whether its a visual appeal or functional to the community. We have sent an email through
the official Cape Hatteras Lighthouse, in hopes that an employee will reach back to us regarding
our questions. Due to the interview being via e-mail, the interview will be shown by
screenshotting and embedding some of the key answers of the interview into the powerpoint.
Finally, the last aspect we will use to integrate our research into the presentation is a video. One
of the most shocking experiences the Cape Hatteras lighthouse was a part of, was the move of
the lighthouse itself. We hope to find a video that shows how workers moved the lighthouse into
the location it is in today. With all these aspects included in our project plan this brings in
multiple modes to the presentation. The linguistic mode will be used when writing out the
powerpoint while the gestural mode will be the body language we have when presenting the
project. Also, the visual mode will be used when the video is played with the spatial mode being
the physical attractiveness of our powerpoint as a whole. Our project plan is precise and will be
able to meet all the guideline expectations.
Cape Hatteras truly pays homage to the identity of North Carolina. From form to
function, the lighthouse serves as a packaged deal of true art and practicality. Its difficult to talk
about North Carolina in retrospect and not discuss some of its major landmarks. These often
include aspects of the Cape Hatteras National Seashore, which the lighthouse proudly stands.
The relevance of the lighthouse is up for no discussion as it stays open from 9AM-5PM daily.
The efforts to keep the lighthouse alive are immense and as a group we concur that the
landmarks physical body, nor legacy will facade any time soon. Our presentation is effective in
learning about this North Carolina landmark by all the integrated research that has been put into

it. This makes our presentation one to pay attention to in efforts to inform the true beauty of the
Cape Hatteras lighthouse.
As a group bounded by the fascination of Cape Hatteras, we plan to share the roles and
responsibilities equally. When it comes to research, everyone will pitch in information regarding
each topic but have a main topic to focus on. Josh Stewart will be in charge of history as well as
the actual location of the lighthouse. Ethan Parker will be mainly focused on the purpose of the
lighthouse and the significance it brings to North Carolina. Britton Smith will research about the
finances of the lighthouse and the jobs it brings and Victoria Zangotsis will focus on events held
at the lighthouse, the interview, as well as any other significances. However, the powerpoint
itself, will be a group effort with everyone contributing ideas to the layout and wording. These
roles and responsibilities may change but for now an overview on our ideas.
However, one of the most important aspects of the semester-long project is time
management and the ability to meet all deadlines on time as a group. Keeping the final deadline
in mind, April 21st, our projects plan will accommodate to meet the expectations. Before spring
break, March 8th, we plan to have researched at least half of our research regarding Cape
Hatteras completed. This research will include the history, location, purpose and the significance
of this historical landmark. With this information, each individual will also complete an
annotated bibliography with the sources they used. Before March 17th, the rest of the research
such as finances, events, jobs, and the impact of Cape Hatteras Lighthouse will be completed.
This gives us the opportunity to get together during class on March 17th to examine each team
member's research as a whole. By the twelfth week of class, all of the research will be gathered
and decisions will be made as to how the powerpoint of Cape Hatteras lighthouse will be set up

and how the information will be presented. By April 7th, each group members annotated
bibliography will be completed in time for peer review in class. Finally, our group will meet
outside of class one last time, to complete the final presentation product of the Cape Hatteras
lighthouse and be ready to present by April 21st.
As our proposal comes to end, we expect to follow our initial ideas with always having
the option to stray away from these ideas. We plan to do our semester long project successfully
in hopes of informing everyone wanting to get more insight on the Cape Hatteras lighthouse.

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