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Getting the Most out of Our Instruction

Expectations/Unit By Design (UBD)

(handbook p. 6)
School Instructional Model (UBD Model Unit Plans)

Unit Plans will be submitted to administration for review and analysis at the start of each unit.
Teachers will identify priority standards and set goals to ensure mastery of the standards.
Content standards will be written in student friendly language along with the Essential Questions (EQ).
The scope and sequence of standards will align to the district curriculum maps or pacing guide.
Summative Assessments will be constructed prior to building lessons. Summative assessments will align to the standards to ensure
reliability and validity.
Pre assessments will be administered at the start of every unit to identify student student prior knowledge, readiness, ability level, and
instructional needs based on curriculum standards.
Formative assessments will be created and administered to monitor instruction and student learning based on identified sub-skills and
content knowledge needed on route to standard mastery.
Teachers will determine appropriate resources, materials, technology and other curriculum supplemental materials needed to scaffold,
tier, and differentiate student learning.
Data collected from formative and summative assessments will used to modify core instruction.
Benchmarks will be administered quarterly. Data will be used to track student progress and target skills and objectives not met.
Enrichment activities will stem from data analysis.
Math teachers will utilize STAR Math to design pre/post assessments and quarterly benchmarks.

Big Idea
I dont care how much
power, brilliance or energy
you have, if you dont
harness it and focus it on a
specific target, and hold it
there youre never going to
accomplish as much as your
ability warrants.
Zig Ziglar

The Big Ideas of Understanding by Design

UbD is a way of thinking purposefully about

curricular planning and school reform, a set of
helpful design tools, and design standards -- not
a program or recipe.
The end goal of UbD is understanding and the
ability to transfer learnings to appropriately
connect, make sense of, and use discrete
knowledge and skills in context.
Evidence of understanding is revealed through
performance when learners transfer knowledge
and skills effectively, using one or more facets
(explain, interpret, apply, shift perspective,
empathize, and self-assess).
Educators are coaches of understanding, not
mere purveyors of content or activity.

By: Grant Wiggins

Planning is best done backward from the
desired results and the transfer tasks that
embody the goals.
UbD transforms Content Standards and other
goals into focused learning targets based on big
ideas and transfer tasks.
Design Standards guide self-assessment and
peer reviews of curriculum, instruction, and
assessment for quality control.
UbD reflects a continuous improvement
approach to design and learning. The results of
our curriculum designs (e.g., assessment results,
quality of student work, degree of learner
engagement) inform needed adjustments.

should be written
in kid friendly
I can

Daily Classroom Instruction


(handbook p.6/7)

Objectives and EQ will be posted on the board and communicated to students. Objectives will align to the standards.
Teachers will use a variety of methods to communicate to students what they are expected to know, understand, and do at the end of the lesson, unit,
and semester.
Multiple formative assessment measures will be employed to monitor student learning and to modify instruction.
Each student will receive feedback and an opportunity to ask pertinent questions.
Cooperative learning and flexible grouping will be incorporated to facilitate learning.
Cooperative learning groups will be based on performance needs identified through analysis of data.
4. Revised Blooms Taxonomy (RBT) and Webbs Depth of Knowledge (DoK)will be incorporated to develop higher order cognitive skills.
RBT questions will be used to check student understanding, confusion, or misconception about content standards.
5. Instructional time will be maximized through meticulous planning, established routines and procedures to support learning.
materials will be readily available before the start of class.
procedures for collecting, returning student work, hw, classwork, etc.
procedures for handling attendance, tardy, missed assignments, make-ups, etc.
procedures for restroom breaks.
other procedures that support maximizing instructional time (transitions, etc.)
6. Students will be actively engaged and on task throughout the period.
7. Teachers will circulate around the room to monitor student activity and provide assistance as needed. Teach on your feet not from your seat.
8. Data notebooks will be maintained and available for administrative review. Types of intervention, services, tutorials, remediation, modified work will be
maintained on record.
9. Data walls, pictures, charts, and graphs will be used to reflect student learning and progress. Students individual scores will not be displayed due to
FERPA laws. Disaggregated data on standards and strands will be displayed to measure and compare class to class performance.
10. Classroom teachers will closely review IEP, 504, and PEP plans to appropriately address students academic needs. Eligible students must receive
modifications and accommodations based on their prescribed plan.

Time to Get Moving!!!


Awesome Sauce!!!!

RTI: Response to Intervention/RA MS through U P



1. At the beginning of each quarter, all students will be administered an assessment test used for universal screening to diagnose proficiency
and deficiency levels based on curriculum standards.
Data will be tracked in a portfolio based on specific standards.
2. Students will be grouped in tiers based on the following criteria:
Data assessment results
EVAAS Projections
Past EOG Scores across content areas
Grades, attendance status, and behavioral needs.
Similar performance needs based on specific standards
3. Students will receive remediation and enrichment based on specific content needs within a particular discipline. Priority classes will use
heavily different web tools to individualize learning.
4. Monday and Tuesday will be English priority days
Wednesday and Thursday will be Math priority days.
Friday will be a priority day for Science.
5. Students not pulled in priority classes will report to other subject areas for enrichment learning with the exception of math.
6. Students identified in Tier 3 will report to the Intervention Committee for one on one support and services. This number should not exceed
5% of the assigning class roster.

Ensuring that Students Learn

What do we want each student

to learn?

Timely. Quickly identify students who need

additional time and support.

Based on intervention rather than

How will we know when each

remediation. Provide students with help as

student has learned it?

soon as they experience difficulty rather than

relying on summer school, retention, and

How will we respond when a

student experiences difficulty in

remedial courses.

Directive. Create a systematic plan that

requires students to devote extra time and
receive additional assistance until they have
mastered the necessary concepts instead of
inviting students to seek additional help.

PLC: The DuFour Model

Culture of Collaboration

Identify essential knowledge and

Develop authentic assessments
(standards focus, criteria, etc)
Identify strengths and weaknesses to
drive development of new strategies
that support student achievement.
Continue with formative assessments
Question. Are students learning? Do
we need more time? Who is being

Powerful process
Makes public what used to be
Allows for structured support
(roles, responsibilities,
Norms are vital
Goal Oriented
Mindful of intended curriculum,
implemented curriculum and
attained curriculum.

Focus on Results
Judge effectiveness based on results.
Avoid the DRIP syndrome- Data Rich/ Information Poor- Turn data
into useful, relevant information.
Create summative and formative assessments that are aligned with
the curriculum.
Embrace data as a useful indicator of progress.
Data can become a catalyst for improved teacher practices.
Identifying achievement is an ongoing process
Current level of achievement is not fixed; revise goals to raise the
level of achievement.

Professional Development Plan (PDP)

PDP 2015-2016

Time to be Awesome

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