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Kaitlyn C.

Period 7
Endless Love
As the serene breeze whistles softly, the leaves gently sway through the cold air
like a swing coming to a rest. You glance up and are overcome with awe at the vastness
of the blue sky. As the strong wind settles, warm rays of sunlight pierces through the
thick branches. The ocean glimmers lightly and a frigid breeze flows around you as you
shudder. Your eyes capture the breathless moment and then your eyelids begin to close
as you take in a deep breath of refreshing air and exhale. Your eyes open, only to see a
blur in the far distance. Straining, you take several steps toward the scene until the blur
begins to sharpen into an image of a bench with two young lovers holding hands. At the
bottom of a hill, love can be fragile, but when it ascends the hill, it can become strong
and powerful. Love is a one-of-a-kind feeling that can take someones breath away or
catch someone in a special moment in time. Sometimes, love can create these
wonderful moments and memories that will always be remembered and cherished. Love
can become so strong that sacrifices are even made. Shakespeares A Midsummer
Nights Dream portrays how the characters in the play will do anything for love.
Sometimes, what parents think is best for you is not what you would think is best
for you. It takes a heart of hope and courage to stand up for what you believe in
because there is a path out there that your heart wants to take, but your parents path is
another. In A Midsummer Nights Dream, Hermias father, Egeus, wants Hermia to
marry Demetrius, but Hermias heart belongs to Lysander. Full of vexation come I, with
complaint against my child, my daughter Hermia Stand forth, Demetrius. My noble lord,
this man hath my consent to marry her. Stand forth, Lysander With cunning hast thou
filched my daughters heart, turned her obedience (which is due to me) to stubborn
harshness. And, my gracious duke, be it so she will not here before your Grace
consent to marry with Demetrius, I beg the ancient privilege of Athens: As she is mine, I
may dispose of her, which shall be either to this gentleman or to her death, according to
our law immediately provided in that case. (Act I, Sc. 1, Lines 23-46) This quote clearly
states that if Hermia doesnt obey her father, she must choose to die or marry
Demetrius. Her father treats his daughter Hermia like property so he is the one who
would plan and arrange her life for her. However, she loves Lysander, the man she
longs with. No matter what her father says, she wants to be with the one she loves even
if it means facing death. She will fight for what her heart desires and go with what she
strongly believes in. So will I grow, so live, so die, my lord, ere I will yield my virgin
patent up unto his lordship whose unwishd yoke my soul consents not to give
sovereignty1. (Act I, Sc. 1, Lines 81-84) She would rather wither away than give up her
1 supreme power or authority

virginity to someone she doesnt love. Being with someone that you dont love would
make you want to long for someone you do love. Therefore, Hermia holds her strong
heart to the one she loves.
Following your heart plays a huge role in everyones life. Its where your heart tells you
where to go and what to do. There are times your heart tells you something, but even
though its not something your parents would accept or agree with, you still try your best
to make it happen. Hermia and Lysander plan to run away so they could be married with
one another and live happily on their own. A good persuasion. Therefore, hear me,
Hermia: I have a widow aunt, a dowager2 of great revenue, and she hath no child. From
Athens is her house remote seven leagues, and she respects me as her only son.
There, gentle Hermia, may I marry thee; And to that place the sharp Athenian law
cannot pursue us. If thou lovest me, then steal forth thy fathers house tomorrow night,
and in the wood a league without the town (where I did meet thee once with Helena to
do observance to a morn3 of May), there will I stay for thee. (Act I, Sc. 1, Lines 158170) Lysander is pouring out his plan for them to run away. He has an aunt in Athens
where they can marry and they are planning to meet in the woods to leave town. Their
intentions are to be free from Hermias father and find a place where they can share
each others love. Disobeying her father is one thing, but Hermia has taken it to a higher
level and decides to run away with the one she loves. My good Lysander, I swear to
thee by Cupids strongest bow, by his best arrow with the golden head, by the simplicity
of Venus doves in that same place thou hast appointed me, tomorrow truly will I meet
with thee. (Act I, Sc. 1, Lines 171-181) Hermia has her whole heart on running away
and she is ready to fly free and make her own decisions without her father getting in the
Love can take a big turn when someone would risk their life for someone they love. In
this story, the love flower has made Demetrius and Lysander to fall in love with Helena.
They keep arguing and fighting about who loves her more. If she cannot entreat, I can
compel. Thou canst compel no more than she entreat. Thy threats have no more
strength than her weak prayers. Helen, I love thee. By my life, I do. I swear by that
which I will lose for thee, To prove him false that says I love thee not. I say I love thee
more than he can do. If thou say so, withdraw and prove it too. Quick, come (Act III,
Sc. 2, Lines 254-263) Lysander demands a duel with Demetrius to see who will have
Helena as their love. Dueling another person risks both lives. If both men dare to risk
their lives just for who they love, they really have that courage and determination inside
of them. No matter what they face, both men will dare to take the chance of death for a
woman they love so dearly. Having a duel can change a mans life, either taking it to
death or having the love of their life. Its a 50/50 chance and it is a chance they both are
2 a widow with a title or property derived from her late husband
3 morning

willing to take. This clearly shows that these two men would do anything (a duel) just for
Love is a beautiful feeling with a picture of birds flying free and flowers at its first
bloom. Many people around the world share this feeling to hold two people as one,
hands and hearts held together as one. With one heart that beats to another every
single second, two people in this world live everything and anything together, every step
of the way. In A Midsummer Nights Dream, the characters develop feelings and love
for each other. But to get that love inside their hearts, they will do anything and
everything to get there because believing in themselves, following their hearts, and
risking their lives until the end would give them something special: love.

Works Cited
"Folger Digital Texts." Folger Digital Texts. Web. 12 Mar. 2016.

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