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"How to Reclaim Your Life s Happiness by Demolishing the #1 Self-Esteem Killer"

Word Count:
Extensive studies show that more than 85% of the population suffers from some de
gree of diminished self-worth, lacking self-esteem and insufficient confidence.
For most of the people who lack a positive self-image, the future looks like a m
ere extension of their troubled past. Their expectation of what is to be is cons
istent with what has been
with a slight and predictable level of improvement.
self-esteem, self confidence, confidence, personal development, self help
Article Body:
Copyright 2006 Dr Joe Rubino
Extensive studies show that more than 85% of the population suffers from some de
gree of diminished self-worth, lacking self-esteem and insufficient confidence.
For most of the people who lack a positive self-image, the future looks like a m
ere extension of their troubled past. Their expectation of what is to be is cons
istent with what has been with a slight and predictable level of improvement.
Because of their lacking self-esteem and confidence, most are resigned to a life
that lacks the excitement and passion that characterizes the lives of those who
feel worthy of tapping into the best things life has to offer. People who posse
ss a positive self-image typically have an optimistic expectation of what is ahe
ad of them and as a result, they realize this expectation as a self-fulfilling p
In contrast to the state of resignation that typifies those with diminished self
-esteem and lacking confidence, consider the possibility that the future lives a
s the realization of a promise a promise you make to yourself and to the world.
The future will result from your expectations and the quality of your future wil
l be impacted by the commitment you have for it. It lives as a possibility. In o
ther words, you get to invent it. In fact, you are the sole designer and archite
ct of what is to be. And the result will be entirely consistent with your expect
ation and your self-image.
In other words, our future will be directly related to what we expect for it to
be. If we doubt our self-worth and expect our future lives to be worse than our
current situation, we will sabotage ourselves into making it turn out in alignme
nt with this self-fulfilling prophesy resulting in diminished self-esteem and se
lf-confidence. If we limit our expectations and plan on more of the same results
we have to date experienced, our apathy will generate a future consistent with
this expectation. To the contrary, if we believe in ourselves and our expectatio
n is that our future will be better than our present situation, self-motivation
will result to bring about the positive outcome we envision.
If we feel good about ourselves and expect to live happy, fulfilled, and success
ful lives, we will take the actions consistent with realizing that expectation.
We will therefore generate the opportunities that will result in rich relationsh
ips, abundance, and joy being attracted to our lives
because we believe we deser
ve it and act on this belief.
We get what we expect and attract prosperity or lack, joy or sorrow, rewarding r

elationships or angry, frustrating ones all as a result of whether or not we fee

l worthy. Just as we can doubt our abilities to succeed and our attractiveness a
s worthy of rewarding friends and intimate relationships, we can also instead ch
oose to take full responsibility for expecting all aspects of our lives to be th
e way we want them to turn out.
Realize that you have consciously or unconsciously attracted everything that sho
ws up in your life to you. If where you are in life, the relationships you have
attracted to you, your physical, financial, emotional and spiritual states are n
ot what you desire, decide now to alter your course. Decide that you deserve bet
ter. Get in touch with the erroneous decisions you made at an early age. Reframe
how you see yourself and resolve to act from a declaration of who you are (just
because you say so) instead of the unlovable, somehow defective or unworthy ima
ge you made up or bought into long ago.
Change your expectations. Design a life plan consistent with your new expectatio
ns. Make requests of those who can support your efforts in some way. The future
exists for each of us as a possibility. When we do the necessary work to heal ou
r troubled past and put the self-interpretations that do not support us behind,
we can courageously decide to design our future lives deliberately to be in alig
nment with joy, abundance, fun, fulfillment, and self-love. When we train oursel
ves to first expect positive results and then to act in accordance with what we
expect, we set the stage for a bright and promising tomorrow. We have the person
al power to create our future on purpose. The future can unfold out of our decla
ration of how we see ourselves and what we expect it to be like. To the extent t
hat we take responsibility to expect great things in our lives, ensure we give o
ff positive, attractive, loving energy and then get into action to bring about o
ur expectations, we will be the force behind the realization of a rewarding happ
y future characterized by soaring self-esteem and confidence.
So, my challenge for you today is to write out a clear and specific vision of ex
actly what your life will be like in every area including your relationships, he
alth, wealth and finances, occupation, recreation and social life, and personal
and spiritual development. Commit to resolving any past issues that continue to
erode how you feel about yourself. I wrote The Self-Esteem Book and the accompanyi
ng The Self-Esteem Workbook to support you to learn the tools that will allow you
to reinvent your life and how you see yourself. Know that all that it takes is t
he courage to begin the process of restoring your personal magnificence and star
t living full of self-esteem and confidence.

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