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PRIME... | & STEAM-POWERED MINIATURES COMBAT WARMACHINE created by ‘Matt Wilson Chris Walton Mat: Wilson Graphic Design & Layout Kris Aubin Kim Goddard Project Director Bryan Cutler Game Design ‘Matt Wilson Seanidones Lead Designer Josh Mandervitle Jason Soles staan Spengle Additional Studio Director Development on Kruzie David Cael Miniature Sculpting Brian Putnam Art Direction amy Ctr aie Brian Duges Lead Writer Roy Eastand Douglas Seacat Chaz Eliot Will Hannah Additional Writing simon Berman Rob Hawk Ron Kruzie Jason Seles Jason Hendricks fike McVe fisenar y Montwill Muller Matt Wilson some units nly one of exch typo of attachment, Medels Attachments are easily whi in an attachment are not G sunitor units to which they can be attached MODEL PROFILES Every model and unit has @ unique profile called a model entry or army list entry that translates its combat abilities nto game terms. WARMACHINE. uses a set of stais to rates fundamental to gameplay Special rules that further providesall the saitls acros quantify and scale th addition, a model can have cits performance. The faction sect information required for your army to tabletop. For even more model nation for th ns, check out the Forces of WARMACHINE books. oes prune acatace tga 12 ofits profile and special rules. The ear’ front lists rons ne model's name and model type, its mo siats field allowance, point cost, and a graphic for tracking damage if the model can suffer more than 1 damage poia The text for spe: I rales appears on the card's back. A 14 that explains his spells MACHINE books for spells ‘warcaster has an additional stat and feat: Refer to this and other W the complete text of special cules and MODEL STATISTICS Model statistics, or tas, provide a numerical representati of « mode!'s basic combat qualities the higher the numbe the hotter the stat. The are used for various die rll throughout the game. A stat bar present an easy-to-reference format. The abbreviation f hows how itis referenced in the rule STRYKER. ATES Ce eae ae 76°16 15 $9 Contmander Coleman Stryker SPD, Speed—A medel's movementrate, Amodel maves ap 0 its SPD In inches when making a full advance STR, Strength A model rongth. STR is used 1 damage model, or determine MAT, Melee Attack ~ A mode such as sword ists and teeth, A model uses iis MAT when making melce attack rolls. RAT, Ranged Attack — A model's accuracy with ranged or thrown items like cs ils RAT when making. apors such as guns and crossbow wears and knives, A mode! anged attack 10 ged attack rolls DEE, Defense — A model's ability to avoid being hit by an attack, A model's size, quickness, skill, and even magical protection all contribute to its DEF. An attack roll must be sal to or greater ‘argel model's DEF to score a gainst it han the ARM, Armor ~ A models ability to rasist being damaged This resistance can come from natural resilience mor, oF even magical benefits. A model takes 1 damage int for every point that a damagy RM. EMD, Command — A mode leadership, and self-discipline. To pass a command chock, a model must its CMD on < willpowe equal 10 oF less 5. Command also FOCUS, Focus - A mode's arcane power. Only models h the Focus Manipulation ability » FOCUS stat. Focu: 1s points. A mode d beginning fi 2s its FOCUS when sinning 3 making magic attack ros BASE STATS, CURRENT STA WARMACHINE can refer tg s. A model's ba ted jn iis stal bar. Some special jodel's base stat to a specitic value, however. Apply this age before applying any other modifiers to the stat. IF Fhange a hase alue. For jodel is affected by multiple rules tha ne base stat del that is bet jecomes the lowes tbase DEF 1e DEF of 5. ) stationar and suffering 7) would have o b coxel’s modified stats are referred to as ils current stats, ntiating, them from the model’s base stats. Unless a ecifies otherwise, always use a model's curront stats Jetermine a model's current sta. start with the base stat ;pply modifiers in the following onder. ble tho model's stat halve the stat. Apply bonuses that add to the sta. Apply penalties that reduce the stat w result is the mode Jel’s base and current stats can never be reduced to less ccarrent stat. Except for DIE, a 1; its base and curront DEF can never be reduced to ave « byse DEE ants +4 DEE. Thera, a stationary model ‘a currott DEF of Wibase DEF 5 = 4 ‘model (base DEF 5) affect EF for cover). ¢ Limitations apply only tothe stats s and nat fo atwack rolls. A Deliverer's Skyhamer ay Deneghra's feat The Withering RAT of 3. The Deliverer suffers 4 from his weapon's Inaccurate rule; what 6 + 3 becomes 246 ~ 1 even though the abet ADVANTAGES Advantages are common mosel abilities, A model's advantages are represented by symbols beneath model entries or on the cards. Advantages are always in ‘ffect and apply everytime a game=cituati ae A eae) 6 9 16 12.9. TAY OBL These symbols show that Eins. Mage Hunter of Tes hes Advanced Deployment, Fearles, Pathfinder, and Steal Abomination ~ This mode Mode! tity (p. 84). and unite—frien, jemy-—writhin 3° of this del must pass a command check or flee ter normal © Advance Deployment ~ Place this model « deployment, up to 6” beyond the established deployment @ Arc Node= ‘This model isa channeler (p. 79 © Combined Melee Attack This model can participate in -ombined melee attacks with other models in its unit (p. @ Combined Ranged Attack - This model can 1 combined ranged atiarks with other models in its unit p. ficipate Faction model or unit ia this ts curmeat CMD © Commander ~ A friend! model's command range can replace with the current CMD of the commander when making command checks (p. 84). Models with the Commander aclvantage should not be confused with unit commande that lead individual units (p. 71). Allwareaster modelshave his advantage. MODELS Construct This made! iso living model, never eos and automavially passes command cheeks. All warjack models have this advantage @ Byeless Sight - This model ignores cloud effects (p. 69) and forests (p. 87) when determining {ine of sight. This model ignores concealment (p. 57) and Stealth when making attacks, © Fearless odel never flees (p. 5) models heve this advantage This All warcaster 6) Gunfighter — This model is a gunfighter (p. 63). The gunfighter has a melee range of 0.5” and can make ran attacks targeting models in its melee range, ® Incorporeal ~ This model can mov terrain and obstacles without through rough ena [Lean move through and other models if it has enough mevemen to move completely past them. Other models, incksding ough fave enough movement slammed, pushed, o thrown models, can move th this model without effect if they to move Wy past it This model does ‘not count 1g Model. This model suffers damoge and: elfecisonly from magical weapons @) magic attacks, animi, spells, and feats and is immune to continuous effects, This, Jam. When t altack, before the attack roll is made it model cannot be moved by is model makes Joses Incorporeal for one roxnd, ® Jack Marshal - This model is a “jack marshal thie advant p-80)- ‘5 on a unil, only the unit commander is & jack marshal officer — This model is an Otfcer (P. 70), The Officer is the unit commander ofits unit. © Pathfinder — This model Lertain (p. 89) without pen: an advance through rough and can charge and make Jam and trample power att (© Standard Bearer nodel isa standard bearer (p.70) @ Stealth — Ranged and magic attacks declared this model when the point of origin of the aiteck is greater 5° away automatically miss. This model is not an intervening model (p. 43) when determining line of sight from a model greater than 5” away © Terror — This model is» terrifying entity models/unils model in their melee range n or fee, ip. 84). Enemy n the melee range of this model or with thig st pass 2 command ¢ ©& Tough When this model is disabled, roll a d6. Ona 5 Or 6, this model heals 1 damage point, is no longer disabh and is knocked down, Undead Th IMMUNITIES Immunities are advantages thal protect mode's from some types of dama; nod is nota living model and newer flaes and effects. A model never suifers damage from a damage type to ¥ ich it is immune. If the damage model that is immune to any the damage. je damage type of the types will not su © Immunity: Cold This model docs not suller cold damage (p. 68) © Immunity: Corrosion — This model does not suffer commosion damage and is immune to the Corrosion continuous effec ip. 68) Immunity: Electricity ~ does nat suffer electrical ‘p. 68). © Immunity: Fie and is immune ty the Fire continaovsetfect (9.68) This model docs not suffer fire damage §MMUNITY TO CONTINUOUS EFFECTS Seme immunities and special niles also grant immunities ©). A model that is the effect to ne, The continuous effect is newer applied 8 (0. tinuous effect never suf co all continuous ef sane to 4 co t model. If a model gains immunity to 2 continuous ile the model is suffering that continuous effect, atinuous effect immediately expires WEAPON STATISTICS model's weapon stat bar a sword icon denotes a melee on, a pistol icon conotes a canged weapon, and a notesa Mount. The entry fora madel with stat bar wit dentical weapons has a single weap bar lists only the sta 1 the icon, A weapon's fo its use. Those that are not applicable are marked SPELISTORM PISTOL | QUAKE HAMMER Sample Ranged Weapon sat Bar for a Pair of Identical Weapons Sample Melee Weapon RNG, Range ~ The meximum distance in inches between tack’s point of origin and the target before the attack uitomatically miss, Measure range from the edge of the attack descriptors including “SP” (p. 60). A RNG of “# ules contain information ° up tthe num range o Spray attacks use special (cates the model's special determining the RNG ech a pre ce sera tee: del can makeat this ranged weapon during its jon, Reloading time limits most ranged weapons $0 one attack per activation ADE, Area of Effect Ihe diameter in inches of the templat fect (AOE) weapon uses for determining which iby the attack. When wi ter the template on the determined point of impact. Al dels within the template are affected and potentially and effects. See pp. 58-€0 for tor for ADEs can be dels are .g an AOE weapon, te dame siled rules on AOE attacks, Tem POW, Power A.weapon or atiag Re used! when making damage rolls ‘marked with a POW of ”—" docs not ‘ause damage. P+S, Power plus Strength ~ The stat used for a melee weapon when making its damage rolls. The P+S value provides the sum of the model's Power and Sire for quick reference URIH, Location where ils weapons are A warjack’s weapon stat bars inc cated: left arm (L), head (1), When al the system boxes for a locationhavebeen, damaged, the system is ccippled (see “Cripplin 66), These weapon locations headlocks starm (R), oF 1 also used when eesolving nd weapon locks (p. 51). A weapon that is notin lone of these locations Is marked with WEAPON QUALITIES ‘Weapon qualities are special effects that are marked asa symbol fon weap block. Weapon qualities include damage iypes, magical weapons, and specidic continuous effec, CREMATOR These symbols show cat che High Relaimers melee weapon Cremator has Continvoes Eet: Fire, Magical Weapon, and Resch This weapon has an integral buckler that © ducnter es the model a cumulativ mode! with two of them gains a bonus of +2 ARM. A model does not gain this bonus while the weapon system with the bbuckler is crippled or being held in a weapon lock or when resolving damage that criginates in its b continuous Ettect: Corrosion — model bit by this stack sulfers the Corrosion continuous effet (p.69) ® ® Continuous Fffect: Fire — A model hit by this attack sutfers the Fire continuous effect (p. 69). Am ® cuiticat Corrosion On this attack suffers the Corresion continuoiss effect (p. 8) ritjal hit, the model hit by ® caitical Fire - On a critical ut, the mode! hit by this attack sulfers the Fire continuous effect (p. 69). © tas tpccu = tes damage 6) ® Demese ‘Type: Corrosion This wespee Ula etseaaasaee 3) ® damage type: Flectricity - This weapon causes clectrical damage (p. 66) ® Damage type: Fire (p. 68). @ Magical Weapon (6.68). @ Open Fist — "This woapon is an Open Fist. A warjack’s Open Fist onablos it to make certain power attacks. A warjac with an Open Fist can ma and throwr power attacks; & warack with two Open Fis Gin sso make doubl ‘This weapon is a magical weapon we arm lock, headlock, nd throw power attacks. A warja ‘anno! use a crippled Open Fist to make power attacks. @ Reach — This weapon has 2 2° melee range (p. 50). @ Shield a cumulative +2 ARM bunus; for example, « model with 4 ARM This weapon is a shield that gives the model bowo of them geins a bonus of ‘A model dees not his honus sm with the shie lock 0 gain le the we crippled or being held in 3 damage that onginates in it ‘@Weapon Master —When attacking w an additional die to its damage rolls SPECIAL RULES Most WARMACHINE combatants are highly specialized and trained to fil battlefield. To this weapon, add represent this, most mode precedence over the standAghfes. Depending on their tise, special rales are categoriZeqRRBblitcs, feat actions, special attacks, or ogc In addition, “Warjack ‘Wareasters and Focus (p 74) detail many special rules common and warjacks that do not appear on their stat cards or in theis army li (p.73) 4 o all warcasters ABILITIES An ability typicall ‘modifies how the standard rules apply to the model. Abilities are always in effect and apply every time a game ts their we gives a benefit or capability. that situation wa Some abilities have a range (RNG). An ability’s range is the ‘maximum distance in inches itcan be used to affect another model or unit. Measure range {rom the edge of the base of the model using the ability nearest to the targel up to the maximum range of the ability. If the nearest edge of the target model's base is within the maximum range of the lity, the target is in ronge. A RNG of “CMD the ability has a range equal tothe model's CMD ‘indicates When @ model uses an ability with a RNG, It must target a model in its rine i the target isin the range of the ability. If the target model is within range, it eon used FEATS ach warcaster has a unique feat that can be used once per game, A warcaster can use this fel freely atany time during, his activation in addition to moving and making an action AA wareaster cannot interrupt went or attack to use his feat, Le can use befove making an attack, or after making an attack, but not nis feat before moving, after moving, hile moving or attacking SPECIAL ACTIONS (+ ACTIONS) ‘A special action lets a model make an action normally tnavailabie to other models. A model can make a special attacking as its action if it mects the special action’s se action instead o} requirements fort SPECIAL ATTACKS (4ATTACKS) A special attack gives a model an attack option normally Warjecks can also make a called power attacks, n make one special attack by ption during its combat action If moots the specific requirements ofthe attack. 5 unavailable w other model variety of punishing special attacks Soseribed A model ¢ hoosing that yd can be made node's activation. ORDERS. Anorder lets a unit perform a specialized! combat maneuver ‘A unit can be given an order by its unit co wing Ord DAMAGE CAPACITY AND DAMAGE GRIDS A model's damage capacity determine points it ean sufler before being destroye Go not have a damage capacity; the oved from the table when they suffer 1 damage point The army listentey fora more resilient model gives the total amount of damage it can sufler before being destroyed. Its stat card provides a row of damage boxes for tracking the damage it receives. Un sare sometimes called wounds. Some their damage boxes arranged how many dan Most imapers are destroyed! and parked damage bo nodols, such as warjacks, h damage grid. Every time @ model with multiple damage boxes suffers domage, mar ch dan akon. A model with damage capacity is destroyed once all sts damage boxes are marked. However, 2 warjack can sulfer from crippled systems before its demage grid is completely damage boxes are system boxes. jeter denoting the component ‘of the model they represent. When all system boxes for a age box for 58 point filled. Some of a warjack’ These are labeled with tem have bee Jing Damage” 4 Sample damase sri froma swarjack tat card Baud BASE SIZE AND FACING sical models themsels BASE SIZE diam bases (80) mm), a FACING sfacing its shoulder one arc in the direction its shoulders face defines the front are; thoopposite 18 Jefinesits back are. You ke two small marks on eith Geseeteiaciec arc, yOu mast mark it uur opponent before the gan attacks through this arc. Likewise a model is ‘ulnecable te ettacks from its back a lack of a rection A model is facing another mode within th the second model is wlel is directly facing snother mode nt are aligns with he center of A model with a 350” front are has no back are and is both ing all model: ‘Suyker and the Defender are within the Ceusaders {Front arc. so the Cressler is faci hath Stryker and the Defender The concer of che Crusader's front arc abo fines up with the center of th Defender’ hase so the Crocador Is atrecty tac facing the oth eyes 1 Detender. Note char althoush Ic 1s “ack, the Defender is noe directly facing We recommene players paint lines on their models bases 0 define ther facing leary A warcaster and his warjacks form the central fighting group of every WAKMACHINE force, Units and solos with a variety of abilities further support the warcaster and igor battles, ple warcasiers for greater might. his warjacks, In you ean even field rou To create an army, first chovse ¢ faction and decide on on encounter level, and then spend the allotted army points to add models and units from your chosen faction and the mercenaries who will work for that faction. You can even field an army made up entirely of Mercenary models tusing the mercenary contract rules found in Forces of WARMACHINE: Mercenaries very army list entry provides the model’s or unit’ point cost and field allowance values to uso when designing your force, Specific scenarios can modify the standaré army creation rules. ENCOUNTER LEVELS WARMACHINE battles are played at different encounte achencounter number of army points each py You need not spend every pf cannot execed the maximum 1 gamcexperiences, g spend on an amy, jailable, but your army 5 points allowed by the chosen level Fach encounter level also dictates fhe number of wareasters do not cost army points my bul instead grant you some number available to to include in your (of warjack points that {your warcaster’s baitlegroup. These bonus points are in addition to the a Tevel. Fach warcaster’s warjack po battlegroup are Tost can be spent only on warjecks for my pointe determined by the encounter that are not spent on arjacks fo Baars: Kris aud Rob are playing a 25-point skirmis (Ghoases Capiain Victoria Haley as hts warcaster, and Ro ‘Ghooses Warwitch Deneghre. Because Kris chose Hale, i points to spend on warjacks in her battle Based on the encounter level, he also has 25 points that he cctn spared on whatever models he chooses Warjack points can !legroup; they do no! hav They ialble warjack We divided among warjacks in the wvareaster’s ba to be spent 2 single warjack can also be combined with army points to pay for an nas 25 army points from the encounter level ‘and 5 warjack points jrom Deneghra, He wants to add a pair of 4 point Ds Deneglira’s batilegroup. He spends fits 5 warjack points toward the point total of $ for tee two ‘jacks and pays for the remaining 3 points with army points. VAR y CONDITION “DUEL : = Max. Warensors: 1 Army Points: 15 Est Ply Time: 20-45 Minotes A duel occurs when to warcasters cross paths, Sometimes they ere on spocal assignments, but other times they are out tosetile vicious rivalries. A dnl is the perfect match for playing with the contents of a battlegroup bow SKIRMISH Mas, Warcasters: I Army Points Est. Play Tim: 45-90 Minutes A.skirmich is an encounter that includes a single warcaster and his warjacks supported by a small retinue of units and solos. Skirmishes car border patrols or cite surgical mis: GRAND MELEE, Max. Warcasters: 1 Army Points: 75 or 100. Est. Play Time: 90-120 Minutes As wartare rages across the land, escalating hostilities rage dovastating unchecked. Each faction races to bring its mo engines of war to the kattlefiel victory ‘verywhere warcasters command armies to march to battle BATTLE ROVALE Max. Warcasters: 2. Army Points: 100, [25, or 15 Est, Play Time: 2-3 hours Bottles decide the pivotal events inthe course ofa campaig realize the ‘opportunities for army customization and heavy firepower. With two warcasters in an army, you can full WAR Max. Warcasters: 3. Army Points; 150, 175, or 200 Est, Play Time: 3-4 hours When objectives can no longer be achieved by deploying small forces and both sides refuse to yield, nothing less than rull-out war can decide the differences. This huge game, which each side fields up to three forces enowgh breadth and depth to inflict an staggering blows as the fight swings back and forth. APOCALYPSE Max. Warcasters: 4+ Est. Play Time: 4+ hours ‘When a conflict rages sobitterly that it the final reckoning has arrived. You have summoned the apocalypse. An apocalypse is 2 massive yame employing, Aciy Points: 200+ aritselfeannatresolve in each force. Although this endeavor should neverbe undertaken lighty. it yields game experiences found in no other arena. One warcaster can be added toan amy for each additional increment of 3 points. SATTLEGROUPS aster in an army controls a group of warjacks. A and his assigned warjacks are collectively referred battlegroup. that can be felted in each warcaster’sbatlegroup. by a ack ame essigned to a battlegcoup or narshal (p. 80 ster can allocate focus points only to warjacks 1 an army hos multiple battlegroups, itis "| SAMPLE ARMY és re following Sf WARMACHINE. This army is desiened for a 100-point ori royale encounter, so each player can eld up to ewo my iMlasrates Gre force creation rules WARCASTER: COMMANDER STRYKER (+6 warjack points) Scher’ Batesroup ‘ey Point Cost Defender Heavy Warjack. ronclad Heavy Warjack ances Light Warjacks 9 12cm) WARCASTER: CAPTAIN HALEY (5 warjack points) Haley's Raitlegou ‘Army Point Cost TDefender Heavy Warjacks.. 1 Charger Light Wariac | Lancer Light Warjack. nies Tea) 1 Lang Gane Infancy Uni FA roopers ‘ 5 Stormblade Infantry Units FA 2) widh 6 croopers.15 (5 ea) | Trencher Infanery Unit (Fk 2) with 6 troopers 7 2 Fielé Mecharik Units (E83) with 6 F009EFS oo. 6G €8) Tomar 1 Poin (100 army points +1 wariack poines) The chosen wareasters are Commander Stryker and Captain Haley, avotding duphiceuon since they are ramed characters. Stryker adds 6 warjack poin and Haley adds 5, so eho army rcluge up t0 111 poinss of models in addition to the Warcasters. The wee warjacks in dhe army are assigned co specie battesroupe The unit of Long Gunners and Trenchers are minimum sicength writs with only six troopers cach, as allowed by he unit options There are two units of Field Mechanies each with sic troopers «allowed by their ni option. We lak included tro Gun Mage units that always include sie troopers each, Tere are three units of Stormblades, which also aivays inclide six troopers eacn. With the units FA Z ‘and two warcesters this army coald havea otal of four such ‘unis. The teal of army poines spent is 111. 0 no points are ert unused ¢ number of {J warjacks are controlled by and Focus” (p. 74) for more CHARACTERS Some models represen Kingdoms. These personalities carry proper names and are, snique individuals from the Tran identified es characters, Characters follow the rules for their basic model type Unique units and units that include named characters are designated as character units. They remain character units leven after the named charactors in them are no longer part ofthe unit or in play at all An army can include only one model of each named character and only one of each charactor unit. For instance, fou ean newer have two Commander Coleman Strykers However, two battling Cygnar players teyker. How n the same army could each field can this be in the chaos and tumalt that cagulls war-torn Immorea, pretenders and imposters sbound. Thus, a warcaster might ing himself impossibh the field of battle. W Siryker jacing his apparent double across ich is the real C Butcher of Khardov? Vietory alone c nde che answer. POINT COSTS A model's point cost indicates how many army nits have diferent with different ions, For example, many units have one cost listed minimam-strength unit and a separate cost for the A model of unit's entry in your army list must which point cost option you took, Remember, 2 warea ade warjack points that can be spent only on warjacks in his battlegroup. FIELD ALLOWANCE Field allowance (FA) is the maximum number of models oF units ofa given type thet can be included for each wareaster nn on army, For exam cher Infantry waits have FA2, in Cygniar Tr cating an army can have up to two Trenchar is for each An. arany.- with Wet ney varcaster warcasters could have up to four Trencher Infantry unis unlimited umber af A held means the mode! of unit Is a character; of A field allowance of Is or units can be fielded in’an army llowance of “C sach named charactes and only a only one mod cone of teach character unit ic allowod por army rogardless of the number of warcasters. birdie ack MRA ap RW a nc? ath faction and mercenary” war ‘warcastrs in the aemy when determining field allowance fimits for both faction and mercenary models and wots, For example, fa Cygnarsrmy coniaine both a Cygnar warraster and 2 mercenary warcaster, that army can include up to four Trencher unis just as ifithac two Cygnar warcasters ike Scrap Thealls, a point. I Some solos, purchacod in small groups lor 2 single hese cases, Field Allowance determines the umber of groups of these models a player eaninclude in his army rather than the number of individual models. For ovample, Scrap Thealls are FA 3 and cost 1 point for three Thralls, That player can ad. (of Sctap Thealls, a total of nine models, o his army for each swarcasier in his army SETUP, DEPLOYMENT, & VICTORY CONDITIONS WARMIACHINE games eas The primary influences on a game's setup are its encounter level, number of players, anc Mie pesca cay be played in a variety of ways cean also agree to of their own TWO-PLAYER GAMES In atypical WARMACHINE gan across a 4x 4° battlefield, a After .yers match forces sp the battlefield according 10 the rs ne ) players roll « d6 6 rolls the highest the first player, referred to as “the table to make a starting roll, The pl ‘number chooses which player will Players then deploy their armies, The first player chooses all his forces area is the player's deployment zone. Deploy units s0 that all their Goopers any edge of the baitleield and dep completely within 10” of that edge, Thi are in formation. The second player then deploys his force fon the opposite side of the battlefield following the same guidelines. After both players have deployed their forces, the fint player takes the frst tum of the game. Players then alternate aking turns for the rest ofthe game. This isthe turn order. Once established, the tam order remains the sai MULTIPLAYER GAMES When playing multiplayer games of WARMACHINE, either a team game or a free sme to be played, then players can choose to pl: following guideli team game, players split into side decides the composition of its Before beginning] ‘opposing sides. Eat cams. ‘Teams should be made up exclusively of models ronn the same faction and the mercenaries that wall work for that faction. [fa team wishes to feld an a al th he team must use the same iy one of any character ch team ean include o ave one player from each team roll a d6 team that rolls highest gets First, and contract model. To by fo establish the turn order. which of its players will bo the fist player, Once the first player is determined, the opposing team chooses whic ts players will gonext. The firs team then names one of iss players to be third, followed again by the opposing team. This continues antl all players have a place in the tam order and ensures the tum order will alternate betivee players of opposing teams. Force deployment should be done in turn odor following the above guidelines, with teammates sharing the same deployment zone acrossthebatilefield from their opponents deployment rc FREE-FOR-ALL GAMES. You ean also choose to play a multiplayer game in which cach player fights indepenctently in a free-for-all game. To Searting wid establish turn ordex, each player rolls tho highest roller and sworking so the lowest, exch. Roroll tie able as they occur hest reroller wine of position, followed by the next highest reroles, and Exasruss Matt, Joson, Mike, and Stove ral! 65; respectively for turn order, Matt cho Jason and Mike rerll their te, getting a 4 anda Jason chooses nex, flloseed by Mie, as te lowest, Steve gets the remaining position ied Use your best judgment to establish deployment zones ba con the number of playing surface. Deployment zones 5 sd the size and shape of your sul bs ordisaeivantage— that player goisa significant advanta unless mutually agreed upon. Asa starting point, for games with dhiee oF four doploying forces completely within 10° of 3 playing.area should ensure adequate separaticy SCENARIOS Ifall players agree. specific scenario, Scenarios adc ane players on a 4’ x 4° playing surface yy corner of the fou can sol up the game according toa by incorporating special circumstances and unique rule A player wine a scenario by achiaving its objectives, no necessarily by eliminating his opponent's forces, Certai scenarios have specific uidelines for battlefield size, setup, deployment zones, and turn o: for the scenario descriptions. If you feel aring. you can randomly determine which to create a nique battle expy ‘ minimum of 28° between rival deployment to be creative when selting up your games. cou have three players, one player could he table as a defender trom vpposite edges. F players oj jence. Just be e middle of ld atta wermore, ave a four player ith teammate: ros from each other on opposite edges of th everyone will have enemies on either side. ination isthe only Limit, VICTORY CONDITIONS ditions before deploying victory. « fore hohas the last warcasters) rom can define ot fic objectives, The objectives customized for each sid the first game round begins. Every warcaster and other sgins the game S stat the first player each player aalieb faired ‘model with the Focus Manipulation ability tur order. Game rounds continue until one side achieve its victory conditions aad wins the game. AWARMACHINE battlefield as ove armies prepare to clash PS LT Tn MEPLAY-THE WARMACHINE battles are fought in 2-serles of game roands. Lach game round, every player takes « turn in the order establi tum onder completes his turn, the current game round dh the first player. Came rounds continue until ona side wins the game. Jhad during setup, Once the last player i the Anew game round then begins starting agai For game effects, a round is measured from the current tum to th bis location in the turn order. A game effect with 2 duration nning of his next turn regardless of fone round erpi next tum, This means ey the eflect is in play THE PLAYER TURN A player's tum has three phases: Maintenance, Cont ing of the curtent player's ry player will take one turn while and Activa Some effects are sesclved at the beginning of @ player lurn, These effects are resolved before the start of the Maintenance Phase. Remember to remove any effects tha expire atthe beginning of your tun, MAINTENANC During the Maintenance Ph inorder: 1. Remave all facus poir you control After removing all expined. tino the effects of those tha femain in pla smage dealt Ey continuous effects is resolved simultancously (oe p. 244) ng the Resolve ll other effects that occur daring. Maintonance Phase. CONTROL PHASE Daring the Control Phase, peeform thefollowing stepsin order: 1. Bach of ability Focus sr models with the Focus Mi ipulation ke wareacters, replenishes its focus and number af focus paints equal to its curren: Each model with the Focus Manipalation ability con allocate focus points sin ts battlegroup Bach model with the Focus Manipulation ability can spend focus points to maintain its upkeep spells in play, Ifa model does nat spend focus points to a imafotain spell requiring upkeep, the spell expires and its offocts end immediately. 1. Resolve all other effets that cceur during the Control Phase ACTIVATION PHASE The Activation Phase is the major portion of a player's tum. All models you control must be activated once per tum. This ie usually done daring the Activation Phasa, but allow # model to activate earlier in the lurn, atatime i some effet ‘Units and independent models are activated or the order you choose. A medel cannot forfit ils activation 0 do onthe table to activate ACTIVATING MODELS When a model activates itis granted its nommal movement tunlose allowed to do so by a special rule, A model must be its action. The normal movement must be resclved ofore the action is made. WHAT A MODEL DOES WHEN ACTIVATED Generally an active model moves before going on (0 1s action, Depencing on dhe marement option chosen, the rmodel might be able to make either a combat action or a spect action, A combat acton Tets# mote m A special action lost a model perform a arique bi fanetion such as diging in or creating Serap Thrall, tack efeld ACTIVATING INDEPENDENT MODELS Independent models Ont independent model can activate ata time. The active model must end it activate individual one activation before another model or unit can b ectivated, The model then makes its normal movement if it was not forfeited. After resolving its normal movement if the model did not forfeits action make eithe resolving ACTIVATING UNITS ually. Instead, the entire uses its action combat action or special action. After action, the model then ens its activation. froopers do not activate ind: unit activates at ence. When a unit begins its activation every trooper in it activates, First determine if any models, in the unit are out of formation, A trovper that is ot of formation at the slart of its unit's activation must spend its fall advance toward or ditect ull advance, normal movement making toward its a der. If it makes a ust forfeit action. the normal movement of cach activated oper can then make its action, one treoper impletely resolve the movement of one trooper ig 0n to the next. After one trooper resolves its strong leadership and guidance to be effective ates as one body, it A unit ander in onder field. Since a unit ops when all members are in formation order from its unit eo arge. Some unit commanders can have other pat allow the unit to perform a spedali oe OF SIGHT uations such as charging, ranged attacks, and ine of sight (LOS) < target. Simply pu o of sight meansa eral steps to determining whether one model nother. any step results in ocked. rotrnto the fi ine can be found to model's potential J try a diferent ode step an ass all steps, then the 0 the desired! model upies a volume of sce above the bottom jtecmined by its b oles volume is determining if te model ovving descrip me to any part of Model B's volume that i in Model A's front are 1 line must not pass through terrain Mode! B 4. The line me like a not pal clouid effec INTERVENING MODEL alght line between the bases of two third If you can draw any s models that crosses over any part of the base of a jadel, the thid model is an intervening model HOW ELEVATION AFFECTS Los When determining if Model A has line of sight to Model than 1 B, ignore intervening models on terrain more ¢ of Model ‘of Model B Model A. t for thove within within sized bases Tower than Model A exc B. Additionally nat have equal ¢ nore those m When Medel Ais on Tow Model A ignores Flower than Model B. than Model B, tervening models on terrain more than USING REFERENCE OBJECTS the position of terrain on the tal use reference obj sing the lino. First confiem the ' front arc; if i 3s not, your model cannot have LOS to it. Otherwise, choese an edge Of edge of the other model's ba ).1F you can draw a line Bete clear cet edge ofthe other ‘object that does not pass through in model's LOS acked by te ealure, DETERMINING MODEL VOLUME A emallbesed mmidel occapies the space from the bottom ofits base to a height of 1.75: A mectum-nasea model occupies the space fom the hostom of i base 103 eignt of 2.25 A large-hased model occupies the space from the bottom of ls ase ta height 0275 A. model is considered 9 occupy a stondard volune recurs of its pose or the sce of the sculpt ise Mechanithrall Sell Bae =1.75 ie eae The Wrack iJ LOS AND TARGETING a Fomor crusader The Butcher obviously has 105 tothe Revenge. Since the Revencer has a mediam base, t blocks LOS 10 other models with medium and smal bases. The Butcher has \0S to Flameseard 2 because you can draw an unobstructed lie from the Betchers frm arc {0 the edge of Famexuard 2's base that does nox cross the Revenger's hase. On the other hand, the Butcher does not have LOS to Flamesuerd | because you cant draw a line between dice bases that does nee cross the Revenger's bese. Because they have ‘smaller bases than the Crusader, the Revenger and the two Flamesuard do not block LOS toi. The Burcher can draw LOS tothe Tih Bacchcr has LOS to Kecoss because Krcoss’ hare isnot completely obocured. Ifthe Butcher mere on terrain more than I” higher than the other models the Butcher would have 10S to Flameguard 1. The Reventer doesnot boc this LOS because its base ithe sume size as the Butcher's and i s within I of Flamecuard | i) LOS AND ELEVATION bi} The Charger ison 2 Bill I higher eran the orner models ‘ne Charger nas Las ro mne Manvuner because the P Mantunter ts on a lower elevation and there are 40 imiervering models that woud ore The Charger has 10 tothe Bartle Mechanik hecruse none ore tncervening models has hase larger than the charger’ ‘he charger does nor have 10S to Sorscha because the Berserker an intervening model that i within I” of Sorscha ant has larger Base than the Charger Mechanik G2 Ve acer Scormblade Mere. the Vanquisher has line of sight to che Stormblade because an unobstructed line can be drawn from its is walls shorter than 1.75 I will not block line of sight ‘any ofthe models behind it GAMEPLAY J Vanquisher Stormblade ere, the Vanquither docs not have line @Falghe co the Starmblade becaese there i no unobstructed line hewween their volumes Ins walls taller than 225° but shorter than 2.79 tl block line of sigh 9 small. ad med based models behind This wall is taller than 2.75 Te will Block fine of sishe to all sodels behind it Far i oe ee een eee wal’ eight. The Trencher sharpshooter can see ted Seen Se eee vena ee kee ree eet yer) Se er et ea et co EASIEEC ATE ASE TO BASE AND CONTACT Ree whose bases are ‘ouching are in Base-to-base (B28) contact. If a model has an ability that allows it to move through another modal, while tis mowing through theother rodel they are considered to be in base-to-base contact One model contects another when it changes from not being base io base with it to being base to base with it Additionally, when a model is already base to base with nd would move toward I, It is considered to tect that model MOVEMENT Normally the first part of a model's activation is ils normal movement. Special rules can also permit It to move @ other times, A moving maciels hase cannot pass over another models base The term normal movement rement portion of Advancing refers to any movemen! moxtel makes during he tion. 9 model intentionall ‘makes, not to any movement caused by other effects su as being pushed or being slammed. A model ean change it time during its advance, but when it moves 1 the direction itis facing. Make all measurements from the front of affladvancing model's base facing at on it must always move Determine the distane an ices by measuring hhow far the font of its bass The distance moved is absolute: we suggest using to keep accurate track uf a rotating in place does Je measuring device Jovement. Changing facing by fost any movement Terrain, spells, ‘medie!'s movement and /or its SPD. Modifiers to movement apply only t ormal while modifiers to SPD apply the model’ SPD is 2 distance, See “Terrain” (pp. 86-9 1 features and how they affect movement the model's movement to determine eiails on t MEASURING MOV! ANY OTHER NAME Remember thet all intentional movement, whedher ful aadvoncing, running, or charging i considered advancing whether or not it kes place during the moversent portion ofa mpeet’s acuvation, snement would If tat -ment, it would el running as its normal » ‘There are thice basic types of edvancing: full advance, run, Models can also move without advancing, typically due 10 her effects. Det ‘by measuring the distance traveled by the edge of the madel'sbase in the direction ofthe 3 Unless otherwise specified, a model's facing do being pushed oF slammed or fom mine the distance a model moves in this w: not change when it moves without advancing. FULL ADVANCE ‘A model making a full advance adva ‘speed (SPD) in inches. xp to its curent RUN A model that rns advances up to twice i on ends immediately aiter it ends it ‘A model that forfeits its action cannot run curing its normal ‘movement that activation. If model cannot run duc to some effect and is required to nun, instead of manning it makes a full advance, then its activation immediately ends. Some models must meet special requirements to run + A warjack must spenc normal movement. focus point to ran during its A trouper must receive a min of charge order to ran during its normal movement, or it must be compelled torrun as a result of a game etfe ‘out of farmation,f ple) CHARGE A charging model rushes into melee range with a ta in to make like fleeing or being takes advantage of its moment SPD or moveme y reason other than for being in rough terral charge, regardless of offsetting bonuses. A mode: can ch 1 bo and action in order to use iis normal mevement strike, A model suffering a penalty to for a cannot {Oyough rough terrain. A model mu to charge. A model without a melee range cannot charge, set before moving the model. 3g model must have LOS to a medel to declare fer declaring a charge, the charg twill Bring itt within ge and to face any direction ge of its target, ignoring lereain, the distance to target, and other models. ‘The charging model ies its current SPD plus 3” in that direction, ina 1. The charging model cannot voluntarily stop its nti its target isinits melowrange, then it can end int. Once the ch just stay in the chang e charge oF ment at any "ge target isin the e's melee range, I lee range for the ent 1odel stops if it contacts.a model, an obstacle, action, At the end of the charge movemen jodel jurns to face its target direct quire a model to charge. A model required ange a model te whic it can draw line of sight, or if nlel that ends movement with nits mele a successful harge It must use its action (o make a combat actio special attack with a mdfe weapon) a melee Winter Guard Winter Guard Either of these charse moves would bring the Winter Guard fo within its melee range of le target, the Deathripper. The ray area represents the Winter Guard's melee range The charging novement must tage the ged. Ifthe charging tis attack 1s a charge attack. dition to the regular attacks a model advanced af least A charge attack is not in model would got for ite combat action. Rather, it modifies attack after its charge movement. The ie normally and can be boosted. If the the model’s f attack roll is m charge attack was made with a melee weapon and the Hack hits, the damage roll is astomatically boosted. ite ation, the charging making a charge attack during its a mode! completes Is combat action normall If a charging model moved loss than 3°, its first attack is not a charge attack because the mode! did nat move far or fast enough to add suffice till be however. The charging nomentum to Its strike, Its first attack mus against the charge target, model completes its combat Wa charging model ends its charge movement without its charge target in ils melon range, then it has made a failed charge. If a model makes a failed charge during its activation, its activation immediately ends Some models must meet special requizomonts to charg © Awarjack must sper | focus point to charge during its * Atroopormust receive achargeordorto charge during is jormal movement. A trooper that receives a change order must either run or charge during its normal movement roopers in the same unit can change the same target oF Cavale (Gee "Cavalry" p. 8 models have additional rules governing charges, If the charging model cannot make its first melee attack against the charge target, the charging model can make lis Jes attack against another eligible tanget, bust this harge atlack. It aos not lose its first attack CHARGES OUTSIDE OF ACTIVATION When amodel charges without usingits normal moveme! combat action, suc he Counter Charge ability, ferences to the a model makes 3k. Ifat made a as with follow the rales above but ignore any Whe this type of charge, it makes only one at cessful charge and moved at least 3°, that attack is the it made 3° thot attack is a single normal melee atack subject to the tergeting restrictions above. Counter charging. succesful charge but did ot move at Teas sy models still make their impact tacks A model that ation cannot make a special attade os outside ite acti tack when resolving fails its charge it does not make any MOVEMENT RESTRICTIONS, on how & Model moves or advances. Thore are four types of these sestrictions, In Some effects place resirigtir the following descriptions, Model A is moving with some restriction relative to Model B + Model AM Model A can move along any path such that the distance between Medel A st Move Toward Model ‘and Mode! B is always decreasing during the movement Model A Must Move Directly Toward Mosel B: Model moves aleng the steaight line that connects, points of Mode! A and Model B such that the distance between them decreases during the movement. A model that moves direcily toward a point cannot change its facing aller moving. Model A Must Move Away From Model bi Model A can he distance betwee g during the move along any path such that Model A and Model B is always increasin Model A Must Moo moves along th points of Model A and Model B such that the distance between them increases during the movement. A model that moves dircetl Directly Away From Move] B: Model A aight line that connects the center Movement restrictions are ciulffive. For exemple, a model required to advance tow’ model and away rom another Doth wold ned to move saner {9 satisly quirements. If a moving cannot satisty all estrictions on the movement, It cant move at al MOVEMENT PENALTIES cierence movement penalties. A movement penalty is any effect applied io model that reduces its SPD ‘or movement. Effects that cause a model ta move at half rate are also movement penalties Sometimes mod of an ability or spell se placed in a new location as a result ‘When a model is placed 1t 1s not considered ty have moved or advenced: Beceuse the model Is not considered (o have advanced it free strikes. There must be room for the medel's base m the snnot he lagglod by ation the model is placed. A moxlel cannot be placed ain or with its base ove mode''s base, the model chooses its facing, impassable t apping an obstecle an obstruction, or anct! The player placing ther rnd that model is When an elfect 2 friendly han the unit commander to be t cannot be placed out of formation. Wher utes rooper_ mode places an effect ca ae ACTIONS An activated mode! might be entitled 1o make one action 08 0 ler to be placed, it can be without restriction movement it made. There are A. combs depending on the type of two broad action types: combat and special action lets a model make one or more attacks. A special action lets 4 model perform a specialized function, A model pecial rule cannot move after making any action unless specifically allows it to do COMBAT ACTIONS. A model can use it not use ils normal movement to ¢ A normal attack is an allack with 2 weapon pecial attack. A model making a combat action chooses one of the Following option mn to make a combat action if it did un. A combat action lets 3 mode! make attacks, tis no * A model can make one normal melee attack with each of its moleo weapons, These allacks are called initial melve attacks. A mod «can divide them among ai making more than one allac y eligible targets, DIRECTLY TOWARD AND DIRECTLY AWAY Paladin of the Order of the Wall Deathripper The dodted line represen che line connecting the center points of the Paladin and the Beathripper, To nove ditectly oward or directly away from the theioper ihe Paladin must travel lengths Tne A/model can make one normal ranged attack with each its ranged weapons. These atiacks are called initial ranged allacks. A model making more than one altack fe them els. Each sed weapon makes only one initial attack regardless mong any cligible model can make one special atiack (# Attack) allowed A model that did not use its ake one power attack alld A power attac cial attack. tac Right bo abloto make A modal can make additional attacks Each additional attack ts ppropriote including, multiple attacks cannot make ditional attacks al ettack that can be made with the model possesses, we same weapon. A ranged weapor RO jovrever: Completely resolve each ettack be sacks than its rate of fre (ROF) during a model's nother attack sand warjacks ‘sce “Focus: Additional Attack an spend focus points to make atiach p75, oted otherwise, a model cannot make both melee tacks in the same combat action. A model cial attack or additional attacks after a 5 icks listed as a rule of a melee weapon are melee icks. Special altacks listed as ¢ anged cial attacks ged A spacial attack made the ROE of the ‘or example, if the Thunderhead makes a Pulse special attack with its Lightning Coll ranged weapon, wo) additional ROE 3, ne mode itselt are neither it can spend focus to make up to only Lightning Coil attacks bocauso the weapon ha Special attacks listed as a rule! melee attacks nor ranged attacks te the natuve of any ad! Am del cannot make 2 special as an additional attack ‘or detailed rules on mak SPECIAL ACTIONS nake a special action (HA: tion A model cannd its normal mover description detail SKILL CHECKS Some special actions appear with # skill value following, When a model makes one of these special skIIL check to cetezmine its success. Roll their names 246. ithe the model sult is equal to orless than the skill valuelisted, check a ter th ee si I the result is an 1 its resus are applied a the mextet's Skill immediate value, the spedal action fails. Typicall appens if model fails a skill check, but some special actions imposa nogative consiquinces for filing a skill chock ianik Crew Chief has the schamik'= Repair special COMBAT OVERVIEW A model's combat action allaws it te make attecks. Special ght alko permit models ty make attacks at other times. An attack roll determines if an attack hits its target. etermines how much damage, if any, an an altack can be made against three main types prevent a model from bei atlac ee weapons, additional points lo. make additional Juring their activations, for example. melee attack can be made with any melee el p with no limit to the number inst any target in the melee and in the attacker's line naking more than one melee att MELEE WEAPONS Melee as spears, sword: hammer avs, and axes, Some models, such as at options allowing them ta make er attacks, for exam Melee Damage Roll = 2d6-+ POW + STR | the model weapon wit eapon’s melee range beyond this nge is the longest melee range of it MELEE RANGE, ENGAGED MODELS, AND REACH WEAPONS Normal Melee Reach Melee Range: 2 1. model ii molve range and line of sight, th engaged its opponent in melee combat. When opposing tmadels are in each other's melee range, they are hoth el with 2 Reach weapon can i greater melee range to ensage am opponent tha has ony normal melee range weapons without becoming ensarod sol thous’ both models are ‘onsidered 0b» in melee, & model i engaged only i in iteoppanent’s melee range! jcc weapons. Amodel tat has a Reach weapon melee weapon can attack an opponent up with its Reach weapon, but its other weapons sed to attack models within their normal mi €. Warjacks always have at , Non-warja jels with no melee J iswwithin an enemy model's melee range and s line of sight, it is engaged in combat and sncerned with fighting its nearest threat, When an enemy model in its melee range and Tine engaging that model. When a model i either gaging, it is in melee, which prevents i from ged attacks. MELEE RANGE AND ELEVATION Jel makes a melee attack against « model I" or ower, ignore the vertical distance between FREE STRIKES aged model advances out of theenemy’smelee ine of sight, the enemy model can immediately foze it leaves. The mod oe normal meleeattack with any melee weapon tha ‘model and If the attack hits, the free striking to sts melee ge roll is boosted. hack arc, if it has kes do not bene! en the free strike is mad ick strike bonuses. MELEE ATTACK ROLLS makin ine a mele altack’s success by roll. Roll 2d6 and add the attackin i stat (MAT). Roll an additional die if the attack rol ted, Special rules and certain circumstances might he attack: de =» MAT set is directly hit by an attack ifthe attack roll equals ceeds the the attack roll is an the target's DEF, the attack misses. A mall ofall 1s he cice is a miss. A roll ofall 6s isa direct hit unless you! ing only one-die, regardless of the attacker’s MAT ot get's DET. Sometimes a special nile causes an attack aulomatically Such automatic hits are also direct hits. get's defense (DEI). I MELEE ATTACK MODIFIERS most common modifices affect ck coll are summarized here ary, additional detail can be found on the pag: model's melee easy reference. Where ile(p. 611A back strike gains +2 tothe attack roll ee ike geins +2 to the attack Intervening Terrain (p. 45): A model with any portion of ils volume obscured from its attacker by an obstacle or an abstraction gains +2 DEF against melee attack rolls Knocked Down Target (p. 63): A melee attack against a knocked down model hits automatically 4): A melew suromaticaly Stationary “Target attack against a stationary model hit POWER ATTACKS Power altacks are special attacks that can be made by some ‘models. The power attacks avallable to non-warlack models, fare dercribed in their epscial rules, Warjacks can make power attacks as indicated by the following list. ‘All warjacks: head-butt, push, and slam Heavy warjacks: trample Warjacks with at least one non-crippled Open Fist @: headleck /weapon lock and threw Warjacks with two non-crippled Open Fists @ double-hand throw cae Avwarjack must jo make a power attack. A model Power attac annot harge attad mak a power attack as its ¢ attacks with a 0.5” melee range: When a model makes a power attack, do not apply th al abilities on its weapons unless they specifically reference power attack HEADLOCK/WEAPON LOCK A model making a headlock/weapoa warjack oF warbeast’s weapon or head and prevent its use A.warjack must have at least one non-crippled Cipen Fist to make a headlock/ weapon lock power attack. Declare what the attacking model is attempting to lock before making the. ack can lock a When a warjack makes 2 headlock/weapon lock, also, declare which weapon with Open Fist itis using to make the attack before making a meles attack rall. \ knocked down model cannot be locked. Ifthe attack hits then the specified head/weapon is lacked. Headlock / weapon Jock attacks do not cause damage. Maintaining Locks end Being Locked When a weapon is locked the target model cannot make attacks with the locked weapon along with all other he same location. Locking a weapon with a as no effect on other weapons. & model weapons weapons in held in a headlack cannot make attacks with ie a a Sg ee eal (#2) Amoi hela in a headck eapon Took enmot make specie aliacks. While involved in a lac acker cannot make special attacks or attack with the weapon with which it mace the Jock attempt, nor can it use any other weapon in the same Jocation. The sttackor and the defender are free to altack with any of their other melee weapons Exanrtes Rob's Jaggernaut successfully locks the head of Eriks Slayer with its Open Fist. The Slayer cannot make Tusk attacks or special attacks (ixcluding Combo Strikes or power lartacks), and the Juggernaut cartnot make atiacks with is Open Fist until the headlock is broken or released. At the beginning ofits combat action, a model suffering headlack / weapon lock must attempl to break the Iock. For each weapon lock and headlock, both models iavolved in a d6 and add their STR. IF the locked modet’s fotal exceeds that of the model holding the lock, the lock is broken with any m the lock rol he locked warjaek can male its initial attach lee weapens not located in a locked system as attacks and attempts to break arjack can epend focus point poral. After resolving th to break a stomake more attempts ck or to make additional altacks with usable ak attempt or additional weapons, at I focus point per attack, that was locked ca lock is A model can voluegbrily releane 2 Tock it maintaining at any time duri + Anffect knocks down either model; + Ancifect causes either model to become incorporeal + Anclfect causes the attacker to become stationary # The weapon system maintaining the lock is crippled or * Either model is destroyed or remaved from play. HEAD-BUTT Amodel making a head-butt powerattack smashes tts heed info-a model to drive it to the ground. The attacking model makes a melee attack roll against its targot. Ifthe at he target is knocked down and sulfers a damage roll with a POW equal to the attacker's current STR head-butt while held in headlock, A wead-butt a model with a larger base. king a push power attack uses its bulk and model. A push power attack and deals no damage. Both models roll neir STR. Ifthe defender's total is greater, it defending model i pushed 1 asvay from the attacker Aller modelis pushed by apush powerattack, the attacker ‘an immediately advance directly toward the pushed model up to the distance the pushed model was moved Being Pushed A pushod model move sutfers the effects of any hy stops if it contacts an obstacle, obstruction, or another at half rate through rough terrain, rds it moves through, and model Remember that a pushed model is not advancing and therefore cannot be targeted by free strikes during this A pushed model falls off elovated terrain if it ends ite push ccf ground under its base. See p. 3) for detailed rules on determining damage ovement with less than “Falling from a fall SLAM A model makin; the full force of its body backward and knock it to the a slam power attack rams a model with ‘0 send the Larget model flying ‘ound, Any effects th prevent s mod such asa penslty to its SPD tetrain, also prevent the mode! from ma attack. A slamming model can advance through than for boing in rough ng a slam power rough terrain. A model must have both its normal movement and action available in order to use its normal movement to make a slam power attack. During its activation, a model can attempi to slam an the beginning A knocked down made ‘model that is in its line of sight normal movement 2 slam, cannot be Declare the slam allompt and its largot before moving th Declare the slam attempt and its target, then model to faco the slam target fuer the slamming directly. The slamming model then advances its ful S toward its target. The slamming model cannot voluntarily stop its movement unless it can end this movement at any point with its slam target in its 0.5° melee range. It must stop if it contacts a mode! an obstacle, or an obstruction. The slamming moxtel cane change its facing during of after this mov D plus 3” directly slargetiisin its melee range, but A slamming model that ends its slam movement wit slam target in its 0.5 Ft advanced at les mclee range has made a successful slam. 3” it makes a melee attack #0 against ils target. A model that power atlack slams 2 mode ase suffers -2 on its attack roll. Tf the atiack tis slammed directly away from the attacker nodel makes a successful slam but moved tt has not moved fast enough to get its full into the blow, The model makesan attack get. Ifthe target is hit, suffers a damage 10 the attacker's current STR bat so are still slam attack rolls and slam ailed its slam power attack. Ifa medol fils te attack during its activation, its activation ends. Ges Slammed Bstemmed model i dis then knocked down, If the moved 66” directly away from its Jamming half the distance rolled. It then suffers slam model mow = described below. A slammed through rough terrsin, suffers any damaging zh which it contacts ar obstruction passes, and stop: ora model with an equal or la mit aos late model cannot be knocked do ition or movopont if i act which it was slamm, wed model moves th pordels with smalle own. IF it would eng med. rule of least distal 64) to move the 1 legal positions off elevated terrain if it ends it ground under its base ced model fal cement with Tess than T See “Falling! ining day 2 fall, Resolve arff falling 4 isneously with slam damage, Slam Damage Appl effects, regardless of whethe slam damage alter movement and knockdown the model actually moves oF 'sknocked down. Themodel hit suffers a damage roll witha POW equal her's current STR, Add an additional ie to the damage roll if the slammed model contacts an obstacle, an obstruction, ora model with an equal or sized base, Slam damage can be boosted Collateral Damage aslammed model contacts @ mode! w base or moves through 3 aller base is knocked do A model suff pow mode n and suffers collateral damage. if collateral damage suffers a damage equal to th cll. with allacker's cu lateral damage cannot be boosted. A contacte with a jarger base than the slammed mode! does Lis not ki simultancously with clam ollatetal damage a hed Ri callateral damage Collateral damage is not considered to be damage from attack or model. For example, an effect ‘damaged by an enemy attack” wou THROW A model making a throw power attac 4 the A mode picks up anothe pase. A Fist to make. throw power attack cannot throw a ith a lange or-crippied Gaal arjack must have at least one SLAM MOVEMENT Apersernant declares a slam attack ipeest 2 Crusader, Because le moved seer than 3° to make contact with se Crusader, the Juggemaun willbe able to slam ts tare. The attack secceed, ard the Crusader knocked Sick d6 The roll comes up a6, but se Crusader stops when 1 Hts che seal behind i. Dering the slam, se Crusader passes over @ Temple Pameguard, and the Flameguard eters collateral damage, In sition. because the Crusader was amined ino a wall I sulfers @ stemage roll oF dé ples the STR of se Juggernaut 26 plus an extra SG for colliding with» sole terrain Fewsare). This damase roll can sul be ‘boosted on top ofthe addicional die. Juggernauc AND COLLATERAL DAMAGE POWER ATTACK EFFECTS FROM OTHER SOURCES ‘A mode! can le pushed, slammed, or thrown as a result of spell oF an ability eather than from a power attack. The ‘resolution of a push, sla, or throw caused by an effect ‘might ciffer slightly from the resolution of one caused bby a power attack. for example, « model slamined as & result of Liewenant Caine's Thunder Strike spell suffers 3 POW 14 damage rol instead of sulfering damage based oF Ceine's STR. Whea che Marauder Combo Smits & model the POW of hath of es weapons i€ added to the damage roll i addition toi STR. tack rall against lla ds and ad th aks f n. greater it without taking. an voids being, thro the attacker total equals or excceds the target's, model is thr Being Thrown When your mode! throw thrown model to IFthe attacker's direction to a point on the tabl model's intended point of impa throwing a From this point, dolermine the thnoyin models actual point of impact by rolling for deviation. Referencing the deviation 59-60), roll for distance nce cannot exceed half the jodel and the intended point rules (pp d6 for direction and a a: in inches. The deviation dist ance between the thrown The thrown model is moved directly from its cur location ina Athrown m mined point of impact iodels with smaller bases Unlike jel moves through r during this movement without contacting. the When a model is slammed, rough terrain and obstacles do. not ate nt. but the theown model still stops if it contacts an obstruction or a model with an equal oF largersized bese. The thrown model is then knocked down and sulfers throw cannot be it activates later in a tum in which it was thrown, damage. If a must stil own, orjit its action or movement iF model is contacted. Follow the mule of least disturbance P. 64) to move the models into legal positions. OF clevatectterramititendsits throw han 1° of ground under its base, See (p. 63) for Athowa mol “Falling a fall ios on determining damage from fesolve any falling damage simultaneously with hrow damage. Throw Damage Apply thro woke effects, regardless of whether the model actually: move or ly knocked down. The thrawn model sulfers @ damage roll with » POW equal to the ‘s carent STR Add fan adcitional die to the damage roll i the thrown mode damage afier movement and k Actual Point of Impact Intended Poin of Impact Deathripper A Crusader throws a Deatbripper Since the Crocador has 4 STR Of (1, measure 5.5° from the chrown model :9 \etermine the intended point of impact and devermine evtnion trom: char point. The Crusader rolls a4 for evasion dicection nd & for distance. Ons €3, that equals 3° of deviation, reduced to 2.75" decause the deviation carro: exceed half the throw distance. Measure te deviation distance in the aireccion inaicaed Dy the ‘evition diagram to determine the actual potet oF lapace The Deathiripper moves tram its current postion directly Toward the point of impact

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