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Paul Zander

Working Outline Term Paper

Barbara Shelton

Introduction to Jose H.
My associate Jose H. has been a member of a family that originated from Mexico as far
back as he knows. He doesnt exactly know if he has any Spaniard descent or Indian etc. But he
has a long line of Mexican progenitors dating back through the 1700s.
Music has played a role in Joses family for years. Like any other family they are
devoted to their favorites. Namely: Romantic, Spanish Oldies, Corridos, Bandas and Nortenas.
Jose has been influenced by these all his life he said. Because of his family he has a deep
affection for them, but has also been influenced by many other types of music offered nowadays.
Namely: Pop Rock, Rap, Techno, and Contemporary. His friends often shaped the way he has
been influenced by these because its just what they did. Bottom line, he has taken what his
family offered and augmented it in his own personal way due to his individual experience in
When it comes to music and religion Jose said, Music is music and religion is religion.
Culture and tradition has been very important to Joses family. Such that religion didnt change
the type of music his family loved to party and dance to. All music has been appreciated as much
as it can be from his family and religion doesnt stop that. There is a distinct difference of culture
here because many American-non Hispanic people can beg to differ.

However, in Mexico there are many opportunities to celebrate culture where you go out
to dance and party to whatever music is being played. This has always been an opportunity for
family and tradition to be celebrated.
Comparison of life in Mexico verses America
Opportunity in Mexico is nothing compared opportunity in America. That is not said to
be disrespectful because America is literally the land of opportunity! Most people look at
America that way and that is why they migrate to America if they dont live here.
Joses family was no exception to that mentality. Jose said that his parents highly
considered what advantages they would have if they lived in the U.S. Not only for them, but for
their children; the education, despite cultural differences would be worth it! Because success
could be achieved in less than 10 years Jose said.
For these reasons Joses family immigrated to New Mexico 20-30 years ago. Then to
Utah 10-20 years later when his step dad was offered a higher paying job in Utah. All of his
family moved for the hope of a brighter future for their children.
Divisions of religion in Mexico, like anywhere else, are various and numerous:
Roman Catholicism is the majority and protestants cover a small amount. And according to the
National Encyclopedia, an even smaller amount of Christians has found themselves divided
between, Presbyterians, Jehovah Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventists, Mormons, Lutherans,
Methodists, Baptists, and Anglicans. There are also small Greek and Russian Orthodox
communities and small Jews, Buddhists and Muslim groups as well. Despite the influences of
these religions there are some who, while professing the Roman Catholic faith, a number of
indigenous people include strong pre-Hispanic Mayan elements in their religion.

Roman Catholicism began in 1519 when Hernan Cortes landed on New Spain
(National Encyclopedia) as he called it. It was custom to bring a clergy man in that day so that
new land was not only in the name of the crown, but in the name of the cross (National
Encyclopedia np) also.
Since that time Roman Catholicism has played a major role in shaping Mexico. Not only
because its the dominant religion, but according to the national encyclopedia it was very much a
state church. History shows that in 1833 a separation of church and state began. In 1857
Mexicos first civil war started due to a limitation of church due to legislation which lasted 3
Elements of Roman Catholicism in Mexico include, but are not limited to: Faith in Jesus
Christ and in saints such as the Virgin Mary, Repentance, Baptism, and Holy Ghost and salvation
with God one day. That God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost make up the trinity and
are one person.
Influence of religion in America has been great. In fact, according to Opposing Views,
Mexico is also the country that sends the most Catholic immigrants to the U.SA., where
Mexicans and Mexican-Americans make up 58 percent of all foreign-born Latin-American
immigrants and Hispanics constitute one-third of all American Catholics.
One example can be found within private education, namely Juan Diego High Schools.
They are private catholic schools named after a man in Mexico who was visited by the Virgin
Mary. She told him to build a temple where the Mexican people could pray to her and be heard
and healed. (Catholic np)

Mexican traditions mingled with religious tradition has mixed with US religious
traditions such as the celebration,
Our Lady of Guadalupe, celebration of the Day of the Dead, the healing tradition of
curanderismo, and Good Friday devotions such as the Way of the Cross (Via Crucis), reflect the
increasing influence of Mexican traditions (Cornell Press np) on American soil.
The day of the Dead in particular has inspired the 2014 film book of life. Not to
mention the celebration of remembering our ancestors and honoring them on November 2. Also
certain stations on the radio play religious music appropriate to meet the needs of Catholics and
other denominations.
Arts/Music of Mexico (Central America)
The Corrido is the story telling of the ages where music and story becomes one.
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary Corrido means, a Mexican folk ballad usually on
a topical subject. The music is exactly what the definition explains and originated during the
Mexican-American war say the 1840s. It was meant to depict battles and heroism of the
Mexican soldiers. Also, its intended use displays an oral tradition as they have been passed down
from one generation to the next. In essence its one way Mexico has kept tradition and preserved
their culture. (Latin Music np)
The Corrido changed as the times changed and conveyed more the immigrant
experience and the stories of those involved in the drug trade. (Latin Music np) A reflection of
music and diversity is shown here. Music will change as times and the needs/interests of the
people move forward toward the future. But in a way to remember the past, not just the present
or future circumstance. Many Hispanic persons love the Corrido due to its rich history and
context in Mexican culture.

A few of the other important styles of music in Mexico include the Nortenas, Mariachi,
and the Narcocoriddos. Nortena originated in northern Mexico and by definition means
Northern. It represents music from that region of Mexico.
Mariachi is a type of music classifying the various instruments the listener could enjoy.
Namely the guitar, vocalist, tuba, trumpet, trombone, violin and any other random assortment of
instrumentation. The origin has been debated for some time, however it is believed to have begun
in the mid nineteenth century. (Mariachi history np)
Narcocorridos are is a style that seats in the middle of the musical foundations of the
Nortena music and the traditions of the Mexican Corrido. (latin music drug ballads np) This
style of music emerged from the Nortena and the Corrido, but unlike them told the story of
immigrants migrating to the U.S. and having dealings with drug trade. Its been said that, the
first thing a drug runner would do after a successful run was to hire someone to write a corrido
about it. (qtd in Latin music drug ballad np)
Any type of music with mostly Spanish in the lyrics and theory is considered Latinbased. Artists who use Latin based music include, but not limited to Josh Groben, Jennifer
Lopez, and Selena Quintanilla who made Latin based music more apart of main stream music
today. (latin music np)
Tejano and Chicano music demonstrate how Latin based music has affected American
music industry because it has its own category. Chicano-Mexican American and Tejano- texas
American or any from the border.

In summary culture affects the way we see and hear things. Music is how we convey our
thoughts and feelings and that changes perspective. Most diversity acceptance has come from
music and continues to change our world daily.

H., Jose Personal interview,4 March, 2016 np
"Mexico's Best Music: Discover Tejano, Norteno, Banda, and More."
Entertainment. Web. 27 Mar. 2016.
"Mexico - Religions." Religions. Web. 27 Mar. 2016.
"Horizons of the Sacred, Mexican Traditions in U.S. Catholicism." Horizons of the
Sacred, Mexican Traditions in U.S. Catholicism. Web. 27 Mar. 2016.
"The Catholic Faith and Mexicans." The Catholic Faith and Mexicans. Web. 27 Mar.
"Our Lady of Guadalupe - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online." Our Lady of Guadalupe Saints & Angels - Catholic Online. Web. 27 Mar. 2016.
"History of the Mariachi." History of the Mariachi. Web. 27 Mar. 2016.
"Narcocorrido - Overview of Mexico's Drug Ballads." Entertainment. Web.
27 Mar. 2016.

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