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Saray Hernandez

3rd Period

Yoga Poses
Research Poses

Downward Dog- This pose lengthens and decompresses the spine, stretches the hamstring,
strengthens your arms, flushes your brain with fresh oxygen and calms your mind. Come onto
the floor on your hands and knees. Set your knees directly below your hips and your hands
slightly turns out. Exhale and lift your knees away from the floor, lengthen your tailbone away
from the back of your pelvis. Then, with exhalation, push your top thighs back and stretch your
heels onto or down toward the floor. Straighten your knee but be sure not to lock them.
Child Pose- This pose helps as resting pose useful to relieve neck, back, and hip strain. While in
the posture you should have slow are regulated breath; extended arms; resting hips and your
forehead should be touching the mat. You can always return to this pose as at it is one of the most
restorative and calming pose.
Triangle- The triangle pose is one of those postures that brings to your body many benefits. For
example, it helps improve the flexibility of your spine; it helps with the alignment of your
shoulder. It also relieves back pain and stiffness in the neck area, but dont forget you need to
practice on each side, your left and right.
Tree Pose- Tree is a pose that is all about balance. It requires you to take most of your weight on
one leg and lift your opposite leg and try to balance. Your back should be straight and your hips
should be at one level. It helps stretches the thighs, torso and shoulder. It builds strength in the
ankles and calves, and tones the abdominal muscles.
Chair pose- For chair, this position will tone your leg muscles, strengthens your hips reflexors,
ankles, claves, and back. It stretches the chest and shoulders. It reduces symptoms of flat feet and
it stimulates your heart, diaphragm, and abdominal organs. Exhale and bend your knees, trying to
take the thighs as nearly parallel to the floor as possible. Your knees should not be farther out
than your toes. Lean slightly forward over the thighs until the front torso forms approximately a
right angle with the tops of the thighs. Firm your shoulder blades against the back.
Crow- This pose does the following benefits; tones the abdominal wall, strengthens abdominal
organs to aide in lower back pain and indigestion, strengthens arms. It also stretches and
strengthens the back as well as stretches and strengthens inner thighs. You build form the ground
up. Pay attention to your hands and press up and out of the knuckles and palms. Draw your naval
in towards the spin and hollow the upper back, remember to keep your gaze forward.
Eight-Angle Pose- Stand in mountain pose, with your feet separated a bit wider than usual.
Exhale, bend forward to forward bend and press your hands to the floor outside your feet. Then
with your knees slightly bent, slip your right arm to the inside and then behind your right leg, and
finally press the hand on the floor just outside your right foot. Brace your shoulders against the
knee and slide your left foot to the right. Cross the left ankle in front of the right and hook the

ankles. Lean lightly to the left, taking more weight on your left arm, and begin to lift your feet a
few inches off the floor. Lean your torso forward and lower it toward parallel to the floor at the
same time, straighten your knees and extend your legs out to the right, parallel to the floor.
Squeeze your upper right arm between your thighs, and twist your torso to the left. Look at the
floor. This pose strengthen the wrist and arms. It also tines the abdominal muscles.
Easy Plow Pose- Lie on your back. Bend your legs. Keep your legs together, your feet on the
floor. Lift your feet and pelvis from the mat and lower your knees on your forehead. You can
press your palms against your back or clasp your hands and lower them on the mat behind your
back. Return slowly rolling your backbone on the mat. This pose calms the brain and stimulates
the abdominal organs and the thyroid gland. It also stretches the shoulders and spine as well
reducing stress and fatigue in the body.
Low lunge- Press your palms and fingers against the floor at the sides of your feet. Step back
with your left foot. Move your shoulders back and down. Open your chest and arch a little
forward. Keep your knee on the floor. You do this on each leg. This pose releases tension in your
hips and stretches your hamstrings and quad. It also strengthens your knees and helps build
mental focus.
Pigeon pose with one-hand grab- Lower your right thigh and shin on the mat. Keep your left
leg straight. Press your hands against the floor and arch softly. Bend your left leg. Try to grab
your left shin with your left hand. Press your right hand against the floor to the right of your foot.
Pull your left shin back, arch more. Look up.
Mountain Pose with upward stretch- Stand up straight with your legs together or slightly apart
parallel to each other. Straighten your shoulders. Extend your backbone and the entire body up
from the crown of your head. Raise your arms through your sides parallel to each other,
continuing to stretch your body. To pre-form this pose, you will have to stand like you would in
regular mountain pose and, at your own pace, lift your arms up and slowly start to stretch
upwards. This helps with improving your posture, strengthens thighs, knees and ankles. It also
reduces flat feet.
Easy Pose- Cross your shins, widen your knees, and slip each foot beneath the opposite knee as
you bend your knees and fold the legs in toward your torso. It calms the brain, strengthens the
back and stretches the knees and ankles.
Half-moon pose- Stand up straight. Raise your arms through your sides. Clasp them over your
head, stretching your index fingers up. Bend your torso to the side, keeping your arms straight
and stretching to the side. You do this for each side, your left and your right. This pose
strengthens the abdomen, ankles, thighs, buttocks, and spine. It also stretches the hamstrings and
claves, shoulders, and chest. Also, it improves coordination and sense of balance as well as
relieves stress and improves digestion.
Half-Cobra Pose- Lie on your stomach. Use your back muscles to raise your head and upper
torso. Press your elbows against the floor. Arch the chest section of your backbone. Look

straight. It strengthens the spine and buttocks. It stretches the chest and lungs, shoulders, and
abdomen and it stimulates abdominal organs. It also helps relieve stress and fatigue.
Corpse Pose- You lie down on your back, and relax you entire body. You will slower you
breathing patterns into more deep and long breaths, this will help with calming your body. This
pose calms the brain and helps relieve stress and mild depression. It relaxes the body and reduces
headache, fatigue and insomnia.

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