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Leadership, power and politics


Significance of leadership
God or bad leadership
The situation is the premier thing to define what is good or bad.
Its hard to tell when something is good or bad without context
The behavior of a leader can be different depending of the persons
Bad leader you fail to achieve what you have to achieve
Effectiveness vs success
Effective performing the job well, get people enthusiast
Successful you got your job done
When effectiveness leads to success you have to be working in a
o You have to be promoted to be considered as a successful
We can be really effective but not successful
We can considerer this comparison as process vs outcome.
Process that we are doing the right way. Process can be perfect
and have a bad outcome in the short term but good in the long

A model of team effectiveness

Composition of the culture and the team.
Leadership can influence team characteristics and some time no .
The characteristics of the team has an impact to the norms and the
culture of an organization leads to culture.
There are fundamental differences when we are working with a
small or large group, when we have the same major.
Characteristic influences how we perform. (What do we do and
what we do not do)
The effectiveness is driven how they do what they have to do
Every single person is influencing the norm and the culture while
leaders have disproportional influence. leaders get to make the rules,
establish what they can do and how but can actually fire people. Leader
has a more proportion of influence in the group.
A leader can influence a climate (cultural is a group of different

The Global and Cultural Contexts

Inclusion/inclusiveness affirm and feel self and encourage to
participate because they are going to be respected.
When you try to teach inclusiveness it is practically impossible to
include everyone.
Present yourself as you fell comfortable

Leader Stereotypes
There are many characteristics that everyone thinks a leader must
have there are the results of centuries.
An Assumption:
o Leadership talent is evenly distributed across groups
This assumption is important for gender distribution
If this assumption is true there should be the same
number of women and men.
Women as a leader
When a woman leave a firm is because she found a better place.
Women has to do a lot of things to be promoted, but this things
a are the perfect mix for failure. consistently exceeding
performance expectations (77 percent), developing a style with
which male managers are comfortable (61 percent), and seeking
out tough job assignments (50 percent).
Exude or portrait attitudes to do your job.
They cannot work with emotions, because she will be catalogued
as a emotional person
Pay disparity
Leadership height bias
Diversity paradigms
If you are here is because you are qualify, your competent colleagues
dont need to check if the new one is qualify
I can learn from you: ask again, lets try another time.
If these assumptions are in work the diversity will be profitable
for the company.

The business case for diversity

To main part for the business case are: innovation, information and that
the market is diverse diverse workforce
Having different perspective in a team work.

The foundations of modern leadership

Leader substitute model
Highly competent, motivated and the values are aliened to those of
the company.
If things change complex situations substitutes will no work
well so a real leadership will be needed.
The trait approach
It could be that all effective leaders share some bundles of traits.
They have to find what those traits are.
Implicit leadership theory people that have a leader image preestablished.
Leader traits: pro-activeness trait that was conceived in the

Effective communicator
Self-monitoring organizational chameleon
Dedicated or committed
Intelligence highly considered as a trait, there is not a
connection between intelligence and leadership
In some organization they call the big five personality factors as the
big one conscientiousness is the most important predictor of an
effective leadership.
We use traits to select our leaders and we dont take into account
other personal characteristics.
You can teach behaviors but you cannot change traits

If you dont have it you will not succeed. Intelligence at a certain level
everybody is smart then the distinguisher fact is the emotional
intelligence of the person.
I need people that is smarter than me to do things which I am better
Objective vs perceived intelligence
It is important that you have the knowledge what you also have to know
how to share it.
Even though intelligence is not highly associated with leadership, a
company will always want to start with a smart person.

Leadership behavioral approach

consideration: concern and respect for followers.
structure or task oriented: oriented toward the goal.
The leader cannot change their style according to the situation
Leadership: decision making approach
The situation determine how effective a decision making is.
Autocrative a major change has to be made, contextual factor
(competent, motivated, same interest followers), no time, he or
she thinks that he has the enough information. If I now best
autocratic works. It works better in a stable, consistent
Participative when you have time, not enough information,
followers need to be competent, there is a lot of uncertainty
Laissez-faire represents an absence of leader will no
probably work.
Leader member exchange:
It has to do with behavior but it has to be firmly related with a
dual relationship. This type of leadership can create a ingroup and
Outgroup the leader dont try to work with this followers because
he thinks that the follower is not strategically important to their
Considering those dyadic relationship leader tends to create high
quality relationship with people that are like them this doesnt make
this relationship strategic valuable.
Theories should develop different quality relationship with followers
depending the strategic function he she develops.

LMX at the team level:

Variation of the relationship depends mainly in the number of
people in one group and the willingness of the support provided by the
People tend to pay attention in fairness and equity when they are in
a diverse group
Current era in leadership

Developing leadership
One way to promote learning is the opportunity to develop within
the company.
Learning challenges for leaders
-The leader has to recognize that he has flaws he need to learn
-The leader is not capable to excel en other tasks that they are ask
to do and they are not given the opportunity to improve.
-Leader has never experience failure I have been so successful
that I do not need to learn (brilliant, technical excellence, hard workers
this is not the same as learning)
-If Im in the leadership position I have to demonstrate that I know
better than everyone else
-Leaders dont get feedback very often about their performance
The culture of the company can affect the development of the

Collectivism vs individualism
Upper or out (of you dont get promoted you are out)
On the other hand, the culture has the power to promote learning
the expectation that the company is learning everyday.

Defensive reasoning (teaching smart people how to learn)

Denying or discounting negative feedback. People dont want
negative performance feedback and instead of having the willingness, you
deny the feedback and try to outsource the problem. Because I did the
things that I always do, I did the thinks that got me through my position
certainly it can be me.
The leader has to lead the way by role-modeling
Learning is not about negligence, is about giving you the
opportunity to develop your skills.
The goal is to do it again when you fail.
Emotion is the key signal of defensive reasoning.
Leading teams
Teams: Why teams?
- information processing teams are superiors to process
information and problem solving compared to individual work.

In a team you have the opportunity to have different perspectives,

information and better conversations.
- Innovation/Creativity one person can have a brilliant idea but it
is unlikely to happen always. Its better to have a team because of the
different perspectives they will come up with something new.
-Employee motivation helps meet social needs. Organizations are
much more ready to build bonds with a team rather than with an
obligation. They are loyal to their team and will not leave that people
alone or quit until the project is done.
-Reduction in supervisory needs/costs members monitor each
other and groups can regulate member behavior.
A model of team effectiveness
Team characteristics norms/culture effectiveness

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