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Dorian Gray


3 Read these sentences. Then listen to Chapter 1 and decide If they are true (T) or false (F) PAG.9

We first meet Basil Hallward sitting in front of the picture of Dorian Gray.
He met Dorian Gray at an interesting party.

Basil sees Dorian every Saturday.

Lord Henry is happy to miss lunch at Aunt Agatha's house.

Dorian Gray is sitting on the sofa.

Lord Henry thinks Dorian Gray is very handsome.

Lord Henry tells Dorian to sit in the sun.

When Dorian sees the portrait, his first reaction is joy.

Dorian then becomes angry.


The butler brings coffee for the men.

1. Look at the descriptions below from Chapter 1 and say if each one describes Basil Hallward, Lord Henry Wotton or Dorian
Gray. PAG. 18
1 He is beautiful. Dorian
2 He has an intellectual face. Basil
3 His enemies respect him Lord Henry
4 He plays the piano Dorian
5 His emotions were more interesting than an invitation to lunch Basil............
6He is a bad influence. Lord Henry
7 His eyes were bright Dorian
8 He was amazed. Basil
9 He seemed quite angry. Dorian
10 A look of pain came into his eyes Basil
7. Look at the sentences about what happens in Chapter 2, and discuss together which is
p r ob a b l y t h e c o r r e c t e n d. PAG . 2 1

Lord Henry goes to visit his uncle


At lunchtime Lord Henry goes

At lunch the other guests think Lord

Henry is

One month later Dorian tells that he

Dorian went to a theatre and saw

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Pgina 1

Dorian Gray
A. he wants money for Dorian
B. he wants information about Dorian
C. he wants to introduce him to Dorian
A. to Aunt Agatha's house
B. to his club
C. to Dorian's house

A. boring and stupid

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Pgina 2

Dorian Gray
B. very good looking
C. clever and funny
A. intends to move to Paris
B. is in love
C. wants to buy the picture by Basil
A. opera
B. a musical comedy
C. a play by Shakespeare

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Pgina 3

1. Put these events from Chapter 2 Into the correct order. PAG. 30

7 Dorian tells Lord Henry that he is in love.


3 Lord Henry goes to his Aunt Agatha's house for lunch.



1 Lord Henry Wotton goes to visit his uncle.


6 Dorian Gray meets Lord Henry's wife, Victoria


10 Lord Henry receives a telegram from Dorian.


2 Lord Henry hears Dorian's story from his uncle.


5 Dorian Gray leaves Lady Agatha's house with Lord Henry.


8 Dorian describes his evening in a horrible theatre.


Lord Henry agrees to go to the theatre with Dorian.

The guests speak about Americans.

4 Look at the first part of sentences from chapter 2 and match them to the correct ending. PAG. 31

D Lord Fermor had t wo large houses.


F Poor Margaret died soon a fter,


G On her left was Mr Erskine of Treadly, an old man


A And wh e n ba d Am e ri c a ns die


E She wanted to be picturesque


H The problem is that today people know the price of everything


C In London there are only five intelligent women,


B I returned the next evening

a they go to America.
b and he was happy to see me.
c and two of them cannot enter polite society.
d but he preferred to live in the hotel.
e but her clothes were always untidy.
f and left her son alone.
g who was intelligent and charming, but very silent.
h and the valve of nothing.

8. Look at these sentences and guess the correct option. Then listen to Chapter 3 and check. PAG. 33


At the beginning, we meet young Sibyl Vane with her mother in her sitting room / bedroom.


Sibyl asks her mother about her brother / father.


James, Sibyl 's brother, is irritated / happy with his mother.


James and Sibyl ta ke a wal k in the park / along the river.


James promises to beat / kill Dorian Gray if he hurts Sibyl.


Ja me s l e a ve s for Aust ra l i a / America.


Hall ward thinks Dorian's engagement is a bad / wonderful idea.


The e nga ge ment is publ ic ne ws / a secret.


When Dorian is wi th Sibyl, he feels good / artistic.

10. After hearing the ne ws, Hall ward feels old / sick.

1 Look at these sentences from Chapter 3 and put them into the correct order. PAG. 42
A. 5 James carried his trunk to the cab at the door.
B. 6 Dori a n a rri ve d.


2 James and Sibyl we nt to the Park

4 'Mother, I want to ask a question,' said James. Were you married to my father?'


3 James tried to look, but another carriage passed in front of him.

F. 8 He felt that Dorian was lost to him. He felt old.

G. 7 'No,' answered Dorian. 'I will see her tonight.'
H. 1 What does money matter?' cried Sibyl. 'Love is more than money.'

9 Look at these sentences. In each sentence there Is a mistake. Read Chapter 4 and then underline the mistake
and correct it. PAG 45
1. Hallward thought the people in the theatre were elegant . Hallward thought the people in the

theatre were vulgar


The balcony scone was a success . The balcony scene was a complete failure
Dorian says he will always think of Sibyl. Dorian says he will always think of Sibyl never
Dorian walked to the fruit market Dorian walked to the flower market.
When he looked at the portrait, he saw that it was Identical. When he looked at the portrait, he

saw that it was different.


Dorian receives a visit from Basil Hallward . Dorian receives a visit from Lord Henry.
Sibyl killed herself by jumping from a window . Sibyl killed herself by drinking something
Lord Henry believes that women hate cruelty . Lord Henry believes that women like cruelty.
That evening, Dorian stays at home . That evening, Dorian goes to the Opera

1. Look at these sentences about Chapter 4 and decide If they are true or false. PAG. 54
1.Dorian thinks that the orchestra is very bad.

2.Hallward gives more importance to art than to love

3. Sibyl thinks that acting and the theatre are false because now she understands real love.

4. Sibyl wants Dorian to stay with her.

5.Dorian thinks the portrait has a new, kinder expression

6.Dorian writes a poem to Sibyl.

7.Dorian decides to be good and marry Sibyl.
8.Lord Henry invites Dorian to dinner.

10. Look at these sentences. You will hear the story of Chapter 5. Decide if each sentence Is correct or Incorrect. If It Is correct
put a tick In the box under A. If It is not correct put a tick In the box B. PAG 57

(the morning)

1 Basil Hallward visits Dorian at dinner time.

2 Basil Hallward tells Dorian that he Is wrong not to be sad.

(she killed herself)

(he wants to show it in

3 Dorian tells Basil Hallward that Sibyl was murdered.

4 Basil Hallward explains to Dorian that he still refuses to show the picture.
5 Dorian asks the housekeeper for the key to the schoolroom. '


( also his assistant)

6 The frame maker and Dorian carry the picture to the schoolroom.
7 Dorian spends the afternoon reading a fascinating book from Lord Henry.

8 Dorian goes out to have dinner with Lord Henry.

1. Choose the correct answer for each question. PAG. 66
1 Who did Dorian meet for the first time at the Opera?
A an opera singer
C Lord Henry's cousin
B Lord Henry's sister
D Lady Radley
2 What does Dorian love more than beautiful things and places?
A artistic people
C artistic things
B beautiful people
D wealthy people
3 When Basil says he wants to exhibit the painting, how does Dorian feel?
A very happy
B curious

C bored
D in danger

4 Basil explains that he didn't want to show the picture because

A he put too much soul in it
C he was jealous of it
B it was terrible.
D it was too valuable
5 The housekeeper closed the schoolroom when
A Dorian stopped studying
C Dorian's grandfather died
B Dorian moved to another house
D Dorian went to school
6 Dorian thinks that Basil's love is
A admiration of beauty
B noble and real
7 The frame maker wants to
A sell Dorian a painting
B buy Dorian's picture

C literary
D selfish and arrogant

C take Dorian to an exhibition

D sell Dorian a frame

8 Dorian thinks the book Lord Henry sends him Is

A fascinating
C boring
B beautiful
D intellectual
8. Read Chapter 6. For each question put a tick in the correct box. PAG.69
1 Dorian loved the book and made covers for it in different

A colours

C sizes

B materials

2 Dorian lived for

A fashion

B the senses

C money

3 Dorian was fascinated by the Church's

A beliefs

C architecture

B beauty

4 He read stories about

A clothes

C perfume

B jewels

5 Sometimes Dorian disappeared to a place that was

A terrible
B be a ut i ful
6 Sometimes he looked at the old pictures in his
A London house B house in France

C in Africa

C country home

7 From his mother Dorian inherited his

B beauty

A intellect

C character

2. Look at the sentences about Chapter 6 and decide if they are True (T) or False (F). PAG. 78

1 Dorian went to Church because he was very religious.

2 Dorian changed his interests often.

3 Dorian liked to spend time alone at his country house.

4 Dorian sometimes disappeared for periods of time.

5 Dorian enjoyed looking at the portraits of his friends In his country house.
6 Dorian sometimes looked at a portrait of his beautiful mother.

7 Dorian enjoyed the chapters in the book about the past in Italy.

8 The book talked about ways of poisoning people in France.

9. Look at these sentences. Listen and match each person with the information about the m in
Chapte r 7. PAG 81


The Duke of Berwick

b Alan Campbell

Lord Stavely

d Lady Narborough


La d y G w en do l in e

Ba s il H al l a w a r d


a Lo r d H en r y
c Th e c ab d r i ve r

The servant


a s ks w h a t D o r i an d id t he e ve ni n g be f o r e .


didn't want to come to Dorian's house again.


says the destination is too far.


is cl e ve r an d u gl y.


leaves the room when Dorian enters.


c r i e d i n h o r r o r.


s a ys no w om an c an go ne a r D o r i an .


is th i rt y - e i gh t t he n e xt d a y.


can't have her children to live with her.


answered the door.

1. Put these sentences from Chapter 7 Into the correct order. PAG. 90

A. 1 Hallward went upstairs with Dorian. They entered the schoolroom.


3 That night he slept well, peacefully, and at nine o'clock his servant woke him.


5 It was after seven when Campbell came back to the library.

D. 4 You must destroy the thing upstairs. Nobody saw him come into the house.
E. 8 At midnight he left his house and stopped a cab.
F. 2 He saw a knife on the table. He took it, and stabbed Hallward, again and again.
G. 6 He went upstairs. There was a smell of nitric acid, but the thing was gone.
H. 7 That evening at eight-thirty, beautifully dressed, Dorian Gray arrived at Lady Narborough's party.
7. Talk in pairs or small groups. Decide for each sentence if ending A or B happens in the events of Chapter 8. Then read
and check. PAG.93
1 Dorian takes a cab to the
rich theatre district of London

2 Dorian meets a friend who is

A c ompl e t e l y rui ne d

poorest area of London

ver y happ y and successful

3 The sailor attac ks Dorian because he hears the name


P ri nc e C ha rmi n g

4 The sailor doesn't kill Dorian because

he forgives him

Dorian Gra y

he thinks Dorian is a young boy

5 Dorian likes the Duchess of Monmouth because she is


intelli gent

6 Lord Henry thinks that love is

ve r y i mport a nt

7 The Duchess is looking for


prett y
an illusion
a new husband

8 At the conservatory window Dorian sees the face of


Ja mes Vane

Sib yl Vane

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