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Introduction :
A. Welcome

Instructional design models are frameworks to help you create quality training. In this course,
author and instructional design expert Shea Hanson explores some of the most salient models
of instructional design: ADDIE, SAM, Rapid Prototyping, and Gradual Release. Watch scenarios
that show how each model performs in action in the workplace, which Shea follows with an
examination of its pros and cons. She also provides some helpful resources that will lead to
your next step.
a. Transcript :
Hi, I'm Shea Hanson, and welcome to Instructional Design Essentials, Models of Instructional
Design. Instructional Design models are frameworks for creating quality training, and in this
course, we'll explore some of the common models. We'll take a look at the ADDIE model, the
Successive Approximation Model known as SAM, Rapid Prototyping, and the Gradual Release
Model. Then we'll explore scenarios of how the models can be used to create training in the
Finally, I'll walk through the pros and cons of each model. Now let's get started with Models of
Instructional Design.
b. Video : Introduction
B. What do you already know?
GOAL: Complete the following questions. Youre not expected to know all of the answers.
When you finish the course, youll have the opportunity to answer these questions again and
show what youve learned. Your results will not be made public.

Which of the following is not a component of instructional design?

o Implementing quality training
o Analyzing your audience and their needs
o Understanding learning theories
o Defining systems of scoring and grading accordingly (V)
o Designing a way to meet the needs of your audience
In order for the ADDIE model to be successful, it is imperative that the phases are
followed in a linear fashion, from start to finish.
The three stages of the SAM model are
o 1) start, 2) analyze, and 3) measure.
o 1) evaluate, 2) consider, and 3) question.
o 1) review, 2) begin, and 3) repeat.
o 1) evaluate, 2) design, and 3) develop. (V)
One drawback of using Rapid Prototyping is that fast development
o results in better communication.
o may result in errors and low quality training. (V)
o may result in customized training.
o results in lower cost.
C. Overview of instructional design
Before we begin looking at instructional design models, let's first define Instructional Design.
My favorite definition comes from the Education Department at the University of Michigan.
The definition states, Instructional Design is the systematic development of instructional
specifications using learning instructional theory to insure the quality of instruction. It is the

entire process of analysis of learning needs and goals and the development of a delivery
system to meet those needs. It includes the development of instructional materials and
activities, and try out and evaluation of all instruction and learner activities.
Now, let's unpack this and take a look at some of the key parts of this definition. First,
Instructional Design requires an understanding of learning theories. While we won't go over
learning theories in this course, it's important to understand the basics of why we teach a
certain way and how people learn. Next, analyzing your audience and their needs. All training
should start with analyzing the audience needs so you can tailor the training to meet those
needs. And designing a way to meet the needs. Instructional design models create a
framework for building the training.
Finally, implementing quality training. Instructional Design doesn't only focus on building the
instruction, it also incorporates the best way to deliver the learning. Instructional Design
Models are frameworks for developing training. They outline the stages, or the process you
should take to create the training, and offer guidance as you move through the development
process. Now, you don't need to have any previous knowledge of Instructional Design before
watching this course. I'll outline the basics of each model, and talk about how to apply them
to your training development.
I've also included some helpful resources for you to find out more information.
Video : Overview of instructional design
D. Choosing the best model for your project
Instructional Design Models give you frameworks for outlining your training programs. Each
model breaks down the training development into smaller segments, but all models have
some sort of analysis, development and evaluation. They may have different methods for
approaching those stages or breaking them down into more manageable pieces. As we walk
through ADDIE, SAM, Rapid Prototyping, and Gradual Release, pay attention to the types of
phases and how they're organized.
I'll also walk through some scenarios of how the models can be implemented in the
workplace, and also go over some of the benefits and drawbacks of each model. When
choosing between models, you should use the one that aligns the organization with your
workflow, your team and your content. For example, if you're working with short deadlines,
SAM may be the best model for you. If you have a highly flexible team, Rapid Prototyping may
work best. And if you have training that focuses primarily on behavioral outcomes, you may
want to choose Gradual Release.
These are just my suggestions. Every scenario requires its own assessment. So as we walk
through the models in this course, think about your training, your team and your work flows to
see what model will fit your needs best.
Video: Choosing the best model for your project
E. Using the exercise files
If you're a premium member of, you'll have access to the exercise files that I
reference throughout the course. I've included exercise files that outline each model and
include references where you can check out more information.
Video: Using the exercise files
Files: Ex_Files_Models_of_ID



A. Overview of the ADDIE model

One of the most widely used Instructional Design models is ADDIE. In this movie, I'll go over
the five stages that make up the ADDIE model. The stages include Analyze, Design, Develop,
Implement and Evaluate. Let's take a look at each of these. First we have the Analyze stage.
In this first stage, you'll clarify the problem that needs to be solved. You'll define your
audience, ask yourself questions like, who is the learner? What do they already know? What
are their biases? And so on.
Next you'll clarify your goals and objectives. You may have over-arching goals that allign your
training to a business objective. You should also have specific goals and learning objectives.
Ask yourself, what should the learner know after they've completed the training? And you'll
identify any logistics, including your timeline, budget and scope, and also the delivery method
or learning environment, which is how and where you'll be giving the training. Next we move
on to the design stage. You'll design the structure and duration of your training, and create
learning objectives for those different modules or sections.
You'll plan any exercises or assessments that will go along with your content. And depending
on how you'll deliver the training, you may create storyboards, or a prototype, and design
things like the interface, user experience or any graphic design elements. Next we move to
the Develop stage, where you create the training program. Depending on your project, you
may be working with programmers, developers, authors or editors in this stage. You'll also
create any of the deliverables, like the course guides or assessment tools here.
In the Implement stage, your training is delivered. The project manager should make sure that
any resources are issued in this phase so that the training can be completed. For example, if
you're delivering training face to face, your trainer may need a script or a facilitator guide.
And if you're delivering the training online, you'll need to make sure your website is up and
running and accessible. You'll also need to remember to give your students instructions on
how to access your training. Any students assessments or feedback form should be handed
out in this phase, which you'll analyze in the last step.
Finally, we have Evaluate. In this phase, you and your team should evaluate two different
areas. The process and the training outcomes. First, review each stage of the ADDIE process.
What was successful and what wasn't? To evaluate the training, use the assessments you
delivered or another indicator of achievement. Did your students meet the learning objectives
that you set in the Design stage? Did you meet the overall goals you set in the Analyze stage?
Your evaluation should directly impact your future projects, or future iterations of your current
So even asking basic questions like, what went well, what didn't and what can we do better, is
an important part of this last stage that can help you improve over time. Now, depending on
your organization, you may need to get approval for one or possibly all of these steps. For
example, if you created a prototype in the Design stage, you'll need to get stakeholder signoff before moving to the Develop stage. And one final note about the ADDIE model. The
Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement and Evaluate stages all build on each other.
This model is not always linear, and each of these stages may look different depending on
you, your project and your team.
Video : Overview of the ADDIE model
B. Example: ADDIE in action
We just took a look at the five stages of the ADDIE model. Let's now look at a scenario of how
ADDIE can be used to create training in the workplace. We're going to use KinetEco, an
alternative energy company, as an example. KinetEco has a team of solar panel installation

technicians, and they have a new software system that they will use to receive their job
assignments. The instructional designers have been asked to train all of the installation techs
on this new software. The instructional design team will use the ADDIE Model to build this
training. So let's walk through each step of the model with them.
First, let's Analyze the problem. The technicians need to know how to use the new software.
The audience is the solar panel installation technicians. The instructional designers know that
the technicians have certifications, but they need to gather more information about how they
work with the new software, and what barriers they're running into. They could do this by
sending out a survey, or watching several techs on the job or interviewing them in person. By
talking with their audience, the instructional design team would be able to more accurately
see how the team is using the software on the job, and the ping points they encounter, and
address these in their training.
Next, the team will create objectives, or what they want the techs to know after they
complete the training. Their main objective is this, after completing the training, the techs will
be able to use the new software. They may have even more specific objectives, like the time it
takes the techs to complete a task, or the amount of tasks they're able to complete on a job.
The instructional design team should also be aligning this training to business goals. KinetEco
is reducing waste in all aspects of their company. Going paperless and implementing this new
software system will help them conserve more resources.
Now we'll take a look at the logistics. The instructional design team will have a budget and a
timeline that was given to them by their manager. For the delivery method, the training will
be a computer base program that will be delivered in the local tech offices. A trainer will
travel to these offices and deliver the training in person. Now the instructional designers will
take all of the information they gathered and incorporate their findings into the design of the
training. First they decide on the structure. They decide to break down the training into five
parts, the introduction to the training, a scenario based pre-assessment, the computer
program with exercises, a Q&A session with the facilitator, and a scenario-based final
With the structure in place, they can now outline assessments, plan the scenarios that will be
used in the exercises, and decide that they'll use a feedback form to gather input from the
technicians. Now they'll design the interface for the computer section of the training program
and create storyboards. The storyboards and the structure are approved by the stakeholders,
and the team moves on to development. Now it's time to create the training. They'll work with
a programmer and a graphic designer to use the storyboards to create the computer program.
They'll also write a facilitator guide for the trainer who will be giving the introduction and
leading this training. With these pieces in place, the team is ready to implement the training.
The training is delivered at the tech offices. So now we'll see how this training might look.
First, the pre-assessments are given out. The trainer gives an introduction and then
instructions for how to navigate through the program. The technicians make their way through
the computer training and the exercises. Then there's a Q&A session that gives them a
chance to clarify any questions they have.
Finally, the trainer gives out a post-assessment and feedback forms to the technicians. Once
the training has been delivered, it's time to review and evaluate. The team evaluates what
worked and what didn't work in the process. Then instructional designers can evaluate the
training, based on the scores from the pre and post-assessments, and also on the feedback
forms that the technicians filled out. The instructional designers can incorporate all of this
feedback into their next projects.
Video: Example ADDIE in action
C. Pros and cons of ADDIE

ADDIE is a widely used model, but it may not be best for your specific training needs. Let's
briefly go over the benefits and drawbacks of the ADDIE model. First let's talk about the
benefits. ADDIE is a commonly used and widely accepted model. It serves as the foundation
for most other instructional design models. It's flexible, it can be used for traditional
instruction, individual instruction and across industries. And ADDIE can be used with different
evaluation strategies. Some say that ADDIE works best when testing for easily measured
criteria, like time and cost, but if your team is measuring behavioral outcomes, you can add
those goals and measurements to your program.
Now let's look at the drawbacks. A common complaint is that ADDIE is a linear process. That
one stage must be completed before moving to the next. But, this depends on how you
implement the model into your own workflow. Other drawbacks are that it's time consuming
and costly. If you encounter any setbacks or changes, it often requires more time to regroup
than a more agile model would. Again, this depends on how you adapt the model to fit your
needs. Because of these drawbacks, newer instructional design models are more agile.
They have similar stages to ADDIE, but don't require each stage to be completed before
moving to the next. In another movie, we'll go over some of the adaptations to the ADDIE
model. As with every instructional design model, you must decide how to apply the stages of
the ADDIE model to your specific project. Think about the training that you build and weigh
the pros and cons of using the ADDIE model in your workflow.
Video : Pros and cons of ADDIE
D. Alternative models based on ADDIE
There are several models that are either very similar to ADDIE or based off of ADDIE. I want to
highlight three of these models here, Dick and Carey, Kemp, and Backwards. While I won't go
into much detail, if any of these models seem like they would fit your specific training
development needs, I encourage you to check them out. First, let's look at Dick and Carey.
This model was introduced by Walter Dick and Lou Carey in their book, The Systematic Design
of Instruction. This model breaks down the ADDIE stages into smaller parts, and focuses on
the relationship between the stages.
Much like the beginning stage of the ADDIE process, the Dick and Carey model begins with
creating instructional goals and completing an instructional analysis. You'll then define your
audience by identifying entry behaviors and learner characteristics. Next, you'll identify the
performance objectives, what the learner should be able to do at the end of the training. You'll
create specific testable criteria, outline the instructional strategy or the structure of your
training. Create any instructional materials, similar to the developed stage in ADDIE, to a
formative evaluation, which is a low stakes assessment to see the strengths and weaknesses,
and revise the instruction accordingly.
Finally, you will end with a summative evaluation, an assessment that compares the learner to
a benchmark, which is the criteria that you developed earlier. Now, let's take a look at the
Kemp model, introduced by Jerrold Kemp. This model also breaks down the stages of the
ADDIE model, but focuses on a continuous implementation and evaluation. You'll identify the
instructional problems and goals to find your audience by examining the learner
characteristics. Identify the subject content. Develop objectives, what the learner should know
by the end of the training.
Organize instructional sequence, the structure of your training. Design instructional
strategies, much like the design stage of ADDIE. Then you'll plan the delivery method.
Develop the evaluation. And deliver the instructional resources and learning activities. Finally,
we have the Backwards model developed by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe. This model is
common in classrooms because it plans with the end goal in mind. In the Backwards model,
you'll first identify the desired results, the goals and objectives you want the student to be
able to do at the end of the training.

Then you'll plan the evaluations and assessments to meet those results. Finally, you'll list the
learning activities. The goal is to create activities to help the learner succeed in the
assessments and achieve the desired results. The ADDIE, Dick and Carey, Kemp, and
Backwards models have similarities in their instructional development. I've included an
exercise file that outlines each of these models and includes references where you can check
out more information.
Video: Alternative models based on ADDIE


SAM Model

A. Overview of the SAM model

SAM, the Successive Approximation Model, is a fast, agile, and collaborative model that many
instructional designers are using. Michael Allen introduced this in his book, Leaving ADDIE for
SAM, in which he encourages the agile, iterative process that makes up this model. Iterations
are repetitions. In an iterative model, you'll repeat a process or a stage, and continue to build
upon each repetition. Let's start by looking at the basic module of SAM. There are three
You start with evaluate, move into design, then develop, and end again with evaluate. The
three stage model is the basis for the Successive Approximation Model for training
development. The course development has four stages. Preparation, then design and
development, both with iterative phases of review, then ends with a rollout. Let's take a look
at each stage. The preparation phase begins with gathering information, then having a
collaborative conversation with the team about the goals and objectives.
This conversation is known as the savvy start. Then we move into the design stage. We see
the three step process. By this time the stages are more accurately defined as design,
prototype and review. This cycle is repeated three times, incorporating the feedback from the
prototype into the next round of design prototype and review. Next, we have the develop
stage. We see the same three step model this time defined as develop, implement, and
evaluate. The cycle is repeated three times, incorporating feedback from the implementation
into the next round of development.
This iterative process is designed to look for any errors, make improvements, and allow for
flexibility before moving on to the next stage. Rollout is the final stage. After you've
completed the design and development, you've already reviewed and incorporated your
feedback. The Successive Approximation Model allows instructional designers to go through
an iterative process to develop their training. Collaboration and communication is key in this
model since the repetitive nature requires flexibility.
Video: Overview of the SAM model
B. Example: SAM in action
We've gone over the stages of the Success of Approximation Model. Let's now look at scenario
of using SAM to create training in the workplace with out KinetEco example. KinetEco
customer service representatives must be able to answer questions regarding the consumer
and technical products from KinetEco. New products are always being added, so the customer
service reps need up to date training when new items are released. The customer service reps
need training on how to answer customer questions, how to access the knowledge base when
they need more information, and how to track their calls and feedback in the computer
The instructional designers have been asked to create a training program for the customer
service reps. The instructional design team will use the success of approximation model to
build this training. Let's walk through each step of the process with them. First we have
preparation. The instructional design team researches the customer service role. They may
conduct interviews, job shadow the reps, or bring in a senior level customer service rep to be
a part of the team. Then the team has an open conversation about their findings. They talk
about their expectations, the goals, and they brainstorm ideas for planning the content.
They'll use these ideas as they move into the next stage, Design. The team decides that the
training will be interactive computer training, that the customer service reps can complete on
their own at their work station. They outline the structure of the training. It will have four
modules, product training, knowledge base training, software training, and customer service
scenario exercises. The team prototypes these modules into a rough layout and reviews the
training prototype with the team. The review may bring up concerns about the order of the

content, the exercises, or the layout, and these changes are incorporated into the next round
of design, prototype, and review.
The team then repeats these steps again in the last round of design, prototype, and review,
and their prototype is ready for development as they move on to the next stage. The training
program prototype is now developed, adding the interactivity features. The first round of
development is implemented, and tested by a representative from the customer service team.
The instructional designers can review how they interact with the program to get feedback.
This feedback may bring up improvements or changes that will be incorporated into the next
round of development, implementation and feedback.
The instructional design team repeats the final stage of development, implementation and
feedback, and the final product is ready. The instructional design team has incorporated their
evaluation into each stage of the design and development process. So now the final product is
ready to be rolled out to the customer service team.
Video: Example SAM in action
C. Pros and cons of SAM
SAM is a relatively new model to the instructional design world. It's even been adopted by the
ASTD, the American Society for Training and Development, and their education and training.
Its popularity has made it a topic for discussion on both its benefits and its disadvantages.
Let's take a quick look at both. First, let's look at the benefits. Teams collaborate early and
often. The collaborative nature of SAM allows teams to be flexible, and the repetitive review
stages leave lots of opportunities to communicate any changes or feedback.
Changes are incorporated right away. Iterative models are loved for the responsive nature and
SAM is no different. Changes that need to be made to the training, or external changes, like
budget or schedule, are incorporated and can even be anticipated if the team has been in
communication during the entire process. Using SAM can save time and money. Many teams
see the benefit of the iterative process because changes can be costly. By anticipating any
adjustments, and allowing time to identify changes, the project can be flexible without having
to be redone.
Now, let's look at the disadvantages. SAM is repetitive. While this is also a benefit, it can be a
drawback. Some critics of SAM argue that the repetitive nature can lead teams to become
desensitized to the review process and this can allow for errors. Another argument is that the
repeat of cycles can waste time and resources, especially if the project doesn't require that
level of review. Alan's popular book, Leaving ADDIE for SAM, has many instructional designers
wondering why they should leave ADDIE if it's working for them. Both models require analysis,
design, development, and evaluation, all of which are key parts to creating effective training.
Both models outline the steps to take when developing your training, but it's the application
of these models, how you and your team implement the stages of either ADDIE or SAM into
your workflow that will determine your success. Diversity in process is a good thing. Like all
models, SAM is only successful if it fits your team and your projects. If the repetitive nature of
SAM works to create your training, I highly suggest you try it out.
Video : Pros and cons of SAM


Rapid Prototyping (Spiral) Model

A. Overview of the Rapid Prototyping model

Rapid prototyping takes the stages of the ADDIE process and creates a fast paced model,
often merging together several steps at a time. You still complete the five stages, but you
may take shortcuts, overlap the stages, or just do the minimum amount needed, so you can
develop and test your training quickly. The principle of this model is that you suit the steps to
fit your immediate needs. Some of the alterations might include: speeding up or combining
parts of the process, like designing and developing parts of your training at the same time.
Switching out formal or time consuming research for faster research. Instead of sending out a
formal survey, you can use phone interviews with your audience. Reusing existing materials
or programs to test the training more quickly. For example, you could reuse feedback forms or
graphic assets to speed up the development process. You could also adapt exercises or
assessments from other training to fit your current project. Using templates to speed up
design, development or assessment. You could reuse templates for the prototyping or
interface templates if you're creating online training.
Using multiple teams to work on different stages of the process. Or if you have a team that's
flexible and works well together, you may want to break up the responsibilities of the project,
and assign parts to each individual. This normally requires a team that can change directions
quickly, and have trust in each other to be responsible for their parts of the process. Rapid
prototyping involves the continual design and evaluation cycle throughout the life of the
project. Constant review and formative assessments, the low risk kind of assessment that
identifies strengths and weaknesses, should be incorporated throughout all stages of this
And a word of caution about rapid prototyping. This process requires a full understanding of
the ADDIE stages and the ability to balance these stages without letting things slip. It works
best with a flexible team that either has decision making power, so there's no waiting to get
sign-off on changes. Or with close contact to stakeholders who can quickly react to changes.
Use rapid prototyping with caution. If you don't have much experience, it may not be the best
place to start.
Video: Overview of the Rapid Prototyping model
B. Example: Rapid Prototyping in action
We've gone over the Rapid Prototyping model, so let's now see how we can use it to create
training in the workplace. We'll use KinetEco as an example. KinetEco tech support reps
answer calls from the installation technicians who are out on jobs. The techs may run into
something they've never seen, or need to get approval to change something about the job.
So, they call tech support reps for answers and approval. The tech support reps are getting
new computer systems that will help them communicate with the install techs, and track their
questions and answers.
The instructional design team has been asked to create training for the tech support reps on
this new software, and they need the training as soon as possible. The instructional design
team will use rapid prototyping to create this training. Let's walk through the process with
them. The instructional design team has to roll out this training quickly, across the entire tech
support rep team. They split up responsibilities among each member of their team, and use a
collaborative document sharing service to store their work. To begin, the team analyzes their
audience and project.
They do research on the tech support reps by phone surveys, shadowing them on the job, and
bringing in research they've already gathered from previous training. The team creates a
scope sheet for the training, including timeline, budgets, constraints and so on. For the
design, they'll create an online training site that includes videos and assessments. Now the

team breaks up responsibilities, like creating objectives, breaking out the training into
modules, creating assessments, prototyping the online course with slides.
Testing that prototype with a tech support rep, and developing and recording the videos. In
each of these steps, the instructional design team reviews their work and makes adjustments
as necessary before completing their tasks and moving to the next. For the development, the
team is going to reuse existing training site templates for the user experience and interface of
the training. They'll add the videos and assessments to the site. Once they have it built,
they'll test out the training site and incorporate that feedback back into the site and the
And once they are satisfied with their work, the instructional design team delivers the training
to the tech support reps. They can now do a full evaluation of their work, and they'll
incorporate their findings into the next iteration or update of the training.
Video: Example Rapid Prototyping in action
C. Pros and cons of Rapid Prototyping
Rapid prototyping may fit your needs if you're looking for a very flexible and agile approach to
the ADDIE model. Let's take a look at the benefits and drawbacks of rapid prototyping. First,
let's look at the benefits. Rapid prototyping allows for lots of communication across your
team. You'll get immediate feedback on the training. You can catch problems early in the
development stages by reviewing and testing early. The non-linear approach is flexible. You
can customize the stages to fit your workflow, and it reduces development time and cost.
Because you're able to develop and test quickly, the training is completed faster than using a
traditional model. Now, let's look at the drawbacks. Fast development may result in errors.
Even though you may have reviewed the training several times, the expedited nature may
allow errors to slip through. Faster and cheaper training can be seen as lower in quality. If
you're reusing materials or using templates, it may not have the fully-customized experience
that it would if you were building the training from scratch. And steps may be skipped.
Even experienced instructional designers may neglect steps if they're not following an
outlined process. You may find that your team thrives on the fast-paced workflow that rapid
prototyping delivers. If your instructional designers are experienced and can fully customize
the ADDIE model to the current project, rapid prototyping may suit your needs.
Video: Pros and cons of Rapid Prototyping


Gradual Release Model

A. Overview of the Gradual Release model

The Gradual Release Model is common in K20 education, but is also used in other types of
training. The main idea is to shift the responsibility from the teacher to the student in four
stages. I do, a focused lesson, we do, guided instruction. You do it together, collaborative
learning, and you do it alone, independent work. These four stages are linear, but students
may need to move back and forth between the stages as they master the skills.
The first stage, I do, is a brief, focused lesson that the teacher or trainer demonstrates. They'll
cover the process, actions, and the reasoning to give students context. The lesson should
cover what, why, when and how. What, is the skill or task. Why, is the purpose for completing
that task. When, is any reasoning about the times or situations where it's best to complete.
And how, is a detailed demonstration on the actions to complete it.
Also, if there are any errors to avoid, the teacher or trainer should mention those to give a
well-rounded lesson. Next, the students move into guided instruction, or the we do stage. The
teacher or trainer will give prompts, ask questions, facilitate discussion, or lead students
through the tasks to increase their understanding. Teachers can focus on specific needs of the
students as they guide them through instruction. This is the first step to transferring
responsibility to the student. As they're witnessing the mastery level of the students, the
teacher or trainer should group students according to their skill levels, so they're working with
others at the same level in the next stage.
In these groups, the students will move on to collaborative learning, or the you do it together
stage. The groups must complete assignments with each team member having unique
responsibilities. This is the next part of the transfer of responsibility. Because each student is
accountable for their participation, if they need to ask clarifying questions, they can turn to
their group members instead of asking the teacher or trainer. After completing their tasks, the
group should do their own reflection on the process and on themselves, to evaluate what went
well and what could have been done better.
Once the students have completed and reviewed their group assignments, they'll use what
they learned in a new assignment or situation. This is called independent work, or the you do
it alone stage. The students will practice the application of the tasks by doing assignments
that reflects the lesson content. Throughout the independent work, the teacher or trainer
should only have to observe the students, since this is the final step to transferring
responsibility. A final assessment can be given at the end of the independent work, to test if
the students have met the desired outcomes.
To prepare for this type of training, you should first analyze your students. Then build
performance objectives, and lessons, activities and assessments to meet those objectives. As
you move through the guided instruction and collaborative learning stages, it's really
important to be flexible and responsive to the students' needs. Because they may need to
move back and forth between these stages to master the skill. The Gradual Release Model is a
way for students to become responsible for their learning, and to master a skill or task by
taking on more individual work.
The teacher's role is to provide individual levels of instruction, monitor the student's progress,
and give guidance when necessary.
Video: Overview of the Gradual Release model
B. Example: Gradual Release in action
We've taken a look at the Gradual Release Model, so let's now see a scenario of how it can be
applied to training in the workplace. I'm going to use kinetECO as the example. A new policy
at kinetECO means that all solar panel installation techs need to go through monthly safety
training. The training will focus on everything from safely using ladders to safely handling

electrical equipment. The instructional design team has been asked to create safety training
for all of these kinetECO techs.
The instructional design team will use the Gradual Release Model for this training. Let's walk
through each step with them. First, the team does some research on the safety training. They
look at safety programs from certifications, and they gather safety history from all the tech
offices. They also send out surveys to the techs to find out about common problems and
common on-the-job tasks. Once they have their research completed, the team prepares by
outlining performance objectives for the monthly training sessions. They'll create outlines for
the focus lessons, which they'll turn into demo videos.
Then they'll create activities, which will be scenario exercises. They'll also create a final
assessment. Let's look at how the training looks using the Gradual Release Model. First, the
trainer gives the focus lesson. In this scenario, the lesson will be a demo video. Then the team
moves on to guided instruction. They'll role play safety scenarios with the trainer. As the
trainer works with the text, he'll identify their mastery level and break them out into groups.
In the collaborative learning stage, the groups are given scenarios to work on together.
They'll have to complete these exercise scenarios in their groups. In the final stage,
independent learning, each tech is given an individual hands-on exercise to complete, and the
training session ends with an assessment. Now, the instructional design team can review the
assessments and compare them to the performance objectives to evaluate their training, and
they can make improvements for the next month.
Video: Example Gradual Release in action
C. Pros and cons of Gradual Release
The Gradual Release Model may fit your needs if you're looking for a way to not only teach a
skill, but to teach mastery. Let's take a look at the benefits and drawbacks of this model. First,
let's look at the benefits. The Gradual Release Model teaches mastery of a skill. The students
learn the application, not just how to do it, and the students gain confidence because they
took responsibility for their own learning. And the students receive an individual level of
instruction so they can perform their best.
Now let's take a look at the drawbacks. Assessments are developed before the training, so the
student may not be prepared because assessment isn't flexible. It takes more time to unlearn
misconceptions or misunderstandings if the process is taught incorrectly or prematurely, or
the student didn't get the focused attention that they needed. Because of this, Gradual
Release Model is better in small group settings, which is not always possible. The teacher is
responsible for identifying weaknesses and misunderstandings in each individual student.
The Gradual Release Model may work well for your training and your team. Think about the
training that you build, and weigh the pros and cons of using the Gradual Release Model in
your workflow.
Video: Pros and cons of Gradual Release



A. Assessment : What did you learn?

GOAL: Complete the following questions as accurately as you can, to see what youve learned
in this course.
When youre done, you can review your results and get recommendations for what to watch
next. Your results will not be made public.

Which of the following is not a component of instructional design?

o defining systems of scoring and grading accordingly (V)
o designing a way to meet the needs of your audience
o implementing quality training
o analyzing your audience and their needs
o understanding learning theories
All instructional design models include _____ components.
o direct and independent instruction
o analysis, development, and evaluation
o scoring
o prototyping and role playing
In order for the ADDIE model to be successful, it is imperative that the phases are
followed in a linear fashion, from start to finish.
Constructing assessments and scenario-based exercises would be most appropriate for
the _____ stage of the ADDIE model
o Development
o Design
o Analyze
o Evaluation
o Implement
One of the advantages of the ADDIE model is that it is tends to be a faster, less costly
choice than other models of instructional design.
How is the Dick and Carey model similar to the ADDIE model?
o The Dick and Carey model begins with creating instructional goals and
completing an instructional analysis. (V)
o The Dick and Carey model does not allow for instruction revision.
o The Dick and Carey model creates random testable criteria.
o The Dick and Carey model defines the audience by demographics.
o The Dick and Carey model requires that you begin with a summative evaluation.
What is the most common model used for classroom instruction?
o ADDIE model
o Kemp model
o Backwards model (V)
o Lewis and Clark model
o Dick and Carey model
he three stages of the SAM model are
o 1) evaluate, 2) design, and 3) develop.
o 1) review, 2) begin, and 3) repeat.
o 1) start, 2) analyze, and 3) measure.
o 1) evaluate, 2) consider, and 3) question.
Since changes can be costly, using the SAM model saves time and money.

You should have a clear understanding of the _____ model before using the Rapid
Prototyping model.

o Backwards
o Kemp
o Dick and Carey
One drawback of using Rapid Prototyping is that fast development
o may result in customized training.
o results in better communication.
o may result in errors and low quality training. (V)
o results in lower cost.
The first stage of the Gradual Release model is
o "You do it together", where groups must complete assignments with team
o "We do", where the teacher leads students through tasks to increase their
o "I do", a brief focused lesson that the teacher or trainer demonstrates.
o "You do", or independent work.
The Gradual Release model is better in _____, and the teacher is _____.
o large group settings; not present for instructional activities.
o small
misunderstandings in each individual student.(V)
o small group settings; not present for instructional activities.
o large
misunderstandings in each individual student.
B. Resources :
Thanks for watching, and I hope you enjoyed exploring a bit about instructional design
models. I want to leave you with some helpful resources for you to check out more
information. A couple of websites I recommend are, which is the Association for
Talent Development, where you'll find lots of resources, training, and information on the
industry. Also, Martin Ryder from the University of Colorado has an extensive list of
instructional design models, learning theories, and links to other references for each model.
I also have some suggestions for other courses to watch on Once you get into the
design stage of your training development, I highly suggest you check out Daniel Brigham's
Instructional Design Essentials: Storyboarding course. Aaron Quigley's weekly series, Teacher
Tips, is a great resource for staying up to date with the latest educational technology and
classroom management techniques. We also have several courses on tools you can use to
author training programs like Up and Running with Captivate 7, and Up and Running with
Articulate Storyline, both with David Rivers, and Camtasia Studio 8 Essential Training with
Chris Mattia, and many more.
I hope you learned some valuable information about the foundational instructional design
models and wish you all the best in your training development. Thanks again for watching
Instructional Design Essentials: Models of Instructional Design.
Video: Helpful resources

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