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For Directions-Additional Examples Provided

Directions Read to Student
Language in directions simplified
Extended Time 1.5x
Test Passages, Questions, Items and Multiple-Choice Responses Read to the Student
Use of a calculator
Use of break periods (5 minute break)
Test administered in a location with minimal distractions (no more than 8 students)
Revised test format provide paper copy of computerized assessment; separate test passages from test questions; single sided tests
Test Passages, Questions, Items and Multiple-Choice Responses Read to the Student
Directions Read to Student
Extended time 1.5x
Use of Additional Paper
Language in Directions Simplified
On-task Focusing Prompts
Use of break periods (3-5 minute break when overwhelmed)
Use of a Calculator
Test administered in small group (no more than 8 students)
Test administered in a location with minimal distractions
Answers Recorded in Test Booklet (Allow Jason to record his answers in the test booklet for all assessments, including computer based
assessments. For computer based assessments, provide Jason with a paper copy to record his answers and show his work.)
Revised test format provide paper copy of computerized assessment; separate test passages from test questions; single sided tests
Extended time 1.5x
Use of break periods (for assessments longer than 30 minutes)
On task focusing prompts (for assessments longer than 30 minutes)
Use of a calculator
Directions read to student
Test administered in small group
Answers recorded in test book (Zaire should be given paper copies of all assessments so that he can record his answers on the paper
(including computer-based assessments).
Revised test format provide paper copy of computerized assessment; separate test passages from test questions; single sided tests
Use of a calculator
Listening Section Repeated More Than the Standard Number of Times
Use of Masks or Markers to Maintain Place
Use of Break Periods (Provide a brief 3 - 5 minute break after every half hour of testing. Provide Stephen with breaks when he requests
due to anxiety. Provide Stephen with sensory breaks when needed - sunglasses, stress balls, walks in the hallway, etc)
Test administered in small group (separate location, individual)
Extended time -2.0x
Directions read to student
Language in directions simplified
Test Passages, Questions, Items and Multiple-Choice Responses Read to the Student
Multiple Day Administration

Use of Computer/Word Processor to Record Responses

Extended Time 1.5x
Presentation: Revised Test Directions/Directions Read to Student
Presentation: Revised Test Directions/Language in Directions Simplified
Test Passages, Questions, Items and Multiple-Choice Responses Read to the Student
Use of a calculator
Test administered in small group (no more than 8 students)
On task focusing prompts
Answers recorded in test booklet (for all tests, allow Christopher to write his answers in the test booklet. For computer based tests,
provide Christopher with a written hard copy)

Use of break periods (tests longer than 40 minutes)

Revised test format provide paper copy of computerized assessment; separate test passages from test questions; single sided tests

Extended time 1.5x

Directions read to student

Test Passages, Questions, Items and Multiple-Choice Responses Read to the Student

Test administered in a separate location, small group (no more than 8 students)

Use of break periods (when student is exhibiting stress)

Revised test format provide paper copy of computerized assessment; separate test passages from test questions; single sided tests

On-task focusing prompts (every 10 minutes as needed)

Tests Administered in a Location with Minimal Distractions (minimal extraneous noises, visual or movement distractors)

Extended time 1.5x

Language in directions simplified

On-task focusing prompts

Directions read to student

Use of break periods (Provide a 2-3 minute adult supervised break for each 15 minute interval of assessment)

Answers Recorded in Test Booklet (allow Luca the option to record his answers in his test booklet for all assessments, including
computer based assessments. For computer based assessments, provide Luca with a paper copy.)

Revised test format provide paper copy of computerized assessment; separate test passages from test questions; single sided tests

Use of a calculator

Use of a break period (when teacher sees student becoming frustrated)

Directions read to student

Extended Time 1.5x

Test administered in small group (no more than 8 students)

On task focusing prompts

Answers Recorded in Test Booklet (allow Nick the option to record his answers in his test booklet for all assessments, including
computer based assessments. For computer based assessments, provide Luca with a paper copy.)

Revised test format provide paper copy of computerized assessment; separate test passages from test questions; single sided tests
Extended Time
All tests
Time and a half due to characteristics of students learning disability
On-task Focusing Prompts All tests
Provide subtle verbal and nonverbal cues for attention to test
Test administered in small All tests
Separate location; small group; no more than 8 students
Use of Break Periods
All tests
Provide a brief 3 - 5 minute break when Douglus demonstrates signs of frustration
(grunting, doodling)
Waive Spelling
All tests not assessing
Adhering to NYSED guideline
spelling skills


Waive spelling requirements (on all tests not assessing spelling)

Use of break periods
Directions read
Extended Time 1.5x
Language in directions simplified
Test administered in small group (no more than 8 students)
On-task focusing prompts
Listening section repeated more than the standard number of times (1 additional time)
Use of calculator
Tests read
Revised test format provide paper copy of computerized assessment; separate test passages from test questions;
single sided tests
Extended Time 1.5x
Directions read
Test administered in small group (no more than 8 students)
On-task focusing prompts
Use of calculator
Tests read
Revised test format provide paper copy of computerized assessment; separate test passages from test questions;
single sided tests
Use of break periods
Directions read
Extended Time 1.5x
Language in directions simplified
Test administered in small group (no more than 8 students)
On-task focusing prompts
Use of calculator
Tests read
Revised test format provide paper copy of computerized assessment; separate test passages from test questions;
single sided tests
Waive spelling requirements (on all tests not assessing spelling)
Use of break periods
Directions read
Extended Time 1.5x
Language in directions simplified
Test administered in small group (no more than 8 students)
On-task focusing prompts
Listening section repeated more than the standard number of times (1 additional time)
Use of calculator
Tests read
Listening section repeated more than the standard number of times (1 additional time)

Use of adaptive or special equipment (noise cancelling headphones, folder to help Nathaniel avoid touching paper)
Use of computer/word processor to record responses
Multiple Day Administration tests are administered over two days
Revised test format provide paper copy of computerized assessment; separate test passages from test questions;
single sided tests; rephrase for Nathaniels understanding
Use of break periods
Directions read
Extended Time 1.5x
Language in directions simplified
Test administered in small group (no more than 8 students)
On-task focusing prompts
Listening section repeated more than the standard number of times (1 additional time)
Use of calculator
Tests read
Listening section repeated more than the standard number of times (1 additional time)
Use of adaptive or special equipment (noise cancelling headphones)
Multiple Day Administration tests are administered over two days
Revised test format provide paper copy of computerized assessment; separate test passages from test questions;
single sided tests
Math Tools manipulative provided
Directions read
Extended Time 1.5x
Language in directions simplified
Test administered in small group (no more than 8 students)
On-task focusing prompts
Listening section repeated more than the standard number of times (1 additional time)
Use of calculator
Tests read
Multiple Day Administration tests are administered over two days
Revised test format provide paper copy of computerized assessment; separate test passages from test questions;
single sided tests
Directions read
Extended Time 1.5x
Language in directions simplified
Test administered in small group (no more than 8 students)
On-task focusing prompts
Answers in test booklet (teacher transfers answers to answer sheet)
Use of computer/word processor
Waive spelling requirements
Use of break periods
Use of computer/word processor to record responses
Revised test directions
Use of calculator
Tests read
Multiple Day Administration tests are administered over two days
Revised test format provide paper copy of computerized assessment; separate test passages from test questions;

single sided tests

test read
directions read
extended time 1.5x
tests administered in small group
use of a calculator
on-task prompts
language in directions simplified
Multiple Day Administration tests are administered over two days
Revised test format provide paper copy of computerized assessment; separate test passages from test questions;
single sided tests


Extended Time 1.5x

Directions read to student
Test administered in small group (no more than 8 students)
On-task focusing prompts
Listening section repeated more than the standard number of times (1 additional time)
Use of calculator
Tests read
Revised test format provide paper copy of computerized assessment; separate test passages from test questions; single
sided tests
Extended Time 1.5x
Language in directions simplified
Test administered in small group (no more than 8 students)
On-task focusing prompts
Listening section repeated more than the standard number of times (1 additional time)
Use of calculator
Tests read
Revised test format provide paper copy of computerized assessment; separate test passages from test questions; single
sided tests
Extended Time 1.5x
Language in directions simplified
Answers recorded in test booklet (have teacher transfer answers)
Test administered in small group (no more than 8 students)
On-task focusing prompts
Listening section repeated more than the standard number of times (1 additional time)
Use of calculator
Test read
Use of computer/word processor
Revised test format provide paper copy of computerized assessment; separate test passages from test questions; single
sided tests
Language in directions simplified
Extended Time 1.5x
Test administered in small group (no more than 8 students)

Listening section repeated more than the standard number of times

Use of break periods
Use of a calculator
Test read
Revised test format provide paper copy of computerized assessment; separate test passages from test questions; single
sided tests
Extended Time 1.5x
Directions read
Test administered in small group (no more than 8 students)
On-task focusing prompts
Listening section repeated more than the standard number of times (1 additional time)
Use of calculator
Test read
Revised test format provide paper copy of computerized assessment; separate test passages from test questions; single
sided tests



Extended Time 1.5x

Directions read to student
Test administered in small group (no more than 8 students)
On-task focusing prompts
Use of calculator
Use of break periods
Test read
Revised test format provide paper copy of computerized assessment; separate test passages from test questions; single
sided tests
Extended time 1.5x
Language in directions simplified
Directions read
Use of break periods
Use of calculator
Test administered in small group
Tests read
On-task focusing prompts
Revised test format provide paper copy of computerized assessment; separate test passages from test questions; single
sided tests
Test administered in small group
Extended time 1.5x
On task focusing prompts
Extended time 1.5x
Test administered in small group
Extended time 1.5x
On-task focusing prompts
Separate location
Revised test format provide paper copy of computerized assessment; separate test passages from test questions; single

sided tests

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