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10/7/2014 Progress Report & Presentation to National Cadet Council + 3 Phases Years + Phase 1 © 20138 2014 © 10 0bjectives 14Tasts + Following sa summary of the intent and status of each task DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES Cadet & JCR Renewal 4 ‘0435212_1-A-2014.00887--0001 s.24(1\d) am score: PROGRESS: END STATE: 3.1 Governance Renew governance fr the Cadet and CR Programs Develop a structure that includes ll stakeholders (various DNO/CAF interests, three Leagues, local sponsors, adult ‘committe, parents, cadets and JCRs) at al appropriate levels (notional, regional, ica and that creates elective mechanisms for engagement, consultation, and voice ‘Anew governance model has been drafted National bodes have been defined and will include: ‘0 National Cadet Counel (NCC) - refocused and expanded © National Cadet Management Committee (NCMC) NEW (© National Cadet Management Board (NCM) NEW (© Operational Program Coordination Board (OPC8) NEW Regional local governance bodies are now clearly defined Next steps ©. Standing up ational bodies in 2014 © Defining replonal and ocal bodies to sand up 2015 Governance bodies have the agility and focus required to inform and uide the Cadet and JCR Programs and effectively ‘engage OND/CAF personnel and League / partners at all evels 2: wells other stakeholders 2 3.2 Comd & Control DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES 10/7/2014 2 ‘0435212_2-A-2014.00887--0002 5.2114) ee 1.3 Risk Matrix 5.1 Program Support Model DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES. 3 ‘0435212_3-A.2014.00887--0003 10/7/2014 8.24(1)(d) aint score: PROGRESS: END STATE: 4.2 Close Out Initiatives Close-out other major program initiatives. Close initiatives while capturing and integrating into Renewal key portions not yet completed o realized. These include ‘© Cadet Program Update (CPU) © Cadet Population Growth Initiative (CPG!) © CIC Military Employment Structure Change Management Project (CIC MES CMP) Key portions ae included inthe Renewal Plan objectives CCANCADETGEN has been draftes to formally announce completion and closure. Release is pending Cadet and CIC program development and delivery staff are row managing the work as part ofthe programs’ normal ‘evaluation, validation and continuous improvement processes Remaining work sifted into Renewal. The initiatives formally closed off an stakeholders informed through an administrative notification 1.4 Staff Capacity — Establishments DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES 4 ‘A0435212_4-8.2014.00887--0004 10/7/2014 8.21(1)(d) 1.4 Staff Capaci 1.5 Public Awareness /Outreach DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES 5 ‘0435212_5-A.2014.00887--0005 s2naya) 10/7/2014 1.6 Communications Strategy 4.3 Growth — Cadets DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES A0435212_6-A-2014.00887--0008 DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES 10/7/2014 5.21(1¥d) 4.3 Growth — JCR 5.2 Manage Resources 7 ‘0435212_7-A-2014.00887--0007 s.19(1) Bennett RAdm J@VCDS DGRC@Ottawa-Hull From: Keirstead Maj DJ@VCDS DGRC@Ottawa-Hull Sent: March-19-14 4:29 PM To: Bennett RAdm J@VCDS DGRC@Ottawa-Hull Bury BGen PJ@VCDS DGRC@Ottawa-Hull; Namiesniowski Col CR@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull, Albert LCol JPM@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull; Merlo LCdr DR@VCDS DGRC@Ottawa-Hull Subject: RE Follow-up Ma'am, ‘Spoke with earlier today. He got back last night and is looking over his previous stories today. He does not have much in the way of pre-prepared Qs, but offered the following: + Would lke to discuss the cadet budget: Is there a budget cut? What is being cut? Why? + Would like to discuss cadet uniforms: What was the issue with uniforms? What was done about the issue and is there stil an issue? ‘+ Stated he continues to receive e-mails about "Class B Reservists sucking up all the money for cadets, when the rogram used to rely on volunteers". He would like to discuss this, current situation, what is being done to reduce overhead, etc.? ‘+ His intent will be to review previous coverage, start with the areas above and pose additional questions based on the conversation. + He expects to produce a 600 word piece for publishing in the newspaper-proper, and will pull fom that piece for the Depending on how the interview goes, he may go with a two-part series, publishing two 600 word articles over a couple of days. Recommend we discuss tomorrow morning during the final prep mtg; however, based on my conversation with him today, and our mtg yesterday, I believe we are tracking in the right direction with prep. No indication at this time that he will touch on anything outside the reaim of the prepared products/COA and our prep discussions so far. Have a great evening, vik Doug Doug Keirstead Major Senior Public Affairs Officer | Officier supérieur des affaires publiques Chief Reserves and Cadets | Chef - Réserves et cadets Vice Chief of the Defence Staff | Vice-chef d'état-major de la Défense ‘National Defence | Défense nationale Ottawa, Canada K1A 0K2 doug Telephone | Téléphone 613-996-4314 / Facsimile | Télécopieur 613-996-1618 Cellular | Cellulaire 613-897-2751 Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada Bennett RAG FOVCDS DGRCEORawa-tul “Tuesday, 18, March, 2014 16:52 Keirstead Maj DJQVCDS DGRC@Ottawa Hull Bury BGen PIQVCDS OGACAOKaWa: Hu, Namiesriowski Col CRAVCDS D Cats & ICROOawa-Hul; Abert LColJPMEVODS D ats & IcRaOttawa- ul, Merlo LCdr DRANCDS DGRC@Otawa-Hul Subject: RE Followup fi Ser Te: ce: ‘Ack and thanks - as discussed, | have enough to prepare until you hear any updates, WB ‘0435213_1-A-2014.00887--0008 8.19(1) BRAOLEN TUDELA- ENEMAS OH OASSFES JJ. Bennett Rear Admiral | Contre-amiral Chief of Reserves and Cadets | Chef Réserves et Cadets Champion for Women in Defence] La Championne de la Défense pour les femmes National Defence Headquarters | Quartier général de la Défense nationale 101 Colonel By Drive/ 101, prom. Colonel By Ottawa, Canada K1A 0K2 Jennifer Telephone | Téléphone 613-995-9802/613-995-8862 Facsimile | Télécopieur 613-996-1618 Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada Kerstead Haj DI@VeDS DGRCGOItawa Hull “Tuesday, 18, March, 2014 16:49 PM Bennet adm JAVCDS DGRC@Ottawa-Hull Bury 8Gen PISVCDS OGRCEORaWa: Hull, Namiesriowsk Col CRAVCDS D Cts & JCREOKawa-Hul; Abert LColJPM@VCDS D (ats & ICROOKawa-Hul; Meio Lc OR@VCDS DGRCGORaWa-Hul| Subject: Follow-up Ma‘am, FYSA, I've left voicemail and e-mail, but no luck in touching base with him yet. Tt may be that he is not ‘back until tomorrow; I will advise when I hear something, hopefully soon. vk Doug Doug Keirstead Major Senior Public Affairs Officer | Officier supérieur des affaires publiques Chief Reserves and Cadets | Chef - Réserves et cadets Vice Chief of the Defence Staff | Vice-chef d'état-major de la Défense National Defence } Défense nationale Ottawa, Canada K1A OK2 doug keirstead@ force: Telephone | Téléphone 613-996-4314 / Facsimile | Télécopieur 613-996-1618 Cellular | Cellulaire 613-897-2751 Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada 0435213_2-A.2014.00887--0009 s.19(1) aon Bennett RAdm J@VCDS DGRC@Ottawa-Hull From: Keirstead Maj DJ@VCDS OGRC@Ottawa-Hull Sent: March-20-14 5:56 PM To: Bennett RAdm J@VCDS DGRC@Ottawa-Hull cc Bury BGen PI@VCDS DGRC@Ottawa-Hull; Namiesniowski Col CR@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull: Albert LCol JPM@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull Subject: ‘QUERY CLOSED: MQ-9105 - Interview Request - Interview - Cadet Program Attachments: Interview Summary MQ#9105. Ottawa Citizen doc Ma'am, Please find attached summary of Qs8As from today's interview. advises story expected to run in the Ottawa Giizenlate the week of 24 Mar; possibilty of two-part series on way ahead for the Cadet Program. Content on sso expected, SITREP provided to ADM(PA) and query now closed, FYSA, I have raised a new MQ for the info request re: sexual abuse stats; expectation set with reporter on timelines and warking with D Cats & ICR. vik Doug Doug Keirstead Major Senior Public Affairs Officer | Officier supérieur des affaires publiques Chief Reserves and Cadets | Chef - Réserves et cadets Vice Chief of the Defence Staff | Vice-chef d'stat-major de la Défense National Defence | Défense nationale Ottawa, Canada KIA 0K2 doug keirstend@iforces.oc.ce Telephone | Téléphone 613-996-4314 / Facsimile | Télécopieur 613-996-1618, Collar | Cellulaire 613-897-2751 Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada ‘0435214_1-A.2014.00887--0010 Inter w Summary: RAdm Jennifer Bennett, C Res & Cats, and (Ottawa Citizen) - Thursday, March 20, 2014. QL: Would you like to say a few things you'd like to get out there? And then we ean go from there? Al: Thanked reporter for the opportunity; discussed the importance of communication as the organization embarks upon Renewal. Outlined scope of the Cadet Program, including, stakeholder relationships, passion of stakeholders, etc. Indicated interest in follow on opportunities should issues arise in the future Q2: You're going through a transformation now. Can you update me on what's happening there? AD: lutlined Renewal background, focus and intent IAW MRL. Q3: Essentially, you've been mandated to expand the number of young folks in your organization, but at the same time you're expected to give up / reduce your spending just like the rest of the Government? A3: Clarified reinvestment of existing funds vice reduction, in ensuring program impacts more Canadian youth, at the community level. ‘© Looking at what we spend money on, and doing cost-benefit analysis. (© Activities with high cost that benefit few and ‘© Repetitive activities (local / regional / summer training) ‘* Discussed the difference between Cadet vs. Defence renewal: Savings from cadet renewal go back into supporting the Cadet Program, and re-invested at the community level. Q4: Now, I think the figure that was provided to me was that in 2011 the annual cadet budget was $239 million. Do you have any more recent figures I can use? Q4: Provided actual recent budget figures from FY 12/13 for Cadets ($206 million) and clarified scope of budget. QS: CRS Evaluation used $239 for the overall budget, why don’t we AS: $239 included DNDICAF contributions outside of the cadet budget; provided clarifying examples, ick to that. (Q6: $206 million for 12/13, is that including JCR’s? A6: No. When you add JCR, it’s $213 million. Discussed scope of the Cadet Program, ‘budget funds national, regional and local and summer training for both adults and youth, including full/part-time staff, cadet pay, civilian pay, food, travel, rentals, telecom, IT, grant to Leagues, flying scholarships, etc. Q7: So you see that staying about the same in the future? 0435214_2-A.2014.00887--0011 AT: Budget process for next FY ongoing. Don’t anticipate large increases in the future. Moving forward, planning on living within budget, ensuring investment in community- level programs. Q8: Lets go to the CRS Report. Some questions about the overhead and the salary of the overhead folks cutting into the actual program for the kids. Can you talk a little bit about that? AB: We appreciate the opportunity to refine the information. ‘There are some questions about the ratio of adult supervision and about the number of paid staff and the amount that is spend on pay. Clarified the scope of staff, from full-time to part-time to seasonal surge, and use of volunteers and voluntary service over and above paid service (CC/Sqn staff receive 25 paid days per year, 35 for COs, but volunteer a significant amount of time over and above that). ‘* One of the things we're looking at as an organization: how much do we spend at the HQ level and the admin of the program vs, delivery. * Discussed breadth of the program, risk and supervision requirements, admin and support, requirements. Clarified growth of CIB reserve staff resulting from CAF op tempo and challenge filling Reg F positions. ‘* Do we have the right model? Requires review: (© Employment mode! = Who needs to be paid? = How often? ‘+ Use stipend? Or reserve model? ‘= Realistically look at what does need to be full time. «© If we save here, we can apply that money somewhere else in the program. Q9: Do you have any targets? CRS was noting that the cost of running the program was 40% higher than 20 years ago. Are you looking at a target to get that down to, say 10%? A9: Discussed Renewal targets and early successes. * Decreased by 50 FTE positions as of 1 Apr. * Aiming to decrease by 400-500 positions over the period of renewal. + Discussed balance of staffing, finding the right mix of full/part-time and seasonal staff to deliver the program safely and effectively while facilitating growth, The Renewal process intends to achieve this balance, QUO: Again, based on numbers provided to me by DND (and let me run them by you to make sure that we have them right) so I was told 3,267 staff, of which 816 are full time? 0435214_3-A.2014.00887--0012 A10: Provided correct numbers (806 full-time) and reiterated intent. ‘© The 816 is actually 806 by our numbers. Includes the directorate nationally, the RCSU’s, Dets and at the CSTC’s. That is FT staff ONLY. * I’m hoping to decrease that 806, down about 400. ‘* What may happen is that some of those jobs may go from FT to PT. ‘+ There are, again in perspective, about 8000 uniformed members who provide support, whether it’s paid FT or PT, what was the context of the 3 267 number that you were told? QU1: Now is there an end date? I know that you’re going to continue to review and transform, but is there an end date on this initial re-jigging of things? 11: Discussed five-year timeline for Cadet and JCR Renewal, Q12: So, you're hoping for a 50% reduction in full-time staff? A12: Clarified that this is a target. ‘* Related to reduction in full-time PRes members in the post-Afghanistan environment, ‘It’s time to do a similar review across the cadet organization, not just the full-time positions, but all positions: © Where we need staff? © Inwhat capacity? (© What areas of expertise are provided by those with the background in ‘youth leadership? (© What needs to be done by P Res & Reg F? © What needs to be full-time? (© What needs to be part-time? © What needs to surge? + Not only do we need to look at the number of full-time staff, but for how long they are employed? Perhaps certain times of the year. A13: The uniform issue, has that been dealt A13: Indicated that the recent uniform issue has been death resolved, provided background and rationale for decisions in prioritizing the issue of clothing items. © Uniforms are now available to be ordered with the exce} efforts to modernize these items, ion of sports gear. Explained * Discussed challenges in clothing teens, maintaining stock and local Corps/Squadrons. 0435214_4-8.2014.00887--0013, * We need to look at how the program is administered, the stock we need and the range of sizes. + Every cadet will have a uniform. * Key point: nobody was disadvantaged at any point during this. ‘+ Nor will they be forbidden from partici ‘Nor will parents be expected to purchase. ‘* A family that didn’t have sports gear, we would provide that to them. ‘© Other items, we've actually improved. (© Army Cadets in the past needed to purchase a field training uniform; and © We're now providing that. ‘+ We realized how important itis for cadets to have a uniform and a sense of belonging. * Moving forward: trying to find a more effective way of doing that, and looking at the range of options that we provide © What is practical? © What is being worn? © What the cadets would like? QU4: Another issue I keep getting e-mails on is the Sexual Abuse issue in the cadets, and some people have e-mailed me for the need of the cadet organization to proactively disclose these records to the parents so they know what the issue is out there. Can you comment a little bit on that? Al4: These are minors, so we're really careful of the protection of information. Discussed efforts within the Cadet Program to prevent incidents and zero tolerance policy in dealing with them if they occur. ‘+ We are proactive within the program, and one of the reasons that we hear about cases is that we provide harassment and abuse training, * Zero tolerance policy. '* People are prosecuted to the full extent of the law. ‘© We are very proactive in both of the youth programs in providing: (© Support mechanisms; © Education; and © Screening Q1S. It seems there has been a number of high profile cases. ‘0435214_5-A.2014.00887--0014 ‘+ Part of that disclosure is because of our education process. © Believe that Canadian children in general are better educated on this issue. I'm a teacher. © School programs; © Talking to youth; and © Anti-bullying campaigns ‘© We empower youth, and provide them the tools. * At the same time we also are very careful about not only the information we provide, but the sensitivity of the information that comes forward. ‘+ Even reports / rumours are investigated to the fullest extent possible. © Zero tolerance. Q16. Do you keep statistics? A16, We do keep stats on our education programs. Record of incidents, both alleged and founded. ‘© Cases are tried within our system as well as civilian, © Many cases it is difficult to trace back if the incident occurred within the cadet program, or the victim was a cadet. 17. So, ean I get the numbers? * will have to look at that, to see what I can disclose. QI8: Do you guys have a social media policy? Has that been brought in? AI8: Social media policies do exist: (© Uniformed members have the same policies regarding public statements and social media; © Certainly within Cadets, in the same way schools provide information about internet use and access, we are certainly more tech savvy in using social media to a far greater extent; and © In fact, for communications, we have communities where it’s much easier to communicate that way. In fact we use social media so parents can keep in touch with their children at camp. * We do have GoC rules with respect to bilingualism and access. ‘© Corps/Squadrons social media sites and information: direction has been provided to them as part of our training and awareness package. ‘+ We enhance or build upon what is provided by schools for use as well. ‘0435214 _6-A.2014.00887--0015 QU9: I think that is A19: Spoke to value of the program and Renewal focus on making it available to more Canadian youth. all that I needed. Is there anything else you wanted to add? (20: You mentioned earlier a lot of passion out there. Whenever you guys do something I get flooded with e-mail. Are there people within this massive organization that maybe have difficulty accepting change? A20: ‘© Lwould say that this is my greatest challenge moving forward, ‘* Change is hard, and change is difficult, which is a great challenge for stakeholders. ‘* This is not just a job, this is someone’s passion. Need to be fair, equitable. ‘* Also have many partners, including the Cadet Leagues. They're very passionate as well. ‘* Today's youth are also much different than before, and we need to adapt to today’s generation, + Brings us back to communications as being critical In some change agendas, we're not given an opportunity to explain, because someone hears only part of the message and launches on that. We need to be able to have a discussion and be proactive rather than reactive. ‘A0435214_7-A.2014.00887--0016 Defence Renewal Progress Update RENEWAL OF CADET AND JUNIOR CANADIAN, RANGER PROGRAMS nas 1 A0435215_1-A-2014.00887--0017 s.21(1(b) s.24(1\e) es Summary of Strategic Initiative 5.5 Executive Dashboard 2 A0435215_2-A-2014.00887--0018 5.21(1)(b) 8.21(1)(c) Pe es 3 ‘A0435215_3-A.2014.00887--0019 .21(1)(b) oe s.24(1\(6) Sener *Key C Res & Cdts Concluding remarks. — Renewal is progressing well and without significant issues. Some early successes are starting to be realized and savings and reinvestments are being leveraged — MND decision on Comd Cadets is being staffed. Any potential budget reduction must be balanced against the political reality of this program and must therefore, be a primary consideration. 4 A0435215_4-A-2014.00887--0020 8.24(1\(b) s.24(1\e) 10 RDM IMPLEMENTATION STATUS OF RENEWAL OF CADET AND JUNIOR CANADIAN RANGER PROGRAMS ISSUE 1 Update to DMC on the implementation status of Defence Renewal SI 5.5 - Renewal of Cadet and Junior Canadian Ranger (JCR) Programs as part of the Defence Renewal Personnel Initiatives (). DISCUSSION 2. Implementation Status. Renewal of Cadet and JCR Programs is progressing well and according to plan. Phase | of Renewal includes 10 objectives with 14 working groups / staff tasks. Savings of $4.5M have been generated and reinvested into the program in FY 13/14. Key items underway include: a, Development of the Centralized Command and Control under one L2 Formation led by Commander Cadets continues and administrative work is underway with DDFP to staff this new structure and org to MND for consideration and approval to stand up the new organization in Fall 2014; b, We continue to develop a more robust governance model building upon the National Cadet Council that will be expanded to include and engage other key stakeholders beyond the three Cadet Leagues and support organizations including the ECS’ and Regional Commanders effective June 2014; d. Distribution of a Field Training Uniform to Army cadets is nearly complete; and e. The CFCWO is reviewing ways and means to improve the CAF’s ties to Cadet and JCR Programs. The following risks to the success of Renewal of Cadet and JCR Programs were ly in the renewal process but assessment of the level of risk has changed as follows: 12 ‘A0435216_1-A.2014.00887--0021 8.24(1)(b) 8.21(1)(0) 4, Issues: Renewal of Cadet & JCR Programs continues to gamer a great deal of interest across stakeholders, the GoC and interested Canadian citizens; b. National media have increased interest in youth program issues; and G 5. Actions. The following actions are ongoing to mitigate risk and address issues above: a. Continued engagement, consultation and enhanced communications between senior DNDICAF program leaders and the three Cadet Leagues; b. Further development and refinement of the DGRC PA issues management plan, communications plan, tools and products as well as enhanced outreach to both internal and external stakeholders and the media; c. Continued reports from working groups (WG) to engage and inform stakeholders from the outset and through the review processes while also socializing potential COAs/solutions across program leaders and key stakeholders at the earliest possible time; and d. Program leadership, Commanding Officers and key staff appointments continue to hold regular Town Hall meetings across the organization with a view to reinforcing, key Renewal messages, quelling rumours and ensuring accurate and timely information is provided. CONCLUSION 6. $4.5M in reinvestments in the program were achieved through reductions in O&M, and the suspension of several advanced training activities. These savings fa of an Army Cadet Field Training Uniform and greater support for local physical fitness activi Corps and Squadrons. Potential reinvestment opportunities continue to be identified. However, major areas to generate savings are forecast through objective 5.1 of our Plan — Review of the Program Support Model and our comprehensive analysis of staffing requirements and establishment. Prepared by: LCdr D.R. M'Rae, D Cts & JOR 7-2, 996-2792 Prepared by: LCol R.T. Francis, D Cats & JCR 7, 995-4813 Reviewed by Col CR. Namiesniowski, D Cats & JCR, 992-3382 Responsible DG: BGen P.J. Bury, DGRC, 992-3238 Approved by: RAdm J.J. Bennett, C Res and Cats, 995-9802 Date prepare 24 Apr 14 22 ‘0435216_2-A.2014.00887--0022 MAY 14 CRES & CDT! 'S FOR RENEWAL BRIEF TO DMC ON 1 SLIDE COVER + Opening remarks as deemed appropriate by C Res & Cats. uw ‘0435217_1-A-2014.00887--0023, s.24(1a) s.21(1Xb) CRES & CDTS SLIDE DECK NOTES FOR RENEWAL BRIEF TO DMC ON 14 MAY 14 MMARY OF. EC VI DASHBOARD ‘+The following notes are more for the info of C Res & Cats and understanding of the dashboard format and details and not necessarily for presentation to DMC. + In consultation with DRT we have tidied up two facets of the executive dashboard since crafting a similar report to DMC on 16 Apr 14 ‘+ WRT the green, yellow and red ratings of Confidence, Implementation and Status, we have aligned the level of Confidence and Ease of Implementation to match the initial DRT assessment of the Cadet and JCR Renewal initiative when the placemat and templates were being developed last summer and for the Defence Renewal roll-out in Oct 13. + Enclosed for info purposes in the original chart used by DRT to assess Confidence and Implementation +The Progress Status facet was recently added to the template by DRT. In this case we are reporting Green On Track, + WRT the reporting of savings and reinvestment opportunities and potential, the headings on various ‘templates and the placemat went askew over time. We are now asked on this template to show Reinvestment Realized to date for FY 13/14 (which was $4.5M) and Expected Reinvestment Potential for FY [4/15 (which is $1.8M) + The slide contains 3 footnotes: + 1. Arreminder to readers that savings will be reinvested within the Cadet and JCR Programs and not returned to the centre +2 For $1.8 in FY 14/15, it reflects thatthe potential reinvestment amount is dependent on mitigation of emerging budget pressures and on more detailed review/analysis by Renewal working groups and solutions/COAs selected by National Cadet Council and the VCDS. 27 ‘0435217_2-A-2014.00887--0024 an s2tctya) 5.24(1)(0) CRES& NOTES FOR RENEWAL BRIE! WN 14 MAY 14 SLIDE 3— STATUS + Confidence: The confidence level for this Renewal initiative remains high, which is i line with DRT's inital assessment on the launch of Defence Renewal. In addition to significant involvement by the VCDS as the LI responsible forthe Cadet and JCR Programs, MND reaffirms commitment tothe program, and support for the programs and their Renewal is widespread across Senior leaders of the programs and DNDICAF. + Implementation: The ease of implementation level for this Renewal initiative continues to be assessed as ‘moderate, which isin line with DRT’s initial assessment on the launch of Defence Renewal. + Status. + Renewal of Cadet and JCR Programs is progressing well and according to plan. + Phase I of Renewal includes 10 objectives with 14 working groups / staff tasks. + Key among the 14 working groups / staff tasks underway include: ~ Governance: We continue to develop @ more robust governance model building upon the National Cadet Council (NCC) that will be expanded to include and engage other key stakeholders beyond the three Cadet Leagues. Effective forthe June 2014 NCC meeting, ECS’ and Regional Commanders will participate in the NCC. Within that governance model, D Cals & ICR is working to establish a eross functional L1 group at the Col and LCol rank level to engage on a range of program support matters. ‘That group would meet approx 3-4 times per year, with the initial meeting getting underway in Jun‘Jul 14 — Comd & Conttol: Development of the centralized Command and Control under one L2 Formation led ‘by Commander Cadets continues. Administrative work is underway with DDFP to staff this new structure and org to MND for consideration and approval, which is anticipated for Jun/Jul 14, The new organization would stand up in fall 2014 (est. 1 Oct 14). ~ Program Support Model: We are in the early stages of review work to identify and promulgate a more effective program support model that ensures a majority of resources are geared toward delivery of the ‘community-based programming. 50% of program expenditures in direct support of programming for ccorps, squadron and patrols at community level isthe goal, The baseline starting out for Renewal is, 24.5% for the Cadet Program and 20.3% for the JCR Program, Major areas to generate savings are forecast through comprehensive analysis of staffing requirements and establishments, a review of the program support levels and a review of the advanced training activities, ~ Defence Renewal Governance: We have identified potential deficiencies with the use of CFPMC as a governance body as it relates to Renewal of Cadet and ICR Programs (as detailed in Defence Renewal Charter). We are developing a proposal for a more effective governance structure that will better incorporate cross-L1 input beyond the realm of personnel. This body would operate atthe D Cals & JCR level (LCol to Col rank levels) and include representation from ECS, Region Comés and several key Lis such as ADM(IE), ADM(IM), CMP, etc. We are anticipating holding the inaugural meeting in Jun or Jul 1. — Quick Wins: In announcing and launching Renewal, the VCDS initiated 5 quick wins to ignite momentum, show commitment to change and gamer some early success. Two of them are listed here: 1. Distribution ofa Field Training Uniform (FTU) to Anny Cadets is nearly complete as of Mar/Apr 14. $2.9M was spent on the Army Cadet FTU, An Air Cadet FTU was planned to be introduced in FY 14/15, however it has been delayed 317 ‘0435217_3-A-2014.00887--0025 an s.24(t)(a) .24(1)(b) (OR RENEWAL BRIEF TO DMC ON 14 MAY 14 S3.9M is the estimate for Air Cadet FTU. Sea Cadets received a Sea Tre Uniform (STU) starting back in 2011/12. 2. The CFCWO has been asked to review ways and means to improve the CAF"s ties to Cadet and ICR Programs, That review is ongoing. The CFCWO has said he will engage the CWO network on the topic at their next meeting in May 14 ‘+ The other three Quick Wins and their status are: 3. Additional funding (S1.6M in total) was provided to each corps and squadron starting in fall 2013 to help facilitate delivery of additional fitness and sports activities. The formula is $30 per eadet per corps and squadron. The funding is focused on paying for activities, purchasing new equipment or renting facilites. 4. A working group continues to look at the ways and means to realign the current Local Support Allocation for corps and squadrons. The overall intent isto try and find away to restructure the allocation such that it privileges comps and squadrons in struggling communities or those not housed i free public infrastructure. Their solutions/COAs are anticipated to be presented to National Cadet Council by fall 2014. In FY 13/14 $1.4M was allocated to fund the Local Support Allocation. 5. In Apr 13, direction was provided by D Cats & JCR to RCSUs and CRPGs to ease overly restrictive rules on the provision of food at local cadet activites from third parties such as parents, sponsoring, bodies, etc. Reinvestment Achieved! Reinvestment Potential + Achieved in FY 13/14: $4.5M in reinvestments (savings in Mil Pay ($1.2M) and O&M ($1.1M) and. the suspension of several training activities (S2.75M) (e.g. inter-provincial exchanges, JCR Leader ETS, some CIC 1rg) and reinvestments in an Army Cadet FTU ($2.9M) and support for more fitness/sports activities for corps and squadrons ($1.6M) and start up of 4 new JCR Patrols ($230.0K). *+ Potential in FY 14/15: $1.8M in reinvestments (savings in 50 fulltime staff ($3.0M), other Mil Pay (SI1-4M) and O&M (S1.0M), and the suspension of several training activities ($4.3M) (e.g. inter- provincial exchanges, JCR Marksmanship Championships, Cadet Biathlon and Marksmanship ‘Championships, various small summer courses. CIC trg) and reinvestments to support for more fitness/sports activities for corps and squadrons ($1.6M) and approx 4 new JCR Patrols ($230.0K), * Work to identify potential savings and reinvestment opportunities continues. However, major areas to generate savings will likely be found through our Renewal Plan objective 5.1 — Review of the Program Support Model and objective 3.2 ~ Review of Comd & Control. (0435217_4-8.2014.00887--0026 8.21(1)(@) (CRES & CDTS SLIDE DECK NOTES FOR RENEWAL BRIEF TO DMC ON 14 MAY 14 DES TATUS Major Milestones to be completed in next trimester according to plan and their status + 0bj 3.1 Governance + Ongoing. More detailed work on the model is being carried out by @ working group. Presentation to ‘National Cadet Couneil planned for 25 Jun 14 + Obj 32—Command and Controt + Ongoing. Comd Cadets Model was selected by VCDS. Required admin to stand up Formation has been initiated thru DDFP. Anticipate MND may review/approve in Jun/Jul 14. Aiming for Comd Cadets to stand up on 1 Oct 14 + Obj 8. - Program Support Model + Ongoing. Working group is underway. First round of work presented to Cadet and JCR Renewal Steering Committee in Ape 14. Anticipate presenting solutions/COAs to National Cadet Couneil in Sep 14 Risks Specific issues ‘+ A great deal of interest across program stakeholders (e.g, Leagues), the GoC (e.g. MND and MNDO) and interested Canadian citizens. National media interest in youth program issues has increased (e-g. Ottawa Citizen/Defence Watch/Mr. Pugliese) Recovery plan for way ahead Intemal adjustments will be made from within. The following actions are ongoing to mitigate risk and address issues above: + Continued engagement, consultation and enhanced communications between senior DNDICAF program leaders and the three Cadet Leagues. Further development and refinement of the DGRC PA issues management plan, communications plan, tools and products as well as enhanced outreach to both internal and external stakeholders and the media, 57 ‘0435217_5-A.2014.00887--0027 TODMCON 1 MAY 14 + Continued reports from working groups (WG) to engage and inform stakeholders from the outset and through the review processes while also socializing potential COAs/solutions across program leaders and key stakeholders atthe earliest possible time, + Program leadership, Commanding Officers and key staff appointments continue to hold regular ‘Town Hall meetings across the organization with a view to reinforcing key Renewal messages, 4uelling rumours and ensuring accurate and timely information is provided. DSX decisions required over the next two trimesters + Nil LO decision request + No decisions requested at this time. 67 ‘0435217_6-A-2014.00887--0028 H OUT - METRE (RES & CDTS SLIDE DECK NOTES FOR RENEWAL BRIEF TO DMC ON 14 MAY 14 TRACKER, + This chart shows the 6 metrics that have been drafted in collaboration with DRT. m7 |. Number of full-time employees supporting the program: ‘Overall intention i © reduce from 806 1 400 to $00 positions ‘Thru 2013/14 up to 50 positions were identified elimination across the RCSUs and D Cats & JCR. Elimination of those positions took effect | Apr 14 Savings was $3.0M, Additional reductions would be forthcoming as we seek to optimize the Comd & Control structure, review staff requirements and establishments, and optimize volunteerism across the programs. 2a, Number of Cadets: (© Overall intention is to grow the Cadet population size to 70,000 cadets, which isa ceiling set by the MND since 1989 and that has been the focus of several growth initiatives since then. © The addition of 645 cadets to the national total in 2013 in very marginal. (© Trends over the last several years show we easily attract on average each year 25,000 to 27,000 new cadets and we loose 27,000 to 29,000 on average each year. (© It isan indication we have more of a retention problem than an attraction problem. e000 2b, Number of Junior Canadian Ranger Patrols (© Overall intention is to grow by 18 JCR Patrols (from 135 to 153) over S years. (© The increase of 4 new ICR Patrols in 2013/14 met with the intention of trying to grow by 3 to4 patrols each year over the 5-year period of Renewal. ‘©The focus is on standing up new JCR Patrols in communities with a Canadian Ranger Patrol but no JCR Patrol (© The process involves more deliberate planning to identify potential locations and to have CRPGs more directly engage the Canadian Ranger Patrol and community leaders on starting up a JCR Patrol. 3a and 3b. Increase (reinvest) program expenditures in direct support of Cadet Corps an Junior Canadian Ranger Patrols: (© Overall the intention is to find savings in overhead (e.g. staffing requirements and administration efficiencies) and in optimizing the balance of advanced training activities (e.g. summer camps and national activities) and to reinvest the freed up funds to better support delivery of the programs by corps, squadrons and patrols at community level (© This reinvestment in community level programming was a significant recommendation of the CRS evaluation report and is a significant facet of the Renewal Plan. © Reporting on this metric is ted to data provided in the annual Youth Programs Statistic Report that is generated each June. os Increase the # of Cadet corps and squadrons with a full officer establishment: Overall intention isto close gap in the number of comps and squadrons who have less than their full complement of officer staf. © Having a full complement of staf is seen as a key driver in strong and successful delivery of the program at community level © This of course is complemented by a robust group of volunteers from the Leagues/sponsors, parents and other community members to help the adult staf as well asa robust crop of older senior cadets, Who play a role in leading, instructing, supervising, organizing and administering the program along side the adult staff and volunteers. (© The inerease of 7 mote corps and squadrons coming up to full strength is viewed as positive but marginal (© Our baseline shifted as the program grew from 1,117 to 1,123 corps and squadrons (increase of 6). ‘0435217_7-A-2014.00887--0029 Bennett RAdm J@VCDS DGRC@Ottawa-Hul To: Aquanno Cdr TW@RCSU (Atlantic) Comd@Shearwater; Laprade LCol JVJ@URSC- EST@St-Jean; MACMILLAN LCol JA@RCSU(C)@Borden; Claveau LCol MM@RCSU Northwest @Winnipeg; Muir Cdr AW@RCSU (Pacific) @Esquimalt ce Namiesniowski Col CR@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull; Albert LCol JPM@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull; Nadeau Cdr SS@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull; Peterson Maj G@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull Subject: Transition of responsibilities from Regional Commanders to Cadet Formation / Transition de responsabilité entre les Commandements régionaux et la formation des cadets Attachments: RegCmd to CmdtCadets.xIs Greetings, 'As part of the ongoing process to setup the new Formation, DGRC has started to engage other Level 2 and requested Regional Commanders to provide a POC to engage in more detailed discussions that will support the transition. ‘These individuals will be used to determine what functions are currently handled/provided by each Regional Commander, which one will remain with them and which willbe assumed by the CCO Formation. At the moment, painting a clear picture is proving to be more difficult than anticipated as all Regional Commanders are not necessarily keeping track of everything that pertains specially to cadets, nor do they have the same level of understanding as to what they are expected to provide. We intend to clarify everything over the next few months so ‘that you all benefit from the same basic level of support. Find enclosed a spreadsheet containing the result of a consultation that took place a few months ago. You were then asked to provide input as to what services are currently provided by your Regional Commanders and which of these services should/could be transferred to the Formation when it is setup. As you can see, the level of support that each RCSU receives varies from region to region. We are not trying to ascertain whether these service could have/should have been provided or not until now. Our intent isto establish a bottom line that will be required of all Regional Commanders and other L2s so that the CCO resources are not depleted by paying for services where we should not be paying. This exercise will also help us better plan for future expenses where they become our responsibility. We are reaching a point of the transition where this information will be used to generate SLAs and MLAs. Before we ‘engage in this process, we would like you to take another look at the information in our possession so that itis still valid and complete. Please, have your SME take another look and provide feedback to Major Guy Peterson (A/OPI for C2). Thank you. Le DGRCa entrepris des discussions avec les autres L2 pour soutenir la création de la nouvelle formation. lla demandé aux Commandements régionaux de fournir le nom dun point de contact qui sera consulté en soutien de la transition. Ces individus seront utilisés pour déterminer les fonctions qui sont présentement gérées/fournies par chaque Commandement régional, quelles sont celles qui resteront leur responsabilité et lesquellesseront assumées par la formation des OCC. West présentement plus difficile qu’anticipé e’avoir une image claire car les Commandements régionaux n’effectuent pas tous le méme suivi sur les items spécifiques aux cadets, pas plus quils ‘ont le meme niveau de compréhension de ce qui est attendu d’eux. Nous visons & clarifier la situation au cours des ‘mois 8 venir afin que vous puissiez tous bénéficier du méme niveau de soutien de base. ‘0435218_1-A.2014.00887--0030 Vous trouverez cijoint un chiffrier contenant les résultats d'une consultation qui a eu lieu ily @ quelques mois. Nous vous avons alors demandé d’identifier les services que vous recevez des Commandements régionaux et quels sont ces services qui devraient/pourraient étre transférés ala formation lors de sa création. Comme vous le constaterez, le niveau de soutien fourni pour chaque URSC varie d’une région & une autre. Nous ne tentons pas de déterminer quels services auraient dé ou auraient pu étre fournis jusqu’a présent. Nous désirons établir un niveau de service ‘commun qui sera exigé de tous les Commandements régionaux et autres 12 afin que les ressources des OCC ne Solent pas drainées pour financer des services qui devraient vous étre fournis. Cet exercice nous aidera aussi 8 ‘mieux planifier nos dépenses futures quand nous assumerons ces nouvelles responsabilité. Nous approchons un point de la transition ol cette information sera utilsée pour produire des ententes de service Avant de débuter ce processus, nous vous demandons d’ analyser information en notre possession une autre fois afin de valider qu’elle est complete et valide. Veuillez ciculer parmi vos experts et acheminez les commentaires au ‘major Guy Peterson (A/BPR C2). Merci. (your signature) 0435218_2-A.2014.00887--0031 Governance ™ C2 CADETS FORMATION — Boubie rat ee —— ‘0435218_3-A.2014.00887--0032 Namiesniowski Col CR@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull ‘Agnew Cdr D@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull January-06-14 9:39 AM Namiesniowski Col CR@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull : Albert LCol JPM@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull Subject: RE: Class A as Formation Commander Sir | can't say | see the logic flaw but at this point it doesn't matter if we agree Cdr Cadets must be full time, ‘That stil leaves us with the question who will be Cdr Cadets. We cannot go further with the letters without that decision Dan Dan Agnew, CD (ar | Capt DGS ICR 4| DCad ARICA (Cts JCR Training | Instruction Cad & RIC Tel 613.992.6081 Fax 613-996-1618 ca 613-808-3071 ‘Bury BGen PIGVCDS DGRCEORawe-Hul Monday, 6, January, 2014 09:02 AM Namiesniowski Col CR@VCDS D Cats & ICR@OMaWA Hull ce: ‘Agnew Car D@VCDS D Cats & ICR@Ottawa-Hul; Abert LCol JPMVCDS D Cats & ICR@OKtawa-Hul Subject: RE: Class A as Formation Commander Conrad. | appreciate your thoughts on this one. As we lean forward on Cadet Renewal, we will need to continue to debate a number of these topics. While the logic in the (quotes) DDFP statement is flawed, there is clearly a need to ensure the Commander of Cadets is supported and able to complete the requirements of this important position. You rightly point out that the span of control across many different time zones will be problematic and this will be especially true during the first few years of this formation's life, so we're in agreement that there is a need for a ful time Commander for the foreseeable future. This fulltime vs. part-time question will need to be asked for many ofthe positions as your team maps them over to the ‘new formation; could the formation DComd be a Cl A individual, for example. We will have to explain to many different audiences how we got to the preferred manning of the formation as we balance the requirement against the avail funding Thanks, Paul J. Bury BGen 613-992-3238 ‘Namiesniowakd Col CRGVCDS D Cats & ICREOtawa-Hull Saturday, 4, January, 2014 15:36 PM. Bury BGen PIGVCDS DGRCACHaWa Hull ‘Agnew Car DEVCDS D Cats & ICR@Ottawa-Hul; Albert LCol JPMAVCDS D Cats & ICRBOtaWe-Hul FW: Class A as Formation Commander ‘0435220_1-A.2014.00887--0033, ‘As per our discussion we contacted our DDFP analysts to enquire if there is a black and white rule that states a formation ‘Commander cannot be a class A reserve officer. ‘Although we thought based upon our conversation with them that there was a rule that was clear and concise explaining the parameters that is not the case. It was their judgement, after we had described the size and function of the organization that they determined that a full ime commander was required. They further stated that ".it seems to be common sense that if the person is not there he or she is not available to perform his or her duties. Units, Formation and Commands of the CF are not created by the MND on a part time bases. They are permanent organization with permanent Positions however, the person appointed to that permanent position should be available to perform the duties 24/7." Based upon the fact that we have a national service support organization that is comprised of +/- 700 time staff who work Monday to Friday but also work nights and weekends as required, plus the 1200+ Corps, Squadrons or Patrols that parade collectively every day of the week and every weekend, there is a demonstrated requirement for a full ime Commander. Add to this the fact that the across the region we have different time zones which means that the normal ‘work day for the commander located in Ottawa spans from 0700-2100(L) based upon when the units on both coasts start ‘and finish their normal work days. The size of this Organization is the size of a base, if we are talking about just the full and part-time Officers, NCMs and Civilian Instructors. This type of work cannot be compared to that of a Reserve unit with part-time members and a skeleton ful time staff. In addition, the Commander of Cadets will be expected to attend numerous events / units / Corps and Sqns across the country throughout the year. Given the nature of the business providing ful ime leadership plus the associated TD and weekend activities this will be a very demanding ful time job. For your consideration, Conrad Namiesniowski Colone! | colone! D Cats & JCR | D Cad & RIC 613-992-3382 ‘0435220_2-A.2014.00887--0034 8.21(1)(a) Namiesniowski Col CR@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull Peterson Maj G@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hul February-26-14 2:15 PM Namiesniowski Col CR@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hul Albert LCol JPM@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull; Agnew Cdr D@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull; Léveilé Capt A@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull Subject: Creation of the Cadet Formation - Paperwork and Timelines. Colonel, Good news, the process is moving again! Find enclosed the first two official documents that have been approved by DFP eatlier today. ‘Once we submit the memo and BN to VCDS for his support, it will go to DDFP 7 With that complete they staff them fo the Minister for his signature. Once this is done they wil issue an org message saying what has happened and what the new command and control arrangements are. | have asked thern to discuss with me prior to that being released Then DDFP will draft the new CFOO, have them reviewed by us and JAG and get them issued. Timelines get MIND signature - could be two months - depending on his workload ~ issue org message - within a week of MND signature usually ~ Issue CFOOs - within 2-3 months is the aim, however not as important as the org message acts as a temp CFOO It could take up to six months to get MND approval. Peat sina Major Guy Peterson D Cats & JCR 4-2 |D Cad & RIC 4.2 National Coordinator Common Programs Coordonnateur national des pogrammes communs D Cats & JCR | D Cad & RIC NDHQ | GDN ‘guy peterson@forces / quy.peterson@cadets Telephone | Téléphone: 613-995-6692 Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada "Change is not painful, only the resistance to change is painful" Buddha (40435221_1-A-2014.00887-0035 | 1000-3 (DGRC) as Feb 14 Distr List CREATION OF THE CANADIAN CADETS FORMATION Ref: A. 1000-3 (DGRC), Review of Command and Control and Governance of the Canadian Cadet Organizations Programs, 7 October 2013 B, A-AE-219-001/AG-001 1. As part of the ongoing review of the Governance and Command & Control of the Canadian Cadet Organizations (CCO), you recently announced that the CCO will be moving to a centralized C2 structure NLT September 2014. This decision was published at Ref A. In consultation with DDFP, it has been determined that the best structure to meet your direction is that the CCO becomes a Formation under your authority. 2. IAW Ref B, the enclosed briefing note seeks MDN approval to proceed with the creation of the CCO Formation. 3. Your support is sought for this organizational change to occur as soon as possible so that we can stand up NLT September 2014. 4, Any question concerning this requirement should be directed to the undersigned or to Col. C. Namiesniowski, D Cats & ICR at 613-992-3382. CRes & Cats Encl: 1 Action vcDs Info DGRC D Cats & ICR /A0435221_2-A.2014.00887--0036 8.24(1\a) BRIEFI 3 NOTE FOR THE MINISTER CREATION OF A FORMATION FOR THE CANADIAN CADET ORGANIZATIONS References: A. 1000-3 (D Cats & JCR) VCDS Guidance for Renewal of the CF funded Youth Programs dated 15 March 2013 B, 1000-3 (D Cats & JCR) VCDS Directive - Review of Command and Control and Governance of the Cadet and Junior Canadian Rangers Programs dated 16 April 2013 C. 1000-3 (D Cats & ICR) VCDS Initiating Directive — Review of Command and Control and Governance of the Cadet and Junior Canadian Rangers Programs dated 13 June 2013 D. 1000-3 (DGRC) Review of Command and Control and Governance of the Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers Programs dated 7 October 2013 ISSUE 1. The aim of this Briefing Note is to seek approval from the Minister for the creation of a CF Formation to command the Canadian Cadet Organizations. BACKGROUND 2. In 2012, the Chief Review Services conducted an analysis of the Cadet Organization structure and found that it “should be fundamentally re-engineered...” References A through C directed C Res & Cats to conduct an investigation and make recommendations to address repeated observations of the inefficiencies of the current Command and Control and Governance of the Cadet and Junior Canadian Rangers Programs. The objective was to recommend improvements to this structure that will set the conditions for success for renewal efforts while simultaneously addressing ongoing concems about the national control of the program and the high cost of administration. 3. The current structures have been in place for well over twenty years. Numerous internal and external reviews have identified inefficiencies and attempts to correct deficiencies in the past have been unsuccessful despite the numerous modemizations and revisions to current practices. The following are considered to be the most pressing areas requiring improvement: a, Governance; b. Reduction and alignment of overheads in command, control, administration and support to ensure the maximum reinvestment of resources directly to the development of youth; and c. Redundancy, unnecessary bureaucracy and obstacles to performance, 4, Three options were analyzed and presented to the VCDS. The options were to centralize command and control, ‘AtRef D, VCDS directed that the best option to set the conditions for success of the Renewal of the Cadet Organization and to address concerns is to centralize command and contro! under his authority. 12 ‘0435221_3-A.2014.00887--0037 DISCUSSION 5. The most effective way to meet this requirement is to create a formation reporting to VCDS. with the current Regional Cadet Support Units allocated to the formation, This new structure will provide more effective and direct control over the subordinate units that are responsible for the day to day management of the cadet programme in their regions. 6. The current position of Director General Reserves and Cadets will become Commander of this new formation and the current position of Director Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers will become that of Deputy Commander of the formation. The Director Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers will provide the Headquarters function with no overall increase in personnel within the current organization. Allocating the Regional Cadet Support Units to this formation is a natural move that will increase overall cohesion and efficiency. 7. For the transformation of the cadet structure to occur in a cohesive manner, early creation of the formation and allocation of the units would be beneficial and permit the orderly execution of Renewal objectives over the next three years, NAME OF NEW FORMATION 8. The formation will be named Canadian Cadets Formation (Formation des cadets du Canada). RESOURCE IMPLICATION 9. There is no resource implication associated with this move. The whole restructuring process aims at finding internal efficiencies that will be reallocated in direct support of cadet corps and squadrons. CONCLUSION 10. It is recommended that the Minister approves the creation of a Formation for the Canadian Cadet Organizations and the allocation of the Regional Cadet Support Units to that formation. Prepared by: Maj G. Peterson, D Cats 4-2, 613-995-6692 Responsible Director: Col C. Namiesniowski, D Cdts & JCR, 613-992-3382 Responsible DG: BGen P.J. Bury, DGRC, 613-992-3238 Date prepared: 25 February 2014 22 ‘0435221_4-8.2014.00887--0038 Namiesniowski Col CR@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull From: Bury BGen PJ@VCDS DGRC@Ottawa-Hull Ser ‘August-18-14 3:48 PM Namiesniowski Col CR@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull Albert LCol JPM@VCDS D Calts & JCR@Ottawa-Hull; Pyle CWO GE@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull Subject: RE: New Cadet Formation Conrad. The preferred name of the new formation will be: National Cadet and Junior Canadian Ranger Support Group. PB Paul J. Bury BGen 613-992-3238 From: Namiesniowski Col CR@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull Sent: August-18-14 9:36 AM To: Bury BGen PI@VCDS DGRC@Ottawa-Hull Cc: Albert LCol JPM@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull; Pyle CWO GE@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull ‘Subject: FW: New Cadet Formation Reference: Telecon Mr. Ross DDFP 7-6/LCol Albert 18 Aug 14 sir, It appears we are at an impasse with DDFP WRT the name of the new formation From DDFP as a Formation we are below the level of a command and therefore cannot have the word Command in the title, even if that word is meant as a function not a role, Therefore as a Formation we can use things lke Division etc. but for units in our type of role the Common term is a Group. I MP Group. Since we will have RCSUs under us it therefore makes sense that we be the Canadian Cadet Support Group (CCSG), We recommend “Canadian” vice national because itis then indicative for our allies. We could go with Canadian National Cadet Support Group but that would be somewhat redundant. So we can get this signed by the Minister, | recommend we stop the debate and get on with the paperwork and accept, CCSG as our new Formation name. For your consideration and approval to proceed, Conrad Namiesniowski Colonel | colonel ‘0435222, 1-A.2014.00887--0039 D Cots & JCR | D Cad & RIC 613-992-3382 From: Ross PA@VCDS DDFP@Ottawa-Hull Sent: July-24-14 2:54 PM To: Peterson Maj G@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull, Ce: Xia-Baker F@VCDS DDFP@Ottawa-Hull ‘Subject: New Cadet Formation Good afternoon Guy: We are in the process of getting the MOOs staffed for this new organization and are having problems with the title. We are proposing Canadian Cadet Support Group instead of Canadian Cadet Formation, as it better describes the function of the formation - which is to provide support to the cadet organizations, The title you proposed could be construed as if the Cadets are part of the military, which would not be good! For your consideration Peter Peter A. Ross DDFP 7-6/DPFD 7-6 Phone: 995-8796 Fax: 992-5484 (A0435222_2-A.2014.00887--0040 s.24(t)fa) Namiesniowski Col CR@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull s2u(tid) From: Albert LCol JPM@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull Ser August-18-14 9:14 AM To: Namiesniowski Col CR@VCDS D Cdts & JCR@Ottawa-Hull Subject: RE: New Cadet Formation Reference: Telecon Mr Ross DDFP 7-6/LCol Albert 18 Aug 14 sir, AAs discussed and as per Ref the word Command is not used to identify a fix organisation in Canada. As per Ref National Command Element is a task force stood up as necessary and not a fix organisation in Canada. Do you want me to gather comments from the section head on a potential name such as Canadian Cadets Support Group (ccs6)? Mario Albert LCol D/D Cats & JCR 613-996-1316 From: Namiesniowski Col CR@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull ‘Sent: August-15-14 8:54 AM To: Albert LCol JPM@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull ‘Subject: RE: New Cadet Formation Ok | understand the below. ‘Therefore | have a few points: ‘The CDS is responsible for the Canadian Cadet Program. He has delegated the day to day oversight to the VCDS, more asa division of labour than giving up the responsibility. ‘The VCDS has decided to create a central command element to run the program on his behalf and that of the CDS. In effect the operation of this program responds to the CDS/MND. Regardless of the structure, be it a command or a formation, we need to create a name that is well understood by everyone involved in the CCO. The CCO consists of DND, the Leagues, and other civilian support organizations including parents etc who have no idea about the subtleties of the CAF and the difference from a group and a command but for them a group is a cluster of things. The name also has to be easily understood by our allies so that they know what itis a ‘A0435223_1-A.2014.00887--0041 REGEM ARV Teco FEE 8.21(1)(d) we do. We do not want to be thought of as a cluster / group. We need a name that reflects the role that we play. There is a problem with naming conventions in that there is often confusion depending upon where the word cadet falls in the title, A Cadet Warrant Officer is a child between the age of 12-18 where a WO for Cadets is an adult. Canadian National Cadet Program Command Element - kind of lke the NCE title that is use by the deployed commanders overseas this would also line up in parallel with national office of the Leagues ~ this would recognize that we have a National role reporting to the CDS/MIND thru the VCDS Canadian National Cadet Program HQ - the HQ does is more ofa static thing like the building that the CNCPCE resides in or office space it occupies Canadian Cadet HQ Group — could be taken as @ group of Cadets Canadian Cadet Group or CC Support Group ~ is this a group of cadets ~ as a support group are we a bunch of cadet counsellors? ‘CAF Cadet Organization HQ ~ this sounds too much like a military organization and does not bode well for the image of the CCO and our role as a Cadet program not a military recruiting program. CAF Cadet HQ CAF Cadet HO Element ‘Thoughts?, Conrad Namiesniowski Colonel | colone! D Cats & JCR | D Cad & RIC 613-992-3382 From: Albert LCol JPM@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull Sent: August-15-14 6:58 AM To: Namiesniowski Col CR@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull ‘Subject: FW: New Cadet Formation (A0435223_2-A.2014.00887--0042 Sir, Please see explanations below, whenever we have a chance we can discuss and | can call Mr Ross to discuss and obtain more if needed. Mario Albert LCol | DiD Cats & JCR 613-996-1316 From: Ross PA@VCDS DDFP@Ottawa-Hull Sent: August-14-14 2:50 PM To: Peterson Maj G@VCDS D Cuts & JCR@Ottawa-Hull, Cc: Xia-Baker F@VCDS DDFP@Ottawa-Hull; Albert LCol JPM@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull ‘Subject: RE: New Cadet Formation Guy ‘The type of element is assigned when itis created - either a Command, Formation or Unit is specified in the Ministerial Organization Order, and is dependent upon where in the organization the element resides. For those with a direct responsibilty to the CDS, then itis a Command, Subordinate to a command is a formation and units report to formations Units do not report to units. For simplicity although they are not in the CF chain of command, Level 1's in NDHQ are considered to be equivalent to a Command, hence the element being formed for your purposes will be at the formation level, with the units (RCSU's) reporting to it, and the formation reporting through C Res and Cats to VCDS. ‘A formation is defined as an element of the Canadian Forces, other than a Command, comprising of two or more units, designated as a formation by or on behalf of the Minister, grouped under a single Commander. The title of a Command, formation or unit should indicate the primary role of the element. For instance we have recently created the CF Real Property Operations Group in ADMIRE) that looks after Real property from a CF perspective and they have all the military personnel involved with that activity on the various bases - of at least that is the intention and the personnel will be migrated to the subordinate units as they take on that responsibilty, Similarly there is CF Shared Support Group in ADM(IM) that works alongside Shared Services Canada in providing IT services/support by CF ‘members to Defence faciities. The name indicates the role. Hope this helps peter Peter A. Ross ODFP 7-6/DPFD 7-6 Phone: 995-8796 Fax: 992-5484 Peterson Maj GVCDS D Cats & ICR@OttaWe-Hul “Thursday, 14, August, 2014 14:27 PM Ross PAGCDS DDFP@Ottawa-Hull Albert LCol JPMVCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull RE: New Cadet Formation My superiors are in search of clarification wrt what is considered a Group or a Command when used in a title. At this point, we were under the assumption that we would become a Command. We have no problem with “Group” either but 0435223_3-A.2014.00887--0043 for the sake of making the right decision it would be useful to get your definitions and how this kind of decision is made. Why is CJOC a Command? What would make it a Group? {1am on leave on Friday, so it would be appreciated if you could cc LCol Albert on your response so that it reaches the Colonel and the BGen in a timely fashion. Merci. Major Guy Peterson O Cts & JCR 4-2 ‘Asst OPI C2 & Governance / Asst BPR C2 & Gouvernance 613 995-6692 From: Ross PA@VCDS DDFP@Ottawa-Hull Sent: August-14-14 11:28 AM To: Peterson Maj G@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull Subject: RE: New Cadet Formation Do not use the word "Command in the title Peter Peter A. Ross. DDFP 7-6/DPFD 7-6 Phone: 995-8796 Fax: 992-5484 Peterson Maj G@VCDS D Gas & CR@Otawa-Hull “Thursday, 14, August, 2014 11:21 AM Ross PA@VCDS DDFP@Ottawe-Hul 4 Xia-Baker F@VCDS DOFP@Ottawa-Hul Subject: RE: New Cadet Formation ‘Ack. | will re-engage my superiors with this information. Could it be Canadian Cadet Command Group? Major Guy Peterson D Cats & JCR 4-2 ‘Asst OPI C2 & Governance / Asst BPR C2 & Gouvernance 613 995-6692 From: Ross PA@VCDS DDFP@Ottawa-Hull Sent: August-14-14 11:17 AM To: Peterson Maj G@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull Ce: Xia-Baker F@VCDS DDFP@Ottawa-Hull; Albert LCol JPM@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull ‘Subject: RE: New Cadet Formation Guy: 0435223_4-A.2014.00887--0044 Yes, | agree with you completely. However, we cannot have the word "Command’ in the title, when it is not a Command but a formation. Further, we do not use the word “formation” in formation titles, but tend to use "Group" and “Division” This nomenciature does not mean that the personnel (COATS, etc) are not under the command of the formation ‘commander, as any personnel in the structure will be under the command of someone. Rather it shows that the.primary role is the delivery of support, in all its forms, and the control of that support to the Cadet organizations, Peter Peter A. Ross DDFP 7-6/DPFD 7-6 Phone: 995-8796 Fax; 992-5484 Peterson Maj GEVEDS D Cats & ICREOttaWa-Hull “Thursday; 14, August, 2014 09:17 AM Ross PAGWCDS DDFP@Otawa-Hull Xia Beker FOVCDS DDFP@Ottawa-tul; Abert LCol PM@VCDS D Cdts & ICREOKawe- Hull RE: New Cadet Formation Cadets, as members , are not part of the CF, but the Command Structure that oversee cadet activities is definitely part of the CAF, This structure, which will include the National and Regional Headquarters, is composed of officers of the CAF and their mandate is to command and contro! all the activities of cadets and their adult supervisors (most of which are members of the CAF) Major Guy Peterson D Cats & JCR 4-2 Asst OPI C2 & Governance / Asst BPR C2 & Gouvernance 613 995-6692 From: Ross PA@VCDS DDFP@Ottawa-Hull Sent: August-14-14 9:05 AM To: Peterson Maj G@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull Cc: Xia-Baker F@VCDS DDFP@Ottawa-Hull; Albert LCol JPM@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull ‘Subject: RE: New Cadet Formation Good morning: Unfortunately, that ttle cannot be used as it would indicate that the element was a Command, just like RCN, Canadian Army, Canadian Joint Operations Command ete. Further it could be interpreted by those outside the military that the Cadets are now part of the CF - which should not happen as we provide support to them but the Cadets and Junior Rangers are not part of the CF. | stil believe that the title should be Canadian Cadet Support Group, as they have the Regional Cadet Support Units as their subordinates, Peter Peter A. Ross DDFP 7-6/DPFD 7-6 Phone: 995-8796 Fax: 992-5484 ‘0435223_5-A.2014.00887--0045 Peterson Maj GGVEDS D Cats & ICR@Ottawa-Hull “Thursday, 14, August, 2014 08:44 AM Ross PA@VCDS DDFP@Ottawa-Hul Xia-Baker F@VCDS DDFP@Ottzwa-Hul, Abert LCol IM@VCDS D Cuts & ICROCIawe-Hull Subject: RE: New Cadet Formation Good morning Peter, A consultation was conducted amongst our senior leaders and the decision was made to go with “Canadian Cadet Command” /“Commandement des cadets du Canada”. The decision was approved by 8Gen Bury, our Director General. Major Guy Peterson O Cats & JCR4-2 Asst OPI C2 & Governance / Asst BPR C2 & Gouvernance 613 995-6692 From: Ross PA@VCDS DDFP@Ottawa-Hull Sent: July-24-14 2:54 PM To: Peterson Maj G@VCDS D Cts & JCR@Ottawa-Hull Cc: Xia-Baker F@VCDS DDFP@Ottawa-Hull ‘Subject: New Cadet Formation Good afternoon Guy: ‘We are in the process of getting the MOOs staffed for this new organization and are having problems with the title. We are proposing Canadian Cadet Support Group instead of Canadian Cadet Formation, as it better describes the function of the formation - which is to provide support to the cadet organizations. The tle you proposed could be construed as if the Cadets are part of the military, which would not be good! For your consideration Peter Peter A. Ross DDFP 7-6/DPFD 7-6 Phone: 995-8796 Fax: 992-5484 /A0435223_6-A.2014.00887--0046 wski Col CR@VCDS D Cdts & JCR@Ottawa-Hull Albert LCol JPM@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull ‘August-14-14 12:43 PM. Namiesniowski Col CR@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull, Chretien LCol G@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull FW: New Cadet Formation Sir, ‘We need to discuss. DDFP is not completely wrong when they say that we will be a formation and not a Command, therefore the word Command should not be used. As mention below the world formation is not normally use in the title but rather Group or Division etc Mario Albert LCol D/D Cats & JCR 613-996-1316 From: Peterson Maj G@VCDS D Cats & JOR@Ottawa-Hull Sent: August-14-14 11:40 AM To: Albert LCol JPM@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull ‘Subject: FW: New Cadet Formation Py Major Guy Peterson D Cdts & JCR 4-2 Asst OPI C2 & Governance / Asst BPR C2 & Gouvernance 613 995-6692 From: Ross PA@VCDS DDFP@Ottawa-Hull Sent: August-14-14 11:28 AM To: Peterson Maj G@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull Subject: RE: New Cadet Formation Do not use the word "Command" in the title. Peter Peter A. Ross DDFP 7-6/0PFD 7-6 Phone: 995-8796 Fax: 992-5484 ‘0435225, 1-A.2014.00887--0047 From: Peterson Maj G@VCDS D Cats & ICREOKtawa-Hull ‘Thursday, 14, August, 2014 11:21 AM Ross PABCDS DDFP@Ottave-Hull Xa Baker F@VCDS DOFPeOttawa-Hul ‘Subject: RE: New Cadet Formation ‘Ack. | will re-ergage my superiors with this information. Could it be Canadian Cadet Command Group? Major Guy Peterson Dts & JCR 4-2 Asst OPI C28 Governance / Asst BPR C2 & Gouvernance 613 995-6692 From: Ross PA@VCDS DDFP@Ottawa-Hull Sent: August-14-14 11:17 AM To: Peterson Maj G@VCDS D Cts & JCR@Ottawa-Hull Cc: Xia-Baker F@VCDS DDFP@Ottawa-Hull; Albert LCol JPM@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull ‘Subject: RE: New Cadet Formation Guy. Yes, | agree with you completely. However, we cannot have the word “Command! in the tile, when itis not a Command, but a formation. Further, we do not use the word “formation” in formation titles, but tend to use "Group" and "Division. This nomenciature does not mean that the personnel (COATS, etc) are not under the command of the formation commander, as any personnel in the structure will be under the command of someone. Rather it shows that the primary role is the delivery of support, in all its forms, and the control ofthat support to the Cadet organizations. Peter Peter A. Ross DDFP 7-6/DPFD 7-6 Phone: 995-8796 Fax: 992-5484 From: Peterson Maj GGVCDS D Cats & ICR@OttaWa-Hull Sent: ‘Thursday, 16, August, 2014 09:17 AM To: Ross PABVCDS DDFP@Otawa-Hull ce: Xia-Baker F@VCDS DDFP@Ottawa-Hul; Abert LColPM@VCDS D Cts & ICREOttawa-Hull Subject: RE: New Cadet Formation Cadets, as members , are not part of the CF, but the Command Structure that oversee cadet activities is definitely part of the CAF. This structure, which will include the National and Regional Headquarters, is composed of officers of the CAF and their mandate is to command and control all the activities of cadets and their adult supervisors (most of which are members of the CAF), ‘Major Guy Peterson D Cats & JCR 4-2 Asst OPI C2 & Governance / Asst BPR C2 & Gouvernance 613 995-6692 From: Ross PA@VCDS DOFP@Ottawa-Hull Sent: August-14-14 9:05 AM ‘A0435225,_2-A.2014.00887--0048 To: Peterson Maj G@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull Cc: Xia-Baker F@VCDS DDFP@Ottawa-Hull; Albert LCol JPM@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull ¥ ‘Subject: RE: New Cadet Formation Good morning: Unfortunately, that ttle cannot be used as it would indicate that the element was a Command, just like RCN, Canadian ‘Army, Canadian Joint Operations Command ete, Further it could be interpreted by those outside the military that the Cadets are now part of the CF - which should not happen as we provide support to them but the Cadets and Junior Rangers are not part of the CF. | stil believe that the title should be Canadian Cadet Support Group, as they have the Regional Cadet Support Units as their subordinates. Peter Peter A. Ross DDFP 7-S/DPFD 7-6 Phone: 995-8796 Fax: 992-5484 From: Peterson Maj GAVCDS D Cas & ICR@Ottawa-Hul Sent: ‘Thursday, 14, August, 2014 08:44 AM To: Ross PABVCDS DOFPGOttawe- Hull ce Xia-Baker F@VODS DOFPGOttawe-Hul; Abert LCol JPM@VCDS D Cats & ICREOKtawa-Hul Subject: RE: New Cadet Formation Good morning Peter, A consultation was conducted amongst our senior leaders and the decision was made to go with “Canadian Cadet Command”/ “Commandement des cadets du Canada”. The decision was approved by BGen Bury, our Director General Major Guy Peterson D Cts & JCR 4-2 Asst OPI C2 & Governance / Asst BPR C2 & Gouvernance 613 995-6692 From: Ross PAGVCDS DDFP@Ottawa-Hull Sent: July-24-14 2:54 PM To: Peterson Maj G@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull Cc: Xia-Baker F@VCDS DDFP@Ottawa-Hull Subject: New Cadet Formation Good afternoon Guy: We are in the process of getting the MOOs staffed for this new organization and are having problems with the title. We are proposing Canadian Cadet Support Group instead of Canadian Cadet Formation, as it better describes the function of the formation = which is to provide support to the cadet organizations. The title you proposed could be construed as if the Cadets are part of the military, which would not be good! 0435225 _3-A.2014.00887--0049 For your consideration. Peter Peter A. Ross DDFP 7-6/DPFD 7-6 Phone: 995-8796 Fax: 992-5484 A0435225_4-A-2014.00887--0050 8.24(1)(0) Peterson Maj G@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull From: Peterson Maj G@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull Sent: February-10-14 9:00 AM To: Memess Maj AD@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull, Fraser Cdr PO@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull ce: ‘Agnew Cdr D@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull; Lecours LCdr J@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull; Arseneault LCol AG@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull; Pyle CWO GE@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull Subject: Staffing the Corps/Squadron ‘As we are moving along with analyzing various options to reduce admin burden and ensuring that functions are staffed With the right people possessing the right background, | wish to submit the following for your analysis and feedback. Given the difficulty experienced over the years to find enough candidates to be enrolled as CIC and the difficulty/paperwork/length to enrol officers,. am submitting that Running the admin and the supply at the cadet corns does not reauire to be trained as CIC officer, they are basically clerk jobs, ‘As we are asked to think outside the box and explore better ways to conduct our business, | believe itis time to give the corps CO a hand Additionally, this would reduce the burden on the Recruiting Centres. Major Guy Peterson D Cats & JCR 4-2 | D Cad & RUC 4-2 National Coordinator Common Programs Coordonnateur national des pogrammes communs D Cats & JGR | D Gad & RUC NDHQ | QGON ‘quy.peterson@ / quy.peterson @ cadets. Telephone | Téléphone: 613-995-6692 Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada "Change is not painful, only the resistance to change is painful” Buddha s.24(1)(a) ‘A0435228_1-A.2014.00887--0051 Bene” 6 24(1)(b) s.24(1\d) Peterson Maj G@VCDS D Cdts & JCR@Ottawa-Hull From: Memess Maj AD@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull Sent: February-10-14 10:06 AM To: Peterson Maj G@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull; Fraser LCdr PO@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull ‘Agnew Car D@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull Lecours LCdr J@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hul, Arseneault LCol AG@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull, Pyle CWO GE@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull Subject: RE: Staffing the Corps/Squadron ce: ‘A few points to consider, imbedded in text below Alan Memes Major | major AID Cats & ICR 2 Dad & RC 2 Directorate - Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers | Direction - Cadets et Rangers juniors canadiens National Defence | Défense nationale Ottawa, Canada K1A 0K2 ALAN ‘Telephone | Téléphone 613-995-8738 | Facsimile | Télécopieur 613-996-1618. Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada Peterson Maj GBVCDS D Gets & JCRAOKtawa-Hull Monday, 10, February, 2014 09:00 AM Memess Ma} ADQVCDS D Cots & JCR@Ottawa-Hull Fraser LCdr PDGVCDS D Cis & ICRE@Ottawe-Hull ‘Agnew Car DAVCDS D Cts 8 ICREOIawaHul; Lecours LCdr JEVCDS D Cats & ICREOttawa-Hull Arseneault Lol AGVCDS D Cts & JCR@Ottawa-Hul; Pyle CWO GEGVCDS B Cats & CR@OMtaWa-Hull Staffing the Corps/Squacron ‘As we are moving along with analyzing various options to reduce admin burden and ensuring that functions are staffed with the right people possessing the right background, | wish to submit the following for your analysis and feedback. Given the difficulty experienced over the years to find enough candidates to be enrolled as CIC and the difficulty/paperwork/length to enrol officers am submitting that ‘0435229_1-A.2014.00887--0052 Running the admin and the supply at the cadet corps does not require to be trained as CIC officer, they are basically clerk. jobs. As we are asked to think outside the box and explore better ways to conduct our business, I believe itis time to give the corps CO a hand Additionally, this would reduce the burden on the Recruiting Centres. Major Guy Peterson D Cots & JCR 4-2 |D Cad & RIC 4-2 National Coordinator Common Programs Coordonnateur national des pogrammes communs D Cats & JCR | D Cad & RUC NDHQ | QGDN guy-peterson @ / guy. peterson Telephone | Téléphone: 613-995-6692 Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada "Change is not painful, only the resistance to change is painful” Buddha 8.21(1(b) 8.21(1\(4) ‘A0435229_2-A.2014.00887--0053. Peterson Maj G@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hul To: Laprade LCol JVJ@URSC-EST@St-Jean; Gaboury Maj F@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa- Hull; Arseneault LCol AG@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull; Albert LCol JPM@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull; DiPersio Cdr WI@RCSU (Atlantic) Comd@Shearwater, Thibault Maj JMA@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull; Dubé Maj S@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull; Kay LCdr PIS@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hul; Kiecker LCol BH@Whitehorse ACSTC@Whitehorse; Fraser LCdr PD@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa- Hull; Butson Maj AR@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull; Henry Maj JE@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull; Templeman Maj JO@AOM(M) DGEAS@Winnipeg; Gelinas Ma} JOA@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Otawa-Hull; Caron Maj JGS@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa Hull; McRae LCdr DR@VCOS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull ce: Agnew Cdr D@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull; Francis LCol RT@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull Subject: Local Cadet Support Centres - Version 8 Find enclosed an updated version of the LCSC PPT that was sent a few weeks ago for comments. Comments were received. They are included in this version. SME WGs are asked to Keep this in mind when elaborating proposals for changes to processes and streamlining of information. As indicated in the PPT, this is a work in progress and changes will likely occur when the feedback of all has been received. As you explore ways of improving service delivery to corps and squadrons, please focus on our obligation to reduce burden, redundancy, unnecessary bureaucracy and obstacles to performance. Although the implementation of LCSG is targeted to occur in September 2016, there is a lot of work to be done in the meantime to ensure that the proper staff, with adequate credentials, can be used when it occurs. ‘Your input is welcome on how to make this a reality and how to maximize its use. Feedback to me. Major Guy Peterson D Cats & JCR 4-2 |D Cad & RIC 4.2 National Coordinator Common Prograrns ‘Coordonnateur national des pogrammes communs D Cats & JGR | D Cad & RJC NDHQ | GGDN ‘quy.peterson@ / quy.peterson@ Telephone | Téléphone: 613-995-6692 Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada "Change is not painful, only the resistance to change is painful” Buddha ‘0435230_1-A.2014.00887--0054 Pages 55 to/a64 are withheld pursuant to sections sont retenues en vertu des articles 24(1)(b), 24(1)(d) of the Access to Information Act de la Loi sur ’accés a l’information Peterson Maj G@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull From: ‘Agnew Cdr D@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull Sent: May-28-14 10:14 AM To: Nadeau Cdr SS@CMP DMPAP@Ottawa-Hull « Peterson Maj G@VCDS D Cis & JCR@Ottawa-Hull Subject: FW: Creation of a Formation for the Canadian Cadet Organizations Stephan: FYSA on where the paperwork for standing up the new formation lies. Guy Please insure Cdr Nadeau is cc'd on any further progress Dan (Cdr Dan Agnew Special Projects (C2 & Governance) (613) 996-6362 From Hartson Maj BX@VEDS COS VCDS@Ottawa-Hul Sent: Monday, 26, May, 2014 09:32 AM To: Hennessy Capt DP@VCDS COS VCDS@Ottawa-Hull Peterson Maj G@VCDS D Cats & ICRBOttawa Hull ce: ‘Agnew Gir D@VCDS D Cots & ICRAOttaWa-Hull Subject: RE: Creation of a Formation forthe Canadian Cadet Organizations Good day, {have the file and am completing some staffing for the COS before it goes to the VCDS for furtherance to the CDS. If the CDS grants approval, it will return to the VCDS/CProg for further staffing before going to MND for final approval and MOO creation Joe Hartson Major COS VCDS RM 4 | CEM VCEMD Gestion des Ressources 4 National Defence | Défense nationale 13 CBS voo2 101 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa ON K1A 0K2 Canada Telephone | Téléphone 613-947-5858 Facsimile | Telécopieur 613-945-7198 Email: Joe.Hartson Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada This emails brought to you by The RCA, 190 years of doing lt rght because itis the right hing todo, From: Hennessy Capt DP@VCDS COS VEDS@Otawa- Hull Sent: Monday, 26, May, 2014 09:28 AM To: Peterson Maj GAVCDS D Cats & ICR@Ottawa-Hull ce: ‘Agnew Cdr D@VCDS D Cats & ICRAOttawa-Hull, Hartson Ma} BX@VCDS COS VEDS@Otawa-Hul Subject: RE: Creation ofa Formation for the Canadian Cadet Organizations 1 ‘A0435231_1-A.2014.00887--0065 Good moming Sir, ‘The tracking system still indicates that our Resource Manager has this file, however | believe the file was almost ready to ‘move. | am cc'ing Maj Hartson who will be able to confirm Thank you, Davia Hennessy Captain | Capitaine Staff Offcer COS VCDS | OFicier &'6tat-major CEM VCEMD ‘Vice Chiet ofthe Defence Stat | Groupe Vice-chet «état major dela Délense ‘National Detence | Défense Nationale ‘Ottawa, Canada KA 0K2 “Telephone | Telephone 613-096-9565 {8B 613-880-2504, Facsimile | Télécopieur 618-996-6045 david hemnessy Govecnment of Canada | Gouvememert du Canada Peterson Maj G@VODS D Cals & ICR@OKWa-Hul “Thursday, 22, May, 2014 09:07 AM Hennessy Capt DP@VCDS COS VCDS@Ottawa-Hull Agnew Cir DGVCDS D Cats & ICR@OttaWa-Hull RE: Creation of a Formation forthe Canadian Cadet Organizations Good morning, Capt Hennessy, Can you provide a SITREP on this file? | need to keep track of its whereabouts as we are working with short timelines to ensure that the Formation is created for September. It needs to make it to the CDS, the MND and DFP. Thank you, Major Guy Peterson D Cats 4-2 | D Cad 4-2 613-995-6692 From: Hennessy Capt DP@VCDS COS VCDS@Ottawa-Hull ‘Sent: May-02-14 3:21 PM To: Peterson Maj G@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull ‘Subject: RE: Creation of a Formation for the Canadian Cadet Organizations Sir, ‘Ack, no problem, David Hennessy Captain | Captaine ‘Sialf Officer COS VCDS | Oficir 'état-major CEM VCEMD Vice Chief of the Defence Sta | Groupe Viee-chet état major de la Détense National Detence | Défense Navorale (Otawa, Canada KIA oK2 ‘Telapnone | Telephone 619-096-9565, BB 613-889.2524 Facsimile | Télécopieur 613-906-6045 david nennessy Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada ‘A0435231_2-A.2014.00887--0066 | From: Peterson Maj GAVCDS 0 Cats & ICR@Ottawa-Hull Sent: Friday, 2, May, 2014 15:18 PM To: Hennessy Capt DP@VCDS COS VeDS@tawa: Hl Subject: RE: Creation of a Formation forthe Canadian Cadet Organizations Perfect. The documents were submitted as per directed by DDFP. | will be the one trying to keep track of where the process stands with signatures and approvals, etc. Thank you. Major Guy Peterson D Cats 4-2 | D Cad 4-2 613-995-6692 Hennessy Capt DPEVCDS COS VCDS@ottawa-Hull Friday, 2, May, 2014 15:13 PM Peterson Maj GOVCDS D Cots & CRBOKtaWa-Hull RE: Creation of a Formation fr the Canadian Cadet Organizations Yes, the VCDS penned that note. It reads: ‘Would lke assurance from you and C Prog that we are on the right track here and if so please prep a letter for me to CDS to ask for his concurrence and his onward sailing to MND as appropriate.” avid Hennessy Captain | Capitaine Staff Officer COS VCDS | Offer d'stal-major CEM VCEMD Vice Cnet ofthe Defence Stat | Groupe Vice-chel e état major dela Défense National Defence | Défense Nationale Ottawa, Canada KIA OK2 ‘Telephone | Téléphone 613-996-0565 BB e13-289.2524 Facsimile | Télécopieur 613-996-6045, sdavig nennessy lowes Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada Peterson Ma) GAVCDS D Cats B ICR@Ottawa Hull Friday, 2, May, 2014 15:03 PM Hennessy Capt DP@VCDS COS VCDS@Otiawa Hu FW: Creation of a Formation for the Canadian Cadet Organizations Capt Hennessy, Can you tell me who wrote and initialized the note to COS VCDS? | am trying to determine if itis the VCDS (never seen his initials). | am the one here responsible within DGC to work with DDFP in producing the supporting the documentation in the creation of the Cadet Formation. | can read the note below except the last word. Thank you, << OLE Object: Picture (Enhanced Metafile) >> Malor Guy Peterson D Cats 4-2 | D Cad 4-2 613-995-6692 ‘0435231_3-A.2014.00887--0067 “Theal PO2 SABVCDS DGRCGOtawa Hull Friday, 2, May, 2014 14:06 PM Peterson Maj G@VCDS D Cats & ICR@Ottawa- Hull Lvell Capt AGVODS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull; Mesto LCdr DRAVCDS DGRCGOttawa-Hul FW: Creation of a Formation forthe Canadian Cadet Organizations Good day Sir, Find below a copy handcarried yesterday. P02 Theal Henessy Capt DPAVCDS COS VEDS@Ottawa-Hul Friday, 2, May, 2014 14:01 PM ‘Theal PO2 SABVCDS DGRCBOttawa Hull ‘Creation ofa Formation forthe Canadian Cadet Organizations Please find attached scanned copy of subject fle ‘Thank you, <<< File: scan-20140502135928251 pdt >> David Hennessy Captain | Capitaine Saf Offcer COS VCDS | Officer état major CEM VCEMD \Vica Chet ofthe Defence Staff | Groupe Vice-chet état major de ia tense ‘National Detence | Défense Nationale ‘Ottawa, Canada Kia 0K2 ‘Telephone | Telephone 613-096-9565 BB 613-880-2524 Facsimile | Télécopieur 613-096-6045 ‘david hennessy @foreas.go.e9 ‘Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada ‘0435231_4-A.2014.00887--0068 UNCLASSIFIED/SANS CLASSIFICATION {UNCLASSIFIED Without Enclosures) Controt No: VoD2014-951942 Organization: CDS Doe No: 1402066 Releasable To: Doc Type: Ts 2014-03-24 Input Date: 2014.05.01 ROIMS No: File Classification: 1901-1 Subject: CREATION OF THE CANADIAN CADETS FORMATION ‘CONTACTS Nam COL CR. NAMIESNIOWSKI Type; Organization: CRES & COTS Dwvisec: DODTS & JGR ROUTINGS ‘Assigned | Assigned To TaskiDetail ~ “Complete By | Completed | inti: Dato on | 2014-05-01 | VEDSCRES@ | REVIEW cots | 201057 | ——vpes [APPROVAL — 7 | DND728 # DGRC 106-14 ti TG S Cen ods} Wald BM opmene Lo | Hor aes CPreg hat ve Bee Ae ey rede aA pline pap & Be pe ODE or yy Cromene oF jx | stejag MND a WW, A /0435232_1-A.2014.00887--0069 TRANSMITTAL SHEET/BORDEREAU D'ENVOL File/Dossier: 1000-3 (DGRC) SUBJ/SUJET: CREATION OF THE CANADIAN CADETS FORMATION To/A Remarks/remarques DGRC vA CR Namiesniowski 74 Col D Cats & JCR/D Cad & RIC 613-992-3382 Dates 2 a / Enel./Pj : 2 Sir, ‘The enclosed draft BN has been approved by DDFP as the first step to launch the administrative process leading to the creation of the Canadian Cadets Formation. Once the VCDS has tasked DDFP, the latter will generate the required staff work to the MND to create the new formation, C Res & Cats/C Rés & Cad Maem: Thus was dolled we DBEP. wo soaked by vodachey NY C Res & Cats/C Rés & Cad 995-9802 Date: agra ef Encl /Pj 2 cooperate, wok = Dowe precon Yy Skin ap Yen Fs 992-3238 Date: gj dpe it Encl./Pj :2 ‘VCDS / VCEMD Sir, for your approval and onward transmission to DDFP, ae stark he Cees Catek > sew CBeh: Ss and stint Up of ee Perworon , (0435232_2-A.2014.00887--0070 bétense —_[DESGHUTIN esa sre ELENA =e TEBE BECURITE nationale UNCLASSIFIED. MINUTE SHEET - NOTE DE SERVICE ‘SUBIECTSUET P oxrED =o} CREATION OF THE CANADIAN CADETS FORMATION 30 Apr 14 Serenne2 7 Cogent nud tannin aera nmaw anal) TRANBWESE A eee ene ee veps __| Sir, References: A. 1000-3 (DGRC), Review of Command and Control and Governance of the Canadian Cadet Organizations Programs, 7 October 2013 B. A-AE-219-00/AG-001 1. _As part of the ongoing review of the Governance and Command & Control of the Canadian Cadet Organizations (CCO), you recently announced that the CCO will be moving to a centralized C2 structure no later than September 2014 and this decision was published at Reference A. In consultation with DDEP, it has been determined that the best structure to meet your direction is that the CCO becomes a Formation under your authority. 2. In accordance with Reference B, the enclosed BN has been produced in consultation with DDFP. Request you now task DDEP to staff this draft BN with required supporting material to MND in order for this organizational change to occur no later than September 2014, 3. Any questions concerning this requirement may be directed to the undersigned or to Colonel C.R. Namiesniowski, D Cats & JCR at 613-992-3382. ft Cdmiral Chief Reserves and Cadets W ono 372s 750021 ox AETECWO) (A0435232_3-A.2014.00887--0071 8.21(1)(a) BRIEFING NOTE FOR THE MINISTER CREATION OF A FORMATION FOR THE CANADIAN CADET ORGANIZATIONS. References: A. 1000-3 (D Cats & JCR) VCDS Guidance for Renewal of the CF funded Youth Programs dated 15 March 2013 B, 1000-3 (D Cats & JCR) VCDS Directive — Review of Command and Control and Governance of the Cadet and Junior Canadian Rangers Programs dated 16 April 2013, C. 1000-3 (D Cats & ICR) VCDS Initiating Directive ~ Review of Command and Control and Governance of the Cadet and Junior Canadian Rangers Programs dated 13 June 2013 D. 1000-3 (DGRC) Review of Command and Control and Governance of the Cadets and. Junior Canadian Rangers Programs dated 7 October 2013 ISSUE 1, _ The aim of this Briefing Note is to seek approval from the Minister for the creation of a new CAF Formation to command the Canadian Cadet Organizations. BACKGROUND 2. 1n 2012, the Chief of Review Services conducted an analysis of the Cadet Organization structure and found that it “should be fundamentally re-engineered...” References A through C directed C Res & Cats to conduct an investigation and make recommendations to address repeated observations of the inefficiencies of the current Command and Control and Governance of the Cadet and Junior Canadian Ranger Programs. The objective was to recommend improvements to this structure that will set the conditions for success for renewal efforts while simultaneously addressing ongoing concerns about the national control of the Program and the high cost of administration, 3. The current Regional based structures of command and control have been in place for ‘well over twenty years and most recently Regional Cadet Support Units have reported through Regional Commanders for command and control with a “dotted line” relationship to C Res and Cats through VCDS. Numerous internal and extemal reviews have identified inefficiencies with this construct and attempts to realign or address deficiencies in the past have been unsuccessful despite a number of modemizations and revisions to current practices. The following are considered to be the most pressing areas requiring improvement: a. Command and Control; b. Governance; ©. Reduction and alignment of overheads in command, control, administration and support to ensure the maximum reinvestment of resources directly to the development of youth; and 4d, Redundancy, unnecessary bureaucracy and obstacles to performance. 4. ‘Three Command and Control options were analyzed and presented to the VCDS for consideration. The options were to centralize command and contro, At Ref D, the VCDS directed that the best option to set the 12 ‘0435232_4-A.2014.00887--0072 conditions for success of the Renewal and to address the concerns brought up in reviews is to centralize command and control under his authority DISCUSSION 5. The most effective way to centralize command and control is to create a Formation reporting to VCDS with the current Regional Cadet Support Units assigned to the Formation and reporting to a Commander of Cadets. This new structure will provide mote effective and direct control over the subordinate units that are responsible for the day to day management of the cadet programme in their regions. 6. ‘The current position of Director General Reserves and Cadets will become Commander of Cadets and the current position of Director Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers will become the Deputy Commander. The Director Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers will provide the Headquarters function with no overall increase in personnel within the current organization. Assigning the Regional Cadet Support Units to this Formation will streamline the organization and increase overall cohesion and efficiency. 7. In order for the transformation of the cadet structure to occur in a cohesive manner, early creation of the Formation and assignment of RCSUs would be beneficial and facilitate execution of the remaining Renewal of the Cadet and JCR program objectives over the next three years. NAME OF NEW FORMATION 8. The formation will be named Canadian Cadets Formation (Formation des cadets du Canada). RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS 9, ‘There are no resource implications associated with this organizational change. The restructuring process will result in internal efficiencies that will be reallocated in direct support of cadet corps and squadrons. CONCLUSION 10, It is recommended that the Minister approve the creation of a Formation for the Canadian Cadet Organizations and the assignment of the Regional Cadet Support Units to that Formation. Prepared by: ‘Maj G. Peterson, D Cats 4-2, 613-995-6692 Responsible Director: Col C, Namiesniowski, D Cats & JCR, 613-992-3382 Responsible DG: BGen PJ. Bury, DGRC, 613-992-3238 Reviewed by: RAdm J.J. Bennett, C Res and Cats, 613-995-9802 Group Prineiple: LGen G.R. Thibault, VCDS, 613-996-6045 Date prepared: 30 April 2014 22 ‘0435232_5-A.2014.00887--0073 s.21(1)(@) a(t) Car Agnew, sane) As discussed here are a few ideas submitted for your consideration as we contemplate the task at hand. These ideas stem from analyzing the current TORs submitted to us, the current regional Org Charts, but also the recommendations put forth by the CRS review. These are only preliminary options for consideration, they will most certainly evolve over the next few months as we approach the establishment of a new C2 structure. These ideas partially explain the generic structure submitted as example on 10 February. My recommendation is to socialize amongst the senior leadership and keep open as we progress in our efforts. At this point | would recommend not to circulate at large, at least until we have a better idea about where the CCO might focus its initial efforts in restructuring. We need to ensure that the staff (in. HQs and corps) are not unduly alarmed by what amounts to preliminary internal discussion only. COMMAND AND CONTROL OPTIMIZATION 1. OBJECTIVES 2. STRUCTURING THE FORMATION NATIONAL ESTABLISHMENT 3. RESTRUCTURING OF REGIONAL CADET SUPPORT UNITS. ‘0435232_6-A.2014.00887--0074 RCSU Manning 8.21(1)(@) '8.24(1)(b) ‘A0435232_7-A-2014.00887--0075 CENTRALIZATION WHERE BENEFICIAL MEDICAL a s2uniia) 8.21(1)(b) | A0435232_8-A.2014.00887--0076 s.24(1\a) s.24(1\(b) PUBLIC AFFAIRS FINANCES LOGISTIC ‘A0435232_9-A.2014.00887--0077 For your consideration. Guy Peterson Major Assistant OPI C2 8.24(1)(a) 8.21(1)(b) ‘A0435232_10-A-2014.00887--0078 Pages 79 to/ a 80 are withheld pursuant to sections sont retenues en vertu des articles 21(1)(a), 21(1)(b), 21(1)(d) of the Access to Information Act de la Loi sur ’accés a l’information

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