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Support for Farsi, Dari,

Kurdish, Arabic and Turkish

YOU HAVE THE RIGHT to enjoy a safe home and fi- The Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights speaking women & girls
nancial security, to choose your relationships Organisation (IKWRO) was established in 2002. Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisation
and your spouse, to explore your sexuality, to We provide support, advice and advocacy to
have children if, and when, you want, to get women, girls and couples of Middle Eastern Working against forced marriage, domestic
a divorce, to make choices about your own origin, in particular Farsi, Kurdish, Arabic,
future, education and employment, to go out, Turkish and Dari speaking women and girls
violence, ‘honour’-based violence and FGM
to talk to your friends, to wear what you like who are facing domestic violence, forced
and to live without fear or oppression. marriage, female genital mutilation and
‘honour’-based violence.
NOBODY HAS THE RIGHT to threaten, frighten or
hurt you, to force you to marry against your IKWRO strives to empower women through
wishes, to force you to have children, to force raising awareness of human rights, cam-
you into sex or prostitution, to cut your body paigning to defend women’s rights, influenc-
or your daughter’s body, or to imprison you. ing policy makers and educating the general
public and providing advocacy services.
IKWRO’S MISSION is to protect Middle Eastern
women and girls at risk of domestic violence, The Lilith Project chose IKWRO as winner of
forced marriage, female genital mutilation its Rising Star award for Best New Voluntary
and ‘honour’-based violence. Our aim is to Sector Organisation in 2006.
support women in upholding their rights to
live without fear or oppression.
 Domestic violence
 Forced marriage
 Female genital mutilation (FGM)
 ‘Honour’-based violence
 Divorce, family law and child custody
 Asylum issues
 Housing and welfare benefits Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisation
 Counselling A: PO Box 62651 LONDON EC1P 1JP
 Interpretation and translation T: 0207 920 6460
 LGBTQI issues F: 0207 920 6495
 Training workshops/presentations in M: 07862 733511 (24 hrs)
‘honour’ violence for professionals 07846 275246 (Arabic/Kurdish/Turkish)
07846 310157 (Farsi/Dari)
 Office hours 9.30-5.00
The Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisation is a registered charity no: 1104550 0207 920 6460

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