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Year 8 Bushfires Poster

As a group, you will design a poster displaying facts of what you have learnt about an allocated topic regarding bushfires. You will research this topic through an interactive game.
You will present your poster and communicate your ideas to the class.
Very High Achievement
High Achievement
Records and justifies observa- Records extensive observations with all 6 factors considtions with all 6 factors considered according to the SHEEPT ered according to the
method, considering factors as SHEEPT method. Uses nuinterrelated. Exceptionally uses merous techniques to present
techniques to present and trans- and transmit information
mit information showing quesshowing questioning, observtioning, observing, collecting, re- ing, collecting, recording and
cording and representing. Cleary representing.
identifies data to be qualitative or
quantitative and primary or secondary.
Team Collaboration Evidence is shown to all stuEvidence is shown to most
dents contributing equally in the students contributing to the
poster and presentation. Each
project. One or two students
student has ensured to help all did not contribute as much,
other team members where
affecting the rest of the team.
needed. Students have filled out Students have filled out selfself-evaluation and group-evalu- evaluation and group-evaluaation checklist.
tion checklist.
Geographical Inquiry and Skills

Academic Literacy

Oral Presentation

Satisfactory Achievement
Limited Achievement
Records appropriate observa- Records some observations
tions with at least 4 factors
with no more than 3 factors
considered according to the considered according to the
SHEEPT method. Uses some SHEEPT method. Shows limtechniques to present and
ited attempt to use techniques
transmit information showing to present and transmit inforquestioning, observing, col- mation showing questioning,
lecting, recording and repre- observing, collecting, recording
and representing.

Evidence is shown that some Evidence is shown that some

students did not contribute to students did not contribute to
the project equally. Two or
the project equally. Three or
three students have not con- more students have not contributed as much, affecting
tributed, greatly affecting the
the rest of the team. Students rest of the team. Students may
have filled out self-evaluation not have filled out self-evaluaand group-evaluation check- tion and group-evaluation
Most words (90%) are spelled
Most words (80%) are spelled Most words (70%) are spelled Some words (60%) are spelled
correctly. There is excellent
correctly. There is good
correctly. There is some
correctly. There is little thought
thought given to the language
thought given to the language thought given to the language given to the language used
used within the poster, incorpo- used within the poster, incor- used within the poster, incor- within the poster, incorporating
rating a variety of creative words. porating some creative
porating some creative
only few creative words.
Text and a variety of visuals are Text and various visuals are Text and simple visuals are Text or visuals are missing,
used correctly and creatively to used creatively with occaused with occasional errors and/or are not related to the
enhance the explanation of the sional errors. They are reand are not always related to topic.
lated to the topic.
the topic. Some visuals supplement explanations.
Makes use of relevant language Makes use of relevant lanMakes use of some correct Makes use of everyday lanto explain the topic, consistently guage to explain the topic,
language to explain the topic. guage to give a brief descripin the correct context. Makes use mostly in the correct context. Makes use of the poster to
tion of the topic. Requires guidof the poster to make the ideas Makes use of the poster to
present ideas to the class.
ance to make use of the poster
very clear to the class.
make ideas clear to the class.
during presentation.

Very Limited Achievement

Records observations with limited or no consideration of the
SHEEPT method. No attempt
to use techniques to present
and transmit information showing questioning, observing, collecting, recording and representing.

Evidence is shown that some

students did not contribute to
project equally. Four or more
students have not contributed,
greatly affecting the rest of the
team. Students may not have
filled out self-evaluation and
group-evaluation checklist.
Some words (50%) are spelled
correctly. There is little to no
thought given to the language
used within the poster, incorporating little to no creative
No poster submitted.

Makes use of everyday language to give only brief comments. No incorporation of the
poster into the presentation.

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