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Professional Practice Exploration

Wyn Priscilla Teo 21443007

Reflections on Week 2 : 25- 29 August 2014

This has been a good week as well even though it was sport week
and there was so much going on with the different sports and competition
all the students were involved in. I enjoyed planning and implementing my
grammar lessons and was also given many opportunities to manage non
lesson activities such as classroom transitions and other jobs such as
checking and marking homework and helping with the sports events.
A key win for me this week was managing classroom transitions to
and from different lessons and activities. My mentor teacher provided
feedback that I did well and used all the appropriate techniques at
different times to get the students to cooperate.
I believe I am improving in this aspect largely because I know the
students better ; what works with them and what doesnt. I am now more
confident that when I get my own class, I should be able to implement my
own style of classroom management that I have been developing and be
able to instil discipline and accountability and yet foster good relations
and rapport with the students.
Another key takeaway was that I had to improve in my questioning
techniques so as to align better with lesson objectives and maintain
student accountability. Next week, I will be adopting some different
approaches to questioning and student response - I would ask the
students to discuss with a neighbour (incorporating safety) and then pick
one of them to answer the question (accountability) so that no student
can hide behind the more vocal and engaged ones.

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