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Trust equation is a description n model for how trust works.

It is what it is, a mathematical

equation. X=Y/A. Lets define that now. X is trust or trust worthiness. How worth ae you of other
peoples trust. There are three factors in the numerator and one in the denominator. C + R +
I/Self- Orientation. 3 out of 4 serve to increase the extent to which people trust us.
I know that is a shocking word in the business context. But it means safe secure and ok. To that
extend that people trust me. If you increase the value of the numerator, you increase the value
of your trustworthiness. The one in the denominator is the self-orientation. Notice that since
there is only one factor, its more important the other three. Self-orientation is a measure of how
much you are focused in yourself over others.
TWO Factors are rational factor components. Intimacy is more emotional. Consultants tend to
focus on the rational components. When we consultants think of ways to increase our trust, we
think well I need more brain power, more analytical power, more mastery, and more cognitive
models. You can overdo that very easily.
Well, I know you are very capable, analytically rigorous, very smart, smarter than our people, I
know you are so much smarter than other people that when it comes to an disagreement, I know
you guys can out argue my guys to win the argument. But I am not so sure that I trust you that
What that client is doing is nicely articulating the balance between intellectual power, rigor and
self-orientation. When you put all this skills at service only to you. After some time the client will
think, he/she doesnt care about me. They only care about themselves. Every person is very
different and in many ways trust only is established when we open ourselves up and reveal who
we really are.
I get this person. They are not perfect but they are honest. They are honest about who they
really are. If you are in it for yourself and not in it for me I dont really trust you. But if you are in
it for my sake, then I will trust you. The highest form of self-orientation is preoccupation to
yourself and not abut others.

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