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UBD Lesson Plan

Language Art-Reading and Writing Information-Biography

5th Grade
May, 1st 2016
(Defrina Martha .W, Rizky Ratna, Regina Yuliani, Rizkika A. Zahra)
Established Goals:

The students will understand to take information through reading texts.

The students will understand to write information based on the texts.

What understanding is desired?

What essential question will be considered?

What are the differences between an

autobiography and biography?

What is a biography?
How to make a timeline?
What are phase, contemporary

They can write a biography.

They can make timeline.
The students understand what are
phase, contemporary and historical



historical biographies?

What key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of this unit?
Student will know...


Student will be able to...

- Write a biography.


biography, contemporary biography, historical


Performance Tasks:
Teacher give assignment for students to write biography. Students reading their work in front of the

Other Evidence:
Bulletin Board about the biography of an older person that include picture- personal informationtimelines-lifelines.

Student Self-Assessment and Reflection:


Reflection after lesson each day.

Self-assessment: reading and writing the autobiography and biography.

Day 1
1. Teacher begins with prayer and gives greeting.
2. Teacher give a rules in the classroom; (If you have a question, you must raise your
hands first. After I mention your name, you can speak up about your question) - (If I
say freeze, you must be silent. then if I say unfreeze; you must come back to your

chair and pay attentionfor me.)

Teacher tells students what they are learning going today.
The lesson will start with some entry questions. (Do you know the advantages of learn
about history? Have you ever heard about biography? Whats that?)
Teacher start to explain what is life stories include the kind of life stories (biography
and autobiography).
Teacher asks students to read a biography in front of the class loudly. (the other
students still get the biography)
Teacher asks students to identify the content of biography text that read in front of the

8. Teacher explains to students about biography means and the content.
9. Teacher gives example and explains how to make timeline from the biography text.
Teacher with students also to make the timeline on white board.
10. Teacher divides students to 3 groups and gives the biography text to every group.
11. Teacher asks groups to identify the text and make the timeline from it.
12. Teacher explain about final project to do interview older people and collect the data.
Then ask them to make bulletin board based on the data that include picture, personal
information and the timeline.
13. The teacher elicits students to makes conclusion about the lesson, and asks the
students to explain what theyve learned. So the teacher knows how far students
understand the material.
14. The teacher closes the lesson by praying together with the student.

1. Social anxiety disorder she is always silent in or out of the class. If other students
come to her, she always run and hide. If teacher give question she isnt answer and
just hide her face.
Teacher asks her to join the groups that she want. So she can more confident and
maybe can a little to talk with her friends. Teacher also give expression card to
show and give information that she feel.
2. ADHD ( Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) She is hyperactive and not able
control their immpulse and have trouble paying attention for all things.
Teacher ask her to read the text of biography in front the class. Teacher gives
behavior chart to all students and teacher always around the class to check what
they do.
1. Reading
Max score: 30
Santi Octaviana
Lia Nupitasari
Ika Yunita
Raras Wida Mustika
Theresia Andira Shanta M
Widya Wijayanti
Indah Aviolita
Rani Laksmita
Nathania Triasih P
Viola Vesa





Suitable Enough

Not Suitable

2. Writing
Max score : 30
Santi Octaviana
Lia Nupitasari
Ika Yunita
Raras Wida Mustika
Theresia Andira Shanta M
Widya Wijayanti
Indah Aviolita
Rani Laksmita
Nathania Triasih P
Viola Vesa

3. Behavioral Chart
Max score: 20




Santi Octaviana
Lia Nupitasari
Ika Yunita
Raras Wida Mustika
Theresia Andira Shanta M
Widya Wijayanti
Indah Aviolita
Rani Laksmita
Nathania Triasih P
Viola Vesa

4. Participation/Attendance
Max score: 20
Santi Octaviana
Lia Nupitasari
Ika Yunita
Raras Wida Mustika
Theresia Andira Shanta M
Widya Wijayanti
Indah Aviolita
Rani Laksmita
Nathania Triasih P
Viola Vesa

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