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: Eka Agus Peribadi


: 1562030009

Expressing a strong opinion

Expression : In my opnion,
Example : In my opinion, we should do the workout to make the body keep healthy for
minimum 30 minutes a day.
Expression : In my view,
Example : In my view, the workout does not need the heavy one, but easy one for routine,
such as running or warming up.
Expression : in my reckoning,
Example : In my reckoning, the routine workout will give us the good effect to start the day.
We will feel fit everyday, feel happy for mind.
Expression : I strongly believe in
Example : I strongly believe in having the good health, will give us the good mind also,
because it is related each other.
Expression : I definetly think that
Example : I definitely think that people who love to stay healthy, is the people who are
optimistic, have strong spirit and a good survivor in life.
Expression : Well if you ask me,
Example : Well if you ask me, I suggest that workout needs to be socialized since we are
children, to make the children get used to do it.
Expression : well, I think
Example : Well, I think people have to set their mind to do the workout for routine.
Expression : I believe
Example : I believe that workout or some other sports, doesnt only build our body, but also
our character.
Expression : I strongly believe
Example : I strongly believe that sportive character or positive character can be build from
sport. Such as how to make a sportive competition in a match or a game.
Expression : I have a reason to believe
Example : I have a reason to believe that in a good health, there is a good soul inside.
Expression : Im sure that
Example : Im sure that if we have a good health, then we may have good soul also.
Expression : Im pretty sure that
Example : Im pretty sure that if we have a good health, then we may have good soul also.

English Task
Expression : But
Example : But this workout need a guidance, so there will be no accident while doing it.
Expression : But who can say that ?
Example : But who can say that there will be no accident, eventhough we have follow the
Expression : But if
Example : But if we have good guidance to do the workout, the accident can be minimized.
Expression : Yes, but remember that
Example : Yes, but remember that if we want to build good character through workout, we
have to do it for routine.
Expression : Yes, but it isnt that
Example : Yes, but it isnt that accident will be zero for sure while we have the guidance.
Expression : Thats a good idea, but
Example : Thats good idea, but we have to choose the certified personal trainer to avoid
the unwanted things.
Expression : Thats a good point, but
Example : Thats a good point, but but we have to choose the certified personal trainer to
avoid the unwanted things.
Expression : Id love to, but
Example : Id love to but, we have to choose the certified personal trainer to avoid the
unwanted things.
Expression : That would be great, except that
Example : That would be great, except that the workout is too much.
Expression : That may be so, but
Example : That may be so, but the simple workout or sport is the thing that people can do
easily and frequently.
Expression : Possibly, but
Example : Possibly, but we need the rule or the requirement to hire the personal trainer.

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