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Effectiveness of the move

Starting Position:
All lie down in a triangular
shape on the ground with
our knees bent and our ball
between our feet.

Prepare for the beginning of

the routine and make
enough space for everyone.

Group Move:
Lift our legs and let the ball
slowly roll down our legs
and catch it. Then sit back
up and put our feet together.

Start of the routine. Warm

up movement. Practise hand
leg coordination.

Group Move:
Throw the ball around in a
circle two times.Then stand
up and march.

Form connection with each

other. Practise aiming and

Group Move:
Spin around and walk in a
circle holding the ball in the
air, creating our own
personal space.

Change from sitting position

to standing position and
move around. Practise

Individual Move:
Back roll with the ball
between my legs.

Develop flexibility,
coordination and balance of
the body.

Individual Move:
Do a split holding the ball in
the air.

Stretch the muscles of the


Group Move:
Jump once and do a grand
jete with right feet and left
feet and throw the ball in the
air and catch it.

Apply dance elements and

practise aiming.

Individual Move:
Throw the ball to valerie and
do a handstand on chloe.

Exercise the muscles of the

shoulders and upper back.

Individual Move:
Form a straight line and
wave my arm holding the
ball to the right first and then
the left while walking. Stand
still and kick my feet to right
first and then the left.

Form a pattern and practise


Group Move:
Turn around and dribble the
ball back to starting position.

Transitional move to
individual movements.

Individual Move:
Apply gymnastics skills and
Throw the ball to Valerie and dance elements. Exercise
do a arch bridge on the floor. the abdominal muscles.

Group Move:
Lie down on the ground with
the ball between our legs
and do half a backflip.

Practise flexibility and


Group Move:
Move back to lying down
position and throw the ball
up with our feet and catch it
with our hands. Kick our feet
and sit back up.

Practise aiming and


Individual Move:
Roll on the floor and put my
feet on my head.

Apply dance elements and

practise stretching.

Group Move:
Stand back up and bounce
the ball on the floor 4 times
then jump and throw the ball
in the air and catch.

Perform gymnastic skills and

show the beauty of dance.

Group Move:
Roll the ball on my arm and
let it drop down to the floor.
Then dribble it 6 times.

Apply gymnastics skills and

add ball related movement.

Group Move:
Cooperation between our
Walk to form a triangular
groupmates. Practise aiming
position and throw the ball to and catching.
each other around the circle
two times.

Group Move:
Jump while spinning and
kick my feet up to the right

Gathering everyone back

together in a triangle and
prepare for a group pose.
Practise stretching and

Group Move:
Walk to form a vertical line
facing the audience. Do a
split on the ground and hold
the ball and swing my body
the the right side of my leg
after Valerie does. Then do
the same for the right side.

Display our group work.

Stretch the muscles of the

Individual Move:
Walk to the back and do a
backroll to the front.

Apply gymnastics skills.

Develop flexibility,
coordination and balance of
the body.

Individual Move:
Jump and turn and do a
arch with the ball between
my legs.

The last group pose with

individual movements before
the ending. Exercise the
abdominal muscles.

Group Move:
Stand up and bow to the

Display the end of the

performance. Show respect
to audience.

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