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Feedback on Observation: 6-20

Corps Member Name: Kathrin Palma

grade level
content are

...engaged in and
showing increased
growth and mastery
of rich problems,
texts and/or
questions that are
worth tackling?

thinking and
engaging in real
and meaningful
throughout the
lesson cycle?

Learning Target: Growth

Reviewer: Lindsey Robertson
...making and justifying
arguments with evidence?

...contributing to a passionate
and joyful classroom
environment through
increased acts of leadership,
empathy, and responsible


The teacher asked students to

make a name plate. Some
students did. This will help
with rapport as the students
will be called upon by their

The teacher used

a PowerPoint to
guide the lesson.
The students
were given two
problems at their
seat that were
appropriate for
guided practice.
providing more
practice either
collaboratively or
There was too
much time given
for each part of
the lesson. The
students were
not engaged for
much of the
lesson because
they had a lot of
down time.
These were the
only 2 problems
the students had
before their exit
ticket was given.

...growing relationships
with their teachers,
mentors, community
leaders, and other

The teachers
questions were
primarily low
level. The
teacher asked
students to
give examples
or explain but
when they were
unable to, the
answered the
question for

The students were not

given the opportunity to
justify their answers.
Consider providing two
different set ups using
the same information.
One with the correct
growth rate and one
with the growth rate not
in decimal form. Ask
students to compare
and decide who is right
and why.

The teacher constantly

provides redirection to
the entire class instead of
addressing individual
behaviors. The students
behavior continues with
no consequence.



Apathetic or Unruly

and On Task

Interested and Hardworking


Evidence: There was not enough material to keep the students engaged in this lesson. The students were only given 2
problems to try before given their exit ticket. The students are passive learners and several of them copy off one another.
The pacing of the lesson contributed to the lack of engagement.

No learning

Passive or
Confused regarding
new content

Factual recall/



Evidence: 100% of the students had the answers to the 2 problems incorrect because the teacher forgot to mention that
they needed to change the percent to a decimal for the growth factor. For the other portion of the lesson the students were

Debrief Notes:
9:55 - Do Now (The teacher told them they had 10 minutes and where they were done to discuss with their table mates):
1. What is a zero slope? Undefined slope? How are they different from each other?
2. Determine whether the graph is linear or exponential? HOW?
10 minutes is way too much time for this activity. The teacher passed out materials for the lesson while students worked on
their do now.
10:03 began do now review
Carolyna can you do number 1? Teacher says good! Jesus can you repeat what Carlyna said? She asked 2 people and
they couldnt repeat it. She asked Carolyna to repeat again.
10:05 begins lecture
Exponential growth definition. ***What are the students supposed to be doing? There are a few students copying down
the definition and others are not. There are students with their head down and some are off task talking. Who can give me an
example of exponential growth? The teacher used the example weather but did not elaborate.
The teacher shows an example of a word problems and asks students to pick out the key features. The teacher guides this
part step by step and few students participate in the actual setting up of the problem. The student said 4% and the teacher
translated it to decimal form. This needs to be discussed with the students as they commonly miss this part of the process.
10:18 The teacher gave students 10 minutes to complete a problem at their table. The students were not told to change the
percent to the decimal and 100% of them wrote this wrong because of that.
10:24 the teacher address the decimal issue some students were still confused.
10:26 students continue working on the 2 problems at their desk.

10:36 the teacher began reviewing the rules and students talked over her the entire time.
10:38 the teacher passed out the exit ticket.

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